Ninpocho Chronicles

Ninpocho Chronicles is a fantasy-ish setting storyline, set in an alternate universe World of Ninjas, where the Naruto and Boruto series take place. This means that none of the canon characters exists, or existed here.

Each ninja starts from the bottom and start their training as an Academy Student. From there they develop abilities akin to that of demigods as they grow in age and experience.

Along the way they gain new friends (or enemies), take on jobs and complete contracts and missions for their respective villages where their training and skill will be tested to their limits.

The sky is the limit as the blank page you see before you can be filled with countless of adventures with your character in the game.

This is Ninpocho Chronicles.

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:

Friends? explain... [open]

Chikamatsu Shin

Well-Known Member
Oct 22, 2012
OOC Rank
Ko headed out of the house today, unnoticed once again. Sometimes it feels like that not even his foster family cares about him. His parents haven't found him yet, and its been almost three years, maybe they stopped caring. The little boy wiped his scarred eye, a tear was making his vision blurry. He was lonenly, a child with no hope of succeeding. Why should he even try. He grabbed his left shoulder with his hand and rubbed it. He was only capable of comforting himself, because no one else would. He sighed and looked around. The cave terrified him, he was not used to the dark. He came from Yuki after all, the white or the snow made him feel at home. He wiped another tear as he made his way to the academy.

He was told by Mrs. Akira that he had to attend the academy this year, along with Shira, his foster sister. He sighed, she terrified the small boy, something about her was off. Ko continued to shuffle his way to the acedemy, school was out, but he had to find his class before to or row, he had never gone before. He was making his way to the Grand Halls, when he tripped. He fell down and skinned his right knee. The boy's eyes filled with tears as he sat up, leaning against a near by wall to look at his knee. He felt it. The stinging was painful, and it was coming from his hands as well. He looked at them, they were skinned as well, but his knee was bleeding. The boy began to silently sob, but not a single bit f voice could be heard. He hugged his legs, pulling the. Into his chest. He was alone, cold, and frightened of his new home, what wax he to do? His face was buried in his arms as he hugged his knees, he took up barey any space, did he matter? Did it matter if he mattered? He didn't think so. The air around the boy dropped a couple degrees as he silently sobbed. He hated silence, but he could never get himself to break it... after all, he didn't truely matter...

Honma Kotone

Active Member
Oct 8, 2012
"You know, the way you are acting isn't a very noble quality for a shinobi to have." Kasa, a beautifully young man with fiery orange red infusion hair that was bushy and lengthy, approached the young boy with an extended arm. The light blue ocean of his youthful eyes could entrance those who deem themselves lost and hopeless. Should the boy accept the offer to return to his feet, Kasa would pull him up regardless and quite coldly. "If you want to get those rough knees patched up then you should follow me..." Whether or not the boy followed him was completely irrelevant: Kasa could easily live his life without another little worry to care for.

The orange and red infusion snuggled his hands into his red jacket's pocket and walked away from the boy. He left behind a small, fresh scent of cinnamon; something unusual and odd to be smelling of. "I'm a med-nin, by the way... Guess I'll mention that now before you have any weird, suspicious feelings." He loosely said as his voice grew weaker in the distance of the hallway; where the only other sound that could be heard was Kasa's feet tapping against the surface of the floor.

[Topic entered. Hope you don't mind!]

Chikamatsu Shin

Well-Known Member
Oct 22, 2012
OOC Rank
Ko looked up to see a man reaching out to him. Did he want to be his friend. "B-b-b-but, I-I-I'm nu-nu-not..." He stopped there. The tears were still pouring down his face. He wiped the tears from his eye and grabbed the man's hands. It hurt, but he helped him up. Ko just stood there, he watched the man walk away. Did he actually want Ko to be around. Step by step, the boy followed Kasa. He was at a distance behind him, slowly trying to catch up, but kasa walked faster than te small boy. The eight year old boy chased after the man, catching up to him. Ko reached out and attempted to grab the man's arm, the first person to try to be his friend? Ko didn't care, Kasa spoke to him, he wouldn't lose this oppurtunity... he feared the silence, the dark, and the unknown creature lurking in his new cave like home.

Honma Kotone

Active Member
Oct 8, 2012
"You're quite needy-looking, aren't you?" Kasa gave the weak boy a even weaker smile; igniting flames that he felt pity for the boy. The lengthy hair bounced with volume along his robed back, he rotated his body and firmly took a hold of the pesky boy. He didn't feel happy at all about taking the child's hand as it would further provoke a feeling of pity that he really didn't like. Pity wasn't a very good quality to have - it oozed weakness from but a whisper of its name. "Now," Kasa said as he pressed open a creaky door with the tip of his index finger, "Step inside, I don't have all day." He held the door open with a less-than-amused face.

Kasa would enter the room himself, regardless of whether the boy had entered or not. He would switch on the light into the room; allowing the shadows to be dispelled and returned back to their world. The artificial light would flicker with uncertainty, but only for a brief moment, before steadying like a calm child. "The wiring in here is just awful..." He grumpily said as he tossed off his soothingly soft red tinted jacket against a counter. He was now revealed to be wearing: a black, breaded vest (with sleeves), tanned trousers and black shoes. "Take a seat." He pointed to the large examination bed which lay in the centre of the room.

"And before you cry again, I'll need your name and your age." Kasa folded his arms with a passive, yet bored, expression.


Chikamatsu Shin

Well-Known Member
Oct 22, 2012
OOC Rank
Ko looked down as the man grabbed his hand, even if his words were harsh Ko knew he meant well. A fainst smile creeped on Ko's face, he was happy. For once he wasn't alone. He looked it the ceiling of the cave as they headed towards some destinination unknown to the child. He hated caves. Looking down once again he began to remember the weeks of his life where he almost died. The day he fell through the ice near his village, falling into that cave and not being able to leave. A tear trinkled down Ko's face. He looked up when he heard the man's voice. He was holding a door open for Ko. Slowly entering, Ko let go of the man and looked around. What was this place? Everything was dark. He looked up right as Kasa turned on the lights, they hurt his eyes. He looked down and rubbed them. He heard the Med-Nin tell him take a seat on a bed. The little boy walked over to the examination table and took a seat. He looked over at the man. He looked professional, this made Ko feel better. "I-I-I'm K-K-Ko." Hopefully the Med-Nin could see that the small boy was trying to fight through his utter, but it was harder than it seemed. "I-I-I-I'm ei-eight." He looked down once again, he was ashamed. He wasn't even able to talk, why did his foster mom think he could even join the academy? Shira would make a better ninja than a cry baby. Ko began to tear up again.

Honma Kotone

Active Member
Oct 8, 2012
"If you are going to cry all the time, I suggest you leave. I tend not to spend my time dribbling over cowards and foolish children too immature for their own good." Kasa bluntly said, opening a pack of cotton wool with his teeth; spitting out the remnants caught in his teeth, "I'm not here to mummy you so just man up now." He shook his head, headed toward a chilled mini-fridge fool of ointments and medical rubs; taking out a brown bottle and placing it on the counter. Kasa corked open the bottle and dabbled the cotton wool with the liquid: a few buds laced with an alcohol rub.

"It's going to sting, so don't cry." He jabbed the cotton bud against the grazed knee, purposefully making the pain last longer by rubbing it harshly against the open flesh. "I should kill him now..." A poisonousness thought entered his trembling frame of mind, causing him to gave the child a cold look, however that notion was shrugged off after realizing that he already had a neat stock pile.

"Hold it in place."

Kasa ordered the boy before returning to the counter with an odd smile.


Chikamatsu Shin

Well-Known Member
Oct 22, 2012
OOC Rank
Ko bit his lip, trying to control the tears that trickled down his cheeks. He forced himself to stop tearing. He sniffled a little bit, he tried to stop. He wanted Kasa to like him. He wanted this man to be friends to Ko. He watched as the man started to get his medical supplies. The thought of being mummified made him shiver. The room cooled down a little. He looked into his scabbed hands. What was he going to do with himself. He watched the man come back with a cotton ball with alcohol on it. He quinched with pain, the stinging hurt. His eyes clenched up and he couldn't see what was going on. He wanted to drop the cotton ball, the pain bothered him more than anything else, but he didn't cry. He kept it in. He opened his eyes just in time to see Kasa's smirk. He wasn't sure if he should be scared or content. He looked down at his knee, he wanted to just go home...

Honma Kotone

Active Member
Oct 8, 2012
"Ko, do you know why you are weak?" Kasa promptly rotated his body and approached the boy with a hiss, "You have no intention of changing do you? You have cried and sobbed from the moment I had seen you; it is ridiculous." The Unohara began to laugh before walking away from the boy, returning to the counter and grabbing a bandage. He then began to wrap the roll around his knee, only lightly to allow flexible movement with that limb. "If you do really want to become independent and... strong then accept reality."

Kasa finished up the bandage, clipping a bobby pin to lock the bandage in place. "You will never get anywhere being emotional. You have to throw away your humanity to become strong."

"Now I'm leaving. If you want to become stronger just look me up." The Unohara pressed himself away from the boy, opening the door, and leaving briskly.

[Topic left. You can start another topic later if you want to continue what we had spoken about in PMs.]


Active Member
Oct 22, 2012
A silence loomed over the dark corridors of the back allies of the great library. It was a deafening silence that seemed to burn out the ears of those who listened--especially the Hashigaki.

She was a towering monster, standing at 6'2" and completely wrapped in bloody, dirty, and ripped bandages from head to toe, save her mouth and the back and top of her head--where thick black locks were free to escape the suffocating binds and fall in waves to her shoulder blades. Through the bandages, one would be able to see she was gaunt and her ribcage was noticeable.

As her bandaged bare feet stepped across the cold floor of the dark and flickering hallway, she made little to no sound. Her right arm limp as it dangled and swayed from her shoulder, and her right leg dragged slightly, but not enough to be considered a limp, but rather, the only sound she was making.

To those who got close enough, they would be able to see the right side of her lips were charred an ugly color, but the blind woman would never see it herself. Her senses were outrageously enhanced for hearing and touch (on the left side), and her voice was the most powerful and entrancing weapon she had. Itami, however, was no fighter, as one could tell from the medical belt that hung loosely from around her waist.

In such painful silence, it wouldn't be difficult for someone to hear the quiet sobbing and shaking from behind a door further down the hallway, and a much sharper and stronger voice replying to it's weakness.

As Itami neared the door, it swung open in her face, causing her to back up slightly as it quickly shut and a man turned away from her and began to move briskly away from the door. Itami turned her head towards the door, where the presence of another could still be heard by her ridiculous enhanced hearing, but she continued down the hallway towards the being that moved so quickly away. Her long legs were quick to stride behind him silently as she made a suddenly surprising move: She spoke.

"You mustn't... be so harsh on those ... who need help..."

Itami rarely spoke outside of the medical field or teaching, and need to talk was even slimmer. But at the moment, she felt a need to delve into the thoughts of this man who so desired to called children weak--well, they were, but still...

Her voice was absolutely beautiful, but she took a lot of pauses where her breathing was hoarse and audible in her sentences. She carried a slight lisp from the damage done to her mouth, but it was mostly drown out by the time and effort it took her to speak in general, causing her to sound as though she was whispering.

"Sometimes... all we need is a ... friend... not to be c-c-....corrected."


Honma Kotone

Active Member
Oct 8, 2012
Kasa would not lie, the sudden voice gave him a shiver, which was something that he sort of enjoyed - a twisted man indeed.

"My dear," He said rotating his body, fixating his baby blue's on the bandaged mess, "Those who need help are by definition weak." Kasa gave the woman, thing, a stretched glance; observing her unusual attire. The Unohara felt sympathy for this woman but that was purely down to her physical looks, which could easily be a deceitful image. "You look very interesting, my dear. I wonder if your youth and beauty has betrayed you so early on... what a pity." Kasa would slyly smile, holding back the temptation to touch her cheek; which would only add to the horrid attitude he had towards her.

"I could make you young again, and even beautiful..." He tilted his head, allowing his thick red, orange infused hair to fall to the one side. "However, my ability to do so came from being cruel and unwavering in the name of progress... I guess you would be horrified to find out how to one goes about reviving beauty?" Kasa widened his eyes and deepened his snakelike smile; slightly inching his vision over to Ko (who still remained on the examination table).

Kasa then began to laugh, stepping away from the bandaged woman and holding up his hands: "Admittedly, I'm too much of a gentleman to kiss and tell," He would then mumble a phase soft enough for her to hear, "Unless you ask nicely..." Something about Kasa interacting with this woman and child made him excited, almost child-like in the way he acted. "Tell me your name and I shall tell you mine."

Chikamatsu Shin

Well-Known Member
Oct 22, 2012
OOC Rank
Ko knew he was weak, but he wanted to be stronger. He tried every day to make himself better, but his work is always in vain. He flinched when Kasa insulted him. What could he really do? He hasn't started his schoolingnyet. He was just a boy. "B-b-bu..." he couldn't get it out, and Kasa had already gone back to his counter. He looked down. Sniffling once again, he stopped crying. He knew he was weak, but it wasn't his fault. He looked up when Kasa came back. He wrapped the boys knee and told ko to abandon his emotions. That was the only way that he could get stronger, he had to be cold. Just like his home. Cold as ice, it made some sense. He looked up at Kasa as he walked through the door. Raising his hands, Ko looked at them. Was this why he was weak. He clenched them in fists, the air dropped in tempurature again, down only a few degrees, but enough to notice. He stood up, feeling pain in his knee again, but he had to go home. A Ira was probably worried where he was. He walked over to the door and opened it. He saw Kasa talking with a really tall hospital patient that was roaming around like a mummy. He sighed and headed home. He didn't want to stay any longer.

[Topic left]


Active Member
Oct 22, 2012
The flesh--that she could feel--tingled as he spoke, taking a single step back and chewing her bottom lip nervously. He had retaliated, and the brought up her self-image instead. It was as though the topic of weakness meant nothing compared to the topic of vanity. Her mind wandered back to the days when the boys would compliment her beautiful eyes and hair, and how they would wall want to kiss her luscious pale cheeks and get close to the rose-petal lips she once had. Her slender body had once been the wolf-call of the century, and now it was jagged and gaunt with sickness and neglect. Her once beautiful face charred and scarred to unbelievable pretensions.

All she had left was that gorgeous black waterfall of hair that waved and slightly curled with the shine of the stars in the sky.

He taunted her with information, promising youth and beauty, but with her inability to see, she could not sense his eyes slowly merge onto the poor child in the room behind them. She could make no assumptions of his demeanor, because she could not see him. All she could do was stand in disbelief and silence before he would as her name.

"Kana...s-s-himi.... Itam--i.... Itami..."

Struggling now, her hands raised to spell it out in a sign language, the sand moving from the small pouch attached to the medical belt hanging loosely from her waist to mimic the spelling in her hands to write out her name in the sky out of pure chakra-enhanced sand.

'K A N A S H I M I........I T A M I'

Honma Kotone

Active Member
Oct 8, 2012
Kasa would narrow his vision in speculation at the manipulated sand. He was still trying to puzzle together what the bandaged beast was trying t say but all would become clear as the sand began to form her name: Kanashimi Itami. The Unohara would smile deviously and extend his greetings with a bow of his head. "My name is Unohara Kasa... I'm the Medical Chief of Sunagakure." He would add, fixing his head into a normal position, "So tell me, what does a mummy such as yourself do for a career?"

Kasa would fold his arms and eye the woman, thing, up. He didn't really know what to make of the creature so far; only conjuring up speculative comments about the reasoning behind the attire. Perhaps she was disfigured and that would be why the bandages were implemented.. to hid the disfigurement. "Why don't you remove those dirty things, Itami-san?", he played on the subject matter to tease a reaction from the mummy-like creature. "I can't help but feel a little pity for you. Are you sure you don't need some help with... whatever is going on under those bandages?" He added slyly.

Maybe this meeting would prove beneficial to Kasa...

[Small post, sorry!]


Active Member
Oct 22, 2012
Kasa. Shade. Kasa. Darkness. Kasa. Shadow. Kasa.


The medical chief of Sunagakure was standing before her, and he didn't know who she was. The prized Medical Professor felt a sudden sting of retribution. Perhaps, she was not as skilled and valued as she had hoped. Grabbing a small card from one of the holders on her belt, she handed the man the card. It was an ID card.

There was massive hesitation, as she held the card with her thumb over the picture, her fingers quivering slightly. She would pull away, had the man tried to take it, only meaning to show him her credentials, and that she worked under his name. Had he tried again, she would release it, feeling bound by superiority to obey his demands.

As he asked about her bandages, her hands moved to sign again, the sand mimicking her words again and spell out, one on top of the other:

" U G L Y "
" D I S G R A C E "
" S H A M E F U L "

She spoke in broken words, knowing that he would get her general point as she moved to take his hand with her left hand. The sand moving again:

" C A N N O T--F I X--T O O--B A D "

Her hand would try to pull his to her face, the left side, on her cheek. It was smooth under the bandages, but she would drag it across her face, over her eyes, over her nose, until his hand would move over the burned area. It would feel similar to feeling a sack of dirt. The bumps, crevices, and inconsistent softness followed by rock-hard areas. Areas where the skin had bubbled and hardened, others where it had exploded and left craters in her face.

She'd drop his hand, taking a step back, submissively stooping a little in her posture to his higher status.

Honma Kotone

Active Member
Oct 8, 2012
Kasa felt a slight tingle of excitement upon the reveal of her profession: a medical marvel, as one might say. "My, my," He said coiling his fingers around the card and readying himself to snatch the I.D from Itami, "You're my subordinate, aren't you?" Kasa would chuckle delightfully but having the I.D taken away from his grasp shortened his laughter. He felt a twisted sensation of manipulation, which urged him to take advantage of his subordinate for purposes most questionable. "Itami-"

The sand began to sway gently, forming words such as: shameful, disgrace and ugly. Kasa would place one finger on his left temple and tap in time with his heart beat. However, that hand would be taken from his own control and be subjugated to a most disgusting show-and-tell. The feeling of rough wallpaper, wart like domes that were coated in crust and rivers of silk; which were dotted around her face.

When Kasa would be given control over his hand once again, he would remain silent for a moment. "What a pity, my dear," He said wiping his hand against the nearby wall with a less than impressed face, "How does one become so mutated from beauty?" Kasa really didn't want to hear the answer, maybe because he barely cared for the story behind the scar. "Do you have a purpose, Itami-san?" His smile would rise and sharpen like a knife "Will I give you a purpose? Your youth and beauty could be returned to you... If you obey me." What a sick aura this man presented... such a vile mutation of emotion.


Active Member
Oct 22, 2012
There was something disgusting about this man. Whatever it was about him, it didn't seem right. Itami could not see the manipulative, wicked, and sneering grin that crossed his face. She simply listened to the horrid sound of his hand dragging down the wall beside them. Smearing her filth from his hand across the wall in disgust. It was as though just picturing what might be under the dunes of silk disgusted him greatly. He asked her a question, but was quick to change his mind about hearing it. Itami bored him. He wanted some creature with backwards arms, and a head that could turn all the way around. It wanted a circus monster. He wanted something something that could sit in a cage--broken and beaten--and have people from all over the world squealing in excitement at her ugliness. Under the bandages, Itami's nose flared at the thought. Millions of people, poking sticks through the bars--laughing. They all laugh. The kids scream in horror but are excited. The adults whisper to each other at her deformed body. MADAM TWO-FACE!

Sucking in an uneven breath as Kasa promised her the beauty and youth she had ever wanted. But he wanted her to obey him to do it. 'They laugh...they all laugh....'If she hadn't been so numb and broken, Itami might have cried. She knew that agreeing to him would mean she'd have to take off the bandages--she'd have to show someone those scars. The ugliness. She'd have to...

'M-M-mak....make....Itami beaut--iful....'

They laugh...

They all laugh...

Honma Kotone

Active Member
Oct 8, 2012
The Unohara would chuckle at Itami as her being was becoming suppressed by the overwhelming sickness that was Kasa. He folded his arms as the woman would admit that she truly wanted to be beautiful and really, that's all Kasa wanted to hear; her weakness. "My, my," He said, approaching her and pressing his lips against her bandages lobe, "Do you feel like damaged goods, Itam-san? Well, I'll make you beautiful... But you have to become my shadow, do you understand?"

The pressure of his lips against the unpleasant touch of the bandage would grow heavier, "I want you to become my personal assistant. And if you please me enough, you know, I just might give you the beauty that you deserve..." And how could they both seal this deal? "How do I know that you'll live up to an expectation that one might have of a honourable servant?" Kasa's tongue stretched out from its lair, moist and swaying gently; preparing to strike. He would gently slip his tongue against the slight gap of bandage and allow the tip of his weapon to touch upon her unharmed flesh. "How delightful, you used to taste of radiance."

Kasa would step away from Itami and grin so fiendishly. "Take my hand and I'll show you a world where beauty is achievable... a world where I will need a beautiful queen to stand alongside me." He extended his hand with a sickish smile cooling upon his mantle. If Itami would accept the offer, she would feel a gentle, soft and youthful hand. It was odd to have such a monster own such priceless beautiful skin.


Active Member
Oct 22, 2012
There was a moment of brief silence. Had her face not been bandaged, she would have been a bright red color--on the side that could retain color. She felt him get closer, his face nearing hers as his lips pressed against her bandaged lobe. She stood still, but she so badly wished to shudder. Her skin prickled and her goosebumps rose under the bandages. He got so close, that her sensitive hear rang when he whispered in her ear. She struggled to stay still, and her ear rang out viciously ass a tinnitus attack broke through her brain.

The promise of beauty and youth was coming back. The vanity escaped her lips and the greed escaped his. "I..." There was no much Itami could say. What did one say? Selling their soul to someone else for... beauty. For sex. For love. Itami wanted to be beautiful, sexy, loved. She wanted people to fall at her feet like the many beautiful women in Sunagakure already. That's what she wanted.

His tongue slithered and intruded her space, giving her a shudder as he took her hand. She would follow. She would comply. For beauty. For youth.

They laughed.

They were laughing...

The idea of becoming a beautiful queen and standing along side of him.

"Itami.... a queen.... m-me?"

Honma Kotone

Active Member
Oct 8, 2012
"You shall be mine, Itami-san." Kasa coiled his fingers around her bandaged fingers, holding them tightly with a firm force. He really did enjoy the odder, more unusual, things in life - whereas people would prefer the normal and accepted, Kasa didn't. "I really do enjoy the finer things in life, my dear. Where one would prefer a bloomed flower, I prefer an obscurity of what many would call 'normal'." The orange and red haired infusion began to tug the woman along with him, poising his slithered arm around her waist and mockingly pulling on her loose bandages. "I'll make you a beautiful queen, Itami-san... but we need to tackle one obstacle at a time, yes?"

By this point, Kasa would come to the conclusion that this girl had some kind of deformity caused by her scars. However, would only think of the physical, the obvious really, rather than her own eyes that betrayed her; much like her beauty and youthfulness. "Now, let me show you the world in-which your beauty shall be revived... one day. And where your new home shall be..." What a vile, horrid snake... however, what was he up to? It felt as if his actions were useful only to harm and subjugate Itami but there was a small hint of humanity within him.

Odd. What an odd fellow.

Kasa would lead the bandaged mess out from the hallway and out into the unknown...

[Leaving this topic with Itami. Setting another up just now! x3]

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:
