Ninpocho Chronicles

Ninpocho Chronicles is a fantasy-ish setting storyline, set in an alternate universe World of Ninjas, where the Naruto and Boruto series take place. This means that none of the canon characters exists, or existed here.

Each ninja starts from the bottom and start their training as an Academy Student. From there they develop abilities akin to that of demigods as they grow in age and experience.

Along the way they gain new friends (or enemies), take on jobs and complete contracts and missions for their respective villages where their training and skill will be tested to their limits.

The sky is the limit as the blank page you see before you can be filled with countless of adventures with your character in the game.

This is Ninpocho Chronicles.

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:

(For real this time) OCR Shouten Arashi -> Ayamaki Jotaro


New Member
Mar 13, 2015
Old Character Name: Shouten Arashi
Old Village/Missing: Mist
OCR Type: Reactivation/Rebirth
Last Known Where-abouts: Mist
Old IC Rank: S rank

New Character Name: Ayamaki Jotaro
Preferred Username: Jotaro
New Village: Leaf
New BL/CA: Seikon (Mercury)
Custom Class:
Custom Class said:
HP: (60+lvl) x stamina
CP: (40+lvl) x chakra control
Class Bonus: Kinjutsu option (Kensei)
High: Melee Accuracy
Average: Genjutsu Save, Dodge, Ninjutsu Accuracy
Low: Ranged Accuracy, Genjutsu DC
Main Branch/ANBU/Med-Nin: Main Branch
IC Rank: A Rank / Jounin

Character Age: 22
Gender: Male


Character's Physical Description:
Jotaro is a tall, well-built man carrying a massive greatsword on his back. He has spiky black hair with a single bang framing his face, wearing a dark blue combat uniform, with black boots and black gloves. His cheek has a cross-shaped scar.

Character's Mental Description: Zack has a positive attitude and is always ready for work. His calm demeanor and inquisitive curiosity has him able to approach most situations with a calm mind. He is very kind and sociable, easily befriending anyone he meets. During crazier situations, due to his experience, he enters a flow state, mumbling to himself his choices in quick-time fashion, speaking in broken sentences as his thoughts spill out his mouth.

Character History/Kinjutsu application:

Jotaro's history is unappealing. Nothing unique occurred during his childhood that made him different from others. Rather, he was the product of two shinobi contracted to the Tea. Shinobi who would carry out many missions in diplomacy with the leaf, those who were not that strong, but rather politically sufficient. Jotaro would accompany his parents to the leaf many times, his eyes full of wonder as they traveled to and from the village of seasons, compared to the drab village that was the Tea country (at least, in his eyes). He sat through many of the adventures his parents would have, as they traveled back and forth between the two countries.

While he was young, he started learning quickly the diplomacy and tactics of the Leaf. As part of a diplomatic program, he was sent to leaf to continue his education. He volunteered himself, excited to represent his parents at this amazing country.

Jotaro was bored of Tea- nothing of interest happened, and the older he grew, the more interested he was in fighting and becoming a great shinobi. Alas, he never really flourished in the classes- he was clear in the middle as his thoughts never really turned to action. His middle-of-the-class ability allowed him to pass the genin exams, right at the cut-off mark.

Jotaro recognized that he was the lowest of all his graduate class. His realization came with a bout of sadness, but after a summer back at his Tea Country, his thoughts turned positive- for him to be recognized as a great shinobi, he needed to live it. It was there that he dove right into his training. Jotaro became almost obsessive with his training, diving into studies with his jutsu and his weapons. He never really recognized what his specialties were until after his first couple months as a genin. It was during his first mission that his abilities blossomed. Jotaro felt a change as he was fighting a low-ranking criminal on a escorting mission. He was able to deal be faster then normal if he wanted, and his attacks felt like they tore through reality. He mentioned this to the Jounin leader of his genin group, and the Jounin mentioned the Seikon bloodline.

When Jotaro learned about this bloodline, he went to his parents. They told him of a legend passed down his mother's side of his family, a legend of individuals who excelled with the sword, honing their bodies to a precision unlike anything seen before, with each of their movements and attack seemingly piercing through reality. Jotaro was ecstatic- his formative years were nothing too special, and here he was, with an ability all to his own. His excitement turned to determination- it added towards his confidence. He picked up a sword, wanting to become like the stories of legend. His training turned into strength- he started becoming stronger and better with both the sword, and as a shinobi.

Jotaro quickly ranked up to Chunnin, taking missions and becoming a strong individual. However, Jotaro did have a distinct issue- he only ever took the minimum requirement needed for the next rank. For some reason, he didn't feel like the ranks represented his strength. He wanted to be strong on his on terms, not on what the country deemed for him. The legends and stories his parents told him of his family and other strong shinobi made him want to become like them. However, Jotaro was fully realized as a leaf citizen. He protected his country as much as he could if called upon, but otherwise, he mainly kept to himself.

Jotaro wanted to travel to become stronger. He took a mission that was not very important, but one that would allow him to travel to different countries. During this mission, a normal escort mission, Jotaro realized he was becoming closer and closer with his weapon, and at times, was distinctly utilizing it as an extension of his body. He never really thought of his weapon as more then a tool, but in his mind, it felt like it was becoming closer then that. Jotaro took a mental note, but never really thought about it much. As he was able to travel the world and train in different regions and with different enemies and people, Jotaro never really thought about the event as much.

During a fateful encounter, towards the end of the mission, Jotaro came across a rusted weapon in the forest during a pit stop for the escort mission. He didn't really think too much of it, however he picked it up. It was something that he thought was interesting, a massive weapon that was close to his height. He picked it up, noting its massive weight. It wasn't something he could easily wield, but as a training tool. Jotaro felt like he could make it his own.

"This is something interesting", Jotaro thought to himself as he carried the massive blade on his back.

The blade felt like it was calling to him. Jotaro carried the weapon back to the village as his escort mission ended. He took it to a licensed blacksmith, and cleaned it up. It was a lot more beautiful, but it seemed like just a massive slab of iron. Jotaro felt very excited as he grabbed the weapon and carried it out of the blacksmith shop. He felt connected to this weapon, more so then any other. His training was created to become a master of this massive blade. Everyday he would swing it, trying to get faster until the massive blade was weightless in his hands. He wanted to be able to use this weapon with flow. Jotaro wanted to create a fighting style that was unlike ever seen, a shinobi using a great sword like this one, busting the ideologies of how a shinobi should fight.

Jotaro wanted to perfect a sword style all his own. The buster sword (as he chose to call it) allowed him to create this style. From day to night he would train, swinging the buster sword until blood fell down the hilt. He knew only to stop when the there were no sounds around him.

This heavy regimen changed him as a person physically. Genetically, his height was of somewhat of a certainty. He grew to his adult height of 6'3". His body changed as he kept training. He grew stronger, his arms, chest, and legs becoming more powerful as he swung the massive blade back and forth.

Jotaro became closer to the sword then ever before. While he was still a chunnin, he soon had the strength of a jounin. He thought nothing of the Jounin advancement exams until he was reminded on his way to training via an old classmate. Jotaro never really thought of becoming a Jounin as a great achievement, but Jotaro felt that if he did become a jounin, he would have more freedom.

Passing with flying colors, Jotaro and the Buster Sword became closer then ever. At some points, Jotaro felt like he could speak to his weapon with how much time he spent mastering the blade. He did have human interaction, of course, but with the constant training, he became closer to being able to move the weapon freely. Every swing felt like an extension of his arm, every movement as if he was able to tear and sunder reality in two, with the massive blade the rift-creator.

At some point, Jotaro decided to take a Jounin-level mission. This was another mission, this time an elimination mission. He knew he had the ability to do something like this, but as this was a high-ranking mission, and he was just 18. Jotaro didn't quite know if he was ready, but he definitely felt that he was unstoppable with his weapon. The mission went as usual with the traveling. Nothing too special or unique in the journey, just more training with the Buster Sword. However, every swing felt different, unique compared to the training back in the village. Jotaro felt like he could just command the sword to appear from his back, utilizing very swift movements to pull the weapon out.

However, the mission did go awry. The person they were supposed to eliminate appeared in front of Jotaro, with an entire crew of shinobi. Jotaro swiftly took his weapon out, charging at the closest enemy, attacking them before he was attacked. The battle was bloody, with Jotaro being attacked from all sides, his training giving him but the slightest of advantages as he was attacked by multiple people. His massive weapon truly helped. He was able to stave off most attacks with the massive and quick swings of the buster sword, earning himself blood and limbs. The spattered spots filled the area, muddying footholds. Jotaro, however, starting going into his flow state, as he trained with his weapon. Every swing split the air, splitting reality and bodies.

The last thing Jotaro remembered before slowly catching his breath was his weapon lying on the ground, his body bloodied, both from his and his enemies. He was on his knees, exhaustion filling his muscles as he saw his enemies splattered around him. He was done. But for now, he would rest. He was exhausted from the battle and he did not know if there was much more he could do at this point besides rest. His head hit the ground and he fell into a deep sleep.

Jotaro would not wake until the morning. He cleaned his campsite up and picked his weapon up and just left. His mission was over, and he felt... different. The weapon did not feel like a heavyweight, but rather something that was just a part of him. It was strange. He felt like there was an extra limb on his body in the form of this weapon, strapped to his back. He went back to the village and completed the mission. There was seemingly nothing left to do, and he continued to train with the sword.

But this training was different from the others. Everything he was able to do... was cleaner, more efficient. Every swing felt amazing for him. And he knew that this weapon, which was once just a piece of slab on the ground, has now become... Jotaro. This Buster Sword was no longer just a sword, but an extension of Jotaro the person.

As he swung his last swing before the end of the night, Jotaro knew his life would change. He would use his abilities for the good of the Leaf, and to become the greatest swordsman the world has ever seen.

After this day, Jotaro continued to hone his ability as a Jounin, and as a swordsman. And he soon would carve his name into the history of this world.

WC: 1799 (this should cover kinjutsu application + BLC application.. right?)

Clan Request: none

Death/Retirement Thread: none
Old Profile: dunno :(
Old Training: dunno :(
Old Dojo: dunno :(
Old FAQ: dunno :(

Special Usergroups: N/A

Old Stats:
Agility: 600
Stamina: 600
Taijutsu: 600
Ninjutsu: 600
Genjutsu: 600
Chakra Control: 600

Old OOC Rank: S rank

Stat Cut: none

New Stats:
Agility: 300
Stamina: 400
Taijutsu: 500
Ninjutsu: 400
Genjutsu: 200
Chakra Control: 300
New OOC Rank: A rank
Free Elemental Affinity: Lightning(Major), Earth (minor)
Advanced Element: Gravity

(Will be doing purchasing of everything after ocr. I'm assuming I get every at Rank 1 after I purchase, correcr?)

Name of any Contract you currently own: None
Name of Kinjutsu you own: I had tsukumogami but I want Kensei (background is in application)

Edit: New ocr rules. Lose everything. But it's a new beginning :)
Last edited:

Sazuki Nao

Well-Known Member
Oct 4, 2017
OOC Rank
Old Character Name: Shouten Arashi
Old Village/Missing: Mist
OCR Type: Reactivation/Rebirth
Last Known Where-abouts: Mist
Old IC Rank: S rank

New Character Name: Ayamaki Jotaro
Preferred Username: Jotaro
New Village: Leaf
New BL/CA: Seikon (Mercury)
Custom Class:
Custom Class said:
HP: (60+lvl) x stamina
CP: (40+lvl) x chakra control
Class Bonus: Kinjutsu option (Kensei)
High: Melee Accuracy
Average: Genjutsu Save, Dodge, Ninjutsu Accuracy
Low: Ranged Accuracy, Genjutsu DC
Main Branch/ANBU/Med-Nin: Main Branch
IC Rank: A Rank / Jounin

Character Age: 22
Gender: Male

View attachment 1443

Character's Physical Description:
Jotaro is a tall, well-built man carrying a massive greatsword on his back. He has spiky black hair with a single bang framing his face, wearing a dark blue combat uniform, with black boots and black gloves. His cheek has a cross-shaped scar.

Character's Mental Description: Zack has a positive attitude and is always ready for work. His calm demeanor and inquisitive curiosity has him able to approach most situations with a calm mind. He is very kind and sociable, easily befriending anyone he meets. During crazier situations, due to his experience, he enters a flow state, mumbling to himself his choices in quick-time fashion, speaking in broken sentences as his thoughts spill out his mouth.

Character History/Kinjutsu application:

Jotaro's history is unappealing. Nothing unique occurred during his childhood that made him different from others. Rather, he was the product of two shinobi contracted to the Tea. Shinobi who would carry out many missions in diplomacy with the leaf, those who were not that strong, but rather politically sufficient. Jotaro would accompany his parents to the leaf many times, his eyes full of wonder as they traveled to and from the village of seasons, compared to the drab village that was the Tea country (at least, in his eyes). He sat through many of the adventures his parents would have, as they traveled back and forth between the two countries.

While he was young, he started learning quickly the diplomacy and tactics of the Leaf. As part of a diplomatic program, he was sent to leaf to continue his education. He volunteered himself, excited to represent his parents at this amazing country.

Jotaro was bored of Tea- nothing of interest happened, and the older he grew, the more interested he was in fighting and becoming a great shinobi. Alas, he never really flourished in the classes- he was clear in the middle as his thoughts never really turned to action. His middle-of-the-class ability allowed him to pass the genin exams, right at the cut-off mark.

Jotaro recognized that he was the lowest of all his graduate class. His realization came with a bout of sadness, but after a summer back at his Tea Country, his thoughts turned positive- for him to be recognized as a great shinobi, he needed to live it. It was there that he dove right into his training. Jotaro became almost obsessive with his training, diving into studies with his jutsu and his weapons. He never really recognized what his specialties were until after his first couple months as a genin. It was during his first mission that his abilities blossomed. Jotaro felt a change as he was fighting a low-ranking criminal on a escorting mission. He was able to deal be faster then normal if he wanted, and his attacks felt like they tore through reality. He mentioned this to the Jounin leader of his genin group, and the Jounin mentioned the Seikon bloodline.

When Jotaro learned about this bloodline, he went to his parents. They told him of a legend passed down his mother's side of his family, a legend of individuals who excelled with the sword, honing their bodies to a precision unlike anything seen before, with each of their movements and attack seemingly piercing through reality. Jotaro was ecstatic- his formative years were nothing too special, and here he was, with an ability all to his own. His excitement turned to determination- it added towards his confidence. He picked up a sword, wanting to become like the stories of legend. His training turned into strength- he started becoming stronger and better with both the sword, and as a shinobi.

Jotaro quickly ranked up to Chunnin, taking missions and becoming a strong individual. However, Jotaro did have a distinct issue- he only ever took the minimum requirement needed for the next rank. For some reason, he didn't feel like the ranks represented his strength. He wanted to be strong on his on terms, not on what the country deemed for him. The legends and stories his parents told him of his family and other strong shinobi made him want to become like them. However, Jotaro was fully realized as a leaf citizen. He protected his country as much as he could if called upon, but otherwise, he mainly kept to himself.

Jotaro wanted to travel to become stronger. He took a mission that was not very important, but one that would allow him to travel to different countries. During this mission, a normal escort mission, Jotaro realized he was becoming closer and closer with his weapon, and at times, was distinctly utilizing it as an extension of his body. He never really thought of his weapon as more then a tool, but in his mind, it felt like it was becoming closer then that. Jotaro took a mental note, but never really thought about it much. As he was able to travel the world and train in different regions and with different enemies and people, Jotaro never really thought about the event as much.

During a fateful encounter, towards the end of the mission, Jotaro came across a rusted weapon in the forest during a pit stop for the escort mission. He didn't really think too much of it, however he picked it up. It was something that he thought was interesting, a massive weapon that was close to his height. He picked it up, noting its massive weight. It wasn't something he could easily wield, but as a training tool. Jotaro felt like he could make it his own.

"This is something interesting", Jotaro thought to himself as he carried the massive blade on his back.

The blade felt like it was calling to him. Jotaro carried the weapon back to the village as his escort mission ended. He took it to a licensed blacksmith, and cleaned it up. It was a lot more beautiful, but it seemed like just a massive slab of iron. Jotaro felt very excited as he grabbed the weapon and carried it out of the blacksmith shop. He felt connected to this weapon, more so then any other. His training was created to become a master of this massive blade. Everyday he would swing it, trying to get faster until the massive blade was weightless in his hands. He wanted to be able to use this weapon with flow. Jotaro wanted to create a fighting style that was unlike ever seen, a shinobi using a great sword like this one, busting the ideologies of how a shinobi should fight.

Jotaro wanted to perfect a sword style all his own. The buster sword (as he chose to call it) allowed him to create this style. From day to night he would train, swinging the buster sword until blood fell down the hilt. He knew only to stop when the there were no sounds around him.

This heavy regimen changed him as a person physically. Genetically, his height was of somewhat of a certainty. He grew to his adult height of 6'3". His body changed as he kept training. He grew stronger, his arms, chest, and legs becoming more powerful as he swung the massive blade back and forth.

Jotaro became closer to the sword then ever before. While he was still a chunnin, he soon had the strength of a jounin. He thought nothing of the Jounin advancement exams until he was reminded on his way to training via an old classmate. Jotaro never really thought of becoming a Jounin as a great achievement, but Jotaro felt that if he did become a jounin, he would have more freedom.

Passing with flying colors, Jotaro and the Buster Sword became closer then ever. At some points, Jotaro felt like he could speak to his weapon with how much time he spent mastering the blade. He did have human interaction, of course, but with the constant training, he became closer to being able to move the weapon freely. Every swing felt like an extension of his arm, every movement as if he was able to tear and sunder reality in two, with the massive blade the rift-creator.

At some point, Jotaro decided to take a Jounin-level mission. This was another mission, this time an elimination mission. He knew he had the ability to do something like this, but as this was a high-ranking mission, and he was just 18. Jotaro didn't quite know if he was ready, but he definitely felt that he was unstoppable with his weapon. The mission went as usual with the traveling. Nothing too special or unique in the journey, just more training with the Buster Sword. However, every swing felt different, unique compared to the training back in the village. Jotaro felt like he could just command the sword to appear from his back, utilizing very swift movements to pull the weapon out.

However, the mission did go awry. The person they were supposed to eliminate appeared in front of Jotaro, with an entire crew of shinobi. Jotaro swiftly took his weapon out, charging at the closest enemy, attacking them before he was attacked. The battle was bloody, with Jotaro being attacked from all sides, his training giving him but the slightest of advantages as he was attacked by multiple people. His massive weapon truly helped. He was able to stave off most attacks with the massive and quick swings of the buster sword, earning himself blood and limbs. The spattered spots filled the area, muddying footholds. Jotaro, however, starting going into his flow state, as he trained with his weapon. Every swing split the air, splitting reality and bodies.

The last thing Jotaro remembered before slowly catching his breath was his weapon lying on the ground, his body bloodied, both from his and his enemies. He was on his knees, exhaustion filling his muscles as he saw his enemies splattered around him. He was done. But for now, he would rest. He was exhausted from the battle and he did not know if there was much more he could do at this point besides rest. His head hit the ground and he fell into a deep sleep.

Jotaro would not wake until the morning. He cleaned his campsite up and picked his weapon up and just left. His mission was over, and he felt... different. The weapon did not feel like a heavyweight, but rather something that was just a part of him. It was strange. He felt like there was an extra limb on his body in the form of this weapon, strapped to his back. He went back to the village and completed the mission. There was seemingly nothing left to do, and he continued to train with the sword.

But this training was different from the others. Everything he was able to do... was cleaner, more efficient. Every swing felt amazing for him. And he knew that this weapon, which was once just a piece of slab on the ground, has now become... Jotaro. This Buster Sword was no longer just a sword, but an extension of Jotaro the person.

As he swung his last swing before the end of the night, Jotaro knew his life would change. He would use his abilities for the good of the Leaf, and to become the greatest swordsman the world has ever seen.

After this day, Jotaro continued to hone his ability as a Jounin, and as a swordsman. And he soon would carve his name into the history of this world.

WC: 1799 (this should cover kinjutsu application + BLC application.. right?)

Clan Request: none

Death/Retirement Thread: none
Old Profile: dunno :(
Old Training: dunno :(
Old Dojo: dunno :(
Old FAQ: dunno :(

Special Usergroups: N/A

Old Stats:
Agility: 600
Stamina: 600
Taijutsu: 600
Ninjutsu: 600
Genjutsu: 600
Chakra Control: 600

Old OOC Rank: S rank

Stat Cut: none

New Stats:
Agility: 300
Stamina: 400
Taijutsu: 500
Ninjutsu: 400
Genjutsu: 200
Chakra Control: 300
New OOC Rank: A rank
Free Elemental Affinity: Lightning(Major), Earth (minor)
Advanced Element: Gravity

(Will be doing purchasing of everything after ocr. I'm assuming I get every at Rank 1 after I purchase, correcr?)

Name of any Contract you currently own: None
Name of Kinjutsu you own: I had tsukumogami but I want Kensei (background is in application)

Edit: New ocr rules. Lose everything. But it's a new beginning :)

Taken ti council


New Member
Mar 13, 2015
Awesome! so I found out yesterday I can keep my caps (3600 PL and my jutsu) since I actually rebirth on the new site. the background/history/kinjutsu app is going to be the exact same, im just going to submit a new jutsu/stats thing today as well, if thats ok


New Member
Mar 13, 2015
Old Stats:
Agility: 600
Stamina: 600
Taijutsu: 600
Ninjutsu: 600
Genjutsu: 600
Chakra Control: 600

Old OOC Rank: S rank

Stat Cut: none

New Stats:
Agility: 600
Stamina: 600
Taijutsu: 600
Ninjutsu: 600
Genjutsu: 600
Chakra Control: 600
New OOC Rank: S rank
Free Elemental Affinity: Lightning(Major), Earth (minor)
Advanced Element: Gravity

Jutsu swaps:
E rank:
Body Switch Rank 3 -> Body Switch Master Rank
Push Rank 3 -> Storm Bolt Master Rank
Fireball Rank 3 -> Gravel Shift Master Rank

D Rank:
Immolation Armor Rank 3 -> Crystal Eye Master Rank
Cancel Rank 3 -> Cancel Master Rank
Crystal Eye Rank 2 ->Spirit Lantern master Rank
Blazing Fire Rank 3 ->Thunderclap Master Rank
Sticky Oil Rank 3 -> Electroshock Master Rank
Poison Mist Rank 3 -> Electrocution Master Rank
G Force Rank 3 -> Earth Flow River master Rank
Combustive Seal Rank 3 -> Sinkhole Fist Master Rank
Stunt Double Rank 3 -> Mud Clone Master rank

C Rank:
Scalding Ashe Cloud Rank 3 -> Barrier Master rank
Mirror Clone Rank 3 -> Zeus flash Master rank
Searing Eruption Rank 3 -> Lightning Torrent Master Rank
Blazing Flame Bullet Rank 3 -> Thunderstruck Master Rank
Firestorm Bomb Rank 3 -> Volt charge Master Rank
Dynamite Blast Rank 3 -> Inner Earth Reflection Lure Master Rank
Heat Wave Rank 3 -> Anti-Gravity Master Rank
Wall Of Spirits Rank 3 -> Gravitational Pull Master Rank

B Rank:
Immolating Nivrana Rank 3 -> Leech Seal Master rank
Energy Transfer Rank 3 -> Chakra Blast Master rank
Infernal Hellfire Rank 3 -> Rasengan master rank
Lightning Clones Rank 3 -> Gigavolt Cannon Master Rank
Spontaneous Combustion Rank 3 -> Chidori Master Rank
Mystic Transmutation Rank 3 -> Amp Field Master Rank
Scorching Purgatory Rank 3 -> Inertia Control Master Rank
Quicksilver Fury Rank 3 -> Forced Polarity Master Rank
Anabolic Frenzy Rank 3 -> Clutch of the Giant Master Rank

A Rank:
Gate of Enma Rank 2 -> Perfected Rasengan Master Rank
Volcanic Inferno Rank 3 -> Gates of Enma Master Rank
Searing Vortex Rank 3 -> Chidori Control Master Rank
Abysmal Harbinger Rank 3 ->Thunderdome Master Rank
Shinra Tensei Rank 2 -> Shinra Tensei Master Rank
Ice Prison Rank 3 -> Centrifugal Force Master Rank


E Rank:
Breath Control Rank 3 -> Janken Rank 2
Speed Boost Rank 3 -> Uncalled For Shot Rank 2
Crimson Flash Rank 3 -> Low Sweep Rank 2

D Rank:
Swirling Grind Rank 3 -> Full Circle Rank 2
Breathtaking Blow Rank 3 -> Cross Rip Rank 2
Chakra Extension Rank 3 -> Heavy Tow rank 2

C Rank:
Shadow Dance Rank 3 -> Vanishing Slash Rank 2
Burst of Speed Rank 3 -> Lunar Steps Rank 2
Burst of Strength Rank 3 -> Whisperer Rank 2
Aura Rank 3 -> Sword Juggle Rank 2
Gamble Maneuver Rank 3 -> Blade Trail Rank 2
Dragon Finish Rank 3 -> Dynamic Art Rank 2
Sadistic Whiplash Rank 3 -> Chakra Extension Rank 2
Shoryuken Rank 3 ->Shadow Dance Rank 2
Chain Grab Rank 3 -> Gather Rank 2
Bondage Rank 3 -> Chakra Absorption Master Rank
16 hit combo Rank 3 -> Shadow Dance Rank 2

B Rank:
Gravity Distortion Rank 3 -> Overwhelming Power Rank 2
Barrier Rank 3 -> Oversoul Rend Rank 2
Flesh Render Rank 3 -> Focal Blade Rank 2
Execution Rank 3 -> Flight Aerial Strike Rank 2
Kill Driver Rank 3 -> Kill Driver Rank 2
Visceral Rend Rank 3 -> Executioner Rank 2
Spear Hand Rank 3 -> Lotus Flower Rank 2
Hyper Extension Rank 3 -> Steel Weaving Rank 2
Lions Barrage Rank 3 -> Anabolic Frenzy Rank 2
Dragon's Assault Rank 3 -> Concealed Steps Rank 2

A Rank:
Anti-Gravity Rank 2 -> Kindred Fusion Rank 2
Annihilation Rank 4 -> Zantetsuken Rank 2
Limit Break Rank 3 -> Higuma Rank 2
Twilight Lotus Rank 4 -> Annihilation Rank 2
Asa Kujaku Rank 4 -> Limit Break Rank 2
Myriad Aura Rank 3 -> Insatiable Hunger Rank 2
Devastating Aura Rank 3 -> Devestating Aura Rank 2
Eternal Chaotic Dance Rank 4-> Unleash Rank 2

S Rank:
Kindred Fusion -> Omni-Flash Master Rank

stats + jutsu as per discord talks

Sazuki Nao

Well-Known Member
Oct 4, 2017
OOC Rank
Old Stats:
Agility: 600
Stamina: 600
Taijutsu: 600
Ninjutsu: 600
Genjutsu: 600
Chakra Control: 600

Old OOC Rank: S rank

Stat Cut: none

New Stats:
Agility: 600
Stamina: 600
Taijutsu: 600
Ninjutsu: 600
Genjutsu: 600
Chakra Control: 600
New OOC Rank: S rank
Free Elemental Affinity: Lightning(Major), Earth (minor)
Advanced Element: Gravity

Jutsu swaps:
E rank:
Body Switch Rank 3 -> Body Switch Master Rank
Push Rank 3 -> Storm Bolt Master Rank
Fireball Rank 3 -> Gravel Shift Master Rank

D Rank:
Immolation Armor Rank 3 -> Crystal Eye Master Rank
Cancel Rank 3 -> Cancel Master Rank
Crystal Eye Rank 2 ->Spirit Lantern master Rank
Blazing Fire Rank 3 ->Thunderclap Master Rank
Sticky Oil Rank 3 -> Electroshock Master Rank
Poison Mist Rank 3 -> Electrocution Master Rank
G Force Rank 3 -> Earth Flow River master Rank
Combustive Seal Rank 3 -> Sinkhole Fist Master Rank
Stunt Double Rank 3 -> Mud Clone Master rank

C Rank:
Scalding Ashe Cloud Rank 3 -> Barrier Master rank
Mirror Clone Rank 3 -> Zeus flash Master rank
Searing Eruption Rank 3 -> Lightning Torrent Master Rank
Blazing Flame Bullet Rank 3 -> Thunderstruck Master Rank
Firestorm Bomb Rank 3 -> Volt charge Master Rank
Dynamite Blast Rank 3 -> Inner Earth Reflection Lure Master Rank
Heat Wave Rank 3 -> Anti-Gravity Master Rank
Wall Of Spirits Rank 3 -> Gravitational Pull Master Rank

B Rank:
Immolating Nivrana Rank 3 -> Leech Seal Master rank
Energy Transfer Rank 3 -> Chakra Blast Master rank
Infernal Hellfire Rank 3 -> Rasengan master rank
Lightning Clones Rank 3 -> Gigavolt Cannon Master Rank
Spontaneous Combustion Rank 3 -> Chidori Master Rank
Mystic Transmutation Rank 3 -> Amp Field Master Rank
Scorching Purgatory Rank 3 -> Inertia Control Master Rank
Quicksilver Fury Rank 3 -> Forced Polarity Master Rank
Anabolic Frenzy Rank 3 -> Clutch of the Giant Master Rank

A Rank:
Gate of Enma Rank 2 -> Perfected Rasengan Master Rank
Volcanic Inferno Rank 3 -> Gates of Enma Master Rank
Searing Vortex Rank 3 -> Chidori Control Master Rank
Abysmal Harbinger Rank 3 ->Thunderdome Master Rank
Shinra Tensei Rank 2 -> Shinra Tensei Master Rank
Ice Prison Rank 3 -> Centrifugal Force Master Rank


E Rank:
Breath Control Rank 3 -> Janken Rank 2
Speed Boost Rank 3 -> Uncalled For Shot Rank 2
Crimson Flash Rank 3 -> Low Sweep Rank 2

D Rank:
Swirling Grind Rank 3 -> Full Circle Rank 2
Breathtaking Blow Rank 3 -> Cross Rip Rank 2
Chakra Extension Rank 3 -> Heavy Tow rank 2

C Rank:
Shadow Dance Rank 3 -> Vanishing Slash Rank 2
Burst of Speed Rank 3 -> Lunar Steps Rank 2
Burst of Strength Rank 3 -> Whisperer Rank 2
Aura Rank 3 -> Sword Juggle Rank 2
Gamble Maneuver Rank 3 -> Blade Trail Rank 2
Dragon Finish Rank 3 -> Dynamic Art Rank 2
Sadistic Whiplash Rank 3 -> Chakra Extension Rank 2
Shoryuken Rank 3 ->Shadow Dance Rank 2
Chain Grab Rank 3 -> Gather Rank 2
Bondage Rank 3 -> Chakra Absorption Master Rank
16 hit combo Rank 3 -> Shadow Dance Rank 2

B Rank:
Gravity Distortion Rank 3 -> Overwhelming Power Rank 2
Barrier Rank 3 -> Oversoul Rend Rank 2
Flesh Render Rank 3 -> Focal Blade Rank 2
Execution Rank 3 -> Flight Aerial Strike Rank 2
Kill Driver Rank 3 -> Kill Driver Rank 2
Visceral Rend Rank 3 -> Executioner Rank 2
Spear Hand Rank 3 -> Lotus Flower Rank 2
Hyper Extension Rank 3 -> Steel Weaving Rank 2
Lions Barrage Rank 3 -> Anabolic Frenzy Rank 2
Dragon's Assault Rank 3 -> Concealed Steps Rank 2

A Rank:
Anti-Gravity Rank 2 -> Kindred Fusion Rank 2
Annihilation Rank 4 -> Zantetsuken Rank 2
Limit Break Rank 3 -> Higuma Rank 2
Twilight Lotus Rank 4 -> Annihilation Rank 2
Asa Kujaku Rank 4 -> Limit Break Rank 2
Myriad Aura Rank 3 -> Insatiable Hunger Rank 2
Devastating Aura Rank 3 -> Devestating Aura Rank 2
Eternal Chaotic Dance Rank 4-> Unleash Rank 2

S Rank:
Kindred Fusion -> Omni-Flash Master Rank

stats + jutsu as per discord talks
With who was this spoken about? And can this person (admin I assume) verify?

Sazuki Nao

Well-Known Member
Oct 4, 2017
OOC Rank
For now we cannot approve your OCR due to the fact you are lacking on wordcounters.
Please make sure you mental and physical are a minimum of 100 in wordcounter each


New Member
Mar 13, 2015
Old Character Name: Shouten Arashi
Old Village/Missing: Mist
OCR Type: Reactivation/Rebirth
Last Known Where-abouts: Mist
Old IC Rank: S rank

New Character Name: Ayamaki Jotaro
Preferred Username: Jotaro
New Village: Leaf
New BL/CA: Seikon (Mercury)
Custom Class:
Custom Class said:
HP: (60+lvl) x stamina
CP: (40+lvl) x chakra control
Class Bonus: Kinjutsu option (Kensei)
High: Melee Accuracy
Average: Genjutsu Save, Dodge, Ninjutsu Accuracy
Low: Ranged Accuracy, Genjutsu DC
Main Branch/ANBU/Med-Nin: Main Branch
IC Rank: A Rank / Jounin

Character Age: 24
Gender: Male


Character's Physical Description:
Jotaro is a tall, well-built man carrying a massive greatsword on his back. He has spiky black hair with a single bang framing his face, wearing a dark blue combat uniform, with black boots and black gloves. His cheek has a cross-shaped scar. He is usually seen wearing a massive weapon on his back, a slab of steel, the weapon he grew with as a shinobi. His clothes are meant for comfort, but also for utility. While he isn't wearing any heavy armor, he is wearing enough to be in combat, as he was taught as a shinobi. Jotaro fights with all these he has, and wearing what he finds most comfortably.

Character's Mental Description:
Jotaro has a positive attitude and is always ready for work. His calm demeanor and inquisitive curiosity has him able to approach most situations with a calm mind. He is very kind and sociable, easily befriending anyone he meets. During crazier situations, due to his experience, he enters a flow state, mumbling to himself his choices in quick-time fashion, speaking in broken sentences as his thoughts spill out his mouth. His rationality allows him to find meaning in most amoral situations, however. He is usually sane and rational, and rarely ever goes beyond insanity to justify his morals. He does what he wants, when he wants, but he always ensures that no one ever gets hurt while doing it.

Character History/Kinjutsu application:

Jotaro's history is unappealing. Nothing unique occurred during his childhood that made him different from others. Rather, he was the product of two shinobi contracted to the Tea. Shinobi who would carry out many missions in diplomacy with the leaf, those who were not that strong, but rather politically sufficient. Jotaro would accompany his parents to the leaf many times, his eyes full of wonder as they traveled to and from the village of seasons, compared to the drab village that was the Tea country (at least, in his eyes). He sat through many of the adventures his parents would have, as they traveled back and forth between the two countries.

While he was young, he started learning quickly the diplomacy and tactics of the Leaf. As part of a diplomatic program, he was sent to leaf to continue his education. He volunteered himself, excited to represent his parents at this amazing country.

Jotaro was bored of Tea- nothing of interest happened, and the older he grew, the more interested he was in fighting and becoming a great shinobi. Alas, he never really flourished in the classes- he was clear in the middle as his thoughts never really turned to action. His middle-of-the-class ability allowed him to pass the genin exams, right at the cut-off mark.

Jotaro recognized that he was the lowest of all his graduate class. His realization came with a bout of sadness, but after a summer back at his Tea Country, his thoughts turned positive- for him to be recognized as a great shinobi, he needed to live it. It was there that he dove right into his training. Jotaro became almost obsessive with his training, diving into studies with his jutsu and his weapons. He never really recognized what his specialties were until after his first couple months as a genin. It was during his first mission that his abilities blossomed. Jotaro felt a change as he was fighting a low-ranking criminal on a escorting mission. He was able to deal be faster then normal if he wanted, and his attacks felt like they tore through reality. He mentioned this to the Jounin leader of his genin group, and the Jounin mentioned the Seikon bloodline.

When Jotaro learned about this bloodline, he went to his parents. They told him of a legend passed down his mother's side of his family, a legend of individuals who excelled with the sword, honing their bodies to a precision unlike anything seen before, with each of their movements and attack seemingly piercing through reality. Jotaro was ecstatic- his formative years were nothing too special, and here he was, with an ability all to his own. His excitement turned to determination- it added towards his confidence. He picked up a sword, wanting to become like the stories of legend. His training turned into strength- he started becoming stronger and better with both the sword, and as a shinobi.

Jotaro quickly ranked up to Chunnin, taking missions and becoming a strong individual. However, Jotaro did have a distinct issue- he only ever took the minimum requirement needed for the next rank. For some reason, he didn't feel like the ranks represented his strength. He wanted to be strong on his on terms, not on what the country deemed for him. The legends and stories his parents told him of his family and other strong shinobi made him want to become like them. However, Jotaro was fully realized as a leaf citizen. He protected his country as much as he could if called upon, but otherwise, he mainly kept to himself.

Jotaro wanted to travel to become stronger. He took a mission that was not very important, but one that would allow him to travel to different countries. During this mission, a normal escort mission, Jotaro realized he was becoming closer and closer with his weapon, and at times, was distinctly utilizing it as an extension of his body. He never really thought of his weapon as more then a tool, but in his mind, it felt like it was becoming closer then that. Jotaro took a mental note, but never really thought about it much. As he was able to travel the world and train in different regions and with different enemies and people, Jotaro never really thought about the event as much.

During a fateful encounter, towards the end of the mission, Jotaro came across a rusted weapon in the forest during a pit stop for the escort mission. He didn't really think too much of it, however he picked it up. It was something that he thought was interesting, a massive weapon that was close to his height. He picked it up, noting its massive weight. It wasn't something he could easily wield, but as a training tool. Jotaro felt like he could make it his own.

"This is something interesting", Jotaro thought to himself as he carried the massive blade on his back.

The blade felt like it was calling to him. Jotaro carried the weapon back to the village as his escort mission ended. He took it to a licensed blacksmith, and cleaned it up. It was a lot more beautiful, but it seemed like just a massive slab of iron. Jotaro felt very excited as he grabbed the weapon and carried it out of the blacksmith shop. He felt connected to this weapon, more so then any other. His training was created to become a master of this massive blade. Everyday he would swing it, trying to get faster until the massive blade was weightless in his hands. He wanted to be able to use this weapon with flow. Jotaro wanted to create a fighting style that was unlike ever seen, a shinobi using a great sword like this one, busting the ideologies of how a shinobi should fight.

Jotaro wanted to perfect a sword style all his own. The buster sword (as he chose to call it) allowed him to create this style. From day to night he would train, swinging the buster sword until blood fell down the hilt. He knew only to stop when the there were no sounds around him.

This heavy regimen changed him as a person physically. Genetically, his height was of somewhat of a certainty. He grew to his adult height of 6'3". His body changed as he kept training. He grew stronger, his arms, chest, and legs becoming more powerful as he swung the massive blade back and forth.

Jotaro became closer to the sword then ever before. While he was still a chunnin, he soon had the strength of a jounin. He thought nothing of the Jounin advancement exams until he was reminded on his way to training via an old classmate. Jotaro never really thought of becoming a Jounin as a great achievement, but Jotaro felt that if he did become a jounin, he would have more freedom.

Passing with flying colors, Jotaro and the Buster Sword became closer then ever. At some points, Jotaro felt like he could speak to his weapon with how much time he spent mastering the blade. He did have human interaction, of course, but with the constant training, he became closer to being able to move the weapon freely. Every swing felt like an extension of his arm, every movement as if he was able to tear and sunder reality in two, with the massive blade the rift-creator.

At some point, Jotaro decided to take a Jounin-level mission. This was another mission, this time an elimination mission. He knew he had the ability to do something like this, but as this was a high-ranking mission, and he was just 18. Jotaro didn't quite know if he was ready, but he definitely felt that he was unstoppable with his weapon. The mission went as usual with the traveling. Nothing too special or unique in the journey, just more training with the Buster Sword. However, every swing felt different, unique compared to the training back in the village. Jotaro felt like he could just command the sword to appear from his back, utilizing very swift movements to pull the weapon out.

However, the mission did go awry. The person they were supposed to eliminate appeared in front of Jotaro, with an entire crew of shinobi. Jotaro swiftly took his weapon out, charging at the closest enemy, attacking them before he was attacked. The battle was bloody, with Jotaro being attacked from all sides, his training giving him but the slightest of advantages as he was attacked by multiple people. His massive weapon truly helped. He was able to stave off most attacks with the massive and quick swings of the buster sword, earning himself blood and limbs. The spattered spots filled the area, muddying footholds. Jotaro, however, starting going into his flow state, as he trained with his weapon. Every swing split the air, splitting reality and bodies.

The last thing Jotaro remembered before slowly catching his breath was his weapon lying on the ground, his body bloodied, both from his and his enemies. He was on his knees, exhaustion filling his muscles as he saw his enemies splattered around him. He was done. But for now, he would rest. He was exhausted from the battle and he did not know if there was much more he could do at this point besides rest. His head hit the ground and he fell into a deep sleep.

Jotaro would not wake until the morning. He cleaned his campsite up and picked his weapon up and just left. His mission was over, and he felt... different. The weapon did not feel like a heavyweight, but rather something that was just a part of him. It was strange. He felt like there was an extra limb on his body in the form of this weapon, strapped to his back. He went back to the village and completed the mission. There was seemingly nothing left to do, and he continued to train with the sword.

But this training was different from the others. Everything he was able to do... was cleaner, more efficient. Every swing felt amazing for him. And he knew that this weapon, which was once just a piece of slab on the ground, has now become... Jotaro. This Buster Sword was no longer just a sword, but an extension of Jotaro the person.

As he swung his last swing before the end of the night, Jotaro knew his life would change. He would use his abilities for the good of the Leaf, and to become the greatest swordsman the world has ever seen.

After this day, Jotaro continued to hone his ability as a Jounin, and as a swordsman. And he soon would carve his name into the history of this world.

WC: 1799 (this should cover kinjutsu application + BLC application.. right?)

Clan Request: none

Death/Retirement Thread: none
Old Profile: dunno :(
Old Training: dunno :(
Old Dojo: dunno :(
Old FAQ: dunno :(

Special Usergroups: N/A

Old Stats:
Agility: 600
Stamina: 600
Taijutsu: 600
Ninjutsu: 600
Genjutsu: 600
Chakra Control: 600

Old OOC Rank: S rank

Stat Cut: none

New Stats:
Agility: 600
Stamina: 600
Taijutsu: 600
Ninjutsu: 600
Genjutsu: 600
Chakra Control: 600
New OOC Rank: S rank
Free Elemental Affinity: Lightning(Major), Earth (minor)
Advanced Element: Gravity

Jutsu swaps:
E rank:
Body Switch Rank 3 -> Body Switch Master Rank
Push Rank 3 -> Storm Bolt Master Rank
Fireball Rank 3 -> Gravel Shift Master Rank

D Rank:
Immolation Armor Rank 3 -> Crystal Eye Master Rank
Cancel Rank 3 -> Cancel Master Rank
Crystal Eye Rank 2 ->Spirit Lantern master Rank
Blazing Fire Rank 3 ->Thunderclap Master Rank
Sticky Oil Rank 3 -> Electroshock Master Rank
Poison Mist Rank 3 -> Electrocution Master Rank
G Force Rank 3 -> Earth Flow River master Rank
Combustive Seal Rank 3 -> Sinkhole Fist Master Rank
Stunt Double Rank 3 -> Mud Clone Master rank

C Rank:
Scalding Ashe Cloud Rank 3 -> Barrier Master rank
Mirror Clone Rank 3 -> Zeus flash Master rank
Searing Eruption Rank 3 -> Lightning Torrent Master Rank
Blazing Flame Bullet Rank 3 -> Thunderstruck Master Rank
Firestorm Bomb Rank 3 -> Volt charge Master Rank
Dynamite Blast Rank 3 -> Inner Earth Reflection Lure Master Rank
Heat Wave Rank 3 -> Anti-Gravity Master Rank
Wall Of Spirits Rank 3 -> Gravitational Pull Master Rank

B Rank:
Immolating Nivrana Rank 3 -> Leech Seal Master rank
Energy Transfer Rank 3 -> Chakra Blast Master rank
Infernal Hellfire Rank 3 -> Rasengan master rank
Lightning Clones Rank 3 -> Gigavolt Cannon Master Rank
Spontaneous Combustion Rank 3 -> Chidori Master Rank
Mystic Transmutation Rank 3 -> Amp Field Master Rank
Scorching Purgatory Rank 3 -> Inertia Control Master Rank
Quicksilver Fury Rank 3 -> Forced Polarity Master Rank
Anabolic Frenzy Rank 3 -> Clutch of the Giant Master Rank

A Rank:
Gate of Enma Rank 2 -> Perfected Rasengan Master Rank
Volcanic Inferno Rank 3 -> Gates of Enma Master Rank
Searing Vortex Rank 3 -> Chidori Control Master Rank
Abysmal Harbinger Rank 3 ->Thunderdome Master Rank
Shinra Tensei Rank 2 -> Shinra Tensei Master Rank
Ice Prison Rank 3 -> Centrifugal Force Master Rank


E Rank:
Breath Control Rank 3 -> Janken Rank 2
Speed Boost Rank 3 -> Uncalled For Shot Rank 2
Crimson Flash Rank 3 -> Low Sweep Rank 2

D Rank:
Swirling Grind Rank 3 -> Full Circle Rank 2
Breathtaking Blow Rank 3 -> Cross Rip Rank 2
Chakra Extension Rank 3 -> Heavy Tow rank 2

C Rank:
Shadow Dance Rank 3 -> Vanishing Slash Rank 2
Burst of Speed Rank 3 -> Lunar Steps Rank 2
Burst of Strength Rank 3 -> Whisperer Rank 2
Aura Rank 3 -> Sword Juggle Rank 2
Gamble Maneuver Rank 3 -> Blade Trail Rank 2
Dragon Finish Rank 3 -> Dynamic Art Rank 2
Sadistic Whiplash Rank 3 -> Chakra Extension Rank 2
Shoryuken Rank 3 ->Shadow Dance Rank 2
Chain Grab Rank 3 -> Gather Rank 2
Bondage Rank 3 -> Chakra Absorption Master Rank
16 hit combo Rank 3 -> Shadow Dance Rank 2

B Rank:
Gravity Distortion Rank 3 -> Overwhelming Power Rank 2
Barrier Rank 3 -> Oversoul Rend Rank 2
Flesh Render Rank 3 -> Focal Blade Rank 2
Execution Rank 3 -> Flight Aerial Strike Rank 2
Kill Driver Rank 3 -> Kill Driver Rank 2
Visceral Rend Rank 3 -> Executioner Rank 2
Spear Hand Rank 3 -> Lotus Flower Rank 2
Hyper Extension Rank 3 -> Steel Weaving Rank 2
Lions Barrage Rank 3 -> Anabolic Frenzy Rank 2
Dragon's Assault Rank 3 -> Concealed Steps Rank 2

A Rank:
Anti-Gravity Rank 2 -> Kindred Fusion Rank 2
Annihilation Rank 4 -> Zantetsuken Rank 2
Limit Break Rank 3 -> Higuma Rank 2
Twilight Lotus Rank 4 -> Annihilation Rank 2
Asa Kujaku Rank 4 -> Limit Break Rank 2
Myriad Aura Rank 3 -> Insatiable Hunger Rank 2
Devastating Aura Rank 3 -> Devestating Aura Rank 2
Eternal Chaotic Dance Rank 4-> Unleash Rank 2

S Rank:
Kindred Fusion -> Omni-Flash Master Rank

Sazuki Nao

Well-Known Member
Oct 4, 2017
OOC Rank
Old Character Name: Shouten Arashi
Old Village/Missing: Mist
OCR Type: Reactivation/Rebirth
Last Known Where-abouts: Mist
Old IC Rank: S rank

New Character Name: Ayamaki Jotaro
Preferred Username: Jotaro
New Village: Leaf
New BL/CA: Seikon (Mercury)
Custom Class:
Custom Class said:
HP: (60+lvl) x stamina
CP: (40+lvl) x chakra control
Class Bonus: Kinjutsu option (Kensei)
High: Melee Accuracy
Average: Genjutsu Save, Dodge, Ninjutsu Accuracy
Low: Ranged Accuracy, Genjutsu DC
Main Branch/ANBU/Med-Nin: Main Branch
IC Rank: A Rank / Jounin

Character Age: 24
Gender: Male


Character's Physical Description:
Jotaro is a tall, well-built man carrying a massive greatsword on his back. He has spiky black hair with a single bang framing his face, wearing a dark blue combat uniform, with black boots and black gloves. His cheek has a cross-shaped scar. He is usually seen wearing a massive weapon on his back, a slab of steel, the weapon he grew with as a shinobi. His clothes are meant for comfort, but also for utility. While he isn't wearing any heavy armor, he is wearing enough to be in combat, as he was taught as a shinobi. Jotaro fights with all these he has, and wearing what he finds most comfortably.

Character's Mental Description:
Jotaro has a positive attitude and is always ready for work. His calm demeanor and inquisitive curiosity has him able to approach most situations with a calm mind. He is very kind and sociable, easily befriending anyone he meets. During crazier situations, due to his experience, he enters a flow state, mumbling to himself his choices in quick-time fashion, speaking in broken sentences as his thoughts spill out his mouth. His rationality allows him to find meaning in most amoral situations, however. He is usually sane and rational, and rarely ever goes beyond insanity to justify his morals. He does what he wants, when he wants, but he always ensures that no one ever gets hurt while doing it.

Character History/Kinjutsu application:

Jotaro's history is unappealing. Nothing unique occurred during his childhood that made him different from others. Rather, he was the product of two shinobi contracted to the Tea. Shinobi who would carry out many missions in diplomacy with the leaf, those who were not that strong, but rather politically sufficient. Jotaro would accompany his parents to the leaf many times, his eyes full of wonder as they traveled to and from the village of seasons, compared to the drab village that was the Tea country (at least, in his eyes). He sat through many of the adventures his parents would have, as they traveled back and forth between the two countries.

While he was young, he started learning quickly the diplomacy and tactics of the Leaf. As part of a diplomatic program, he was sent to leaf to continue his education. He volunteered himself, excited to represent his parents at this amazing country.

Jotaro was bored of Tea- nothing of interest happened, and the older he grew, the more interested he was in fighting and becoming a great shinobi. Alas, he never really flourished in the classes- he was clear in the middle as his thoughts never really turned to action. His middle-of-the-class ability allowed him to pass the genin exams, right at the cut-off mark.

Jotaro recognized that he was the lowest of all his graduate class. His realization came with a bout of sadness, but after a summer back at his Tea Country, his thoughts turned positive- for him to be recognized as a great shinobi, he needed to live it. It was there that he dove right into his training. Jotaro became almost obsessive with his training, diving into studies with his jutsu and his weapons. He never really recognized what his specialties were until after his first couple months as a genin. It was during his first mission that his abilities blossomed. Jotaro felt a change as he was fighting a low-ranking criminal on a escorting mission. He was able to deal be faster then normal if he wanted, and his attacks felt like they tore through reality. He mentioned this to the Jounin leader of his genin group, and the Jounin mentioned the Seikon bloodline.

When Jotaro learned about this bloodline, he went to his parents. They told him of a legend passed down his mother's side of his family, a legend of individuals who excelled with the sword, honing their bodies to a precision unlike anything seen before, with each of their movements and attack seemingly piercing through reality. Jotaro was ecstatic- his formative years were nothing too special, and here he was, with an ability all to his own. His excitement turned to determination- it added towards his confidence. He picked up a sword, wanting to become like the stories of legend. His training turned into strength- he started becoming stronger and better with both the sword, and as a shinobi.

Jotaro quickly ranked up to Chunnin, taking missions and becoming a strong individual. However, Jotaro did have a distinct issue- he only ever took the minimum requirement needed for the next rank. For some reason, he didn't feel like the ranks represented his strength. He wanted to be strong on his on terms, not on what the country deemed for him. The legends and stories his parents told him of his family and other strong shinobi made him want to become like them. However, Jotaro was fully realized as a leaf citizen. He protected his country as much as he could if called upon, but otherwise, he mainly kept to himself.

Jotaro wanted to travel to become stronger. He took a mission that was not very important, but one that would allow him to travel to different countries. During this mission, a normal escort mission, Jotaro realized he was becoming closer and closer with his weapon, and at times, was distinctly utilizing it as an extension of his body. He never really thought of his weapon as more then a tool, but in his mind, it felt like it was becoming closer then that. Jotaro took a mental note, but never really thought about it much. As he was able to travel the world and train in different regions and with different enemies and people, Jotaro never really thought about the event as much.

During a fateful encounter, towards the end of the mission, Jotaro came across a rusted weapon in the forest during a pit stop for the escort mission. He didn't really think too much of it, however he picked it up. It was something that he thought was interesting, a massive weapon that was close to his height. He picked it up, noting its massive weight. It wasn't something he could easily wield, but as a training tool. Jotaro felt like he could make it his own.

"This is something interesting", Jotaro thought to himself as he carried the massive blade on his back.

The blade felt like it was calling to him. Jotaro carried the weapon back to the village as his escort mission ended. He took it to a licensed blacksmith, and cleaned it up. It was a lot more beautiful, but it seemed like just a massive slab of iron. Jotaro felt very excited as he grabbed the weapon and carried it out of the blacksmith shop. He felt connected to this weapon, more so then any other. His training was created to become a master of this massive blade. Everyday he would swing it, trying to get faster until the massive blade was weightless in his hands. He wanted to be able to use this weapon with flow. Jotaro wanted to create a fighting style that was unlike ever seen, a shinobi using a great sword like this one, busting the ideologies of how a shinobi should fight.

Jotaro wanted to perfect a sword style all his own. The buster sword (as he chose to call it) allowed him to create this style. From day to night he would train, swinging the buster sword until blood fell down the hilt. He knew only to stop when the there were no sounds around him.

This heavy regimen changed him as a person physically. Genetically, his height was of somewhat of a certainty. He grew to his adult height of 6'3". His body changed as he kept training. He grew stronger, his arms, chest, and legs becoming more powerful as he swung the massive blade back and forth.

Jotaro became closer to the sword then ever before. While he was still a chunnin, he soon had the strength of a jounin. He thought nothing of the Jounin advancement exams until he was reminded on his way to training via an old classmate. Jotaro never really thought of becoming a Jounin as a great achievement, but Jotaro felt that if he did become a jounin, he would have more freedom.

Passing with flying colors, Jotaro and the Buster Sword became closer then ever. At some points, Jotaro felt like he could speak to his weapon with how much time he spent mastering the blade. He did have human interaction, of course, but with the constant training, he became closer to being able to move the weapon freely. Every swing felt like an extension of his arm, every movement as if he was able to tear and sunder reality in two, with the massive blade the rift-creator.

At some point, Jotaro decided to take a Jounin-level mission. This was another mission, this time an elimination mission. He knew he had the ability to do something like this, but as this was a high-ranking mission, and he was just 18. Jotaro didn't quite know if he was ready, but he definitely felt that he was unstoppable with his weapon. The mission went as usual with the traveling. Nothing too special or unique in the journey, just more training with the Buster Sword. However, every swing felt different, unique compared to the training back in the village. Jotaro felt like he could just command the sword to appear from his back, utilizing very swift movements to pull the weapon out.

However, the mission did go awry. The person they were supposed to eliminate appeared in front of Jotaro, with an entire crew of shinobi. Jotaro swiftly took his weapon out, charging at the closest enemy, attacking them before he was attacked. The battle was bloody, with Jotaro being attacked from all sides, his training giving him but the slightest of advantages as he was attacked by multiple people. His massive weapon truly helped. He was able to stave off most attacks with the massive and quick swings of the buster sword, earning himself blood and limbs. The spattered spots filled the area, muddying footholds. Jotaro, however, starting going into his flow state, as he trained with his weapon. Every swing split the air, splitting reality and bodies.

The last thing Jotaro remembered before slowly catching his breath was his weapon lying on the ground, his body bloodied, both from his and his enemies. He was on his knees, exhaustion filling his muscles as he saw his enemies splattered around him. He was done. But for now, he would rest. He was exhausted from the battle and he did not know if there was much more he could do at this point besides rest. His head hit the ground and he fell into a deep sleep.

Jotaro would not wake until the morning. He cleaned his campsite up and picked his weapon up and just left. His mission was over, and he felt... different. The weapon did not feel like a heavyweight, but rather something that was just a part of him. It was strange. He felt like there was an extra limb on his body in the form of this weapon, strapped to his back. He went back to the village and completed the mission. There was seemingly nothing left to do, and he continued to train with the sword.

But this training was different from the others. Everything he was able to do... was cleaner, more efficient. Every swing felt amazing for him. And he knew that this weapon, which was once just a piece of slab on the ground, has now become... Jotaro. This Buster Sword was no longer just a sword, but an extension of Jotaro the person.

As he swung his last swing before the end of the night, Jotaro knew his life would change. He would use his abilities for the good of the Leaf, and to become the greatest swordsman the world has ever seen.

After this day, Jotaro continued to hone his ability as a Jounin, and as a swordsman. And he soon would carve his name into the history of this world.

WC: 1799 (this should cover kinjutsu application + BLC application.. right?)

Clan Request: none

Death/Retirement Thread: none
Old Profile: dunno :(
Old Training: dunno :(
Old Dojo: dunno :(
Old FAQ: dunno :(

Special Usergroups: N/A

Old Stats:
Agility: 600
Stamina: 600
Taijutsu: 600
Ninjutsu: 600
Genjutsu: 600
Chakra Control: 600

Old OOC Rank: S rank

Stat Cut: none

New Stats:
Agility: 600
Stamina: 600
Taijutsu: 600
Ninjutsu: 600
Genjutsu: 600
Chakra Control: 600
New OOC Rank: S rank
Free Elemental Affinity: Lightning(Major), Earth (minor)
Advanced Element: Gravity

Jutsu swaps:
E rank:
Body Switch Rank 3 -> Body Switch Master Rank
Push Rank 3 -> Storm Bolt Master Rank
Fireball Rank 3 -> Gravel Shift Master Rank

D Rank:
Immolation Armor Rank 3 -> Crystal Eye Master Rank
Cancel Rank 3 -> Cancel Master Rank
Crystal Eye Rank 2 ->Spirit Lantern master Rank
Blazing Fire Rank 3 ->Thunderclap Master Rank
Sticky Oil Rank 3 -> Electroshock Master Rank
Poison Mist Rank 3 -> Electrocution Master Rank
G Force Rank 3 -> Earth Flow River master Rank
Combustive Seal Rank 3 -> Sinkhole Fist Master Rank
Stunt Double Rank 3 -> Mud Clone Master rank

C Rank:
Scalding Ashe Cloud Rank 3 -> Barrier Master rank
Mirror Clone Rank 3 -> Zeus flash Master rank
Searing Eruption Rank 3 -> Lightning Torrent Master Rank
Blazing Flame Bullet Rank 3 -> Thunderstruck Master Rank
Firestorm Bomb Rank 3 -> Volt charge Master Rank
Dynamite Blast Rank 3 -> Inner Earth Reflection Lure Master Rank
Heat Wave Rank 3 -> Anti-Gravity Master Rank
Wall Of Spirits Rank 3 -> Gravitational Pull Master Rank

B Rank:
Immolating Nivrana Rank 3 -> Leech Seal Master rank
Energy Transfer Rank 3 -> Chakra Blast Master rank
Infernal Hellfire Rank 3 -> Rasengan master rank
Lightning Clones Rank 3 -> Gigavolt Cannon Master Rank
Spontaneous Combustion Rank 3 -> Chidori Master Rank
Mystic Transmutation Rank 3 -> Amp Field Master Rank
Scorching Purgatory Rank 3 -> Inertia Control Master Rank
Quicksilver Fury Rank 3 -> Forced Polarity Master Rank
Anabolic Frenzy Rank 3 -> Clutch of the Giant Master Rank

A Rank:
Gate of Enma Rank 2 -> Perfected Rasengan Master Rank
Volcanic Inferno Rank 3 -> Gates of Enma Master Rank
Searing Vortex Rank 3 -> Chidori Control Master Rank
Abysmal Harbinger Rank 3 ->Thunderdome Master Rank
Shinra Tensei Rank 2 -> Shinra Tensei Master Rank
Ice Prison Rank 3 -> Centrifugal Force Master Rank


E Rank:
Breath Control Rank 3 -> Janken Rank 2
Speed Boost Rank 3 -> Uncalled For Shot Rank 2
Crimson Flash Rank 3 -> Low Sweep Rank 2

D Rank:
Swirling Grind Rank 3 -> Full Circle Rank 2
Breathtaking Blow Rank 3 -> Cross Rip Rank 2
Chakra Extension Rank 3 -> Heavy Tow rank 2

C Rank:
Shadow Dance Rank 3 -> Vanishing Slash Rank 2
Burst of Speed Rank 3 -> Lunar Steps Rank 2
Burst of Strength Rank 3 -> Whisperer Rank 2
Aura Rank 3 -> Sword Juggle Rank 2
Gamble Maneuver Rank 3 -> Blade Trail Rank 2
Dragon Finish Rank 3 -> Dynamic Art Rank 2
Sadistic Whiplash Rank 3 -> Chakra Extension Rank 2
Shoryuken Rank 3 ->Shadow Dance Rank 2
Chain Grab Rank 3 -> Gather Rank 2
Bondage Rank 3 -> Chakra Absorption Master Rank
16 hit combo Rank 3 -> Shadow Dance Rank 2

B Rank:
Gravity Distortion Rank 3 -> Overwhelming Power Rank 2
Barrier Rank 3 -> Oversoul Rend Rank 2
Flesh Render Rank 3 -> Focal Blade Rank 2
Execution Rank 3 -> Flight Aerial Strike Rank 2
Kill Driver Rank 3 -> Kill Driver Rank 2
Visceral Rend Rank 3 -> Executioner Rank 2
Spear Hand Rank 3 -> Lotus Flower Rank 2
Hyper Extension Rank 3 -> Steel Weaving Rank 2
Lions Barrage Rank 3 -> Anabolic Frenzy Rank 2
Dragon's Assault Rank 3 -> Concealed Steps Rank 2

A Rank:
Anti-Gravity Rank 2 -> Kindred Fusion Rank 2
Annihilation Rank 4 -> Zantetsuken Rank 2
Limit Break Rank 3 -> Higuma Rank 2
Twilight Lotus Rank 4 -> Annihilation Rank 2
Asa Kujaku Rank 4 -> Limit Break Rank 2
Myriad Aura Rank 3 -> Insatiable Hunger Rank 2
Devastating Aura Rank 3 -> Devestating Aura Rank 2
Eternal Chaotic Dance Rank 4-> Unleash Rank 2

S Rank:
Kindred Fusion -> Omni-Flash Master Rank
Taken to the council

Nanjirou Soku

Active Member
Dec 25, 2017
OOC Rank
S Rank
Good day, after discussing with Sand Council as they have jurisdiction over Tea Country, they have requested the following in regards to your history.

After review and deliberation, we've decided to ask for a revision to the idea.

We have accepted player characters who were born in Tea Country before but Tea Country is a region that is highly superstitious and is ruled in majority by the shadow of Otogakure which actively keeps out any foreign shinobi influence. When the request was first made I made a recommendation to the player that they revise their story so that their character's parents either were not Leaf shinobi and his character moved to Fire Country to become a Leaf Shinobi or that his parents immigrated from Tea Country to Fire Country and joined Leaf at that time and we think those would be the best avenues to explore which makes sense for the inclusion of Tea Country into this character's history. I believe the player was amenable to the idea that his parents moved from Tea Country to Fire Country and became Leaf Shinobi after the fact but that is ultimately up to them.

Please let me or a Councilor know if you need any help with this matter!


New Member
Mar 13, 2015
Old Character Name: Shouten Arashi
Old Village/Missing: Mist
OCR Type: Reactivation/Rebirth
Last Known Where-abouts: Mist
Old IC Rank: S rank

New Character Name: Ayamaki Jotaro
Preferred Username: Jotaro
New Village: Leaf
New BL/CA: Seikon (Mercury)
Custom Class:
Custom Class said:
HP: (60+lvl) x stamina
CP: (40+lvl) x chakra control
Class Bonus: Kinjutsu option (Kensei)
High: Melee Accuracy
Average: Genjutsu Save, Dodge, Ninjutsu Accuracy
Low: Ranged Accuracy, Genjutsu DC
Main Branch/ANBU/Med-Nin: Main Branch
IC Rank: A Rank / Jounin

Character Age: 24
Gender: Male


Character's Physical Description:
Jotaro is a tall, well-built man carrying a massive greatsword on his back. He has spiky black hair with a single bang framing his face, wearing a dark blue combat uniform, with black boots and black gloves. His cheek has a cross-shaped scar. He is usually seen wearing a massive weapon on his back, a slab of steel, the weapon he grew with as a shinobi. His clothes are meant for comfort, but also for utility. While he isn't wearing any heavy armor, he is wearing enough to be in combat, as he was taught as a shinobi. Jotaro fights with all these he has, and wearing what he finds most comfortably.

Character's Mental Description:
Jotaro has a positive attitude and is always ready for work. His calm demeanor and inquisitive curiosity has him able to approach most situations with a calm mind. He is very kind and sociable, easily befriending anyone he meets. During crazier situations, due to his experience, he enters a flow state, mumbling to himself his choices in quick-time fashion, speaking in broken sentences as his thoughts spill out his mouth. His rationality allows him to find meaning in most amoral situations, however. He is usually sane and rational, and rarely ever goes beyond insanity to justify his morals. He does what he wants, when he wants, but he always ensures that no one ever gets hurt while doing it.

Character History/Kinjutsu application:

Jotaro's history is unappealing. Nothing unique occurred during his childhood that made him different from others. Rather, he was the product of two shinobi who migrated from the Tea Country. Jotaro's parents were Shinobi who would carry out many missions in diplomacy in the leaf. They were not that strong, but rather politically sufficient. Jotaro would accompany his parents as diplomats many times, his eyes full of wonder as they traveled to many different villages. He sat through many of the adventures his parents would have, as they traveled back and forth between many countries

While he was young, he started learning quickly the diplomacy and tactics of the Leaf. As part of a diplomatic program, he was sent to train as a shinobi, to continue his education as an immigrant. He was excited to represent his family at this amazing country.

The older Jotaro grew, the more interested he was in fighting and becoming a great shinobi. Alas, he never really flourished in the classes- he was clear in the middle as his thoughts never really turned to action. His middle-of-the-class ability allowed him to pass the genin exams, right at the cut-off mark.

Jotaro recognized that he was the lowest of all his graduate class. His realization came with a bout of sadness, but after a summer back at his parent's house, his thoughts turned positive- for him to be recognized as a great shinobi, he needed to live it. It was there that he dove right into his training. Jotaro became almost obsessive with his training, diving into studies with his jutsu and his weapons. He never really recognized what his specialties were until after his first couple months as a genin. It was during his first mission that his abilities blossomed. Jotaro felt a change as he was fighting a low-ranking criminal on a escorting mission. He was able to deal be faster then normal if he wanted, and his attacks felt like they tore through reality. He mentioned this to the Jounin leader of his genin group, and the Jounin mentioned the Seikon bloodline.

When Jotaro learned about this bloodline, he went to his parents. They told him of a legend passed down his mother's side of his family, a legend of individuals who excelled with the sword, honing their bodies to a precision unlike anything seen before, with each of their movements and attack seemingly piercing through reality. Jotaro was ecstatic- his formative years were nothing too special, and here he was, with an ability all to his own. His excitement turned to determination- it added towards his confidence. He picked up a sword, wanting to become like the stories of legend. His training turned into strength- he started becoming stronger and better with both the sword, and as a shinobi.

Jotaro quickly ranked up to Chunnin, taking missions and becoming a strong individual. However, Jotaro did have a distinct issue- he only ever took the minimum requirement needed for the next rank. For some reason, he didn't feel like the ranks represented his strength. He wanted to be strong on his on terms, not on what the country deemed for him. The legends and stories his parents told him of his family and other strong shinobi made him want to become like them. However, Jotaro was fully realized as a leaf citizen. He protected his country as much as he could if called upon, but otherwise, he mainly kept to himself.

Jotaro wanted to travel to become stronger. He took a mission that was not very important, but one that would allow him to travel to different countries. During this mission, a normal escort mission, Jotaro realized he was becoming closer and closer with his weapon, and at times, was distinctly utilizing it as an extension of his body. He never really thought of his weapon as more then a tool, but in his mind, it felt like it was becoming closer then that. Jotaro took a mental note, but never really thought about it much. As he was able to travel the world and train in different regions and with different enemies and people, Jotaro never really thought about the event as much.

During a fateful encounter, towards the end of the mission, Jotaro came across a rusted weapon in the forest during a pit stop for the escort mission. He didn't really think too much of it, however he picked it up. It was something that he thought was interesting, a massive weapon that was close to his height. He picked it up, noting its massive weight. It wasn't something he could easily wield, but as a training tool. Jotaro felt like he could make it his own.

"This is something interesting", Jotaro thought to himself as he carried the massive blade on his back.

The blade felt like it was calling to him. Jotaro carried the weapon back to the village as his escort mission ended. He took it to a licensed blacksmith, and cleaned it up. It was a lot more beautiful, but it seemed like just a massive slab of iron. Jotaro felt very excited as he grabbed the weapon and carried it out of the blacksmith shop. He felt connected to this weapon, more so then any other. His training was created to become a master of this massive blade. Everyday he would swing it, trying to get faster until the massive blade was weightless in his hands. He wanted to be able to use this weapon with flow. Jotaro wanted to create a fighting style that was unlike ever seen, a shinobi using a great sword like this one, busting the ideologies of how a shinobi should fight.

Jotaro wanted to perfect a sword style all his own. The buster sword (as he chose to call it) allowed him to create this style. From day to night he would train, swinging the buster sword until blood fell down the hilt. He knew only to stop when the there were no sounds around him.

This heavy regimen changed him as a person physically. Genetically, his height was of somewhat of a certainty. He grew to his adult height of 6'3". His body changed as he kept training. He grew stronger, his arms, chest, and legs becoming more powerful as he swung the massive blade back and forth.

Jotaro became closer to the sword then ever before. While he was still a chunnin, he soon had the strength of a jounin. He thought nothing of the Jounin advancement exams until he was reminded on his way to training via an old classmate. Jotaro never really thought of becoming a Jounin as a great achievement, but Jotaro felt that if he did become a jounin, he would have more freedom.

Passing with flying colors, Jotaro and the Buster Sword became closer then ever. At some points, Jotaro felt like he could speak to his weapon with how much time he spent mastering the blade. He did have human interaction, of course, but with the constant training, he became closer to being able to move the weapon freely. Every swing felt like an extension of his arm, every movement as if he was able to tear and sunder reality in two, with the massive blade the rift-creator.

At some point, Jotaro decided to take a Jounin-level mission. This was another mission, this time an elimination mission. He knew he had the ability to do something like this, but as this was a high-ranking mission, and he was just 18. Jotaro didn't quite know if he was ready, but he definitely felt that he was unstoppable with his weapon. The mission went as usual with the traveling. Nothing too special or unique in the journey, just more training with the Buster Sword. However, every swing felt different, unique compared to the training back in the village. Jotaro felt like he could just command the sword to appear from his back, utilizing very swift movements to pull the weapon out.

However, the mission did go awry. The person they were supposed to eliminate appeared in front of Jotaro, with an entire crew of shinobi. Jotaro swiftly took his weapon out, charging at the closest enemy, attacking them before he was attacked. The battle was bloody, with Jotaro being attacked from all sides, his training giving him but the slightest of advantages as he was attacked by multiple people. His massive weapon truly helped. He was able to stave off most attacks with the massive and quick swings of the buster sword, earning himself blood and limbs. The spattered spots filled the area, muddying footholds. Jotaro, however, starting going into his flow state, as he trained with his weapon. Every swing split the air, splitting reality and bodies.

The last thing Jotaro remembered before slowly catching his breath was his weapon lying on the ground, his body bloodied, both from his and his enemies. He was on his knees, exhaustion filling his muscles as he saw his enemies splattered around him. He was done. But for now, he would rest. He was exhausted from the battle and he did not know if there was much more he could do at this point besides rest. His head hit the ground and he fell into a deep sleep.

Jotaro would not wake until the morning. He cleaned his campsite up and picked his weapon up and just left. His mission was over, and he felt... different. The weapon did not feel like a heavyweight, but rather something that was just a part of him. It was strange. He felt like there was an extra limb on his body in the form of this weapon, strapped to his back. He went back to the village and completed the mission. There was seemingly nothing left to do, and he continued to train with the sword.

But this training was different from the others. Everything he was able to do... was cleaner, more efficient. Every swing felt amazing for him. And he knew that this weapon, which was once just a piece of slab on the ground, has now become... Jotaro. This Buster Sword was no longer just a sword, but an extension of Jotaro the person.

As he swung his last swing before the end of the night, Jotaro knew his life would change. He would use his abilities for the good of the Leaf, and to become the greatest swordsman the world has ever seen.

After this day, Jotaro continued to hone his ability as a Jounin, and as a swordsman. And he soon would carve his name into the history of this world.

WC: 1778 (this should cover kinjutsu application + BLC application.. right?)

Clan Request: none

Death/Retirement Thread: none
Old Profile: dunno :(
Old Training: dunno :(
Old Dojo: dunno :(
Old FAQ: dunno :(

Special Usergroups: N/A

Old Stats:
Agility: 600
Stamina: 600
Taijutsu: 600
Ninjutsu: 600
Genjutsu: 600
Chakra Control: 600

Old OOC Rank: S rank

Stat Cut: none

New Stats:
Agility: 600
Stamina: 600
Taijutsu: 600
Ninjutsu: 600
Genjutsu: 600
Chakra Control: 600
New OOC Rank: S rank
Free Elemental Affinity: Lightning(Major), Earth (minor)
Advanced Element: Gravity

Jutsu swaps:
E rank:
Body Switch Rank 3 -> Body Switch Master Rank
Push Rank 3 -> Storm Bolt Master Rank
Fireball Rank 3 -> Gravel Shift Master Rank

D Rank:
Immolation Armor Rank 3 -> Crystal Eye Master Rank
Cancel Rank 3 -> Cancel Master Rank
Crystal Eye Rank 2 ->Spirit Lantern master Rank
Blazing Fire Rank 3 ->Thunderclap Master Rank
Sticky Oil Rank 3 -> Electroshock Master Rank
Poison Mist Rank 3 -> Electrocution Master Rank
G Force Rank 3 -> Earth Flow River master Rank
Combustive Seal Rank 3 -> Sinkhole Fist Master Rank
Stunt Double Rank 3 -> Mud Clone Master rank

C Rank:
Scalding Ashe Cloud Rank 3 -> Barrier Master rank
Mirror Clone Rank 3 -> Zeus flash Master rank
Searing Eruption Rank 3 -> Lightning Torrent Master Rank
Blazing Flame Bullet Rank 3 -> Thunderstruck Master Rank
Firestorm Bomb Rank 3 -> Volt charge Master Rank
Dynamite Blast Rank 3 -> Inner Earth Reflection Lure Master Rank
Heat Wave Rank 3 -> Anti-Gravity Master Rank
Wall Of Spirits Rank 3 -> Gravitational Pull Master Rank

B Rank:
Immolating Nivrana Rank 3 -> Leech Seal Master rank
Energy Transfer Rank 3 -> Chakra Blast Master rank
Infernal Hellfire Rank 3 -> Rasengan master rank
Lightning Clones Rank 3 -> Gigavolt Cannon Master Rank
Spontaneous Combustion Rank 3 -> Chidori Master Rank
Mystic Transmutation Rank 3 -> Amp Field Master Rank
Scorching Purgatory Rank 3 -> Inertia Control Master Rank
Quicksilver Fury Rank 3 -> Forced Polarity Master Rank
Anabolic Frenzy Rank 3 -> Clutch of the Giant Master Rank

A Rank:
Gate of Enma Rank 2 -> Perfected Rasengan Master Rank
Volcanic Inferno Rank 3 -> Gates of Enma Master Rank
Searing Vortex Rank 3 -> Chidori Control Master Rank
Abysmal Harbinger Rank 3 ->Thunderdome Master Rank
Shinra Tensei Rank 2 -> Shinra Tensei Master Rank
Ice Prison Rank 3 -> Centrifugal Force Master Rank


E Rank:
Breath Control Rank 3 -> Janken Rank 2
Speed Boost Rank 3 -> Uncalled For Shot Rank 2
Crimson Flash Rank 3 -> Low Sweep Rank 2

D Rank:
Swirling Grind Rank 3 -> Full Circle Rank 2
Breathtaking Blow Rank 3 -> Cross Rip Rank 2
Chakra Extension Rank 3 -> Heavy Tow rank 2

C Rank:
Shadow Dance Rank 3 -> Vanishing Slash Rank 2
Burst of Speed Rank 3 -> Lunar Steps Rank 2
Burst of Strength Rank 3 -> Whisperer Rank 2
Aura Rank 3 -> Sword Juggle Rank 2
Gamble Maneuver Rank 3 -> Blade Trail Rank 2
Dragon Finish Rank 3 -> Dynamic Art Rank 2
Sadistic Whiplash Rank 3 -> Chakra Extension Rank 2
Shoryuken Rank 3 ->Shadow Dance Rank 2
Chain Grab Rank 3 -> Gather Rank 2
Bondage Rank 3 -> Chakra Absorption Master Rank
16 hit combo Rank 3 -> Shadow Dance Rank 2

B Rank:
Gravity Distortion Rank 3 -> Overwhelming Power Rank 2
Barrier Rank 3 -> Oversoul Rend Rank 2
Flesh Render Rank 3 -> Focal Blade Rank 2
Execution Rank 3 -> Flight Aerial Strike Rank 2
Kill Driver Rank 3 -> Kill Driver Rank 2
Visceral Rend Rank 3 -> Executioner Rank 2
Spear Hand Rank 3 -> Lotus Flower Rank 2
Hyper Extension Rank 3 -> Steel Weaving Rank 2
Lions Barrage Rank 3 -> Anabolic Frenzy Rank 2
Dragon's Assault Rank 3 -> Concealed Steps Rank 2

A Rank:
Anti-Gravity Rank 2 -> Kindred Fusion Rank 2
Annihilation Rank 4 -> Zantetsuken Rank 2
Limit Break Rank 3 -> Higuma Rank 2
Twilight Lotus Rank 4 -> Annihilation Rank 2
Asa Kujaku Rank 4 -> Limit Break Rank 2
Myriad Aura Rank 3 -> Insatiable Hunger Rank 2
Devastating Aura Rank 3 -> Devestating Aura Rank 2
Eternal Chaotic Dance Rank 4-> Unleash Rank 2

S Rank:
Kindred Fusion -> Omni-Flash Master Rank


Fixed the history. Should now have immigrated from tea country. Hopefully i can be approved soon :)


New Member
Mar 13, 2015
Old Character Name: Shouten Arashi
Old Village/Missing: Mist
OCR Type: Reactivation/Rebirth
Last Known Where-abouts: Mist
Old IC Rank: S rank

New Character Name: Ayamaki Jotaro
Preferred Username: Jotaro
New Village: Leaf
New BL/CA: Seikon (Mercury)
Custom Class:
Custom Class said:
HP: (60+lvl) x stamina
CP: (40+lvl) x chakra control
Class Bonus: Kinjutsu option (Kensei)
High: Melee Accuracy
Average: Genjutsu Save, Dodge, Ninjutsu Accuracy
Low: Ranged Accuracy, Genjutsu DC
Main Branch/ANBU/Med-Nin: Main Branch
IC Rank: A Rank / Jounin

Character Age: 24
Gender: Male


Character's Physical Description:
Jotaro is a tall, well-built man carrying a massive greatsword on his back. He has spiky black hair with a single bang framing his face, wearing a dark blue combat uniform, with black boots and black gloves. His cheek has a cross-shaped scar. He is usually seen wearing a massive weapon on his back, a slab of steel, the weapon he grew with as a shinobi. His clothes are meant for comfort, but also for utility. While he isn't wearing any heavy armor, he is wearing enough to be in combat, as he was taught as a shinobi. Jotaro fights with all these he has, and wearing what he finds most comfortably.

Character's Mental Description:
Jotaro has a positive attitude and is always ready for work. His calm demeanor and inquisitive curiosity has him able to approach most situations with a calm mind. He is very kind and sociable, easily befriending anyone he meets. During crazier situations, due to his experience, he enters a flow state, mumbling to himself his choices in quick-time fashion, speaking in broken sentences as his thoughts spill out his mouth. His rationality allows him to find meaning in most amoral situations, however. He is usually sane and rational, and rarely ever goes beyond insanity to justify his morals. He does what he wants, when he wants, but he always ensures that no one ever gets hurt while doing it.

Character History/Kinjutsu application:

Jotaro's history is unappealing. Nothing unique occurred during his childhood that made him different from others. Rather, he was the product of two shinobi who migrated from the Tea Country. Jotaro's parents were Shinobi who would carry out many missions in diplomacy in the leaf. They were not that strong, but rather politically sufficient. Jotaro would accompany his parents as diplomats many times, his eyes full of wonder as they traveled to many different villages. He sat through many of the adventures his parents would have, as they traveled back and forth between many countries

While he was young, he started learning quickly the diplomacy and tactics of the Leaf. As part of a diplomatic program, he was sent to train as a shinobi, to continue his education as an immigrant. He was excited to represent his family at this amazing country.

The older Jotaro grew, the more interested he was in fighting and becoming a great shinobi. Alas, he never really flourished in the classes- he was clear in the middle as his thoughts never really turned to action. His middle-of-the-class ability allowed him to pass the genin exams, right at the cut-off mark.

Jotaro recognized that he was the lowest of all his graduate class. His realization came with a bout of sadness, but after a summer back at his parent's house, his thoughts turned positive- for him to be recognized as a great shinobi, he needed to live it. It was there that he dove right into his training. Jotaro became almost obsessive with his training, diving into studies with his jutsu and his weapons. He never really recognized what his specialties were until after his first couple months as a genin. It was during his first mission that his abilities blossomed. Jotaro felt a change as he was fighting a low-ranking criminal on a escorting mission. He was able to deal be faster then normal if he wanted, and his attacks felt like they tore through reality. He mentioned this to the Jounin leader of his genin group, and the Jounin mentioned the Seikon bloodline.

When Jotaro learned about this bloodline, he went to his parents. They told him of a legend passed down his mother's side of his family, a legend of individuals who excelled with the sword, honing their bodies to a precision unlike anything seen before, with each of their movements and attack seemingly piercing through reality. Jotaro was ecstatic- his formative years were nothing too special, and here he was, with an ability all to his own. His excitement turned to determination- it added towards his confidence. He picked up a sword, wanting to become like the stories of legend. His training turned into strength- he started becoming stronger and better with both the sword, and as a shinobi.

Jotaro quickly ranked up to Chunnin, taking missions and becoming a strong individual. However, Jotaro did have a distinct issue- he only ever took the minimum requirement needed for the next rank. For some reason, he didn't feel like the ranks represented his strength. He wanted to be strong on his on terms, not on what the country deemed for him. The legends and stories his parents told him of his family and other strong shinobi made him want to become like them. However, Jotaro was fully realized as a leaf citizen. He protected his country as much as he could if called upon, but otherwise, he mainly kept to himself.

Jotaro wanted to travel to become stronger. He took a mission that was not very important, but one that would allow him to travel to different countries. During this mission, a normal escort mission, Jotaro realized he was becoming closer and closer with his weapon, and at times, was distinctly utilizing it as an extension of his body. He never really thought of his weapon as more then a tool, but in his mind, it felt like it was becoming closer then that. Jotaro took a mental note, but never really thought about it much. As he was able to travel the world and train in different regions and with different enemies and people, Jotaro never really thought about the event as much.

During a fateful encounter, towards the end of the mission, Jotaro came across a rusted weapon in the forest during a pit stop for the escort mission. He didn't really think too much of it, however he picked it up. It was something that he thought was interesting, a massive weapon that was close to his height. He picked it up, noting its massive weight. It wasn't something he could easily wield, but as a training tool. Jotaro felt like he could make it his own.

"This is something interesting", Jotaro thought to himself as he carried the massive blade on his back.

The blade felt like it was calling to him. Jotaro carried the weapon back to the village as his escort mission ended. He took it to a licensed blacksmith, and cleaned it up. It was a lot more beautiful, but it seemed like just a massive slab of iron. Jotaro felt very excited as he grabbed the weapon and carried it out of the blacksmith shop. He felt connected to this weapon, more so then any other. His training was created to become a master of this massive blade. Everyday he would swing it, trying to get faster until the massive blade was weightless in his hands. He wanted to be able to use this weapon with flow. Jotaro wanted to create a fighting style that was unlike ever seen, a shinobi using a great sword like this one, busting the ideologies of how a shinobi should fight.

Jotaro wanted to perfect a sword style all his own. The buster sword (as he chose to call it) allowed him to create this style. From day to night he would train, swinging the buster sword until blood fell down the hilt. He knew only to stop when the there were no sounds around him.

This heavy regimen changed him as a person physically. Genetically, his height was of somewhat of a certainty. He grew to his adult height of 6'3". His body changed as he kept training. He grew stronger, his arms, chest, and legs becoming more powerful as he swung the massive blade back and forth.

Jotaro became closer to the sword then ever before. While he was still a chunnin, he soon had the strength of a jounin. He thought nothing of the Jounin advancement exams until he was reminded on his way to training via an old classmate. Jotaro never really thought of becoming a Jounin as a great achievement, but Jotaro felt that if he did become a jounin, he would have more freedom.

Passing with flying colors, Jotaro and the Buster Sword became closer then ever. At some points, Jotaro felt like he could speak to his weapon with how much time he spent mastering the blade. He did have human interaction, of course, but with the constant training, he became closer to being able to move the weapon freely. Every swing felt like an extension of his arm, every movement as if he was able to tear and sunder reality in two, with the massive blade the rift-creator.

At some point, Jotaro decided to take a Jounin-level mission. This was another mission, this time an elimination mission. He knew he had the ability to do something like this, but as this was a high-ranking mission, and he was just 18. Jotaro didn't quite know if he was ready, but he definitely felt that he was unstoppable with his weapon. The mission went as usual with the traveling. Nothing too special or unique in the journey, just more training with the Buster Sword. However, every swing felt different, unique compared to the training back in the village. Jotaro felt like he could just command the sword to appear from his back, utilizing very swift movements to pull the weapon out.

However, the mission did go awry. The person they were supposed to eliminate appeared in front of Jotaro, with an entire crew of shinobi. Jotaro swiftly took his weapon out, charging at the closest enemy, attacking them before he was attacked. The battle was bloody, with Jotaro being attacked from all sides, his training giving him but the slightest of advantages as he was attacked by multiple people. His massive weapon truly helped. He was able to stave off most attacks with the massive and quick swings of the buster sword, earning himself blood and limbs. The spattered spots filled the area, muddying footholds. Jotaro, however, starting going into his flow state, as he trained with his weapon. Every swing split the air, splitting reality and bodies.

The last thing Jotaro remembered before slowly catching his breath was his weapon lying on the ground, his body bloodied, both from his and his enemies. He was on his knees, exhaustion filling his muscles as he saw his enemies splattered around him. He was done. But for now, he would rest. He was exhausted from the battle and he did not know if there was much more he could do at this point besides rest. His head hit the ground and he fell into a deep sleep.

Jotaro would not wake until the morning. He cleaned his campsite up and picked his weapon up and just left. His mission was over, and he felt... different. The weapon did not feel like a heavyweight, but rather something that was just a part of him. It was strange. He felt like there was an extra limb on his body in the form of this weapon, strapped to his back. He went back to the village and completed the mission. There was seemingly nothing left to do, and he continued to train with the sword.

But this training was different from the others. Everything he was able to do... was cleaner, more efficient. Every swing felt amazing for him. And he knew that this weapon, which was once just a piece of slab on the ground, has now become... Jotaro. This Buster Sword was no longer just a sword, but an extension of Jotaro the person.

As he swung his last swing before the end of the night, Jotaro knew his life would change. He would use his abilities for the good of the Leaf, and to become the greatest swordsman the world has ever seen. He would work as hard as he could to achieve these goals, because for him, that was the way to live. To become the world's best.

After this day, Jotaro continued to hone his ability as a Jounin, and as a swordsman. And he soon would carve his name into the history of this world.

WC: 1804 (this should cover kinjutsu application + BLC application.. right?)

Clan Request: none

Death/Retirement Thread: none
Old Profile: dunno :(
Old Training: dunno :(
Old Dojo: dunno :(
Old FAQ: dunno :(

Special Usergroups: N/A

Old Stats:
Agility: 600
Stamina: 600
Taijutsu: 600
Ninjutsu: 600
Genjutsu: 600
Chakra Control: 600

Old OOC Rank: S rank

Stat Cut: none

New Stats:
Agility: 600
Stamina: 600
Taijutsu: 600
Ninjutsu: 600
Genjutsu: 600
Chakra Control: 600
New OOC Rank: S rank
Free Elemental Affinity: Lightning(Major), Earth (minor)
Advanced Element: Gravity

Jutsu swaps:
E rank:
Body Switch Rank 3 -> Body Switch Master Rank
Push Rank 3 -> Storm Bolt Master Rank
Fireball Rank 3 -> Gravel Shift Master Rank

D Rank:
Immolation Armor Rank 3 -> Crystal Eye Master Rank
Cancel Rank 3 -> Cancel Master Rank
Crystal Eye Rank 2 ->Spirit Lantern master Rank
Blazing Fire Rank 3 ->Thunderclap Master Rank
Sticky Oil Rank 3 -> Electroshock Master Rank
Poison Mist Rank 3 -> Electrocution Master Rank
G Force Rank 3 -> Earth Flow River master Rank
Combustive Seal Rank 3 -> Sinkhole Fist Master Rank
Stunt Double Rank 3 -> Mud Clone Master rank

C Rank:
Scalding Ashe Cloud Rank 3 -> Barrier Master rank
Mirror Clone Rank 3 -> Zeus flash Master rank
Searing Eruption Rank 3 -> Lightning Torrent Master Rank
Blazing Flame Bullet Rank 3 -> Thunderstruck Master Rank
Firestorm Bomb Rank 3 -> Volt charge Master Rank
Dynamite Blast Rank 3 -> Inner Earth Reflection Lure Master Rank
Heat Wave Rank 3 -> Anti-Gravity Master Rank
Wall Of Spirits Rank 3 -> Gravitational Pull Master Rank

B Rank:
Immolating Nivrana Rank 3 -> Leech Seal Master rank
Energy Transfer Rank 3 -> Chakra Blast Master rank
Infernal Hellfire Rank 3 -> Rasengan master rank
Lightning Clones Rank 3 -> Gigavolt Cannon Master Rank
Spontaneous Combustion Rank 3 -> Chidori Master Rank
Mystic Transmutation Rank 3 -> Amp Field Master Rank
Scorching Purgatory Rank 3 -> Inertia Control Master Rank
Quicksilver Fury Rank 3 -> Forced Polarity Master Rank
Anabolic Frenzy Rank 3 -> Clutch of the Giant Master Rank

A Rank:
Gate of Enma Rank 2 -> Perfected Rasengan Master Rank
Volcanic Inferno Rank 3 -> Gates of Enma Master Rank
Searing Vortex Rank 3 -> Chidori Control Master Rank
Abysmal Harbinger Rank 3 ->Thunderdome Master Rank
Shinra Tensei Rank 2 -> Shinra Tensei Master Rank
Ice Prison Rank 3 -> Centrifugal Force Master Rank


E Rank:
Breath Control Rank 3 -> Janken Rank 2
Speed Boost Rank 3 -> Uncalled For Shot Rank 2
Crimson Flash Rank 3 -> Low Sweep Rank 2

D Rank:
Swirling Grind Rank 3 -> Full Circle Rank 2
Breathtaking Blow Rank 3 -> Cross Rip Rank 2
Chakra Extension Rank 3 -> Heavy Tow rank 2

C Rank:
Shadow Dance Rank 3 -> Vanishing Slash Rank 2
Burst of Speed Rank 3 -> Lunar Steps Rank 2
Burst of Strength Rank 3 -> Whisperer Rank 2
Aura Rank 3 -> Sword Juggle Rank 2
Gamble Maneuver Rank 3 -> Blade Trail Rank 2
Dragon Finish Rank 3 -> Dynamic Art Rank 2
Sadistic Whiplash Rank 3 -> Chakra Extension Rank 2
Shoryuken Rank 3 ->Shadow Dance Rank 2
Chain Grab Rank 3 -> Gather Rank 2
Bondage Rank 3 -> Chakra Absorption Master Rank
16 hit combo Rank 3 -> Shadow Dance Rank 2

B Rank:
Gravity Distortion Rank 3 -> Overwhelming Power Rank 2
Barrier Rank 3 -> Oversoul Rend Rank 2
Flesh Render Rank 3 -> Focal Blade Rank 2
Execution Rank 3 -> Flight Aerial Strike Rank 2
Kill Driver Rank 3 -> Kill Driver Rank 2
Visceral Rend Rank 3 -> Executioner Rank 2
Spear Hand Rank 3 -> Lotus Flower Rank 2
Hyper Extension Rank 3 -> Steel Weaving Rank 2
Lions Barrage Rank 3 -> Anabolic Frenzy Rank 2
Dragon's Assault Rank 3 -> Concealed Steps Rank 2

A Rank:
Anti-Gravity Rank 2 -> Kindred Fusion Rank 2
Annihilation Rank 4 -> Zantetsuken Rank 2
Limit Break Rank 3 -> Higuma Rank 2
Twilight Lotus Rank 4 -> Annihilation Rank 2
Asa Kujaku Rank 4 -> Limit Break Rank 2
Myriad Aura Rank 3 -> Insatiable Hunger Rank 2
Devastating Aura Rank 3 -> Devestating Aura Rank 2
Eternal Chaotic Dance Rank 4-> Unleash Rank 2

S Rank:
Kindred Fusion -> Omni-Flash Master Rank

EDIT (Hopefully for the last time....): fixed WC to 1804 and changed history a tiny tiny bit to finally meet word counts.

Sazuki Nao

Well-Known Member
Oct 4, 2017
OOC Rank
Old Character Name: Shouten Arashi
Old Village/Missing: Mist
OCR Type: Reactivation/Rebirth
Last Known Where-abouts: Mist
Old IC Rank: S rank

New Character Name: Ayamaki Jotaro
Preferred Username: Jotaro
New Village: Leaf
New BL/CA: Seikon (Mercury)
Custom Class:
Custom Class said:
HP: (60+lvl) x stamina
CP: (40+lvl) x chakra control
Class Bonus: Kinjutsu option (Kensei)
High: Melee Accuracy
Average: Genjutsu Save, Dodge, Ninjutsu Accuracy
Low: Ranged Accuracy, Genjutsu DC
Main Branch/ANBU/Med-Nin: Main Branch
IC Rank: A Rank / Jounin

Character Age: 24
Gender: Male


Character's Physical Description:
Jotaro is a tall, well-built man carrying a massive greatsword on his back. He has spiky black hair with a single bang framing his face, wearing a dark blue combat uniform, with black boots and black gloves. His cheek has a cross-shaped scar. He is usually seen wearing a massive weapon on his back, a slab of steel, the weapon he grew with as a shinobi. His clothes are meant for comfort, but also for utility. While he isn't wearing any heavy armor, he is wearing enough to be in combat, as he was taught as a shinobi. Jotaro fights with all these he has, and wearing what he finds most comfortably.

Character's Mental Description:
Jotaro has a positive attitude and is always ready for work. His calm demeanor and inquisitive curiosity has him able to approach most situations with a calm mind. He is very kind and sociable, easily befriending anyone he meets. During crazier situations, due to his experience, he enters a flow state, mumbling to himself his choices in quick-time fashion, speaking in broken sentences as his thoughts spill out his mouth. His rationality allows him to find meaning in most amoral situations, however. He is usually sane and rational, and rarely ever goes beyond insanity to justify his morals. He does what he wants, when he wants, but he always ensures that no one ever gets hurt while doing it.

Character History/Kinjutsu application:

Jotaro's history is unappealing. Nothing unique occurred during his childhood that made him different from others. Rather, he was the product of two shinobi who migrated from the Tea Country. Jotaro's parents were Shinobi who would carry out many missions in diplomacy in the leaf. They were not that strong, but rather politically sufficient. Jotaro would accompany his parents as diplomats many times, his eyes full of wonder as they traveled to many different villages. He sat through many of the adventures his parents would have, as they traveled back and forth between many countries

While he was young, he started learning quickly the diplomacy and tactics of the Leaf. As part of a diplomatic program, he was sent to train as a shinobi, to continue his education as an immigrant. He was excited to represent his family at this amazing country.

The older Jotaro grew, the more interested he was in fighting and becoming a great shinobi. Alas, he never really flourished in the classes- he was clear in the middle as his thoughts never really turned to action. His middle-of-the-class ability allowed him to pass the genin exams, right at the cut-off mark.

Jotaro recognized that he was the lowest of all his graduate class. His realization came with a bout of sadness, but after a summer back at his parent's house, his thoughts turned positive- for him to be recognized as a great shinobi, he needed to live it. It was there that he dove right into his training. Jotaro became almost obsessive with his training, diving into studies with his jutsu and his weapons. He never really recognized what his specialties were until after his first couple months as a genin. It was during his first mission that his abilities blossomed. Jotaro felt a change as he was fighting a low-ranking criminal on a escorting mission. He was able to deal be faster then normal if he wanted, and his attacks felt like they tore through reality. He mentioned this to the Jounin leader of his genin group, and the Jounin mentioned the Seikon bloodline.

When Jotaro learned about this bloodline, he went to his parents. They told him of a legend passed down his mother's side of his family, a legend of individuals who excelled with the sword, honing their bodies to a precision unlike anything seen before, with each of their movements and attack seemingly piercing through reality. Jotaro was ecstatic- his formative years were nothing too special, and here he was, with an ability all to his own. His excitement turned to determination- it added towards his confidence. He picked up a sword, wanting to become like the stories of legend. His training turned into strength- he started becoming stronger and better with both the sword, and as a shinobi.

Jotaro quickly ranked up to Chunnin, taking missions and becoming a strong individual. However, Jotaro did have a distinct issue- he only ever took the minimum requirement needed for the next rank. For some reason, he didn't feel like the ranks represented his strength. He wanted to be strong on his on terms, not on what the country deemed for him. The legends and stories his parents told him of his family and other strong shinobi made him want to become like them. However, Jotaro was fully realized as a leaf citizen. He protected his country as much as he could if called upon, but otherwise, he mainly kept to himself.

Jotaro wanted to travel to become stronger. He took a mission that was not very important, but one that would allow him to travel to different countries. During this mission, a normal escort mission, Jotaro realized he was becoming closer and closer with his weapon, and at times, was distinctly utilizing it as an extension of his body. He never really thought of his weapon as more then a tool, but in his mind, it felt like it was becoming closer then that. Jotaro took a mental note, but never really thought about it much. As he was able to travel the world and train in different regions and with different enemies and people, Jotaro never really thought about the event as much.

During a fateful encounter, towards the end of the mission, Jotaro came across a rusted weapon in the forest during a pit stop for the escort mission. He didn't really think too much of it, however he picked it up. It was something that he thought was interesting, a massive weapon that was close to his height. He picked it up, noting its massive weight. It wasn't something he could easily wield, but as a training tool. Jotaro felt like he could make it his own.

"This is something interesting", Jotaro thought to himself as he carried the massive blade on his back.

The blade felt like it was calling to him. Jotaro carried the weapon back to the village as his escort mission ended. He took it to a licensed blacksmith, and cleaned it up. It was a lot more beautiful, but it seemed like just a massive slab of iron. Jotaro felt very excited as he grabbed the weapon and carried it out of the blacksmith shop. He felt connected to this weapon, more so then any other. His training was created to become a master of this massive blade. Everyday he would swing it, trying to get faster until the massive blade was weightless in his hands. He wanted to be able to use this weapon with flow. Jotaro wanted to create a fighting style that was unlike ever seen, a shinobi using a great sword like this one, busting the ideologies of how a shinobi should fight.

Jotaro wanted to perfect a sword style all his own. The buster sword (as he chose to call it) allowed him to create this style. From day to night he would train, swinging the buster sword until blood fell down the hilt. He knew only to stop when the there were no sounds around him.

This heavy regimen changed him as a person physically. Genetically, his height was of somewhat of a certainty. He grew to his adult height of 6'3". His body changed as he kept training. He grew stronger, his arms, chest, and legs becoming more powerful as he swung the massive blade back and forth.

Jotaro became closer to the sword then ever before. While he was still a chunnin, he soon had the strength of a jounin. He thought nothing of the Jounin advancement exams until he was reminded on his way to training via an old classmate. Jotaro never really thought of becoming a Jounin as a great achievement, but Jotaro felt that if he did become a jounin, he would have more freedom.

Passing with flying colors, Jotaro and the Buster Sword became closer then ever. At some points, Jotaro felt like he could speak to his weapon with how much time he spent mastering the blade. He did have human interaction, of course, but with the constant training, he became closer to being able to move the weapon freely. Every swing felt like an extension of his arm, every movement as if he was able to tear and sunder reality in two, with the massive blade the rift-creator.

At some point, Jotaro decided to take a Jounin-level mission. This was another mission, this time an elimination mission. He knew he had the ability to do something like this, but as this was a high-ranking mission, and he was just 18. Jotaro didn't quite know if he was ready, but he definitely felt that he was unstoppable with his weapon. The mission went as usual with the traveling. Nothing too special or unique in the journey, just more training with the Buster Sword. However, every swing felt different, unique compared to the training back in the village. Jotaro felt like he could just command the sword to appear from his back, utilizing very swift movements to pull the weapon out.

However, the mission did go awry. The person they were supposed to eliminate appeared in front of Jotaro, with an entire crew of shinobi. Jotaro swiftly took his weapon out, charging at the closest enemy, attacking them before he was attacked. The battle was bloody, with Jotaro being attacked from all sides, his training giving him but the slightest of advantages as he was attacked by multiple people. His massive weapon truly helped. He was able to stave off most attacks with the massive and quick swings of the buster sword, earning himself blood and limbs. The spattered spots filled the area, muddying footholds. Jotaro, however, starting going into his flow state, as he trained with his weapon. Every swing split the air, splitting reality and bodies.

The last thing Jotaro remembered before slowly catching his breath was his weapon lying on the ground, his body bloodied, both from his and his enemies. He was on his knees, exhaustion filling his muscles as he saw his enemies splattered around him. He was done. But for now, he would rest. He was exhausted from the battle and he did not know if there was much more he could do at this point besides rest. His head hit the ground and he fell into a deep sleep.

Jotaro would not wake until the morning. He cleaned his campsite up and picked his weapon up and just left. His mission was over, and he felt... different. The weapon did not feel like a heavyweight, but rather something that was just a part of him. It was strange. He felt like there was an extra limb on his body in the form of this weapon, strapped to his back. He went back to the village and completed the mission. There was seemingly nothing left to do, and he continued to train with the sword.

But this training was different from the others. Everything he was able to do... was cleaner, more efficient. Every swing felt amazing for him. And he knew that this weapon, which was once just a piece of slab on the ground, has now become... Jotaro. This Buster Sword was no longer just a sword, but an extension of Jotaro the person.

As he swung his last swing before the end of the night, Jotaro knew his life would change. He would use his abilities for the good of the Leaf, and to become the greatest swordsman the world has ever seen. He would work as hard as he could to achieve these goals, because for him, that was the way to live. To become the world's best.

After this day, Jotaro continued to hone his ability as a Jounin, and as a swordsman. And he soon would carve his name into the history of this world.

WC: 1804 (this should cover kinjutsu application + BLC application.. right?)

Clan Request: none

Death/Retirement Thread: none
Old Profile: dunno :(
Old Training: dunno :(
Old Dojo: dunno :(
Old FAQ: dunno :(

Special Usergroups: N/A

Old Stats:
Agility: 600
Stamina: 600
Taijutsu: 600
Ninjutsu: 600
Genjutsu: 600
Chakra Control: 600

Old OOC Rank: S rank

Stat Cut: none

New Stats:
Agility: 600
Stamina: 600
Taijutsu: 600
Ninjutsu: 600
Genjutsu: 600
Chakra Control: 600
New OOC Rank: S rank
Free Elemental Affinity: Lightning(Major), Earth (minor)
Advanced Element: Gravity

Jutsu swaps:
E rank:
Body Switch Rank 3 -> Body Switch Master Rank
Push Rank 3 -> Storm Bolt Master Rank
Fireball Rank 3 -> Gravel Shift Master Rank

D Rank:
Immolation Armor Rank 3 -> Crystal Eye Master Rank
Cancel Rank 3 -> Cancel Master Rank
Crystal Eye Rank 2 ->Spirit Lantern master Rank
Blazing Fire Rank 3 ->Thunderclap Master Rank
Sticky Oil Rank 3 -> Electroshock Master Rank
Poison Mist Rank 3 -> Electrocution Master Rank
G Force Rank 3 -> Earth Flow River master Rank
Combustive Seal Rank 3 -> Sinkhole Fist Master Rank
Stunt Double Rank 3 -> Mud Clone Master rank

C Rank:
Scalding Ashe Cloud Rank 3 -> Barrier Master rank
Mirror Clone Rank 3 -> Zeus flash Master rank
Searing Eruption Rank 3 -> Lightning Torrent Master Rank
Blazing Flame Bullet Rank 3 -> Thunderstruck Master Rank
Firestorm Bomb Rank 3 -> Volt charge Master Rank
Dynamite Blast Rank 3 -> Inner Earth Reflection Lure Master Rank
Heat Wave Rank 3 -> Anti-Gravity Master Rank
Wall Of Spirits Rank 3 -> Gravitational Pull Master Rank

B Rank:
Immolating Nivrana Rank 3 -> Leech Seal Master rank
Energy Transfer Rank 3 -> Chakra Blast Master rank
Infernal Hellfire Rank 3 -> Rasengan master rank
Lightning Clones Rank 3 -> Gigavolt Cannon Master Rank
Spontaneous Combustion Rank 3 -> Chidori Master Rank
Mystic Transmutation Rank 3 -> Amp Field Master Rank
Scorching Purgatory Rank 3 -> Inertia Control Master Rank
Quicksilver Fury Rank 3 -> Forced Polarity Master Rank
Anabolic Frenzy Rank 3 -> Clutch of the Giant Master Rank

A Rank:
Gate of Enma Rank 2 -> Perfected Rasengan Master Rank
Volcanic Inferno Rank 3 -> Gates of Enma Master Rank
Searing Vortex Rank 3 -> Chidori Control Master Rank
Abysmal Harbinger Rank 3 ->Thunderdome Master Rank
Shinra Tensei Rank 2 -> Shinra Tensei Master Rank
Ice Prison Rank 3 -> Centrifugal Force Master Rank


E Rank:
Breath Control Rank 3 -> Janken Rank 2
Speed Boost Rank 3 -> Uncalled For Shot Rank 2
Crimson Flash Rank 3 -> Low Sweep Rank 2

D Rank:
Swirling Grind Rank 3 -> Full Circle Rank 2
Breathtaking Blow Rank 3 -> Cross Rip Rank 2
Chakra Extension Rank 3 -> Heavy Tow rank 2

C Rank:
Shadow Dance Rank 3 -> Vanishing Slash Rank 2
Burst of Speed Rank 3 -> Lunar Steps Rank 2
Burst of Strength Rank 3 -> Whisperer Rank 2
Aura Rank 3 -> Sword Juggle Rank 2
Gamble Maneuver Rank 3 -> Blade Trail Rank 2
Dragon Finish Rank 3 -> Dynamic Art Rank 2
Sadistic Whiplash Rank 3 -> Chakra Extension Rank 2
Shoryuken Rank 3 ->Shadow Dance Rank 2
Chain Grab Rank 3 -> Gather Rank 2
Bondage Rank 3 -> Chakra Absorption Master Rank
16 hit combo Rank 3 -> Shadow Dance Rank 2

B Rank:
Gravity Distortion Rank 3 -> Overwhelming Power Rank 2
Barrier Rank 3 -> Oversoul Rend Rank 2
Flesh Render Rank 3 -> Focal Blade Rank 2
Execution Rank 3 -> Flight Aerial Strike Rank 2
Kill Driver Rank 3 -> Kill Driver Rank 2
Visceral Rend Rank 3 -> Executioner Rank 2
Spear Hand Rank 3 -> Lotus Flower Rank 2
Hyper Extension Rank 3 -> Steel Weaving Rank 2
Lions Barrage Rank 3 -> Anabolic Frenzy Rank 2
Dragon's Assault Rank 3 -> Concealed Steps Rank 2

A Rank:
Anti-Gravity Rank 2 -> Kindred Fusion Rank 2
Annihilation Rank 4 -> Zantetsuken Rank 2
Limit Break Rank 3 -> Higuma Rank 2
Twilight Lotus Rank 4 -> Annihilation Rank 2
Asa Kujaku Rank 4 -> Limit Break Rank 2
Myriad Aura Rank 3 -> Insatiable Hunger Rank 2
Devastating Aura Rank 3 -> Devestating Aura Rank 2
Eternal Chaotic Dance Rank 4-> Unleash Rank 2

S Rank:
Kindred Fusion -> Omni-Flash Master Rank

EDIT (Hopefully for the last time....): fixed WC to 1804 and changed history a tiny tiny bit to finally meet word counts.

Taken to the council

Sazuki Nao

Well-Known Member
Oct 4, 2017
OOC Rank
You have been approved!

I will work on the yen and ASP, with the shop update this will mean that you need to re-purchase items. So I will try to get a full list of your past Jutsu, to then reimburse the yen and ASP, sorry for that wait.

I am quite busy with recovering and full time job, sorry if I don't get it done this weekend.


New Member
Mar 13, 2015
I have been very busy as well.. work has been killer. I dont see any ASP or yen to purchase my jutsu, can I assume it will be getting done soon?

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:
