Ninpocho Chronicles

Ninpocho Chronicles is a fantasy-ish setting storyline, set in an alternate universe World of Ninjas, where the Naruto and Boruto series take place. This means that none of the canon characters exists, or existed here.

Each ninja starts from the bottom and start their training as an Academy Student. From there they develop abilities akin to that of demigods as they grow in age and experience.

Along the way they gain new friends (or enemies), take on jobs and complete contracts and missions for their respective villages where their training and skill will be tested to their limits.

The sky is the limit as the blank page you see before you can be filled with countless of adventures with your character in the game.

This is Ninpocho Chronicles.

Current Ninpocho Time:

Hidden Vandalism [B-Rank/SSM]

Dec 12, 2014
OOC Rank
Violent Protection said:
Type: Self-Modded Mission
Rank: B-Rank
Description: A series of vandalism became more severe as more reports of destructions of small restaurants and houses. Yuu must find the vandal who destroyed them.

Yuu hates someone who hurts his family and that includes his own home. It was only a few days ago, but after his daily training, he found the exterior of his house is in shambles. Although his family and the interior were unharmed, he became angry to whoever responsible for this vandalism. Then once he got a mission briefing regarding this repeated offense carried out on other houses as well with small restaurants, he wasted no time to accept the mission to stop the vandals.

Right now, he was in Seki District during night time jumping from each building to search for the vandals. However, he dropped down from one building and landed in the alley before he scanned the area from left to right. "All right. The last known location of those vandals is where they destroyed most of ramen restaurant's supplies nearby, so they can't run off too far." Once he finished looking around, he then ran out and head to his destination on the ground as he thought, "Some of the Chuunin will arrest them after I find and incapacitate them. Of course, I can't expect Yuri to jump in and possess my body again."

However, he stopped running when he saw a middle-aged man laughing while carrying a dagger on his right hand, which the young Genin then hid behind a signboard and started eavesdropping on the man. "Tch... I can't believe we only destroyed some boxes at another house when we should have stolen most of their loot! Oh well... At least we get to bust into a fancy house down by the street."

"A fancy house? I don't know about that, but I have to stop him and whoever's responsible for this, if I know what they are planning... If Yuri still active, he would criticize my act first, question later approach." Seeing that he needed more information, he left the signboard and quietly approached the man while he pulled out his sword.

"I just hope I won't mess this up or the big boss will cut me down in half." But as he said this, a blade suddenly appeared near his neck, which shocked him a lot as he slowly turned around to see Yuu holding his sword behind him.

"Really, cause I might do that first unless you cooperate," Yuu said with a mischievous grin. While he can use any means to interrogate his opponent, he didn't like killing them as his parasite would. Yet he would still use this to get any information out of him. "Now, tell me why you vandalized every restaurant and houses in here, including my own?! And please, don't lie unless you want to lose your head."

While it might be a bluff for Yuu, his actions to immobilized the criminal caused him to give in and told him everything, which Yuu's eyes widened in shock when he heard what he said. "So that's why?! Then I need to move now!" But before he did, he pulled out his Ninja Wire and tied his captive onto a lamppost. "There, you're staying here until my backup arrives to arrest you."

With that said, Yuu then left the criminal as he pleaded not to leave him tied up. "If what that guy said is true, then this would be a big disaster if they succeed. I need to hurry!"


At a large house somewhere in Seki District, five men stood outside as a man with a tattooed right arm walked up to the door with a spiked bat around his shoulder and said, "Heh... I can't believe we're allowed to do anything we want and all we have to earn this is to vandalize any random houses and restaurants we're assigned to. Guess patience does have its rewards."

"But boss, do you really know who our client is?" One of the bandits asked their leader, who was some unsure of his superior that always assigned to these tasks. "You said you were called on to even do these dirty jobs and you're okay with no details."

"No clue, but I don't care. As long we stick to the plan, all that loot is ours!" With that said, the leader then kicked the door down as his comrades followed him inside with their grins shown on their faces when they raised their weapons. "After we're done here, we're getting out of this cold joint as possible!"

"Really? Well, I like the snow in here and nobody insults my home village!"

Upon they heard the young boy's voice, the bandits turned around and much to the leader's shock, they saw Yuu flashed a big grin while dragging the bandit from earlier with his sword sling around his shoulder. "Y-You!! You're the blue-haired demon brat!!!" His comrades then turned to their leader with confused looks on their faces while Yuu's grin turned into a frown upon he heard his new nickname.

"Do you know that kid, boss?"

"No, but the friends who were arrested mentioned this kid. They said that this kid shinobi wearing blue can change from a nosy brat to a monster in a drop of a hat. I even heard that some bandits were tortured by his Genjutsu with an evil grin on his face!" When he explained this to his comrades, their expressions were mixed with disbelief and confusion. "I don't know if that's true or not, but all I know is that brat's bad news!"

"You know, I'm still standing right here! And "blue-haired demon brat"?! That's a whole new way of insulting me!" While he vaguely remembered that said event, he did know who was really responsible for it. "Also, I heard your plans from your friend here to destroy and steal some valuables from this house. Good thing I managed to get here on time. Now drop your weapons or you will suffer some consequences!"

"How about a third option? Kill him before he uses his Genjutsu!" The bandits nodded to their leader before they raised their weapons and charged into the Genin. However, Yuu quickly made some handseals, which two clones of him appeared near him as they grinned mischievously to their opponents.

"I don't need a Genjutsu to stop you creeps! Split up and take them down!" Yuu shouted before he and his clones charged onto the bandits. "I have to take them down quickly, though. The more time I waste, the more chances these guys can escape!"

As they charged on their opponents, two of the bandits about to swing their maces to the clones, but one of them quickly made some handseals and clapped his hands, which lightning bolts came out and strike out in multiple directions that not only temporarily blind the bandits, but also stunned one of them when a stray bolt hit him on his back. Upon he saw his ally incapacitated after he recovered from his blindness, the bandit grew angry and tried to swing his mace to one of the clones, but one of them quickly grabbed his arm holding the mace while another one quickly made another set of handseals and with his right fist now enveloped in electricity, he punched the bandit to the right side of his jaw, which not only shocked him completely but also paralyzed him to the point he fainted to the ground after that.

"Why you little... Stop his clones! We can't kill him if they keep running around!" The leader shouted with rage as two more bandits charged into the young Genin's clones, which they also charged onto their opponents. But as they reached them and about to attack them, one of the clones tripped on the leader's leg, which caused him to fall on another clone as they tumbled down to the bandits. And before they land on the ground, one of the bandits quickly hit both of them in the back with his mace as the leader grinned evilly to this. "Two down, one to go."

However, Yuu's clones looked up and grinned to their opponents as one of them says, "Really? We were about to say the same thing." Before they can react, the clones suddenly disappear with bolts of electricity in their wake as they flew in random directions, which they hit two more bandits. This caused them to suffer paralyzation as their leader watched in horror.


But in an instant, he suddenly felt a jolt of electricity in him as he quickly stumbled before a wire tied to a kunai flew in his direction, which it barely hit his right foot. And before he can react, Yuu then appeared above the remaining bandit and quickly tied him up with the same wire, which caused him to fell on the floor as he glared at his new captor. "Sorry, as much I want to smack your head for messing my neighborhood, but one, my mission is to capture you, not to kill you, not my style. And two, I'm really tired of running around the whole day looking for you and your gang." The bandit leader just continued to glare at the young Genin, which he groaned at this as he looked away from him and pulls out his sword from his sheath. "Alright, first off, why did you go so much in vandalizing the restaurants and houses before all of this?! Try to stay silent for 10 seconds or lie and you know what happens."

"What? You'll try to use your petty illusions again?" The bandits grinned evilly as while he was aware of his reputation, he tried to endure what he thought of his Genjutsu. However, Yuu just smiled at him before he gathered some chakra from his hand, forming a sphere before he smacked it on a nearby wall, which caused it to shatter as the sphere spun through it. This caused the bandit to watch in fear and screamed, "It's my boss's idea! Please, stop forming that chakra ball! I'll do anything!"

Yuu quickly fell on the floor, which he was caught off-guard by his answer. "Boss? What do you mean?!"

"I don't know. That guy paid us a huge amount of Yen, so you know we can't refuse. Even if we just vandalized some homes and such, we always get a lot of money as an end result!" Thinking that he was lying, Yuu pulled out his sword and put the blade near the bandit's neck, which he panicked and shouted, "It's true! We even got the money as promised before we went here earlier!"

While he was still suspicious at his answer, he did admit about his motives. Yet, there is still one question remained. "Okay... I believe you on that part. But do you know who is your boss?"

"No clue! But I did meet him once in person after I got a letter from him a few weeks ago. The condition is that I have to meet him alone, so leave my boys out of this interrogation!" Upon he saw his expression of fear and panic, Yuu doubted that he lied about his meeting. "He didn't tell me why he wanted us to vandalize these houses, but I can tell you who it is and it's-" But before he can tell the Genin on his boss's name, the leader quickly froze in horror as Yuu looked down and became shocked to see a kunai pierced into his chest. Even worst as there is an explosive tag attached to it, which is now activated. "W-Why? I-I thought we had a deal... I-"

Horrified that there was now a ticking time bomb and the leader mortally injured, Yuu quickly tried to pull the kunai out of his chest as he shouted, "H-Hey, hey, hey, hey! Try to stay with me! Don't you dare die! You have to tell me the name of your boss right now!" But before he can even help him even further, he quickly fainted to the ground for a few seconds, which he quickly woke up and ran away as the bomb quickly exploded, which it destroyed the front gate of the house as many shinobi arrived too late, horrified at the scene in front of him.

But before they can even try to use their jutsu to douse the flames from the trees and nearby houses, someone quickly jumped in front of the shinobi, which revealed to be Yuu carrying the 4 surviving bandits, who are now possessed by his spider parasite as his eyes' pupils are now slitted. "Idiot! If I hadn't possessed that hothead, we would have been killed in that explosion!" He whispered as he turned around and saw the bandits, which despite their beaten state, are still alive, but unconscious. "At least I give him a favor by saving these remaining humans."


As the Chuunin arrested the surviving bandits while some of them douse the fire with Water Ninjutsu, Yuri is now back into his spider form in Yuu's mind as he scolded the young boy for his reckless actions, which he frowned in dismay, not because of his parasite's lecture. When the parasite is done scolding, Yuu then spoke up, "Hey Yuri. What happened to the bandit leader?"</COLOR><i></i> However, when he asked this, the spider only replied in silence as he turned his head away from him. This made Yuu realized what he was trying to say as he hung his head in distraught. "I see..."

Yuu growled at this realization and punched the spider web floor beneath him. <COLOR color="#4000FF">"DAMN IT! I was so close to learning that bandit's boss! B-But I... I..."<i></i> He then started to cry while kneeling on the floor as Yuri was surprised at his reaction to all of this. While he did tell him that he will stop the vandals who destroyed most of his neighborhood, he never expected the young Genin to break down even if he stopped them. He wanted to ask why he cared for that bandit leader's life rather than his current goal, but for some reason, he felt the same sadness Yuu experienced, which he decided not to do so.

"Don't dwell on the past now, Yuu. The main point is that you've managed to arrest those vandals. That's it." However, he didn't like to jump into his host's situations like this, but he decided on an alternate solution regarding this aftermath. "But I doubt we can't leave this unattended. I suggest you head to the Chuunin and explain your situation truthfully. Hopefully, you might able to track the true culprit in the near future."

While he was surprised at the spider's suggestion, the Genin realized that he had a point. If he let the higher-ups investigate the bandit's true leader, he might able to avert the same fate as that deceased bandit. With that, Yuu wiped his tears from his face and said, "Yeah. If that guy thinks he can get away by using that man as a disposable puppet, he's got another thing coming! No matter what, I will not let him leave any more bodies! I will protect the village as well with my loved ones!"<i></i>

(Topic entered/left)

(Jutsu used:
>> Elemental Clone
>> Thunderclap
>> Thunderfist
>> Rasengan)

[MFT/WC: 2537]

Current Ninpocho Time:
