Ninpocho Chronicles

Ninpocho Chronicles is a fantasy-ish setting storyline, set in an alternate universe World of Ninjas, where the Naruto and Boruto series take place. This means that none of the canon characters exists, or existed here.

Each ninja starts from the bottom and start their training as an Academy Student. From there they develop abilities akin to that of demigods as they grow in age and experience.

Along the way they gain new friends (or enemies), take on jobs and complete contracts and missions for their respective villages where their training and skill will be tested to their limits.

The sky is the limit as the blank page you see before you can be filled with countless of adventures with your character in the game.

This is Ninpocho Chronicles.

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:

Hitsugaya Ryoku

Hitsugaya Ryoku

New Member
Sep 2, 2018
Name: Hitsugaya Ryoku
Age: 10
Gender: Male


Physical Description:
Height: 150 cm (4’11)
Weight: 45 kg (99.3 lbs)
Hair Color: White
Eye Color: Blue
Complexion: Pale
Clothing: Prefers to wear light clothing to remain light on his feet. A common trend among his attire is a turtle-neck with a stretchy collar that doubles as a face mask.

Mental Description:
The easiest way to understand Ryoku, is to know that his mind moves too fast for his environment. As a result it is hard to keep his attention for too long unless someone is able to do something extravagant enough to distract him. Another side effect of this state of mind is that he tends to babble. However, he is painfully aware of these bad habits of his and he tries to avoid them by not talking about something unless someone asks, but when something really excites him, sometimes he can’t help but talk about it.

Ryoku is not a person with ambitious goals. He is only truly interested in doing things that seem fun. This is his sole motivation for joining the Ninja Academy. He has watched Shinobi fight first hand and the extravagant nature of their battle was enough to get him to choose the profession he wanted to pursue. Any chance that he gets to see a new form of Ninjutsu he will take without hesitation. He is even the type of person to be more excited in a battle that he is losing than scared or worried.

Ryoku if a very quick study, however due to his small attention span, he is terrible at learning. The combination of all of his personality traits mean that he is only truly suitable for learning things on the go.

Aside from his hyperactive mind, Ryoku is incredibly friendly and caring. However, he is incapable of taking a situation seriously and some people think he is mildly Psychopathic due to his ability to smile in any situation. This character flaw is potentially a way to make him a better shinobi, able to remain calm clear-headed in battle no matter the circumstances. However this does not necessarily mean that he will make the best decisions since he will always prioritize having a great time on the battle field.

Despite the fact that people assume that nothing phases Ryoku, the reality of the situation is that he is very good at hiding his emotions. He feels the weight of any bad decision he makes due to his own hubris and need for challenge. Despite this, he is unable to fight off his selfish urges.

His one true dream is to become strong and die in battle to an opponent much stronger than him.

Ryoku was born to civilian parents in the Leaf Village as the second of a set of twin boys. His older brother, Jun, was born with thick black hair and strong brown eyes, like their father. Meanwhile, Ryoku was born with soft white hair and calm blue eyes, like their mother. Their parents, Danno and Hisa, met in culinary school and became pretty well-known chefs throughout the village’s food community.

As the boys grew, Jun appeared to be much more receptive to the parents’ teachings when it came to cooking when compared against Ryoku. Ryoku had no interest in cooking and believed it to be “boring”, so his parents decided that they would not force their profession on their children. As it turned out, Jun did not care for cooking either, but he just never made his lack of interest known. Danno and Hisa decided to allow the boys to explore their own dreams and ensured them that they would have their parents’ full support.

Unfortunately for Ryoku, he had no clue what he wanted to do for the rest of his life. He was just a child after all. All he cared about was doing something that wasn’t boring. Jun, on the other hand, seemed completely apathetic to the subject. Ryoku could never tell what was going through his brother’s mind, but he didn’t care.

Not long after turning 10 years old, the boys were abducted in the middle of the night by some psychopath who somehow managed to operate within the village walls without being discovered for years. They were rescued by a Leaf Shinobi and Ryoku was so impressed by the ninja’s abilities that he knew that he wanted to become a shinobi. The very next day Ryoku and his brother applied to the Ninja Academy and were soon after accepted. Ryoku was more than excited to begin his journey to becoming a powerful ninja.

Core Ability:
Ryoku’s arms were sore and his wrists were itchy. He didn’t even know how long he had been suspended from the ceiling. He looked to his left and he saw his brother, Jun. His face seemed to be a strange combination of fear and relief. Ryoku suddenly became aware of his own face. It was extremely stiff and twitchy. His face muscles were almost in pain. It was then that he realized that he had been uncontrollably smiling for the past several minutes.

He shifted his gaze back to in front of him and he saw the body of the man who had abducted him and his brother. He was on his back with his own katana plunged deep into his chest. He was motionless and his final expression was that of disbelief. The man who put the katana was still there standing above him. He grabbed the katana by the hilt and pulled it slowly out of the dead body. He then quickly swiped it to his side and the blood on the blade was splattered onto the floor next to him.

The man slowly walked over to Ryoku, whose unnerving grin only became shakier. He cut the binding that held his ankles together and then he cut the rope that tethered him to the ceiling. Ryoku fell about three inches onto the floor, but he did not land gracefully on his feet. He fell to his knees and caught himself with his hands, kicking up a decent amount of dust from the grimy floor. The pressure around his wrists was relieved. He rubbed them for a second and then dust was kicked up into his face from his left. He brother was now also on the floor.

“You’re safe now,” Ryoku heard the man say, followed by the loud clanging of the katana being dropped onto the floor. “Let’s get you out of here.” The man began walking towards the exit. The brothers got up at their own pace and began to follow the stranger. Ryoku had so many questions. So many things he wanted to say, but the amount of excitement rushing through him was too much. He couldn’t find the words he was looking for. His entire body was shaking.

“Who was that guy and why are we here?” Jun asked in an aggressive and borderline furious tone.

The stranger was silent for a second as he continued to walk through the building towards the exit. The sound of every footstep echoed in the empty hallways of whatever building they were in. “That man is someone the village has been trying to track down for years,” he finally responded to break the uncomfortable silence. “He’s been harvesting children with large pools of chakra for a while. There aren’t many untrained children with as much chakra as you, so he doesn’t strike often.” He stopped at a ladder that led up to a man-hole, presumably to the surface. He began to climb it. Ryoku attempted to follow after him but his arms were shaking so much that he was having an exceptionally difficult time. Jun, becoming impatient, shoved Ryoku out of the way and followed quickly after the stranger. Ryoku’s need to hear more from the stranger allowed him to overcome the shakiness he was experiencing. He quickly climbed up the ladder and as he climbed out to the surface onto solid ground, the stranger closed the man-hole cover behind him.

Ryoku noticed that they were now in a very remote corner of the village that he was not at all familiar with. It was nearly pitch dark, the only light coming from the sparse, dim street lights and the moon. The stranger began to walk again. “You two are unnaturally attuned to your Chakra for children your age,” he said. “Not to mention the fact that you are completely untrained. Some of the Sensor Shinobi noticed you early on and we’ve been keeping an eye on you since. Just in case this scum bag decided to show his face again. Luckily he did so we could put a stop to him. Unfortunately he put up a fight so I had to kill him.”

For the next several minutes, Jun only asked boring questions such as why the man was targeting children with a lot of chakra, how many children he successfully captured, and what happened to them. Ryoku did not care about any of that stuff. He just replayed the battle between that man and the Stranger over and over again in his head.

“You two should apply to the Ninja Academy.” Ryoku’s attention was immediately brought back to the conversation. The stranger stopped walking. Ryoku looked up and noticed that they were in front of his house. “With chakra like that stored up, you could be great ninjas some day.” Ryoku began to find it slightly harder to breathe. The stranger began to walk away. “You two be safe,” he said with a wave over his shoulder as he walked away.

Ryoku was shaking ferociously at this point. “That was..” he finally managed to utter with a shaky voice. Jun looked over at Ryoku, almost concerned. Ryoku’s fists were clinched and his smile looked almost like a grimace at this point. “AWESOME!!” he exclaimed. Next thing he knew a fist was making contact with his face. He was so caught off guard and weak from the excitement that he didn’t catch himself and fell face first onto the ground.

“You idiot,” Jun muttered in disgust. He stood over Ryoku for a second like he was going to say something else, but instead he just walked inside. Ryoku rolled onto his back and looked up at the moon. Now the smile on his face looked more natural and happy. He had never experienced anything more exciting in his life and his brother definitely wasn’t going to ruin that. Ryoku lied on the ground for several minutes, imagining what it would be like to be a powerful shinobi, before he stood back up and went inside.

Uchiha Takeshi

4th Hokage
Staff member
Nov 7, 2012
OOC Rank

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Thank you for your patience!

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Now you're ready to go forth and roleplay! Have a nice stay here!
The spring of youth!

Once in Leaf Usergroup please post your character profile HERE
As a new player below is the Student package, please post your starting stats as reflected as below in your profile.

Agility: 5/50
Stamina: 5/50
Taijutsu: 5/50
Ninjutsu: 5/50
Genjutsu: 5/50
Chakra Control: 0%/50%

Starting Yen has been given and Leaf Access has been granted!

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Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:
