Ninpocho Chronicles

Ninpocho Chronicles is a fantasy-ish setting storyline, set in an alternate universe World of Ninjas, where the Naruto and Boruto series take place. This means that none of the canon characters exists, or existed here.

Each ninja starts from the bottom and start their training as an Academy Student. From there they develop abilities akin to that of demigods as they grow in age and experience.

Along the way they gain new friends (or enemies), take on jobs and complete contracts and missions for their respective villages where their training and skill will be tested to their limits.

The sky is the limit as the blank page you see before you can be filled with countless of adventures with your character in the game.

This is Ninpocho Chronicles.

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:

Hopeless lovers (beloved) (private)

Chigokai Yuna

Well-Known Member
Oct 24, 2017
OOC Rank
Ziren was walking around Tea. He was staying here for only a few days but it was enough to make this a memorable one.
The eighteen year old found himself near an alleyway when he heard it. Before the sirens went off. Something has entered the bloodstream of almost every single person here. He could hear it in his own.
Then the sirens blasted followed by a man's voice, warning of some sort of poison was in the air.
But the Blue haired, yellow eyed man didn't register what was said. He swayed, as if in a trance. Almost instinctively, the white around his eyes turned red. But this time, it wasn't like before. It was a softer shade of red. Like a rose rather than blood.
"Wha- What is happening?" he managed to say. He looked around and seen people embrace each other complete strangers getting to know each other a lot more.
If this poison was some kind of sick joke to be a love potion. Then why isn't he effected? He listened to other people's blood and realized. They all have a different type of gas inside mixed with their blood, it seems like. Which means, someone out there is probably looking for him, as their own 'match' with the gas that invaded their body should be the same as his.
If being an ANBU has taught Ziren one thing, was to escape a gas filled area. Because it could be life and death.
He pushed people aside, trying to find a way to get away from the invisible poison, but no matter where he goes, it seems that the whole city seems to be affected.

Uchiha Hana

New Member
Oct 15, 2017
Re: Hopeless lovers (beloved) (open)

Hana decided to take a walk around Tea, to explore a bit, maybe talking to new people and make friends. Hana walked further in town, hearing a loud blaring noises, appeared sirens were going off, she looked around in fear, wondering what was happening.

She walked closer to sire noises, than seeing people acting weird with one another. Hana stared at the people, wondering why they were acting that way. The air started to feel weird, as she was breathing, she felt a little light headed, she tried to find a bench or something to sit on with the dizziness she felt.

Hana struggled to climb on to a bench, got to point where she was crawling to one, the dizziness being to much. She kept wondering what was happening to her. She saw a man with Blue hair, she wondered if he could help her.

“Please help me!”

Hana started coughing and crawling looking up at the blue haired man, hoping he could help her, get away from here. Hana started to feel a bit more weirder.

Chigokai Yuna

Well-Known Member
Oct 24, 2017
OOC Rank
Ziren was looking for a way out when he heard someone calling out for help. It was weird, because it sounded vaguely familiar.
He followed the voice, which led to a woman, a few years older than him. And it seems that she is having some severe side affects of this poison.
"Don't worry! I got you!"
He picked her up, in his arms and started to run, with her almost limp body. Finally, the air got more clear and Ziren decided to stop for a moment. He looked at the woman that he saved.
She seemed somewhat familiar, but he couldn't remember how or why. She wore a Leaf headband, so he at least knows that he probably seen her around.
For some reason though, he seems to be lost in her eyes. They were beautiful, and her hair. It flowed nicely in the breeze.
"Hi, I'm Ziren. Chigokai Ziren.
Have we met before?"
It was a cheesy line, but Ziren literally has no memory of who this woman was. Just that... He knows her, seen her somewhere before.

Uchiha Hana

New Member
Oct 15, 2017
Hana’s vision began to blur badly, and she felt kind of a floating feeling. She felt herself being lifted and spoken to, Hana looked up to see the blue haired man, she swore she saw before. She felt she knew him. It seemed she was picked up and moving fast, yet it felt she was going nowhere. She closed her eyes tightly, it seemed her mind was cloudy, and her lungs filed up with this poisonous gas, He body was quite helpless and limp in the man’s arms.

She didn’t realize she was being carried away at that moment very quickly. Then she felt herself not being moved anymore. She heard him speak again, It sounded like he said his name, but the words came in waves through her ears and mind, Hana could help giggle a bit, because the poison took hold of her mind. She chuckled more before trying to speak back.

“I’m I’m Hana “

She giggled more stopping and looking up at the blue haired man, Her cheeks very rosy pink from the giggling. The man asked her a question, Hana stopped giggle for a little bit and looked at him again, smiling sweetly.
“ I…. Think so, yes!”

She could stop from giggling again, her hand touched his face gently, before she turned her head into his chest. She could not understand what was happening to her.

Chigokai Yuna

Well-Known Member
Oct 24, 2017
OOC Rank
She seemed out of it, from what Ziren could understand. But then again, his own judgement seemed clouded. He was so focused on her, her features on her face. Her body. The way she caressed his face with her hand.
Ziren held her hand in his. When she said her name, it sounded vaguely familiar. But he couldn't tell.
Her giggling was so cute that Ziren couldn't help but smile when she did this.
And after she burrowed her head into his chest, he held her close to him. His arms wrapped around her.
Ziren looked out at the sunset as other people were milling around, holding each other's hands. He got up, and picked Hana up to her feet. He then held her hand in his and led her around the city to see the sites.
"I'm so glad that we got to meet Hana. I haven't felt this way towards anyone."

Uchiha Hana

New Member
Oct 15, 2017
She made a small whimper nuzzling her head in his chest, Hana smiled and felt very happy and at peace with herself. She felt a warm hand embrace hers gently. She looked up at Ziren, her eyes were bright twinkled a little. She felt safe with Ziren. She still wasn’t sure what was happening, but it felt nice this moment.

She looked up and saw a smile form on Ziren’s face, she smiled back at him. She was being held close, and arms wrapped around her. Something she hasn’t felt before, but such a nice feeling. Many others were doing the same around the two. Love seemed to be in air.

Hana felt herself brought up to her feet quickly, and her head in a whirl from it, the poison took held hard now. Her hand was held again, as she felt a gentle squeeze of it. Than a little tug as she was walking away with Ziren to look around Tea, Hana felt like she was on a cloud, looking all around with him. He spoke to her again, saying how glad that they met.

“I’m glad to Ziren, That I met you today”

Hana kept looking at sites with him, yet she didn’t even feel like she was walking, but she didn’t care for once in her life, she could actually smile and be happy.

Chigokai Yuna

Well-Known Member
Oct 24, 2017
OOC Rank
As they were walking, Ziren noticed something was wrong. There were people wearing gas masks, injecting some sort of thing into other people. And once that happens, it seems like they wake up from a dream.
One walked up to Ziren and Hana. "Sir, Ma'am. We believe that you both may have been poisoned with an unique poison that affects the emotions people can have towards others." He held up a needle getting ready to inject Ziren with the antidote.
Ziren held up his hands, "Wait a minute. I understand that you have a job to do, but I think you should leave us be."
The person with the gas mask shook his head, "To be fair, the antidote is only strong enough to kill the toxins that are harmful to your body. There's only a small chance that it affects the new relationships that people now have."
Ziren sighed. He actually liked Hana. But now he doesn't feel as if it was the poison in the air. But actually him liking her.
He turned to Hana. Both of his hands holding hers. "What do you want to do? I'll support your decision either way."

Uchiha Hana

New Member
Oct 15, 2017
Hana walked around with Ziren for a while till they came upon these men in gas masks, Hana looked strangely at them, her head was clouded up, not much bothered her at this moment, just felt happy. One man held a large needle up, Hana would have cringed, she hated needles, but the poison seemed to have her caring at all. It seemed he wanted to stick Ziren with it, Hana’s Just stood there and stared.

The two said things to each other, Hana didn’t seem to hear them, she looked around at others, holding and loving one another, this just made her smile. Hana’s hands were still being held, when Ziren asked her a question on what she wanted. Hana looked up at him smiling.

“I feel very happy Ziren, I think you should decide”

Hana still felt the affects of the poison strongly and giggled looking at Ziren. She was in no shape or frame of mind to really decide anything. She laid her head against Ziren and closed her eyes.

Chigokai Yuna

Well-Known Member
Oct 24, 2017
OOC Rank
A small part of Ziren's mind clicked. It knew that something was wrong. That he needed to take the antidote.
He found himself back in his own mind, staring at his other self.
"Look, lover boy. I'll tell you this. Both you and the girl will have a chance of dying if you both don't take the antidote now. But I will not just sit by and wither away because you choose to do this to yourself. I'll do you a favor. Go talk to the girl after you both take the antidote. I have a feeling that she might just like your stupid face."
Then, Ziren found himself back where he was before. The strength and anger of the other one seems to be only strong enough for Ziren to have a clear mind, if, only for the moment.
He nodded.
"Do it." It was all he said, and then the man with the gas mask injected the antidote into Ziren. He could feel his mind clear. But he still couldn't get one thing out of his mind.
Hana... He looked towards her, his eyes full of hope that if she takes this, then she will still like him. He held her hands in his.
The man in the gas mask then turned to Hana. "Okay Ma'am. Do you want to go through with it?"

Uchiha Hana

New Member
Oct 15, 2017
Hana held hands while the weird looking man, she watched him with the needle. She looked over at Ziren and wondered if he would be different after getting the shot. Hana hated needles but, if he got and is alright, she figured she better get it too.

“I guess so…”

Hana felt uneasy about this. She left the man poke her with the needle in her one arm, she squinted her eyes and it jabbed deep into her arm. She looked back at Ziren as they still held hands, her mind didn’t seem so cloudy. For a moment she wondered why she was holding hands with this man, then faintly remember he helped her. She gave him a little smile, she tried to remember what happened after he helped her. It felt like her mind blacked out of her.

“What happened?? Are we still in Tea??”

Hana looked so confused, she hoped he could shed some light on this.

Chigokai Yuna

Well-Known Member
Oct 24, 2017
OOC Rank
Now things are weird. Ziren still has some feelings for Hana, but it looked like the antidote did it's works a little too well.
He sighed. Well... It was fun while it lasted he thought to himself.
"So how do I say this? We we're caught in the middle of some sort of poison attack on the city. It had... Different effects than other poisons. It made people fall in love. And I think me and you were a thing for like, five minutes. But I did manage to get you out of the area of where the gas is."
He looked at the man in the gas mask. Who then took his leave by helping other people who were in love with each other nearby.
"Look. I know that was the poison making us talk and all. But do you want to head out? Go on a date to a nice cafe?"
Ziren hoped that he could get the answer he was looking for. But with all that has happened in such a little bit of time, he doubts that anything else will happen now.

Uchiha Hana

New Member
Oct 15, 2017
Hana looked up at Ziren, still very confused of what took place or happened. She heard a sigh, then looked down at the ground, then she heard what all happened. Hana did remember not being able to breathe right and feeling awfully weird.

Hana was than asked if she would like to go on a date to a café, Hana titled her head and looked Ziren over. She thought about what he all told her, About the words and feelings exchanged. This was kind of new to her, Reminded of something not long ago. But, that was Hana’s secret to keep to herself. She figured what harm would it be to go with this man to the café, might be fun, after all she hasn’t much of Tea yet, so why not.

“Well ok I guess we can go to Café Ziren, might be fun”

Hana looked at him and smiled, he wasn’t a bad looking guy, but she wondered what he was all about. I guess I’ll find out she thought to herself, besides he could show her around Tea, since it was a new area to her. She walked up to Ziren and smiled sweetly to him, she couldn’t help wondering what they all did and said to each other though while under that love poison, she soon might find out.

“Shall we go than Ziren?”

Hana giggled a little looking at him, hoping this would be fun,this would be the first time she went on a date with anyone.

[MTF] 254
[Topic left]

Chigokai Yuna

Well-Known Member
Oct 24, 2017
OOC Rank
Ziren smiled at Hana. He was glad that she was willing to go with him. Especially now that she was free of the love poison and could actually think for herself.
Ziren brushed his blue hair out of the way. He could tell, that even though the poison has done it's damages to people. It also brought some together, even despite being handed the antidote. Maybe it was fate, not poison.
He took Hana's hand into his and walked her to a cafe that he was at before all this took place.
We shall go. To the cafe!" He smiled at her again.
They finally made it to the cafe and ate and drank the famous tea.

(Topic left unless stopped)

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:
