Ninpocho Chronicles

Ninpocho Chronicles is a fantasy-ish setting storyline, set in an alternate universe World of Ninjas, where the Naruto and Boruto series take place. This means that none of the canon characters exists, or existed here.

Each ninja starts from the bottom and start their training as an Academy Student. From there they develop abilities akin to that of demigods as they grow in age and experience.

Along the way they gain new friends (or enemies), take on jobs and complete contracts and missions for their respective villages where their training and skill will be tested to their limits.

The sky is the limit as the blank page you see before you can be filled with countless of adventures with your character in the game.

This is Ninpocho Chronicles.

Current Ninpocho Time:

Get away or Getting down to work?(Mission)

I listened as carefully as I could. The story gave some insight into Masuno is history which, kind of revealed that I was indeed on a small island. Of course he went on to confirm just how small the island is. But it was odd that he didn't go too deep into his relationship with Takemitsu but rather, with Takemitsu's relationship with Masuno? A father / daughter bond? I don't know... seemed a bit off to me. But I was still fortunate that Iujushi shared such familiarity with the victim, it served to grant a better chance of understanding for me.

I needed time to process all of what he told me so when the leader decided to ready himself to dive, I stood up in preparation as well. I thought it would be best not to try and milk this cow all at once. "Not for now, but thank you very much for sharing so much with me." I nodded to him to signify that I was ready. I took in a few deep breaths before following Iujushi in.

[Sorry for the long wait.]
Although he was more a law enforcement figure Iujushi proved to be someone who spent a bit of time in the sea. Diving for longer periods and pointing out areas to search he seemed to try and keep track of Yuri in case she found something as evidence or ran into trouble probably. Yuri hadn’t spent that much time diving under the sea and if she wasn’t looking for dead body parts, missing people, and a ship wreck it may have been enjoyable. When the two were surfaced Iujushi mentioned seeing something wanting Yuri’s eyes on the sight as well.

In a deeper area they found a ship that looked like someone drilled a hole through it as the same interval along the length of the ship. While trying to make sense of why someone would do such a thing the two noticed a flash above them while submerged in the sea. Seeing someone belly flop into the water above them with a large 10 cm wide hole in his side would probably make the two wonder on what was going on.

Realizing it was the boat man they had a several things to process. They might have found the couples boat, their driver was dead assuming the large hole was not preexisting, and something did it above sea level. Plus they were running out of air.

(OoC: No worries... but what do you do? PM me if anything seems unclear... well besides the obvious.)
I huffed as I readied myself to descend into foreign waters. It,.... was amazing! The sea wasn't some unbearable temperature like I thought it would be but rather, comfortable. However, I couldn't afford to enjoy it for long as I spotted the captain during my effortless descend. I was there for work after all, and answers to some of my personal issues as well, be it through seeing this investigation to its end or from within myself. I followed him for a bit but we resurfaced upon him finding something of interest.

We fell further into the deep before Iujushi was able to point out a sunken ship. I wasn't sure what to think at the time but I just stuck to observing the scene for that moment and try to make sense of it later. There seemed to be something capable of drilling a hole into this ship, and judging by width, whatever it was highly accurate. I dived just a bit closer for a better look until a great flicker of light came from above. A muffled impact followed the image of a body that seemed to have received a mortal injury. It was only after it fell past us that I realized what had happened. A split second reactionary scream escaped from before I caught myself. I looked down at the ship and then upward towards the surface.

After that scream, even after only a second, robbed me of a great deal of air. I wanted to go down to the ship and that it had an air pocket somewhere in it but, there would be no time to correct that action if it were a mistake. Grabbing hold of what seemed to the boatman guy under Iujushi's command, I kicked as hard as I could to get to the surface. But I knew I shouldn't just pop my head out, less I risked having my head popped right off. I moved to the front end of the boat in hopes that it would provide some form of cover. Once I got close to the surface, I freed a hand to grab the boat pull my face above the water slowly, yet I was unable to suppress my coughing up I like I hoped. If there was someone up there waiting for us, we would need time to assess and react which was why I chose to breach at the angled part of the boat.

I listened out for any possible movements onboard in a umm, sad to say, a fear induced state of alertness, before looking around to find the any other possible sources of attack. I wasn't sure what Iujushi would do but I hoped that he would be able to spot anything that I couldn't.
Yuri found herself surcuming to the environment a bit. It was natural beauty in the silence and mysterious allure buried under the waves it felt serene and peaceful. Seeing the captains figure wordlessly moving onwards reminded her of the real purpose of the diving breaking her out of retrospective thought. Although it was beautiful and surprising not as cold as one would think it was lonely in a way once they saw the ship wreckage below them. The holes seemed almost too precise if it weren’t for the odd path through the ship it seemed it would possibly be thought of by design. Thoughts of salvaging the ship, speculations on what had happened and the bodies possible locations, and all other immediate thoughts were quickly shifted to the back of Yuri and the captain’s mind when the flash of light came followed by a body descending down motionless.

Yuri's sudden surprise and thoughts processes spinning out at the speed of light had her head reeling on what to do, or it was it the lack of oxygen. The choice to shoot for the surface had her moving to the boats side with the boatman’s body. She couldn’t tell if he was dead just the sudden thoughts and the blur of what to do moved around in her mind details fizzling out and lost in a way in the moment of action. Oddly enough once she was on the boat everything seemed so loud above the waves the silence below that seemed deadly to her lungs also felt slightly safe. The sound of the wind, the waves, her breathing, the sound of her heartbeat in her head pounding, plus the setting sun had her looking around from inside the boat sheltered from view with the body.

She would finally notice Iujushi crouched in the boat next to her and the boatman, the look in the eye, the hole in the side… it was definitely a dead body. Even in her tired state she could see the look in the captain’s eyes, he hadn't looked at the boatman once since they got in the boat but this large man’s eyes shown with the look of someone ready to kill, out of revenge, defense, a man kicking in the aggressive side of his fight or flight taking hold of him, it was unknown but as time went on and nothing happened they eventually got up and looked around, Yuri would notice the diving knife in the large man’s hand. The large man licked his lips looking down at the body as he stood sheathing the knife while shaking his head moving to the boat’s controls and brought it into shore. Getting the boat back into docks had them out after dusk. Finding others coming into the area Iujushi seemed to revert back into the role of constable at the docks, requesting assistance with getting the boat below salvaged. The deceased boatman’s boat settled up where it needed to be docked, a cart for the boatman’s body was requested and brought. Word for someone to get the island doctor to meet him on his way someplace was mentioned as well. People coming to help found Iujushi giving out orders as he dressed back into his uniform and his speech and tone professional and rational.

Yuri found the scene had changed again since she was walking next to Iujushi who was pushing the cart by himself, the boat to be taken care of in silence, the found boat salvaged in the morning. The two had a lot to think about, one that seemed to poke at Yuri now was what was next, where they were going with the body, and who was the doctor and why hadn’t he been talked to before.

(OoC: The boatman’s body is similar to the fish, even with being submerged he seems like he had been packed in salt and dried out. Let me know if there were any details you would have liked to known with the skip forward. You walking body is suuuuuuper quiet by the way. Also you feel pretty tired in truth.)
I was fortunate, the boat seemed clear of danger. But even as I climbed aboard, it took me quite sometime to realize that the threat had passed. Much of the time was spent staying low and searching all sides. When that failed to settle my nerves, searching the boat for hidden threats calmed me a bit more, for I didn't want to be ambushed with a surprise explosive talisman or anything of that nature. After my alert level settled a bit, I noticed Iujushi. He was... suppressing rage. I was able to empathize with him a little. I too held a vengeful spirit when I first cam to the island, but his was fresh at that time. The grip he held on his knife... it was actually a little intimidating, especially considering his size and build.

Words weren't traded. There was nothing to say. He got himself to the control and began steering us to shore. In that time I looked over the body, at first trying to get over the fact the I just saw him alive and joyful only a short while ago. But then, I inspected the hole that seemed to be the cause of death to try and decipher two things. Was it actually the case of death? And was he surprised from the back, or caught off guard from the front? His face, or the odd formation that seemed to be one, might have held a clue, assuming that locked muscles might still be evident... or relevant. But there was one thing that seemed familiar about his dried out condition that nagged me for quite sometime.

Upon reaching the shore, Iujushi went into retrieve his clothes, as did I, before getting to work. I took some time to sit down and process what happened, to try to connect some bots. I needed answers and I needed to come up with them right then. As I looked across the beach I was reminded of what was going on before we left and it slowly began to sink in... no pun intended. The boatman and the fish that Takemitsu brought to us were both dehydrated rapidly. I could think of no other fashion to kill someone so fast in such a manner other than ninjutsu. Dread was what I felt when I wiped my hands down my face, for I was hoping that shinobi played no part in this. All I could think to say was "Oh s%@$,... okay. It's okay. I wanted to get close... I'm close... Now what?"

All that worrying was taking it toll but, I didn't get to think on it much because I immediately spotted the Constable with the recently deceased and another professional of sorts. I make my way over to them semi-dressed with shoes, pants, and my hoodie. My one shoulder top was tucked into the compartment-like pocket of the hoodie. I wiped my hair back when I got beside him, had to speed up my walk to keep pace with the focused leader. I extended my hand to the doctor to greet him before turning to Iujushi"Hello, Yamazaki Yuri. And you are?...(Await response) May I borrow the Constable? We need to talk." I told him in a somewhat secretive manner. I wasn't sure if I could trust a lot of people at this point, especially given my personal affairs. Iujushi was the only one I trusted at this point because he was the only one in sight when we lost the his man. I attempted to lure him aside to discuss somethings, but was prepared to share if he were too busy to stop moving alongside the other professional. I was pretty sure that if I wasn't perceived as be urgent, I could have been seen as someone who was a just a touch panicked. "There is a strong chance we are dealing with someone or some people who are shinobi trained. From what I've seen, the opening in the sunken boat was too precise for any weapon or machine, like a drill. And I'm sure the boatman fell to a very rare type of shinobi technique. Now, if same method of attack was used on that boat, I think it would explain that fish that turned up earlier. We're obviously close but I need to know,... where is Takemitsu? If she were seen with us and is alone right now, she's in danger. It's vital that we find her." And it was... even if she was the prime suspect on my list.
Yuri had her thoughts about Iujushi once the adrenaline wore off, his tanned mass of muscle seemed to embody rage and that of a killer. It was a bit unsettling in a way, but as the time moved on so did the immediate situation and actions of the now duo of people alive in the boat. Yuri busied herself as Iujushi had thought to do as well, him with getting them closer to shore, her with finding out exactly what happened.

The body had a few things to tell, although she had known him only briefly seeing the dead body of someone you saw alive was a bit unsettling. Even with being dunked in the sea, and tossed on a boat again after his death the rigor had set in. The hole looked like that of the fish and on the sunken boat below. Due to the look of surprise and no look of pain in his face Yuri in the very least knew he didn’t suffer, considering the almost twelve centimeter wide hole in his side that looked drilled with mechanical precision it just baffled Yuri more. The area around the wound had no bleeding or pooling, and like the fish the body looked like it had been packed in salt although there was none present. The cause of death seemed to be unclear besides the removal of all moisture from the body, although Yuri had no idea what could possibly do such a thing she started forming theories. The investigation of whether he saw something or not or whether he was surprised proved more answers, although it couldn’t be told where he was on the boat exactly before he fell over it was safe to say he was close to the edge, he was facing the direction of the attack. So from below seeing the flash Yuri would get the idea he saw the flash of light and didn’t realize what was happening to him. Yuri did have the sneaking position it was from the island for the point of origin of the light.

Between giving orders and trying to get things settles Iujushi would give Yuri a few side glances as she talked to herself. He was probably wondering if she was having a breakdown of sorts. He didn’t blame her it’s not every day you see someone’s body come floating by you dead when you saw them living a few minutes prior.

The introductions made the separation all the more awkward as the man was left with the body before Iujushi could say much or try and explain. It turned out to be the boatman’s father from the introduction.
Iujushi was actually a lot easier to move away than Yuri thought he would granted losing a friend during this investigation in the way he had and being introduced to the parent in an odd manner with the realization Iujushi would be the bearer of bad news seemed to be taking a toll on the large man mentally slowing him down a bit in processing.

Yuri put another series of nails in the coffin with the stipulation this could be the work of a shinobi and reminding him Takemitsu was out and about someplace. Looking into the Constable’s eyes and face probably would get an odd reaction from most. His nostrils flared and it seemed to jumpstart something in him and snap him out of it. He eyes locked with Yuri’s though before he could speak when they heard the man ask a simple and valid question.

”What happened to my son. Constable.” a deep voice croaked out staring at the body still, from the odd look of curiosity on the boy’s face to the hole in his side to his ashen dried skin once dark and vibrant from many days under the sun. While the man was not as big as the constable he was definitely bigger than the boatman, but giving him a less bulky body and frame, pull away the hard lines around his eyes and mouth and reversed the age a few decades and you’d see a match in a way for the body in the cart.

Iujushi swore softly under his breath and muttered about realizing he broke protocol on moving the body, it seemed he just wanted his friend’s body to be with his family and had lost it. His jaw set thought and Yuri could tell he was working over what to do and say. Tell him outright he son was killed but they had no idea by what, or tell him his son may have been killed by a shinobi.

(OoC: Iujushi is debating telling the deceased's father speculation and probably apologizing for getting him involved. He's also realizing he might need to keep the body now since no paperwork had been done after the murder.)
In the brief interaction I had with the professional, I learned he was the father of the deceased. All I could say was, "I see,... I'm sorry." before parting with the Constable. As I spoke to Iujushi, I got a facial expression I couldn't quite read. Surprise maybe but, that's not what I got from it. He was about to tell me something when the other guy who identified himself as the father of the victim interrupted. He needed to know about his son... so did we. "We don't really know who did this and why, but we are close I'm sure. I'm sorry this happened. We were getting close to finding a vital clue to a case, and... he was attacked while he was alone. He... didn't seem to suffer. I know that isn't comforting but, we're getting closer to finding out who did this." I then told the Constable, "But there is someone who might run the risk of suffering the same fate if we don't reach her soon." I didn't intend to be rude by cutting things short but, there wasn't much we could do for the deceased or his family except bring in the one responsible.

I wasn't sure what was going on with Iujushi exactly but, he seemed to be hiding something, that or stressed to the max. I was dead tired myself but, this night wasn't other just yet. The whereabouts of Takemitsu would hold some answers, whether she had anything to do with this, or the next most reasonable target of attack being that we were in an easily view-able position on the beach with us. With the brief history that Iujushi gave, there definitely would be motive. And his silence only made me suspect more that she may have a hand at this, along with a few other factors. I didn't want him to know I suspected her though because their was a strong chance he might protect her. However, he might be trying to do that anyway. "Have any ideas where she might be? If you need to stay behind and handle things here, I can go check on her. Or was there something else you wanted to mention?" Splitting up wasn't a favored option but, I thought it might help to minimize casualties if it came to that... provided I didn't become one of them.
All Iujushi could offer the man was a quiet apology in regards to his son’s death in comparison as Yuri explained the situation. It didn’t sound systematic or empty, more along the lines of something he had just stammered out since he Iujushi seemed to still be in indecision about something. ”We might still need the body in one piece, again I apologize but don’t set the body to rest yet please.” he finally admitted lowing his head and upper body at the waist deeply. Looking off Yuri figured towards the man’s home he quietly looked from the body to the man who realized what he was probably thinking and waved him off.

”You’ve known him probably almost as long as that one girl you use to play with as a child. I can do what I can do for my son now. We will wait but we will still honor him. Go with your friend and do what you have to. Constable.” the man explained dismissing the two.

Iujushi marched off into the night leaving Yuri only a few second to catch up.

”Take at night is like during the day… she wanders. No offense but I’ll be faster on my own and there’ll be less of a chance of you running around in the dark on my island and getting yourself hurt. Get some rest and I’ll check on you in the morning. We still need to look at the boat and things aboard as well. Maybe the couple are on it…” Iujushi stated after some time.

Realizing he had marched her to the inn she had originally come to and he kept checking his lower back to make sure he still had his dagger, Yuri wasn’t sure if he was thinking of defending Take or doing something drastic to bring her in.

”Tell my Auntie I’m sorry I couldn’t stay…” he explained before turning and moving off into the night.

(OoC: You’ve being dropped off at the hotel, you’re tired, slightly damp still, slightly cold, and hungry. There is the option to chase after him into the night and stumble around the island searching with or for him as well as Takemitsu. Or taking a break and resting for the rest of the night.)
I gathered my stuff from the beach-side, and then we walked away from the beach, away from a scene that now meant a lot more to me then the previous years I've spent doing this. It showed me how detached I had been to the real world back then. Then again, the childhood I had leading up to it, well I was lucky to somehow be as effective with people as I am now. I thought about what the father told Iujushi and myself before we left. 'What was his past with Take?' I thought. I couldn't tell whether he was the equivalent of a sibling to her or the fourth edge in what seemed to be a Love Triangle.

We arrived at inn own by that bubbly woman I met earlier that day and and began to wonder if Take was close to Iujushi's Aunt. That's when I heard him, in essence, state he would take matters into his own hands. "Wait,... what? Hey,... HEY!!" After that, I pretty much found myself ranting in his general direction. "REALLY!! WE SHOULDN'T BE SPLITTING UP LIKE THIS! WEREN'T YOU LISTENING TO ME?!" I pretty much pitched a fit at this point, stomping then pacing, murmuring things like "Fine, go ahead. Go Rambo. Chasing people alone at night. Shinobi at that. Where's your head? The man had a freakin' tunnel in him and your bringing a knife to THAT kind of fight?" Thinking about the method of attack started to shift my state of anger more toward worried, "Okay, okay... calm down. It's his island, he can handle himself. He's been alive this long right? Right. Oh I'm just fatigued right now. I have to process this and , pray I... nor either one of us won't have a hole in our chest in the morning." I felt a bad feeling wash over me as I started to walk toward the inn. I couldn't tell if was the intensifying of my fear for his safely, fear for my safely, or if this feeling were something more... well something.

I went in to meet with Auntie to set up a room, ready to relay the message from her god-son. I rang the bell at the desk and as I waited, I thumbed through my some of the items in my bag. Had money for a room,... some supplies I would be using that night. Fortifying the room would be among the first things I would do that night. Ninja wire and cutters, for making a lines from my room door and another from my bed to me. Bombs, two stun grenades and a four smoke bombs to be more accurate. I thought about attaching a wire to the pin of the stun grenade and setting a smoke bomb next to it, assuming that the burst from from the grenade canister would be enough to break the smoke bomb's shell. 'I'd have to make a decoy in the bed or bedroll,' I thought, 'and connect a line to the decoy. I'd probably have to sleep in the bathroom tonight but, I could still tie a wire to each hand to feel movement. If any were to go down, a hard yank would set off a grenade and bomb.' I continued to shift through my bag until I could get my room together in truth with Auntie. Hopefully, she'd have something to eat too,... like a meat pie without the sauce of death.
Attempts to find the man in the night proved unfruitful and eventually Yuri found herself in silence with only the sounds of the sea in the distance talking back. He was literally a grown man, hoping he could take care of himself for a night Yuri trudged back to the inn.

Coming in and ringing the bell had the Inn keeper bounding in and looking at the expression on Yuri’s face. She let out a low whistle, ”Eder today whooped ya tail child or m’ god child didn’t flirt back wit ya eh? You saw him with his shirt off?” she teased before checking in Yuri proper and leading her to an eating area, the helper from earlier seemed to be absent probably due to the time of night and besides the sounds from the kitchen even this inn was quiet it seemed.

Sitting down finally Yuri would feel a dull ache between her shoulder blades and that her feet hurt from all the walking around, and swimming. Was she sore from just one day not even a full day realy on the island? Granted the thoughts came of walking around the island on uneven ground and loose packed earth made running around after a killer and trying to find Take harder but it wasn’t that bad was it?

Food came from the innkeeper quickly enough and the smell of grilled Swordfish that smelled of coconut milk, roasted sweet potatoes and veggies with rice and bread got Yuri’s stomach letting her know she was hungry right now and she should eat. The Auntie stayed quiet for a change, her teasing, bubbling personality and antics silent and simply regarded Yuri as she ate.

(OoC: She can tell something happened, if you want to talk about it or talk to her she’s here, if you’d like to retire and setup Hotel Room Traps Everywhere that’s an option too. Also bread has shredded coconut in it which Yuri may or may not find odd. If you’d like to just fast forward to being in your room PM me and I’ll edit this post)
This woman,... I don't know. She seemed very approachable. It was evident that I wasn't having a good day at all, and she volunteered herself to cheer me up. The stress I wore was physically burdening at this point. I had spent most of the day either depressed about personal affairs, confused about the case, or frightened at the thought of a new cavity. But the events of the day did force me to break the mental box I tried to keep myself in. Still frustrated with the Constable's decision, I nodded to Miss K "*Sigh* Miss K, you have no idea..." I felt my face shift in realization "... how.. accurate you are. He said he's sorry he um, he couldn't be here." Then she ask about him topless. I thought about it for a minute, re-picturing him an the beach. I started to feel myself getting a little rosy and when a slight, irrepressible smirk started to show. so I buried my face into the my bag and began moving stuff to keep from answering the question. "Huh?" was all she'd get right then.

I followed her to the dinning area and sat down realizing that she could read people, quite well actually. I took as few deep breathes before taking the liberty of removing my shoes, yes even in an area like this. I wasn't concerned about anyone around to judge me at this point, other than Miss K. After a wait, I was served with plate of a vary of food. I wasted no time in thanking her before digging, but I stopped after a few bites when I noticed that she was looking at me. Had to check my mouth before asking her something, "Umm, so Iujushi... I take it he isn't really available huh? I think he has feeling for Takemitsu." I was... a little curious, about the case. Okay, just a little.
Nodding sagely through the Inn to Yuri’s words and responses that seem to come after some thought on reflecting on things in a way from Yuri. Yuri sideglanced towards her directly about the implication of Iujushi and Takemitsu were an item of sorts. It was odd to see the woman’s upper lip quiver before she let out a snicker. The gaffaw that exploded out of the woman as she cackled and rolled around with her feet in the air was probably a bit embarassing to see. If Yuri didn’t know any better the reaction seemed a bit too extreme. Sitting up her wild hair being shook back into place as she moved the fruit dessert bowl she had almost knocked off the table closer to the middle. Wiping tears from her eyes and calming down her body shook with the after shakes of laughing too hard.

”Girl I haven’t laugh dat hard since I meet Mister Hideo’s new stuck up wife and she bent over and her pants split down the seem and fell clean off child.” she admitted with a sigh.

”e’d have feelings for anyone he had around all his life, dat girl is like a sibling child. Same with most of the kids around his age on de island. Dey were family to him because dey were ‘ere, if he could help dem he would, if he couldn’t he try and find someone who could. Iujushi was orphaned before that girl even lost her parents. Instead of letting me take care of ‘em, youknowwhathetellme na? he say ‘No Auntie K I got ta do it fa myself, I’m a man.’ boy didn’t even have air on ‘is family jewels and he talking bout e’s ‘a man’. But I let him try, he find odd jobs, pay for room and board ‘ere. Honestly at times I wonder if the boy was born an ol man. Besides if he was taken I wouldn’t have been trying to play matchmaker wit ya girl. Why? You startin’ to like him?” she explained confiding a bit of Iujushi’s history in the young lady.

With that said Yuri could see Miss K’s eyes are slightly moist as she sits and thinks.

(OoC: Noticed I lost the accent for a few things. Options are have some dessert and try and get more info on people or go to bed after setting up Hotel Booby Trap)
And then,... she laughed at me, as if I tripped and, and face-planted into some ice cream or something. I sat there looking around for something that have triggered such an over-the-top outburst. I mean yeah, it could have been something I said but I didn't get it, at least until she settled down. After comparing the laugh with one she had before, she explained the relationship the Constable had with the woman in question, Takemitsu, as I ate. Her viewpoint did serve to back Iujushi's description of the duo's relationship, but it also solidified that Iujushi was protecting her by getting me to stay here. His objective obviously wasn't to protect my behind. Miss K shared her delight in the man's childhood and inquired about my interest level to which I said with a shy smile, "Ummm I don't knoooow. Let's say if I did, hypothetically of course, that wouldn't send you rolling on the floor again would it?" I thought that I would be okay with sharing a little with the woman so long as she didn't seek to embarrass me again. And what could I say, even though Iujushi didn't make the best the decisions, he was still a man's man. Plus, it seemed easy to pick with him due to the type of serious but passive responses he had.

Although I was a bit tired, I figured I could push through some talking so long as I kept refueling through eating. It's not very likely anyone could fall asleep while eating, at least from my experiences. I decided to dig deeper into the Love Triangle after I bite into one of the fruits, can't remember what it was though,... and swallowed. "Well, I was just wondering. It seemed like he was uncomfortable when he told me about Take and the Masuno's. He said Takemitsu wasn't herself when Settan and Hoshi were got together. It sounded like weren't on good terms." I'd wait for a response and amid that time I though of a another question to ask. "I know this is kind of off the subject but, both Iuju and Take are very fit." An image of a naked Take and near-naked Iuju popped up in my head. "Were they trained like,... shinobi trained?"

I would let that be the last question for the night. I was starting to feel terribly sleepy despite the having ate, in fact, I was getting full. I figured I'd need the remaining amount of energy that I had to prepare for tonight and tomorrow. After rigging the room with the set-up that I planned from before, I took of my wet clothes, showered, then hung my clothes to dry on the shower rod. After taking care of other forms of business, responding to natures call, I'd retire for the night in my undies, within the tub with a spare pillow and a couple of towels to serve as blankets. A wire was tied to each of my index fingertips, one leading to the doorknob, and the other tied around the neck of a covered-up mock body placed in the fetal position. Even though I was certain I wasn't going to get the best sleep, the effort and price paid would be well worth it if I didn't take a much rest.
”Oh no child if you were serious I’d whip you into an image of someone who could stand by ‘im, someone he could confide in and depended on… I guess a younger version of myself.” she explained with a slight smirk. On closer comparison she may have been over a couple decade older than Yuri or Iujushi but even in a relaxed state thoughts of her putting the man in a headlock as a younger version of herself to get him to agree or flirting came to mind making the larger man blush and clam up as was the standard reaction.

With the talk steering back towards the case in a way her face looked a bit stern and sad at the same time. ”She didn’t take it well when he explained he meet someone after Iu told ‘er, him not coming ‘round as often but sending letters didn’t cut it for de girl. He wasn’t blood related dough but he seemed to care for her in a way more like an older broda would deir niece if ‘er parents died. I don’t tink he knew her parents well but he wanted her to live her own life. From what Iu said if Take had someting she wanted to do in life Masano would ‘ave supported it. He did help Iu out some wit becoming a big shot poliveman. But Take seemed too carefree to settle and focus on a goal. If Iu was uncomfortable it would make sense wit everyone else moving on and living a life Take seemed to just want to stay in de moment, no really toughts of doing anyting or even getting off de island. I don’t tink Take expected to get married to da man but sharing anyone wit someone else when you have so few people in your life… it’s a childish ting to want to share someone’s love and selfish to tink de idea of personal happiness should stop people you love from living deir life and being happy too. Besides what kind of child tells a man to not have a girlfriend when she’s odd enough to be ‘is child?” she explained her voice trailing off.

”Shinobi training? Maybe Iu when he was up in da capital but Take hasn’t left de island since she was born. Running and swimming all day around ‘ere dough does make one have an impressive body after a few years. I know when dey were younger dose two and a few of de oders use to play in da deep jungle on de island. People and tourist didn’t go dere much and until recently when one of de boy’s sprained his ankle and Iu carried him back when dey were young. From what Iu said it was dangerous so most of dem stopped going, except Take. Wit no family around and no one looking for her she could come and go as she please. Running around in de jungle for ‘fun’ I guess could put a bit of muscle on de girl.” she explained before Yuri excused herself to retire for the night.

Once set up in the room with a makeshift version of herself in the bed and bedded done for the night in the bathroom parnoia set in Yuri figured since in the dim light every sound outside of the room from the wildlife sounded like a possible killer. Waking up every few minutes from the sounds stopped after a while which may have been a blessing or a curse. The sudden sound of feet slamming to the floor in the room got all of Yuri’s senses screaming on full alert remembering where she was she held still as footsteps moved towards the bed she figured from the sounds.

”He use to listen to me… why won’t he listen. That’s why I hate you foreign women you always try and take what little I have from me...” someone hissed out in a snarling whisper. Yuri if she strained to see would see someone towering over the figure on the bed. The gleam of a spear as it whirled could be seen before before it was thrust down into the bedsheets. There was a pause for a few breaths before the spear savage was stabbed down several times. The bed was searched and an animalistic snarling roar escaped the killer as they searched around in the dark. Even in the low light and the odd clothes and cloak the killer wore Yuri could tell even with the mad look in her eyes and the cortort visage of rage and frustration on her face, the tan skin, lean body, and wild hair still slightly wet from the sea. Eyes mad with rage darted around the room spear at the ready as she searched for Yuri craving her blood there was no mistake to Yuri. It was Takemitsu.

(OoC: If she calms down she might notice the wires leading to the bathroom)
Throughout the night, the island taunted me, screwing with my imagination. The sounds of foreign animals made sure to keep me at the uncomfortable edge of slumber, never quite allowing me to relax. But,... to much of my misfortune,... I had made a wise decision. An unusual sound caught my attention, causing me to slowly, carefully creep out of the tub. I managed to inch closer to the door in a lowered crawling position. Cracking it open slowly, I heard a dark silhouette say something with a spiteful tune,... in a familiar voice. All I could think was, 'No... Why? Why you? Why was I right about you?' I realized then that I didn't want to be right about her. Despite my suspensions of her, I was still surprised to witness such a cool, funny, laid-back person just,... stab me. Even if it was just a few rolled up sheets and a log target, I felt terribly saddened and frighten that she thought so ill of me she would just 'off' me,... murder me,... in my sleep.

As she thrashed the padding with the spear, I began to wonder if she knew ninjutsu too as images of the dehydrated boatman crossed my mind. I wouldn't have much time to think of that though for she obviously began searching for her true target. 'I highly doubt she going to fight fair,... neither will I,' I resolved before winding up and snatching at the wire in my right hand... Nothing, no resistance. Just a loose pull. I felt my eyes widen in shock as I realize that Takemitsu inadvertently cut the wire attached to the stun grenade under the sheets. I swiftly rolled up the wire in my left hand and pulled strongly to detonate the other stun grenade/smoke bomb combination on the dresser near the door. Along with the pop of the of the stun grenade, the room began to fill with smoke. I took a moment to remove only the wire in my left hand before moving into the room swiftly.

Blind fighting,... was far the best at it, but even having a little experience helped when one's vision is hindered. Although, there was smoke in the room, I wasn't totaling blind. Takemitsu on the other hand, if she wasn't prepared for the flash and bang of the stun grenade, regaining her senses only to have her sight hindered yet still by the smoke would make it highly difficult to resist my attack. I sled past her on her left side to avoid any wild swings, and then made an attempt to finger strike at a nerve cluster in her left thigh. This was meant to induce a numbing sensation throughout her leg as if it were falling asleep. From there I leaped for her back. The big idea here was to grab hold of her torso with my legs, grasp the neck of the spear with my left hand, and curl my right fore up from under to the other end of the spear to apply something like a half nelson, grabbing at the whatever wild hair I could with my right hand to secure the hold. From that point, I would find out if I had what it took to take on the island amazon.

[All of the actions above are attempts. Both Yuri and I are crossing fingers.]
Shock and realization of the attackers actions set in, the idea someone carefree doing this flushed out of her mind although some thoughts lingered and screamed in Yuri’s brain. Things that seemed to stick suddenly were stating she was the goddaughter of the deceased Masuno’s and the sudden inclination Takemitsu had pried into the story some and seemed suspicious. Was she made since Iu wouldn’t listen to her and she thought they were a thing or stating she was the goddaughter of the deceased signing her own death warrant.

With the adrenaline and fight or flight mechanism kicking in Yuri yanked on her prepped ordnance. The distraction did blind the attacker momentarily. Moving through the smoke to where Yuri figured the blinding person was moving around got her in close, even in the thick smoke seeing the figure clawing at their eyes and howling in rage and frustration. Yuri closed the distance moving in to hit a pressure point before trying to put the woman into a submission hold of sorts to tire her out. Hitting the pressure point seemed off or the woman had very muscular legs, Yuri hadn’t spent that much time on trying to aim in the smoke instead focusing on getting behind the attacker. Wrapping her legs around Takemitsu and using the spear to try and choke her seemed like a good plan going in. She canceled out the possibility on Takemitsu trying to stab her while Yuri clung to get back. All she had to do was hold on and try and get her to go to sleep or break her windpipe. Things slowed down, Yuri had a pit suddenly form in her stomach as she felt a hand dig into the flesh of her right hand. The hand was between the spear and the woman’s neck. She was still restricted though and Yuri should have the upper hand still. The low predatorial growl that the woman let out didn’t seem human. Yuri realized the feeling. While she had Takemitsu in a submission hold Takemitsu knew exactly where she was. Without any anchor to the ground Yuri suddenly felt the lurch as Takemitsu moved.

There was a flash of light, the wind knocked out of her. Her brain slammed back into the moment piecing together the situation and relaying what had happened. Takemitsu realizing where Yuri was had slammed into a wall. The cracking was probably that of weaker timbers which would explain the pain now in the back of Yuri’s head. The uneasy queasy feeling continued as Takemitsu thrashed about wildly slamming into anything and everything in the room like a wild animal. It had been a wild ride as the smoke was starting to clear Takemitsu stopped and sprinted towards the bed, Yuri realized as Takemitsu jumped on the bed and off again into the air Yuri would hit the ground first with the body of the wild blood thirsty woman on top of her ready to get her hands freely on the woman. Yuri had a few seconds to think, the constant banging into things while trying to hold on had done a number to Yuri’s strength. It sounds like the blood was pounding in her head… or were they footsteps? Was it help or was Yuri just bleeding from the head?

(OoC: What do you do?)
I had manged to mount the woman an applied the choke-hold to tire her down and eventually put her out. However, something was amiss as I felt her rise up with me on her. She had resisted the Nerve Striking technique, Penchant of the Sloth(Kinectic Gen: Crippler-Leg). "WHAT'S WRONG WITH YOU?! STOP THI..*BANGK* DAAA!" I attempted to plead but that proved ineffective, likely not just due to the interruption of the wall. Since I had her weapon secured, she decided to take up the 'Architects' as her newest weapon. Or looking at it another way, she sought to demolish the room with me as her medium. Gritting my teeth and tighten my hold was the only thing I could think to do at that moment in response to the horrible bashing I was receiving, which was having more than a dazing effect on me. I even thought I heard something but, I wasn't sure at the moment. With the amount of strength she manged to muster and the growling she was doing, it was evident that she truly had gone berserk.

I wasn't gone out of my senses enough to not foresee her heading toward the bed as an oncoming attempt to smash me into the wall or floor with even greater force. This hold I had on her, though keeping me from a sharp, swift, and bloody end, was ensuring that suffered a long, blunt, and brutal demise. I waited for her to commit to the vault before I unwrapped my legs and attempting to thrust her forward and away, kicking off and releasing the spear. Creating distance and safe falling on the bed was the focus, and anything else would have been a plus. Landing on the bed gave me a bit of a morale boost because I noticed the first stun grenade I tried to trigger next to it's partnered smoke bomb. I stored the smoke pellet in my mouth and took the grenade in hand by slipping the pin on my middle finger. I then threw it at her as if It were more of a rock of something, hoping to at least buy time by making her flinch. I sat on the bed from that point covering both ears and and closing only one eye so I could see where to evade if need be, for I didn't need to blind myself before the blast and get impaled.

By this time, I realized that the name of this game would be hit and run. I was already prepared for the blast... kinda. And following the the burst, I threw a stepping side thrust kick her way before running out the room. With only survival on my mind, I didn't realize, nor did it matter, that I was topless and only in underwear. Anyway, I wouldn't go far from the doorway though. I'd lie in wait to sweep her if as she came through the door before trying to take off for the stairs. Petty strikes I know but, I knew better than to go toe-to-toe with someone who could resist my pressure point techniques. But fortunately, the grenade pin I wore on the middle finger of my left hand might serve to pierce through her stubborn muscular frame... but a safer opening was needed.
Yuri found being in such close proximity to the woman felt like possibly what it was like to tame a wild bull or horse… if they were smaller had a spear and you have definitive facts they were trying to kill you. For a few seconds all Yuri could do was hold on as the wild rage of the woman thrashed the two of them about the room. Seeing the bed nearing as Takemitsu charged it had Yuri’s brain kicking into defensive mode letting her know things might be bad but could get worse.

Options seemed slim as Yuri suddenly loosened her grip slamming into something, namely the bed, for once without taking considerable damage. Landing on the bed had her scrambling as her opponent slammed back first into the ground. Finding armaments in turn seemed justly needed as the grunting form of Takemitsu was rolling over. Yuri had enough time to pull the pin and toss the stun grenade before rolling off the bed. The movements of Takemitsu on all four as she lounged at the bed had her head to grenade much quicker than Yuri expected.

After the blast Yuri sent a off balance kick to the toppled Takemitsu before bolting from the room. It connected with something, it was bare flesh of some sort but getting distance seemed the best option in Yuri’s mind. Outside the room Yuri realized how out of breath she was as she waited. The suddenly yell of someone yelling, ”DON”T MOVE!!! hit Yuri with only enough time to blink. What was that flash of silver that went by her… what was that sound, her hair flew over her head from behind in a small blast of wind. A side glance let her know what the sound was, there was a gash in the other side of the door frame. Who was coming up behind her? They made a sucking sound mentioning they ‘nicked da door’. Nothing came out of the room though and Yuri realized how very tired she was, looking back she saw Miss K in a tight fitting shirt that had ridden up. Why did she have a cast iron pan in her hand? Was she cooking? She was saying something Yuri thought but she couldn’t hear her as she moved closer, It was even odder when Miss K and the hallway turned side ways. Realization came later when Yuri opened her eyes, she had blacked out. Getting up from laying down made her dizzy. With the smoke from the room long since cleared and the fog in her head slowly following suit Yuri felt groggy to say the least.

”Lay down child. I told you ya ‘ead was bleedin’ and you turned around to look at me before you fell over and passed out.” Miss K explained.

The rest seemed lost as Yuri looked around. There was a rather large cleaver wedged over four centimeters into the ground. There was a large splash of dark red blood. Yuri was in pain but she was pretty sure it wasn’t her realization Miss K had driven her attacker away with a blind shot over her head came to mind when she rewinded things. The sun was coming up. Yuri had things to think about and with the morning coming regardless she realized she had had one of the worse night’s sleep in a long time. Concussion and attempted killing probably had a big part in it but Miss K’s sudden comment snapped Yuri back into the present.

”So like I was saying what was all dat about girl? Crazee Ex-boyfriend?” she asked.

(OoC: Miss K didn’t see what or who she attacked, you currently feel like poo, no idea where Iu is, definite idea Takemitsu does not like you. Plus your rooms a mess and Miss K wants some answers it seems.)

Current Ninpocho Time:
