Ninpocho Chronicles

Ninpocho Chronicles is a fantasy-ish setting storyline, set in an alternate universe World of Ninjas, where the Naruto and Boruto series take place. This means that none of the canon characters exists, or existed here.

Each ninja starts from the bottom and start their training as an Academy Student. From there they develop abilities akin to that of demigods as they grow in age and experience.

Along the way they gain new friends (or enemies), take on jobs and complete contracts and missions for their respective villages where their training and skill will be tested to their limits.

The sky is the limit as the blank page you see before you can be filled with countless of adventures with your character in the game.

This is Ninpocho Chronicles.

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:

I got Granny [Mission]


New Member
Oct 1, 2018

He looked like a dork but he had the old lady with him. She was not a terrible travel mate, she had a pocketful of candy and her violence seemed to keep the wild beasts at bay. All he had to do was wear lace and ruffles and hope nothing cute ever looked his way in her presence. The Dojo looked pretty familiar, it looked a lot like the gates of Sunagakure. Holyshit it is! OK, so drop off an old lady at the gates and... get paid. He looked to his left, then to his right. Then up. There was a Sennin that lived here too. Where was he?

OK, here it goes. He has to summon the mission master. He looked at 'gam-gam', yes her name was getting shorter and shorter as time went on. He was not going to be able to call him 'Mister Miroku,' she would know then. So he went with the most logical alternative: "DAAAAAAAAD, GAMGAM IS HERE!"
::Seeking Akkuma::​

Miroku Akkuma

Active Member
Oct 24, 2012
OOC Rank
Akkuma was in the middle of tutoring some of the younger clan members when a hooded guardsman appeared beside him in a flicker. Whispering in his ear a bellow of a laugh would erupt from the shinobi. "Haha someone actually got her?" he'd say surprised. While Miroku Takeko took pride in her matriarchal position & guiding the youth of the clan. She'd once been a fierce warrior regard among the arid lands of the desert with great fear. But few knew those details about her past & he wondered how her captor had managed to subdue her. When he arrived to greet the shinobi who completed the mission. Before him stood an individual in an outfit that clearly showed Takeko's handiwork. She was a talented seamstress in her varied skills. He chuckled as the individual before him called him Dad. All he needed was for one of his other children to walk in & it'd be another family evening of bickering. The thought made him chuckle most people's idea of 'bickering' didn't include near death battles with their kin.

"Takeko! So you've been out terrorizing the locals again I least you're safe & there seems to be no harm done. Come the children have been worried they've been missing story time." with his words Takeko's eyes widened & she bowed before quickly departing stopping to turn around give her 'grandchild' a wave in farewell before disappearing behind a shifting sandstone tablet. "Job well done..." he'd say taking out a small bag of gems & tossing them to the youth. "Where on was she this time?" he asked the youth curiously. Those unnatural green eyes holding the youth before him in their piercing gaze. He wore black robes with a variety of scrolls, vials & syringes strapped to holsters on his belt. White hair ran past his shoulders. The air would feel dense in Akkuma's presence as if chakra itself was harder to manipulate in his presence.

Upon his hands were finely crafted gloves that had various seals etched into them. Each seal providing a unique augmentation to the gloves. Strapped in a weapon holster hanging from his back was the Demon's scythe. It was a weapon crafted to hunt beings from all many of realms for the demon did not discriminate when it came to his prey. The weapon seemed to hum with energy as the being stood before him. While Akkuma looked human he was anything but...once he had been. Perhaps even in one of his previous incarnations. But he'd broken that curse & would no longer be bound to the wishes of the Fates. Now he was free to follow his nature in truth. A being of chaos & standing before this individual he wondered just how useful they could be in the plans he had for the future. "I'm Akkuma Head of the Miroku Clan. What made you take the mission?" he'd ask the youth curiously as surely there would have been easier missions for the youth to take.

[Well done on the Mission]


New Member
Oct 1, 2018
Yeah, he found and survived the old woman. He would have claimed that she was harmless but they both knew that was untrue. He would have claimed that she was a nice lady, which was not entirely untrue but the woman was prone to violence and she was crazier than a bed bug, a shithouse rat, a hoot owl, a hatter... He hoped that her condition was one of old age and not at all genetic, all he needed to do was deal with a household of nutcases. The dandy that emerged from the household seemed to be the antithesis to the elderly woman. He was so pretty he should have ben a girl. For a brief moment Soromon forgot one important thing about Sunagakure -- the village housed a scary Sennin and a week had not yet elapsed since his departure.

Soromon was a 'good boy.' He was not trying to break in. He was not trying to rush past the sentinels.

Soromon was not entirely sure that he would still be in Wind Country in a week's time. He was not even certain he would be alive in a week's time. Wind Country was a harsh place, his plan was not to stay but rather to survive and to be wherever that takes him.

This man was a fancy one but he knew better than to assume that the bearer of finery was a prissy man. There was a brief exchange between the rich guy and the old hag, a level of recognition despite her dementia. He was someone either important or powerful, maybe both. The old woman was compliant and then gone.

"I am not breaking in!" Soromon announced quickly with his hands raised, palms facing the dignitary. "Tell Mister Sennin I am not breaking in!" He repeated loudly in case the Sennin was somewhere within earshot. He knew that Roku would shatter him if he was caught trying to break in. As the fancy man approached Soromon, he could feel the pressure about him rising. There was this tingle, like what he assumed static cling felt like if static had feelings. He took a step back as Mister Miroku approached, "see not breaking in." Hands still raised he was breathing quickly, having a bit of a panic attack as it sunk in that he really should not be here.

He asked where the old lady was when he found him and complimented him for his successes. It was disarming, but the boy was not ready to relax. Payment came in the form of shiny baubles, he was expecting yen, not sparkle rocks. Thankfully no violence by conscious effort or due to proximity would be inflicted upon the youth just yet. Soromon was intrigued by the fancy old guy.

It would take the boy a little while to muster the courage to form words to answer Mister Miroku's question. "She was threatening some fabric store employees. Something to do with fabric scissors and cutting toenails," he recalled as he eyed the direction Takeko went in case this reminder enraged her once more. "The lady was happy enough to come with me, even if she makes itchy clothes," the boy admitted as he shifted uncomfortably and started to lower his raised hands. He might be sixteen but he felt like he was six in this land of giants being dressed by an old woman.

Soromon's eyes wandered from the scrolls to the syringed to the weapon strapped to the well-groomed old guy's back. It was a bit unsettling, Soromon felt underdressed but he also wondered what sort of important work this man did that required syringes and scrolls to be within his reach at all times, even in his home. This was his home right? Actually this was the gates. Also a dojo. It was a bit confusing to define what this place was. His questions were pilng up but Akkuma had another question for Soromon. Why Takeko? The reason was pretty obvious to the boy but the clothes of a fancy mama's boy obscured the truth, he was a hungry runaway. Fleeing Kohonagakure was not his smartest decision to date, he was now hungry and in a foreign country without friends, family or a steady source of income. Odd jobs were what kept food in his belly sometimes. "I was hungry," the boy admitted. "It was luck... I saw the posters and then saw her face. There aint too many tasks posted in the civilian towns so I take what I can get." With that he gave the old dude a sheepish expression, he really did not want to elaborate any further and he did not want to make another spectacle of himself at Sunagakure's doorstep.

He took another step back. "It was really neat to meet a fancy old guy like yourself. I am happy I was able to bring your..." Was that his mother, his sister? "Her" nice save "home." He tried to peer around the clan leader, make sure the Sennin was not glowering at him from the shadows. "Best not overstay my welcome," he concluded. "So thanks Mister Miroku," he bowed his head as he took another stumbling step back. He was trying to back away, head for 'safety', a relative concept really. The desert was not a particularly 'safe' place either.
[Attempts to Leave Topic]​

OC: I am not interested in actually leaving the topic, however I am sure you're busy. If you want to, i am totally game. If this is just a drop off and go (not a bad thing I swear), I will leave this thread and head over to Cloud and poorly chase their women. Otherwise, I will just bother you!

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:
