Ninpocho Chronicles

Ninpocho Chronicles is a fantasy-ish setting storyline, set in an alternate universe World of Ninjas, where the Naruto and Boruto series take place. This means that none of the canon characters exists, or existed here.

Each ninja starts from the bottom and start their training as an Academy Student. From there they develop abilities akin to that of demigods as they grow in age and experience.

Along the way they gain new friends (or enemies), take on jobs and complete contracts and missions for their respective villages where their training and skill will be tested to their limits.

The sky is the limit as the blank page you see before you can be filled with countless of adventures with your character in the game.

This is Ninpocho Chronicles.

Current Ninpocho Time:

Open Heavy Training (Requesting Keniwa)

Akimichi Hideyoshi

New Ninja
Apr 8, 2023
After finishing his classes, Hideyoshi headed towards the training field. He was a little nervous because he knew there were several skilled people there and he still considered himself very weak. He was afraid of being judged or laughed at. He approached a mirror and stared at himself for a few seconds while he thought, 'Hideyoshi, it's not the time for this. You are more than capable. If you want to get stronger, you have to dedicate yourself and leave your fears behind.' He hit his chest and said, "Focus!" He confidently walked into the training field where he encountered several students training. Some of them were very strong, he noticed, but that didn't stop him. He approached the wooden logs and, without much thought, punched them continuously. Even with his hands bleeding, he continued crying out, "One hundred!" Then he started doing push-ups, which were more difficult for him due to his weight, but he pushed himself to keep going, sweating but persevering until he couldn't take it anymore. He took a breath and started running until he couldn't take it anymore, but he didn't have much stamina and tired quickly due to his weight and accumulated exhaustion.

He stopped to catch his breath and looked back to see some students looking at him and laughing. He could imagine what they were saying, 'He can't even run,' 'Wow, how ridiculous.' He remembered his grandfather saying the same things, and he furrowed his eyebrows in anger. He picked up a rock and started hitting himself hard in the chest, thinking, 'If I want to be stronger, I need to be tougher. Since I can't be fast, I have to be strong as an elephant and tough as metal.' He hit himself until his arms got tired and his body gave up. He looked back one more time, but this time they weren't looking at him. They were looking to the side, where Keniwa was training. The same people who were judging him before were now judging Keniwa's training. Hideyoshi saw that and went over to him, saying, "Keniwa! I'm glad you're here. Do you want to train with me? Let's get strong and show these people that they're wrong to judge us!" He said this with a smile, then tied his jacket around his waist and said, "Let's go, I'm ready!"
Keniwa had been practicing his techniques at the training field for a while now. After his fight with shusuke he reflected on his weaknesses, he had to be aware of his surroundings so he focused on bettering his reaction speed. He ran round and past the training dummies several times dashing between each other and using their bodies as a platform to jump. He needed to increase his agility sublimely. Speed had never been a factor for him. His stamina having been trained since he was young he never would run out of steam in a fight. He sprung above one of the dummies breaking out of his quick movements before falling down with an axe kick to its head, using his Tetsukawa to not pertain any injuries from a reckless but powerful attack. 'Shusuke completely out matched me... He was slow but Im sure that's just because he wasn't taking it seriously and even then i could barely land a few strikes on him...'

However this erratic form of training was definitely going to attract some unwanted attention many students gazed at Keniwa with judgemental and rude faces, yet stuff like this never had bothered him. He used his other foot to bounce himself off of the dummy, leaping off of it's back and skidding on the floor, his tetsukawa enhanced legs stopping him for any scratches and creating a dust trail. As he got up he was about to strike the dummy again as he heard behind him a repeated banging sound. He quickly snapped around in case it was a dangerous encounter, however it was another peer of his. Akimichi... hitting himself.... with a rock... He was completely dumbfounded by this spectacle, his jaw dropping to the floor and his tetsukawa dispersing the only thing on his mind was. 'What an idiot...' However then Hideyoshi approached him with a large smile, he was definitely a behemoth towering over the short Kyoujouran.

"Keniwa! I'm glad you're here. Do you want to train with me? Let's get strong and show these people that they're wrong to judge us!" " No, i can see why we were judged, our training was taken to the extreme... especially yours. However that is no way to train durability and it will only hurt you more. Come i'll show you how to train your endurance." Pointing towards the forest which surrounded the training grounds he looked at the Akimichi. "We must run through here, there are several small critters which reside inside of here, yet there also lies several brambles and other sharp plants. If not careful one could easily be pierced. The first of us to catch a small bird will win, this will not only help you get used to being injured but it also train your reaction speed. Now let's go!" Keniwa immediately activated his Tetsukawa as he swiftly leapt in to the air letting out a small roar right before excitedly slamming both of his fists in to the ground smashing it whilst leaving two small shallow holes. He proceeded to dash in to the forest hopeful to find and capture a bird.
Akimichi Hideyoshi grinned widely at Keniwa's proposal. "I like the sound of that! Let's see who can catch a bird first!" He became excited and immediately followed Keniwa into the forest, being careful not to get pierced by the brambles and sharp plants. As he ran, he couldn't help but feel a sense of excitement coursing through him. This was the kind of training he loved - it was challenging and exhilarating, and it pushed him to his limits.

As he ran, he kept his eyes peeled for any sign of movement. He could hear the chirping of birds in the distance, and he knew that they were getting closer. His heart was pounding in his chest, and he could feel his muscles burning with exertion. But he pushed himself harder, determined to catch a bird before Keniwa did.

Finally, he saw a small bird darting through the trees and grinned in triumph. With a burst of speed, he charged towards it, his tired legs still pushing him to climb a tree to catch the bird. However, as he was about to grab it, the branch he was standing on broke and he fell, as he heard Keniwa shouting "Ha! I won!"

He shouted while holding the bird up for Hideyoshi to see. Hideyoshi was breathing hard, and his muscles were trembling with exertion, but he couldn't help but feel a sense of pride because even with his defeat he knew he got close and could improve to win next time. He looked at Keniwa and smiled, "That was a good workout, Keniwa. We should do this again sometime!" "Well, it's getting late, I think we should start heading back!" He turns around, takes a deep breath and says, "Whoever gets there first wins!" and starts running with a determined look on his face towards the academy.

Current Ninpocho Time:
