Ninpocho Chronicles

Ninpocho Chronicles is a fantasy-ish setting storyline, set in an alternate universe World of Ninjas, where the Naruto and Boruto series take place. This means that none of the canon characters exists, or existed here.

Each ninja starts from the bottom and start their training as an Academy Student. From there they develop abilities akin to that of demigods as they grow in age and experience.

Along the way they gain new friends (or enemies), take on jobs and complete contracts and missions for their respective villages where their training and skill will be tested to their limits.

The sky is the limit as the blank page you see before you can be filled with countless of adventures with your character in the game.

This is Ninpocho Chronicles.

Current Ninpocho Time:

Home away from home, away from home... away from home [OPEN]

As the conversation progressed and he got to know the other boys better, Saito addressed the seemingly more clandestine topic about the boy being handed over to the cloud in chakra binding chains. It seemed that even the Hokage had recognised the strength of the fugitive, who had caused a lot of trouble in Kumo. Arashi was at first slightly concerned about hearing more about this topic, as he felt that they could get into trouble if they spoke about this freely even if nobody exclusively mentioned about keeping it a secret. Despite his worries he kept mum and nodded when Saito suggested they keep this amongst themselves. At the back of his mind, he tried to think if he had heard the name Baba Gagooze. Nothing specific came back to him and he was pretty sure that if he had heard the name before, he would have remembered it, given how funky it sounded.

As the friendly talks continued, Shinzo chirping added that as academy students they should have fun on the side as well and Arashi was of the same mind,

Yup, definitely. Having fun is important as well. Maybe we can hang out later. Maybe….build a treefort?” He added the last part teasingly with a smirk.

Then Yaboi suggested to Ryo, that they should invite the girl who has passed them to join their conversation. There was a hint of mischief in his eyes, which didn’t go unnoticed. But he nevertheless supported his opinion despite Shinzo’s flustered reaction, After all the more new people he came to know the better. Before he could say something to voice his approval, He spotted the girl was coming back in their direction. Maybe she had decided to join them after all, he thought to himself. She gracefully stood next to Shinzo, and calmly introduced herself with a gentle wave. Meanwhile Shinzo beside her looked like he was going to explode any second, but to his credit he tried to hide it pretty well. He quickly put his hands in pockets and did a swift salutation routine. Arashi did a little bow, and introduced himself to the newcomer as aptly as he could,

Hello, A pleasure to meet you. I am Arashi Takejo, the newest one here.
Ryo looked at Yaboi and then to Takejo “Yeah, the flowers will kill ya!” he smiled, “But seriously watch out for the flowers.” He shuddered at the memory of the poison and the flower even more so. He never expected to be poisoned on his first day at the academy and he knew this had a lasting effect on him. “You sure were lucky coming late to class, Yaboi.” He turned to see that Miyako “She’s already on her way here, Yaboi.” He turned and greeted her with a smile “Hey, Miyako.” He also turned his head at the mention of food, he smiled at the offer that Saito had offered, he sure was making a great attempt to make friends here and leaf. “You’re a pretty good guy, Saito.”

Ryo took notice at Shinzo’s demeanor, and snickered. He nudged Yaboi again and whispered to him in a low tone, “Hey check it out.” He continued to snicker and turned to slap his back, “Yaboi, how’s training been going? Getting stronger? I sure hope so. You and I are going to spar when we’re at our strongest.” He smiled at the thought of fighting his friend.
"Okay then, it's settled! A big fish dinner at my treehouse... apartment... type place!" Saito chimes, excited at the prospect. The fact that he and Tatsuo still hadn't picked out said "place" yet was but a minor detail that would be resolved later. He knew the fish he wanted to have, too... the Giant Fish of Takuma Town! That would bring the adventure and challenge that the young boy craved. He told the group all about it as it came to mind. "Tatsuo-sensei and I ate this HUGE fish a few days ago that is supposed to feed a small army, but we finished it off together so we didn't even have to pay for it! We were really hungry that morning. But yeah, catching some of those for dinner might be fun!" The young cloudie's thoughts become engrossed for a moment with images of battling a huge fish with a strong fishing pole, romanticizing experiences that he had only read about...

Saito looks at Takejo who, watching Yaboi's mischievous glances as he tells Ryo to invite Miyako, causes Saito to also look at Yaboi. The white-haired boy didn't really understand what the big deal was until his gaze returned to Shinzo. The green-eyed boy's demeanor had become more despondent after the girl walked by without acknowledging his address... and then changed again, face flushing further, when she eventually did join the group; his voice got lower than it had been as he shoved nervous hands in his pockets. Hah... poor Shinzo... the young cloudie thought to himself, his small outward grin reflecting the huge inward mirth he contained at the Seikon's normally buoyant energy turned awkward over the girl. Saito returned Miyako's half-bow with a polite, mirrored half-bow of his own. "Nice to meet you, Miyako-san!" he replies, direct eye-contact established and smile bright for the kunoichi-in-training as he introduces himself.

His gaze turns back to Yaboi and Ryo, watching the two of them pal around for a bit. They'd been friends for a long time, so much was obvious... and they competed against each other, testing their might and figuring out how strong they are in comparison. Saito longed to test his skills like that, wondering exactly what the other two boys could do... The cloudie's eyes dropped briefly again to Yaboi's belt of tools before returning to the boy's animated face as he talks. From there, he looks at Ryo, of the Leaf's Uchiha clan, eyes watching the boy for a bit. He probably has crazy strong fire jutsu... Saito thought to himself, recalling stories he'd read about the exploits and strengths of one of Konoha's most famous clans. Miyako-san as well... he thought, looking at her for a moment in consideration. I wonder how many Uchiha there are here? This IS the Leaf, so I bet a lot!

So they're the strongest, huh? the cloudie continued within himself, eyes returning to the friendly rivalry of Yaboi and Ryo as the conversation flowed. I've gotta get a rival too... Eyes landing on Shinzo, still awkward in front of Miyako, Saito suppresses a wicked grin. Two birds with one stone! the cloudie thought, before beaming his smile at the young Seikon. "Hey you know Shinzo, maybe you can show me how you teleport sometime! That was so cool? You must be really strong..." he said, smoothly talking the boy up, young wingman extraordinaire. Taking a page from Yaboi and Ryo's book, he grins at the green-eyed leafie. "After I get settled in, we should definitely spar. I think I'd learn a lot from you! Whaddaya say?"

'Speak of the devil, huh..?' the boy thought to himself as Miyako appeared and took her spot next to Shinzo. The boy's eyes shifted to view Shinzo and took note of his demeanor, briefly cracking a small smirk. "Heya, Miyako! How's it goin'?" the boy began "I'm Yaboi, nice to meet'cha!" he said in introduction cupping his hands behind his back "Y'know, you have some really great hair! Ain't that right Shinzo?" Yaboi said while holding his toothy smile, holding back any need to laugh or grin. His gaze turned quickly to Ryo and he nudged him with his elbow "You must think so too, right Ryo?". Yaboi paused briefly and brought his hands together for a single clap "Fish dinner at Saito's! Can't wait!" the boy announced happily, bouncing on his toes to his heels.

"No way Ryo.. That was stressful! I came in late to class and had to help everyone guess what poison they were under, thats crazy!" the boy explained, furrowing his brow in frustration just thinking back to that class 'Learned allot from that class though.. Poisons are handy.' the boy concluded in his mind. It was then that Yaboi was nudged by Ryo who had pointed out to him about Shinzo's demeanor at the arrival of Miyako "Shh.. I know, I know! Hehe!" the boy whispered in response, jerking his back to the gathering briefly before looking back to Ryo "I've been doing some secret training, Ryo. You better watch out, I'll pull a fast one on you if you're not paying attention during our brawl!" he smiled thinking back to his training with Tatsuo. Yaboi quieted himself as he brought his hands back behind his head, listening intently to Saito issuing a challenge to his classmate Shinzo! 'Oooo.. I totally want to see that!' he thought to himself idly.

Miyako can’t help but to grin at Shinzo’s greeting. His voice is not that deep and she knows this to be true, but decides not to point it out to a crowd of judgmental boys. She could notice the heat in Shinzo’s cheeks making itself prominent, but this is a compliment to her. If a boy doesn’t blush in your presence, that means he thinks that he’s better than you or maybe doesn’t respect you quite as much as someone who does blush when you smile at them. By any means, this pleases Miyako in a way. She wouldn’t make fun of him for this or even really acknowledge it out loud, not wanting things to become even more awkward or embarrassing for the both of them.

It appears that the conversation may have been about her recently, all of the boys looking in her direction even before she had approached the group. Was she really that interesting? The first one to introduce himself was one that she hadn’t met before, Arashi Takejo, who actually mentions that he’s the newest one around the academy. As he offers her a greeting with salutation, she responds with the dip of her head and a slight bend of her back, “A pleasure it is to meet you too, Arashi Takejo. If my name hasn’t been mentioned before,” she shoots a glance around the group of boys, “I am Uchiha Miyako.”

Witnessing Ryo snicker after inspecting Shinzo’s reaction to Miyako joining the group, she can’t help but to roll her eyes, “Ryo.” She greets him somewhat flaccidly, combing her fingers through her hair. Her expression shifts as Saito introduces himself, another newcomer that she hasn’t seen before that smiles widely at her. She smiles in return, “Nice to meet you too!”

Miyako narrows her eyes very subtly at Yaboi, he seems to be happy to joke with Ryo about Shinzo and his apparent embarrassment due to her presence. His compliments are clearly idle ones that are directed simply to aim a jab at Shinzo and possibly even at Miyako. She knows that she has great hair and doesn’t need some kid to tell her so. As the topic is changed to dinner at Saito’s, she’s glad that the attention is shifted from Shinzo and herself and decides that she’ll need to continue with her errands so that she can be well prepared for a genin exam in the future and also to become part of a team and branch in the near future.

“Sorry to introduce myself and leave, but I have to be going!” She offers cheerfully during a pause among the multiple conversations that are being held. She adjusts the strap of her scroll and jots a quick note on a pad that she draws from the pocket of her kimono. It seems like she may be writing a grocery list. After finishing, she tears the paper from the pad, folds it, and feigns dropping it in her pocket, it instead quickly dropping to the floor behind Shinzo’s right foot. Her elbow nudges him in a gesture as she moves to leave, “Farewell everyone!” She calls as she heads down the hallway towards the exit of the academy.

[Topic Left]
As Arashi finished his introduced himself, The girl returned the favour and did the introduction ritual as well with a small bow. Miyako also revealed that she was an Uchiha like Ryo. There were quite a lot of students from big families at the academy, including the Uchiha. They were rumoured to be amongst the strongest families in Konoha and rightly so. It was said that their eye techniques were the strongest amongst all others, involving the famed ‘Sharingan’. Arashi hadn’t seen it in action yet but he was really anticipating to come across it in the future. Saito had proposed to invite all of them to his place for a dinner and it seemed like a good prospect to socialise. Maybe this was the opportunity he was waiting for to improve his social skills and cement his friendship with the guys present. He nodded indicating his approval,

Sure thing Saito, I love fish. Looking forward to getting together again with A BIG fish.” He finished with a grin.

Ryo warned him to be careful about flowers while attending classes. It left him a little confused, but he chose not to question it. After all he had been in the academy way longer than Arashi. He quickly made a mental note of this queer thing, as Yaboi and Ryo got onto some friendly bantering. Both of them seemed pretty close as Ryo proposed to have a spar with Yaboi. Yaboi seemed pretty confident as well, claiming that he could trump Ryo if he underestimated his opponent. Saito took the opportunity to praise Shinzo, who was still looking on awkwardly and challenged him to a spar as well. A pretty slick move considering it achieved two goals in one shot. Things were getting pretty exciting as the future promised some great spars. Arashi thought to himself, that these would be great opportunities to watch and assess the level of academy students around him and set down an indicator of how much he needed to improve to be able to compete with others.

Meanwhile Miyako seemed a bit annoyed by Yaboi’s comments about her hair. She quickly apologised to everyone to leave, but before turning away, Arashi noticed her penning down something. At first he didn’t pay much attention to it but from the corner of his eye he saw her drop a chit, could it possibly what she had written? Before leaving she nudged Shinzo and gestured him to pick it up. To Arashi it looked like something was indeed going on here, but he felt like teasing the already flustered Shinzo wouldn’t be very kind. As she bade everyone farewell, Arashi waved her goodbye and quickly tried to divert the rest of the group’s attention hoping nobody else would notice the small piece of paper,

So guys, I was looking for the faculty room. Is it in that direction there?” He started pointing in a random direction, shooting a small discrete smile towards Shinzo.
Shinzo could see that the other boys were finding entertainment in his discomfort but he resolved to press on with his façade. Ryo and Yaboi definitely seemed to be enjoying how things were going, he watched them talk to between themselves. In all honesty he wasn’t sure quite how to feel about it, for now he’d have to deal with the others and being their centre of entertainment. ‘This is humiliating, there must be some way to turn this around.’ He tried to maintain his ‘coolness’ as he heard Saito decide on plans for later, whenever and wherever that would be was still unknown but the prospect of spending time with his fellow students was one that lit a fire within him. Finally something to do that wasn’t training, not that training was a bore but it wasn’t always the most social activity, especially at the speed that Shinzo conducted his taijutsu.

The thought of training brought Shinzo back into the real world, he caught a fraction of the conversation that Yaboi and Ryo were having. He was yet to watch them fight but it was something he intended on doing, he would fight one or both of them at some point so it would be an advantage to him to see how they fought against one and other. He heard Yaboi speak up once more, this time complimenting Miyako’s hair. ‘Well, yeah she has really pretty hair but I can’t just say that. She’ll think I’m so weird.’ “Um yeah, Miyako, you urm, do have nice, urm, hair.” Shinzo blushed as he turned to look at Miyako to give the compliment but he swiftly turned away to shoot a glare at Yaboi. Mouthing a quick but sarcastic ‘Thanks’.

“Yeah we’ll go catch some fish tomorrow if you’re all free. But I guarantee that I’ll catch the most!” He spoke up in response as an attempt to show himself to be confident, there was of course one person that Shinzo wanted to impress with this act of confidence. Though there wasn’t much time to continue to boost himself up because thankfully Saito stepped up to take that burden on for himself. “I’ll try to show you how to do what I can do, but I haven’t met anyone around our age who can do it though. I’ll teach you what I can. But I dunno, you’ll have to ask the others about how strong I am.” He took this moment to puff his chest out, hoping that someone would be able to give a generous opinion on how strong he was.

“Huh, you want to spar? Yeah sure we can.” Light glinted from Shinzo’s pearly whites as he grinned towards the white-haired boy after the challenge was issued. “I’m sure we’ll learn a lot from each other! I have from every other fight I’ve been in.” Just as Shinzo was getting comfortable with the idea of showing off in front of the Uchiha girl but almost as soon as she arrived she decided to leave. Shinzo sighed, feeling as if he had contributed to her exit but he was thankful for her slight nudge and his eyes lit up upon noticing the piece of folded paper behind his foot. As she walked off, Shinzo leant down to scoop up the paper as casually as possible but it wasn’t exactly an action that could be taken without anyone else noticing. He clutched it in his hand, ready to read it but not until he had time to himself.

“Um, er, the faculty room. It’s just over that way.” Shinzo too pointed in an equally random direction, the chain of events leading up to this moment had really thrown him off mentally. “I could help you find it if you like?”
Ryo was taken aback from Miyako’s smile to Saito, she always came across as stiff or in his words boring, even when they sparred she appeared this way. He watched and heard as she changed her demeanor around Shinzo, smirking he thought about the laughs Yaboi and him could make. He watched as Shinzo changed a bit around Miyako and snickered a bit.
His interest in what was going with Shinzo was immediately overshadowed the moment that Yaboi mentioned his secret training, he couldn’t allow Yaboi to get stronger than him, he was curious to what training he went through to make him so secretive, “Secret training? I better watch out then, Yaboi. But don’t worry I haven’t been slacking in my training, I have several new techniques up my sleeve, you’ll hit the ground before you even noticed.” He was worried that he could be overpowered by Yaboi, the only conclusion he could come up with was that he had to train harder than before, smiling at Yaboi. “I just hope that you don’t get knocked out too soon.” Ryo smirked, he had been waiting for their upcoming match for what it seemed an eternity, he was ready to fight Yaboi and win.
He kept his smile, as he turned to look at Arashi and the way he was pointing, “Yeah just down there.” He turned to look back at Shinzo. “You going to show him, Shinzo? Why don’t we all go along and take Saito, this is his first time in the academy to, it would do some good to show him around some more.”

((Hey shall we wrap this thread up? Or actually RP in the faculty room? We can start a fishing thread at some point soon too? Gonna say I'm leaving but feel free to stop me if we're continuing forward.))

"Sure, Shinzo, you'll catch the most fish... after me, that is! Just wait until you see my fishing skills!" Saito grinned, before tucking his hands up behind his head, elbows pointing out and up. "Won't even be a contest... our spar will be way better!"

Still pretty new to the academy and quite willing to be shown the important areas by the most powerful kids in the place, Saito agrees to accompany the group to show Takejo where the faculty room is, it would probably be a good thing to know. "Tatsuo-sensei and I are gonna find an apartment tomorrow so we can go fishing and have a big fish party at the apartment after that! Tell all the academy kids you know! We're gonna have a lot of room..." Saito invites, while privately already well into the execution of his plans for the sort of apartment they'd get. I'll show Shinrin-sensei that I'm great to have around! I wonder how he'll feel about an apartment/treehouse full of academy kids... mehh he'll love it.

The opportunity to get to know the Leaf Academy kids in a social setting would be useful as well. He certainly wanted to get to know everyone he'd be spending the next year with, what kind of abilities they had, what kind of adventures they'd been on, how strong he was in comparison... All of that would come over the next year in Konoha. He looked around at the group of boys -- as well as cast an eye at the nearly departed form of Miyako -- and smiled even more brightly, looking forward to the upcoming year with relish as the group headed to the faculty room.

[Leaving thread unless stopped (or we continue to the Faculty Room)]
((My RP is drawing Shinzo out of the thread anyway but I’m more than happy to join a fishing thread.))

The anticipation steadily built up within Shinzo. The paper that he so carefully held within his hands was calling out to him, or so he thought. He had to read it. No. He had to help the new student. ‘I can’t read it now, I should save it for later. But what if it’s important? I need to be polite though, I’ve already offered to help. But it’s a note from Miyako, what if she likes me?’ The idea of such a thing set a fire in his green eyes which then looked down towards the note. ‘Should I? No, I need to be a good student. But the others could help Arashi. He seems like a nice guy, what if this is my only chance with Miyako. I couldn’t let her down.’ His eyes still remained focused on the paper, and slowly he began to open it while turning away from the group to try and hide it.

His jaw dropped as he read the note. ‘She wants me to go with her to find this Tatsuo-sensei? This is the best day of my life! She’s acknowledged me?!’ For a moment the boy seemed to bounce a little on the spot before turning back to the group, trying to force the grin from his face rather unsuccessfully. “Actually, I…erm… I need to be somewhere right now. Yeah it’s urgent, but um, I’ll be back later maybe I think, I don’t know, Sorry.” He gave the assembled group members a little bow. He completely missed the retort from Saito as it had coincided with his note reading. “I will see you all soon.” He turned and began to sprint towards the academy gates, to those who would be watching they would see the boy follow a similar route to Miyako.

[Topic left unless stopped]
Arashi was pretty amused at Shinzo’s reaction, but to his credit, the boy did try to play along with him for a while. It was getting pretty late as well and Arashi needed to get going soon. He needed to finish his task and get back to class. It wouldn’t be very good if he skipped classes and delayed his jobs on his first day. Ryo suggested they all escort Arashi and Saito, the newcomers in the group, which was a pretty generous suggestion. He also confirmed that by some incredible luck, the faculty room was actually in the direction Arashi had pointed in. Saito bragged about his fishing skills to Shinzo and dropped a subtle challenge claiming that he had an unbeatable grasp on it. Regardless, it sounded a fun activity to go fishing with the others.

Shinzo meanwhile took his leave fumbling with his words, still seemingly flustered about something. Perhaps the piece of paper had something interesting written on it. Regardless Arashi did not want to enquire further about the matter, and bade him farewell, as he started to leave towards the academy gates,

It was nice to meet you Shinzo. Hopefully we will see each other pretty soon again.”

They would surely meet. After all the odds of academy students running into each other were pretty high, weren’t they? Still his first day had gone from mediocre to incredible really quick. Meeting so many new people and getting to know somebody from outside the village. He felt like he had more social progress in one day than his entire conscious life combined. He was really looking forwards to know more about about these people and hopefully getting to know more and more different kinds people. After all there was a completely different world out there. He was lost in these thoughts as he absent-mindedly proceeded to the faculty room.

[OOC = I would be up for joining a new fishing thread as well. Leaving this topic]
The time for fun and conversation was soon over "I'll see you guys around, but I have to take care of a few things before I go and have fun." Yaboi said with a small frown, rolling his shoulders. "See you all around though!" he would soon say with a grin, waving to each individual before running off down the hallway to continue the errands he had been neglecting so he could hang around with the other students. 'I'm sure we'll all run into eachother again sooner or later anyway.'

[Topic Left]

Current Ninpocho Time:
