Ninpocho Chronicles

Ninpocho Chronicles is a fantasy-ish setting storyline, set in an alternate universe World of Ninjas, where the Naruto and Boruto series take place. This means that none of the canon characters exists, or existed here.

Each ninja starts from the bottom and start their training as an Academy Student. From there they develop abilities akin to that of demigods as they grow in age and experience.

Along the way they gain new friends (or enemies), take on jobs and complete contracts and missions for their respective villages where their training and skill will be tested to their limits.

The sky is the limit as the blank page you see before you can be filled with countless of adventures with your character in the game.

This is Ninpocho Chronicles.

Current Ninpocho Time:

Happy Birthday Tama and Tomo!

Oct 22, 2012
Tama was really excited for this day, of all days. Her and Tomo’s birthday was today after all, or at least the party was. In reality the actual day had passed while both Tomo and Tama were on missions, so the Mochizuki Troupe had planned to actually celebrate the day a bit later, after they had all returned. And especially after that last mission, where she watched nearly everyone involved die, Tama needed a happy occasion such as this.

The troupe used to try and give the twins surprise parties, but that stopped because Tomo could see through everyone’s charades and Tama was persistent and annoying enough so that someone would cave in and tell her about it. So now they just let her know when the party would be held, so she wouldn’t keep asking.

The Mochizuki Compound was ablaze with lights and a festive atmosphere, Tama loved the parties here, there would be dancing, singing, and a chance for all the members of the troupe to show off their acts. Tama didn’t particularly care about the presents she got on her birthday, she liked simply to have people celebrate it with her. Usually, it was only the troupe that was around to celebrate, but this time there were more people around she could invite, and invite them she did. Tomo probably won’t like the fact I invited so many people, but it is my birthday too, so I should be able to do what I want today. She nodded to herself vigorously, I wonder if Shiri-tan will come? she wondered. The thought of him coming to her birthday party was enough to make her blush.

The sound of some quick scribbling pulled her from her daydream. “Ara, sister, I wonder who you could be thinking of with that dopey smile on your face. Well, that’s a face I will be keeping for some time,” her elder sister Kimiki, a master at blackmail and coercion, said with an innocent smile on her face. A smile that masks the evil beneath, Tama thought as she shuddered.

“N-Nee-san, I didn’t see you there,” she responded shakily.

“Hmm, I should think not, seeing just how far gone you were,” Kimiki replied staring at the paper she was holding in her hands, then turning it to show Tama. A beautiful rendition of her spaced out, giddy expression was drawn there. Tama made a quick dash to grab it, and surprisingly succeeded. Confused she looked at Kimiki who was barely containing her laughter.

“Happy Birthday, Tama. You can have that one,” she said as she left, waving another copy of the embarrassing picture as she left to go to another part of the camp.

“Kimiki-nee-san! Give it back!” she yelled fruitlessly at the retreating figure. She looked at the picture in her hand again, Even though it is embarrassing, she draws really well. She probably forced Tomo to teach her. Still, despite the frustrating setback, Tama refused to let herself be depressed, it was her birthday party after all. Tomo’s and hers, she mentally corrected herself. She began to wander around the camp, seeing if anyone had shown up yet, or if Tomo had gotten up. If he hadn’t, a mischievous smile crept onto Tama’s face as she made her way to his tent, preparing to enter his tent and pounce on her brother, yelling “Happy Birthday, Tomo-nii!” like she did every year.
If Tama has met your character, consider your character invited. If not, well there are party crashers everywhere I suppose, but PM first please.
Tomo groaned as he turned in his bed, slamming his facing into his pillow. Today was the day of his and Tama's planned birthday party, a day he never enjoyed. Instead of having a nice, relaxing day to himself, he had to watch as Tama got a day full of attention. Not only that, but he got attention too, which only doubled his frustration. He sighed, knowing that he could only hide in bed for so long before the party came to him, usually in the form of a yelling Tama. He got up from bed and stretched. He was already dressed since he had planned to leave the compound earlier in the morning to avoid the party. However, his family was vigilante, and Tomo never got the chance to escape.

Tomo's stomach grumbled as a whiff of food blew into his tent. He contemplated his situation. "Stay in here and starve...or go out and deal with people..." It was a tough decision, but in the end, food won out. Tomo peeked out of his tent and looked around. He caught a glimpse of Kimiki, but luckily she hadn't noticed him. Working up all the courage he could muster, Tomo left the tent and made a break for the snack table, turning a corner any time he saw someone ahead. He finally made it to the table and found a large assortment of snacks and food. Not wanting to spend too much time picking a meal in fear that someone would spot him, Tomo grabbed a couple of rice balls and made a mad dash for his tent. He ate while he ran, which proved a fatal mistake when he turned a corner and came face to face with Tama. He gulped down the food in his mouth, looking like a frightened animal. Instantly, Tomo put up an ink barrier and returned to eating his rice balls. The barrier wouldn't last long, but at least he could avoid human contact until he finished eating.

WC: 334

Current Ninpocho Time:
