Not too long ago, her brother had left to go on a pilgrimage. If it hadn't been for that, Roka could have easily asked him about the plant life within the heartland. After all, she knew he spent a lot of time here doing his whole camping thing. Regardless, Roka was now forced to venture forth, and somewhat aimlessly, within this forest. By now it was already noon, and she was already a little tired from the long walk down the dragon tooth's path. As she approached the tree lines, she stood back for a moment to admire the view. This region was overwhelmed with vegetation, animals, and insects. Sighing, shook her head and got right to work.
Pulling out a letter with the description of the two specific herbs she was to search for, as well as some drawings of them, she took note and committed a few things to memory. The first herb she needed to find had six leaves, all rounded at the tips, and were a dark green. Those grew by the riverbeds, according to the letter. The next was a unique herb with a pink flower in the middle, similar in apperance to common yard weed except for the pink flower. These apparently grew near rocks and moss. Apparently, someone had seen these plants and got curious but failed to collect them, themselves. "This mission makes no sense...." She thought to herself, realizing whoever saw these were to lazy to collect them.
Ignoring the thought, she pulled out moderate sized bag and prepared it as she walked through forest. Holding the bag in one hand, she reached out and placed her hand on titans, her familiar companion's, head before softly rubbing it. "Hey Titan, if you see a weed with a pink flower let me know, will ya?" She'd ask him, as he replied with a soft sneeze. Smiling, she continued on until she finally found a river. Side by side, the two walked the river bank for what seemed like hours, until they came across a clearing. Stopping to check it out, she looked around and saw what looked like an old forgotten campsite. Suddenly, Titan began to bark as he sniffed around.
"What is it?" She asked, as she approached him while cautiously looking around. Noticing titan's tail shaking, as he glanced up at her, she kind of put two and two together. "This must be one of Kazan's campsites." He thought. "You smell my brother, don't ya boy?" She asked, as she watched titan nod towards her question. "That's nice, but we really need to find these plants. Lets keep looking." She told him, with a slight chuckle.
From there on, the two continued to walk the land scape with titan briefly wondering off from time to time. By evening time, Roka had stumbled upon the motherload of one of the herbs. "Yes!" She shouted, as she bent down to collect the dark green herb with rounded leaf tips. Quickly, she gathered as many of them as she could while taking care not to damage them, or destroy the roots. Within twenty minutes, her first pouch was full and before she could feel pride in finally finding one of the plants, she heard Titan going crazy in the distance.
Rushing towards him, by following the sounds of his howls, she eventually came to an opening with a large boulder covered in moss. At the base of this boulder were several plants, appearing to be the second herb she was meant to find. However, Titans howls summoned more than just her; glancing to the right, she saw a massive serpent like creature. It's eyes seemed focused on Titan, until it's gaze suddenly met hers. With a sudden sense of ill intent, it was time to act. Dropping the bag of the herb she had just collected, Roka took the initiative and switched into both her Lighting Chakra Style and her Feral Shift style. Quickly, she glanced towards titan as her Alpha Status technique resonated with him. Together the two acted, dashing towards the serpent.
Once within reach, both Roka and Titan acted in Unison; combing their techniques together, and assaulting's the creature with a quick barrage of technique known as Dynamic Pierce. With three uses of it, She broke through the serpents skin. Unknown to the beast, her claws wear already poisoned several times over. Still, before it could properly react to the two of them, both Roka and Titan created distance as they watched the serpent flail in pain. As they waited for the beast to collect itself, they prepared themselves. While the first strike was theirs, it now had reason to let lose it's wrath upon them. Still, in Roka's mind it was either attack or be attacked.
Regardless, once the creature was ready to fight the three would engage in a fierce combat that would last only a few minutes. Blows would be traded, but ultimate the combination of Roka and Titan would prevail. The serpent would slither away, leaving Roka to claim what was left of the herb near the boulder. Grabbing her other bag, she quickly filled it rushed to pick up the other. "Lets get out of here before that things comes back with friends." She told Titan, as the two went running through the forest. She had no intention on figuring out how such a large serpent existed within this forest, but somehow she wondered if Kazan knew anything about them. She'd have to ask him once he got back.
[Wc: 900+] [Marked for Training] [Topic Enter/Left]
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Pulling out a letter with the description of the two specific herbs she was to search for, as well as some drawings of them, she took note and committed a few things to memory. The first herb she needed to find had six leaves, all rounded at the tips, and were a dark green. Those grew by the riverbeds, according to the letter. The next was a unique herb with a pink flower in the middle, similar in apperance to common yard weed except for the pink flower. These apparently grew near rocks and moss. Apparently, someone had seen these plants and got curious but failed to collect them, themselves. "This mission makes no sense...." She thought to herself, realizing whoever saw these were to lazy to collect them.
Ignoring the thought, she pulled out moderate sized bag and prepared it as she walked through forest. Holding the bag in one hand, she reached out and placed her hand on titans, her familiar companion's, head before softly rubbing it. "Hey Titan, if you see a weed with a pink flower let me know, will ya?" She'd ask him, as he replied with a soft sneeze. Smiling, she continued on until she finally found a river. Side by side, the two walked the river bank for what seemed like hours, until they came across a clearing. Stopping to check it out, she looked around and saw what looked like an old forgotten campsite. Suddenly, Titan began to bark as he sniffed around.
"What is it?" She asked, as she approached him while cautiously looking around. Noticing titan's tail shaking, as he glanced up at her, she kind of put two and two together. "This must be one of Kazan's campsites." He thought. "You smell my brother, don't ya boy?" She asked, as she watched titan nod towards her question. "That's nice, but we really need to find these plants. Lets keep looking." She told him, with a slight chuckle.
From there on, the two continued to walk the land scape with titan briefly wondering off from time to time. By evening time, Roka had stumbled upon the motherload of one of the herbs. "Yes!" She shouted, as she bent down to collect the dark green herb with rounded leaf tips. Quickly, she gathered as many of them as she could while taking care not to damage them, or destroy the roots. Within twenty minutes, her first pouch was full and before she could feel pride in finally finding one of the plants, she heard Titan going crazy in the distance.
Rushing towards him, by following the sounds of his howls, she eventually came to an opening with a large boulder covered in moss. At the base of this boulder were several plants, appearing to be the second herb she was meant to find. However, Titans howls summoned more than just her; glancing to the right, she saw a massive serpent like creature. It's eyes seemed focused on Titan, until it's gaze suddenly met hers. With a sudden sense of ill intent, it was time to act. Dropping the bag of the herb she had just collected, Roka took the initiative and switched into both her Lighting Chakra Style and her Feral Shift style. Quickly, she glanced towards titan as her Alpha Status technique resonated with him. Together the two acted, dashing towards the serpent.
Once within reach, both Roka and Titan acted in Unison; combing their techniques together, and assaulting's the creature with a quick barrage of technique known as Dynamic Pierce. With three uses of it, She broke through the serpents skin. Unknown to the beast, her claws wear already poisoned several times over. Still, before it could properly react to the two of them, both Roka and Titan created distance as they watched the serpent flail in pain. As they waited for the beast to collect itself, they prepared themselves. While the first strike was theirs, it now had reason to let lose it's wrath upon them. Still, in Roka's mind it was either attack or be attacked.
Regardless, once the creature was ready to fight the three would engage in a fierce combat that would last only a few minutes. Blows would be traded, but ultimate the combination of Roka and Titan would prevail. The serpent would slither away, leaving Roka to claim what was left of the herb near the boulder. Grabbing her other bag, she quickly filled it rushed to pick up the other. "Lets get out of here before that things comes back with friends." She told Titan, as the two went running through the forest. She had no intention on figuring out how such a large serpent existed within this forest, but somehow she wondered if Kazan knew anything about them. She'd have to ask him once he got back.
[Wc: 900+] [Marked for Training] [Topic Enter/Left]
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