Ninpocho Chronicles

Ninpocho Chronicles is a fantasy-ish setting storyline, set in an alternate universe World of Ninjas, where the Naruto and Boruto series take place. This means that none of the canon characters exists, or existed here.

Each ninja starts from the bottom and start their training as an Academy Student. From there they develop abilities akin to that of demigods as they grow in age and experience.

Along the way they gain new friends (or enemies), take on jobs and complete contracts and missions for their respective villages where their training and skill will be tested to their limits.

The sky is the limit as the blank page you see before you can be filled with countless of adventures with your character in the game.

This is Ninpocho Chronicles.

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:

I was told there'd be cake {Requestin Jomei & Keshi]


Well-Known Member
Oct 7, 2012
OOC Rank

HP: 33,956
CP: 16,160-6,258=9,902
AP: 11-10.75=11
Status: Wet, Astral seal activated, In a Fog

HP: 24,242-14,730=9,512
CP: 9,244
AP: 9
Status: Sprained hands, Gaspless, Wind Shredded, Burned , Bleed Rank 5, In a Fog, Two Weapons in the knee
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
0s~Sabaku maintains stuff.

0s~Keshi bleeds and goes into a defensive stance.

0s~In an unreal way, Sabaku pulls Keshi towards him and follows up with a wombo combo all by himself!

0s~Sabaku combos into a Limit Break!

0s~Sabaku uses Higuma (Hit,Hit,Hit[Burn],Hit,Crit[Bloody Mess],Hit,Crit[Bloody Mess][Gasp])
-Keshi really needs a medic!
-Keshi is burned and rendered gaspless!

0s~Sabaku goes for the Kill Driver! (Hit,Hit[Burn], Crit[Bloody Mess],Crit[Bloody Mess],Crit[Bloody Mess],Hit,Crit[Bloody Mess],Hit, Hit, Hit)
-Keshi is at max bleeding!
-Bloody Mess special did activate twice!
-Keshi is burned some more!
-Sabaku breaks his weapon into Keshi!

.90s~Sabaku goes into stealth!

OOC Notes: Again, following up behind people bmod wise isn’t the easiest.


Active Member
Oct 22, 2012
OOC Rank
She'd collapse suddenly, a pool of crimson gathering underneath her form as two other shadows emerged within the arena. Each would work to look over her vitals, one removing the embedded weapons while performing emergency medical treatment to patch up the obvious bleeding. While there it was obvious that the women could no longer continue as the stacked effects had rendered her unconcious cause for one of the shadow agents to issue a surrender verdict in her behalf, giving the win to Sabaku.

After stabilizing her condition, both shadows would place an arm around their shoulders before the trio would disappear in a blur. They would need to bring her to the hospital for other treatments that simply could not be done without the proper facilities.

(Formal surrender)
(Topic left)


Active Member
Jan 17, 2014
OOC Rank
Re: I was told there'd be cake [Requesting Keshi]

Still soaked and now under the cover of a mysterious fog that had enveloped the entire stadium, Sabaku sought after the precious moment. That moment that his opponent would leave herself open to a chain of events that would lead to her demise. His blade was formed, his chakra ready for deployment... She wasn't moving... Now was the time to strike. Utilizing a newly attained technique, through the use of gravitational like powers, Sabaku grabbed hold of the girl with his strange powers and pulled her off her feet towards Sabaku and his reality warped blade.

Sabaku prepared a technique he had learned through countless hours of training with his mentor and friend, the Guardian of Lightning. A fatal sword technique, known only to highly skilled users of the sword, allowing Sabaku to release the shackles on that which is normally impossible. Quicker than a blink of an eye, he had managed to swipe and cut her many times. He almost felt bad, as spurts of blood went flying everywhere, he had cut deep...
But he wasn't done yet, this was a fight to the finish... The first attack was completed as the young Anbu girl had initially come flying towards him, this next one would be completed as she passed by him. Such speed was usually impossible... Sabaku managed to connect with each and every slash he performed in the split second she was flying past him.

Sabaku took this opportunity to slip away into the fog's shadows and hide there. At this time a pair of shadows came and carried the girl away, leaving only a small pool of blood for the arena to consume. It was clear that this fight belonged to Sabaku, the victor. Sabaku formed a few seals and let loose a wind technique to clear the air of the pesky fog. Sabaku turned to the crowd and nodded. The Guardians may be a dying breed... but they are not so extinct yet. Nodding to the crowd, Sabaku warped to the stands and thanked his friends for being such a good crowd. After some small talk and mending to what little wounds he had sustained during the spar, Sabaku took his leave of the arena.

[OOC Surrender accepted, Topic left]

Ryujin Akira

Active Member
Oct 23, 2012
OOC Rank
As the fight concluded Amaya would give a nod of approval. These two showed great valor in spirit in their bout. Amaya wasn't surprised at the outcome. She had measured them both up and was able to discern which of the two was more seasoned. Still, it was still interesting to watch the future leaders of the nation go head to head in testing their mantle. Amaya would start to stretch when Sabaku would teleport to the stands. He was in humanly quick for even the her to track. Who knew, maybe one day she'd find herself in the ring with him. A humorous thought was all that was as they engaged in small talk and parted ways. Amaya would be sure to check in on Keshi as well as she would head to the hospital with her.

[Topic left]


Active Member
Oct 22, 2012
OOC Rank
Taking notice of the two, Megami smirked. Sabaku was the warrior she had always known him to be, it was a proud moment to see him grow from the young boy she met onto the rooftops into a challenge meant to be reckoned with. She knew he would always guide the souls of the lost, protect those that needed him most. She didn't need to keep him under her guidance as a mentee any longer. Sabaku was an equal to her. He showed it in his will to fight, his loyalty to their Goddess, the bond that came with their friendship. As Megami took notice of Amaya's leave, she too decided that in all, the fight was conclusive as to who the winner was. Sabaku was simply too fast and very adept with his decisions. Megami gave him a thumbs up and a smile and took her leave. He would know to come speak with her later.

[Topic Left]

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:
