Once Aria would arrive the child would see Shusuke wearing a long black cloak with a scythe in hand. He had tutored in Ninjutsu, Taijutsu, and Genjutsu, and this time he felt like addressing Taijutsu again. He was curious what kind of training this Senju Aria already possessed, but he was certain he could not go all out no holds barred less he injure them. Spinning the scythe around like a color guard's flag, he would warm up his arms as he waited and would find the center of gravity for his conjured weapon. Throwing it into the air and catching it with a hand behind his back before flipping forward in a slice he would practice some of his basic strike formations to keep himself busy.
The afternoon sky was slowly coming to a close and evening was approaching rapidly as the crisp blue sky was beginning to darken and dull in vibrance. The scattered clouds would slowly begin to shift from their regular white and grey coloration to more of a pinkish orange. The sky was truly beautiful, and it seemed like looking up was always a sight of beauty within the walls of Konohagakure.
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