Ninpocho Chronicles

Ninpocho Chronicles is a fantasy-ish setting storyline, set in an alternate universe World of Ninjas, where the Naruto and Boruto series take place. This means that none of the canon characters exists, or existed here.

Each ninja starts from the bottom and start their training as an Academy Student. From there they develop abilities akin to that of demigods as they grow in age and experience.

Along the way they gain new friends (or enemies), take on jobs and complete contracts and missions for their respective villages where their training and skill will be tested to their limits.

The sky is the limit as the blank page you see before you can be filled with countless of adventures with your character in the game.

This is Ninpocho Chronicles.

Current Ninpocho Time:

I went overboard.

Izumi wouldn't know... This was such a drag to actually take him with him... Yet the poor Ziren would have been dragged over the streets without anything around his head. It was the easiest way to actually move Ziren for Izumi by just pulling him at the legs... Once he had reached the hospital place he was really glad. Taking a breather and started to pull him inside again. Once inside he got him towards a bed and with lots of trouble, he got him sort... off... on a bed.
He was looking around if he was able to find someone near to see if they could give him medical attention...
He felt sort of bad for the other, but thinking back he thought he might have overreacted also a little... A soft sigh left him and started to look around the room he had placed him. Yet being silent as he was this was going to take some time...

He started to get a chair close by and examine his bow... occasionally he started to look to the door or walk to the hallway and pop his head around the corner to see if he saw anyone... He did kept in check if the other had a breathing or not... Yet it was very awkward for Izumi... He never really went for check-ups to the medbay or anything, he only got here was he was 6 and broke a few bones...

[Summoning Ziren and if possible a med-nin.]
[small starter, next post is bigger.]
Inside Ziren's unconscious mind was a fight for mentality.
"How do you expect to get stronger by not embracing your blood line? You should be ashamed of yourself to call yourself a ninja."
Ziren was looking at his own reflection, but this one talked back. And he was the exact opposite of who he is. This is the first time that Ziren has ever talked to his Other Self.
"I don't want to use it because I don't want to hurt anyone!" he yelled at his more evil self.
Bloodlust Ziren laughed. "Then you'll never win a fight, much less be able to save those who you care about most."
Ziren lost it. He charged straight at his other self, only for him to turn to pure blood and Ziren finally waking up.
He got up fast and yelled. But when he realized where he was, he forced himself to try and calm down for a bit.
He then looked around and seen the other boy, the one that knocked him out.
"Thank you for bringing me here, but it was unnecessary. Especially for me. I think it's a bad omen to have a Chigokai with a split personality and an unstable mind should be in any type of hospital."
He grabbed his gear and looked at the other boy.
"We can still grab some ramen before it closes. Then we can talk."
A faceless NPC secretary stopped him, noticing that he was bleeding in some areas.
"I'm fine. Really. Use your precious resources on other patients. It'll be wasted on me."
Ziren looked at the other boy to see if he would come.
Fighting no matter how big or small would not go unnoticed especially when it was someone from within his branch as well. The Sennin had a frown that could probably destroy worlds in those few seconds as he headed to the hospital. It seemed that something had taken place the main question now that needed to be answered was what. The doors opened as the Sennin scanned the room to see what was going on, noticing a familiar face with a bow out just checking it seemed that Izumi was here, then his eyes fell on the loud mouth one.

Takeshi stepped threw the door as he walked silently up to Ziren, his anger like a swirling vortex inside of the Uchiha, he unlike the man that had joined his branch understood when there was a time and place for anger to be used, this was not it. Takeshi slammed Ziren back down into the bed, his eyes turning down onto the boy as the Mangekyo Sharingan studied the boy for a few seconds. IT was in those few seconds that he studied the situation and looked at the bow and the wounds and the wounds and the bow it didn’t take a rocket scientist to put two and two together in this situation.

“Now, I want both of you to think long and hard about this question before replying with an answer. And Ziren if you try to leave that bed I swear I will melt you to it, so here is the question, why is Ziren in here in the first place. And why is he wounded?”

Takeshi allowed the words to echo around between himself, Izumi and Ziren. The anger and annoyance was clear in his voice as he waited for an explanation determined to get his answer before either of them would be going anywhere.
Izumi was in silence watching his bow... Looking if there was any damage to it... And eventually he saw the other spasm awake.the yelling was easily heard and easily less heard by simply placing his own hands over his ears. It made izumi blink a few times before he was actually reacting...
He swallowed a time and tried to calm the other.... But it seemed it was no use and just facepalmed himself. Being fully calm again and not talking to him he looked to him before sitting down again. Seemed this had been no use... And if the other indeed left he would just leave behind him... His mind already going to clean his bow, cook dinner.... Clean the house... Many things popped in his head but his thinking was actually disrupted by the fact that Takeshi walked in.

Even more confused he stared to Uchi who started to move towards the noisy one. Within seconds he had been placed on the bed and a swallow was all that could be heard from the teen.He heard his voice and instandly knrw the other was angry and if not angry very aggitated.A question was asked... And Izumi was a little bit unsettled as for now. Having a mixed feeling and a rock in his stomach, he wlready knew that he mostly had figured it out already.

"a-hm..." he first wanted to speak... But it wasn't really much of use... There was something in his mind that blocked it as he was slightly starting to panic. He didn't want to unsettle him with major news... Yet after a small while he would start to sign the whole scenario. Explaining that all this had happened when he was just training and then suddenly had a kunai close by his feet and the other daring him... He also explained that he didn't really knew what got to him or he had beaten him up in just mere seconds.
At the end of explaining even the way here... Dragging him by the feet because he was too heavy. Izumi started to look a bit uneasy downwards. He honestly didn't understand why he had gotten that mood that time. That he was suddenly ticket off... But already being lost in thoughts to back home with his own dad... That feeling got back and he kicked the air a little. He did advoid anyones gaze right now for the matter.

// mobile post.
Ziren heard a blood flow coming straight at him. And judging from the flow. The person was really, really mad.
He turned around to see Takeshi. And he had his Mangekyo Sharingan activated. Ziren could feel himself being pulled by the natural Genjustu that it took Takeshi's angry voice to snap him out of it.
He looked down at himself, his own blood on his clothing, starting to harden, a way of less bleeding out to death chance, thanks to his blood line. But that didn't matter right now. What mattered right now is that Takeshi was severely pissed at him, and being his superior, Ziren will choose to be truthful to him.
He looked over to the other guy, who was using sign language. He doesn't know anything about it, but he could see the frantic panic in the other boy's eyes.
Ziren sighed.
"It's my fault Takeshi. I was still on edge after going through a 'lesson'
and I wasn't thinking straight. I didn't choose my words carefully and got off on the wrong foot with him. Know looking back on it, I sounded like jerk. After that, we got into an argument and my other Self took over. If he didn't act fast enough, someone else would have gotten hurt. I take full responsibility for this. He was just doing what was right."

Okay, Ziren may have stretched the truth, but he didn't want to get the other guy involved in a punishment by the ANBU Sennin himself.
Ziren stayed in the bed, he looked at Takeshi right in the eyes. Even though Takeshi's eyes were piercing him, Ziren tried his best not to waver.
Ever since he's returned back to society he's been messing up bad enough for the Sennin to get involved. He wonders if Takeshi heard about him blowing up Maru's nightmare room? Ziren already knew the answer to that.
He knew first hand about getting in trouble with the Sennin. And he wouldn't want anyone else to have the same punishment just because they were with him when something bad happened.
He sighed. Way back then, he talked about being cursed with bad luck. And now that he now knows he didn't have bad luck, guess what? BAM! Bad luck.
He then turned to the other guy. "Don't worry. I was the one that messed up. Not you."

Crossing through the corridors, a call signal above the door catches the attention of the medical sennin, Mikasa abruptly halts to eye the device. Pondering for a few moments she crosses over and presses through the doors to find Ziren, Takeshi, and an unfamiliar who utilized sign language and not doubt leaving most of those within the room perplexed. Fortunately Mikasa knew the basics as many patients in the Byoin unable to speak and to properly communicate this was a necessary learning. This interruption would serve two purposes, to identify an inkling she held and to ensure the safety of both in the room. A faceless informed her the older male wishes not to receive attention, her brow wrinkles at the thought.

Gently she strolls into the room, nodding towards Takeshi their pair of Mangekyou Sharingan would meet against one another, "Takeshi-san, pleasure to see you." she bows her head respectfully, "I only wish to to ensure that Ziren-kun is in fact unharmed and I will be out of your way." she comments in a ginger tone. Strolling past her fellow Sennin, she halts before the Chigokai to examine for an odd extremities. Nothing major to take notice of, but a potential concussion was an item a medical shinobi or kunoichi should ignore, "Ziren-kun, how are you feeling? Follow my finger." she mutters, utilizing her opposing index to be illuminated in raiton chakra to serve a light for the lad to follow.

Up, down, left, and ultimate right would the maiden study intently, "Nothing noticeable. Show me your wounds, we don't want to waste Takeshi's precious time." she continues, noticing the serious atmosphere of the situation. Glancing over towards the other unknown lad the medcial sennin tilts her head curiously, "He is saying he found a ninja tool implanted near his feet and before he knew it there was a brief confrontation. Soon enough, the feud was over." she explains, before signing 'Are you alright?' to the lad.

[OOC: Mednin request accepted]​
Takeshi listened to the words being spoken by Ziren though it seemed Izumi had gone quiet he sighed to himself as he listened to the way it was worded, the way it was put and felt the anger pulse inside of him his control staying firm as he closed his eyes and opened them again at the words of the Medical Sennin, it seemed that Mikasa was doing her normal walk around and had come across this pair. He allowed Mikasa to do her thing not interrupting or getting in the way it would be better this way in the long run. Takeshi allowed himself to watch Mikasa in those few moments. He tried to consider Ziren’s words and tried to understand what he was babbling on about but this time it wasn’t making much sense it just seemed like he was losing control of himself and that was something the ANBU Sennin would not be tolerating any longer.

“Right, lets get to the bottom of this, and with that being stated I will be pulling Ziren from Branch active service, if he cannot control himself I will not have you on the front lines with those that can. The combination will only end up seeing yourself dead and in more trouble than its worth right now so consider this yourself pulled from the front lines.”

Takeshi’s voice was cold at this point, he had been running around so much lately, he needed people that he could rely on to get things done, if Ziren was unreliable then things would have to be evaluated. Shaking his head, he allowed himself to look at Izumi for a few seconds though still an Academy student it at least seemed that she was proficient with combat, that was something worthy of noting but right now he was dealing with one of his own from the branch.

“Izumi, I wouldn’t normally request this of you either, but I would like to at some point hear your side of this story once you are out of the hospital. I want a clear and consistent picture of the whole event.”

Takeshi turned his attention back to Ziren his anger still simmering under the calm collective surface of the Uchiha, it was one thing he had picked up from Umashi how to remain calm and collected even when the situation would see a normal person explode.

“Ziren, report to one of the Captains, they will judge your abilities to control yourself and go from there. Consider this a warning, start learning to control yourself or you will end up in trouble later down the road and that comes from personal experience. Mikasa I presume there is nothing physically wrong with the boy right now or would you prefer to keep them both of observation?”
Ziren appreciated Mikasa's presence, even though she was just delaying the inevitable for him. He looked at her, in her eyes hoping that she understands that he's thanking her.
He used his eyes to follow her finger as she made sure that he was okay. Then he focused on Takeshi. He understood the consequences of sticking his neck out for the other guy, and totally demeaning himself by taking all of the blame, but he didn't expect this. His ANBU job was now on the line. He could lose this position...
He suddenly felt his other self trying to dig it's way outside of his mind to force his way to have control. Only one of his eyes glowed red as he fought to keep control of his more evil self.
He put his hands on his face, trying to cover his humiliation. And finally, the glow went away and he looked up.
He said, his voice shaking, "Will I be expecting a letter or will there be a set time and place?"
He could feel, hear his own blood racing. He has never really experienced this. It wasn't anticipation. No, it was the exact opposite. Dread. Ziren knew that he put it upon himself for what has happened tonight. He put his hands behind his neck, worrying about what to do now that he's in this situation.
He had done his story and was looking for a small while towards the ground... He felt a huge guilt to his idea and wasn't really comfortable. He rubbed his eye a time and heard a female voice translating what he had just signed. Save to say the boy was surprised and looked with wide troubled eyes to the female and looked away after he saw the signing... Slowly he would make a sign that he was surviving. After that he looked a little away, trying to act as if he wasn't that much interested in the fact that she knew about sign language... but he did peep sometimes into her direction and look away after. He heard Takeshi speaking again and listened towards it all... He was a little shocked how the other got pulled from such a status and swallowed a little before looking slightly towards him.
When the question was aimed at him he started to nod and rubbed his eye again. He nodded again and signed alright. He wasn't minding that he had to confront the other in a talk, he just hoped that it was all good right now. Also with the person, he had a fight with.

He had heard them both and let out a soft sigh. He felt like this was all his blame as for how he also had gotten the other in trouble which name was Ziren. He looked once more around the room, trying to make eye contact but soon looked at his weapon as he let the tension release of the bowstring. He swallowed a time and would wait till he was excused to leave or kept.
Nothing noticeable was the initial thought revolving through the medical sennin's mind, yet there never would be sufficient information from a simplistic scan. Adjusting the spectacles upon the bridge of her nose, the platinum mane maiden releasing a wisp from her pursed lips, "Ziren-kun, I advise you return tomorrow for a more detailed examination. Don't do any more straining activities for the day." she replies in a ginger tone prior to glancing towards the lad who signed he was doing as well as one could be, considering the circumstances.

Pivoting about she merely bows her head towards the ANBU Sennin, intrigued with his response towards the situation; Mikasa perhaps would've had a harsher response, yet this wasn't her area to step into. The pact between the pair was crystal clear, strolling past Takeshi, the kunoichi halts momentarily, "All preparations for beginning to teach your operatives the basics of medical techniques are ready. I took the liberty and reached out to a few, but please feel free to send them to me when ready." she murmurs in a near whisper. From this distance would she be able to detail his Uchiha heritage, the pattern vastly different from her own flower-esque design.

Turning about to face the youngsters, the medical nin smiles pleasantly, "If you find yourself needing aid, please feel free to visit." she swivels about on her heel and departs from the room. Tenderly the door closes behind her and Mikasa on her way, allowing for the ANBU Sennin to perform his duties. Adjusting her ivory jacket she heads towards the opposite wing, having two appointments with her most recent medic recruits to begin their own training.

[OOC: Topic Left Unless Stopped]​
Takeshi listened to each person speaking to him as he absorbed the information that was coming in thick and fast, it seemed that Izumi had an opinion on the matter. Ziren seemed to think that his world was about to come and end, but it may possibly be the case right now, he would be judged for his actions and that much he knew full well. Ziren had a small reminder of the Sennin inside of him, though only small it was still there, and he would need to be watched. As Mikasa stood beside him and spoke Takeshi allowed a small smile to etch his face at the news that things were moving forward.

“I will have to come along for a private lesson, I must admit that I look forward to learning some new tricks I will have to try and impress you first time Mikasa for taking the time to teach myself and my branch the tricks of your trade.”

Takeshi allowed himself to watch as the Sennin left the room leaving the two of them in his presence he allowed himself to smile as he turned back to them, there was something sinister behind those eyes as he allowed himself to consider his next words carefully. His eyes glancing from left to right as he judged each of them thinking about the options that he had from moving forward from this point.

“Ziren, your meeting will be held when it is held, you will be summoned to the branch headquarters and answer the questions that are given, that is when your fate will be decided. If you retain your rank or you need to go back to the Academy to learn how to control yourself more. That fate will be down to the Captain I decide to appoint to your situation to judge and understand, be prepared for that and understand that your volatile nature has brought you to this point.”

Takeshi allowed himself to turn towards Izumi, the person that had managed to go and take on one of his own branch and win in that situation. It seemed that the kid had some skills even if Takeshi hated to admit this much, he allowed himself to ponder the situation before hand as he looked at Izumi, the name had come up in the ANBU Exam Takeshi knew this much to be a cold hard fact it seemed that the desire was there to be another member of the branch.

“Well looking forward from this point then, turn up to the exam and consider yourself one of the ANBU, it seems you can hold your own in a fight, keep that drive up and I will see what happens with you in the future. Do either of you have any questions?”
Ziren solemnly nodded. He knew full well of what was going to happen. If he didn't start controlling himself, his blood line, and his other self, he will be back in the academy. No longer a Genin, much less part of the ANBU.
He took deep breaths to maintain control. Fighting his inner evil self, to keep it from rising out. Finally, the red around his eyes were completely gone. He felt in control of himself for the first time. At least, for the moment.
He looked up at Takeshi with a determined look in his eyes. "Don't worry Takeshi. The next time we talk, I will be in control of my blood line. I bet you my career on it. I won't let you down. And I certainly won't let the Leaf down."
He turned to Izumi.
"I want to thank you. Because of you, you made me realize that anyone can beat me. So that I don't have to worry about my blood line will be making a rampage.
The next step, is for me to be able to keep it in check. Not allow anyone else to get hurt for my own stupidity. And also. Congrats."

Ziren knew a sour mood will only escalate the situation. He has now decided to take initiative of his own life and decided to stop depending on pure blood lust.
He looked down at his wounds, which the blood has dried up at a considerable faster pace than before.
"Is there anything else Takeshi?"
He started to look a little around and eventually started to stretch a bit by bit. He was getting a little tired by sitting around like this. "S-sorry." He said a bit harder and looked downside again.
He heard the lady talk again and he would nod once more before seeing her taking her leave towards the exit. He started to look towards Takeshi and ZIren and listened to them both.

Many thoughts were going through the smaller male, he didn't even notice Takeshi speaking for a moment or two before he was actually paying attention.
“Well looking forward from this point then, turn up to the exam and consider yourself one of the ANBU, it seems you can hold your own in a fight, keep that drive up and I will see what happens with you in the future. Do either of you have any questions?”

Izumi didn't reply to it instantly yet when he did he try to do so with his voice. "I doo, nott." He said softly and looked soon back down again, he felt guilty about and there was certainly more then what had been spoken about right now... Right before Izumi would take his leave he would turn himself towards Takeshi. "Wenn do whe talk?" He asked and would look a little bit concerned if he had gotten an answer he would make an attempt to go to the exit.

[Topic left unless stopped]
Takeshi looked from Izumi to Ziren for a few seconds before he stopped the young boy leaving the room. He allowed himself to sigh slightly as he looked at the situation, it seemed that there was something to make of this and even Takeshi knew that both of them where in the wrong for the fight that had taken place, though he wanted to make sure that they understood the situation it seemed that they had a strong student, one that was above the normal level of fighting and was able to hold there own in this situation.

“It seems that you held your own against one of the ANBU in Training, consider yourself conscripted to my branch under the rank of ANBU in Training, I will have a Captain get in touch with you shortly about your responsibilities and your duties inside of the Branch soon. Make sure that you are prepared for the training that will come your way it will not be easy and it will be a hard journey ahead but I am sure that you are capable of doing the work load, remove yourself from Academy studies instantly from this point forward.”

Takeshi allowed himself to turn his attention back to Ziren the anger still burning in his eyes as he looked towards the man that seemed to be losing control of himself each day he allowed his hand to come to his head as he pondered for a few second he looked at the situation at hand he sighed as he glanced over to Ziren before speaking to him this time he was calmer than before.

“I will put a good word in for your work, you are to report to the ANBU Captain known as Berserk. He will judge the situation and then bring judgement on you and decide your fate within the Branch. Do not worry he will look at this situation and judge it well. Report to him when you are better, now that is dealt with. Izumi report to the same Captain for your induction into the Branch, I expect you to be done with this quickly.”

Takeshi turned and left leaving that wo of them to consider the words that had been spoken as he left the room and headed back to his normal duties making sure that the work had been completed and both of them had there assignments for this little matter that had come up.

[OOC: Ziren is to report to Berserk in the ANBU Compound.]
[OOC: Izumi is to report to Berserk and be granted rank of AiT]
[Topic Left]
Ziren knew of the situation before him. The dangers that he is facing of losing his career. He wanted to curl up into a ball and just stay there. But he knew that would not be the case. In a day or so, he would be good as new. That is when he'll have a personal talk with his other self. And he will need all his energy for it as well.

The ANBU Sennin had left. But Ziren spoke out loud, "This time. I won't fail you. I promise." He grabbed his stuff and got up to stretch. He was already feeling better than before. Ziren knew that he can't keep doing this to himself. Getting beat up to the point of exhaustion. So he is also, vowing to himself, that he won't let his evil self take over at all.

"Welcome to the ANBU.
And good luck to you."
Ziren said to Izumi. He himself, walked out of the hospital, feeling almost as fine as if nothing has happened.
His mind only one thing and one thing only. To learn to be able to control his powers and not let it be the one controlling him. He won't let anyone be hurt because he wasn't strong enough. He will protect everyone. And he won't let his blood line get in the way of that.

(Topic left unless stopped)

Current Ninpocho Time:
