Ninpocho Chronicles

Ninpocho Chronicles is a fantasy-ish setting storyline, set in an alternate universe World of Ninjas, where the Naruto and Boruto series take place. This means that none of the canon characters exists, or existed here.

Each ninja starts from the bottom and start their training as an Academy Student. From there they develop abilities akin to that of demigods as they grow in age and experience.

Along the way they gain new friends (or enemies), take on jobs and complete contracts and missions for their respective villages where their training and skill will be tested to their limits.

The sky is the limit as the blank page you see before you can be filled with countless of adventures with your character in the game.

This is Ninpocho Chronicles.

Current Ninpocho Time:

Flashpoint [Closed]

Ishidou Aguri

New Ninja
Feb 2, 2019
It was the after-hours of school, class was no longer in session, but the academy was still open. In the training grounds stood a panting, sweating student and a well-used training dummy in front of her, smiling despite the obvious exhaustion. A notebook with crude drawings and some writing laid strewn out on the ground next to her, showing a few basic taijutsu techniques that she had evidently used on the training dummy.

If there was one thing Aguri was, it was proactive. She wasn’t one to lay back and relax on training, always looking for new ways to grow and improve. One redeemable trait for the otherwise hyperactive and unruly teenager. She never slacked.

The idea to use training dummies popped up in her head after class, but she quickly realised that just punching one and calling it a day wasn’t really training at all. Brainstorming made her go to the library, realising that there would probably be books on taijutsu techniques there. She was happy to see that she was right, and quick transcription onto her notebook allowed her to have a proper source with which to improve.

She’d been training on and off for a while now, taking five-minute breaks to keep up a constant pace and looking at her notebook to see if she was using the techniques right. They mostly consisted of punching techniques, with some knees and joint locks mixed in and there. Aguri found she did better with simple strikes as opposed to grapples.

She started throwing punches again, grunting in exertion and doing her best to follow what was written. Her technique wasn’t the best, as would be the case with an academy student.

“Ow!” She recoiled as she struck the dummy particularly hard, physics rearing its ugly head on her knuckles. She pouted, looking at them to assess the damage, but she just shrugged it off after a few seconds and resumed training.

She’d done worse to herself.

Posts/Word Count/Total Word Count: 1/329/329
When Nanjirou Kei first entered the academy, she couldn't pull off a single genjutsu and barely any ninjutsu. The reason behind such a lack of ability was her terrible chakra control as her father mostly honed her swordplay capabilities. After several remedial lessons, tutors under different teachers and a couple of extra classes the girl had slowly but surely grasped the concept.

Yet, that did little to ease her worries as the dreaded genin exam approached closer. Her mastery of ninjutsu was still shaky, her grasp on genjutsu was non-existent and the only thing she can be perfectly confident in was her sword technique. What kind of exam would await her? How would they grade her capabilities? Will there be an essay on how to think and act like a shinobi?

Various questions filled her head and as it didn't look like any answers would resurface soon the girl decided to beat up training dummies to take her mind off them. She realized she was not the only one, however, as she saw someone else already getting closely acquainted with the training dummies. The girl had never seen the blonde before, she was certainly not in her or Masami's class. A newbie perhaps? Judging by how she kept checking the notebook it appeared she was practicing...or was it training new techniques on the dummy? The slight yelped as her fist struck the dummy at a wrong angle drew a bemused smirk from her lips. The girl waited until Aguri finished pummeling the dummy and look at the book before she decided to speak.

"Hey, there~ Never seen your face before. Are you new?" the girl paused and waited to let the girl respond, nodding before she proceeded to her next question.

"The name's Nanjirou Kei. What's yours?"

Born in an orphanage and living a lot of her life either isolated or on the streets, Aguri’s only abilities were petty thievery and being able to occasionally punch things. She was lucky to have been found and adopted and would be eternally grateful to her stepmother for it, but it did mean that she was at a huge disadvantage compared to most of her peers. Fact of the matter was, most of those unable to graduate would be of civilian background.

She had to be the exception.

The thought had caused her to become more determined, more serious. The change in demeanour wouldn’t be lost on anyone who examined her for a single millisecond, which in hindsight, was likely what caused her to hurt herself on the dummy. Either way, it wouldn’t stop her. It didn’t even hurt much; she was just concerned with an ugly bruise that might form later. That would be so uncool!

But only a few seconds in, she noticed something in the corner of her eye, and instinct made her instantly stop and turn around. Who was-? Oh. It was just another student.

Before Aguri could say anything, the red-haired girl spoke, asking if she was new. Instinct would tell her to be skittish about it, but she quickly reminded herself that she was no longer on the streets. She didn’t need to do that anymore. “Yeah, I am. Just got here a few days ago and now I’m just training. Got a lot of it to do if I wanna catch up to the people with clans.” She said casually.

She smiled brightly as she introduced herself, stepping forward confidently and introducing herself, “I’m Ishidou Aguri! It’s nice to meet you, Kei… san.” Honorifics still took a little getting used to. She hadn’t really used them except to refer to her mother as “kaa-chan”.

“So, whatcha doing here? Training? Class's over, so there isn’t much else to do at the academy.” She inquired curiously.

Posts/Word Count/Total Word Count: 2/332/661
Kei tilted her head curiously upon hearing Aguri mentioned about trying to catch up with other clans. Kei had assumed by that, she meant famous clans like the Hyuuga or the Uchiha...though she couldn't even begin to guess as to the reason why she would want to compete with them.

"Yeah? They rubbed you the wrong way or something?" The redhead placed one of her hand on her hip as she asks. Now that Kei actually thinks about it, she was also one of those "people with clans" but Aguri didn't even blink at her surname. Perhaps her father greatly exaggerated their family prestige...or they were simply unknown in this part of the land.

"Nice to meet you as well Aguri-san." The girl replied a wide smile. That the blonde would address her by her first name rather than her surname was something she welcomed wholeheartedly. She really disliked trying to gauge the intimacy of their relationship so she can check in what manner she would address someone. Aguri then inquired as to the reason she came here in first place, reminding her what she needed to do.

"Training yeah. I've been studying here for quite some time. Gonna have a genin exam soon."

Kei began to inspect the wooden dummy which Aguri had spent the last moment batting. By feeling them with her hands, she could sense small dents in them. The girl packed some serious power inside that knuckle of hers. Amused, she turned her head slightly towards Aguri.

"Ya got a taijutsu test coming up or something?" The girl asked. Sometimes the teachers would give their students a surprise test of a sort. While they do not ultimately contribute to the grades in the graduate exam, Kei could relate to being nervous whenever one was coming up.

[WC/TWC: 300/597]
“They rubbed you the wrong way, or something?”

Aguri opened her mouth to say something to the effect of ‘yes’, but then closed it. They didn’t really offend her directly, and most of the clan people she met were nice! Well, one of them anyway. The other was an arsehole with a stick so far up his behind you could see it in his throat. So… her experience was mixed. Still, it’d be pretty mean of her to not be nice to Kei just because she belonged to a clan, and…

She didn’t want to push a potential friend away.

Aguri smiled that confident smile and spoke, “Rub me the wrong way? Nah, it’s just that us civvies need to work a bit harder if we wanna keep up. I don’t like to fall behind, y’know?” She said to her. Though she knew of the Nanjirou, she didn’t hold them to the same disdain that she held the Hyuuga and especially the Uchiha. That, and her generally irreverent attitude led to her being relatively unphased.

She smiled wider as the girl smiled at her. Kei-san seemed nice! She was pretty bad when it came to manners, but she was sure she hadn’t offended her upperclassman. Calling people by their last name sounded so stuffy! She wondered if anyone ever demanded that…

Apart from those arsehole Uchihas, of course.

But forget about that, Kei was answering her question! She payed attention as much as a hyperactive brat could, “Oooh, so that’s why! Sounds like a lotta pressure.” She commented, a thoughtful look, “Wonder how I’ll do…”

She blinked at Kei’s question, before grinning and shaking her head, “Nah, nah, I’m just training for the hell of it! Never hurts to be prepared, yeah?” She said, “’Sides, I suck with handseals. Might as well train with the stuff I’m actually good at, eh?”

Posts/Word Count/Total Word Count: 3/311/972
"As long as you put in your best effort, I'm sure you'll manage," Kei replied back with a nod upon hearing her concern on falling behind. Of course, keeping up was one thing...surpassing them was another. A small smirk crossed her lips, she was basically quoting her words now.

Upon telling Aguri about how she'll be facing test soon, the girl's tone morphed from friendliness to a hint of concern. Any academy student would she suppose, it's the test that would decide whether they would become a full-fledged shinobi. The girl nodded in agreement about being prepared until Aguri continued her statement by saying she sucked with handseals which caused Kei to tilt her head slightly.

The redhead remembered her first attempt at performing the transformation technique in front of the class. She had tried so hard until her face turned blue but her appearance remained unchanged. Now, she had more or less master it but it was only through her friend's help that she managed to get to that level.

"You know, I used to suck at handseals too. And while I can understand how tempting it is to stick with what you're good at, you should at least try and get the basics down for Ninjutsu. Might come out on our graduation exam." The girl replied as she makes the handseal necessary to perform transformation technique. With a poof of smoke, one could now see two Aguri in the training field which would make any passerby easily mistake her as having used the clone technique. The girl kept the glamor for a bit before she dropped it and return to her original appearance.

"I can teach ya if you want. So, what'cha say?"

It wasn't just for Aguri's benefit that she offered to teach her. If she can understand enough of her own study material then perhaps she would be less nervous about the upcoming exam.

(WC//TWC: 318/915)
“Damn right I will! No way I’m letting some emos with pinkeye get the better of me!” She declared boisterously while pointing at herself with the smile that had become her trademark. Overconfident, obnoxious, loud. People ascribed those traits to Aguri, and while they may have been right, it was also what lent the girl the strength to move forward with her chin up and eyes forward.

Still, there were a few things worth being concerned about. The genin exams, for example, would make any prospective ninja nervous. Even someone like Aguri. Sure, she might be all loud and boisterous when talking about it, but she wasn’t immune to nervousness. After all, she had no clue what it’d be about, or if she’d pass!

Hell, handeals! Handseals were one basic ninja technique that she was utter balls at. The only things she currently knew how to do was petty theft and punch people, albeit she now knew how to punch people a bit better, but still. And what if some douche devised an evil test that only had handseal stuff in it?

Kei told her that she had to train in handseals, causing Aguri to pout, “I’ve tried, and I still can’t do it properly. It’s like being tongue-tied, but with my fingers instead!” She said, a tad bit irked that she couldn’t do it.

Then Kei offered to teach, “Really? That’s so cool of you!” And with that, everything was right with the world. Aguri was certainly an easy one to please.

Posts/Word Count/Total Word Count: 4/253/1,225
Kei let out a small chuckle after hearing the declaration. That description sounded a little too specific, someone must have been in her mind when she said that. From the trait that she had just described, most likely an Uchiha.

Aguri then proceeded to complain about being unable to do handseals properly, which was why she wasn't quite invested in Ninjutsu in first place. Her tune swiftly changed however when she heard Kei would be teaching her personally. She nodded when Aguri ask her for reassurance before smirking slightly upon being complimented.

"Naw, I'm only doing what any good seniors would do."

Now that she promised to teach her, she paused slightly and look at the distance as she mull over her own lessons. Most academy students here had been taught about handseals at the age Kei would hold her first blade, even if they cannot perform a jutsu just yet. They would have to go from the very basic.

"We'll start with Transformation technique. For now, I will do it slowly for you to repeat. Don't worry about getting it done fast, just make sure you get yours done right." Kei said as she began to teach the girl the basic of Ninjutsu. The girls spent quite a bit of time training handseals and before they knew it , it was already sunset.

"Well then, let's call it for today Aguri-san. We can practice again tomorrow." Kei told her new friend. As soon as they're both well rested, she would get up and with a casual "See you tomorrow" she left the area.

(WC/TWC: 266/1181)
[Topic Left]

Current Ninpocho Time:
