Ninpocho Chronicles

Ninpocho Chronicles is a fantasy-ish setting storyline, set in an alternate universe World of Ninjas, where the Naruto and Boruto series take place. This means that none of the canon characters exists, or existed here.

Each ninja starts from the bottom and start their training as an Academy Student. From there they develop abilities akin to that of demigods as they grow in age and experience.

Along the way they gain new friends (or enemies), take on jobs and complete contracts and missions for their respective villages where their training and skill will be tested to their limits.

The sky is the limit as the blank page you see before you can be filled with countless of adventures with your character in the game.

This is Ninpocho Chronicles.

Current Ninpocho Time:

Open Getting out of class

She didn't really appreciate kids that argued without valid point, it just showed to their immaturity and unwillingness to learn from there mistakes. She really jsut start using the Maki way and just beat them till they get the point. Although it wouldn't really go that well with her own problems. Turning her head around she simply gave a scary glare towards Hinata. "You screwed up. Learn from your mistakes and move on. You're not a civilian anymore." Asuka shook her head turning back towards the group.

Asuka turned to Karasu with a big smile on her face and nodded. "Yep!" She spoke "It ain't that easy to break into the village without anyone knowing." She smiled giving Karasu a pat on the head. "Pretty stupid of you to charge at someone clearly leagues above you, but I admire your conviction of protecting those around you. I'll be watching your progress closely." Asuka smiled giving a slight respectful bow. "My name is Uchiha Asuka, Main Branch Sennin of Konohagakure and the person responsible to see whether your ready to face the dangers of the outside world as Leaf Shinobi. I'll give an explanation once our guest arrives."

Sighing she turned back to Anubis. "Yeah, yeah. Lifelong partners in crime yada yada. You only do as told." Pinching the bridge of her nose she breathed deeply. "Just hope this doesn't turn out like last time... took weeks to heal those burns."

Asuka slightly smiled as she listened to the birds coming behind her. He always did like to show off. Asuka bowed deeply at the man now standing before her. Although she did feel a bit annoyed at Takeshi's comments, oh boy that pushed the wrong buttons. Asuka gave a pout turning away. With a sigh she started to speak. "Since when does my branch report their own activities about internal evaluation? Didn't even think about reporting it because it isn't something new, tests like this happen a lot. Besides, I found the way to combine a thing I love to do while still making sure students are meeting the requirements for the exam."

Asuka sighed, scratching the back of their head. "I've found that the best way to determine how a student will act on the field when they start is by simulating a life threatening scenario without their life being in danger. Of course they don't know that since it is an evaluation. That being said, this one specifically was divided into different sections depending on the student but it mostly boiled down to a few things. Skill, their ability to correctly assess a situation, response time, common sense and suitability."

Asuka looked around the group and gave a shrug. "Even though the test was interrupted I did get a good idea about how they would react and it isn't that good. But, I still would like to do an exercise." With that Asuka smiled looking at the group. "Kids, do me a favor and think on the seconds, or even the minutes you thought you were in real trouble. What did you do correctly? What did you do wrong? What areas do you need to improve?
Brushing himself off her looked at asuka. Having a sort of glare on his face as he was never a fighter. being one to think things over first. Get a view of the situation even back when he was with his family. He was like that. Looking at things in a different and unique way. Something like looking at a book, reading it as it happen instead of being one of the characters, he was the reader.

Hearing about asuka's idea of a good evaluation made him remember his past. Choking up as he already went through the pain of knowing what would happen if one fails to do what they must, the feeling of uselessness he felt when he lost his parents started to come back again as he clenched his chest. His sharingan activating on their own again as he looked at asuka. Unable to look away as he wanted to better himself but couldn't help but be angry for some reason.
Karasu stood there looking at Asuka in shock as the Sennin explained to her that she was testing them. Karasu did understand that it wasn’t her smartest move to rush in and charge at the samurai. Still she felt a good amount of pride when the Sennin said she admired her conviction to protect the people around her. Karasu nodded and said in awe “Thank you” She knew she had to be prepared and though she probably wouldn’t have preferred a test like this, She was glad that she made some impression.

She listened to the back and forth chatter between the jackal who was the summons of the Hokage. Then listening to the Hokage’s comments about reporting on testing. Karasu took it all in to get a better understanding of how things were done. Though Asuka mentioned that this sort of test was very common. Karasu knew she had a long way to go before she would pass the exam. Still she wanted to get stronger and be prepared just in case there is another test that is put upon her.

Karasu sheathed her sword finally onto her back as Asuka spoke to the students directly. The white haired young academy student gulped when Asuka said her evaluation of them didn’t look good. Karasu could just curse herself. That was not the impression she wanted to have. She clenched her fist a bit mad at herself. She did look up at Asuka when she said she still wanted an exercise. Exercise? she thought to herself before listening to what Asuka was about to say. Asuka gave them some questions on what they did and how they could improve. Karasu put her hand on her chin and stroked it a few times thinking on the words the Sennin said. After a few moments Karasu spoke up though a bit hesitant at first. “Well at first when the Samurai appeared I wasn’t sure what was going on. When the Samurai started to charge I didn’t see the others doing anything or at least react in time to it which made me a bit worried. I felt I had to help but not to over take the Samurai but more to stall until the others could jump in and help out. I knew alone I was no match even all of us together were no match but my thinking was that if we would work together we could hopefully make some sort of difference in the situation we were in. I know I didn’t relay that information to others but we didn’t have time to go get help from a higher ranked shinobi. So it was on all of us for that moment. “ she paused then said " I don’t know if that was the wrong thing to do. It felt like the right thing to me to help others in need. Maybe i should have communicated my intentions to them better. “ she said biting her lip.

[WC: 494]
Hikaru stood by as the enormous Jackal spoke down to Asuka, who didn’t seem to have any trouble speaking right back up to the golden-clad form. From the way they were talking, it seemed as if the Jackal was called through a Contract Summoning, an advanced ninja art that required a strong bond between the summoner and the summoned. If that was true, the contract’s holder was nowhere to be found. As she looked around her, the dark-haired girl took note of those of her classmates that had also been involved in Asuka’s apparent test.

Suddenly, a flock of birds gathered near the huge Jackal, and a man materialized within them. Hikaru recognized him quickly as the Hokage- the leader of the village, the summoner of the axe-wielding canine, and Asuka’s superior. Containing her awe for a moment, the girl watched the Sennin bow and address him, explaining her advanced student-testing methodology and beginning another ’exercise’. Hikaru listened as Karasu spoke up, trying to sift through the complicated handful of seconds that she and the others had perceived themselves to be in real danger. She agreed that teamwork and coordination should have been better handled- she had tried to act as a group, but it all happened so fast. She hadn’t even known Karasu or the other boy were nearby until one took on the ‘Samurai’ and the other fell out of a tree. Speaking of which, she hadn’t been able to detect Asuka, either, although the difference in their respective skills was much larger.

As the white-haired girl finished, Hikaru took her turn, “I agree- we were in the middle of a spar, like you probably knew, so while we were on-guard against each other, I got distracted once the Samurai showed up. It was difficult to coordinate with the others during the attack since I didn’t know they were there, and everything was so sudden. When you commented on how easy it was to break into the village, I was still panicking because of the giant barrier- I didn’t have time to realize that that sounded off. In the future, we should try to act as a group instead of just attacking when we come to our senses. I also think we need more experience in these kinds of high-pressure situations in general.” She glanced at Asuka for a moment. “As much as the surprise attack was difficult for us, I think we can improve as a team!”

It seemed that Asuka was talking to the students and explaining the situation at hand to them, but to just rush the students with an unknown entity was something that caused a small frown to come to his eyes as he glanced towards the other students, he was almost on top of Asuka at this point, leaning over here he allowed his lips to curl slightly as he heard the objections that came from the Sennin as it almost caused him a small headache as he sighed to himself and turned to face each of the students to listen to the conversation that was happening with all of them before he would reply, or before he would even address Asuka. The huge Jackal like creature still lingering around all of them.

“Asuka, with the students just with everything that happened I think I should have been notified, but that being said what has happened has happened, what is done is done and that is the future of it. So tell me Asuka as the Main Branch Sennin, who of this group do you see ready to take a role of a team leader for this small group of people. Who Stands out and who shines in your eyes, I want one name simple as that.”

Turning his attention back to the group he looked at the students, knowing full well a friendship and bond that students had, but now was the time they learned to take a more serious approach to the matters of being a Shinobi. After all they are students but that will not be the case for ever, they had to grow, they had to develop and this was the day that it started for them. He wondered if they even realised this or not, but they would soon find out.

“Each of you, nominate one person, to take responsibility, to step forward as a team leader. Who gives you confidence, who supports you, I want you to think long and hard all of you here and I want a vote, the person with the most will find out why.”

He allowed himself to stand beside Asuka now, as much as they argued the woman was the main branch Sennin and one of the most trusted people he had in Leaf, though she played games and had jokes around. Hell they even butted heads on multiple occasions but in public he would always support his Sennin that was part of his role, to be seen to support the decisions of the branch heads and he knew full well that they had a lot of work to do. But Asuka was in charge of the Academy, if they failed she failed it was as simple as that and he knew that much.

“This choice may cost you as much as it costs them Asuka, think hard.”

It was barely even considered a whisper so none of the students could hear, standing himself back up to his full height he waited to see the response that would be given.
Asuka nodded to the first student. At the very leas the could tell they were smart. Not outright complaining about the test but figuring out the flaws in their plans of attack, that was the kind of thing she was looking for. The willingness to learn, the willingness to admit where they went wrong and become a better person because of it. She could feel Takeshi's uncertain towards her methods but she could tell that it worked. Might be one of the things she would argue with him forever but there was a reason she was kept around.

Hikaru basically said the same thing, but both of them came to the right conclusion. "Bingo." She smiled "Here is my viewpoint. You both are afraid of the unknown. Not knowing enough, not being ready enough. Here is where you both went wrong, the unwillingness to communicate that to those around you. I could tell that at the very least you guys knew of one more person, yelling your intentions and communicating to those around you might be a good idea to make a plan and either run or fight. I got none of that here. That's the main thing you have to work on teamwork."

Asuka smiled at Takeshi, holding her arms behind her back. Moving side to side. "Can't do that." Asuka giggled before she continued. "Unfortunately this generation contains more surprises that makes it harder to identify so I don't know who would be able to stand out. Although the most potential as a team leader has to be from Hikaru. Having said that, Karasu has one hell of a potential boost and I can see a very bright future. Those two would be my choice."

Asuka smiled, waiting for the kids answers, whispering back to Takeshi. "Gladly take any punishment as long as I'm able to see these kids thrive to their full potential." She giggled.
Karasu listened as the Hokage spoke to Asuka about choosing who out of the group could be a team leader and who stood out. Then the Hokage turned to them and asked to step forward and take responsibility as team leader. She didn’t expect this and knew she needed work on being a good teammate. Still she thought about everything that went on as Asuka mentioned whom she thought would be a good team leader. Asuka pointed out Hikaru but added that she saw potential in Karasu.

The young academy student bit her lip as the past event filled her mind. She remembered seeing the samurai coming toward them. Yes she should have communicated better. She knows that now. She can’t change the past but can move forward with what she learned. She also thought about how she wanted to protect everyone. It was her that did the first move toward the Samurai. Though her communication was lacking her initiative wasn’t. Karasu looked at Asuka then at the Hokage. Just like before she stepped up first and said. “I take full responsibility Sir. It was me that made the first move in order to protect all the students here. I admit I should have communicated my intentions better. Everything happened so fast but my intention was not to take on the Samurai myself but have the other students help as a team. It was my lack of communication that set the students' lack of coordination in motion.. I understand what I did wrong and It’s something that I will always remember going forward. I promise to do better next time. Therefore I would vote for Hikaru since it was she who responded other than myself to confront the Samurai. “

Karasu looked down at her feet feeling ashamed that she had messed up so bad. The last thing she wanted was to get anyone hurt. She was lucky that didn’t happen. She clenched her fists and made a silent vow to herself that she would never lead anyone to harm due to her actions and will be more aware of her surroundings. Her whole life she has never been in a situation to be counted on. When villagers or bandits attacked her and her father she was too young to do anything. She did vow to not ever let that happen again. The test that Asuka did with them was her opportunity to do something and she screwed it up. She would never forget it for it is forever etched in her mind.
As Hikaru finished, the Hokage addressed Asuka somewhat sternly, requiring that one of the students be chosen as a leader. He also posed the question to the students themselves, and Hikaru thought for a moment- of them, Karasu had shown great potential during the apparent test, but the two older ninja hadn’t seemed quite satisfied with their performance as a whole. Before she had figured out a way to voice her thoughts, however, the Sennin spoke, explaining what she saw in their actions (or inactions) during the Samurai encounter. A fear of the unknown, and an inability to communicate… those felt like negative test scores to her, and she couldn’t help but mentally protest that it was a surprise attack, that she had no idea…

She was standing in the very tangible presence of the Hokage, however, a living reminder that complaints like that are below those striving to call themselves Leaf Shinobi. Besides, as she had recognized before, Asuka’s words were true- teamwork was simply essential for the demanding job that was serving Konoha. The Sennin continued; it shocked Hikaru a little to hear that she was her first choice for team leader, but it was reassuring that she shared her sentiments on Karasu’s progress as well. Taking a moment to process the notion of being leader, she was appreciative that Asuka had acknowledged their potential above other things- potential was a very important factor among Academy students, she felt, because it was not the depth of one’s current skill, but their capacity to improve. Karasu stepped up soon after and began her thoughts (Hikaru admired her bravery a little and made a mental note to remember to also address the Hokage as ‘Sir’).

Her white-haired friend also nominated her to lead, shocking her a bit more. Though her performance clearly had plenty of holes in it, both the Academy’s director and her fellow student had chosen her… she was honored, first of all, but still somewhat in disbelief. Karasu appeared to share her feelings as well. The words she used were kind of self-deprecating, and her body language mirrored how Hikaru had felt earlier- like she had messed up an important opportunity and, without knowing, ruined an aspect of her future life. They had both shown strong potential, though, strong enough for Asuka to take notice… Hikaru stepped forward, visibly, and spoke, her expression colored with gratitude and resolve, “Thank you both very much… I’d be glad to be the leader and accept whatever responsibility comes with it, with your support. Sir, although I know the votes are already in my favor, I’d like to cast my vote for Karasu- she acted to protect us during the test, and as Asuka said has shown at least the same level of potential as I have.” She waited for a response, tense but determined. The support of the Sennin and her friend had a great effect on her; they had seen her as fit to lead, now it was her job to prove them right.
Takeshi eyes the situation as he sighed for a few minutes, it seemed that the Academy still taught students to stand for each other. At least he felt that way, maybe the next generation would be able to replace this generation of Shinobi after all. He smiled to himself and looked toward the Sky as he pondered the right action to take right now. The red eyes falling towards Hikaru and Karasu.

Stopping for a minute he brought out a letter from his pocket, the seal of the Hokage on the red wax clearly showing in the letter as he glanced towards both of them and then turned his attention back towards Asuka, the expression on his face showing a smirk along his lips though it could be said that all three of them had been caught with there hand in the cookie jar, and caught by someone who wouldn’t let the situation slide.

“Asuka, consider this a mission assignment from the Hokage, since your team wants to hold their own and prove themselves, I am granting that request, its a simple enough escort mission. I expect there will be trouble but that is why I am assigning you to the mission leader role for this mission. Simply put if you and your two Shinobi fail all three of you are out, and I mean out. You play the pranks, but im putting my faith in your ability not to fail, this is a serious mission and will pay for the two students to find accommodation and rooms during the travel, you will fork out the rest out of your own pocket.”

Turning the paper over to Asuka, she could study the mission, do what she wanted with how the mission would operate but at the end of the day failure for the three of them would not be an option, each of them had their names put forward and right now that wouldn’t be a good thing considering the consequences of failure.

“With that said, as per the mission standards and requirements, Nakano Karasu, Miyazaki Hikaru, both of you are now promoted from the Academy to the rank of Leaf Genin. This mission is your exam, and your trial as well Asuka. I doubt you will fail it and I trust the three of you will complete it fine. That being said, you know the price of failure.”

Reaching into the pocket he dragged out two Leaf Headbands, the true worth of a Leaf Shinobi was to earn these headbands, and both of them now had the task to prove that they were worthy of keeping them.

“Any questions?”

[Miyazaki Hikaru Promoted to Genin]
[Nakano Karasu Promoted to Genin]
[SSTM of C-Rank Given to Asuka as Team Leader]
Asuka giggled as she listened to Takeshi. They may not have the same viewpoints in life but this right here was why he would follow the man to hell and back if necessary. People thought he was a stoic bastard but Asuka knew the man was just a teddybear with steel armor around it. You just had to find the Knicks to understand him.

Asuka gave a small pout as she gladly took the letter. "Hey, pranks or no pranks I get the job done when it's needed." She laughed as she analyzed the letter for any secret messages or something, kind of a bummer their weren't. She has always wanted some kind of secret message in one of her correspondence, well... she could only hope. "Can't exactly bill the village on my expensive foreign tea collection. Would bankrupt the mansion with that alone." She smiled as she turned towards the new appointed students.

"Karasu, Hikaru. You are now Leaf Gennin." She turned, the smile disappearing from her face. "That is both an Honor and a responsibility. You will now enter a ruthless world where death is ever-present and fate will hold you to your dues when the time is right. Your abilities have been recognized but know that there is still room for improvement, do not slack, keep training, keep growing stronger to make the village a safer place. Congratulations to you both." Asuka bowed respectfully to both of the new Shinobi as they walked forward to receive their Headbands. "I'll give you the rest of today and tomorrow to prepare your supplies, meet me at the Phoenix Gate at dawn the day after tomorrow." With that she turned to Takeshi and gave thought for a few moments. "Hey, speaking of. I think you owe me lunch."
Karasu was feeling bad on how she handled the test. She continued to look at the ground when Hikaru spoke up. She didn’t know what her fellow classmate would say but when Hikaru accepted the leadership. Karasu nodded knowing it was the right decision for Hikaru to be a lead. What surprised her was that her fellow academy student voted for her. She didn’t expect that at all. It was a kind gesture even though the votes have already been placed and Hikaru had the advantage. She appreciated that Hikaru also saw some potential in her as well. She wondered what the Hokage had in store for them. Her mind drifted to being made to do chores like washing the academy cafeteria tables or cleaning the blackboards. What happened next was the last thing Karasu expected.

Karasu lifted up her head and saw that the Hokage got out a letter. She didn’t know what was on it but thought it was probably something important. The Hokage had a weird expression on his face which made Karasu a bit uneasy. It made her feel as if she was in trouble. From her performance with the test she expected a punishment for failing. Then Tekeshi spoke to Asuka saying something about a mission assignment. ‘A….what?....mission…...who?' she thought not really understanding what the Hokage was saying. ‘Did he mean all three of us?’ she thought again then realized that was exactly what the Hokage meant. They were supposed to go travel somewhere with expenses paid though some out of Asuka’s pocket.

The Hokage gave the letter to Asuka then turned to the academy students. Karasu’s eyes widened wondering what he was going to tell them. What she heard made her jaw drop. She had to shake her head as if she had cobwebs in it. ‘Did she hear right?’ The Hokage told them that they were being promoted to Genin and that the mission was their exam. It was their biggest test yet. Even Asuka was going to be tested. Karasu had her mouth wide open wanting to say something but she was in a state of shock. After a few moments she finally said something “Um yes um thank you Hokage-sama. I do understand the importance of this mission. I promise I will not let you down. “ She did know failure with her previous test. Karasu wanted to make up for it, but this mission was not going to be easy and from what the Hokage said there may be some trouble. If she was going to bring justice to those who destroyed her family she had to be stronger mentally, spiritually and physically.

This was her chance to prove to herself that she was more than just the sum of her parts. She was a shinobi. Her eyes changed from the fear of failing to determination as the Hokage gave them their head bands. Karasu held the blue headband in her hands and looked at the leaf symbol on it. She clenched tightly to the headband before putting it around her small neck. She looked at the Hokage and said “Yes I have a couple questions. Where are we headed?, Who are we escorting and why does the client need an escort? Do they feel their lives are in danger?” That was more than a couple questions but Karasu was taking this seriously and wanted to know as much as possible concerning this mission. Asuka congratulated them on becoming Genin. She talked about how it was both an honor and a responsibility. Karasu understood and was determined to uphold herself to those standards. She listened as Asuka continued to speak about how it was a ruthless world. Karasu knew all too well how cruel and ruthless the world could be at first hand. It is why she had certain goals to reach. It made her who she was. Now she was starting on the path to reach those goals. Karasu would look up to Asuka “Thank you and I promise to keep training and keep getting stronger. “ Asuka gave the order to rest and prepare for today and tomorrow, before meeting her at the Phoenix Gate at dawn the day after tomorrow. “Right!” she said happily and even a bit excited.

[WC: 713]
Hikaru waited in anticipation, wondering furiously what was going to happen next. From the Hokage’s words, she had a strong feeling that something important was going to happen… and as he withdrew a letter sealed with red wax, her suspicions seemed to be confirmed. He spoke to Asuka first, assigning a mission to her and her team- the Sennin, Karasu, and herself. This was her second mission, and an assignment from the Hokage; his words made it clear that this was an important opportunity to prove themselves.

He continued, decreeing he was promoting the two students to Genin, with the upcoming mission as their exam. Before he had finished his sentence, the anticipation that she had felt rising before suddenly exploded into a fiery, eager excitement that she could barely believe was real. The importance of the mission had been impressed well upon her, though, and she fought to contain herself as she considered the parameters of the assignment before she let herself celebrate this wondrous new development. Hikaru listened closely to Asuka’s words- to take this promotion and the life as a ninja that came with it seriously, and to continue training to fulfill their duty as Leaf shinobi. Hikaru bowed as she accepted the gleaming headband from the Hokage, then turned to the Sennin and returned her bow as well. “Thank you both! I’m honored, and I’ll try my best to continue along this path to serving the village. I have no questions right now- if I have any during the mission, I’ll be sure to ask our captain.” She smiled at Asuka as she gave the instructions for where the mission would begin, making a mental note to prepare once she got home that evening. Achieving the rank of Genin was exciting beyond belief, but she had to make sure to focus on the mission first.

She stayed to hear the responses to Karasu’s questions- they were good questions, and realized that she would prefer to know more about the mission before she packed. As they finished, Hikaru tied her headband around her forehead, mimicking the traditional way she had seen them worn. She grinned, bowing again to the Hokage and Sennin, and thanked them, saying, “Again, I’m honored, and I vow to give this mission my very best effort. I’ll see you at the Phoenix Gate!” She offered Karasu her hand to shake, “As fellow Genin.” At their approval, she practically sprinted back down the path towards home headfirst, using her excitement to propel herself forwards.

[Topic left (unless stopped)! I had a great time :D]
Looking at the group Takeshi nodded as each one of them spoke about taking on responsibility. If only they knew how true that was, and how much the future would be changing for all of them. They had a hard task ahead of them, and they would need to be ready for all the changes that were now going to come their way. Nodding to himself he allowed a few minutes to pass by as he looked to each of them before deciding that the conversation was now at its end.

“I will leave you in the care of Asuka, moving forward I want you to consider your options, my door is always open for anyone that wants to come to me but remember you forge your own future and no-one else”

WIth that he turned away and walked from the group, it seemed to be done and there was no point in staying around to find out what was being said. His job here was done and he had to get back to the daily task at hand.

[Topic Left]

Current Ninpocho Time:
