Ninpocho Chronicles

Ninpocho Chronicles is a fantasy-ish setting storyline, set in an alternate universe World of Ninjas, where the Naruto and Boruto series take place. This means that none of the canon characters exists, or existed here.

Each ninja starts from the bottom and start their training as an Academy Student. From there they develop abilities akin to that of demigods as they grow in age and experience.

Along the way they gain new friends (or enemies), take on jobs and complete contracts and missions for their respective villages where their training and skill will be tested to their limits.

The sky is the limit as the blank page you see before you can be filled with countless of adventures with your character in the game.

This is Ninpocho Chronicles.

Current Ninpocho Time:

Healing is harder than it looks [Private tutor]

Kishiko Nagisa

Leaf Med-Nin Sennin
Dec 14, 2012
Nagisa was delaying her research again. Yes she was needing some more real life interaction. Maybe it was stress of being Sennin. Mayhaps it was that her research was not doing so well. Either way, she was ready to be away from the hospital./ Still, she wanted to be productive and Nagisa remembered the students from the other day. They were eager for medical training so Nagisa sent both of them a letter inviting them to another training session for medical ninjutsu.

Nagisa would wait for the students on the edge of the small park that was nearby. It was on school property and not very big. It was mainly used by students to practice their tree climbing with a small pond that was used for water walking. These were basic shinobi skills.

Nagisa would await for the pupils. Each one of them would find Nagisa sitting on the stump. It seemed one of the students got carried away or maybe the teacher did. Either way, the tree was cut cleanly so Nagisa sat there in her normal attire of light and dark blues, a light coat gracing her shoulders to hide the scar on her back.

"I am glad both of you were able to join me. Now, would you happen to know anything about the medical uses of plantlife?"

She would watch them carefully as the light breeze graced them.

The life of academy student was quite difficult. Never did Kei suspected that there would be so much to learn.Being a shinobi isn't just about becoming invisible and performing Ninjutsu, they also learned various other disciplines including medicines and healing arts. The latter of which was likely the reason why she was summoned with her good friend onto this park apparently.

When they arrived at the park, Kei took a moment to scan her surroundings. Visible footprints could be seen all over the tree trunks. There was also a pond near them. Kei had expected their lesson to be held in a lab...or at least a medical tent, but she can see none in sight. Then again, she was reminded of the importance of chakra control in her first healing lesson. Perhaps their location have something to do with that?

Their summoner can soon be seen sitting on the stump, which prompted Kei to approach her quickly. The girl bowed her head as soon as the medical sennin noticed her presence, a polite smile followed by a greeting. Unlike Asuka, Kishiko Nagisa was always more serious when it comes to her lessons so it would only behoove the girl to mind her manners.

"Good morning Kishiko-sensei."

The question the medical sennin posed afterward stretched the smile tighter on Kei's lips. She knew that some plants have medical properties, her mother had used them before. The redhead wished she had paid more attention back then as she cranked her brain for an answer.

"Um, my mother used some as part of herbal tea recipe for when I caught a cold. Does that count?" Kei winced slightly, as she dug the tip of her shoe into the ground underneath them. She stole a glance at the Uchiha next to her waiting for Masami to reply next before directing her attention back down.

WC: 310
Masami’s relative owned an art shop, but it was a humble one. It was half a residence, and another portion of it was a hollowed out living quarters made into a shop area. She lived on the upper level of the building, and due to the nature of the house, it could be said that she lived in an attic. As such, her mail ended up delivered with her uncle’s, and he usually handed it to her after it arrived. Standing in the middle of her art-filled room, she looked at the letter.

”So, I wonder who this is from anyw--” she started, but her eyes widened when she noticed who it was from. ”Nagisa-sensei!” A mixture of awe and slight confusion brightened her face while she read the content of the letter, revealing the purpose of the invitation. Fate shone upon the Uchiha clanswoman, for she received an invitation to train medical ninjutsu with the best of the best once again. She wasted no time, already beelining down the stairs, nearly tripping over her own feet, and charging out the door.

”SorryUncleRenGottaGo!” Her words slurred together, her guardian was left scratching his head in the aftermath of her departure. With a shrug, he muttered a cliche about kids and got back to his work.

Upon arrival, her amethyst eyes took note of her mentor, who was seated on a tree stump. Following that discovery, she noticed that Kei also was included in the lesson. I’m glad. I wonder if she’s decided to shoot for this branch, too? Masami wondered, tilting her head to the side.

”Morning Nagisa-sensei, morning Keicchi,” she said, a small, respectful bow to the former, and a leisurely wave for her fellow student. The medical Sennin forwarded them both a question, and Masami tapped her lip in thought. She listened to Kei speak, and then raised an eyebrow, the wincing and subsequent body language apparently noticed. Expression sobering, she turned her attention back towards Nagisa.

”Yeah, I don’t know a lot of the specifics, but my grandmother had this one remedy for colds. Would break open some kinda fruit or plant, and if you rubbed it on your chest, it helped clear your chest up,” she said, scratching her head. ”I never understood why or how that works though...”

[WC/TWC: 384/384]
Nagisa would smile at the two excited shinobi in training. They had the general idea and they were eager to be here. Both were good signs.

"You are both right. You have the same general idea. Yes plants have many potential medical applications. The cure for a cold is as varied as their are strains. Now today's lesson will be about a more direct application of plant life. Please follow me." Nagisa would stand and begin walking through the small park.

"There will be times when you are in the field and out of supplies. This will happen at some point as even the most carefully shinobi run into situations where they are not prepared for. As such, if we are in a place like this, you would have access to much greenery. Even in places that are sand covered, tough plants grow and can be used if you know the properties of the plants." she would walk and talk this as she approached a place that was less traveled by other students. It was slightly overgrown.

"Ah here."

She would stop in front of two plants that were of decent size. The one on the right was a simple plant with three leaves growing from a single stem. The plant on the left had some fuzzy looking leaves connected to a stem that is purplish and also hairy that connected to some yellow roots.

"Now one of these plants is helpful while the other is hurtful. Can you tell which is which? One of them will make you itchy while the other is a great way to stop bleeding. What do you think?"

She would wait see what their guesses were.

The red-haired kunoichi grinned widely and pumped her fist after hearing Nagisa declared both their answers are correct. When the sennin asked them to follow, Kei was more than happy to oblige as she followed in her steps. Judging from her brief explanation, it sounded like they would get closely acquainted with the plant life in the area.

As they walked deeper into the forest, Kei realized there were less trees with footprint marks on it. Their sensei then began their lecture on the importance of improvisation, as one cannot expect to be prepared for every single situation. Apparently this can be done by foraging for herbs or shrubs with medical properties. Mentally, Kei wondered if such task would be assigned to them when they finally graduated into a genin. It sounded like the kind of low risks job their rank would get associated with.

When Nagisa suddenly stopped in front of them, Kei had to plant her foot so as not to bump her face into her teacher’s posterior. She chastised herself inwardly, turning to Masami with a furrowed brow as she wondered if her friend saw that. Well, most likely she would though she hoped Masami saved the teasing until after class.

The sennin pointed towards two plants, which fortunately for Kei look different enough from each other. When posed with another inquiry for that lesson, the girl pursed her lips slightly as she adopted a thinking pose. To answer their teacher’s first question no she can’t. To the young swordswoman most herbs and shrubs look exactly the same as each other, except for the ones that somehow ended up on her dinner plate. Just what should the girl base her guess on?

The temptation to just use elemental clone and have them both touch the respective plant was quite big. Had their teacher been anyone else but Nagisa she would have done so on the spot. After much deliberation the girl raised her finger and pointed towards the plant on the left.

“Hm, if I have to make a guess….I would say the hairy plant is the harmful one. They look like those tiny plants that get stuck to your slacks when you play football outdoors. Make my legs itchy too.” The girl replied as she kept her eyes on the plant.

WC/TWC: 385/695.
After they both replied, the Medical Sennin revealed both of their answers were correct. Masami’s expression brightened when she learned that she got it right. Thanks Obaachan, I don’t think i would’ve known about this without that balm...

Instructed to follow Nagisa for a lesson pertaining to the direct application of plant life for medicinal purposes, the Uchiha tucked her hands into her pockets and followed along. While they made their way to a different spot, she listened to the woman speak, amethyst eyes fixed on her while her footfalls bruised thicker greenery. From the look of the area, they were deeper in the forest. Far enough that many shinobi aspirants refrained from venturing this far in.

This is very useful to know, she thought to herself, thinking about the various scenarios in her head. As they walked, internal commentary whirled through her head. It’d be great for conserving chakra, or treating things that chakra cannot, too. When she wanted to vocalize her thoughts, she started to open her mouth, but they arrived at their intended location before she could. Masami stowed her thoughts away for later. Did she just... she began inwardly, turning an eye with an arched brow towards the redhead of the triad, who had just stopped herself from supposed disaster. Aw, if only she’d actually tripped...

The two plants Nagisa showed drew Masami’s attention. Tilting her head to the side, she placed her hand onto her chin as though in thought. The Sennin explained one of them caused itchiness, and the other could serve as a good way of stopping bleeding. After listening to Kei’s input, she furrowed her brow.

”I could be wrong, but I think it’s the opposite,” she said, a small pause before continuing. ”The plant on the left is the only one I could see being used as a clotting agent, y’know? The hairs make me think maybe in application it could soak up and curb bleeding. The other one looks real unassuming and whatnot, but I guess that’s why I’ve got a bad feeling about it.”

[WC/TWC: 345/729]
Nagisa would nod her head at each answer. Indeed one was wrong and one was right.

"Masami you are correct. This plan, the fuzzy one, is called Goldenseal. It is not its leaves that you want to look for but its golden colored roots. If you take hte root and crush it into a powder, it can be applied to a wound to stop bleeding. The other plant is poison ivy. Most people are allergic to its sap and thus it would more than likely make you very itchy. Now herbal medicine is useful because it could indeed help stop bleeding but the poison ivy can be used for more effect. You could apply the sap to a kunai or caltrops. If the enemy is not careful it will cause them to be distracted with itching and scratching providing you a chance to strike or fall back. "

Nagisa would point to each plant in turn as she explained the property of each and their applications.

At the end of her little speech she would clap her hands together.

"now for a little test. In this area of the forest there is plenty of poison ivy afoot. There is, however a most curious plant. However, to learn its secrets you have to find it and be careful. This plant is known for it's very prickly flowers so please handle with care. Pick some of the plants from the stem and bring them to me. Each one of you is to find 3 of this prickly flowers. Come back to me when you are ready. Now be careful!"

Nagisa would remain standing her eyes playing close attention to where the students wondered. There were more dangerous plants in this area and she had a general idea of where they all were. The question would be if the students would avoid them or not.

Kei chuckled slightly after hearing her answer was wrong and Masami was right. She didn’t mind too much that she got her answer wrong this time, without much knowledge in plants her chance of getting it right was fifty-fifty. The swordswoman did note about how using the root to treat wound was certainly helpful considering how she deal with sharp objects on daily basis, so she made an effort to burn the feature of the Goldenseal plant in the back of her head.

The medical Sannin then directed their attention to the poison ivy, whose properties goes beyond just healing. Personally she preferred stronger poisons to apply on her weapons until their teacher mentioned they’re meant for caltrops and kunai. Another thing to watch out for should she treat injury incurred from those tools she supposed.

At this point Kei expected some sort of test would be given and sure enough she was proven right. Their task were to get some prickly flowers while navigating around poison ivies. Pausing for a moment to take in the detail of the poison ivy, the girl soon formed the handseals needed to summon 3 clones. Just like their lessons with Soku-sensei, she intended to cover as much ground with her clones while they search for the prickly flowers.

“Ne Macchan. Have you ever heard of this medical prickly flower our sensei mention?” the girl inquired her friend before setting out. While she know some of the more famous flowers like roses or tulip or daisy, she knew little about the thorny ones and she highly doubt that her teacher meant roses.

[WC/TWC: 259/954]
So, the weirder looking one was called Goldenseal, eh? While the name eluded her at first, she had a hunch regarding what the other one could be when she laid her eyes on it. Poison Ivy. Its unassuming appearance was probably the predominant reason people met it and ended up incurring the negative effects. Still, she had no idea what Goldenseal was until now. It seemed good to know. Had she never learned about it and its medicinal effects, she would have probably avoided using it all together. Far be it from her to put an unknown herb into the bloodstream of another. However, now also knew that poison ivy could be harvested for the purpose of poisons. The plant reminded her of her fighting style, unassuming and deceptive.

After they learned about the qualities of each plant, Nagisa assigned them with a mutual task. The forest harboured a plant with prickly flowers, and they were to find three of them. Caution would have to be exercised because of the abundance of poison ivy within the vicinity. I wonder what kind of property that prickly flower has… she thought to herself, tilting her head to the side. Well, there was no use thinking about it. She had a job to do, and she intended to do it.

"Understood, Nagisa-sensei,” she said with a nod.

When she watched her partner perform a familiar technique, she regretted not having her Sharingan active. Had she been able to copy the technique, like the time with Soku, they would have been able to cover more ground. However, she had not anticipated the use of the duplicates by the redhead in this scenario. Masami’s expression remained neutral while she listened to her ask whether she heard about the prickly flower they were responsible for locating. The amethyst-eyed Uchiha shook her head.

“I don’t. It could be medicinal, or it could be poisonous. Thus, we should demonstrate caution whenever we happen to locate it, as it could have effects more dramatic than the ivy itself,” she gathered, performing a small string of hand seals. Upon conclusion, bits of minerals from the ground would accumulate in the air and form a small, crystalline eye. Crystal Eye was a technique she routinely employed when she needed to search for something. Using the eye to her advantage, she set out alongside Kei, while the eye looked out for more obscure spots that she and or Kei and her clones had yet to explore. This combination of techniques usually was lucrative for the duo, as eleven eyes were better than one.

[WC/TWC: 431/1160]
Nagisa watched as her students wondered around, one using some ninjutsu to aid their search. There were still several close calls even if they didn't recognize it.

They would find the flowers. It was not difficult. Upon returning, Nagisa would carefully show them how to handle the prickly flower, her hands betraying her many years experience working with dangerous plants.

"There you see these leaves on this flower? See that little white patch? This is called Milk Thistle a plant that is extraordinary for treating inflammation. Now a little quiz. Can you name anything you know about inflammation as it relates to illnesses? What are some common diseases or illnesses that are caused by or make inflammation worse? How would this be useful on a mission? Now let me so you how to collect the sap and answer when you are ready. Take your time"

As she waiting for an answer, she would remove a couple of vials from a pouch located on her hip. She would unstop them begin showing how to crush the leaves in such a way to maximize the amount of sap from each leaf. The sap was white in color and moved slowly. Nagisa knew that this is why it was called Milk Thistle.

She would hum a light tune as she worked but not when a student was answering. Through trial and error she would show them how to do this without pricking ones self.

"Roger that. I'll have the clones pluck them for us first." Kei replied upon hearing Masami's caution.

Thanks to the combination of their jutsu, the task to search for the prickly flowers turn out to be an easy one. The clones would identify the poison ivy ahead of them, giving the duo early warning to navigate out of the way and narrow down the area to search. Meanwhile Masami's crystal help them to locate the flower even if they were hidden among other plant life.

The most difficult part was trying to pluck the flower while avoiding the thorns. There was no easy way to grasp it, at least not without scratching and poking your hands. Thankfully Kei made a habit of carrying gloves, which she put them on first after it was clear from her clone's fruitless attempts to pluck them safely.

"That's all six of them. We should probably head back unless you think it's a good idea to look for more."

Kei would listen to Masami's suggestion regardless of whether they should head back now or search for some more. Regardless they will return back to Nagisa with their bounties.

Once they returned with the flowers, their teacher immediately relieved them of handling the plant and showing as well as teaching all that they wished to know about them. Apparently the plant was called Milk Thistle and it was useful to treat inflammation. The sap produced was a fluid that's milk white in colour, informing Kei how it manage to earn such a name.

While the process to collect this milk sap were easy enough for the young redhead, the question she posed on them had her thinking. While the girl knew inflammation and what cause them, the diseases that was caused by incurring one or what made them was beyond her. Sure she heard some of her distant relatives incurred a disease or two with the cause being inflammation but those conversation felt so distant now.

"My uncle had appendicitis. That one has to do with appendix inflammation I think." The girl replied slowly as she tried to recall the conversation. Not that she was certain how that's gonna be useful in a mission. The girl would shrug slightly.

"I know injuries incurred in battle can lead to inflammation. I'm guessing that would cause healing jutsu to be less effective, thus making it more advantageous to us?" The girl chuckled slightly as she scratch her cheek. Perhaps she should make it a habit to visit the local library to study on these things.

[WC/TWC: 420/1374]
Having went through unorthodox methods of testing from different parties, Masami wasn’t sure what to expect. In her mind, she suspected the plants could exhibit a mildly poisonous nature on top of the prickly aspect, but she might have been over-analyzing the situation. However, in her mind, there was no such thing as being too careful, even if she thought the ninjutsu use could have been over the top in hindsight. Still, they were able to avoid the poison ivy, and avoided rending their flesh with the plant they sought, and she considered that a victory.

Through the use of the eye she crafted of minerals pilfered from the soil beneath their feet, she helped locate the herb they needed for their endeavour. The clones provided an easier method of collecting it, as well as additional pairs of eyes to seek the flower, but Masami chose to lend her aid in personally picking it when they found it. Like Kei, she possessed a pair of gloves that she often wore even in more critical situations. Leather and studded, picking the herb still demanded caution, but she managed to achieve their mutual goal without disaster. In the aftermath of their brief expedition, the redhead posed her with a question about whether they should find more.

“No, I think we’re fine,” she said, a small smile settling on her lips as she issued her opinion. “More than necessary may be good in theory, but in a mission, time may be of the essence, you know?”

They returned to Nagisa with their bounty in hand, and were eventually relieved of it. The Medical Sennin explained several properties about this flower she now knew as Milk Thistle. Little did she know prior, it was a potent herb capable of reducing the bodily response known as inflammation. A small quiz followed; they were to think on what they knew about the symptom, address a common afflictions that may relate to them, and provide an opinion on how this could be useful in a mission. The brunette cupped her own chin with her thumb and forefinger, a recurring sign that she was thinking about her answer.

While she thought about her answer, she noticed their teacher working with the plants in question, crushing the leaves and extracting a milky sap to be jailed inside of pristine vials. The Uchiha reckoned this must have been what the flower owed its name to, other than the white patch branding its initial form. As an individual who aspired to become a Med-Nin, she tried her best to memorize the process that would be integral in what she hoped would be her ensuing career. Simultaneously, she did her best to think up an answer to the query, but like many times before, Kei was able to produce an answer swifter than she. Masami turned her amethyst gaze towards the Nanjirou, tilting her head to the side.

Listening to the girl’s input, she nodded in agreement. While she was uncertain how valid the answer was, she felt that it was at least close to the mark.

“Well, a couple of things that I know of are arthritis, which is inflammation in the joints, and even headaches can be induced through inflammation in the brain; though worse ailments than that can arise from that sort of inflammation,” she started, scratching her cheek. “It’s basically the body’s response to injury or a problem, but we don’t always want it. Like Kei said, I think if you reduce the inflammation, it’ll make healing the root of the problem easier.”

[WC/TWC: 595/1755]
Nagisa's hands flowed form one task to another, her hum never being too loud. They were doing their best and doing a fair job of everything, especially their answers. They were learning as well, which is all she could ask for.

"again both of you are correct on diseases and its application. You must also take note that anything you can do to heal naturally will conserve your chakra. In such dangerous missions as we have talked about before, Yesi t will help with healing jutsu but being a medical shinobi is more than just learning medical jutsu. We must perform surgeries, grow medical plants, conduct research, and many other things. Medical jutsu by itself is extremely powerful, you can cause more harm than good if you don't know how the body works and for what reason. The body..." she would look at hte two of them as she corked the final vial placing the green remains in her hands she would walk over to a base of a tree, her hand gliding down its trunk.

"The body of a person is always changing. A body's internal systems are always in a state of flux. Like this tree. The tree is growing yes, but but only because it is taking in nutrients In this case how the tree gets nutrients is a reaction that is, in itself, imbalance. If we correct too much a tree won't grow. It is something maybe a little complex for you at this time but you will understand it at some point. Balance is key in many things but imbalance is a type of balance.... ah but sorry I am keeping you it seems." Nagisa would bend down and take a sample of the earth. She would place the loose green remnants of the Milk Thistle and buried it under the layer of dirt she removed. She carefully covered it again and from a finger tip, a trickle of water would moisten the area.

"Life is a cycle children. Everything feeds off of each other. We medical shinobi keep this cycle going. We save those we can with the skills we have. No more or no less. " Nagisa's eyes would turn from the where she had buried the remains of the plant to return to the students. "Even healing requires a sacrifice. Remember the beauty of all life no matter how small. It is hard because we are shinobi who must kill at times. How do we kill ethically? Ah a quandary that you need not answer.Now for a final test" a smile would play at her lips.

"Get out of this forest without touching the poison ivy or being picked by milk thistle. You will find that it is... more difficulty for you than it is for me. Have you paid attention to the way we came? I hope so. Now let the last test begin."

The students would watch nagisa's body slowly turn into a water version of her and with a last wink the body flew through the forest slinking along and bypassing all the obstacles in the way. Nagisa would land just outside the small forest area and wait for them, already pulling out some bandages she had. They were likely going to need it.

Kei's lips curled into a smile once she heard both Masami and herself manage to answer their teacher's question correctly. Though it was moreso a stroke of luck on her part, she was glad that she was not the type to simply tune out an adult conversation if it was not related to her directly.

Their medical Sannin then began to explain the necessity of knowledge as well as their role should they chose to become medical ninja. As it turns out, there was more to their job than simply using Mystical Hand jutsu over all patients sent their way. The path to healing means they would have to keep researching for more efficient way to cure afflictions without being overdependent on that technique.

Nagisa-sensei then continue to explain towards them how balance was also important. Not that Kei quite grasp what their teacher meant to convey, as evident by the blank smile on her face. Perhaps it was simply one of those things she would know with more experience under her belt. For now she simply smile and nod, with a mental note that she should ask her friend on that later.

Just when she though the lesson was finally over, they were given another test. In essence it was similar to what they have learned earlier, except instead of looking for a plant, they now have to trace their way back to exit. Preferably without touching any poison ivy or milk thistle along the way. Kei's jaw dropped slightly upon witnessing their sensei turned into a liquid form of herself and left, though it didn't take her too long to recover from that.

"Man, everyone's pretty awesome in this village. Hope I can pull off something as cool as that soon." Kei commented to her friend as soon as Nagisa left the area.

"Well then, shall we go with the usual plan? Or do you have a better way to approach our last test Macchan?" the redhead inquired as she get ready to perform handseals for elemental clones again. This time however, she reminded herself to ensure that Masami was ready to copy her technique before doing so. While she could always attempt to track their footprints back towards their origin, Kei's stealth lesson to leave as little footprint as possible work against her here so she would have to resort to their usual method of clones and crystal eye combo.

[WC/TWC: 404/1778]
Conserving her energy was a strategy the young Uchiha could get behind. Unless it was required, she was not one to consider taxing herself; there were times where her disposition was more reminiscent of the famous Nara clan than her actual heritage. Besides, using remedies that didn’t require a greater investment would allow her to save her energy for severe, life-threatening moments. For the most part, they were correct with their answers. Masami learned that the usage of medical techniques needed to be reserved for more emergent situations, hence their need to learn how to use medicines, how to conduct surgeries, and how to naturally reduce things like caustic inflammation. Hands in her pockets, the violet-eyed girl continued to focus on listening.

As the Medical Sennin continued her explanation, she learned the importance of imbalance. Perhaps if too many things were corrected it would interfere with the homoeostasis of the organism, and as the woman said, do more harm than good. Loose as her understanding may have been, she hoped that her thoughts were on the right track while she took in information. Medicine, treatment, and medical techniques gradually became her aspiration over the last while, and she put in a lot of personal study time into the craft. Consequentially, Masami desired to make use of any information she received about it from her informed superiors, allowing herself to better help those around her.

Her eyes widened when Nagisa spoke about the beauty of all life, no matter how small. As she vaguely remembered mentioning in her previous encounter, Masami was a large advocate of that philosophy. When she first decided to become a ninja, it was her predominant interest to protect life because it was a beautiful thing, appearing even in the most unorthodox or unexpected forms. Her aptitude with that belief caused a warm smile to emerge on her face, complimenting her relaxed posture. “Ain’t that the truth...” she said, mostly to herself.

When witnessing Nagisa’s change in form, seemingly without the use of hand seals, the Uchiha was taken aback by the display. She always missed her opportunity to try and learn more about these sophisticated techniques with her Sharingan, as she hardly kept it on outside of combat. Kei commented about the occurrence, and Masami nodded in response.

Posed with a question, this time she activated her clan’s unique eye technique. Purple turning red and pupils arranging into a triad of tomoe, she readied herself to copy the technique Kei would employ.

“Nah, I can’t think of anything more effective with what we have. My eyes aren’t great for anything but offence,” she said, her voice hollow while she mentioned it. Upon Kei utilizing the Elemental Clone technique, Masami would copy the hand seals simultaneously and perform the same technique, only her clones would be comprised using her affinity with fire. As they had done before, they would collaborate; their clones would cover a lot of ground to help them find the exit, while her Crystal Eye looked from higher ground to help even more with this process. Regrettably, she was no Hyuuga, however.

[WC/TWC: 518/2273]
Nagisa would not have to wait long before she saw the students making their way to her. She smiled at their approach and held out the bandages.

"Apologies for the last minute exercise but part of being a medical shinobi is being flexible in all situations. Now, if you are hurt come here. And yes, you will find that I have a very natural affinity towards water jutsu. Such as this."

For any of the minor injuries, Nagisa would hold a finger over the wound and let a small spray of healing water spray causing the wound to disappear and feel better almost instantly. She would then wrap it in a small bandage to make sure it would not get infected.

"You have passed my little class today. I am very proud. You can find books on plans in the school library and in the hospital. I will tell staff to look for you. Once you finish your genin exams and are full genin if you want to become a full medical shinobi student, reach out to me. I can be found at the Hokage mansion or the hospital. Just ask for Nagisa. Now, run along. Enjoy what day you have left and get a good night's sleep."

Nagisa would begin her stroll back to the hospital, her legs keeping her at beat to an unknown rhythm. Maybe it was the beat of the setting sun or maybe the hum of an ancient ocean.

'They are nice students.' a voice said creeping into her forethoughts.

'Yes they are. Both will grow up to do good things. They blunder some times but they do so honestly without covering up too much.'

'You know, you were a student once.'

'I know. I sometimes forget I was a child let alone a student.'

Her spirit laughed a little.

Nagisa took her time enjoying nature and watching the common folk She would carefully and casually water the plants as she walked, her finger tracing the leafs of safe plans, leaving a trail of water behind. She would watch long enough to watch the plant being to intake the water before moving on. She was in no hurry. Her research seemed less important right now and living in the moment seemed the best option. Maybe she should reach out to her fellow Sennin more. She wondered about how Yukio was doing and she wanted... well wondered if that Asuka was more willing to listen and be reasonable. She shuddered slightly at the thought.

Her journey ended when she arrived at the hospital and as she walked in, she went ot her office ot grab her coat and began her rounds. the life of a medical shinobi was never dull.

TWC 2066

OOC you both pass. Make sure your total word count is above 2k and you are done.
Upon Masami's comment to proceed with their usual method, the redhead nodded and form her own elemental clones. As they had basically doubled their manpower even without tracking their own footprints, they were able to navigate through the forest with very little trouble from their end. Along the way Kei had the idea of sending some of her clones to track the moist trail though it had proven to be no less helpful than their regular method.

After some time, the duo finally emerged from the forest together. Though they had managed to avoid the peril of poison ivy and milk thistles, that was not to say Kei managed to come out of the forest completely unscathed. There were some plants which prick and causes skin irritations which unfortunately for Kei was not covered by today's lesson.

Kei was a little concerned that she would fail their last task but as it turned out it was needless as their sensei accurately identify the source of her injuries from other plants and even treat them on the spot. The redhead exhaled in relief from the soothing effect of the healing jutsu, her skin good as new. As she had never seen her sensei heal a person before, she was quite grateful to be at the receiving end of one.

"Understood sensei. And thank you for the lesson and healing." Kei replied in return, bowing slightly as Nagisa leaves. Tempted as she was to join the medical branch, there was something she had to try out first. Looking at the sun it was still early to head back to her home just yet.

"That's another lesson down. We've got some time before sunset...wanna hang out?" Kei asked her companion. Should Masami accept, Kei would bring her around to check certain places of interest. Though if she doesn't she'd be fine as well and instead would make her way to ramen shop.

[WC/TWC: 318/2096]
As aware of the area their combination of techniques made them, it didn’t reduce the thickness of the vegetation around them. Not provided a plethora of opportunities to navigate and figure out better ways to push through the foliage, getting out of the literal tight spots was inconceivable without incurring some form of superficial infliction along the way. In the aftermath of their meandering, she emerged with a few scrapes on her arms, for those were the predominant appendage exhibited when pushing through the thorny environment. When she started the academy she may have minded, but her mental tenacity improved.

When they emerged, they found their teacher present as expected. With no more need for additional eyes, Masami allowed her eyes to return to normal, while she dispersed the clones and crystalline eye lingering next to her. The Uchiha approached when offered healing for her current ailments, which seeped a small amount of blood from their minor severity. With a spray of water and subsequent bandaging, she felt the wounds close and whatever taint within them purged through the purifying liquid. Her eyes widened in surprise, and her lips formed a small smile once more. Masami had trouble addressing wounds with medical techniques, but for Nagisa, it seemed like second nature.

“Thanks, Nagisa-sensei. I really do appreciate everything you’ve been teaching us. I’ll try my best to put it to good use,” she said, tracing her fingertips along the surface of the bandages wrapped around what once was a cut. When the Medical Sennin took her leave, her attention was drawn back to the redhead, as she had spoken to her. Hearing the question posed, the violet-eyed Uchiha nodded in response, her small smile enduring.

“Sure. You pick the spot, though,” she continued, her laziness bleeding into her everyday interactions. With the trial passed, and her aspirations in mind, she would make her way to wherever Kei wished to go with the conclusion of their mutual endeavour.

[WC/TWC: 327/2600]
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