Ninpocho Chronicles

Ninpocho Chronicles is a fantasy-ish setting storyline, set in an alternate universe World of Ninjas, where the Naruto and Boruto series take place. This means that none of the canon characters exists, or existed here.

Each ninja starts from the bottom and start their training as an Academy Student. From there they develop abilities akin to that of demigods as they grow in age and experience.

Along the way they gain new friends (or enemies), take on jobs and complete contracts and missions for their respective villages where their training and skill will be tested to their limits.

The sky is the limit as the blank page you see before you can be filled with countless of adventures with your character in the game.

This is Ninpocho Chronicles.

Current Ninpocho Time:

Private Goin' fishin' [Contract Search]


New Ninja
Feb 19, 2024
OOC Rank
A simple small wooden raft floated on the still waters of ‘The Sea’ of Arcadia, its two occupants sitting either side holding onto fishing poles that led silently down into the waters depths. The vast underground water supply would have been fascinating to most people, but to Mikki it was just another thing he had seen. Oh, he would tell Migoya about it - he tended to like that kind of stuff - but it was kinda boring. I mean… if there were sharks or dragons or giant crustaceans like Yong was friends with then it would be exciting. As it was, it was just a really large water bottle with fish and stones and stuff in it.

Still, it felt nice on his feet as he dangled them over the raft he was sitting on. The naturally heated waters here were a geological phenomenon… again something lost on the boy who just liked having warm toes as he, as he would call it, hunted for fleshbags that he could cook and eat.

“And that’s why she left me.”

The old man that had taken Mikki out for fishing had finished his blah blah story. Mikki guessed he was really lonely or something when he had offered to take him out fishing for the day. He had seen drawings of people taking grandkids out or something so perhaps this is what this old man wanted to do. Still, he kept his hidden kunai close - ninjas were everywhere after all.

“Oh. That’s sad”. Mikki muttered under his breath, thinking that was exactly what he was supposed to say at this point in time. People were so… dull. So self-absorbed.

I would have left you too.

The old man sighed, reeling in his rod, the strange clicking noises annoying Mikki’s ears.

“Yeah. I have a grandson your age. Opoki. Nice boy. Training to be a shinobi up in Iwagakure. Havent seen him in a year - I wonder how he is doing sometimes. If he forgets his granpapi.”

The real came in and it was clear that the man hadnt caught anything. A failure in the hunt. Another reason ‘she’, whoever that was, probably left him.

Mikki had been in Earth Country for some days now, trying to obtain materials to help forge the bestest armor and weapons ever made. So maybe he had been distracted. So maybe he forgot that he had to ‘eat’ now, and that eating cost money. That’s when the brilliant idea of hunting for flesh had come to his mind! Why waste money on food when you could just slaughter a beast and eat it! A win-win situation! All he had to do was hang around the docks until some lonely old fisherman offered to take him on his raft out into the middle of the lake where no-one could see them and go fishing.

Not suspicious at all.

Luckily for Mikki, the old man simply needed someone to complain about things to.

“Im sure he is ok”, Mikki muttered, again saying what he thought people would say in this situation. Gods being social was exhausting!

A loud snore came from behind him. It was fascinating how easily and quickly old fleshbags could fall asleep, even mid conversation. Mikki grinned though - at least he didn’t have to hear the boring story of the miserable man’s life. Now he could focus on slaughtering food!

He didn’t understand how fishing rods worked. I mean, baiting a hook and waiting for some dumb thing to grab it seemed… silly. Instead, people should just learn to swim real fast and stab the fish! Easy!

Well… that was the start of Mikki’s wonderful idea that caused him to be stranded on a rock in the middle of an underground sea. After jumping in after a particularly large fish, he had found out that the ‘sea’ was a lot more dangerous than he had thought, and that fleshbags such as him had to ‘breathe’ every now and then. The fish had escaped, naturally, and when Mikki had resurfaced the raft he had been on had drifted away. His small arms couldn’t get him back to the raft so he had, erm, floundered towards the nearest rock.

So now, a small 8-year old former-tsukumogami now fleshbag…erm boy sat alone on a rock, surrounded by a large amount of fresh warm water, looking up at the roof of the cavern. He had no thoughts of how he was going to get out of there, for he was enjoying the moment. He checked his equipment was all good. Yep. And apart from now being cleaner than ever, everything was intact.

Now all he had to do was wait for another lonely old man to come by and he could continue with his E-Rank mission of powa!

[Modded contract search request]
[WC: 802]
What Mikki DID find was a shiny expensive-looking stone! Well, HEAPS of them! They looked expensive, and they felt expensive, so maybe he could trade with them later. Putting the stones into his inter-dimensional pockets (provided by an over-protective master who had a CRPJ for it, if it mattered anymore), he simply waited for the next fisherman to come by - which one eventually did.

He thought to himself about how if he had spoken a few more words, and done something that required more words to type, then this would be automatic without the need for interaction and thought to himself... well thats kinda dumb. Kinda kills the joy in finding something.

Oh well. Dumb things were common these days as these shiny rocks it seemed.

[Topic Left]

Current Ninpocho Time:
