Ninpocho Chronicles

Ninpocho Chronicles is a fantasy-ish setting storyline, set in an alternate universe World of Ninjas, where the Naruto and Boruto series take place. This means that none of the canon characters exists, or existed here.

Each ninja starts from the bottom and start their training as an Academy Student. From there they develop abilities akin to that of demigods as they grow in age and experience.

Along the way they gain new friends (or enemies), take on jobs and complete contracts and missions for their respective villages where their training and skill will be tested to their limits.

The sky is the limit as the blank page you see before you can be filled with countless of adventures with your character in the game.

This is Ninpocho Chronicles.

Current Ninpocho Time:

He's Lost:: SSM

Standing atop the castle tower, Umashi sighed as he leaned against the sturdy stone bricks and looked out before him at the territory that they’d so long fought for. To him, over a decade had passed, but from all the accounts that he could gain from the outside, over nine months had passed. In the time that had passed he’d learned a great deal and had come to gain a mastery over the powers that he was gifted with. Like a blessing, he’d embraced the gifts of the Pheonix and had become a symbol that the people here could believe in.

However the people in the Void Realm weren’t exactly the same as those outside of it. Whereas the people here were completely and totally focused on making sure that life could go on, that there would be a brighter future for the people who simply went to bed and dreamed their dreams, those on the outside no doubt weren’t as in tune with their responsibilities. To them it was only normal to worry about the mundane things in life, the pursuits of happiness and the warm embrace of the arms of the ones you loved.

Umashi was gifted no such reprieve. While he’d been locked away in this world beyond, no doubt Yomi had come to bear their child and was busy nursing as all mothers did. His face riddled with guilt, Umashi chewed on his bottom lip and again sighed as he thought of the woman that he had left behind. It was completely and totally unfair to have left her with the burden that he tasked her with. It was a foregone conclusion to even him that once he was back with her that he would spend the rest of his days trying to make it up.

Hearing the rumble of thunder before he saw the crackle of lightning, Umashi was stirred from his thoughts by the presence of the Phoenix appearing beside him, bathed in warm glowing flames. Though she was a being of few words, she alerted him to the coming storm as she placed a knowing hand on his shoulder and he turned to nod at her. He knew that his time with this realm was soon to be over. Blood had been spilled to hold this position, and though having defended it tooth and nail from the moment that they had procured it, Umashi was willing to leave it all behind.

It was simply time to go home but going home meant embracing the teachings that the Phoenix had taught him. His learning trials as a Hokage were coming to a close in this chapter, but beyond the void lay more traps and conflicts to traverse. As the storm started to twist, turn and become more violent, Umashi was not surprised to hear the screech of the Dark Phoenix ready for its escape.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

A burly man, Masato was by all accounts a gentle giant. Hailing from the Coffee Republic, both he and his wife, Rieko were newcomers to the village of Konoha but were every bit excited to own the small shop that they could afford. Sellers of a certain Coffee Republic brand of Coffee, the two managed their simple life as best as they could and although they were cordial, they tended to keep a quiet life.

Waking up early, Masato got up out of bed and began to shuffle around the apartment above their shop as he got ready for his day. Dressing himself in simple clothes, he pulled a tunic over his muscled yet scarred body and hummed a tune to himself. As he busied himself about his morning routine, he did his best to focus on having a positive day. Making a satisfying pot of coffee and a simple breakfast, the man went to go wake his wife up from her slumber.

With the covers wrapped around her, Rieko slept peacefully. Smiling as he marveled at her body, the man for a moment could almost forget the life that they were trying to escape from, the people that they had been before. Moving to sit at the edge of the bed, he ran a hand along her body and beckoned her awake.
“Rise and shine sleepyhead! If you don’t get up and get some food in your stomach soon, then we’ll be late for the appointment.” As if to sweeten the deal, he gave her a kiss on the forehead as the woman lazily opened an eye, reached over for his pillow and smacked him in the head with it.

”Ugh, I cannot wait until this child is born and I can get my life back!” Smirking all the while, the woman sighed and rolled herself out of bed. With the help of her husband she was soon up and about and sitting before a healthy breakfast of fruit and toast. Eating her breakfast slowly, she listened on as her husband spoke of the business and the shipments that were due soon. Of the two, Rieko was the more excitable one and for her, the mundane way that they lived their lives was wearing a bit thin, but a kick in her belly from their soon to be born child was enough to bring her to her senses.

”Your child thinks that we should change the subject to something more exciting, like the price of rice in Kumogakure.” Deadpanning, Masato squinted his eyes and muttered under his breath before bursting into laughter. It did not take long for either of them to finish their breakfast and soon they were off to a doctor’s visit. Walking hand in hand, the two of them looked the epitome of expectant parents. They were glowing with love and happy thoughts about the future. As they waited to cross a busy intersection, Masato spied an ominous cloud on the horizon. Brushing it off as mere passing bad weather, suddenly his wife cried out in pain and clutched at her belly.

Reaching out to grab her before she fell, thoughts of the child flashed by in his mind. As if on cue the storm that was previously in the background moved at an impossible pace and threatened to cover the whole of the whole of the village. Scooping his wife up, Masato heard the screech of what he assumed to be a large bird and took off running towards the hospital. Feeling frail in his arms, his wife moaned as she tensed up for another round of shooting pain. Reaching down past her waist, Rieko found that her hand was sticky with blood and she blacked out.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Falling through the void breach, Umashi tore after the Dark Phoenix. Though he couldn’t fly, the boost that he’d received from the Phoenix on the other side of the void had propelled him enough that he wasn’t lagging behind the materialized dark chakra creature before him. Around them a dazzling display of colors danced around them and like the light at the end of the tunnel, Umashi could see Konoha looming just far off in the distance. Soon the Dark Phoenix would be freed and he’d have an even tougher time trying to contain it.

Though he continued to pummel the creature with ninjutsu after ninjutsu, he found that he was not making much of a dent against the creature. In fact, his attacks while in the wormhole like breach were more wasting time than loosening up his opponent. When the Dark Pheonix struck out at him, black flames burned at not only his skin but his chakra as well. Falling through the void tear, the Dark Phoenix flapped its wings and took control of its flight as Umashi started to fall helplessly towards the ground. Making a string of hand seals, Umashi clapped his hands together and summoned forth a large multi-handed statue.

Materializing in enough time to capture Umashi in his descent, the used the statue to reach out and grab hold of the Dark Phoenix. Feeling the strain of the statue even within himself, Umashi summoned forth one creature after another, from clones to creations as he did everything in his power to keep the Dark Phoenix from escaping. Hearing the sirens blaring all throughout Konoha, Umashi struggled on as the Dark Phoenix wrestled away from its captor and took to causing mayhem and destruction by releasing a pulse wave of chakra around it.

For the briefest of moments, Umashi found himself hating everything that the Dark Phoenix stood for, namely war and chaos. However, the lesson from the Sage quickly followed in his mind as he realized that the very nature of the Dark Phoenix was just as intrinsic to the Will of Fire as the normal Phoenix of Light was. Finding his body moving off of pure instinct more so than thought, Umashi attacked the Dark Phoenix with everything that he had. As if inspired by the man who had come through the void, Umashi was surprised when others joined the battle as well.

To those onlookers, the battle raged on like something from a movie. Creatures made of chakra and shinobi tasked with defending the village clashed with everything they had. Though the Barrier Corps. were able to keep the mayhem to a closed off area, everything within the barrier was used as a weapon by those within. Ignoring burns and bruises, Umashi found that when he ceased thinking of himself, that the wounds seemed to heal on their own and his chakra never seemed to quite be depleted. Perhaps it was a critically injuring lightning jutsu, or perhaps it was because the Dark Phoenix finally was worn down, but the combined forces of Umashi and the shinobi within the barrier were able to beat the creature down into the ground.

When Umashi saw that it was on the ropes, he intended to send the creature back through the void but an eager shinobi attempted an inferior elemental suppression seal which caused enough of a break in Umashi’s concentration that the large creature was able to shrink into a dark wisp of chakra and float away. Releasing his creations, Umashi hit the ground hard and ran after the small floating ball of chakra hoping to capture it before it found a host to join to and take over. Running through the battle worn streets, Umashi could feel his battle heightened senses starting to return to normal levels.

Tired, weary, and ready to collapse, he turned a corner expecting to find the smaller misaligned Phoenix floating with nowhere to go but what he instead found were the bodies of a man and woman embracing. Still and lifeless, it was clear that something had fallen around them but was diverted by someone due to the rubble around them. Instantly feeling sorrowful due to feeling somewhat responsible for their plight, Umashi was about to walk off and continue the hunt for the dark phoenix when he heard the shrill cry of a baby.

Perking up, he turned his head inquisitively towards the family and as he got closer, the sound of the crying baby got louder, but what was even more worrisome was the fact that the chakra signature of the Dark Phoenix did as well. Though he had every reason to fear the worse, that the Dark Phoenix had killed the parents of the child, when he finally was standing over the sad sight of a newborn baby girl, her hastily cut umbilical cord and the faint chakra signature of the Dark Phoenix all over the girl told him everything that he needed to know.

Too small to have been a full term baby, it was clear that the Dark Phoenix had found another host. Reaching down to pick the newborn up, there were many options that Umashi held. He could kill the child and capture the dark force within her, he could banish her to another realm, or he could simply let her be and drop her off at an orphanage. To have fought so hard to make it back home and to finally be face to face with his enemy, more than one life was now in Umashi’s hands. Without thinking further on the many options that he had, Umashi made the only decision that seem right with the universe in his eyes.

OOC: Rewards and a half due to double the WC
Topic Left

Mission Name: He’s Lost
Your OOC Rank: S Rank SSM
Other Participants: Umashi
Mission Types: After having fought the forces of the Dark Phoenix for years, Umashi brings the fight back home and reappears for the first time in months. As he seeks to complete his mission, his reappearance has unintended consequences.

Current Ninpocho Time:
