Ninpocho Chronicles

Ninpocho Chronicles is a fantasy-ish setting storyline, set in an alternate universe World of Ninjas, where the Naruto and Boruto series take place. This means that none of the canon characters exists, or existed here.

Each ninja starts from the bottom and start their training as an Academy Student. From there they develop abilities akin to that of demigods as they grow in age and experience.

Along the way they gain new friends (or enemies), take on jobs and complete contracts and missions for their respective villages where their training and skill will be tested to their limits.

The sky is the limit as the blank page you see before you can be filled with countless of adventures with your character in the game.

This is Ninpocho Chronicles.

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:

Growing Hungry [Going Missing]

Ryujin Akira

Active Member
Oct 23, 2012
OOC Rank
Standing a top the village gates Akira begins to ponder. Her life and it’s meaning within this world had plummeted from the glory of the battlefield to that of the mundane as the once proud warlord stood within the lonesome guard post. Just yesterday a guardsmen was killed on duty... why did she have today to guard and not yesterday. Day after day, the same things, the same sights. The battle harden Kunochi looked toward the skies of blue with a frown from behind her crimson menpo mask. The sky was calm as it was most days and calm days like these were the worst. They were boring, they were mundane and Akira hated the mundane. She was bread and thrived in the heat of battle, in the fires of war. What had her life become? A calm sky? A boring mundane sky void of thrill? No, shy did not accept this... her life would not drift like the clouds in the calm blue. Her life would be a raging hurricane with twisting skies! Dark and full of thunder! From behind her crimson menpo mask a grin was inspired. The crimson Kunochi took up her arms and leapt from the guard tower. It was her prison no more. This village was her prison no more. With the clenching of her fist the Kunochi was free of her shackles. She was free to seek out her own pleasures in the interest of herself. She’d look to the other guards who attempted to impede her advances. With contempt in her eyes she’d plow through them. The sounds of bones shattering and blood splattering created the perfect melody. Oh how she longed for it’s sweet sound. She had missed this. Her blood boiled and lust for it. She was finally whole again... the Queen of Battle had returned.
“Fools, if you are weak, make way for a real challenge! I will not be denied!”

With her actions there was no turning back. This age of peace would end even if it would by her own hands. That was her vow! She’d snuff out peace and wage war! Shinobi were instruments of war and peace was the enemy.

[Run time: 1 hour (60min)]

Uchiha Asuka

Izen no hokage
Feb 20, 2018
Asuka simply looked at her own Jounin running out of the gates, she didnt remember giving her any kind of mission away from the village or a request for a leave of absence. With her scythe at hand Asuka jumped and landed straight in front of the so called Jounin. In this case she didnt know what to do. Instead she simply sighed and spoke "What exactly do you think you're doing?"

[Dont know which... hehe]

Kishiko Nagisa

Leaf Med-Nin Sennin
Dec 14, 2012
Nagisa was not one for gate duty. Honestly it was her least favorite thing. But she was sennin and she had a job to do. It was her duty and rotation. Goodness knows she had to do rotations at ward's she would rather not to.

It had been boring. Nagisa was wearing her blue monk like clothes and a small blue jacket.

Then someone came and made a mess of things. Well it was time to act. She would touch a few people as she moved to intercept and those touched would find themselves stabilised hopefully.

Nagisa would appear in front of the killer.

"do you want to explain this, the killing of innocents?


Uchiha Takeshi

4th Hokage
Staff member
Nov 7, 2012
OOC Rank
Something seemed to stir emotion across everyone and it always seemed to happen at the gates. Takeshi knew that full well and was accepting of that but this seemed different, as he headed in that direct he spotted two of his Sennin standing there, a blink saw a third figure as he marched through the gates before looking at the other two.

"What have I missed?"


Uchiha Asuka

Izen no hokage
Feb 20, 2018
Asuka sighed, looking around at the scene which was gruesome. She never knew why some people took things way too far, she never knew what people liked about violence... why the thought it's fine. Especially when it was one of their own. Asuka let go of her scythe and it morphed into an identical version of her. She looked displeased, pissed even. Asuka just felt hurt. "Based upon the evidence seen by the people here. Akira Amaya, you are under arrest for the crime of treason against he Leaf Village. You will be sentenced, resist and be executed."

[B-mod called]

Shirai Sadao

Well-Known Member
May 7, 2017
Welcome to your Modded Fight!

I will be your moderator for this fight! Send, in a PM, your actions and all your battle information: Stats, class, abilities, jutsu, items, weapons, etc.

When sending this information, I would prefer to have hyperlinked stuff or regular links. This greatly decreases the time it takes for a moderator to mod as it cuts down on searching.

If you feel that I may miss something, please feel free to add in a list of passives or effects that you wish to be given special attention, or just a list of all of your passives works as well, whichever.

Lets have a nice fun fight on this one, remember both of you will be under a 48 Hour time limit since the B-Mod goes up. Right now lets get ready to rumble!​

Ryujin Akira

Active Member
Oct 23, 2012
OOC Rank
Akira almost did not notice the three most notable arrivals as she was occupied in her lack of sanity. The main branch sennin, the medical sennin and the hokage stepped before her. It was like the beginning of a bad joke. Perhaps that was to be determined. Akira’s slowly turned her head toward the three, a glare being exchanged as the sweat dripped from her brow. An unnamed Shinobi had unfortunately found himself hemmed up by the crimson Kunochi and was unconscious when she allowed his body to slump to a thud on the ground. “What am I doing?” The crimson Kunochi responded coldly, her voice heavy from exertion. “I suppose I’m having a little fun or perhaps I’m doing this for war or for peace or that it’s simply on a whim. Perhaps I’m doing exactly what Shinobi are created to do.” Akira had clearly developed some dangerous ideology in her time of boredom. “These Shinobi aren’t dead. I’d never soil my fist with death of the weak and meager. Which brings me to ask one question of you all.” Akira would blink slowly as she looked them in the eyes one by one, “Which of you, is the strongest? You? Or maybe you? I ask because this lot has failed to inspire.” Taking a moment to fold her arms, Akira would smirk behind her crimson mask. “Are you saying that I won’t be executed if I surrender? Asuka-sama, I’ve always did appreciate your humor. Now come you three! Let’s not act as if we aren’t all dying to get the rust off of these blades!”

[Sending actions once training is approved.]

Kishiko Nagisa

Leaf Med-Nin Sennin
Dec 14, 2012
Nagisa would look at this leaf shinobi and there would be nothing but loathing behind her eyes and maybe, something else was lurking beneth her gaze casting judgement as well. Something a little more primal. Her eyes seemed to glow.

"Violence for violence sake is never acceptable. These hard working shinobi would give their lives for Leaf and you beat them down and play sport? You injure and potential maim them to simply prove yourself? Disgusting. I pity you. And I am not the strongest here but I will make sure that I do not disgrace myself in front of my fellow Sennin and Hokage. Lady Asuka, Lord Takeshi I will assist you." and Nagisa took a stance, her arms raised in a defensive stance.

[actions sent]

Uchiha Takeshi

4th Hokage
Staff member
Nov 7, 2012
OOC Rank
Takeshi allowed himself a few minutes of pause before a sigh came to his ips, it seemed this person had betrayed the very core of the village. He knew full well that he still had to do his duty at the gates. He had to make sure that he did his job as the Hokage and he knew full well that it sometimes meant stopping those that betrayed the village. He allowed the small sigh to escape his lips as he pondered what would come from this.

“So be it”

[Actions Sent]

Shirai Sadao

Well-Known Member
May 7, 2017
Hp: 36,000
Cp: 36,000 - 648 - 81 - 3600 - 648 - 1476 = 29547
Status: Sharingan
Ap: 10 - 9.75 = 10.25ap next round

Hp: 30,000
Cp: 30,000 - 2400 = 27,600
Status: Soul Regalia
Ap: 5 - 3.5 = 6ap next round

Hp: 39,000 - 1236 = 37,764
Cp: 33,000 - 660 - 1755 - 1050 - 1963 = 27,572
Status: Sharingan
Ap: 10 - 7.5 = 11ap next round

Hp: 48,000
Cp: 33,000 - 1827 - 1966 = 29207
Status: Liquid State
Ap: 10 - 8.5 = 11ap next round


Hp: 40,200 - 2784 - 4176 - 8663 = 24577
Cp: 40,800 - 200 - 110 - 2030 - 1640 - 560 - 1224 = 35036 [1224]
Status: Feral Shift, Wind Stance, Gates: 2.
Ap: 10 - 10 = 10ap next round

Round 1:
Takeshi Declares a Dual against Amaya = 0 Seconds

Takeshi Declares Combat Instinct against Amaya = 0 Seconds

Amaya Declares a dual against Takeshi = 0 Seconds

Asuka Declares a dual against Amaya = 0 Seconds

Takeshi Activates Sharingan with Initiative = 0 Seconds

Asuka activates Sharingan with Initiative = 0 Seconds

Asuka Equips Club with Quickdraw = 0 Seconds

Amaya Enters Feral Shift with Initiative = 0 Seconds

Amaya activates gate of view with Initiative = 0 Seconds

Amaya uses Transformation = 0.5 Seconds [Nagisa and Takeshi are aware]

Takeshi Equips his sword = 0.5 Seconds

Nagisa Equips Surgeons Gloves = 0.5 Seconds

Takeshi uses Leathargy against Amaya = 1.5 Seconds - [50% Partial hit]

Amaya uses Body Bind against Takeshi = 2 Seconds
- Takeshi uses Flock of Shadows! [Amaya is unaware of the real Takeshi]

Asuka uses Dance of the Waxing moon against Amaya = 2.75 Seconds
- Amaya uses Flock of Shadows to evade
Asuka Combo’s into fist of sin against Ayama! [Asuka hits the real Amaya!] [50% Partial hit, 75% Partial hit!]

Nagisa uses Petrifaction against Amaya = 3.5 Seconds [Nagisa hits the real Amaya!] [Miss!]

Amaya uses active Camo = 3.5 Seconds

Amaya activates Wind Style: Easy Breezy = 4 Seconds
Active Camo broken

Takeshi summons Temanuchi to battle = 5 Seconds

Temanuchi uses Soul Regalia = 5 Seconds

Takeshi uses Eye of insight becoming auto aware of Amaya = 5 Seconds

Nagisa enters liquid state = 5.5 Seconds

Temanuchi equips its weapon = 6 Seconds

Nagisa uses Deep Blue Crush against Ayama = 8.5 Seconds [Hits!]

Amaya uses Cancel and removes Leathargy = 10 Seconds

Asuka actions could not be completed due to: Not enough AP
Ayama actions could not be completed due to: Not enough AP
Dodge losses taken into account for Dualist new hits applied
Flock of shadows going off at original time due to how Adaptive counter works
Damage for Dance of the waxing moon removed
Called shots removed due to Amaya ability
Took away Unopened gates cost
temp HP for Feral Shift added

Kishiko Nagisa

Leaf Med-Nin Sennin
Dec 14, 2012
Nagisa watched as everyone began to equip weapons. Her own black gauntlet that reached up to her elbow was on in a blink of an eye. SPeaking of eyes, she saw the SHaringan activate in both of her allies.

She watched as Takeshi dodged an attack and Asuka followed up with her own attack. Amaya seemed to try to do something but at the last second something happened and she didn't dodge. Trying to catch her off guard, Nagisa focused her chakra into the earth and tried to immobilize her but she dodged. Takeshi seemed to summon something to his aid while Amaya flickered out of sight for a moment before coming back. Nagisa took the opportunity and raised one of her hands.

In a moment her body seemed to turn into liquid , the ground around her became wet.

Her hand still raised, she focused on the water and in a flash, brought down her hand an d a torrent of water came out of hand, slamming into Amaya.

"Dear me it seems there is some blood in the water. Loosing that much blood is dangerous for your health." Nagisa would say, her voice slightly muffled from the swirling water around her. "And it seems you are entering some dangerous waters."

[actions sent]

Ryujin Akira

Active Member
Oct 23, 2012
OOC Rank
”What blood?” The crimson Kunochi would dust off her shoulders in response. She continued to stand tall with her arms folded. Her eyes filled with contempt narrowed onto the medical sennin as she began analyzing what the last ten seconds had to yield. Akira came to some conclusions that made her excited. “So you, you’re the strongest one,” her tone sinister and doing little to disguise her intent. “Good...”

Akira let her arms drop as she slid one foot behind the other, her eyes more focused. It was time to get serious and start displaying some of her true power. “Stay like that, razor sharp... the fun has only just begun..”

[Sending actions once mod updates]
[ooc: short rp due to certain changes that can majorly impact the current mod in regards to, adaptive counter and other things. Waiting on Dev to reply to our moderator.]

Uchiha Takeshi

4th Hokage
Staff member
Nov 7, 2012
OOC Rank
Takeshi allowed himself to yawn as it seemed that the opening get go was already taking place, though he hated the fact that someone was trying to actually run form his gates. The situation was what it was and they where here to do there job nothing more and nothing less. This was the life of a Shinobi, one that had been accepted into the village and given the training that they had acquired only to attempt to take that knowledge and that skills elsewhere was not something that was easily forgiven nor was it something that would simply be left unchallenged. This was why at the gates of leaf stood two Ssennin and the Hokage himself.

[Actions Sent]

Uchiha Asuka

Izen no hokage
Feb 20, 2018
Asuka clenched her teeth as she jumped back after 10 seconds. It seemed Amaya was a lot more skilled than she thought. Holding her weapon back, ready to throw quite a punch in case she got close she looked around. It seemed as though Takeshi and Nagisa were ready for whatever came. Of course Takeshi Yawned, she kind of hated when he did that. The strength of that man was outrageous. But with a sigh Asuka looked at Amaya, her Sharingan in full view. "Amaya, you can stop this." Asuka pleaded "Stop this, violence isn't the answer."

[Actions Sent]

Shirai Sadao

Well-Known Member
May 7, 2017
Hp: 36,000 - 3630 = 32,370
Cp: 29547 + 1080 - 720 - 3300 + 4538= 31,175
Status: EMS
Ap: 10.25ap - 4 = 11ap next round

Hp: 30,000 - 1080 = 28920
Cp: 27,600 - 2700 - 1080 = 23820
Status: Soul Regalia
Ap: 6ap - 2.75 = 6ap next round

Hp: 37,764 - 780 - 864 - 1480 = 34,640
Cp: 27,572 - 2604 - 1755 - 1963 = 21250
Status: Sharingan
Ap: 11ap - 10 = 11ap next round

Hp: 48,000 - 6050 - 960 = 40990
Cp: 29207 - 337 - 2268 - 1575 = 25027
Status: Liquid State
Ap: 11ap - 11 = 10ap next round


Hp: 24577 [1224] - 100 + 1206 - 10106 - 10800 + 1,045 + 603 = 7,649
Cp: 35036 + 1224 - 200 - 2750 - 2420 - 200 - 200 - 1,045 = 29,445
Status: Feral Shift, Wind Stance, Gates: Hurricane, active camo, Hot Blooded
Ap: 10ap next round

Round 1:

Takeshi activates Eternal Mangekyou Sharingan with Initiative = 0 Seconds

Asuka activates Mangekyou Sharingan with Initiative = 0 Seconds

Amaya activates the Seventh gate with Initiative = 0 Seconds

Amaya equips All for one with Initiative = 0 Seconds

Amaya uses Raijin’s Vengence against Nagisa = 1 Second [Hits!]

Amaya uses Hurricane on herself and Nagisa = 1 Second [Hits!]

Amaya activates Third gate = 1.5 Seconds

Nagisa activates Elemental Manifestation Stage 2 = 1.81 Seconds

Amaya activates Second gate = 2 Seconds

Takeshi does a Hidden action against Amaya = 2.92 seconds [Miss!]

Asuka uses Omni-Flash against Amaya = 3.18 Seconds [Hits!]
Amaya uses Ambience of the Forbidden [Deflection Failed!]

Amaya Activates Active Camo = 3.5 Seconds

Nagisa uses Impaling Hydro Jet against Amaya = 3.62 Seconds [Nagisa is unaware of Amaya!]

Temanuchi uses Fist of Virtue: Charity on Takeshi = 4.58 Seconds (hits!)

Asuka uses Dance of the Waxing moon against Amaya = 5.68 Seconds (Asuka Is unaware)(misses!)
Amaya uses Ambience of the Forbidden [Deflected]
Asuaka Hits, Misses, Hits, Partial Hits 75%, Partial Hit 50%, Miss

Asuka Combo’s into Falcon punch against Amaya = 5.68 Seconds (Asuka Is unaware)(misses!)
Amaya uses Ambience of the Forbidden [Deflection Failed]

Nagisa uses Deep Blue Crush against Amaya = 6.34 Seconds (Misses!)
Amaya uses Ambience of the Forbidden [Deflection Failed]

Takeshi uses Vaporization against Amaya = 8.76 Seconds (Misses due to Hurricane)
Amaya uses Ambience of the Forbidden [Deflected]

Nagisa uses Vanishing World against Amaya = 10 Seconds (Hits!)
Amaya uses Ambience of the Forbidden [Deflection Failed]

Amaya uses quick healer on herself = 10 Seconds

Actions used from outside that hit were able to do so via AoE properties through conditionals/Affinity moves/ Buffs/Passives.

Kishiko Nagisa

Leaf Med-Nin Sennin
Dec 14, 2012
Nagisa would cock her head slightly and before she knew it, this foe had slammed into her with lightning jutsu. It really hurt but then she found she was caught in the eye of a hurricane produced by Amaya. Well this was interesting. It seems Nagisa was her target. Out of all the opponents she could have faced... well... it was a good pick in most situations. Separate the medical ninja from the rest of the team. However, that was not always the best case scenario.

'Let me play.' a voice sounded in Nagisa's head.

Nagisa smiled.

"Smart choice miss. Separating the medic from the team. This would limit the healing abilities and access of the medic to other allies. Yes yes. It is a good thing to do in theory... However you are now, let us say, in here with me... or should I say us? Yes us. And I am afraid that is very dangerous for your health and as a medic I advise against it however... you have made your choice."

As she talked, the water around her began to swirl even more violently. It seemed to wash her form into something else, something a little more... sinister and after the transformation Nagisa looked different and her voice echoed, another female voice seemingly talking in sync.

"We are known as The Oncoming Storm and you have so generously created one for us. How kind. Let us return the favor."

Asuka took the hint and she attacked and then Amaya disappeared.

"Where are you little fish? " Nagisa and Shizue said, their bodies intertwined. She let off a general water attack that missed her opponent.

Asuka attacked again and seemed to miss but Takeshi found purchase, revealing the opponent.

"There you are." Nagisa attacked again but Amaya dodged.

As Takeshi's attack was blown away by the hurricane, Nagisa growled and a condensed amount of water began to forn form on her hands. It swirled and swirled going faster and faster before it looked like a mini maelstrom caught in a marble. Nagisa aimed and threw it and as it collided with Amaya, a torrent of water would burst form from it.

"You don't look so good miss. Maybe you should have a lie down."

[actions will be sent shortly unless we are ending this]

Ryujin Akira

Active Member
Oct 23, 2012
OOC Rank
Takeshi began yawning. Perhaps as a taunt however Akira saw through the facade. No she wouldn’t be distracted from a real prize. Raising her right hand up and allowing the conversion of lightning and wind chakra to mold, she’d slam it down toward Nagisa instead. It was almost instantaneous, the flash of light descending from the clouds, the roaring sound of thunder ripping from the earth. The booming sensation would echo for miles causing heads to turn in confusion. What followed the lightning strike was encumbering force of heavy winds that circled both Akira and Nagisa. Akira would walk toward Nagisa in this moment only to catch a surprise attack coming from her peripheral. With wide eyes she’d shift her footing with an array of handseals causing a force like roar to emit from her body. It was to late however. As so, she found herself unable to stop the attack as it slammed into her causing her to tumble. Akira would stare out toward the direction of the attack unable to see Asuka who had thrown it. Impressed, The crimson Kunochi would throw up a one hand seal before vanishing from site.

The red Kunochi would listen as Nagisa commended her on her choice of action followed by an advisement to late to consider. Akira would smile in response to the presumption. She’d transform further than she had before causing Akira more excitement. The others from the other side would find it more difficult to attack Akira now. Both of which would have their jutsu deflated right back at them. Staying focused on this jutsu would take its toll as it slowed her just enough to be hit once again but this time by an even stronger blast made by Nagisa. Akira struggled to stand listening to Nagisa’s taunting but would manage so either way. With stern eyes, Akira would begin to speak while stumbling a bit and holding on to her own shoulder.

“I didn’t separate you from your team because of your medical prowess... I did so because you’re strong. You may wear that disguise on occasion, those medical robes... hide behind your Hippocratic oath. But I can see it in you, the monster thirsting for my blood. You enjoy this, you are enjoying this... the thrill of battle! The weak... they couldn’t possibly understand. But I see that you do. You understand because... you’re like me. Our hearts grow in battle, thrives in it. In here, there is no need for you to deny your nature Nagisa. Consider this hurricane our safe space where we can do battle to our hearts content. You’re the one, I want to fight!”

[sending actions]
[ooc: likely my last round, thought we’d get some rp in edgewise if interested.]

Uchiha Takeshi

4th Hokage
Staff member
Nov 7, 2012
OOC Rank
Takeshi allowed himself to glance to Asuka, it seemed that this fight was going to be just Kenshin, that didn’t really bother Takeshi. Actually he found himself quite cold on the stance, the first thought that came to his mind was who was going to replace the Medical Sennin if he died. What an interesting world they had come to live in, when the thought of replacing a dead person before they actually died crossed his mind.

“Looks like this is a game of cloak and shadows Asuka, never mind that though it has to be said fighting these days seems to have got rather tedious wouldn’t you agree.”

With that he allowed his eyes to glance at the Hurricane in front of him as he let out a small sigh. It seemed she wasn’t going to go down without kicking and screaming. So be it. Takeshi turned his head to face Asuka for a brief period.

“Call your executioner”

[Actions Sent]

Uchiha Asuka

Izen no hokage
Feb 20, 2018
As the battle raged on, Asula's serious expression started to fade.... instead Asuka smiled and laughed as she kept attacking her opponent. Being mindful of what was going around with her team mates, in the end it was a team effort though. That is until she was almost thrown back by a hurricane that appeared at the gates. Looking behind her she saw that the gates were undamaged. "Hey! That's not very nice!" She yelled out as the wind moved her head backwards, quite good. With a small laugh Asuka breathed deeply. It was an inconvinience but it was quite a fun demonstration, instead of being upset by it Asuka smiled. Now she could play hide and seek with her Shinobi. "Rayne, here we go!" She thrust her weapon backward and using the momentum turned around, sending a fury of ninjutsu combined with the air pressure of Taijutsu. "Fire in the hole!" She sent quite a few of techniques, throwing her weapon up in the air to use some. Catching it using others. In the end she didn't know if she hit or not, well... not entirely. One of her attacks returned. Wide eyed she tried dodging them, some hit her, some didn't... some... somewhat. Standing up she sighed.

"Huh?" Asuka frowned at Takeshi, the smile coming back to her face she simply giggled and shrugged. "I see it as wack a mole!" She was about to start throwing more techniques towards the hurricane, but Takeshi's order caught her by surprise. A malicious smile entering her face for a second.

"Aye Aye Sir!" Asuka beamed with pride, giggling. Clicking her headset, she called... one specific channel. Two clicks.... kind of speed dial as she called it. "Seeennnssseeeiiii!" She spoke with a happy tune. "We got a smaaaalllll bug probbblleeemmmm at the gates. Requesting your assistance ma'am!"

[Actions Sent]

Shirai Sadao

Well-Known Member
May 7, 2017
Hp: 32,370
Cp: 31,175 + 1080 - 720 - 2970 - 1800 - 2232 - 504 = 24029
Status: EMS
Ap: 11ap - 11 = 10ap next round

Hp: 28920
Cp: 23820 - 2000 - 2000 = 13820
Status: Soul Regalia
Ap: 6ap - 3 = 5ap next round

Hp: 34,640 - 1296 - 1296 = 32048
Cp: 21250 - 1964 - 918 - 918 = 17450
Status: Sharingan
Ap: 11ap - 10.75 = 10.25ap next round

Hp: 40990 - 150 = 40840
Cp: 25027 - 1787 - 1430 - 709 = 21101
Status: Liquid State
Ap: 10ap - 9.75 = 10.25ap next round


Hp: 7,649 [1224] + 603 + 1206 - 400 - 13860 - 6187 - 5566 + 2814 = - 12517
Cp: 29,445 - 1224 - 280 - 1640 - 1510 - 1900 - 110 - 100 - 625 - 1826 = 20230
Status: Feral Shift, Wind Stance, Gates: Hurricane, active camo, Hot Blooded, Shadow Garb
Ap: 11ap - next round

Flock of Shadows Clone 1 - No stats - Exploded

Flock of Shadows Clone 2 - No Stats - Exploded

Elemental Clone 1:
Hp: 2312 - 2571 = Exploded
Cp: 2312 - 0 = Exploded
Status: Gone
Ap: 2.5 - 0 = Exploded

Elemental Clone 2:
Hp: 2312 - 4950 = Exploded
Cp: 2312 - 0 = Exploded
Status: Gone
Ap: 2.5 - 0 = Exploded

Elemental Clone 3:
Hp: 2312 - 4950 = Exploded
Cp: 2312 = Exploded
Status: Gone
Ap: 2.5 - 0 = Exploded

Round 3:

Amaya uses Shadow Gard = 2.27 Seconds

Amaya uses Transformation = 2.27 Seconds
Takeshi is unaware
Asuka is unaware

Amaya uses Thermal Maw against Nagisa = 2.72 Seconds
Nagisa uses Snowflake Shuriken to Block!

Nagisa uses Life Corrosion = 3 Seconds

Nagisa does a basic strike against Amaya with Initiative = 3 Seconds
Attack is deflected!
Attack hits Nagisa!

Takeshi uses Rainbow Flash against Amaya = 3.27 Seconds
Amaya uses Flock of Shadows to Auto Dodge!

Asuka uses Falcon Punch against Amaya = 3.4 Seconds [Misses Clone 1, Missed Clone 2, Crits Amaya]
Transformation Broken

Asuka Combo’s into Fist of Sin: Greed against Amaya = 3.4 Seconds [Hits!]

Asuka Combo’s into Fist of Virtue: Diligence against Amaya = 3.4 Seconds [Misses!]

Amaya uses Elemental Clone = 4.08 Seconds
Takeshi is Unaware
Asuka is aware
Nagisa is unaware
Temanuchi is unaware

Amaya attempts to enter Stealth = 4.98 Seconds
Takeshi is aware
Asuka is aware
Naigsa is unaware
Temanuchi is unaware

Asuka headset Calls Yuki with Initiative = 5 Seconds

Temanuchi uses Kinetic Blast against Amaya = 5 Seconds (Targets Amaya and Clone but misses both!)

Takeshi uses Kinetic Blast Against Amaya = 5.99 Seconds (Hits Elemental Clone 3! Hits Flock of Shadows Clone 2!)

Nagisa uses Water Dragon Bullet against Amaya = 6 Seconds (Hits elemental Clone 1, Elemental Clone 2 and Amaya)
- Awareness check passed
Elemental Clone 1: Hit, Hit, Hit
Elemental Clone 2: Miss, Hit, Hit. (Clone is bound)
Amaya Miss, Miss, Miss

Takeshi uses Shinra Tensei against Amaya = 8.71 Seconds (Hits Amaya, Destroys Flock of Shadows Clone, Destroys Elemental Clone 2)
Bound on Amaya is Broken

Takeshi Combo’s into Chakra Sense against Amaya = 8.71 Seconds [Miss]

Temanuchi uses Kinetic Blast against Amaya = 10 Seconds [Misses Amaya]

As i have been informed Headset calls now take 5 Seconds to go out to changed the timing
Water Dragon bullet changed due to feint
Awareness roll for it done
Remodding done to rounds final stages IE Shinra Tensei due to the factors changed throughout the time between the clones, water dragon and the move itself

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:
