Ninpocho Chronicles

Ninpocho Chronicles is a fantasy-ish setting storyline, set in an alternate universe World of Ninjas, where the Naruto and Boruto series take place. This means that none of the canon characters exists, or existed here.

Each ninja starts from the bottom and start their training as an Academy Student. From there they develop abilities akin to that of demigods as they grow in age and experience.

Along the way they gain new friends (or enemies), take on jobs and complete contracts and missions for their respective villages where their training and skill will be tested to their limits.

The sky is the limit as the blank page you see before you can be filled with countless of adventures with your character in the game.

This is Ninpocho Chronicles.

Current Ninpocho Time:

Gentle Blades [Siu|Mikasa]

Senju Shizuka

Active Ninja
Dec 17, 2017
At times there were days that simply couldn’t get better. One might meet up with friends, see some family they should have missed but didn’t, get great food, win something or get complimented on their accomplishments, yet there would be no joy to any of that. A thick mass of gray clouds would shroud one from any possible light or joy. Lately that’s the type of days Shizuka’s been dealing with. Regretting getting up in the morning and wandering aimlessly in the evening, she ate badly and slept even worse. Violent dreams haunted her at night. One might think they were the remnants of her missions, things gone unprocessed due to various reasons, but Shizuka was slowly growing to accept them as a part of herself. Traumatized or not, she was the way she was and as long as everyone else stayed out of her business she would manage. Perhaps that’s why she only saw a couple of people lately. Solo missions and tasks had slowly climbed to the top and were claiming their spot as her favorites. During the time spent on them she didn’t have to pretend. She acted quickly, thoroughly, and then she left. Being around people was different from that. The strained smile, the little sentences forced from her lips to have the conversation flowing. Well, she only sacrificed her energy for a few. Like Siu.

As dark as her current mood, the stormy cloud above the village predicted no good. They matched Shizuka’s eyes, too. Perhaps hers were a little bit lighter, but no green was left in them. As if drained by life all of the previous colour the girl had possessed was there no longer. She dragged her feet across the street, slender fingers holding onto a cigarette. A habit she had taken from Siu for better or for worse.

On her way to meet her friend she heard some talk. Kids were kids but excited and suspicious grown-ups were an entirely different matter. Listening in on some conversations during her lazy stroll, the young Senju found it hard to believe the rumours. While foreigners weren’t too rare, someone from Leaf without a proper invitation could be a thorn in the villagers’ eyes. One eye, two eyes. She shook her head while holding onto her temple and dropped the cigarette to die on the cold stones.

“Siu!” Fingers dug into the older girl’s shoulder as Shizuka tried to drag her along, sort of. Of course she wasn’t really trying to floor her and take her along as if she was a bag of potatoes. No. This was a gesture of friendship, a hasty sign that they had to be quick. It’s why the greeting had been nothing but the name. Annoyance filled her steps; she quickened her pace while easily making room for Siu to follow. If not for the fact that they planned to meet up, Siu would surely follow out of curiosity.

Coiled up anger slithered through her veins. She felt like bashing someone’s head against the stones of her home village. The sound of bones cracking would be a welcomed song. Her fingers itched to hurt from blows and burn with chakra. Honestly, the rage that’s been sleeping for a while now suddenly controlled her entire body. It hurt. Every fiber seemed to burn with bottled up energy and desperation. She could barely follow her own thoughts when her eyes landed on their target. Before she knew, Shizuka snapped.

A part of her actions might be explained by the still quite recent loss of her parents. Though months had passed the wound was still fresh even if Shizuka acted as if it wasn’t there at all. “Shinobi died, life is what it is, everyone will go one day”, she had so many words to show her indifference which wasn’t even a full lie. However, inside she knew it bothered her still. Maybe not as much as it would have should she have been younger or a commoner, it did leave a bruise regardless of any trainings she’s been through. Unfortunately or perhaps luckily, this wasn’t the entire source from where her uncontrollable urge to strangle the white-haired woman came from.


The name crossed her mind in broken pieces as she shot forward to hit the woman whose hair resembled the older Senju’s. Angry, hurt, shaking. Shizuka wanted to have someone feel as badly. Someone who looked like Natsuru did wasn’t a bad choice here. She both blamed Natsuru for what she was feeling now and missed her at the same time. The contradicting feelings and thoughts were ripping her mind to pieces as her fist sailed to collide with the stranger’s face.

Too blind to see the reality of things, she bared her teeth.


* * *​
"Way to ruin a good day...."

Gleaming dark pupils reflected images of moody grew clouds, the half-finished hazel-brown cigarette wisping smoke towards the sulking sea above. Myriads of hurried steps tapped against cobblestone—where they'd been so anxious to reach the Chuunin knew not. Bodies squeezed passed and bumped into, chatter filled the streets.
Reverie served for entertainment during her wait in the district center. She'd been speculating explanations concerning the constant fatigue gradually working to pervade her entire being; A weariness of the mind unrelieved; Consciousness uncleared of haze; It accumulated day by day. Her body felt lethargic from it.
Assignments became more frequent; Tasks became more demanding. Missions seemed neverending; Every task was urgent. There'd been praise and mentions of possible Jouninship—the notion seemed terrifying. The very word imposed an intangible weight upon already laden shoulders.
Days like these became essential for easing the accumulating burdens; They offered something akin to relief: days without constant necessity for wariness; days without a necessity to numb emotions in order to fulfill gruesome task inextricable from her trade. She could smile without precaution; discuss topics besides mission details; express herself; breathe.


A sudden grip on the shoulder jolted the kunoichi back to reality. Her eyes became conscious of the young Senju before her mind as she swung her head around. There would be no time for formalities as the younger girl hastily ushered her through the congested streets. What exactly required such urgency, the kunoichi found her becoming increasingly agog to know the farther the journey led. Despite the rather peculiar rush, Siu was well-acquainted enough with the younger Senju to understand she never acted such a way without valid reason—whether for better or for worse.
Suddenly, the pair stopped. Curious eyes caught but the slightest glimpse of unfamiliar white hair before a hell-bent Senju violently lunged forward—far too spontaneously for the older Chuunin to even restrain. Eyes widened, and a hand reached out in a ridiculous gesture as if able to prevent the sudden act of aggression. But it'd been far too late—the Senju had already dived headlong towards an unwithdrawable path. Siu's lips ever-so-slightly parted; Something voiced, yet it was questionable whether it'd actually been intelligible speech, or simply just that—a voice.
Listlessly the platinum mane kunoichi traverses through the Seki district, numerous sources insisted on Mikasa partaking in the local markets and variety of goods only found in Kumogakure. Needless to say, the maiden didn't wish to appear rude as a foreign visitor and did as kindly instructed, her initial inquiries would revolve around the delicacies.

Initially tundra orbs glance about the streets, occasionally the visitor would notice gazes focused on her; potentially due to her exposure at the World Wide Tournament or ivory hair was as uncommon as it had been in Konohagakure. Shrugging off the notion she begins to tease her taste buds, Mikasa's initial stop would revolve around a pastry stall - one claiming to excel in fluffy croissants. Grateful that the currency system was similar, the medical nin exchanges the necessary amount to purchase a single, and soon enough her pursed lips press against the alluring treat to partake in taste. Within moments her eyes shimmer, a content wisp escapes her lips as Mikasa's exposed digits press against her jaw, "Mmm!"

Frantically she nods her head to the stall keep, a ginger wave and the traveler would be on her way to view the additional opportunities Kumogakure present. Faint clacking on the cobblestone emits from her boots, her attire holding sufficient heat, "I should be visiting the hospital area as slightly intended, but a distraction is much needed." she murmurs tenderly to herself, not wishing to relish in the thoughts of Konohagakure and her inevitable return to settle unfinished business. "Eep! I haven't sent my letter, shame on me. I must search out for a local postal service.. as well as seek out the group that left prior to me." the maiden continues to vocalize in a chipper tone. Rummaging through her pockets would prove to serve the silly woman had forgotten to leave it behind in Hi no Kuni, but no matter.

Through numerous conversations to follow, Mikasa is able to get a general direction to the services in which she sought; however fate would have grander plans for her. Frantic and heavy footsteps echo about her as her muscles go on full alert at the animosity in the tone of an unknown potential threat. Pivoting about, the fur coat wafts outwards to expose her underlining ruby red long sleeve top. Regrettably there wasn't enough time to clasp ahold of her medical syringes due to unfamiliar clothing she wore, but she was certain she would cause a commotion if able to.

Extending her sole ivory gloved hand outwards, the fist is caught and a near half of a foot distance is lost as she slides back. Instinctively a kunai is brandished in her free hand as frigid tundra orbs fixate against the unknown youth, better than nothing. A moment of silence would ensue for Mikasa was unable to identify the stranger, "Me?" she murmurs in a perplexed tone, not yet lowering her guard as by passers would begin to halt and observe the now trio. "I suggest you cease your antics, for your safety. I do not wish to be removed from the village after only just entering." a coy grin etches onto her features.

When her fist collided with an open palm instead of the face she had been aiming for Shizuka realized that she might have as well hit a mountain. Sure, her target had moved a bit because of the force the young Senju had used, but aside from that nothing changed. There was no worry or anger in the eyes staring back at her and it only took a moment for the stranger to mock her. That, together with the realisation that this one was probably as strong as Natsuru, only multiplied the rage she felt. A quick glance to the side showed her the familiar glistering of steel, but that didn’t stop her from drowning further in her unreasonable hatred for the white-haired kunoichi.

“Are you from Leaf?!” she wanted to know with wide yet furious eyes. The words had come out as a hiss; lethal blades from between her teeth. They were followed up by her next action that wasn’t as violent as her first, but might get her a kunai between the ribs regardless.

Using her free hand she reached out with an open palm, grabbing the woman by her red top. While a part of her had wanted to go for the throat, there still was a little bit of sense left in her. Well, enough to know that should she go for the throat the other might do the same. Besides, she wanted answers more than she wanted to die. No matter how much her muscles burned and her mind spun, Shizuka wasn’t ready to vanish from this world. First she wanted to do things and discover places. Perhaps that was the reason why she had crashed the way she had. Unable to cope with the effects coming from the sap and in no position to let go of it, she was trapped.

Tightly her fingers dug into the fabric. She held onto it as if it was a lifeguard board. Standing really still she suddenly realized how the puzzle clicked. The reason of her paleness, the solitude, the dark thoughts and even darker actions. All of it came from something outside of her reach. She had no grasp and no control there. Pretty much how she had no control on the one standing in front of her. No matter how strong she grew, somehow she was still weak. There it was, the thing nibbling at her sanity.

The hard reality left her shaking. Hands slid back to fall next to her sides. She blinked and blinked and then the world blurred when rain came down pouring from the sky just in time to hide her tears.

* * *​
The speed and fluidity of which the white-maned woman responded evidenced the unquestionable; Shinobi.

"Shizuka!" uttered the cry, "What are you doing?! Stop it!" The tone, while demanding, also displayed grave concern—the older kunoichi had no desire to recover her close friend from a pool of blood this afternoon.
Worry and confusion painted her features as she observed the ongoing scene; Warry not to physically intervene, lest she undesirably pour more fuel into an already burning fire. From such close proximity, Siu'd been aware the two shinobi could gut each before she'd even have an opportunity to lift a foot from the ground.

"Leaf...? The kunoichi's pupils dilated, seizing the moment to more thoroughly study the unfamiliar woman ahead. Two questions arose; First: Why had there seemingly been a growth of Leaf shinobi in Kumogakure as of late? As, just but weeks ago she'd found herself meeting and later instructing another shinobi from Leaf, as well; And Two: Leaf or not—for what reason had Shizuka determined immediate aggression towards this stranger the proper welcoming?
Apprehension consumed the female as she silently onlooked. Shizuka's hand suddenly dropped back to her side—Siu hoped she'd finally arrived to her senses. A violent crackle and furious rumble roared from the heavens, demanding audience. Tears downpoured from sombre clouds above, as if themselves weeping from the scene. The Chuunin's focus slightly strayed, unable to ignore the gawking faces nearby.

"Shizuka!" repeated the address, a hand lifting to the kunoichi's hip; "Whether she is from Leaf or not, this is not how we treat others visiting our country!" A foot simultaneously stomped the ground as she rebuked the younger girl, accentuating her anger, whilst a finger gestured towards the referred victim; Whom Siu would afterwards switch attention back to.

"Please withhold aggression.... Forgive us! We are deeply sorry for the sudden assault upon you!" spewed out frantic appeals; Siu's hands folding together as when one prays, her tall figure quickly stooping forward to perform an apologetic bow.
Accusations of residing from Hi no Kuni are tossed about, in reply the medical kunoich meekly nods her head; truthfully Mikasa had nothing to lose in revealing said information. "That is correct, I am from Konohagakure." the maiden continues in a tender tone, continuing to keep her tundra optics locked against the peculiar angsty teenage. Furthermore, the inquisition left the Sennin's mind churning, had there been foul items between the land of fire and lightning? No doubt due to Takeshi's blundering and fortunately she had arrived in time to alleviate any sort of pressure by showcasing friendly intentions while binding her time before ultimately returning home.

In the midst of a simple thought would her guard lower, not due to underestimating the one before her, merely due to an absentminded plaguing notion and in turn Mikasa's attire would be fiercely clawed. At this stage it crystal clear a severe misunderstanding was ensuing as the onlooker swiftly interjects with calling out her precious friends name in hopes of calming the raging storm stirring in the lasses soul. "Shizuka-chan, if I heard correctly, perhaps it would better to speak more privat-" the kunoichi's vocals trail off as the youths arms reluctantly crash against her sides as the graceful waters from the world above begin to pitter patter against the cobblestone.

On further inspection the opposing individual was rather lanky, never the least the apologetic bow was most welcomed and in turn Mikasa withdraws the hastily branded steel. "A simple misunderstanding, I am sure." she replies with a cheeky grin. Fortunately the Kurosawa Tournament didn't mark her as a pseudo celebrity, which was a rather odd item to begin with; the attention was warranted and the thinking back on the prior village wide tournament, the hosts were far too eccentric for her taste.

Extending her sole gloved hand outwards, the platinum mane woman daintily pats the shoulder of the hysteric child, "There there, I am sure everything will be okay?" she offers in a perplexed tone. Swiftly her gaze wanders about to locate a particular shop or stall, "Perhaps a warm beverage would calm your nerves, yes?" she offers while mostly gazing towards her companion for approval.

In theory she knew that she had done wrong. As the cold water started to run in thin streams across her face and the people around them moved away having decided there would be no scene worth getting soaked for, the rush she’s felt before gradually started to seep away. Where every fiber of her body had burned with pain and distress mere moments ago, an odd type of emptiness settled in her chest. No, it was the hollowness from before, now it just uncoiled and spread. Instead of fiery rage it was an icy cold that ran through her veins now. She barely breathed and didn’t even notice Siu’s apologizing. The world stood still. This wasn’t Natsuru. This one, no matter how much her hair appeared alike, how her frame reminded the young Senju of her older kin, or her actually being from Konoha, well, this was still someone else.

Too far gone to properly react she only came back to her senses when something touched her shoulder. Being convinced it would be Siu she felt confused when the hand turned out to belong to the stranger. No hostility came from the gesture - a surprise still. It seemed this one really wasn’t planning on clashing with her in the rainy streets of Cloud.

“A drink?” she managed when she found her voice again. The words had been but a whisper. Might have even been drowned by the rain and the sky’s rumbling nature. Regardless, the trio moved across the puddles and into the direction of an inn.

As they moved she thought to see the disappointment and disapproval still lingering around Siu’s lips and eyes. It didn’t stop her from posing a rather blunt question the moment they were all out of the rain. “Are you a Senju too?” the girl wanted to know more than anything else at the moment.

Of course such questions after hostile actions on top of her odd behavior might leave a lead for someone to follow if they cared to. Perhaps Siu would pose questions later on. Surely the her friend would rebuke her more in private - bits and pieces of the words spoken earlier came floating from the background now. She thought to have heard not to treat visitors the way she had. Perhaps she had imagined it, because she knew those words to be true.

Once settled down, Shizuka tried to lean into the shadow of a nearby pillar. Comfortably pushing her back into the harsh wood she kept her eyes on the stranger and her hands to herself. “Something strong..” was all she wanted. Though, doubt whether Siu would approve of that lingered. Even if Shizuka needed the liquor -and Siu knew that much- there was still a chance she wouldn’t get it.

* * *​


Current Ninpocho Time:
