Ninpocho Chronicles

Ninpocho Chronicles is a fantasy-ish setting storyline, set in an alternate universe World of Ninjas, where the Naruto and Boruto series take place. This means that none of the canon characters exists, or existed here.

Each ninja starts from the bottom and start their training as an Academy Student. From there they develop abilities akin to that of demigods as they grow in age and experience.

Along the way they gain new friends (or enemies), take on jobs and complete contracts and missions for their respective villages where their training and skill will be tested to their limits.

The sky is the limit as the blank page you see before you can be filled with countless of adventures with your character in the game.

This is Ninpocho Chronicles.

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:

Mission Hidden mission, colorful decorations!

Jan 11, 2021
OOC Rank
Mission details said:
Mission Name: Hidden mission, colorful decorations!
Mission Type: Self-modded mission.
Mission People: Ryota (mod/participant) and Uzu (participant)
Mission Rank: A
Objective: Ryota made up a very secret mission up and has asked help from one of the best shinobi that he has heard tales about. Yet what the other probably, maybe, doesn't know. is that is just a mischief act to paint the kage's place.
  • A-Rank: 35000 Yen, and 75 stat points or ASP (Mission Moderator gets +30)
  • A-Rank: 700 Words (by each party)

" Phosphorescent powders contain phosphors, which are little, naturally-fluorescent particles. When something is fluorescent, it illuminates when exposed to the right lights. You can find phosphorescent powders online, or at some craft and art supply stores. If you want your paint to be invisible in light and only seen when it glows, opt for a clear option, like an acrylic gel. If you want to see the paint in the light, choose an acrylic or tempera paint in a color you like. Place about 0.25 cups of phosphorescent powder into your bowl. Then, gradually pour about 1.25 cups of paint in, a little at a time, carefully stirring the mixture with a paint stirrer after each pour... That is so tiny! What the scratch. The luminescence in your phosphor-based paint is triggered when it makes contact with UV rays. The sun, ofcourse the sun what else a flashlight?!. It emits plenty of UV rays, so leave your paint by a sunlit window for about a half hour to ensure it glows vividly for as long as possible. Unsealed glow-in-the-dark paint likely won’t have much of a shelf life, so use it immediately after charging. Cover all kinds of objects in glowing paint by using a paint brush, spraying the paint on, splatter painting, or using another method of your choice. Then, turn off the lights to see how brightly each item shines!" He went over the instructions one last time before he looked over to the fresh made batches. He had around 12 buckets ready, all looking like regular paint colors.. Yet at night, they all would have different colors. The regular paint would last a lot longer then the UV paint inside, which was his prank. Something temporarly and not sticking for ages.

" I wonder if he will be ready for this..." The young teen muttered as he started to apply gravity jutsu to the buckets, making it easy to move as they became a lot lighter. He made his way towards the Kage tower and would hum a little song... A song from way in his past, unsure where he heard it from. "Uzu... The best shinobi in the hidden sands. or so say the rumors..." he muttered and would tug on the rope to bring the buckets closer. He now finally arrived to the Kage tower and would grin.. Part 1 complete... now part 2, have them paint the tower to give it a fresh look and at night.. spectacles! "If the kage tower stands out during the day, it is bad... and it must beupheld in a good shape for visitors to see."

WC: 438 MFT


New Member
May 4, 2023
OOC Rank
An icy cold wind blew through the upper reaches of the rooftop Uzu crouched on, staring down at the newly erected Kazekage tower in all it’s splendor. True to the new owner’s tastes it had that “touch of Soon,” that represented the constituents that controlled their humble military village. To the legendary assassin who’s managed to pass through multiple generations beyond his own, launched into the future he should have died in some thirty yeas ago; it was a gaudy piece of trash.

The tower had a weird spiral to it. Colored ivory white it looked like a giant elephant’s tusk jutting out of the ground with a staircase carved into the edges to give it the twist he hated. At the top of the tower was a large golden ball topped with a set of jewels that reflected down onto the ground different colors like a keladiscope as the sun moved over their heads throughout the day. The golden ball itself was where Wei resided entirely, rarely coming out of the tower itself as he fortified the defenses of his own prosterier than work on the openings in their defense.

That was Uzu’s job, he vividly recall being reprimanded recently.

While they weren’t wrong, because Tama and Shin had asked him out of retirement to come shore up Suna’s defenses a year ago, the old assassin rarely took being rebuked well. Something of that rebellious spark from his youth ever remained there, and if nothing else his damnable pride refused to take being spoken down to by a man who couldn’t handle even the lightest pressure. He had personally seen the Steward throw his hands up in frustration, scream at his fellow ANBU while his personal guards menaced them from acting, and attack the non-military personal.

So, when he got an order to shame him - painting the Kazekage tower - only the most malicious of thoughts entered Toushin’s head. His first plan had been to mix paint with cactus sugar and see how well the Steward enjoyed chiggers; but then found outsourcing that amount of sugar would have cost him far more than he had to spend. Not without some big favors, and he was done owing people those. However, the last Uzu was a resourceful person if nothing else, and already had a back-up plan.

Toraono Ryota. The boy had been making some headlines in his office as a prankster, a hot-head, and a the definituon of a rebellious teenager. Uzu didn’t care why he was acting out, he looked at the kid’s knack for pulling pranks that would have gotten others murdered. The “paint job” Ryota had pulled on Akkuma’s infamous casino was something that should have seen a private hit squad on the lookout for the boy, but, be it either his relationship with Michino or some other intervention - nothing happened.

In his hands was a tool that could easily be exploited for Uzu’s petty whims. Pulling a few strings he redirected his own orders to paint the tower into a supervisory roll, and then specifically asked for Ryota. Made sure to pull him in on a day he was supposed to be relaxing or had plans so that the Toraono’s ire was peak, increasing the likely hood that he would try to pull some kind of prank; which is exactly, what the assassin wanted.

After all, if Ryota did a bad job all Uzu had to say was he was a shinobi, and just pulled one over on him. It would give the kid a little recognition, and give him a heavily desired revenge against a useless tyrant.

Another cold breeze blew by the older man as warmth began to mix in. The first rays of the sun began to streak across the dark sky, bringing forth the dawn. That’s right - Toushin also made sure to pluck the boy at the worst time of the day he could too! Standing up from his crouch, the man leaped off the building and landed on the ground without a sound, cloud of dust, or any indication he had jumped at all with a masterful control of chakra before slowly stalking up the tower to await his pawn.

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:
