Ninpocho Chronicles

Ninpocho Chronicles is a fantasy-ish setting storyline, set in an alternate universe World of Ninjas, where the Naruto and Boruto series take place. This means that none of the canon characters exists, or existed here.

Each ninja starts from the bottom and start their training as an Academy Student. From there they develop abilities akin to that of demigods as they grow in age and experience.

Along the way they gain new friends (or enemies), take on jobs and complete contracts and missions for their respective villages where their training and skill will be tested to their limits.

The sky is the limit as the blank page you see before you can be filled with countless of adventures with your character in the game.

This is Ninpocho Chronicles.

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:

Private From shy to Introvertism (kin app)

Yume Izanami

May 4, 2023
OOC Rank
Mitsuha was on another one of her father's business trips with him. And once again, she found herself nearing Coffee City. And once again, her father had to have some meetings that absolutely bored her. Sure she isn't exactly the people person type, but she never really understood business meetings. It was all small talk for a good portion of it until they finally do decide to get into the nitty gritty of things and talk business.

It was middle of the day, with only a drizzle of rain coming down over the advanced city. The girl didn't really mind the rain all that much, but rather wanted to be far away from as much people as possible all the while being comfortable. Her first thought was to visit that one book store that had information on contract creatures. But now, she was here just to browse and maybe pick up a useful book.

Entering the book store, the girl took a look over at the manga section, to see if there were any new releases that she didn't know about, but alas, no luck. Coincidentally enough,she had on her some manga that haven't even been released to the public yet, many of which were signed by their authors. The young Kaguya would sigh to herself for the fact that she can't find a new manga to read, so she kept searching for other books. One of which had caught her eyes. The cover of it had a picture of some weird guy who looks like a skeleton, but isn't, almost as if he's wearing a skeleton costume. Flipping through the pages, the girl got the gist of it. Weird people killing for a god. She figured it to be a fiction book, but had found it in the nonfiction section. Walking up to the cashier, the girl tried to muster her words to speak. "Um... Excuse me sir, but I found this fiction book in the nonfiction area."

The man took the book from her and glanced at it, and flipped through the pages. "Lady. This is not a fiction book. If you are looking for some manga or fiction books to read, just over there is the recommended section."

Mitsuha would look over to where the recommended section was. There were mangas about pirates wanting to be kings. A ninja wanting to be the Hokage, and a guy that destroys demons or something that isn't technically spirits. How were these fictional, but that one book that she picked up was nonfiction?!



Jan 11, 2021
OOC Rank

He had entered the hidden leaf outer zones again... but he had to keep on the move. He kept having different looks of himself to remain undercover in case anyone would notice who he was... he had made all these disguises right outside of the leaf, so he knew no one would know him in these forms. He had done a little bit of make up, put in an earring and restyled his hair completely. He even had put done a set of fake tattoo's which looked super realistic along with contact lenses to showcase like he wasn't blind at all. Little bit of height in his shoes made sure that he looked bigger and was slight bigger than that he really was... He really took out the book of tricks for this.

"Some coffee would be good actually... I didn't had any for a few days... After a quick stop we can continue.." He muttered towards his canine companion before he would let him disappear to the canine world and enter the cafe. There was enough sounds and echoing sounds off the walls for him to see clear, which wasn't often the case when he entered. Than again he didn't knew this location really. He went inside and got a coffee, paid for it and sat down somewhere along with watching everything around him. Moving his eyes and head to where the sounds were to actually showcase further he was a seeing person.
OOC said:
NPC Shion
uick types sorry.
Apr 4, 2023
OOC Rank
The boy never liked staying in the hospital for long, he usually would recover quickly and never liked sticking around to be prodded and poked, usually a lot of specialist equipment would have be used on him due to the hardness of his skin. The easiest and quickest thing for him like most others was usually a medical jutsu, having recovered from fracturing his arms and leg's bones he it was time now to take his hospital buddy on a mission. Reaching in to his pocket and pulling out a mostly crumbled yet still readable letter he would take another glance at it 'Senju Aria... Kaguya Mitsuha... Well one of them would be easy enough.' Making his way through the medical byoin he would enter Aria's room after having grabbed an empty wheelchair inside of the hallway. Slowly pushing the wheelchair through the room towards the bed he'd greet aria with a warm smile which only hid his worried feelings, really all he wanted to do was ask if she was okay and how she was doing. But judging from experience it'd probably only make her feel worse if he knew their was any sort of sympathy being derived from him.

So... Instead! "Hey Aria! Want to go on a mission? You and me and Mitsuha will be becoming a squad under Is- .... the head jounin! We need to go find Mitsuha though, I did a bit of... uhm. Not stalking! Just... ninja work. And found that she usually goes on business trips with her father by car. So... wanna get in? I could use a run." Not expecting a no he would pick Aria up carefully and plop her in to the wheelchair, moments before opening the large hospital window in the room. Going to the edge of the room whilst holding on to the wheelchair handles he would burst forward with a dash, his running start allowing the two to jump straight out. As they fell he raised the wheelchair now carrying it in his arms as he landed with a squat on the ground, placing it now on the floor in front of him. Suddenly a car zoomed right past them on the road one which he definitely recognised.

"Alright Aria that's them! Let's see if we can keep up" Cracking his knuckles before grabbing the handles tightly, his last mission with the others had allowed him to get a further grasp of his abilities. Two of the buttons would help him to regain his chakra and stamina whilst fighting, counteracting the pain which he is put through by using them, if he could mix this with one which gives him the fastest speed increase then... There would be no backlash! As the 3rd, fourth, and 6th buttons on his robotic gloves would move down and up like a piston, a molten hot lava glow would take over his entire body, as the steam poured. Yet their was no pain, no, it was a warm powerful flame, like a booster which hung on a jet his speed increased dramatically. With rapid swiftness he pushed Aria along the road as they ran, however it was clear the wheelchair wasn't meant for such ridiculous speeds as it would bump and leap through the air several times.

Chasing after the car in the road, if they were to look behind them the sight would most definitely have been an odd one. It wasn't long before Aria's chair completely gave out resulting in the two of them spinning out and crashing on the side of the road. "Woah!" He yelled as he fell face first on to the dirt as Aria would land on top of him, usually if you landed on someone else it'd break your fall, the same couldn't be said for the boy who's skin was made of rock. Quickly springing back up he'd pick aria up and hold her on her back as the car was making some solid distance between them. "Okay! This will be better for stealth and speed! Uhm.. if anyone asks we didn't take that wheelchair out here." Before their life threatening deadly mission against the unholy demon Keniwa still hadn't really learned to use the gloves and each one of them effectively, causing him to usually burn himself, he was just lucky that his skin was naturally heat resistant. Though now his warmth was much less painful for him, and depending on how he feels, his enemies.

Zooming behind from a sneaky distance he'd leap from branch to branch with Aria on his back at breakneck speed, trying to do some cool and fun maneuvers to keep her entertained, as he'd perform several flips and risky ducks and dodges whilst they soared through the air. After a while eventually they would arrive in Coffee City he'd make his way with Aria still on his back on top of one of the buildings. As the rain drizzled on to the two of them he could see Aria making her way in to a store of sorts. "There she is. Any ideas on how to approach her?"


Jul 28, 2018
OOC Rank
A Rank
Aria was currently sat within her hospital bed propped up by a pillow and staring out of a nearby window in a show of calm tranquillity which belied the hand hiding a knife beneath the sheets trying to chew it's way through the strap around Aria's waist that was stopping the girl from wandering off again. The nurse has quickly grown tired of Aria's unplanned trips which started with her wandering off herself and continued with Take sneaking her out of the hospital. Aria jolted at the sound of the door opening quickly hiding the knife only to see the next person in the long line of enablers that provided Aria with her freedom much to the hospitals staff's dismay. Aria smiled at Keni, getting ready to challenge him to arm wrestling competitions or something else more interesting than talking but she was surprised to find that for some reason she had been given a mission to go on with Keni and if it was anything like the last mission, Aria would be more than happy to participate. Keni didn't wait for a response as he crossed the room with a wheelchair in a couple of steps and simply just snapped the thick band of leather holding Aria to the bed with a twitch of his steely rock imbued fingers.

"Yo Keni! I'm not gonna say no to a prison brake and maybe it will go like last time and we can punch some cool things again." As Aria spoke she giggled while punching at the air as if she was shadow boxing while Keni carried her to the wheelchair and placed the girl down in her chariot. Aria's laughter only increased to one of exhilaration as Keni then launched them from the hospital window only to land heavily on the street below causing the Senju to bounce in her seat as a car drove by. Looking up to see the dark skinned boy above her she only nodded at Keni's words as he took of down the street at maximum speed causing the girl to bounce wildly around in her seat much to her enjoyment but sadly the wheelchair wasn't enjoying the journey as much cause the pair soon found themselves crashing to the floor with Keni eating the hard dirt while Aria was forced to copy with Keni's equally hard back. "Ugh Keni next time let me hit the floor. It would hurt less. " Aria spoke between coughs which brought up a nice glob of blood that spilled down the girl's hospital clothes from her poor overworked lung while blood gently ran down the girls face from a cut opened up by Keni's rocky back. Aria's eyes spun in their sockets as little swirls, the Kyojouran picked the dizzy and concussed girl up while asking her to hide the fact that they broke the wheelchair. Aria simply nodded as she was slung over Keni's back like a bag before the journey continued.

