Ninpocho Chronicles

Ninpocho Chronicles is a fantasy-ish setting storyline, set in an alternate universe World of Ninjas, where the Naruto and Boruto series take place. This means that none of the canon characters exists, or existed here.

Each ninja starts from the bottom and start their training as an Academy Student. From there they develop abilities akin to that of demigods as they grow in age and experience.

Along the way they gain new friends (or enemies), take on jobs and complete contracts and missions for their respective villages where their training and skill will be tested to their limits.

The sky is the limit as the blank page you see before you can be filled with countless of adventures with your character in the game.

This is Ninpocho Chronicles.

Current Ninpocho Time:

Help Wanted: Punch me in the face (open)


New Ninja
Dec 8, 2017
Yasu sat quietly in the dirt outside the Academy. It had been 2 hours since he posted his flyer on the schools bulletin board. He grew more and more self conscious with every passing second. "Maybe...putting that up was stupid... I...hmmmmm." Yasu sat more awkwardly attempting to make himself look confident. "No. I need a sparing partner and this is the best way to find one! Well... I guess saying punch me in the face wasn't the best idea...or...wait." Yasu stood up. "Maybe someone already read it and are going to sneak up on me to get a free punch before Im even ready! I didnt lay down any ground rules! I WILL HAVE TO LIVE IN FEAR FOR THE REST OF MY LIFE!
Yasu ran back inside to correct his flyer. Bobbing and weaving through the hallways, sliding around corners, all the while keeping an eye out for his attacker. He runs up to the bored and the flyer is gone. Yasu falls to his knees. "NOOOOOOO!" Everyone in the hall stops what they are doing and stares. Yasu looks up in a panic. "Oh no! Whoever has my flyer is now on their way outside to meet me, AND IM NOT THERE!" Yasu turns around and sprints back outside. "How rude can I be!? Asking a stranger for a favor and then not even be there when they show up!? Their is no honer in that! They have a mission and I HAVE A FAACCEEEEE!
Yasu makes it outside to find no one in sight. " I made it." Yasu collapses form exhaustion and lays on his back.
"I guess I will keep waiting here."
Sora wandered the grounds outside the academy, holding the piece of paper he had seen tacked sloppily to the bulletin board near the cafeteria. it was a simple message, but one that baffled him nonetheless. "Help Wanted: Punch me in the Face." I was short, to the point, and utterly stupid, but weirdly intriguing. Just why... he thought, groaning at the flyer in his hands, There's got to be more to this... He'd already inquired with the lunch staff, finding out the the "young man" who put the sign up was outside waiting, as he had awkwardly exclaimed, apparently, and would probably still be out there. Looking around, Sora caught a glimpse of a smaller boy lying on the ground, and hoped this was going to be the answer to his question about the flyer. He approached slowly and apprehensively, not sure if this was supposed to be some kind of trap that was laid in an attempt for training purposes.

"Umm... Excuse me? This your flyer?" Sora asked, approaching the boy and waving the message over his head. This should be interesting. With any luck, Sora might have found himself a sparring partner that wasn't his older sibling just wailing on him when they wanted to practice their techniques. If not, he'd get to hit someone with little to no consequence. Either way, the scenario was bizarre, and interesting, so he went along with it.
As Yasu contemplated calling it a day he heard a voice. Flyer? Wait is that? Yasu sprang up to his feet. Screaming out and pointing "You!" he grinned "Alright! So its decided. You are now my nemesis." Yasu continued as the expression on the boys face started to scream whet the hell is even happening. "So its simple. You try to punch me in the face and or body, and you win if I tap out or you knock me out. I win if you give up or you collapse from exhaustion. Sounds fun right?" Yasu took the shield off his back and set it against a tree. he then put his hands on his hips "Also no use of items or weapons. We only get to use our bodies" Yaus paused Manners you absolute moron OH NO! NAMES! So...ummm.... I'm Yasu. Annnnnnd you arrreeeee?
Play music after first paragraph

Almost instantaneously, the boy sprung up off the ground, a fervor and excitement that hadn't been there seconds ago, and cried out at Sora as if proclaiming to the heavens themselves that they were... Wait, did he say nemesis? An estranged silence hung in the air for a second as the sound of the wind whistled by. The silence was almost deafening, as Sora slowly leaning is head to the side.

"Huh?!" He questioned, confused how her had gotten roped into this. I was just curious about the flyer... Sora thought to himself, trying to understand how he suddenly had a rival within a week at the academy. How did this even happen? The boy began to talk, explained what seemed to be the rules to this foolishness.
"So its simple. You try to punch me in the face and or body, and you win if I tap out or you knock me out. I win if you give up or you collapse from exhaustion. Sounds fun right?"

He then went to the tree nearby and said something about no weapons either, which was ridiculous, since this was supposed to be a school that taught one how to become a shinobi; arguably one of the most violent and dangerous jobs you can pursue. Of course weapons should be involved. Sora also heard him say his name was Yasu, and ask him what his name was, but by the time the boys question was posed, Sora had already turned around and started walking away, waving over his shoulder, "Ok, well, see ya then!"

[Topic left unless stopped]
The boy stared to walk away. "Wait.... So if you're walking away...Technically that means..." Yasus eyes grew the more he spoke. "You concede... and... I WIN!" Yaus put both hands on his hips "I must be so intimidating that you were to scared to even try! Thats the only logical explanation!" The boy stopped in his tracks, He attempted to speak, however Yasu was to riled up from is victory he completely railroaded what the boy was trying to say."THE ONLY LOGICAL EXPLANATION! guess I have a knack for this sort of thing after all.

Yasu finally came back to reality to find the boy just staring at him. Wait...Am...Am I being rude? no... Maybe I should clarify "What? Im right, right? I clearly stated in the rules I win if you give up. I mean I kinda expected to have to try a little." I Know! give him a compliment! Its good manners to build up your classmates. Yasu shrugged " But what can I say, some of us have the gift to throw in the towel when they know they are beat. I dont personally but it dose seem like a useful skill to have for some people."
"I must be so intimidating that you were to scared to even try! Thats the only logical explanation!"

Sora paused mid-step, turning to look at the boy Yasu in confusion and disbelief. No one is that clueless... Sora turned to face the boy, who had continued to talk, with a blank expression, no desire to speak, but with a different though building. Maybe this was actually planned. He does technically win if I refuse to do anything, by virtue of the rules laid out. He hadn't cared for this little nugget of information before until Yasu had called him out as "being scared". Sora then heard the next few words that would set him off.
"...some of us have the gift to throw in the towel when they know they are beat..."

A slight twinge in his facial muscles, yet still emotionless, his eyes practically vacant. "Fine," Sora said, taking his tool pouch off his waist and dropping it to the ground, "But one more rule." Shifting his feet in the dirt, Sora lowered himself to the ground. He knew his only skills were in speed from having to constantly avoid his siblings "Training Drills", so he would use it to his advantage here. His eyes narrowed to focus all his attention on Yasu, devoid of all distractions by anything else around him that would draw his attention. Tunnel visioned... He cracked his neck in preparation of Yasu's response.

"If you can stop me from coming, I'll tell you me name."
Yasu clenched his fists "So, you let me feel the joy of victory only to rip it from my grasps. YOU ARE A WORTHY NEMESIS!"
Yasu composed himself. Alright, if I just...wait... hes not walking forward. He... Is he going to just charge me? From way over there? From so far away I could easily see his attack trajectory. But... He probably knows that. He looks calm. Yasu braced himself Maybe... He believes the space doesn't matter. That means he's.... Fast
The boy launched forward with speed so quick he almost appeared to vanish into thin air. Now. Yasu grabbed the boys arm with both hands as he was making contact with a powerful punch. The boy had made contact with Yasus chest but not to its full effect due to being grabbed. The sheer force of the blow was strong enough to make the two boys slide in the dirt a solid two feet.
Yasus face became emotionless, with his hallow eyes staring back at the boy. Ffffuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu...Holy...That hurt so muuuuccchhhhhh. Dont show pain. Dont. Show. Pain... Son of a....I even cough most of it...damn....
ok... new plan...Avoid...and redirect. Less endure.
Yasu gripped the boys arm tighter, spun, and threw the boy back.
"You're going to have to try harder then that."
Please dont be able to do any harder then that.
Sora knew what he was good at, and that was speed, and the element of surprise, which he currently possessed. Yasu had never seen him up until now, and that would overall be the deciding factor. Slowing his breath, Sora blinked slowly. For him, all sound seemed to slip away under a sheet of pure silence, like a city night after a fresh falling of snow. muffled, quiet, Sora could hear his own heartbeat, his breathing, and the breathing of Yasu, a few yards in front of him. Opening his eyes from the blink, he sprung forward with speed that surpassed that of a student level, and launched himself directly at Yasu for just a basic, but momentum driven and usually unexpected strike. As the gap closed between the two, Sora noticed that Yasu had a minor expression of panic for a brief moment, followed immediately by a dead expression, like a walking corpse, completely vacant, and then caught him by the wrist. What?! Sora felt his grip tighten, as Yasu twisted over his shoulder and threw Sora into the air behind him.
"You're going to have to try harder then that."

He couldn't have seen me, Sora thought in a matter of seconds as he passed through the air to only a few feet away, Yasu's breathing still distinct, making his location easier to discern as he twisted in the air, He had to have heard me, or sensed me, that the only explanation I've got right now. Landing firmly on the ground and sliding a few inches, Sora didn't hesitate, kicking off the ground again, and striking out with a quick genjutsu he'd learned to get in his sisters' heads, and cause them to hear voices of doubt and despair (Pained Expressions). I need to throw him off if I'm going to land even a single strike... He lunged forward after the genjutsu was cast with a two punch combo to the chest (The One-Two), followed by a sweep of the leg, in an attempt to trip Yaku, throwing him off balance, and setting him up for another strike (Low Sweep).

[App. for BL/CA part 1]
WC: 344
The boy got up immediately. Oh man this is great! Hes really going all out. This is exactly what I Kill him! The boy charged again. NOW KILL HIM NOW! Yasu winced SHUT UP YOU'RE NOT REAL! The boy was on top of him at this point. Yasu jumped up. Launching his body and grabbing the boy by the shoulders and flipped over him, landing right behind him. Yasu turned to find the boy already attacking aging with a low sweep. HE IS JUST LIKE THE OTHERS! HE WILL KILL YOU! PLEASE STOP! Yasu back flipped over the boys leg and gained a solid distance from the boy. Yasu fell to his knees and grabbed his head. "STOP!" Yasu screamed. The voice in his head was to extreme to keep his thoughts to himself. Please! I... You're not...I...Don want to hurt anyone... Why is this happening!? Why can I hear you! SO god damn clearly! YOUR Yasu paused and looked up at the boy.

Yasu took a deep breath. "You're good." Yasu stood back up. "Cancel." Yasu smiled "Genjutsu... Normally i can see it coming a mile away." Yasu prepared himself fully this time. "Im still waiting for that name." Yasu smirked. "Ignore the mental breakdown. I was ready for your genjutsu but he wasn't. To be honest you threw me off with that one. It wont happen again." Maybe. Just maybe we can move past this and he wont ask to many questions.

Yasu wasn't exactly a speedster, like Sora was, but his reflexes and his timing were incredible to say the least. Neither of Sora's punches connected, as Yasu caught him by the shoulders and lifted himself over top Sora's head, staying just barely out of range, and using a minimalists amount of energy, followed by a flip back, barely avoiding Sora's low sweep to Yasu's legs, angain using hardly any energy. He's trying to tire me out. I have to get a punch in at some point, or I'll just- Sora's thought process was cut off suddenly with a jarring and violent scream.

Yasu was grabbing the sides of his head and had dropped down to his knees, his eyes wide and feral, not focused and honed like they were a moment before. He muttered something else, like he was talking to himself, and Sora left his low stance and stood up straight. Maybe I overdid it. He thought. Sora was about to end the genjutsu on Yasu's mind, when he spoke up, cancelling it himself.
"Ignore the mental breakdown. I was ready for your genjutsu but he wasn't. To be honest you threw me off with that one. It wont happen again."

"Uhh, no, no. We're talking about this. Are you ok? I didn't think I was gonna hurt you that much. Also, and this is a big also,' Sora, looked around for dramatic effect, clearly indicating they were alone, "What the hell do you mean we?" Sora didn't want to hut this kind, but he also wanted to win for once. He also didn't want to get involved with crazy, and that was starting to sound like that's where this might be headed. He was about to state that little nugget of information, when he heard an all too familiar voice from behind him, followed by the chakra sense he'd missed until now. "Maybe you shouldn't hurt people on your first day, baby brother." Sora turned on a dime, small traces of rage coloring his mostly vacant expression, "What the hell do you want, Akane." Sora spat out.

The dark hair Chuunin folded her arms, the exact same facial expression worn by Sora adorn on her face as well. "I'm walking Sachi home, since some boys are giving her a hard time. If you were a competent brother, you'd be taking care of it, so I don't have to take time out of my training." She only stood about five inches over Sora, but her confidence and intimidating demeanor made her seem much bigger, with eyes like burning embers, both in color and intensity. Sora didn't falter much, but almost forgot about Yasu as he inquired about Sachiko, who was a year older than him, but a lot sweeter than any of his siblings, including himself. "I'll take care of it, ok? Don't wanna inconvenience you." Sora said with attitude, sizing up his older sister. She scoffed and looked at Yasu. "His name is Sora. Feel free to kick his ass." and with that, she vanished with lightning speed.

Bitch... Sora thought, looking off int the distance. He turned back to Yasu and smirked wryly. "Uhh... you mind if we pause this for now? Call it a draw? I... gotta help my sister..."
The strange girl walked up to the boy. Completely interrupting the duel. Alright. I guess she just going to interrupt our battle. I guess its for the best....I... I said we...we?...Crazy... might not be wrong. Yasu stood still as the boy spoke to the rude girl. Suddenly Yasu had a thought that terrified him. His eyes grew wide, his hands shook.Gen.....Genjutsu...can only affect a mind...But...I was fine... HE wasn't...That mean... Hes...Real.
"His name is Sora"
Yasu was brought back from his thoughts by the rude girl. OH...Sister. Thats his sister.

"Uhh... you mind if we pause this for now? Call it a draw? I... gotta help my sister..."

Hes a big brother. Yasu smiled. "I mean ya thats fine." Yasu picked up his shield and started to walk away. "Technically that means I win. Until next time nemesis."

[Topic Closed/Left]

Current Ninpocho Time:
