Ninpocho Chronicles

Ninpocho Chronicles is a fantasy-ish setting storyline, set in an alternate universe World of Ninjas, where the Naruto and Boruto series take place. This means that none of the canon characters exists, or existed here.

Each ninja starts from the bottom and start their training as an Academy Student. From there they develop abilities akin to that of demigods as they grow in age and experience.

Along the way they gain new friends (or enemies), take on jobs and complete contracts and missions for their respective villages where their training and skill will be tested to their limits.

The sky is the limit as the blank page you see before you can be filled with countless of adventures with your character in the game.

This is Ninpocho Chronicles.

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:

Gonna Buff *claps* You Up~ [Requesting Kuro]

Toraono Michino

Mayor of Flavortown
Staff member
Oct 23, 2012
It was rare to see Tama outside of anything that his presence on the elevator was one that got immediately questioned.

The newly reborn shinobi scientist was on his way on an important research for himself that involved his own physical body. At one time when he was the owner of his original chakra coil the, at that time, boy could easily keep his body at peak physical condition without lifting a finger simply by consuming other mortal souls. However an assassination attempt, removal of that ability, and a year worth of recovering both mentally and physically he found his body failing in simple tasks. The toll it took on his form to place an artificial chakra coil and another on top of it along with weeks of tedious research in the name of advancing chakra based science was tremendous. His once strong body was reduced to a frail form that, though was near immortal, couldn’t do much to fight back in a physical conflict.
This simply wouldn’t do for the ultra genius as it cut his chances of surviving another assassination down in half. There was no doubt in his mind now that his recent dabbling with the Uzumoreru clan had given away the secret that his strength relied on his chakra and jutsu making him a long range fighter. So much of that was true, and even though he could regenerate at impossible rates that too had a limit. Especially if faced with a foe that would require him to enter his Divine Form, such as his father.

As the elevator raised itself slowly towards the Maw Tama reflected on all he knew about his father for a second and realized that another attack was bound to happen soon. It had been nearly a year and a half since the last attempt on his life that claimed his mother’s. Whatever Tengokai was planning was bound to be sinister and full a terrible painful death. The scientist was just lucky that Mikaboshi was there when the madman attacked last time, putting him in his place and most likely interjecting some fear where there was once only madness. As wonderful as that sounded it also meant that he would be responding with more secrecy the next time.
As such the frail scientist decided it was high time he learned to master his body along with his mind in order to perfect a more stable body for his ultimate form. The Divine Form took a massive toll on his health as it combined both of his chakra coils to be used simultaneously which granted him such a massive healing boost that him and everyone around him became next to unstoppable. Ironically the boost of power still took a toll on his body despite regenerating any wound immediately as it was still channeling the power of an Ancient through his blood. So theory suggested that a stronger body would be able to handle the power granted to him by the gods in order to not only become a god of chakra medicine, but to defend himself from the next attempt on his life.

In order to defend against a deranged father.

The elevator stopped with a sudden jolt that threw Tama off his balance for a second. The gate keeper smirked and opened the cage as he guided the scientist to the Dojo so that he could further extend his knowledge of Taijutsu and the mastery of his body. Upon entering the grand building he couldn’t help, but find himself completely overwhelmed by the entire thing. There just seemed to be so much that they could offer, and he had no idea where to even begin.


Well-Known Member
Aug 24, 2012
"You humans grow so fast it's hard to believe you manage to live meaningful lives at all."

Tama would more than likely recognize the metallic rasp of his former-- perhaps still current, depending on the scientist's inclination --teacher. So far Mikaboshi had formed a habit of appearing in Tama's life for snapshots-- brief moments in time during which he would impart some knowledge or power to Tama and then disappear as strangely as he'd come. Mikaboshi had no metric for knowing how Tama felt towards him but the Sennin didn't particularly care. What did it matter to him what this ape-child thought of him? But he had once told Tama that he would teach him and Mikaboshi was nothing if not a being of his word.

A black cloak surrounding his form and protecting it from the sun, the only thing that was immediately visible about Mikaboshi were the embers of his ever-burning eyes. Unmistakable for anyone else, some said it was his eyes above all other features marked the otherwise physically unremarkable but strange sennin for who he was. But as Mikaboshi reached up and pulled back his hood there was no mistaking who he was even if not for his eyes. Perhaps the uniqueness of his eyes could be duplicated in some form or fashion. The golden flames that licked behind the lens of those orbs could almost certainly be replicated via a Transformation technique. But no, it was the presence of the Ancient Sennin that defined him. With him carried the natural chill of the dark-- of the underground. Some felt it as keenly as if they had walked straight into a man-sized ice-box. Others felt nothing at all, their spiritual strength sufficient enough to warm their bodies while in the company of a fell creature as Mikaboshi.

"What business finds you coming to the step of a demon-beast, child?" He asked, his voice even and without demand though his word choices made it clear he expected an earnest response. Even without his status as Tama's creator of sorts, Mikaboshi was certainly still his superior in the Sunan military.

Toraono Kuro

Well-Known Member
Oct 8, 2012
The door to the dojo whisked open revealing one of Kuro's forms there. This one was the healer, the barrier, the defiant one of steel Sanryoukyogan Kuro. This Kuro stood at five feet, ten inches, weighing in at two hundred and eighty pounds. Healer Kuro’s silver gray hair was braided tightly prevented him from hiding any of his supernatural muscle mass. With a twenty one inch neck Kuro’s hair couldn’t conceal very much at all even as it cascaded to the center of his upper back. Violet eyes with gold pupils peered from a chocolate brow with large ebony horns growing from where a normal man’s temples would be. He wore a sand tone obi around his thirty six inch waist. The obi allowed Kuro to carry his medical kit on his left hip. Kuro wore his battle pouch on a second sash just above his right hip. Adjacent his medical kit, Kuro wore a pair of collapsed fuuma shuriken, and last but not least Kuro wore his leg sheath on the interior of his hakama just atop his fighting gi shorts with his healing salves and summon scrolls. A convenient cut in the silk cloth of his left hakama pants leg allowed Kuro full access to his medic gear without showing exactly where it was till he motioned to grab it. Secure in his arm guards and leggings Kuro covered the runic terran markings on his forearms and calves. Kuro’s tail swished back and forth its tiger stripes faintly surging with chakra. His white gi top covered his overly muscular upper body. His eyes fluctuated many colors like a prism gem but otherwise he was a perfect copy of the original demon Kuro right down to the horns and tail Kuro possessed. Demon Kuro was with his wife along with Hashigaki Kuro & Sharingan Kuro so the Kuro that answered the door was not the original Kuro, but Kuro all the same. Sanryoukyogan Kuro could see the spirit in beings before him and though he knew Mikaboshi well enough what he saw of Tama made him immediately worry. Divinity flowed through him true enough but the damage to his spirit was immense. "Mikaboshi-sama, I see you brought him here just in time, it seems his body and soul have accepted a great change but it is still on the verge of collapse. Please come inside and explain your circumstances so that we may find the simplest way to alleviate your condition."<i></i>

Toraono Michino

Mayor of Flavortown
Staff member
Oct 23, 2012
Tama raised the hood of the cloak of his clothing to block his face from the sun and the sand whipping about with the wind. It had been so long since he had seen the real sky and felt the real elements of the world brushing his skin that he almost felt like he was going to burst into flames any second. It was while he was amusing himself with the thought of Sunagakurians being vampires when a creature that wasn’t too far from one appeared once again in Tama’s crazy life.

The golden flames of his divine nature leaped up without him even attempting to call them when the cold shadowy presence of his old master seemed to engulf everything in his vision. They surrounded the scientist to protect him from the cold that was brought about by fel creatures that had managed to stay alive far longer than they probably intended to. Without question Tama bowed before the Ancient showing that he still had a massive respect for the raw power that the creature controlled but had come to a greater understanding of things as his mind had aged along with his body; if that even been possible given his already genius.
In many ways what you say is true, but in my case it’s a bit more so than normal. I was controlling my power the wrong way and it ate away at my life force causing me to…age, suddenly. As for why I have come to meet the Demon Beast, I wish to strengthen my mortal shell naturally as possible. The Dojo is known for all kinds of training and research that its odd its taking me this long to come and visit the man who saved my life nearly two years ago.
We mortals were not meant to consume other mortal souls, and I don’t plan on continuing on with that terrible habit as it caused me to be the target of an assassination as well as the theft of my original chakra coil that was near the end of me and my shell. Through forbidden science, magic, and surgery I was able to repair myself and come out stronger than I was before but with a far more obvious weakness that need to be hammered out.

As if to back up his statement one of the many Kuros’ known to the world appeared at the entrance and beckoned the master and student inside after speaking of Tama’s spiritual wound that he could not fix. In theory the scientist figured it was because when his original chakra was stolen from him it detached some of the tethers that held his soul in thus body and that replacing it with two separate chakras was only holding it down temporarily. With a stronger shell he wouldn’t need to worry about his soul ripping away and wondering around as a possible snack for Mikaboshi.


Well-Known Member
Aug 24, 2012
It seemed Tama had learned a great deal from the torment he'd been through with his experience regarding soul eating. Mikaboshi could not help but laugh. He had warned the boy to be careful with his new-found ability to consume the essence of others. Tama was right that humans were not intended to consume the mortal essences of each other just as Ancients had not been intended to consume other Ancients. But humans were... different from the Ancients in that regard... and many others, mused the sennin. Where it seemed that the consumption of their kind would only drive an Ancient to madness, there were many cases in the past of humans which had found great power in the process of consuming the power of other humans. Humans, it seemed, had a habit of overcoming things that they were not meant to do. Chakra coil theft? That was disappointing to say the least. Even with what little he'd been given, Mikaboshi expected better of Tama. Though he had to admit that it was interesting to him that there might be someone present in Suna that was stealing chakra systems as a whole. That was something of note for later, however.

"It is true that your humanity limits you just as it does all of your kind." Mikaboshi remarked at Tama's assessment of his failure. "It is the anchor that weighs down your potential. It is good to see that you at least recognize that, in one way or another."

He wasn't sure if that had been Tama's point at all but it was a relevant observation. Humans were limited in so many ways. It was for that reason that most of history's significant humans had reached outside of their own race for power. Demon possession and sealing, necromancy, unshackling the limits which held together their spirits... all methods of transcending what could be described as humanity. If Tama had already realized that it was his humanity that held him back he was well on his path to growing significantly more powerful. Mikaboshi wasn't sure why that gave him a sense of satisfaction but it did to some level. Kuro then arrived to greet them and Mikaboshi gave the demon-beast sennin a nod of his head in greeting. Perhaps one of the only signs of respect that he'd ever given Kuro. It seemed that Kuro had simply assumed it had been Mikaboshi which had brought Tama to the dojo and that was well enough. He wasn't sure how Kuro might react to finding out that there was a potentially hungry spiritual predator lurking about his dojo without his expressed permission-- and not that it particularly mattered in the long run-- but he knew that it would be troublesome at the very least. Still, as they walked Mikaboshi said nothing with the intent of allowing Tama to explain himself to both of the sennin present.

Toraono Kuro

Well-Known Member
Oct 8, 2012
Kuro smiled genuinely as he motioned for both Tama and Mikaboshi to come inside the dojo. It seemed Tama had been aged by the usage of jutsu beyond his natural capabilities. That wasn't beyond the scope of his memory of the formerly young inventor. He obviously needed actual physical training but from what Kuro could see of his spirit and chakra. He needed actual psychic surgery and gene therapy. Well once he got them inside and to his lab he would be able to test his theory out. "Well if you gentlemen can follow me to my medical station in the east wing we can plot out exactly what is needed for your proper training and recovery."<i></i> It seemed Tama & Mikaboshi had alot to talk about as well.

Toraono Michino

Mayor of Flavortown
Staff member
Oct 23, 2012
A grand plot was a foot with these three going anywhere.

I’ve learn that those limits are also what strengthen us,” Tama replied to his master, “When you unlocked the latent powers in my blood it brought about the full strength of what it was capable of long before my body was able to handle it. I drove too hard and too fast, aged myself years beyond what I should be, and nearly had my very existence snuffed.
"However it was that fall, master, that had brought me to where I am today. For all my failings I have become stronger for each one, a scar left on my mortal soul that I can look back and learn from. I can’t speak for those who have lived millennia, but for short-term creatures such as humans we can’t move forward unless we look back.
"I may not look it, but I’m actually far stronger now than I ever was with my powers completely unlocked, because I now know how to use them. It’s all a simple matter of improving my body and repairing the damage done to my soul when my chakra coil was ripped out. The only person in Suna that possibly knows more about how to repair these things than me is either you or Kuro, and the demon-beast is a far easier person to find.” It was Tama’s attempt at humor with the Ancient.

The trio walked into the grand building which somehow seemed larger and for that far more impressive on the inside than the out. Faithfully and without another word to his master or Kuro until the spoke Tama followed the demon-beast as he was brought into the research facility.
Upon viewing them, the scientist had something of a nerd-gasm.
Knowing very well the procedures of finding out the cause of a problem to treat it the Ryuu walked before his comrades and shrugged off the cloak-liked jacket, then began to unbutton his vest and shirt deftly before removing it. Neatly he placed the clothing on the nearest table, revealing his thin upper body. There wasn’t really anything impressive about his physical form at all, showing to have the soft flesh of a bookworm; even if he was a bookworm capable of hurling lightning. On his chest to the left of his heart was a birth mark in the shape of a dragon head ending in a swirl and a scar that started at his sternum and ended at his groin. He was a man who had literally been completely open without any anesthetics, and it was the same surgery that his chakra coil had been forcefully removed using the theory of a procedure he had come up with. Ironically this procedure being preformed him on drove him to fully perfect it into a thesis that he was almost finished with. It would be given to the Medical Branch to study once they started taking him seriously for a change. They shunned his artificial chakra coil, calling it ‘pointless’, yet here he was using it to replace his own, and he had recently had a large hand in creating the cure to the Worm Virus epidemic.

I’m already mentally prepared for any tests you need to run on me including needing samples, Kuro. Tama, despite being the patient man that he normally was, just wanted to get this done and out of his way. The sooner he could improve his physical form and repair his soul the sooner he could finish his thesis.


Well-Known Member
Aug 24, 2012
Mikaboshi said nothing to the joke that Tama had made. Humor wasn't beyond him, per se. But having a sense of humor was not one of the Ancient sennin's more well-known traits.

"You are failing to see the forest for the trees, as your kind is fond of saying." Replied Mikaboshi as Tama relayed his analysis of his failure to control the power which he'd been given. It was true that-- in the end --Tama may have emerged from his ordeal stronger than before. But to correlate that result with the fact that humans had limits which could break them if pushed against was a sad lesson to take away from his experience, thought Mikaboshi. "What you are describing is simply learning from your mistakes. I once cautioned you that those who lack the will to control the power I'd given you were prone to becoming monsters. Now you know the dangers first-hand rather than simply by word of mouth from your teacher. Do not let fear and failure turn you away from a true path to strength. To fail is only to identify a way not to succeed."

Tama seemed to believe that his usage of soul energy was entirely at the heart of his woes but it sounded very much like Mikaboshi's student had grown too eager with his new power and had misused it which had brought him to potential ruin. He had warned Tama very early on that such things could happen. Men who relied too heavily on the effects of soul energy became unintelligent monsters; beasts that looked only for their next meal and cared for nothing else. Tama would not have been the first of Mikaboshi's past students to make a similar mistake and end up wetting the claws of their master in order to prevent their foolish judgment from creating problems for the sennin. Entering into the lab, Mikaboshi cast his gaze about looking from piece to piece as Tama went about preparing himself for whatever medical procedure he'd come to the Toraono Dojo to see done to him. It seemed that he wished to have his soul repaired by the hands of the main-branch sennin-- something that Mikaboshi had little doubt that Kuro could do --but he was far more interested in the fact that Tama had allowed his charka system to be apparently absconded with.

"Tell us of how you were relieved of your original chakra coil system. It may provide some insight into how to repair you."

Toraono Kuro

Well-Known Member
Oct 8, 2012
Kuro nodded to Mikaboshi and then further spoke on the subject of soul eating. "Mikaboshi-sama is entirely correct in figuring out how your chakra coils were stolen and to further point out that devouring souls is a problem. It has it's ups and downs and yes, it is one of the paths taken by the Unbent whom rallied together finding strength in their way of defying any and everything by simply eating its soul for power. Long ago members of the Byakko Gyozaku (White Tiger Family of the Toraono Clan) perfected soul devouring to the point that they could take another beings abilities and become true demonbeasts. The downside was it changed their actual souls to match that of our ancestors which as you know can sometimes lead to great spiritual conflict or great spiritual power. I do however have another way to repair the damage to your soul, I will simply expand your original spirit and graft another into it. It is a form of psyhic surgery that I am certain Mikaboshi sama is familiar with. Fortunately it will kill the criminal in question whose soul will be the one grafted into your own to expand and stabilize it to prevent further decay. When you are ready follow me down to the holding areas and we can convene the surgery. Mikaboshi-sama if you have the time I would welcome your assistance in this."<i></i>

Toraono Michino

Mayor of Flavortown
Staff member
Oct 23, 2012
Tama chuckled, as what they asked of him was a hell of a story to tell.

It was, literally, removed from me. About a year ago I wrote down a theory on using healing based chakra to infest down into a person’s coil and then focus on healing the actual outline of the coil until it becomes a complete physical apparition in the same way nerves would show. The rest would be a process of simply removing it out of the body piece by piece while healing the body back using what little chakra is left in the body to just staunch the bleeding. Now in any other circumstances that’s where it simply end as the body would eventually just die off without the coil to produce the energy and get it to the rest of the body. Unfortunately for me I had also created an artificial chakra coil that would be surgically inserted using basically the reverse process of the removal.
During the time I had fallen into a pattern of hunting for souls at least once a week, just as I had been warned of, and was becoming a beast. I had only hunted the sick and destructive at first but then I started to get a taste for…innocence.” Tama shook his head as if apparently sickened by the way he used to think, “During my last feast an assassin of some renown prowess managed to sneak up on me and deliver what should have been a killing blow. Instead I black out and the next thing I know I’m waking up to find my chest cavity split open and one of my scientific rivals hovering over me with a scalpel in one hand and a healing jutsu in the other. He was trying to ‘weaken’ me so he could extort me. Ironic that, considering I now have his chakra coil layered on top of the artificial one now.

Tama decided not to go into details about how he came about getting his revenge though the oddest turn of events involving assassins and forbidden jutsu. It was one of those things that was just left to hang in the air unless some just had to know. With his story told the scientist and hopefully master in tow nodded towards Kuro to let him know that he was ready to go down and start the procedure. Soul manipulation wasn’t new to Tama either, though despite all of his knowledge he knew so little on how to control it. Even when he was fully tapped into his powers he had to use a special trick to eat them.

Long story short I came up with a way to make the coil physically removable and I now have an artificial one that has the ability to expand out and become more powerful if the body is in complete health in both mind and spirit. At least that’s how I built it to function. Sadly I never got to test it out completely before it was forced on me, so in a way I have become my own walking experiment. Somewhat of an exciting prospect given my field.


Well-Known Member
Aug 24, 2012
For the first time, Mikaboshi had a clear picture of how intelligent his estranged apprentice was. He had always sensed the young man's latent talent-- it was what had drawn the dark sennin to take on what at the time had been a foolish boy bleeding to death in an alleyway as his apprentice. But if the process that Tama described was accurate... well. It had a great deal of application. It would certainly be more possible to contain the more powerful inmates of the Obsidian Palace if surgically removing their chakra coils were possible. His interest hidden behind his dour mask, Mikaboshi listened silently as Tama recounted his story. Even more interesting, it seemed as if Tama had created a way to work around his humanity's natural limitations in regards to the consumption of souls. If his new chakra coil system worked the way he thought it would then Tama would be able to steal the energy directly out of others and incorporate it into his own being. Another thing Mikaboshi decided could be useful for the future.

"I am interested to see this work of yours more closely." Mikaboshi remarked, his casual tone masking the true extent that he was interested in Tama's work. Motioning, Mikaboshi waved for Tama to follow Kuro down to the holding areas so that they could get things under way. He was no surgeon but souls and the like where a specialty of his and he figured he could find his way around a human's innards easily enough given the fleshwork he'd been engaged with in his Obsidian Palace labs. "Let us get under way."

Toraono Kuro

Well-Known Member
Oct 8, 2012
Kuro led them into the depths of the dojo where specially runed chambers restrained the movements of Toraono Family criminal Seijiro."Physically removing a chakra coil instead of metaphysical transplant or removal is quite the feat especially for one without the power of the Byakugan. This process could be used to change normal people into shinobi if marketed correctly, of course it might kill the shinobi whose chakra coil is removed. Still you might want to consider the knowledge you have acquired and the actual deadly ramifications of your new found surgical procedure. If the wrong people learn your process then all shinobi everywhere are in danger. However if we seal that knowledge into you, a personal patent that can only be released by you then such knowledge could only be invoked by your living will. If you wish it after using a partial use of your process and a special seal of my own we can carry out this criminal's punishment and repair the damage to your body and soul in what I estimate to be a two day process and I will make sure for all the women that were tormented by his acts that it is as painful and anal as possible."<i></i>

Seijiro looked up to Mikaboshi and Kuro standing outside his cell talking to what looked to be another visitor. He remembered that one subject for execution did not even have more than a finger's width of his flesh remaining. It was bad enough his own family was going to kill him but Mikaboshi was a whole new dimension of suffering. From the word in the underworld Mikaboshi literally devoured criminal souls whole.

Toraono Michino

Mayor of Flavortown
Staff member
Oct 23, 2012
Of course a true scientist in both nature and mind, Ryuu had never really considered the consequences of developing such a technique.

It was apparent that both of the elder warriors were impressed by his work and that made the man tap back into the sixteen year old that he really was to feel a burst of pride.
Seriously, he could have skipped the rest of the way.
However the scientist in true adult fashion held his composure until they reached the chamber where the criminal that would have his soul grafted onto his own was held stationary. The shinobi part of the scientist scanned the room quickly recognizing a lot of the sealing jutsu being used and even seeing a few new ones that were probably restricted to the Toraono Clan. A smile played on his lips showing an appreciation for all the work and chakra it must take to retain all these seals at once, and for a moment he wondered what kind of man was being imprisoned here? Probably best not to ask at all.

He kneeled down against the floor, ignoring the man that was centered, and placed his hand gently over one of the many seals in the room and opened up his artificial chakra coil to start drawing in the energy from the seal just to see what kind of chakra was being used and how powerful it was. Instantly a rush of strength and strong will nearly knocked the scientist off his feet as he stood up and stumbled back a little, closing back up his coil to its normal state.
This was a little trick he had learned not to long ago as he continued to experiment with it. Combining the two chakra coils together seemed to give him enough raw energy to tap into his blood abilities, but he had also learned that it had a temporary storage function to it. It was built there originally so that chakra could be placed inside of it to give the coil a ‘jump start’ and get it working on its own. Tama had found out that he could use the technique he had learned to absorb nature chakra from the air around him to draw in chakra from people and jutsu and store it temporarily. Eventually it would feed into the coil and is just broken down into normal moldable chakra, but for a good ten seconds he could use abilities he should be able to. For a few seconds the presence of Kuro’s chakra radiated inside of Ryuu before dissipating away into his coil as nothing.

Not a bad idea but I have already submitted forms of the original theory to the medical branch, it was how it got out and used against me. Of course the only man capable of actually doing it is dead now, so the gigantic thesis I have on me explaining the process is the only thing left that can allow normal medical shinobi to perform it. I have seriously considered showing it to the Steward and ask if he would allow it to be used. We could double our man power in a matter of weeks just using the criminals.

Tama didn’t seem to be a bad guy, but didn’t seem to give pity to those who had broken laws and preformed taboo either. The entire idea of having a criminal’s soul grafted onto his own to kill him and repair the scientist was right up his ally. In essence the same thing had been done to the doctor who had tried to extort him.


Well-Known Member
Aug 24, 2012
Mikaboshi grinned a sinister smile behind his mask as Kuro cautioned Tama about letting the information regarding how to remove and transplant chakra coils fall into the wrong hands. It could be a disaster for Sand if the wrong sort of person were to gain access to such a dangerous knowledge. Indeed it could even be a certifiable crisis for humanity as a whole in the Wind Country. Of course, that would take someone with an ill intent towards Mankind and a certain predisposition towards a malevolent weal with a reasonably high amount of personal power to achieve.

Someone like Mikaboshi, for instance.

Did Kuro realize that the wrong people were standing in the room at that very moment? The wrongs that could be wrought against humanity if Mikaboshi were armed with the process that Tama had created? Probably not. Because of the endorsement that Sousuke had given him, Kuro seemed as if he trusted the Ancient implicitly as Sousuke did. Despite his somewhat benign nature towards Sand, Mikaboshi had never been shy with Sousuke about his designs following the termination of his current master's lifespan. He fully intended to visit a great host of horrors upon the Wind Country once given the opportunity to do so. His hands were tied for now but Sousuke was already in his twentieth year of life and Mikaboshi knew that humans didn't live to be much older than seventy years in most cases. Sousuke would likely live longer; perhaps well past his one-hundredth year given his propensity for improving upon the natural design of his body. All in all, he would likely live for another-- give or take a few decades --hundred years. A small price to pay for his inevitable freedom from the Black Blade and Fuujin's curse. And it wasn't as if he were sitting in a room simply waiting for it to end. Instead he walked among the people that he intended to subjugate and gaining a more complete education of them. How they thought, how they felt. The way their brains, hearts and bodies worked.

Casting his gaze over his shoulder to where Seijiro was on the floor, Mikaboshi narrowed his eyes into a disdainful glare at the pitiable wretch. The sennin didn't particularly care that he was a criminal. That part was literally irrelevant to Mikaboshi. Kuro could have just as easily volunteered anyone off of the street for the sacrificial lamb of the procedure.

Toraono Kuro

Well-Known Member
Oct 8, 2012
"I see little reason to allow your knowledge to be open to anyone that you don't trust so with Mikaboshi's help I will seal that information to you along with this criminal's soul. If possible as penance for his crimes I would appreciate if you would remove his chakra coil through his internal organs and out of his anus. As a rapist of multiple women I would consider that justice. While you remove his chakra coil in as painful and violating of a manner possible I will transfer his soul to you along with a seal to ensure your soul remains whole and your body not only retains its physical capacity but it is improved. Seijiro it is time for you to receive your punishment for your crimes. May the gods torment the remnants of your soul for all eternity as the remainder of your soul will now be used to heal someone worthy of it. Lord Mikaboshi please restrain his body for Tama's process in anyway you deem necessary while I remove his soul from his body and slowly place it within your ward." Kuro released the remainder of the seals upon the chamber as he summoned a black chakra blade. Seijiro did not plan on going quietly into the night however and tried to use his reality bending chakra to escape only to find Kuro had anticipated his escape attempt and Seijiro's chakra did not react in time. Seijiro found a heavy hand touching his chest as his chakra was pulled from his body ever so briefly. Kuro summoned Hyakujuuonouu's shackled statue as he stabbed Seijiro in the shoulder so as not to damage his chakra coil. Using his blade as a medium Kuro transferred Seijiro's soul piece by piece into Tama's body as he began channel Seijiro's eternal energies into Tama repairing the gaps and torn edges of Tama's own spirit while using a lunar seal to seal the gaps and torn edges in a manner that only Tama himself or a true Dark Sage could undo. "Proceed with your surgery Tama and embrace the power as it repairs and rebuilds your soul. Your seal will be gentle and empowering, Seijiro's punishment is just beginning."

WC: 362


Toraono Michino

Mayor of Flavortown
Staff member
Oct 23, 2012
Tama was given his instructions and simply nodded to the demon beast.

The man was being placed on trial for his crimes against the people of the Toraono Clan and Kuro was personally asking Tama to be part of the actual execution. The method sounded so excruciatingly painful yet when the demon beast mentioned his crimes it became ironically perfect.
Reaching into the pocket of his pants with his right hand he withdrew what looked like a paint brush with a little switch at the end. Thumbing the switch to produce a small needle at the end he maneuvered the thumb to press down into the point to feed his blood into the brush. Ryuu stared down the man who was going to have his chakra coil removed in the most painful manor conceivable and for a moment pitied him.
The blood began to drip down in a soft patter against the palm of the left hand held under the brush letting him know he could release his thumb from the needle and press the button in to release the needle from the pen to clatter on the ground. Tama wrote a seal on his left hand with the blood already on it, then placed the brush in his mouth for a second while he ripped away the prisoner’s upper clothing to reveal his chest. He motioned for someone to pull his head back so he could get a good view of his entire abdomen. Gracefully he removed the brush from his mouth and wrote on his flesh the chakra coil placement purely from memory on the man’s chest that extended down into seals that were placed on his arms and legs. He finished his blood writing by placing one final seal between himself and the soon to be executed.
With its work done the brush was placed back in his pocket.

Clasping his hands together so that the blood kanji on his left hand would copy over to the right he went through a seven seal series before ending on the dragon seal. His healing chakra stolen from the doctor that had stolen his chakra leaped up to the front and began to radiate out of his entire body. He tapped the seal placed on the ground between them and it exploded with life, radiating a green energy that shot out two green tendrils to wrap around the man’s arms and legs right where the seals were.
Cupping his hands over each other Tama focused all of his chakra between them through the seals written on his hands into a golden ball that he brought to his chest where the birthmark was. The mark sprung to life and moved up his chest to open up its jaws over the scientist’s left eye causing the blue eye to slowly match the color of his left.
The golden energy of the powers Mikaboshi had seen radiated out of the scientist one more, but this time it was far more controlled than it had been when last his master viewed it. For one there was no explosion of power forcing charka waves through the room; this power instead manifested itself slowly but with a strong purpose all the same.
Slowly Tama reached out towards the middle of where chakra coil was placed on the man and closed his eyes to slowly focus the intense super healing energy into the outline of the coil until the markings slowly started to radiate in the same golden colors. Then he began to clench the hand on the prisoner’s chest until it was a fist, pulling the man’s coil out to mingle with Tama’s blood and become a solid mass; the experience without a painkiller akin to having your skin flayed with an ice knife.
The scientist punched him in the chest suddenly forcing the blood infused chakra coil back inside of him before placing his hands back together in a seal. Concentrating on his chakra that was now inside of the prisoner Tama forced it to lift itself up completely and moved downwards to enter the intestental track through the stomach where it was based. The process was probably more painful that actually having said intestines ripped out of you slowly.

While the scientist was giving the prisoner grade-A death torture Kuro was ripping from him the soul that was also being loosened up by Tama’s ripping away of the chakra coil. As the power of the soul was being fed into him the chakra master was being forced to reminisce about what it was like to feast on souls. He could immediately feel his body strengthening from his Divine Form while the soul was being fed into him. The holy restorative energies was molding the power given from the soul into his own flesh and blood, strengthening muscles and repairing his mortal shell while the soul was being grafted on.


Well-Known Member
Aug 24, 2012
Monkeys and their fascination with their reproductive cycle, thought Mikaboshi as he fought the urge to roll his eyes.

So much of the human condition boiled down to sex. For many of them it was the sole thing that they chased in life. Above money, above status. Above power. In the same breath, they also harshly punished the members of their society which dared to simply take that thing which so many of them wanted. It was this silly dance of romance and consent. While Mikaboshi knew of and understood the concept of love as humanity perceived it, he could only scoff at how absurdly coy they were about the whole process as a species. It made him wonder how they had ever spread so far out as they had. As the three moved to begin the process, Mikaboshi raised his right hand and gestured towards where Seijiro sat on the ground, sending out a ripple of his willpower through the air. Though the pulse of will was invisible to the eyes of Seijiro, if either Tama or Kuro could see the chakra present in it they would see the insidious spell manifest as a series of ghastly barbed chains which looked like they were made from black mist erupting out of the floor of the dojo and anchoring into Seijiro's flesh and soul enslaving his physical motor controls to the desire of Mikaboshi. With his body restrained, the ancient looked on as Kuro and Tama went about their own gristly work.

He imagined that the process must have been painful for the fool but no matter how much agony was visited upon him, Mikaboshi would not let the wretch move. His mind thrashed and struggled against Mikaboshi's oppressive will as Kuro went about vivisecting Seijiro's soul and Tama performed the process for physically manifesting his chakra coil. Turning his hand slightly, Seijiro's head slowly tilted backwards taking his vision away from what was going to happen to him. With the ancient in control of his body Seijiro could not even open his mouth to howl about the pain he was being put through.

But as he stood on and watched the procedure, Mikaboshi mentally noted the seals that Tama had placed upon his victim. Lettering from the language of humans mixed with curved seals intended to channel his chakra, Mikaboshi tucked the knowledge of those physical movements into his memory for later. While he could only made educated guesses in how Tama was actually applying his chakra... well. It wasn't like Mikaboshi didn't have plenty of test subjects at the Palace to use while he figured it out.

Toraono Kuro

Well-Known Member
Oct 8, 2012
Kuro patiently went through the seal process using a Lunar Seal which would enhance his chakra usage for ninjutsu Kuro slowly pulled energized cells from Seijiro's body noting that Mikaboshi had sustained a bind so powerful that he could not even scream. Not that Kuro cared if he screamed, Seijiro had beaten a woman so relentlessly it had taken four specialized surgeries and some bone implants to repair and restore her body. Violet chakra swirled from Seijiro's body as his muscles began to take on a desiccated form. Not a drop of blood struck the ground from Seijiro as everything not in use by Tama's surgery burned into violet chakra the floated in motes of black and violet chakra repairing, empowering, and lacing Tama's body gently in runic wards and markings. Every portion of Seijiro's body that could be used to repair Tama's own was as the Lunar Seal ingrained itself into Tama's birthmark making it more pronounced and placing a five point circle around it with the runic terran sigils for "Lunar". As Seijiro finally ceased to struggle Kuro allowed the last whispers of his soul to remain within his husk of a body as Tama completed his surgical chakra coil removal. The Lunar seal was complete and Tama's body and soul repaired thanks to a slightly different take on the Samsara no jutsu of the Rikudo Sennin techniques Kuro had mastered. Content with their act of retribution Kuro nodded to Mikaboshi to end Seijiro's physical body so that the remainder of his soul could truly be ripped free and used for purposes beyond the evil he had perpetrated. Kuro made sure that his remains could still be of use by not draining them into Hyakujuuonouu's open maw. No he would not feed his inner demon the spirit of a rapist from his own clan it was demeaning.


WC: 300
MFT 2 (Lunar Seal)
OOC: Kuro has grafted Seijiro's spirit and 70% of his body into a Lunar seal to repair Tama's body (2 weeks of training will now be deducted from me as I post this training and Saturday's training.

Toraono Michino

Mayor of Flavortown
Staff member
Oct 23, 2012
In the final steps of the execution, Tama was reborn. In a sense.

It was usually a feat for the scientist to move the chakra coil after making it solid and the process surgery wise usually would take hours. However with the constant feeding of energy from Kuro and the slow repair of his soul allowed Tama to use his powers in a way he hadn’t ever been able to – with full control and without fatigue. Seijiro’s coil finally started to emerge from where the sun down shine, and in a sure to be painful motion, the man who was benefiting from all of this made a maneuver with his hand that caused the entire thing to come ripping out and hit the floor with a loud thud.
At the pinnacle of the ritual Ryuu could feel his chakra moving in a freedom and power like he never had before as his body continued to enhance itself beyond what any mortal could accomplish in a few moments. The muscles in his body strengthened to reflect someone who had trained in taijutsu their entire lives and the soul of this new strong shell was a stable as a lake named Placid. The power that was calmly radiating around Tama became thicker and held a ferocity that was equal to the form it had when first revealed to the student and master. Yet still it was so controlled that the rays of light never once touched Mikaboshi, out of respect it seemed. Every time a ray of light came near the Ancient it would suddenly bend and move away so as it didn’t reveal his ‘true’ form.
Then Kuro sealed everything in the form of a Lunar Seal that reflected and added to his own power to be placed within his birthmark, and as Tama released the special technique that kept the chakra coil hardened he felt all the extra energy being slowly stored inside of the seal to be placed for safe handling inside of his form.

When finally the light faded what remained of Tama’s clothing he had kept on was in tatters from his sudden change in his body. He raised a hand slowly up to touch the newly formed seal over his power well and smirked as an arc of electricity rolled over the passing of his fingers. His eyes had returned to being two different colors as he looked down at the Seijiro’s chakra coil still laying there on the floor trapped in Tama’s blood. He slowly walked up to it and lifted it up, feeling the Seikon power rolling through it and responding to the new energy in his body. Closing his eyes he opened up his artificial chakra coil to use its special ability by using the seal on his chest. Opening up the power of the Lunar Seal a little he created a shadowy hand to burst forth and grasp the coil and drag the chakra slowly back through it to be carefully laid over the extra one that was already there that gave him superior healing powers. Once he was finished, which only took a minute, he re-sealed the Lunar seal and his coil to lock it in and mingle it with the power that was already there.

At first nothing happened because of the way he sealed the coil inside of him. Originally he had to use an entire forbidden ritual that required the use of large chakra crystals to produce enough energy to fully harness that power, however, between Kuro and Mikaboshi enough chakra had been used overall that there enough latent energy in the room to perform the jutsu using it and a little of his newfound power.
Then there was an explosive chakra wave that radiate once from Tama and would of shaken any other building had he not been in a special room where the chakra of Seijiro seemed to be suppressed no matter who it was inside. This was just as well because what little of the room did shake was from the scientist’s other energies, to have the third added along actually just made him one of the most powerful shinobi in Suna, and he had no doubt that he could probably train with Mikaboshi head on now.

A grin played across his lips as Tama raised a hand up to clench into a powerful fist.
I feel like a new man. Now all I need to do is learn some basic taijutsu and I’ll have a perfectly rounded defense.



Well-Known Member
Aug 24, 2012
Gore splattered the sealed floor as Tama emancipated the prisoner's chakra coil from the flesh of his body allowing the coil to fall to the floor with a thump. Likewise as Mikaboshi could feel the life leave Seijiro he released his jutsu and the now empty sack of meat that had once been a convict unceremoniously crumpled to the floor in a bloody heap. A gristly process to be sure but Mikaboshi had never been so concerned about such trivial things. The ANBU sennin of Sand certainly wasn't squeamish to any level and would not mind at all getting his hands dirty during the process. Newfound power burst forth from Tama's body but Mikaboshi's mind was elsewhere as he appraised the power boost that his student had gained.

He replayed the motions that Tama had taken in his mind's eye as Tama flexed his new power. The whole process put an entirely new spin on his plans for the future. Since his encounter with the Djinn, Mikaboshi had been planning to build himself a new vessel. A new body to enhance his personal power. With the way his current body worked it was too much a liability to be swapping into his transformed state. Sealed behind his mask like a shaken up bottle of soda his true power was pent up on a regular basis creating a sub-partition of Mikaboshi's mind made up his basest and most feral instincts that battled him for control of his actions while he was transformed. And that was simply unacceptable. He had quite a bit of power in that state but he simply could not focus it in the way he wanted. A mineral storm like the Diamond Maelstrom-- while an extremely dangerous force of nature --indiscriminately destroyed everything in it's path as it passed.

"I am sure the Steward would be fascinated by your procedure." Commented the sennin as he pondered the possibilities himself. He had the basics for what needed to be done. A clear memory of which seals to scribe and where was burned into his thoughts as it had been the sole thing he'd been interested in during the process. Everything... could come later. It was certainly exciting however. "Sadly your martial arts is where my expertise is less than sufficient so I will take my leave. If you require further..." Mikaboshi cast his eyes at the ruined body of Seijiro as he chewed on his words thinking of the right term to use besides "fresh meat", "materials for your experiments, see me at the Obsidian Palace. There is never a shortage of lives to spend in the name of progress."

And with that, the dark sennin turned to remove himself from the dojo. He wished to return to the Palace forth-with and begin his experiments. It would take a great deal of time and a large amount of bodies to even approach competency with the ritual he had just witnessed but he did not want for either of those things and naturally wanted to be as proficient as possible when he performed the ritual for his own purposes while fortifying his new vessel. Perhaps he would ask Sousuke to secure for him the metal thesis that Tama had submitted... or perhaps not, he thought.

It might be more fun to simply work it out himself.

[Leaving Topic - MFT]

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:
