In an apartment complex, fourth floor, was Akane's residents. This was a nicer apartment place, bigger, but the outside was not well kept. It was also almost hidden by other buildings. Akane's place was fourth floor, apartment number 256. It was a three bedroom, one bath apartment, one room was akane's bedroom, one was her mothers, and the third room was the 'hobby' room. The kitchen, and living room were squeezed together, nothing separating the two, other than a small table.
Inside was decorated with pictures, most of when akane was younger, with her father, and most recent four years in the void. There was a large time gap from in the pictures, as Oka stopped taking pictures after her husband's death. The younger pictures showed the child Akane's adventurous side, climbing trees, getting in dirt, and other trouble making situations. Recent pictures showed Akane growing with Yoshi, Junko, and Kunashi, as a closer family. Pictures of camp fires, training exercises, and play was all hung up on the walls. One corner of the living room was dedicated to Fudo, Akane's father. It was a shrine in remembrance of him. Akane occasionally brought small flowers to it, she wasnt very spiritual, and really did not believe in the 'afterlife, so she did not spend much time praying for him.
Two couches, and a coffee table furnished the living room, viewing the outside perfectly. The tv was located in the hobby room, though the hobby room was the smallest room. It had shelves with sewing supplies, instruments, and a coffee table. There were no chairs, or much else. Akane often brought her instruments into her room, or the living room to have a comfy place to sit. Despite her mother's wishes to keep them in the hobby room.
Today akane had the day off, and was talked into "relaxing" inside, instead of studying, or taking up a small mission. Akane thought it to be insufficient of her time, but then again, she had no current goals that had to be done soon. So she was in the hobby room watching Tv.

Her eyes were glued to the screen, she wasn't sure what she was watching, but it was some kind of cheesy romance, her mother suggested. She really did not understand the point of 'drama' and extra's in this so called romance... she believed it to over complicate things. "I wonder why humans decided to make it like a ritual to procreate.... Its pointless." She mumbled to herself with a sigh. She didnt think she would be playing love games anytime soon.
Oka, her mother walked into the hobby room with some cookies, and a bottle of soda pop. she sat down next to Akane, and nummed on a cookie, she glanced her daughter, as she had over heard her mumble. "Its because... Love is complicated. Sometimes you dont realise it, other times its love at first sight." She explained, but she had already gone through this conversation with Akane. "I was around your age when I got married, eighteen, I also had you within our first year." She said with a smirk, it was too bad that he wasn't around to be an over protective father, maybe thats why she was not going out and trying to get guys. She knew her parents only made her want it more by denying her want.
Akane shrugged, she still didnt get the point of love, romance wise. She loved a lot of people, but she wasnt sure what was the difference between love for a friend, or family member, or a lover. She glanced at her mother as she told her about her father. She was so young, Akane believed her mother should have tried to do more with her life during those years. If she remembered right, Oka told Akane that she was once a great musician. Oka isn't a musician anymore, because of Akane's father. Akane looked back to the movie, she believed she definitely did not want to settle down so soon. At least her mother is moving up in a cooking place, and making money.
Oka felt the sudden silence, Akane had gone into her pondering state again, if only she could read minds. She shrugged, and after a few moments, picked up another cookie. Oka then proceeded to shove the cookie into Akane's mouth playfully. Maybe that would snap akane out of her zone state. Akane fell backwards, onto her back, cookie in her mouth, it was crumbled, and almost smeared on her chin and cheeks. Shocked, akane, started to chew the cookie. She did not expect her mother to attack her, but she was already plotting revenge. Maybe a nice prank, something when she least expected, at that thought, made akane smirk.
[day ended]
WC: 796