Ninpocho Chronicles

Ninpocho Chronicles is a fantasy-ish setting storyline, set in an alternate universe World of Ninjas, where the Naruto and Boruto series take place. This means that none of the canon characters exists, or existed here.

Each ninja starts from the bottom and start their training as an Academy Student. From there they develop abilities akin to that of demigods as they grow in age and experience.

Along the way they gain new friends (or enemies), take on jobs and complete contracts and missions for their respective villages where their training and skill will be tested to their limits.

The sky is the limit as the blank page you see before you can be filled with countless of adventures with your character in the game.

This is Ninpocho Chronicles.

Current Ninpocho Time: Saturday, 15. Mar, 04:13:21

House of the Cannibal [Kin app / Solo]

Apr 25, 2017
Chapter 1
A Premonition
It had already been a few weeks now since Kaori had gone blind and lost her ability to absorb souls. She had learned to accept the blindness and was even given the choice that could completely impact her life; choose to regain her sight or to allow Mina, her best friend, to regain her soul and return to her. Either choice was extremely selfish but the answer was a no-brainer. If Kaori couldn't see, she relied on Mina to guide her to safety and to keep her alive. Relying on Mina, once again, filled her full of confidence in spite of her handicaps. Kaori was asleep in the room within the inn, a pleasant look upon her face melted away to one of dread and horror. The sight of a monstrous creature of black and green was devouring people, laughing as it tore into the flesh of other humans. She tried to intervene, but her intervention had absolutely no effect. She watched on in horror, covering her eyes from this madness. After the creature finished devouring the people, it turned to look towards Kaori, letting out a burp. "Let me out of here, Witch!" the voice said.

Kaori woke up, sitting up immediately after returning to the land of the conscious. She woke up in a cold sweat before clicking the bell that was upon her throat to make sure there wasn't anyone else in this room; the dream causing her paranoia to reach a fevre pitch. The dream felt so real that she's having issues differentiating reality from fantasy. It wasn't until she felt a pinching sensation on her arm did she realize she was actually awake. "Ow, Mina," she said in a whine. "You were just dreaming. Settle down," the spirit of her friend stated. Kaori looked around once more before taking a deep sigh outward. "Yeah, you're right. I think the Dragon Statue here is calling for me. I've been having these visions of someone, someone with blood-red hair asking to be let-out from some kind of prison. The dream tonight, though, had this terrifying creature eating people and it called out with the exact same voice. He was eating people, Mina," Kaori said, still slightly distressed over what she saw. Kaori felt warm arms wrap around her, even if there wasn't anyone present.

"Just go back to bed, Kao-Kao. You can sort all of that in the morning after you fill up your stomach," Mina said prompting Kaori to lay back down with her eyes wide open. She wasn't able to detect any light so she assumed it was probably around 3 in the morning. She closed her eyes and drifted off back into a dream-less sleep. She was awakened by the sound of opening curtains and the rushing of sunlight several hours later. This caused Kaori to enter high alert, clicking the bell upon the choker she wore. She backed up as far as she could in her bed and summoned her 'Gauntlets of the Spirit Dragon' and pointed them directly at the image she saw by the open window. Everything about this image looked familiar. It's silhouette reminiscent to something that she had created. Her jaw dropped at the realization as the person that opened up the windows struck a pose.

"You've gotta be kidding me," she said in disbelief. "Airi?" she asked. Airi was her 'Magical Girl' persona that she took on as a means to pass the time during her stay in Kumogakure; even using it to slay demons with one of the locals. A familiar voice called back. "So this is what you called this creation of yours, huh? Airi? That's actually kinda pretty. I like it," Mina said before bouncing off towards the vanity and looked over the body. She placed her hands below the breasts and lifted them for a moment only to let them go. "Not as big as yours and much bigger than mine," she commented before looking into the eyes of the body. It bore heterochomic eyes; one of a typical brown color and the other of a burning blue hue. The clothes were a pretty color combination and extremely frilly. She even turned around to look at the costume and placed both of her hands upon her lower-back in embarrassment. "Hey! Why'd you design this costume to be so revealing?" Mina stated before turning to look back towards Kaori, snapping her fingers at her. Kaori was still gawking at where Mina used to be before moving to the mirror.

Mina blinked and shrugged her shoulders. "What?" she asked inquisitively. This was the first time Mina had walked around on the earth in 13 years since she had died. Kaori was completely speechless to actually see Mina walking around and talking to her as if the two were having a casual conversation. Withdrawing her Guantlets of the Spirit Dragon, she ran up to Mina and hugged her tight. Even if she was in Airi's 'body' she was now able to hug her best friend for the first time in what felt like a lifetime. Hugging her felt nostalgic; even if she was in another person's body, the hug still felt the same. This brought a big smile upon Kaori's face. Mina returned the hug before firmly blowing air into Kaori's ear, causing her to laugh and let go; a little thing she did when they were children to get Kaori to let go -- she had a bad habit of lingering too long with her hugs.

After the two release from each other's embrace, Kaori stared blankly at Mina, clicked her bell and asked, "Why are you in Airi's form?" she asked with Mina looking up in thought. "Well, I looked through your memories to find a suitable form to take. I wasn't going to take the form of the 9-year old me and the memory you had of seeing me with what I'd look like now wouldn't have any power behind it. So I found this little gem floating around and decided to take on it's form. Cute, huh?" Mina said with a big cheesy smile. Kaori couldn't see the cheesy expression before slouching her shoulders. "Mind not looking through my memories? It's quite embarrassing," she commented.

Mina let out a little laugh and shrugged her shoulders. "It was only a little image search, I didn't go digging so you can relax!" Mina said with a bit of a laugh before Kaori's head started to pound. She gripped the side of her head and fell to her knees. The booming voice was still haunting her. "What the hell is taking you so long, Witch!? How many times do I need to call out for help? Seriously, you're the only one that can help me right now! So get your ass in gear!" the voice shouted out. Once the voice went away, Kaori stood back up looking quite pale.

"He called for you again, didn't he?" Mina asked as Kaori simply nodded her head. "Let's get to it then. We got some demons to slay, right?" she asked before taking a step back and dove right into Kaori's body before disappearing into it. This was a jarring feeling having someone that was completely solid go completely ethereal upon impact and dive into one's body.

End pt 1
WC: 1215​
Re: House of the Cannibal [Kin app / Solo] -WIP

Chapter 2
The House that Terror Built
Kaori walked up to the courtyard of a massive house which had started to fall into a state of decay and disrepair. It looked like it hadn't been occupied in many, many years. The placard upon the house said 'Ryong Estates' upon it. There was a dried up fountain with overgrowth starting to take over with the color of the estate muted through weathering and the demonic presence that had called her to this location. The set of double-doors leading into the house was ajar with blood smeared all over the door handle and the middle part of the door; where one would normally knock. A trail of blood, as if someone was dragged in, could be seen leading into the house. The blood was fresh, two days old at most, which prompted Kaori to open the doors to the estate and close them behind her. Sound reflected off of the blood differently than the door, which bounced a much higher portion back to Kaori than the fresh, still-liquid blood.

After closing the doors, something strange happened, which she saw through her sonar. The shape of the building started to change, all except the prominent Dragon Statue that sat proudly, and in pristine condition, in the center. The statue sat between two sets of stairs which lead to an upper layer that lead to the 2 separate wings of the house. The change in building structure caused the stairs to completely wipe away, leaving Kaori only able to see the Dragon Statue and a small creature crawling around on it, eventually crawling around until it stopped upon the top of the Dragon Statue's head.

Kaori clicked the bell upon her choker to refresh the image of this vast plain of nothingness to get a better picture of this creature, swishing it's large fluffy tail back and forth. "So, you must be the manifestation of the Dragon Statue, I see? What's your angle? Immortality? Power?" Kaori questioned the creature. It's eyes fully locked upon the blind shinobi before jumping up into the air and vanishing, only to appear directly in front of her, able to feel her breath upon it's fluffy white coat. Kaori wasn't able to notice this change until she clicked the bell upon her choker, seeing a big black spot directly in front of her, blocking her view from everything behind. This caused her to take a step back and readied her Gauntlets of the Spirit Dragon.

"Oh, I see. So you're aware of our existence, hm? Not too many of you mortals are. You mortals are so easy to enchant with promise of power, lust, and greed. So typical that people are so desperate to be the best. Either way, it is quite entertaining to watch. The lengths that people will go, even cannibalism, just for the sake of power. Even telling people to eat their own parents. It's a thrill ride that you should try sometime, priestess," the creature said, walking on the air, circling around Kaori's head. "I take it that boy called out to you, hm? Well, he's not in this castle so you can go look somewhere else. Unless you came here for the promise of immortality and power too," the creature said before it leaned in, sniffing Kaori. Kaori rang the bell upon her choker, noticing what the creature was doing and tried to swat it away.

"No, you have far too much of our blood on you. The smell of demon's blood never leaves, you know? But tell me, Priestess, why are you here?" the fluffy creature asked before vanishing and reappearing upon the statue's head, swishing it's tail back and forth once again.

"Well, I'm actually here to kill you," Kaori stated in a matter-of-fact manner. This lead the creature to jump around a bit. It seemed excited with the prospects of being killed, meaning it'll finally get some action. "I haven't had any action in a couple thousand years! I welcome you to try, mortal!" the creature said as it gave off a squeaky laugh. "Is that boy's cries that important to you? Or is this your 'sworn duty' for the filthy creatures you call humanity?"

Kaori let out a laugh and shook her head. "It has nothing to do with that. But I do feel pity for you. All of the other demons were surrounded by worshippers and here I am, seeing a King with no Kingdom; he has land for which he has dominion, but no subjects to subjugate. It is quite pitiful, actually," she said as she readied herself in a fighting stance. As she did this, Mina popped out of her body in the shape of Airi once again and stood next to Kaori, also poised to fight.

"This one is too difficult on your own, I'll help!" Mina, in the shape of Airi, stated.

Kaori gave her an affirmative nod before the two of them took on an offensive posture.​

End Pt2
WC: 825
Re: House of the Cannibal [Kin app / Solo] -WIP

Chapter 3
The Demon's Cloak
The fluffy white creature threw it's head back and laughed as it started to monologue, displaying how great it was. During this time, Kaori raised up her left hand and mimicked the movement of a mouth. "I have been alive since creation and toppled many countries with my tremendous might! I, Abaddon, shall not be mocked nor pitied by a mere mortal!" the creature shouted out in anger and rage, causing intense pressure to push against Kaori and Mina. Mina raised her left hand and started to mimick Kaori's movements with the two of them opening and closing their left hands in unison as the fluffy white demon shouted out in pure anger.

While the creature continued to monologue, Kaori turned her attention to her side where she felt Mina being. "Don't you think it's pathetic that this 'almighty demon' is talking about his accomplishments to poor, weak mortals?"

"Yeah, isn't that considered projecting or something?" Mina responded before the two of them looked up in thought, placing their right index fingers upon their chin. All the while still maintaining the same jibber-jabber gesture with their left hand.

The squeaky creature let out a big roar, a roar that didn't belong to a small creature like that. It was like a mouse with a lion's roar. This caused the two females to stop their antics and look towards the creature and both broke out in hysterical laughter. They continued to degrade and demoralize the demon before black and green energy started to swirl around before a figure started to appear around the little white demon. A black and green 'cloak' that took the form of the black and green terror that Kaori saw in her nightmare earlier today. Kaori clicked her bell and got a good look at the creature then remembered the images of the black demon devouring other people. She pointed at the creature. "Th-that's what I saw in my dream! That was the thing that was eating people!" Kaori shouted. Mina turned to look towards the demon and nodded her head, preparing herself to attack the creature.

As the creature was continuing to gather energy, Kaori and Mina rushed in and started to pummel the crap out of the creature while it remained immobile. The rumble kicked up dust as the sounds of 'bonks' and other comedic noises took place during the little scuffle. After the scuffle was over, the white creature, still donning the black and green cloak, could be seen kicking it's feet a few times, twitching for a moment. It soon recovered and let out another final roar before the transformation was complete. It let out a mighty roar from it's now-humanoid appearance. It's body was corrosive and evil emanated from every pore of it's body. The humanoid creature stomped it's foot on the ground and let out another roar, turning the once-white room of infinity into an all-black void of nothingness.

Mina had an epiphany. "Trust me on this, Kaori! I'm not abandoning you, so you gotta trust me on this, alright?" she said before jumping back into Kaori's body, causing Kaori's body to jar backwards briefly before a small portion of Mina stuck out, from the waist up, from her back in a semi-transparent form. Mina placed her hands upon Kaori's shoulders and pointed towards the creature. "You should be able to see the shadow of that creature, even in this pure darkness. Open your eyes, that should be the only thing you see," Mina shouted prompting Kaori to open her eyes, seeing the shadow of the creature. The shadow was an oblong oval shape of black.

Kaori nodded as the creature then crawled on all fours as it ran towards her and delivered a single slash. Kairi swapped her weapons to wield her Divine Shield and absorbed the blow. This strike caused her to slide back in the nothingness. Kaori cleared her throat and sang a note, the note having multiple layers of discord. Her song was instantly redirected from the creature's ears down to it's shadow. Being able to see the flow of sound, that was an extremely strange thing to see. The creature then blended into the darkness. She clanged her bell and couldn't pick up anything from the sonar bounce, but she opened her eyes and saw the shadow of the creature running around at an intense speed. She played ignorant for a moment before turning to look towards the shadow at the very last second and sang another quick note, forcing the creature to pause in place mid-attack and falling to the ground. This caused Kaori to fall to the ground, upon her butt, and look on in disbelief.

"What the hell? What's going on?" Kaori asked. Seeing her voice not go multi-directional but straight to the creature's shadow wasn't something she's used to. The physics of sound seemed to have broken down with whatever powers Mina had endowed upon her. While Kaori was sitting on her butt, Mina formed together a few handseals and summoned a single, massive meteor overhead. Thankfully, they were in another dimension so the manor and a good portion of Kumogakure wouldn't get caught up in this blast. The meteor sparkled, just the same as when Kaori used it (while she assumed the form of Airi, which Mina is doing now) and it had a brilliant light. While the meteor was falling, MIna then raised up a single hand to summon forth the creature's shadow, causing both the shadow and the creature to get completely crushed by the divine light of the Stardust Nova jutsu.

At this time, Mina took the initiative to form handseals to use a barrier protecting both her and Kaori from the blast of Stardust Nova. With a grumble, she lowered the barrier and swept away the dust from her face. Kaori simply looked at Mina with a surprised look on her face. Mina simply turned and shrugged, laughter coming out from her lips. What she did was absolutely amazing! She was able to conjure up the opponent's shadow, target a shadow, and even attach herself to Kaori. Appalled at what she saw, she wrapped her arms around the seemingly pliable Mina. "You're amazing, Mina! You kicked some serious butt!" Kaori exclaimed. She was happy that Mina was on her side.

"It's not over yet, Kaori! The dimension is still up, we need to focus on exorcising this thing, then you can gush over how great I am," Mina said as the two released each other and focused upon the creature that started to pull it's way out from the rubble.

End Pt3
WC: 1101
Re: House of the Cannibal [Kin app / Solo] -WIP

Chapter 4

And I stood upon the sand of the sea,
and saw a beast rise up out of the sea,
having seven heads and ten horns,
and upon his horns ten crowns,
and upon his heads the name of blasphemy
The monstrosity came from the rubble, greatly injured from the massive jutsu thrown at it. Thankfully this wasn't one of those creatures that appeared unscathed after a massive attack. The creature started to limp a bit before letting out another roar and various jutsus were thrown out at Kaori and Mina, prompting Mina to move Kaori out of the way of some of the attacks while ringing the bell upon Kaori's choker to let her see where the attacks were coming from. The Ninjutsu were easy enough to dodge. With another roar, the creature realized that it throwing ninjutsu was doing absolutely nothing and started it's assault with it's natural weapons. It extended it's arms out, scraping at Kaori and Mina. One of the claw strikes swiped her sides, leaving behind a burning sensation as a black goo started to fill her wound. Kaori let out a cry of pain from this blow. Hearing her wailing prompted the creature to continue it's ravenous assault on her using hand-to-hand combat.

While she was being bombarded by strikes, Kaori heard words in her head coming from Mina, "Don't worry, Kaori. I'm here so I'll protect you," Mina said directly into Kaori's mind. Kaori responded in the same manner, "Just don't do anything foolish this time around, alright?"

"Don't worry, I'm here to stay. Think of me as your suit of armor and we'll get through this and purge this monster, alright?" Mina said finally before Kaori burst out, breaking the creature's combination strikes. Kaori jumped in to strike at the creature with her fist only for Mina to be the one to land the attack. While Mina threw the punch, Kaori ended up replacing her and started to throw a series of punches. Mina, looking over the creature's exposed shadows, made a hand gesture as if she was slapping her palms together, which brought the creature and it's shadow together. Confused, the creature tried to roar only for it's own shadow to begin attacking it's owner.

"Now! Unload everything you have on it!" Mina shouted out before Kaori prepared a song. Kaori clasped her hands together and started to sing a song. She poured her heart and soul into this song. With each word that she sang, she could see all of the people this creature hand tormented throughout history. The suffering and injustices brought upon them due to the promise of power, money, influence, ever-lasting life. Everything she saw were represented by the lies of this creature; the damnable lies that she, too, had fallen victim to. This one was the cruelest of the ones she had encountered. During her song, the darkness of the shadow surrounding the creature shattered, causing the creature to fall backwards while Mina delivered a final blow into the creature's chest, causing the world of darkness that they were sent to to completely evaporate. Kaori finished her song and closed her eyes. The silver-bell upon her choker jiggled slightly so she could see the creature's location.

Walking over towards the pitiful creature, she knelt down in front of him. The small, fluffy white creature spat up blood and laughed a bit. "Yes, this makes sense now, ha ha ha!" the creature said before it's body started to fade away. "You're a Babylonian! This makes sense! Two more to go, Babylonian! Two more until you become a monster, just like us," the creature said as it's body completely faded away. Kaori stood up from her kneeling position and turned her attention towards the statue. "Any idea what a Babylonian is, Mina?" Kaori asked.

Mina shrugged her shoulders and shook her head. Even without being able to see her reaction, Kaori knew exactly what her answer was. "Well, shall we?" Kaori asked before the two of them wound up, pulling their fist back. Their hand glowing with a brilliant light. She swung her fist into the Dragon Statue and completely disintegrated the figure in a single blow.

In front of the manor...
Kaori stopped in front of the fountain that had grown decrepit within the front yard of the Ryong estate. "The people here were enchanted by that creature for money and influence. Strangely, the creature didn't ask for anything in return, but waited for the right moment to ruin their lives. It fed off of the negative energy those events produced. Abaddon even drove their disenfranchised child to devour his parents for power. It surprises me just how little it takes to enchant people to sell their souls to demons," Kaori lamented. While she didn't subscribe to the belief of the 'Dragon God', she only performed her duties as directed. She didn't need to believe in the Dragon God as her people did for centuries only to have their hearts torn apart once Kaori revealed that the 'Dragon God' that they worshiped was actually a demon seducing them.

"People are weak, Kaori. You know that much. They have wants and needs that need to be fulfilled, you of all people should know how that feels," Mina said.

Kaori nodded and let out a sigh before Mina disengaged from Kaori through Tabula Rasa and returned to within her. "Yeah, we're weak alright," she said as she remembered the final words of the creature named Abaddon. Not knowing what he meant bothered her. Babylonian? She will become a monster? What does all of this mean? Kaori shook her head and gently slapped herself on the cheeks with both of her hands. Her stomach growled intensely. "Hey, can you taste things like that?" she asked Mina.

"Sure! What's up?"

Kaori started to walk away from the fountain, gushing about how delicious the ramen was here in Kumogakure with Mina speaking directly into her mind. As the two went off, there was a bubbling sound coming from the fountain as blood started to sputter out and flow freely in the fountain.

End Kin app
WC: 1012
Total WC: 4153

OOC note: The final part of the fountain is foreshadowing future events for Ryong Kyo. While it doesn't have anything to do with the current Kin app, I felt it was necessary as an RP foreshadowing for if/when I do rebirth into that character.

Current Ninpocho Time: Saturday, 15. Mar, 04:13:21