Unfortunately the journey while fun prevented the girl from fully recovering from her head injury but luckily enough her regeneration stopped the bleeding after a few minutes, however with her brain so rattled she failed to hear Keni properly and thought they just needed to get Mitsuha from the building across the street they were currently standing over because she was stuck. Not to mention that Aria had no clue what a bookstore was so with a small pulse of chakra Aria took control of the wooden roof of the building Mitsuha was in and opened the structure up to the air like a flower by curving the wood up and away from the middle of the roof leaving the inside exposed to the rain but allowing Keni and Aria to call to Mitsuha easily from there place on the adjacent roof. Aria left the talking to Keni as her head was still killing her. "There's your approach Keni"
Jul 10, 2018
OOC Rank
It was definitely good to get away from the village now and then; when you were stuck there for the majority of your life, the over-familiarity did tend to get a bit dull, so, naturally, travelling a couple towns over to Coffee City gave the perfect dose of novelty. If the Inuzuka was honest with himself, this trip was just to clear his head, seek out some worthy distractions from everything that'd been going on. Ever since he'd had the wounds in his back patched up and healed at the Byoin, he'd made sure to visit his comrades who'd been on that fateful mission with him. Keni.... well, he was positive Keni held it against him for dragging them all there, almost killing them all in the process if not for Aria's quick thinking.... Well, that's what he'd been told anyway. His memory of the mission still had a great gaping whole in it to which the others only ever offered the vaguest hints as to what had happened and how they'd slew the monster attacking them. But Aria... she was in the worst state of all of them. An arm and a leg having to be removed, as well as who-knows-what others procedures. Everytime he saw her, he couldn't help but feel hot, bubbling guilt churn in his stomach. If he was honest, he couldn't blame them; he was furious with himself as well... not to mention, the things he saw at nigh- No! He couldn't think like that. Today had to be different. Today had to be a day of positivity. He was going to smile and enjoy himself even if it killed him.

"Lady. This is not a fiction book. If you are looking for some manga or fiction books to read, just over there is the recommended section."

Keiyaku's eyes slowly slid up from the pages he was scanning, that of a brand new volume of his favourite manga that had just hit the shelves today. When he saw what was going on, that Kaguya girl being berated by the store clerk, he couldn't help but smile for real this time. He was pretty sure she thought him a bit overly intrusive, but she seemed to share his love of books... Maybe he could get a recommendation off her, or...

"Ah, branching out are we?"

Keiyaku said, gliding over to Mitsuha and smiling warmly. Moru, the Shiba Inu, bounded up alongside them and pawed at Mitsu's leg, wanting some ear scratches.

"Mitsu, have you seen the latest issue," he said, brandishing his manga excitedly, showing the kind of excitement of one desperately wishing to be distracted from reality right this minute, "remember? It's the one you showed me back on the Hokage faces...and you uh... almost fell off."

The Inuzuka, much more pale and sickly looking since their last meeting, as though lacking sleep and not eating enough, nonetheless seemed to have just as much zest and energy as he did on that day they first met.

"Eh, sorry," he said, scratching the back of his head, "comin' on a bit strong again, ri-"

He slowly looked up as he heard the growning of wooden struts, the roof upcoming up to the elements like a great blossom.

"What in the flying fuck...?"
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Yume Izanami

May 4, 2023
OOC Rank
She looked through the book that was apparently non-fiction, things talking about a god of some kind that this cult follows. A bit weird. That's when she heard a voice call out to her and a familiar puppy bounding up to her. She smiled at the dog, but... Something wasn't quite right in the back of her mind. Then she remembered. Back at the gates... That masked man... The young Kaguya clutched the book she was holding tight. She had pain in the back of her head... Reaching back, she would feel the scar that was buried underneath her hair.

Mitsuha snapped back into focus when someone had kept talking to her. She was trying to understand what he was saying, what from being brought back to reality from her own mind as she tried to place who he was exactly. There was a vague sense of familiarity, but not much. She did, however recognize the manga the boy had in his hands. It was the latest edition of manga released, although she has had an early release of the same manga volume a while back. She was about to speak when the roof peeled open?!

The slight drizzle of rain was now picking up as events started to unfold. The soft pitter patter of the rain had picked up fast. The book store owner had started to cuss up a storm for the fact that a) his store now has taken damage, and b) the rain is ruining the books at a fast pace. Mitsuha would look up in the same direction as the boy was looking at to see a boy there carrying a girl. Hugging the book that she still had in her arms tightly to keep the rain from messing up yet another book, she gritted her teeth. Her shyness of being around people was now quickly replaced with anger towards the people that would ruin this book store. "Ju-Just what do YOU want?!" The young girl growled forcefully. Part of her was surprised by her own attitude. But time and time again, she had found herself suffering through some wild antics of being with people. One of the worst instances was when all she wanted to do was eat at a restaurant and ended up with food splattered all over her. Another one was at the gates when... She shook her head, no... She now knows that she can no longer be the weak willed girl too afraid to be around people no. She... She... "I... I HATE PEOPLE!!" Soon, everyone can see lightning in the distance, with a faint boom of thunder. "I've tried. And tried to be more social. But everywhere I turn some crazy thing happens that makes me feel MISERABLE. Just... GET AWAY FROM ME!"

Apr 4, 2023
OOC Rank
As aria would turn the roof in to that of a blossoming flower, there he could clearly make out Aria alongside some one else who seemed to be massively agitated. Turning his his head to the side in shock "Aria you opened the whole roof?!" Only now with this close up view, he would really notice the wound on her head which looked as if it was working it's very hardest from letting out splurts of blood. She looked tired. And sounded it to. With a small sigh he'd do some reflection in that moment 'It probably wasn't best to take her on a joy ride in her condition. This... is my fault.' "Thank you, Aria now we can speak to h-" Like a crackling thunder he could hear Mitsuha scream at the two of them, "Ju-Just what do YOU want?!" With all eyes on him as if the Kyoujourans body had been shocked by lightning he was too stunned to speak, just as he was working up the courage to tell her why they partook in this crusade, her voice would channel loudly through the downpour again.

"I... I HATE PEOPLE!!" A monstrous crash of lightning could be seen in the distance the flash slightly blinding him as it was accompanied by a booming thunder practically drumming the girl as she continued to push them away. "I've tried. And tried to be more social. But everywhere I turn some crazy thing happens that makes me feel MISERABLE. Just... GET AWAY FROM ME!" He was an idiot. But not this much of an idiot. This was wrong, and that was much more clear than the storm brewing above them. "I'm sorry! I've- Well no, we've! We've come here for a good reason! It's important I promise! We've been summoned together! I have a- I'll just come down and show you!" Keeping Aria in mind on his back he'd make his way down the building which he stood high upon using his chakra to slowly reach the floor. An awkward silence pertaining he'd open the door "Aria could you get the roof?"

Reaching in to his pocket to pull out a crumpled scroll he'd gaze at Mitsuha whilst offering it to her to read, looking slightly to her left though would be someone he really didn't expect to see, not here at least. "K-keiyaku? Hey...!"

Dear Keniwa,

You have proven your worth and determination, and as such I offer you two things, you will be part of the team I am now forming, learning and training directly under me, and your future is also one that you will need to step up to, given your ability and the fighting that took place, you are hereby promoted to the rank of Jounin.

When you have recovered, bring yourself, Senju Aria, and Kaguya Mitshua to my office, we will talk about the first plans for the team and will work on missions, learning, and development as a team. Accepting all of this I can promise you I will always be there when required in return, and to be a pillar that you can always lean on when needed.

Fukushu Ishi
Head Jounin


Jan 11, 2021
OOC Rank
There wasn't a piece quiet in this place, not even for a second so he could enjoy the bitter-sweet liquid which was darker than one soul. The people inside were probably all terrified now that a person had ripped the roof off... Which he noticed easily as the sound didn't bounce off the ceiling anymore. ' These kids know nothing of the non-shinobi world huh... Not everyone has their gifts.' He sounded lazy as he then saw a piece of the roof falling into his cup.

He would turn his gaze towards the screaming and then slowly stood up, and walked to the group. "Now... I ain't one to often meddle... but this is either fun for you guys or you are annoying a poor child here. Not to mention, you owe me a coffee by these Ninja antics you guys just did with the roof." He would comment and point toward the female that had been screaming earlier, then to his cup of coffee and back to the roof. He frankly hardly cared for the child on the back who seemed to be ill. He knew he could easily heal her, but he didn't bother with that, it wasn't his job after all.


Jul 28, 2018
OOC Rank
A Rank
Aria didn't seem to be recovering well with her injuries but didn't seem to be getting worse from them either as her head wound began to visible steam and slowly seal over as the rejuvenative properties of her blood line kicked into to full gear in order to repair the small amount of damage she had gotten from their less than graceful form of travel. For the mean time however Aria would be in a sort of goofy state as her brain swam with nature infused healing chakra so when Keniwa thanked Aria for her opening roof Aria just giggled in response and smiled in a goofy manner before resting her head on Keni's shoulder in an almost drunken stupor. When Mitsuha had enough and exploded in anger at the too Aria burst out into laughter while Keniwa froze. "Oooooh Keni the little green girl hates people but your not people your a rock and my bestest rival ahahahaha!"

Aria then went on to cackle at her own stupid words as Keni carefully climbed down from their perch with Aria swinging precariously from his back all the way down but the stone skinned boy kept her more in mind this time and carefully kept her perched on his back. It didn't take long for two to step into the bookstore but during the time they had been out of sight Aria had managed to squirm her way up higher on Keni's back until she had her face buried in his hair as if she was hiding. "She gonna bit you Keni?" Aria asked stupidly as her eyes seemed to still be visibly swirling as if she was dizzy. "I smell wet dog, Keiyaku must be here....Hi Keiyaku!!!" Aria half screamed Keiyaku's name while Keni requested that she fix the buildings roof before the books got fully flooded out. Aria's altered state of mind seemed to really want to listen to Keni as Aria clenched her hand and pulsed her chakra and in response the wooden beams above them closed in on themselves as the roof pinched back closed causing one or two leaks but overall sealing the shop from the hazards of the weather. Afterwards Aria flopped on to Keni's head again as she stared uncomprehendingly at a fairly pretty brown haired man who tried to admonish the girl for actions but she simply smiled at him and said. "Can I paint you?" Ignoring the fact that Aria couldn't paint even a little bit.
Jul 10, 2018
OOC Rank
Keiyaku had been hoping there would be some kind of recognition there, and there was, at first. The Kaguya girl seemed to smile at the manga he held in his hands, but there was something else too; he thought he could guess what it was. The fight at the gates, perhaps? Silly girl. Why'd she put herself in danger like that. Still, if not for her, he might've been in way worse shape; she's saved him from that jutsu.

"Is that....?"

This whole situation was so surreal, he could not exactly be sure whether or not he was dreaming. Now more than ever, with everything he had going on, reality was becoming much harder to discern. He was just about to jump into action, attempting to look for a culprit and perhaps try to mitigate the damage to this poor woman's store when he heard his name called out, and two familiar scents caught on the air. His stomach plummeted. The Inuzuka clapped eyes on the two of them when they finally descended into the store. At the same time, an older guy had approached, inspecting the damage and reprimanding the others.

"K-K-Keni," he spluttered, his face growing hot. His feeling towards him were all so tangled and swirled together, guilt, affection, anxiety, and longing all waging a furious war on his brain. Aria didn't make it much better, another opportunity to see the consequences of his actions. Morutobu, seeing big brother fall into a trance, gave him a bite on the leg, jolting him out of it.

"Uh, Keni, Aria, what....What.... Why is the roo-"

Mitsuha had certainly burst her boundaries with anger, directing a vicious invective at the lot of them. It seriously took the Inuzuka aback, but he couldn't say he entirely blamed her, what was everyone suddenly swarming on her for seemingly no reason. Keiyaku took a step away from her. Keni handed the girl a scroll. Morutobu meanwhile, was nosing at Mitsuha's leg, giving her 'we're sorry!'-type puppy dog eyes.

"Aria," he said, frowning, finding it harder and harder to keep his temper in check these days. He took a measured breath before continuing calmly, "look into my eyes okay. Look at my face. You see this face? This is my whoop-ass face. You see this face, means I'm about to whoop ass. Destroy any more shops, and you and I are gonna take a trip up accident-avenue."
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Yume Izanami

May 4, 2023
OOC Rank
Keniwa would try talking to her, but the girl was being overloaded with so much people trying to interact with her. But it would be too late for her to listen to reason. Things were happening way too fast for her to be comfortable with. As a scroll was brought to her, she merely batted it away as if it held a plague. Kill... Kill them and you can have that serene grace of loneliness that you long... She glanced frantically around, trying to put a face to the voice. Was it the one talking about his coffee? No, the voice was different, it sounded ancient, almost... sinister in a sense. None of the others will hear the voice nor feel any type of presence around them.

"J-Just leave me alone!" She yelled, trying to steady her breathing. She would then bolt away from the group that seemed to have converged on her, running out into the storm. The storm itself was now hitting Coffee City in full force. Violent winds and heavy rain would make it near impossible for people of no ninja training to withstand. Visibility would be near an all-time low. But if anyone were to try and follow Mitsuha, they would only be able to see her as a crimson dark red aura seems to surround the book that she's been carrying, almost as if it is keeping the book dry in the storm.

The girl herself would not be aware of such things and would run and hide in an alleyway where there was a cover to block most of the rain. Why. Why would you run away from your problems? They can only go away if you make them go away permanently. She would then see the red aura from the book as it seemed to pulse cursed energy. She stood there too stunned to speak. If you kill in my name, Jashin, I can grant you more power. Perhaps even enough power to kill the one that had caused you much harm too. Mitsuha would blink and she would see the mask of that man. She had a feeling that this was some sort of Genjutsu, but... Her legs grew weak. This is no Genjutsu, but rather a vision that will come. Your little village escaped ruin and death this time, but what will come of the next attack? You just need to take the preemptive strike.

Anger swelled up inside of her. After... One night, she can't remember much, but she's had this innate fear of a man in a mask ever since. Bones would form all around her body as it formed an exoskeleton, though it had an agile appearance and would give off an armored princess vibe, one look though in the young Kaguya's eyes and whoever is around will know that they are in danger. The bones around her hands shifted around at will until they became long polearms and she lunged it into the mask that has been bringing fear to her.

Anyone watching would see Mitsuha attack nothing but thin air, her bone polearm stuck in the side of a building before the bones shifted around once more to make a type of bone guantlets.

Apr 4, 2023
OOC Rank
Aria's nonchalant drunken stupor of an attitude was making Keniwa feel more bad, so his replies to her were practically what you'd say to a kid who was asking a bunch of questions but didn't know any better. "One moment Keiyaku." He kept her held steady with one arm as Mitsuha batted the scroll away and rejected the letter, shaking his head to her defiance he was about follow her out the door when Keiyaku chastised Aria who already looked like a doll who'd been ripped apart. Spinning round with a confused look on his face ,he admired Keiyaku but he looked different, the way he spoke especially to the person who saved their lives. He was conflicted at times he could barely manage to speak to him, usually getting flustered and hiding away, yet he always vowed to protect those who couldn't protect themselves, "Uhm, Keiyaku. There's no need to threaten Aria, if you have to blame anyone, you should blame me. Aria's not been doing so well... I probably shouldn't have brought her out to get Mitsuha. Sure she's, uhm well... perhaps the method of getting to the book store wasn't so great, but we should cut her some slack."

Tucking the scroll back in to his pocket he'd reach out his wallet with one hand , opening it with his mouth and grabbing some coins, clenching them in his jaw. "Ssoree ere ez yor chaang fore koffeee" He'd placed the money slightly covered in saliva on Shion's empty hand, looking out the door seeing the storm that Mitsuha ran in to, it probably wasn't best to get her in to anymore turmoil. Picking up Aria and placing her in to Keiyakus arms "Can you just look after her? I'll be a moment!" Dashing straight in to the disastrous weather, the rain and thunder would create a terrible cacophony.

As the Storm ferociously danced around the wind slightly pushing against Keniwa as he ran through the rain he would call out for the young kunoichi.
"Mitsuha?! Mitsuha!!" Swiftly moving through the drizzle he'd eventually stumble upon her, his eyes widening at her appearance bones scattered across her body taking on an armour. Alongside her hands being covered in that biological weaponry which she created herself. The Kyoujouran slowly approached her reaching his arm out "Mitsuha? Is that you? What is going on?"


Jan 11, 2021
OOC Rank
After all the ruckus, the girl on that gut's back started to talk towards him. "Can I paint you?" At those words, he started to sight-eye the girl on the back of the other. "If you wish to lose a life, feel free to give it a shot." In those words, you could easily hear he meant those words. After all, it wouldn't be the first time he would unalive someone so young. He had to grow up like that back in the day already. It was then that he saw the guy grabbing a wallet and give him money for the coffee that had been spilled, yet he was slightly interested in the girl...

"Now... Don't look at me funny, but that girl was holding something hazardous... Very dark if you ask me." he couldn't exactly say what it was as he only saw a silhouette. With that, he started to walk outside of the coffee place and try to trail the dark energy that had been coming from the object. As soon as he stepped out, he noticed this was no ordinary weather. ' She is going out of control at this point... I swear if the damages the casino she is mine..' he thought as he did as if he had a hard time walking in this storm, after all, no one was supposed to find out who he was. Through the many sounds echoing through this storm, Shion could see far and wide as to when he finally got to the spot where the three of them were now.

"Oi! You little !@#$ stop this tropical storm and grow a pair!" He yelled out, fake panting in between. "That thing holds dark energy!" He shouted out after and would attempt to get her to talk as to what the object was.


Jul 28, 2018
OOC Rank
A Rank
Aria just seemed to flop bonelessly into Keiyaku's arms as her body continued to work on the injuries mistakenly incurred during Aria's journey as drunkenly reached out to pat Keiyaku's face completely ignoring his so called serious face to instead lightly smack it as if she was playing a highly entertaining game. Her current state left her completely unresponsive to Shion threats for the simple reason she couldn't understand it as her body was taking care of the last of her damage which unfortunately meant the front of her brain was so steeped in nature chakra that she would basically be a five year old mentally at this point for the next five minutes.

[Sorry small weak post as I can't move myself around]
Jul 10, 2018
OOC Rank
Keiyaku's face fell the moment he clapped eyes on Keniwa's, the Kyoujouran's admonishment making him feel thoroughly ashamed of himself. But at the same time, why was he feeling so strict against Aria? He knew he should be grateful from what the others told him of what happened on that mission; she saved their lives and sacrificed her entire future to do it! But, when he looked at her, he just felt... angry, for some reason.

"I.... y-you're right, sorry..." he said lamely, about to open his mouth to say something a little more heartfelt, but it was at that moment that Mitsuha screamed her desire to be alone and fled the store. Keni, wanted to go after her, plopped a severely handicapped Aria straight into his arms.

"Wha- OOF!"

It happened so quickly, he barely had time to support her as Keni dropped her on him before darting away after Mitsuha. The stranger who'd approached them seemed to be doing likewise, charging out into the storm. Keiyaku looked down into Aria's face, at which point she started slapping lightly. The Inuzuka snarled in response, baring his fangs at her... he knew that usually wouldn't work, but considering her brain was addled with whatever this way, maybe it would? As he looked at her, something seemed to flit across his eyes, like a faint yellow glow, just for a second. His grip on her remaining arm tightened slightly, claws slightly digging into her skin, but not enough to draw blood. Something jerked deep inside him, like a great caged carnivore throwing its weight against its cage to burst its borders, its eyes trained with utter contempt upon the one who'd put it there. How easy it would be to just... with one jerk of her neck... and leave her to rot. Keiyaku swallowed, feeling the phantom taste of blood hit the back of his throat. His mouth become very dry and he was almost quivering.

"Non sum oblitus quid fecisti, pōdex..."
"I haven't forgotten what you did, asshole..."

He jerked his head away suddenly, seeming to come back to himself, but making a conscious effort not to look at Aria. Suddenly feeling like he didn't want to be alone with Aria, he headed out into the rain to see what had happened to the others.... more importantly, why Mitsuha was behaving so strangely.
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Yume Izanami

May 4, 2023
OOC Rank
She clenched her fists as she heard her name. "Over and over..." The bone gauntlet would transform once more, this time changing into very sharp curved blades all over her body. Now, take up a stance, slide your front leg to the back and form a tight stance that keeps you low to the ground. "You..." She didn't point her weapon, even though it seemed like they had all converged back on her once more. She ignored the random that was telling her to stop the storm. Yeah, like she would have the power to do so. There would be one person that would know who she was specifically talking to. "You keep trying to make me the center of attention. Let me get it through your thick skull of yours. LEAVE. ME. ALONE." She paused before speaking once more, "It wasn't good enough for you to drag me against my will to that fight you IN FRONT OF THE WHOLE VILLAGE. But now you want to act like it never even happen and continue to push me!" Show him what it means if he doesn't stop. She would rush forth, ignoring both people at the side of Keniwa, stabbing her bone weapons deep into his rock like skin, drawing blood. Those close enough to the young Kaguya would see that beneath her bone armor, her whole skin seemed to change to look that of a skeleton, but rather... There was a sinister aura coming from her. They could also see a psychopath type of smile plastered on her face.

She would then kick Keni in the chest and use the momentum to launch herself into the air and back far away from them, back to where she was originally, where she made that weird stance. She brought her own bloodied weapon to her face and licked the blood off of it. "Tell me Keni. If you asked me to leave you alone and I didn't, how would you feel? But if you wanted to try so hard for me to bend to change myself under tense situations, let's see how far I CAN CHANGE YOU!" She would then charge forth again, aiming for Keni once more.

Apr 4, 2023
OOC Rank
Blood splurged as from his chest before he could even get a word out, he was speechless there was nothing he could say his guilt weighed him down, his guard completely off, he let out a cry of pain his mouth opening wide before clamping it down as he gritted his teeth. Her aura was completely off, this was real, life or death, there was no time to mess around, she wasn't normal her skin having changed completely to resemble that of a skeleton alongside her bone armour. The worst part was the smile she carried few things struck fear in his heart, yet this was one of them, clenching on to the bone weapons as he tried to wrestle her down in a flash he was kicked in the chest the weapons coming out with a painful slice. Blood gushing out as two oozes would leak from either side of his chest as he skidded backwards on his two feet keeping his balance.

There was an innocent bystander here... and... Keiyaku, alongside several civilians all around he had to protect. Though Mitsuha's words continued to cut like daggers, there was no way he wanted to hurt her, she was right, he'd pushed her to far. Sweat leaked down the side of his face as she spoke, pinned to wall he had to act fast as she charged towards him. "Vanguards charge!" Keniwas skin spiked hardening to the extreme as he charged towards Mitsuha, tackling her waist, whilst imbuing his feet with a large amount of chakra, "Keiyaku I need your help!" taking to great heights launching the two of them upwards soaring through the air. Carrying her as they flew he'd reach the top of the building which they initially stalked her on, moments before throwing her to the other side of the roof landing down opposite her.

Pushing through the pain there he stood against her "I-I i'm sorry! I just. I was trying to help you become stronger... We cannot fight here though! There is bystanders, it is too dangerous. Though if you do, I will stop you Mitsuha. I am sorry." He wouldn't clench his fist yet, he stood strong now. The bleeding wasn't so bad despite her puncturing his chest, she could definitely make it worse though. A warm orange glow of molten would flow around his body, with the use of life and healing he could counteract the bleeding for now. "Life. Healing. View. These things are important Mitsuha. I... I did not see your view for what it truly was before. I'll fight if you wish this is... my fault, however I won't let their be any loss of life."

Vanguard's Charge - Buffing Taijutsu
Rank 3: Upon initiation the user takes 50% damage from attacks which hit them (this is not considered DR, but also overwrites the user's DR during this time). This will last until completion of Vanguard's Charge, but if the user's following action is a Melee Attack this will extend to last until the completion of said Melee Attack. Vanguard's Charge will activate Juggernaut despite not being an attack.

Cost: 2.25 AP; 1000 CP.


Jul 28, 2018
OOC Rank
A Rank
Aria groaned as rain splashed on her face as Keiyaku ran after Mitsuha and Keniwa, Slowly but surly the natural chakra that had been swirling around the Senju's brain had fixed the damage that had been done by her fall and was now draining out of the organ allowing Aria's thoughts to flow freely again as she was now dealing with a severe headache as she came back to her senses. Just in time for the Inuzuka to round a corner and find Mitsuha's examining Keni's rib cage with a very sharp investigation tool. "Eh" Was Aria's surprised response as her eyes took in the now transformed form of the normally shy Kaguya girl as her personality had seemed to shift with the transformation making her seem more aggressive as she kicked Keni away from her.

Aria watched as Keni charged the skeletal girl and pushed her straight to a nearby rooftop as Aria was forced to watch from a distance since her movement was tied to Keiyaku's own unless he simply dropped her right then but fortunately for Aria the pair was fighting on a wooden rooftop. As the two separated on top of the roof Aria closed her eyes and focused on the chakra of the natural world allowing her to sense the glowing orange chakra of Keni and the now red chakra that was bubbling with anger within Mitsuha, Aria own pulse of golden chakra would be the only warning for Mitsuha as the wooden roof exploded into movement around her as twelve blunted stakes of wood shoot from the ground in all directions and angles with the intention to pin the girl between them in order to stop the fight.
Jul 10, 2018
OOC Rank
"Keiyaku I need your help!"

There was no time to waste. The call was enough to put Keiyaku's battle-sense through the roof, flooding his body with adrenaline. As he watched Mitsuha stab the Kyoujouran through the chest, he felt a kind of electric charge flood through his own body, shaking slightly with repressed rage. There was no hesitation as Keniwa bore the girl skyward, getting her away from the surrounding civilians, and so Keiyaku hastened to help. He growled to Moru who stood to attention and leapt up to the building's top. Likewise, the Inuzuka threw Aria onto his back and quickly began to climb as she began readying her own jutsu, manipulating the wood to subdue the Kaguya. As Keiyaku landed beside them, there was a sudden alteration to the atmosphere; a strange kind of low-feeling was permeating the air, like an aura of intimidation was being broadcast. The Inuzuka's eyes were set, glaring pointedly at Mitsuha as she licked blood off the end of her weapon.

Keiyaku grimaced, and for a moment, a shadow of the wolf seemed to pass over his human face. It was quite Daunting

"Stop this!"

He shouted at her, instinctively throwing his arm out in Mitsuha's direction. She would feel something odd; a pressure, as if the air itself was tightening around her, squeezing her to a painful degree, worsening every second Keiyaku kept his fist clutched. His knuckles were white with the strength he was using, his jaw set in utter contempt at what Mitsuha had just done to someone he... well... cared for a lot. Almost in shock, he unclenched his fist, freeing Mitsuha and looking, stunned, down at his own hand.

"How did I d-do that....?"

As he turned to look at Keni, he felt trepidation; he thought he knew what it must mean, with that energy radiating from him, what he was going to be doing to his body.

"Keni, Aria and I are with you, no matter what, okay? Take her down and I'll put her under arrest, alright? She's just committed assault."

[ For clarity, RP-wise, I used Daunt, followed by Clutch of the Giant ]

Yume Izanami

May 4, 2023
OOC Rank
Taking a full hit, Mitsuha was carried like a ragdoll up to the roof of a building and flung from the Kyoujouran's shoulders as she eyed him, studying his next few moves. She recognized immediately the aura that surrounded Keni, him opening up his gates, set to healing the injuries put upon him. Gritting her teeth, she would listen to him speak. Before she could think up her next thoughts on how to respond to him, out of the corner of her eyes, she seen an attack coming her way. Dodging with a backflip and landing gracefully, the Kaguya eyed Keiyaku and Aria coming up to the roof as well.

She could definitely sense a power coming from him. It seemed to almost overpower her. Almost. But her own anger and bloodlust seemed more powerful. However, lost in her own rage, she felt an invisible force tighten around her as she struggled for a few seconds before it had dissipated. Through this brief encounter, her clothes have been in tatters, ripped shirt sleeves, tie gone. Her hair is now in a mess. "Just... What part of leave me alone do any of you not understand?!" She would yell at the top of her lungs. That's right The voice said smoothly. This time, everyone on the roof would hear such a voice, though they would not be able to discern where it is coming from. Strike them down for getting in your way and causing you such headaches and hindrances The bones around her hands formed into polearms. Taking a step forward she would hesitate. Her mind would flash back to seeing each of their bright and shining smiles that they have given her in the past. Keiyaku, one of the very first people to talk to her. Even though he was loud and whatnot, he always seemed at ease. He was there when Mitsuha had told that rude woman that she would control her bloodline so that she won't accidentally hurt someone. Staring down at her bone weapons, still fresh with Keni's blood, an instant migraine flashed through her head, along with an image. A mask...

Aria, whom Mitsuha had encountered in the Forest of Death, she had smiled and waved at her while she was being carried off by Kaiyaku after Mitsuha and a few others had to fight off the Forest for some unknown reason. The migraine would come in an instant yet again, this time, showing the Leaf Gates under the night moon...

And finally, Keni. Her first interaction with him was to completely ignore him as he had asked what to do in case of if there was a very badly injured friend and a criminal getting away. She won't admit it, but she still ponders on that question. Once more, the migraine would come. And the final image was her... She was lying in a pool of her own blood at the Gates...

Through all of these migraines, she would yell out in pain. But finally it would end and her breathing was labored. Finally, she would calm herself down as much as she can. Once calmed down, she would stare at the three other ninja and reply, moreso to the voice that has been beckoning her, "No. They are not worth death... There's only one person I have in mind. But... my mind's a little bit foggy." She would deactivate he weapon, the bone armor seemingly melting off of the girl. The voice would laugh before saying, Very well, I'll allow it this time. I do look forward to when you find the one who has truly hurt you. It will be... Exhilarating. And just like that, the voice had grown silent. She would turn to the others, a serious look on her face, "I'm going to say this once. Respect my boundaries."

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:
