Ninpocho Chronicles

Ninpocho Chronicles is a fantasy-ish setting storyline, set in an alternate universe World of Ninjas, where the Naruto and Boruto series take place. This means that none of the canon characters exists, or existed here.

Each ninja starts from the bottom and start their training as an Academy Student. From there they develop abilities akin to that of demigods as they grow in age and experience.

Along the way they gain new friends (or enemies), take on jobs and complete contracts and missions for their respective villages where their training and skill will be tested to their limits.

The sky is the limit as the blank page you see before you can be filled with countless of adventures with your character in the game.

This is Ninpocho Chronicles.

Current Ninpocho Time:

Friend's Yard Request [Mission/Solo]

Dec 12, 2014
OOC Rank
Mission Name: Cleaning the Yard From a Friend
Type: Self-Modded Mission
Rank: E-Rank
Description: Since his father's friend is busy because of his job, he asked Yuu to clean his backyard while he's gone for a awhile. It might looked like an easy job, but considering the leaves scattered around the yard, grass needed trimming, and trash are scattered due to his neighbor's rude actions before he moved yesterday, it might take a while to finish this job.

At a house not far away from his house, Yuu just arrived at the backyard as a 34 years old man explained what to do in here. Although these were instructions about what he will do, the young shinobi has already aware that he needed to clean the whole yard while his father's friend, Nazukami Ryu will be gone to do his job as a carrier of heavy sacks and boxes from the flower shop nearby and because of this, he asked his father for Yuu to clean his backyard while he was working. As usual, he couldn't refuse this request so he accepted without any second thoughts. As for what he will be doing in the backyard however, he learned he had to trim the grass and pick the fallen leaves and the trash from the ground. Judging from what he will do in here, he knew that they are just normal tasks anyone can do in a backyard.

"Sounds simple enough. Although it take some time considering I have to do this alone." In his honesty, his siblings are still helping his mother with cleaning the house and because of this, he decided to take this alone. "You're still a kid, yet I have no doubts that you will do it. I did remember you helped out carry one of the fallen sacks with your father a few months ago. I was still surprise you were able to pull it off even to this day." Yuu smiled as he blushed for his remark about him. He did admit he liked to help anyone even before he was a ninja. "Well, I better go now. Good luck, Yuu-kun."

As Ryu left the backyard, Yuu decided to start cleaning the whole yard by cleaning the trash and fallen leaves on the ground as he can't trim the grass with all of them still on the ground. With that in mind, he grabbed a nearby bag and a rake and started raking the leaves to gather them together on one spot before he threw them into the bag. It took 30 minutes to rake all of them, but he managed to picked all of the leaves from the ground. "Good, now the next goal is to pick those trash up to another bag. Of course, I wasn't surprised on how it got there though."

It was true as he remembered from his neighbors and his parents' conversation, there was this rude neighbor next to Ryu-san's house who not only insulted the others out of mockery and his amusement, but he often threw his garbage on Ryo and the other neighbor's backyard. Thankfully, he was forced to move out of the neighborhood by the other shinobi after the others file many complaints about him and ever since, he heard he lived another house far away from here. But even the other neighbor's yard was cleaned up, Ryu's backyard wasn't as he had no time to do so due to his job. Lucky for him, Yuu decided to do this cleaning job for his sake.

He then spent a hour in the yard not only picking up the trash he found on the ground, but also the ones found behind each tree, flowers, and bushes he can think of. With the leaves and trash picked up, it was time to do the hardest part of yard work, which was trimming the grass. Trimming them was easy, but the hardest part was it might take a while to finish this job since Ryu only got a normal push lawnmower in the shed. Regardless, he started using it to cut the grass into what they used to be before they were grown.

As suspected, this job took 4 hours to finish including trimming the leftover grass with a garden scythe and because of this grueling work after that, the young Academy Student sat on a garden bench out of exhaustion.


2 hours have passed after Yuu finished cleaning the backyard, Ryu has just arrived in his house by the front door and to his surprise, he saw the young boy prepared some sandwiches and juice for the exhausted man and to himself. "Oh, I see you're done with the backyard, right?" The young 9 year old boy smiled as he gave the snack and drink to Ryu and said, "Yeah, but there's a steam lawnmower on sale if you want to trim the grass by yourself if you have the time."

"Sorry, I got the budget for it, but I'm not a fan of those. Steam might give me breathing problems." As he said this, Yuu's father's friend stepped out of the back door and was surprised at the backyard's appearance, which the grass were neatly trimmed and no signs of leaves and trash has been found. As he saw this, he knew the young boy would be the right man (or kid) for the job. "Looks like you spent the whole afternoon cleaning the whole yard, huh? I knew I was right not doubting you for a second." Yuu nodded at what he said as he also knew he had high hopes for him to finish the job, just like any other shinobi would have done. "Yeah. But for now, I'm done doing chores for a while. I'm completely beat."

"That makes two of us. Do you want to tell me what you've been doing in that Academy for a while? I heard from your father you're excelling well as an Academy Student there." With relaxation now on his mind, Yuu didn't hesitate to tell him his achievements as he and Ryu spent the rest of the day telling stories to each other. "Yeah, but I've been through a lot of classes a lot to do so..."

[Mission/WC: 963]

Current Ninpocho Time:
