Ninpocho Chronicles

Ninpocho Chronicles is a fantasy-ish setting storyline, set in an alternate universe World of Ninjas, where the Naruto and Boruto series take place. This means that none of the canon characters exists, or existed here.

Each ninja starts from the bottom and start their training as an Academy Student. From there they develop abilities akin to that of demigods as they grow in age and experience.

Along the way they gain new friends (or enemies), take on jobs and complete contracts and missions for their respective villages where their training and skill will be tested to their limits.

The sky is the limit as the blank page you see before you can be filled with countless of adventures with your character in the game.

This is Ninpocho Chronicles.

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:

Private Hello my name is... (Request Midori)

Chigokai Yuna

Well-Known Member
Oct 24, 2017
OOC Rank
It has been five years. Five long years since Ziren has settled into Cloud. But he had heard something. Whispers that don't really make any sense. Takeshi, no longer the Hokage? A weird rumor, but one that is worth taking a look into.

And maybe, hopefully, Ziren can talk with the Sennin about becoming a bridge between all the Villages as someone to be the peace maker that represents the Medical Branch. He really does want peace, and he hopes the new generation of Leaf can speak on good terms, though he doesn't know if anyone really knows him.

The first step, is to talk with his Sennin and get a passport. Lately his work consisted of going on missions that require Medical Branch support and spending time with his family, so there is a possibility that his Sennin won't know him, but it will be worth a try to talk.

As he aged, Ziren lost the brown hair dye and regained his real hair color, blue. He paled to his original skin color from no longer bathing in sunlight. Nowadays Ziren wore a traditional look, a kimono, and of course, his signature left arm being made of metal.

The Chimera walked to the office of where the Sennin should be and knocked on the door with three quick knocks, before waiting for a response.

He would wait, looking around, listening to all the blood flows around him. If anything, old habits die hard, if anything, when he was an anbu in training back in Leaf, he was taught to always be aware of his surroundings. That even more so applied to him, since he was a sensor. But even now, as a medical ninja, Ziren can't help but want to be in the know how of what was happening around him.

(Mft: 302)

Midori Futotta

Active Member
Sep 30, 2017
OOC Rank
Midori was in the middle of having her lunch, her pet spider coating the mouse it had in a web cocoon before biting down on it to drain the life from the creature that Midori gave to her. They were just lab rats anyway, things that the hospital didn’t really need but had just around for experimentations in which Midori didn’t see no harm in giving them the promotion of spider food. Midori herself had herself a couple of brownies and some chocolate milk for her lunch. They weren’t regular brownies either, they were about the same size as a normal sized fruit-cake with chocolate chips and an odd chocolate center which if one were to cut into it the brownie would look like it's bleeding chocolate. As they were having their meal, they heard a tapping coming from the door coming from the door of their study and with a courtly hand raise she welcomed the newcomer. “Ender freely und of your ovn vill!” she said to the person behind the door whom she happily allowed to enter into her office.

When Ziren entered, she would then see the new medical sennin who was eating large brownies with a gallon of chocolate milk sitting on desk. On the top right corner where Midori’s bookshelf had been, he would be able see a large dog sized spider that was nested in that small corner, a hole punched through the wall to give the creature access to the other rooms around the hospital. The jianshi would then welcome Ziren again. “Velcome young man, velcome. Pleaze have a zeat und make yourzelf as comfortaple as vu vould like. I am zure zere is a reazon for your vizit here today zat requires my assistance, is zat correct?” she asked, gesturing toward the many places that Ziren could sit like the two comfy couches or the seat in front of her desk. Giving the man a chance to get comfortable and state his business in being here in her study while also opening up a opportunity to tell her a little about himself.

Chigokai Yuna

Well-Known Member
Oct 24, 2017
OOC Rank
Ziren had heard the blood flow, and then he heard the voice. The accent... He never heard of an accent like that before. But he understood what he heard. He entered and moved his eyes right to quickly take in the surroundings. First thing he noticed, was the spider. It was the size of a dog, which he thought was a little strange, but he himself has had stranger company.

Second thing he noticed. Was that his Sennin was... Well he doesn't know how to put it nicely, other than different.

Chocolate brownies and chocolate milk. Though, he is one to talk, a man with an eye of the Hyuuga as a right eye, permanently activated, but only able to use one of the Hyuuga skills. The other, an eye of the Chigokai, a sign of maturity. And of course there was his metal left arm. He hid his brief surprise, as first impressions mean everything. He sat down, doing what his Sennin told him to do.

"Hello. I think introductions should always be first in order before I ask anything of anyone. My name is Chigokai Ziren. I was put into your branch about five years ago, when I had talked to the previous Raikage, Ayumu, about gaining citizenship here. The story behind that... Well, long story short, me and the previous Kage of Leaf never really saw eye to eye on things. Then I heard what had happened while I was out on a mission. Terrible things. Unspeakable things. Apparently that word had already gotten here when I had preemptively brought my family here when there was a war going on in Leaf with another country with reasons unknown to me. I promised to Raikage Ayumu that the last thing I want is to disrupt peace. He gave me a second chance here. Now, I've heard of a new Kage of Leaf."

And now is getting to the point in which he is about to state why he is here.

"Sennin-sama. I request to have a passport. What I plan to do is be a connection between the villages as someone who wants peace. What majority of the population wants. I understand that it'll be easier for someone like you to be of that diplomatic terms and all. But the people in both villages need to see that it's not just the highest of leadership's willing to make peace, but those lower in the branch.

He paused. "There's new leadership there. And I know not all of them are bad people. And I think this will be a good trust exercise between the Villages. I'm thinking a few weeks. And then I'll come back ready to help out with missions. So... I'll leave the floor for you, if you have any questions."

Midori Futotta

Active Member
Sep 30, 2017
OOC Rank
While she was having her lunch, the man before Midori introduced themselves as Ziren. One of the many leaf villagers who sought out asylum here in the village. As she listened to him he gave a little summary of his reason for moving here to kumo, telling her that terrible things have happened there and at the time the country was in the middle of a war when he left. This made Midori look up for a moment, just a moment before going back to eating her lunch. The man was given a second chance here and he brought to her attention that now there was a new kage in the leaf vilage…. “Hmm… Zat is a interesding tale vu brought to me. My abologies, but I am eager to know zee reazon for your being here during my supping hour.” she asked, setting aside her plate of food so the jiangshi could give full attention to his request.

He came here asking for a passport pretty much, telling her his plan to establish a connection between the villages. A diplomat more or less. She allowed him to continue to speak about making peace between the villages, letting him give her his reasoning so the jianshi could better understand his way of thinking. Finally, the floor was opened for her to speak and the vampire looked over at her spider who would then shrug then Midori looked back at the male. “Zat is a interesding propozal vu bring to my attenzion but vu zee here's vere zings fall apart.” Midori spoke gravely. “Our Great kage restored our treaty vith Konoha zome time a-ko zo zee tenzion once had in zee preffious leaderschip is now gone. Besides zat, effen if zere vas a need for peace zere it vould pe unvize to give… zomeone of your rank und history zuch a daunting resbonzibility..” she explained bluntly sitting back in her seat wanting to explain a small situation that happened some time ago but decided against it.

“Granted if vu had zome zort of exberience in being ein diplomat I might vould’fe been more interested in your propozal but zee zituazion vith zee vole not zeeing eye to eye vith zee preffious Hokage und of zee grim zings zat habened zere vu can zee vy I'm hezitant in giving vu zat zort of task zat could but zee entire village in grave danger.” she said bluntly, not really willing to give him that sort of task. All it takes is for one wrong word, one bad move to mess things up for the village then SHE would be in trouble for not managing her branch correctly. However, there would probably be a way for her to let him go see his country without having anything official or important involved in it. “But, perhaps zis is because I don’t know vat vu actually blan to do to obtain peace in zee name of zis beautiful land. Describe to me exactly vat vu plan to do zo I may better undersdand your plan und make changes if need to be. Pleaze spare me in dedail, none at all if vu visch for me to undersdand your vays.” though turning him down outright was an option, the least she could do before making a full-on decision to say no to the man's request without at least hearing what he planned to say or do. Midori was fair, so she would at least let him prove himself first before making any real decision and if he showed the proper talents in being capable of talking to a village official then she could grant this request gladly.

Chigokai Yuna

Well-Known Member
Oct 24, 2017
OOC Rank
Ziren listened to her, through and through. He knew of the situation he would put himself in, and the fact that remains that of his very presence might be a violation to that treaty the current Raikage most likely worked hard to make.

"You're right. I wouldn't argue that I am the best candidate for this, but I will say this. My mind and heart has always been in the right place. I often put the needs of others before myself. And if you are worried of me running into the previous Hokage... I've learned to put the past behind me, think with a clear head. I would also do some missions with Leaf, mainly sticking with whatever the Medical Branch may need. Though I focus more on the combative side of missions. If they see that I am willing to risk my life for people who I don't know, because that branch most likely would have changed and have new people in it, they would remember how compassionate I am to protect people. I also have a sister in Leaf. Me and her are still on good terms. I can ask her if I can lodge at her place, avoid going to areas where I know the previous Hokage likes to visit. And if me and him do cross paths, I will, as I said before, put my past behind me, for the betterment of the two Villages. I can lock away my feelings, and should the need arise, if you think necessary, I can physically alter my appearance, since a simple transformation jutsu can so easily be seen through at times. And my chakra signature is different than it was before. Altogether, I think if I keep my head down low, help Leaf's Medical Branch with whatever help they need, I should be good. Also, if you think necessary, I have experience in their Main Branch too. I know how that branch operates and can help them with whatever missions they need too. Any and all things that happen I will take responsibility for."

Ziren knows the risks. He won't try and put people in danger. He will protect anyone before himself. He will also be careful around certain people he knows.

"So. Tell me what needs fixing, or what you would want me to do?"

Midori Futotta

Active Member
Sep 30, 2017
OOC Rank
Well, it seemed like this man needed more help with his diplomatic skills than she originally thought. The jiangshi even had to chuckle at what the man was offering to the village to obtain peace though it wasn’t really a bad idea, it just lacked in the whole why do they need kumogakure shinobi for that. No matter, she cleared her throat then proceeded to give her opinion in his offer. “A vord of adffice, my dear.” she began. “If vu vant to offer zomezing to anozer country make zure it’s zomezing big enough for zee village to vant… To my knovledge, zat kind of aid vould be more appealing if zey vere in times of var und effen zen in vartimes vu’ll need more men zan just you for aid.” When Midori explained to him her reasoning, the vampire sighed, rubbing her temples as she began to think of something a bit easier for him to do but her mind turned blank since there was nothing that the medical branch needed for the moment.

“How about vu uze zis as zee opportunity for a vacazion zan anyzing official under my branch, perhaps zat's vat vu are truly asking for being a schtranger in a schtrange land.” she rested her hand against her cheek. “Vile your propozal vould be interesting, zat could quickly be rejected zince zee village has plenty of leaf schinobi to take care of task both big und small. Currently at your rank zere’s nozing zat vu can offer zat vould be beneficial betveen zee tvo villages.” she stated. Midori wanted to believe in him, she really did try but the vampire decided that this matter should be taken care of by someone with a higher rank, better skilled for the job, and with less history between the good people of Kumo. With a snap, her pet spider jolted to attention then crawled inside of the little barrow that it had and when a few moments passed the spider emerged from the hole with a blue book crawling down from its nest to hand the book to the vampire who would then take the book in her hands then grabbed a quill.

“My apologies, but all I can grant vu is a vacazion, uze zis time as vu pleaze. Catch up vith your people, do vat vu feel vu must. For right now zee more diplomatic matters schould Be handled by me perzonally.” With that she opened the booklet, dipped her quill in ink and then began filling out the details on her end granting him the authorization to leave on a more personal level rather than giving him the overwhelming task of being a bridge between the two villages. While his head was in the right place, Midori couldn’t just give someone like him the job and expect it not to backfire. Nay, this matter of negotiation should be handled by herself or someone with less history with the leaf village. Besides rumors of a tournament were about to happen anyway so she’ll have time to head to fire country to discuss important matters. Not looking up from the booklet, Midori decided to give Ziren a bit of advice while she worked on his passport. “I zuggest zat zee next time vu come in here vanting to be a diplomat vu get zee proper skills for it. Your heart zeems to be in zee right place, put your mind und your past vill vork against vat vu are trying to achieve.” When she finished filling out the document, the sennin stamped it with her seal before closing the booklet handing him the passport. “Remember zat zis journey vu go on now is schtrictly perzonal, zis branch, zis village is not responsible for anyzing vu do. Take care, kind zir.”

[Passport Granted]

Chigokai Yuna

Well-Known Member
Oct 24, 2017
OOC Rank
Ziren listened to his Sennin through and through, not wanting to interrupt her. He knows he was asking for a lot, the least he can do is show respect. Then again, all he does is show respect. He understands where she is coming from. He'd be treading dangerous waters if he were to act as a diplomat and someone tries to get under his skin with insulting remarks. Heh, that's one thing he can't stand, he doesn't take a whole lot of drama from anyone. maybe once he gets back, he can ask for advice on being a diplomat.

She told him that he'll only have vacation time, and that anything he does will be on him. Now that was something he has heard of before, though that was more during the rougher times of his life and his trust of people grew small. At least, right now he trusts his Sennin. He knows that any of his actions could have a negative impact on both the Medical Branch and Cloud. His Sennin, is looking after what is best for both the Medical Branch and the Country.

He got up and gave a bow of respect for his Sennin, and then said, "My apologies for taking up more of your time, but I have another favor tot ask. And that would be registering my Kinjutsu. Chimera. See, a little while ago, I was a Dark Sage that turned Chimera. The details.... a little bit more heftier than simply putting it on paper. Back when I was in Leaf, Me and my sister had a problem with this crazed scientist. He had this item that could absorb blood line and core ability skills. Soon after he had died, a more sinister person claimed that item. Me and that person fought and that item was caught in the middle of a jutsu clash, which destroyed it and released all sorts of chakra energies. For a brief moment, I possessed powers of a Sunaku, along with being a Chigokai. But soon after, I became a Dark Sage instead. Years passed by as a Dark Sage until very recently I decided to get rid of that darkness that was inside of me. It included a whole lot of holy chakra that destroyed the darkness inside of me. I think it was a possibility that the dark powers suppressed or even nullified my chakra system that was effected by that blast. But anyways, here's what I have." He handed a paper to Midori.

Form 505.1B​
Personal Details​

Name: Ziren
Date of Birth: UNK
Sex: M
Gender: M

Bloodline: Chigokai


Common Name Of Kinjutsu: Chimera (ghost Walker)

Location Kinjutsu Was Acquired:
Originally Valley of the End, reawakened after being suppressed by dark sage powers in Aesculapium

How Was The Kinjutsu Acquired? Got blasted by the destruction of a weapon that absorbs bloodline/core ability skills and jutsu when young, kin reawaken after getting rid of dark sage kin

Body Parts/Bodies Used In Conjunction With Kinjutsu Origins: Genetic implants: Exalted's divine light-blood transfer, Hyuuga's eight trigram's heavenly guard right byakugan eye implant, tide callers liquid state lung replacement

Name Of Contact That Can Verify: Faceless NPC Exalted Mednin Shira


Signature: Chigokai Ziren
Name: Chigokai Ziren

Mednin Signature:
Mednin Name:Shira

"As for getting the ghost walker part after I became a Chimera, I guess it must have been due to the fact that my body acted negatively to the holy chakra when I was a Dark Sage. I walked a near path close to death, and I think because of it, I am now part ethereal. Now, I'll leave the floor for you if you have any questions or concerns." Ziren was always one to do things by the book, and his history made trying to do something like this by the book a bit... difficult. All of which that has happened, has happened way in the past when he was younger. He can only deduce that eye scope thing was the cause of him now being a chimera. And that the corrupt chakra of being a Dark sage was the reason as to suppressing the chimera like chakra or abilities now running through him.

He knew that this situation was by far on the confusing side of things, and it wouldn't surprise him if this is a first for Midori of hearing of anything like this. It's not everyday that people have awoken from a kin that was suppressed from another.

(ooc note: Here's the thread with the witness)

Midori Futotta

Active Member
Sep 30, 2017
OOC Rank
Well he was a bit more understanding than she expected him to be. Midori has guessed that her hunch was indeed correct that all the Ziren wanted to do was go to his home country to see what has become of it, he didn’t seem like a troublemaker presay but of course you didn’t need to seem like a troublemaker to cause great damage to the village. The tragedy at the gates showed her that much that you can be as dumb as a rock but add great power upon those impulses it could spell doom for everyone. As the man went on he did however have one more request which was to have his kinjutsu registered. Midori took the forum then looked it over allowing him to explain in detail his tale on how he got the kinjutsu.

She could honestly say that she was impressed by the amount of detail that Ziren was able to recall, a photographic memory perhaps. As she read through the man's paperwork, it seemed like everything was in order, honestly kinjutsu aren't that rare nowadays since most shinobi go on to unlock new abilities. "Ahh young man, your tales are of great inderest. I too haffe kotten my immorality from a crased docdor on outzide of zee village und to zis day I am grateful for zee dark gift." she stated, thinking back of the time when she was poisoned and how her friends in a last ditch effort to save her life to her to a hut where she would be turned into the vampire. Though she would be beautiful forever but not completely alive, Midori looked at her existence upon the world as a blessing. Midori even shared her gift with her family so they too would live forever though she did wish that her father was less Dragur like….

Erasing the thought from her mind, she stood up then hopped towards a file cabinet then ruffled through the alphabetically organized documents to find Zirens Medical records. Once she found it, she slid the registration papers into Ziren's records then gave the records to her spider so the eight legged helper could process it officially through the Medical branches systems so the Anbu wouldn't bother him if he were to be seen with an unregistered kinjutsu. Once that was over, she would turn then hop back to her desk then clasp her hands together. "Your kinjutsu is now regisdered, vould zere be anyzing elze zat I can do for vu before vu debart from my study?" she asked.

Chigokai Yuna

Well-Known Member
Oct 24, 2017
OOC Rank
Ziren listened as the woman spoke. Apparently she is now immortal due to some other crazed doctor. Though the way she states it, she was grateful. Ziren knew that dark powers isn't entirely it's own problem, but rather the people who use it. How they got it. It is very likely that his Sennin didn't get dark powers through ill means, though how she deals with said dark powers is a different story. But as of right now, she seems like an okay kind of person and an understanding Sennin. That, he won't forget.

After watching the Sennin and her spider put away the paperwork, Midori had asked Ziren if he needed anything else. he shook his head, "No, I want to thank you for letting me take up some of your time." With that said, Ziren got up, and gave his Sennin a respectful bow and left.


Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:
