Ninpocho Chronicles

Ninpocho Chronicles is a fantasy-ish setting storyline, set in an alternate universe World of Ninjas, where the Naruto and Boruto series take place. This means that none of the canon characters exists, or existed here.

Each ninja starts from the bottom and start their training as an Academy Student. From there they develop abilities akin to that of demigods as they grow in age and experience.

Along the way they gain new friends (or enemies), take on jobs and complete contracts and missions for their respective villages where their training and skill will be tested to their limits.

The sky is the limit as the blank page you see before you can be filled with countless of adventures with your character in the game.

This is Ninpocho Chronicles.

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:

Private Foundation of Teamwork (Requesting Raikage)


New Member
Jan 18, 2021
OOC Rank
Momo waited patiently in the waiting area. It’s been awhile since she last saw this place. By awhile I mean years. The last time she sat in this lobby was when she was patiently waiting for the repercussions of assaulting a senior ranked shinobi. He deserved it and such a repercussion was both worth it and well earned. She regretted nothing of those days. Now times were different. Momo was an established Chunnin doing missions among other big things. She even earned herself a bit of a reputation as both a shinobi and a musician. Around the village, people knew her as “Big Hat Momo” As she wore a big red hat with a skulls face. It was probably because Momo was easily identifiable that even people she’d never met knew her as Big Hat Momo. Her eccentric appearance and personality was hard to forget. And even harder to miss. Even now as she waited in the lobby, she could see the Kage’s secretary starring as Momo flipped her surf green-colored Duesenberg Starplayer II guitar around her neck like a hot shot rock star. Momo would give her a wink before carrying on as normal or rather Momo’s normal. Reaching into her blouse, Momo would pull out a slightly crumbled letter with a broken seal. It was what brought her here this day. It was a summons from headquarters requesting her presence. Apparently the Raikage wished to have word with her and a few others. Maybe it had something to do with the recent invasion or maybe it was PR related. “Maybe the Raikage wants a personal concert? Or to start a national band? Or maybe the late night noise complaints are catching up to me ho ho!” Whichever the case, Momo waited patiently to be called in, wondering to herself if the Raikage was a music lover.

[Requesting Horigome Sukejuro, Koga Akane, Raikage]

Koga Akane

New Member
Aug 30, 2021
“Akaaaaneee! Get up! You have mail!” A loud voice echoed throughout the house. The holler made its way into her bedroom that soon followed with groans of exhaustion. The covers were pulled over her head but another scream scared the life out of Akane and in seconds she was up. Brown hair in a mess and bags under her eyes Akane gently grabbed the letter from her mom's hand and opened it. The contents visibly shook her. Akane squinted her eyes in suspicion while her mother did the same and looked at each other. “D-did they find out?” Akane whispered. “How could they? We left no trail and we’re not attempting to be enemies.” Her mother said, speaking truthfully behind her words. “Regardless, you’ll have to go to the Raikage’s tower. Go get ready.” Shooing her away with a pale hand.

After an hour Akane stepped out of her home onto the streets of Kumo. A welcome breeze rolled past her, shifting her traditional dark blue school uniform in the wind. Another hour was spent wandering through the streets looking for the damn building. The unsavory alleyways were avoided but even then the nicer residences lacked people or guards. “Can’t get anywhere without signage or even someone to ask!” A sigh of annoyance escaped her lips while a sign caught her attention. It stated that this was the building that the Raikage remained in. In disbelief she looked side to side, wondering how many times she walked past it. Up the stairs to the secretary Akane handed over the letter, with a moment for verification she was allowed entry further into the building. Personnel happily directed her to the waiting room and as the door opened she caught a glimpse of a familiar face.

There had been posters littered about the streets of an iconic hat. “Oh man! Big Hat Momo! What are you doing here! Whoaaa!” Dramatically Akane slid over to the woman with the skull hat with her eyes twinkling. “I saw you on social media! Look!” Her hand dug into her pocket to pull out her smart phone with a little bunny trinket hanging off it. Scrolling through her pictures she pulled up a video of Momo’s small performance and showed it to her. “Your songs are amazing! Wait.. Did you get a letter in the mail too?” Partially invading her space Akane got lost in thought while talking to the woman. Completely forgetting the seriousness of her past and it’s connection with Kumo today.

[Topic Entered]

Horigome Sukejuro

New Member
Jan 6, 2013
Sun or Moon, it seemed that the time of day made no different on his manic moods. Meandering footfalls proceeded the figure as they made their way to a most unprecedented summon that he could hardly expect, given his proclivity toward the immense neglect of certain social aspects of his life. That wasn’t to say he was surprised to be approached, via written notification, pulling the scroll from a repurposed sort of hole in one of the exterior walls of his compound, it was rather touching that the Raikage would occasionally send him something, even if by far he was hardly the most efficient shinobi in the village. While appreciative, he mostly skimmed through the modest document skimmed it for the most relevant details, ergo why it concerned him.

However even that somewhat failed him as the excitement of…mingling truly made his heart sing~, but why? Was the crushing subpar existence focusing solely on survival making him long for the world of the living once again? Hurriedly, he made his way with all his most exquisite tools of cutting, ripping, mutilation and war, oh it had been so long since…he got a chance to apply the material designs in a a live trial type environment! It had been so long since…he had saw traitors and foes wail in vain to the cruel machinations he devised in a vaccum devoid of human warmth.

As the young adult who had survived the worst life could possibly throw at him without snuffing the light in his heart and soul. He nontheless felt a brief pause, rapid giddy running strides as he came across crude stone effigies of the lost. Dead or gone from one instance or another, people that…well he would have to revisit the Garden of the Lost at sometime soon, for now he refused to let them drag him down from the esteemed commandant of the glorious Raikage!


Where?: The Raikage tower
When?: Now! (-Ish)
Why?: Beats me!
How?: Walking mostly.

Heavy and by all counts, most likely scavenged or poorly sewn and crafted by hand by a hand that could have cared less. Black oversized hooded cape gave the masked stranger the look of a ghastly carrion bird as he swept in with umbral wisps and folds as black as the moonless night, opaque blues of glass lenses fixed firmly into the eye sockets of an abstract and rather surreal skullish ‘face’ like a grave horror one might expect to find in the folklore tales as a distinct possibility to happen upon in an ill fated trip to the graveyard at night. Truth
Was, when he removed himself so far from the fundamental baseline of his humanity, it was the closest he could feel comfort in his own skin. Understanding such things about himself had oft been a a rather mentally tumultuous time though knowing these inner truths hadn’t done anything to heal. These were just ‘ghosts’ of pain, introspective noise that served to make it only the easier to identify with a ephemeral astral being with little presence or immediate control on anything. From the moment he entered the Torre Celeste, such noise of his thoughts became quiet like a sepulchers where naught a shred of life could be found, his heart was locked in a cage as he idly attended to his well oiled claws, a pair of complex razors controlled by specific motion to slide and retract like a pair of monstrous and savage extremities from beings from beyond. This was his only pride, weapons he thought. Before he knew it, he had made his way to the mustering area where two others could be found.

People he neither recognized nor heard about, not that he would have the patience or consideration to understand why either of them were important in any exceptional capacity, save that they were allied through their connection to this land he had lived in, and that he would sacrifice himself for either despite knowing neither. This however, really threw a wrench into the idyllic soundlessness of his thoughts. Expecting to be reprimanded, issued an order, he hadn’t thought he would be in such close proximity of strangers which caused an uncertain amount of excitement and nervousness as he spread and extended both of his fingers as the blades unlocked, sliding into the heavy metal and leather blade sheaths built into each elaborate wrist gauntlet before tightly curling his fingers until a series of clicks, like the cracking of knuckles, signaled each lock was now properly in place.

Now was time for the most difficult thing in the world, balancing a childlike desire for acceptance and desire to feel human with the phobias and anxieties that a lifetime of neglect and trauma had borne. As his stomach started to twist, an uncomfortable pit of discomfort growing he would decide to introduce “My, I hadn’t expected to see others here. What a…pleasant surprise, yes” He really spoke generally, not to anyone in particular. Admittedly though, he was rather interested in that…hat. It was quite unusual compared to the usual fare with which others carried themselves. With quick motions he darted his attention to both of them “Eh? I’m not late am I~?” He’d ask, a sweet, energetic canter to his voice hiding a world of insecurities and unhealthy thought patterns which could have been seen as the most defining aspect of his entire career.

[mft][908 wc]
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Shinrya Kitsune

11th Raikage
Staff member
Oct 23, 2012
OOC Rank
Kitsune, sitting in her office like she did most days, was busy preparing the paperwork for a squad that she’d been planning to put together. A small taskforce capable of working together at high levels of skill and aptitude. Ideally, it’d also be one capable of handling missions as a strike-team. An “In and out, job done” kind of team. On the desk in front of her were 3 dossiers. The first one: Momo; a girl with a flair for the theatrical and musical, and a proven track record as a chuunin. This might give her some leadership experience before the eventual promotion to Jounin at some point.

Her eyes slid over to gaze upon the second dossier: Akane; another girl, but a genin this time. Ideally serving on this team would give her real-world experience and hopefully teach her valuable skills for this line of work. Lastly, Kitsune glanced over at the third dossier: Sukejuro; the masked one. His real face being a total mystery, and frankly, so was his skill set. So Kitsune wanted to use this chance to identify his capabilities, as he was quite the mysterious chuunin, and Kitsune needed to know the strength of her subordinates.

Once the three had arrived, Kitsunes secretary would invite them all to step inside the office, and take a seat at the heavy wooden meeting table, where a large pot of tea, along with cups and so on had already been prepared for them. Kitsune herself would wait for them to take their seats, before she got up, three file folders in hand, and walked over to the seat at the end of the table, placing the folders down on the tabletop, before finally sitting down. ”I’m please you all were able to make it.” she said and gave a smile to each of them before sliding a folder to each.

”I’m sure you’re curious as to why I’ve asked you all here, and these folders hold the answer. Please have a look at the contents.” she continued and gestured. Inside the folder they’d find a document detailing the plan of putting together a strike team for strategic mission-running, and skill improvement. They’d likely be able to guess the intent and where this was going.


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Jan 18, 2021
OOC Rank
The Big hat musician eyes met a newcomer to the party. An energetic youth strolled in, bright eyed and full of spunk. Momo could recognize a fan when she eyed one. It was written all over this girls face… that coupled with the fact that she knew Momo’s stage name and pulled up a concert video of Momo’s earlier performance. Momo awkwardly smiled in return and acted as if she was watching the video for the first time, “Oh wow yeah that’s a video of me on social media…. Right where I put it….” She failed in hiding her obvious sarcasm but politeness wasn’t one of her many strengths. The girl said something interesting however. Something about receiving a letter too. Before Momo could respond however, a ghastly site caught her eye. A man wearing the creepiest getup Momo has ever seen walked in. He was masked and looked like something from a slasher film. Oddly though, his appearance deceived as his voice and eagerness to clear the awkward air seemed genuinely kind. He greeted everyone in a way and Momo quickly responded, “A surprise? I’d say! Ho ho ho, if you’re hear for the cult ritual, human sacrifice, and torture, that’s the other building though I highly recommend that you don’t drink the cool aid, know what I mean. But on the off chance you got one of these nefty litto letters than I think you’re right on time.” Suddenly they were called into the Raikage’s office. Right on time indeed. Led into the office they’d find a large wooden table, tea, and their summoner holding folders. Momo would sit down next to the masked murderer and nudge him with her elbow before swiftly gesturing at the tea, and whispering to him, “I think this cool aid is safe.” Without taking a cup herself Momo would receive a file as the Raikage spoke. Without hesitation Momo would flip it open, tilting her big hat up above her brow, “Ummm… So this isn’t because your starting a national band???”

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Koga Akane

New Member
Aug 30, 2021
Akane’s outward spirit never wavered even at BHM’s annoyed response back to her. “Gotta love this city! Everyone is so high spirited and friendly!” A faux smile remained pressed on her pink lips. The door behind her creaked open, turning her shoulder and a man in a ghastly white mask with a loud breathing apparatus walked into the room. His stance and mannerisms were that of an iconic serial killer Akane read in books at the city's library. Awkward, eager to meet new faces and every feature hidden underneath his garb.

The next individual to walk in was a woman dressed in fancy garb. Her clothing was pressed and wrinkle free and her hair glistened like wildfire in the sunlight. Akane moved away from BHM and stood up straight, looking up to meet the woman's gaze. ‘Another secretary?’ Akane pondered in her head, following the woman's gesture they were escorted into a room. Akane neatly sat down in an open seat while a question still plagued her mind. ‘Is that… the Raikage?’ Bewildered, it was strange seeing a woman in power to lead a nation. Where she hailed most women took up many roles that catered to men, something that she had been led to believe was the absolute place for them. However, ever since leaving her, the horizon of the other world had been expanding as fast as the speed of light. ‘Like 100 miles per hours of something.’ She shrugged.

At the edge of her seat Akane desperately tried to appear like a normal Kumo kid. It would be easier to mimic if everyone in Kumo was the picture perfect 2000’s emo kid with their socially awkward selves and movements. Everyone so far was far from normal, on the negative side. Her heart returned to a normal heart beat when the Raikage spoke of combining the three of them onto a team. Akane swore under her breath, teamed up with a sarcastic phony bigshot and a literal rust bucket.

Akane opened up the dossier, taking notice of the history they had on her. Her mother would crease with joy knowing their hardships were acknowledged. Continuing reading it only confirmed that they would be put on a team together. Akane’s eyes subtly shifted towards Momo, then back toward the walking Inhaler. “An official team!” She exclaimed, perhaps now she’ll be able to pull away from her mothers unbearable home-schooling and get into some real action.


Horigome Sukejuro

New Member
Jan 6, 2013
He thought it was strange that he was apparently invited to a meeting with the Raikage simultaneously with two others, or maybe they were all waiting to be reprimanded? This got him nervous before the one closer to his age, name utterly lost to him, did more than glance at him. This perhaps got him more nervous because of his utter lack of understanding about women, and here he had been caught in a terrible storm where he had invited the happening where he would have to speak to her?

Not to mention he fancier her hat, is was like a mask for her scalp.

His heart skipped a beat as he flinched at the sudden and vigorous regard for his presence. Though he caught Akane in his peripherals, he hesitated with a nervous chuckle "Kek~?" He took a moment to process before realizing he was rather disarmed by her amusing attemps at humor. "No, that wouldn't do. What's Kool Aid?" He cocked his head, ligitimately wondering now if he was being initiated in some cult, which certainly distracted him.from the horror of dealing whatever this woman made him feel.

The distraction was fleeting as he did remember the letter. Pushing his hand into the furls of his oversized cape he produced such. "No, no cult indeed~, i suppose we'll be getting to know eachother a little bit. Us three in this together, yes?" He expressed, mostly ttying to be as palatable as he couldn't naturally be expected to trust her entirely in such a spontanious first encounter, though why he felt the need to try anything was some response that was worrisome. Turning toward Akane, as if trying to slither his way out, momentarily commented

"Didn't expect to see you so soon." He'd state before at long last, their wait was over, and they could relocate to the Raikage's office. Instantly his attention settled on the big boss lady herself, then to the prepared Tea. Sliding his hands up along the leather coif he'd find two levers that unlocked the dust maskt fell down around his neck, hoses with it. Glancing at Akane, then to Momo before back to the Raikage he was genuinely interested to say the least before Momo nudged him, quite an unfamiliar gesture, and whispered to him before whispering back "How do you know though unless you try it~?"He'd ask, deciding to be arbitrarily contrarian, before taking up the piping hot beverage and with a nod swallowing down as much of it as he could, to preoccupy his big mouth.

Giving himself the much needed time to listen to the Raikage, he found himself far less invested in everything as the other two, besides the fact that she was the Raikage and he being far from anywhere constituting a peer, subordinate was a precise term.

The walking inhaler caught Akane's glance prior to her exlaimation, somewhat recoiling at the sudden impulsiveness before taking the folder and glancing at the Raikage was honest confusion to the whole ordeal. Initially resigned to the notion that the contents of the folder were likely unflattering criticisms of himself which he already understood and thusly felt like the sort of thing you perform on a dead horse, so they say. However the sudden sundering of decorum has him very carefuly planting his fingertips on the folder in quiestion, glancingat the Raikage before finding a cache of information he simply had not expected. Suddenly the idea of having some purpose, some grand and macabre fate that placed his life in his own hands, to use constructively for the betterment of this village that had allowed him to thrive when he ought to have perished on his own in the inhospitable exterior of the villages walls.

After taking a moment silently to gather his thoughts, fantasizing about the sorts of craven evils which would make such lovely red curtains by his own hands, he also felt a bit sucked into his own introspection as he turned and loocked at the other two. Ad much as he wanted to eagerly engage in some manner of comraderie or affection for the two, he remembered all those stoney faces of those that he invied into his life , those who were gone through one action or another that were done nary a thought of where that might leave him and wondered if the cycle was ultimately doomed to repeat ad nauseam? It wasn't insomuch as a judgement on either of them but rather his own narrow understanding of human nature, it's relation to selfish, egocentric motivations and an insecurities that made it difficult to even identify oneself as a human at all.

Nevertheless, they were his allies, and he would make sure they were preserved for the sake of their village by any means necissary, he just hoped they could see past his inner flaws. Soon stirring from a moment of despondency and doubt, he'd grin beneath the cumbersome apparatus "Very interesting~, though it's strange, I've never worked with anyone really."
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Shinrya Kitsune

11th Raikage
Staff member
Oct 23, 2012
OOC Rank
Kitsune chuckled a bit at the reaction from Momo ”No, not starting a national band. I am, on the other hand, putting together the three of you, in a squad.” she said and adjusted her position as she leaned forward a bit ”I’m sure you’re aware that we’ve got a certain... situation on hand. The Tenouzans. They’re still here there and everywhere. I need the three of you to cover each others backs and investigate reports of small enclaves of Tenouzans and their allies throughout the country.” she explained to the three of them. This whole situation was far from over, so while the bigger players handled the most risky stuff, small teams like this could handle other important things.

Basically, the whole point of this meeting was to put the three together, and inform them of the tasks that needed doing. Hopefully they’d all jump at it with as much gusto as Momo when she jumps onto a stage. The reason for Kitsune pointing out the Tenouzans living dotted around the country was to completely root out the faith and eliminate it entirely. It was too dangerous to leave it, and with their declaring holy war, it was fair game really. The country needed to be brought back to stability, and safety, and Kitsune hoped these three would be a huge help in achieving that.

”So if there’s any questions about this entire thing, now’s the time to ask. Most information can be find in the folders I’ve given you, but should you have additional questions, do ask.” Kitsune said, placing her arms on the tabletop and looking at the three of them. If all went well, Akane would get some valuable experience, Momo would get to show off, and Sukejuro would hopefully learn how to work in teams.


New Member
Jan 18, 2021
OOC Rank
“Huh?” A genuine wave of confusion washed across her face. The Raikage’s words replayed several times as Momo picked apart each word in her mind. But no matter how hard she tried, the words remained true and unchanged. A devastating blow to her gut, the sequential order of words to form a sentence to horrible for Momo’s ears. She literally heard nothing that followed… well at least not right away. “What does she mean?!! Not starting a National BAND!!!” Momo’s grip around her guitar tightened at first but then, the other words that followed started to sink in. “Huh? Squad??” Momo’s eyes shifted left to fight at the other two would be squad members before gritting her teeth. The other two weren’t musician’s, their vocal tones showed a lack of training to be considered vocalist, and one of them was a fan girl. This was starting to look like the set up for a bad joke. A musician, a school girl, and a cultist walks into the Raikage’s office… or something like that. The other two seemed either on board or at least intrigued by the idea however Momo remained quiet and was looking at the both of them as if they were lunatics. But then, up above Momo’s head, spoke with a raspy voice, “How interesting..” Momo would cough loudly to disguise the fact that her hat just spoke. *Cough cough* “Sorry, frog in my voice! How interesting… ho ho.” Momo would then suspiciously begin downing the tea in front of her with shifty eyes. Hat thought that this was an interesting unity and thus Momo’s tune began to turn. Perhaps this wasn’t such a bad thing. Perhaps Momo was to quick to judge. Because Hat showed interest, Momo began to follow. “I have two questions. Who is team captain and can we have a kick ass name ma’am?!” Momo, would charismatically whip out a pair of designer shades and slap them across her face before lighting her figures across the strings of her guitar to release a howling tune with star power.




Koga Akane

New Member
Aug 30, 2021
Akane couldn’t help but face her first big idol, Big Hat Momo, and give her a cheeky smile. A wide cheesy one, knowing that it's now official by the Raikage herself that they had to work together. Lucky was an understatement. She had heard only a bit of her music when she first arrived in Kumo. Some kids huddled around their stoop had a radio blaring the sweet muse. That was her first taste, the next had been the videos on Chik-Chok Akane always checked on during any down time. On the other side of that lucky coin was the third wheeler. The Walking Inhaler. It didn’t ruin the party, however his eerie long silent moments when he didn't utter a word until a few moments later felt too strange for a normal person. ‘Whatever, he’s high ranking.’ Her blue school jacket crinkled at her collarbone as she shrugged.

The Raikage’s words stopped Akane’s inner monologue. ‘Tenouzans?’ Akane froze momentarily before blinking to bring her back to reality without anyone noticing. She had figured she would encounter this problem eventually. Just because she had started a new life in Kumogakure doesn’t mean her past had been forgotten. Various scenarios played out in her head. The good, the bad, and the ugly. Akane never would believe she had to one day fight her own kind. A light switched in her head, figuring her mother’s input could push her in the proper direction. There were telling signs that her Mother’s faith in her covenant began to dwindle. Not to mention the various early morning visitors whose names always got forgotten. ‘Josh..? June…? Jingle…?’ Akane cringed at her lack of knowledge.

Her brown tresses shifted suddenly when BHM loudly cleared her throat. A well-kept brow rose into the air only to factory reset when she piped up about a team leader. “The only person that meets leader requirements is you Momo.” Blue sleeves overlapped themselves as Akane tucked her arms underneath her chest. Her hand freed itself before throwing her thumb to the right of Sukejuro. “He barely talks and I don’t feel like it. Even though I’m overqualified.” A cheeky grin appeared on her lips again. Far from being qualified to lead two chuunin and her consistent loss streak in every fight she ever had immediately swatted down any thought of leadership.

Horigome Sukejuro

New Member
Jan 6, 2013
Still didn't really know what to think about his teammates as he was still observing both of them, trying to discern pattern of motives, picking up on noteworthy characteristics, true to a paranoid fashion he believed these observations would give him proper insight, as if to judge if either could be properly trusted though so long as that mask remained, it was obvious he couldn't.

Still, he admiired the one with the big hat, whoever she was, even if she did give him some strange looks, but that was par course to what was generally considered appropriate and polite, or atleast in regards to himself. He found the instrument she played highly peculiar and started to identify the many parts from which it was constituted, almost as if trying to synthesize a proper building plan. Sapping back to reality, was something that seemed to get his other team mates quite excited and it was the suggestion of who would be leading this team.

He had a suspicion it would be Momo, even before Akane chimed in her support, unphased by the general idea that Akane thought so low of him that the only redeeming quality was that barely talks.

"Well, I suppose she has a point. I don't~." He coonceded the point, even though part of himself couldn't help feeling like a carpet being stepped on as the two carried on some form of relationship that he hadn't really experienced in some time, not without opening some seriously old wounds which he felt rather unnecissary "We confer to your Wisdom, Raikage-sama. I'll do whatever needs to be done to make sure we succeed or we survive." He expressed as he looked to Kitsune, honored that somehow he been sought out despite being so far off the radar. An empty tea cup sat in front of him, and so far there was no torpor assigned with accute or majore toxicity of the blood. He supposed that this 'Kool Aid' must indeed be good and their Raikage wasn't a murderous doppelganger set on murdering all of them as he smiled.

turning to the other two, it felt like he could get no where with them. The one with the hat seemed to give him strange looks and teemed utterly lost in her own world, and Akane...well she acknowledged him atleast, even if it was for a very specific and vocal purpose. He admired Momo's instrument and Akane's blunt and transparent motives. He was simply waiting for the Raikage to give their final word instead of posturing or potificating the leadership qualities either of them may or may not have. He was just happy to be innvolved and had some hope that he could be of use with these missions,, he on the otherhand was quite concerned with their first mission and the challenges that came with it.

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:
