Ninpocho Chronicles

Ninpocho Chronicles is a fantasy-ish setting storyline, set in an alternate universe World of Ninjas, where the Naruto and Boruto series take place. This means that none of the canon characters exists, or existed here.

Each ninja starts from the bottom and start their training as an Academy Student. From there they develop abilities akin to that of demigods as they grow in age and experience.

Along the way they gain new friends (or enemies), take on jobs and complete contracts and missions for their respective villages where their training and skill will be tested to their limits.

The sky is the limit as the blank page you see before you can be filled with countless of adventures with your character in the game.

This is Ninpocho Chronicles.

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:

Goodness... [Private]

Keigo Oen

Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2012
OOC Rank

'Things didnt go as planned...'

Something could be said though about how things transpired. He lost. Though he put up a valiant effort against a superior foe. It was not something he would enjoy. He wouldnt praise himself. And he definitely didnt feel good about himself. He'd been sleeping since the sennin had brought him in to emergency. A total of eight hours had transpired after the fight had done so. He had been stabilized by the same chief that took Nobuyuki back to the hospital. She'd been working alot in the last twenty-four hours. Going from wrist deep in someone's chest, to keeping the Wood user alive. His mask was off, but he was still identified as an ANBU. His room under high enough security as that he knew information on the details of this man. Fighting him frontally and living through it... So once he woke up there would definitely be questioning.

Though even with his slight talking in the forest... it was purely on adrenaline... His jaw was battered, and his left arm and leg rendered nearly useless. His arm more so than his leg. He could likely walk in the coming days with a hard limp, but his arm and chakra system within was corrupted with dark matter and storm chakra. Bones had been sliced and damaged down to the molecular level. Though he didnt know. The arm itself looked charred and beaten. Though it was stitched up to stop bleeding and all he'd not been able to move it. Moving his right with relative ease.

To those that examined it... It would be useless to him. So what was going to happen from here?

Shinrya Kitsune

11th Raikage
Staff member
Oct 23, 2012
OOC Rank

It had been one hell of a day for Kitsune. First the open heart surgery, then she had to go fetch the ANBU Sennin from the forest, THEN he was assassinated in her own hospital, right under everyone elses noses, and now another ANBU had been brought in, heavily wounded and on deaths door. Death is NOT gaining another soul today. Not while I’ve got something to say about it! Kitsune had decided. This meant that she had gorged herself on un-bound chakra to the point that her entire body was glowing with chakra, giving off an effect of water mist in the air around her.

”You’re not going to die today. I won’t let you, Tako-kun” she said, power emanating from her words in such a degree that it felt her every word was unchangeable, unchallengeable, law. She placed her hands on his body, and poured that power into the broken and battered corpus. Hyazos bones, muscle, and tissue would begin to knit itself together, and snap into their proper places. The aggressive medically charged chakra would assimilate the remaining storm chakra in the body, but fail to do anything about the dark chakra at his core. It was probably for the best to leave it at this very point in time. Currently the priority was making his body whole and functioning again.

When Hyazo woke up, his organs would be in the best shape of his entire life, but his muscles would be sore as all hell from the workout they had gotten, though once he got over the soreness, he’d find them to be in excellent condition as well. With the exception of his arm. It was broken beyond repair. Somehow, the entire arm had become dead tissue, and Kitsune saw no alternative but to amputate it. It wasn’t ideal for an ANBU to run around with such an easily identifiable feature, so she’d discuss him getting one of her custom built prosthetic arms, with a few extra capabilities built into it, such as chakra coils, so he’d be able to freely manipulate chakra with it as well.

Keigo Oen

Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2012
OOC Rank


in his mind he knew things would never be the after the events of the day. There wasnt much he could do. '...Zo... You failed... You fucking failed... but with the power of Jashin... We will work ourselves better. We will gain everything we want and deserve.' "Indeed... The direct link to 'Him' will be gained soon... look for -her- after you're done healing my child...", the sounds of the voices that clouded Zo's mind would continue to cascade over his mind. Eclipsing everything he'd believe and taking him over for the ultimate power. He wanted to be strong. The Strongest he could be. He wanted to prove that his prowess was -the- force to be reckoned with.

Silent beeps would take the room but with Kitsune's entry he found himself waking up after she'd finish things. "...Hm? K-...Kistune? You look... beautiful as eve-...ever...", his body was completely spent. He felt great but his soreness would take over him as he attempted to move at all. Though his left arm... he couldnt even feel. Looking up to her he'd frown, his eyes alone saying everything that was on his mind.

"...My arm... Was it unable to be healed?"

Shinrya Kitsune

11th Raikage
Staff member
Oct 23, 2012
OOC Rank
Kitsune nodded solemnly ”I’m sorry. The tissue itself was entirely dead. It was like it had been drained of life completely.” she said, looking down at Hyazo, taking mental measurements for a prosthetic arm. ”It had to be done, I’m afraid. But there is something we can do.” she continued and held up a scroll, detailing some of the things the branch was able to do with prosthetics. ”Bear in mind, you’ll need regular checkups and adjustments, but other than that, it’ll feel like a regular arm. With my expertise creating it, you’ll even be able to manipulate chakra with it with ease.”

Depending on Hyazo’s reaction, Kitsune would do one of two things. If he accepted the idea of getting an artificial arm, she’d roll a scroll onto the table that was a few feet away from the bed, and unseal a base artificial arm and all the components she’d need to actually make the arm. Or, if he denied it, she’d shake her head and request he reconsider it with the reasoning that ”A one-armed ANBU? Sorry, Tako-kun, but that’s just too easy to identify. They’d put you on paperwork duty, or worse. The arm is your best option here. And I’ll be the one to make it.”

Keigo Oen

Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2012
OOC Rank


Shook his head, that damned Kouin. 'I'll be sure to fuck him up for this...', he thought. Losing was just not in the course of actions he foresaw him going through. Though, all of the tissue being dead would be something he would have to deal with. The cost of losing a bout. Something he honestly didnt see himself going through. 'Hmm...' he continued listening to Kitsune. Though looking her up and down. How old was she again? She'd been around for quite some time. Though who didnt like a nice older woman? It was nice right?

"...Well will the arm bring me to my optimum fighting potential? I cant form one handed seals. Never learned. Never wanted to. SO, if you could give me an arm. I'll completely take it.", and with that he'd lean his head back, "Lets do this.", and with that he would find himself taking a deep breath and then closing his eyes, "You better be glad you're cute.", smirking he'd lay his head back and looked up to the ceiling. It was alot to take in and he wanted to just get it over with. He had to get to beating the shit out of Kouin. Respect was there and mutual. Though Zo thought he could get his body back in order.

'This is bullshit...'

Shinrya Kitsune

11th Raikage
Staff member
Oct 23, 2012
OOC Rank
Kitsune cracked her neck and began working on the arm right away ”It’ll look and feel like your normal arm, but you’ll experience that you’ve got vastly more crushing power with that hand, given that it’s made of stronger materials. It’ll even work like a regular arm, controlled by your nerve impulses.” she explained as she began putting components into the arm, lining it with actuators, chakra coils, nerve pathways to control the mechanics inside, as well as sound proofing, so it would be entirely silent. That way it wouldn’t reveal his identity to those seeking to discover it.

A few hours later

The arm was finished. The components were in place, and operating as they should. Now came the time to prepare the recipient though, and that included sedating the nerves in his arm, before mounting a connecting place on the place where his original arm had been severed from. Once that was done, Kitsune could connect the arm, use a healing jutsu to remove the sedatives, and then connect the nerves. Sure, it’d hurt Hyazo like hell for the first 5-10 minutes, but after that, the arm would be functional. He would need some re-training, as well as to get used to the weight of the arm. As it was mechanical, it was heavier than his normal arm, but also capable of so much more.

”You need some rest Tako-kun. Get a good nights sleep, and I’ll have the nurses and doctors get you started on your retraining tomorrow morning. If you’re diligent, you should be ready for combat training in a few days time. I gave you an injection of my homemade nerve stimulant, so your nerve endings should be reconnecting as we speak.” she explained, before she headed out the door, as her pager had just gone off, summoning her to another emergency.



Active Member
Oct 22, 2012
OOC Rank
It would be less than a minute after Kitsune had departed the room that the door would close and Hyazo would hear footsteps getting closer to his bedside. The steps would belong to a figure he would know well, as Onyx's mask glanced over the hospital bed towards Zo and his condition, calmly shaking his head. The Anbu looked like shit honestly, given all the wires and bandages, but he was at least grateful the man had survived and did not become another fatality that the branch simply could not afford to mark. From behind his mask, Hosuto's eyes looked over the new arm that replaced the one Mori lost in his fight, his eyebrows furrowing at the sight of it.

"I suppose being in this building would make you an exception to the identity rule, though we'll have to sponge any medical records which may have been filed regarding your stay here. Either way, seems I let him slip through my fingers again...this time just barely."

He'd pull a chair up to Mori's bedside, taking a seat and leaning over slightly as both hands interlocked. There was a reason he was here besides the visit, one that revolved around what happened after their target had escaped. Even now, the seal upon Onyx's back was pulsing with pain, something that was bearable enough that it couldn't be picked up from his body language.

"What did you do to me...or what happened in general. I have no memory between my insects swarming and coming to within a cage of your creation."

Found himself standing against the door after it had closed, serving as a guard to keep anyone who may have wished further entry into the room out until Onyx and Mori's conversation was completed. Standing in full Anbu gear, his posture was straight and he wouldn't blink for long periods of time. This was something that needed to be done before he and Onyx could move forward afterall. Still Arashi did not like this place, this building as it still reminded him of his sister and seeing her body laid out in the morgue area for identification. He found himself gritting his teeth at that moment as the image of his sister's corpse flashed within his mind. Quickly shaking the feeling, he calmed himself down....there would be a time for that emotion to be released.

[Topic Entered with PC and NPC]

Keigo Oen

Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2012
OOC Rank
Nodding to Kitsune, he'd smile. 'A Stronger Arm?', he would visibly smile at the thought. It was definitely something of a... miracle that this was even an option. He wanted to ensure that this was going to work out... but he completely trusted Kitsune. It was simply enough that with his heart racing he'd watch the arm unfold from the scroll and with all the necessary tools, foreign objects to Zo of course... And he'd be 'put under' HIs eyes slowly fading out as he'd fall asleep while the operation would ensue. 'Misery... Welp good bye arm... You did me well...'
Hours later...
His dream was blackness... just him swimming in a pool of blackness... no up... no down... just him in an ocean of black... Until his consciousness would be pulled out with a shockwave of pain coursing through his body. And he'd only be able to let out a groan of pain. As his eyes would open, "Uuughh...", he'd try to move his body but as soon as he moved -that- arm. He'd feel like his body was going to break down on itself. Though he could stand the pain, his body healed naturally so the five to ten minutes that the extreme pain would be there would only take about half the time. So at most seven. Who knew though right?

"Ugh... Right....I hope it will be you or someone else that oversees it. I dont trust medicine all the time.", he'd say with an exasperated tone. Tired and in pain. Though pushing through it like some champ... but he was the champion of the bed at the moment. It was definitely something that he would have to work towards... for now it was definitely going to be some work done. "Thank you Kitsune, I'll repay you for your work... and more.", he'd edge out as she left out. She was ever the busy woman. 'Hm... Was she the type for relat-..', then not even a full minute after she'd left Onyx would enter. A smirk on Zo's face to see a comrade coming to check on him. OR even give him a status update on the things going on while he was out.

"Its fine Onyx... You did very good. Very strong for your age and competent.", nodding he'd lift his normal arm giving the boy a thumbs up as he would sit down next to him. Hopefully, this wasnt about to turn into an assassination mission. Because Zo couldnt really manipulate Mokuton here. Not efficiently. Though listening to his comrade he would tilt his head. He remembered the evil chakra spewing from the boy... but what had happened? He didnt know... but Zo did know Jutsu that suppressed things like that. "Well... It is a Jutsu I learned a long time ago that helps to suppress and thwart 'evil' chakras. I didnt whatever was overtaking you to fully take you.... Why?" awaiting his retort maybe things would be explained...


Active Member
Oct 22, 2012
OOC Rank

An exhale escaped his lips as he listened to Hyazo's explanation to what had happened, keying in specifically to the notion that something evil had found it's way onto him. His breathing which had started to get out of control became suddenly calm, this was why he was here after all. After the events which had transpired in the forest, even though Hosuto could yet figure out why, but his body had taken on the very nature of his kikai's adaption ability. He had been aware of the seething power lingering within his chakra coils, his muscles, and his body in general. Besides himself and Arashi, no one was aware of what had started to happen to him in the hours after he was returned to his barracks. Placing his palm against his mask, the trainee would remove it slowly and raise his eyes to stare directly at Byazo....his being specifically designed to not allow people visual sight of his pupils even before this event making what Byazo would see completely new.


The seal upon his back would glow for only a split second, it's power releasing though no markings (symbolic of cursed seals) became spread along his skin. Instead the whites of his eyes suddenly flooded with colors of black and crimson, filtering within his pupils and radiating the very power which Hyazo had helped suppress. This was different before, being that more control was being exercised unlike in the forest. This was due to his body completely adapting and absorbing the enzymes produced during that episode of rage and lack of control.

"Because, I can only imagine what would have happened had you not suppressed whatever it was overtaking me. The only thing is, I doubt that it will even not be apart of my being. Not only did it change me but also caused a change in my kikai that cannot be reversed. There is control now, but there is a very real fear that as this power matures...a lapse of control will continue to happen with each stage of development. You know the laws of the branch, I cannot afford such an event to happen again...the only reason i'm still anbu now is because none of our superiors are aware of this potential danger I now pose."

Keigo Oen

Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2012
OOC Rank
Looking as Hosu would detach his mask and reveal these things he would smirk. It was a power he had heard of but he didnt know Onyx had the power to latch onto. Seeing as this was against certain code Hosu would surely be kicked out when the power became too unbearable for him to handle. There was a way Zo could help him suppress its power but he could only do such a thing when he had full use of his left arm. 'Hmph... I might be able to help him yet...', he'd think as he listened to the boy speak, however, he would have to relay information himself to this.

"Listen, eventually you might have to leave.. but I can keep your power in check once I get this arm fully working again.", trying to lift it he could feel the impulses running though the arm and it responded firstly the fingers twitching and them with other things. The pain was plenty and his eye squinted under it but he wanted to move it badly. Enough to be able to move it to simply unto his lap. Which after a few moments happened. He'd allow the seat to drip from his forehead as the pain and amount of effort it took to even move the new arm was too much. He wasnt in any shape to battle right now. However, he wasnt going to let this beat him down. He could use certain jutsu with no handseals what-so-ever.

"You'd be fine... I trust in you more so than you seem to trust yourself... however, you're still young and have a long way to go. Already farther into your career as an ANBU than I was at your age. I was still a Genin... main branch before I got recruited. But I think you'll either conquer it... or learn to ultimately use it to your advantage. You'll be fine, and I'll be watching over you like we watch over the Kage.", with a simple nod he would huff and move his body over towards the side of the bed. His body ached, so he opted not to, but he wanted to get up and out by the days end, so he'd see the sling next to the bed and would use his wooden tendrils to call it to his side using them like hands to place the arm in a sling and using a white paste to place it within its own cocoon casing. The caste of life Technique. It could heal or it could take away... Maybe it would help his arm regenerate faster. Who knew.

"Hmph... Just know. I've got your back regardless what you decide comrade."

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:
