Ninpocho Chronicles

Ninpocho Chronicles is a fantasy-ish setting storyline, set in an alternate universe World of Ninjas, where the Naruto and Boruto series take place. This means that none of the canon characters exists, or existed here.

Each ninja starts from the bottom and start their training as an Academy Student. From there they develop abilities akin to that of demigods as they grow in age and experience.

Along the way they gain new friends (or enemies), take on jobs and complete contracts and missions for their respective villages where their training and skill will be tested to their limits.

The sky is the limit as the blank page you see before you can be filled with countless of adventures with your character in the game.

This is Ninpocho Chronicles.

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:

Igniting the Spark (CLASS, Open to any and all students)

Sunaku Harupia

Active Member
Oct 10, 2012
Its been a while... probably way longer then it should by most standards. He had already been in the academy a few times, giving lectures to older classes, supervising spars and advanced jutsu classes, but he was avoiding the one thing he looked forward the most when he started providing aid to the Academy... The Sunaku Shinobi stood in the middle of one of the many training zones which were housed within the academy grounds. He specifically selected one of the more basic ones, a large field without any obstacles or devices, He always liked to show off just a little bit before the students when he gave his ninjutsu 101 class. Kind of gives them something to strive for. He did look down at his hand with a bit of a weary glace.

The main reason why he hesitated at first is that as much as he hated to admit, still was working on fully grasping just what was happening within his body. In spite of weeks of training in solitude, pushing himself, examine and realizing the approximate moments at which he tended to... start slipping, but there was a nagging fear in his mind. What if he did lose control, use to much power, if he...did something to the youngest of the village. A fear that the more he thought about, the more irrational it seemed, since he spent a lot of time in the village with little incident, be it during everyday activity, training, or even fighting during a mission fo for...difrent reasons. He needed to consciously tap into the power in him to start worrying about it... and even if he was continuously doing so to keep his form complete, it didn't seem to impair him in any way.

He did accept the offer of the academy to have a different teacher in the wing, which they suggested given he wasn't here for a while. But if all went well, he wouldn't really need the help. He shook his head slightly, his bright green eyes looking up as the young ones slowly filed into the area. It wouldn't be any spectacular for the time being...but all of these youngsters had to start somewhere. And he was always eager to show them the potential ninjutsu offered.

Mft, Wc = 385
Welcome to a Class! Given Haru's expertise, this will be a class where he'll try to learn basic Chakra manipulation, and give a chance to IC learn basic Jutsu or give a starting point to learn how to wall climb! Few notes:

This does not take your 4 free RP slots. This will take your Class/Tutoring Slot.
I would be sticking to the rule of there being a 48-hour time limit between posting, with a 3 strike rule in terms of missing posts before being excluded from the class. Keep in mind a minimum of 5 posts with a 1500 WC total would be needed to pass according to site rules.
If there would be any delay you'd know beforehand and wish to let me know simply write a PM or let me know on Discord so I can adjust accordingly.
No limit as to how many students can join, and after my next IC post, I will leave the class open for the next round in case any students would run late, hehe. But after my second post, I would be closing off the thread
As a small note, due to my Ability as an Instructor in addition to the normal rewards you can also choose a single E-rank jutsu to learn for free!

That would be all. See you all soon :)

Misaki Kyoko

New Member
Aug 6, 2018

Kyoko sat in her seat and rested her hands as the others students in the room left first. She wasn't particularly familiar with the school and thus only really knew how to get to her class and leave as quickly as possible. However out of the blue her regular class was being supplemented for a short time with a guest teacher of sorts. The older and more confident students left as if this type of occurrence was normal for them. Leaving her and a few students left over, for one reason or another. Misaki stared at her teacher with eager, but conflicted eyes. He had his hands at his hips and gestured for her to come talk to him. " Uh sensei...I I I I don't know what'ah do or where ta'go". He snickered and pointed out everything about on her assignment sheet before pointing out at the field just outside of the classroom window. "Ohhh its right there? Thank ya sensei"!

With a swift sprint and a little bit of trailing other academy students, she found herself running out to nicely kept field with a lone fellow welcoming his students as they filed in one by one. Kyoko on the other hand approached cautiously and made sure to distance herself from the group as to not get swallowed up by late comers,but close enough to stay in the back of group. She smiled when she saw him though because he seemed easy going with inviting emerald eyes. Which contrasted with the feeling she felt out in the peripheral of her eye. She focused in on his face and clenched her fists as to avoid seeing what lurked in the shadows. "If I don't look yer not there. If I don't look you're not there", she whispered to herself as she waited for class to begin.


Nataya Ryuma

New Member
Aug 15, 2018
It was the third day of attending the academy for Ryuma and yet not a single exciting event had transpired. Everything in the past two days had been a round of introduction and explanation as to what they could expect from the days to come in the academy. In other words it was a total bore. The point of coming to the academy was to become a stronger ninja, yet so far he hadn't learned a thing. A sigh escaped his breath as the students were told to meet at one of the training fields for a ninjutsu 101 course. This news excited a large number of the class as they clamored about, shoving and trampling each other to quickly get out of the room and into the training field.

Ryuma trailed behind the class at a steady pace as he tried to think to figure out what exactly it was that was making the class act so crazy. They were just heading out to a field to learn about the basics of ninjutsu, and from he had gathered so far of the school, he guessed it would just be another lecture. Entering the large field at a slowly than average paced, he noticed a shinobi waiting on the field as the class arrived. The sheer size of the field brought new ideas to Ryuma's mind about what might be happening, and instantly he perked up and seemed a bit more lively as he watched the man standing before. In his now more alert state, Ryuma had noticed another shinobi teacher hanging off to the side keeping his distance. Yet, he was alert and on edge. Ryuma hoped this second shinobi teacher being here and on edge meant the man standing before was going to something extraordinary, or that they were going to get to spar. Either way his full attention was now on what was happening in hopes that he would get a chance to show off some of his skills.


Otobo Gintaro

New Member
Aug 21, 2018
Today would be Gintaro's very first day at the Academy. This was for the best after-all he was already on dark path where he'd probably end up dead or in prison. Gintaro was a nobody, all he had was his mother and it was up to him to take care of her. The Academy was the first step on a brighter path or so he envisioned.. The trouble he caused for Raika was beginning to take its toll on her, as each time someone brought him home or knocked on their door with bad news the numbing pain in her eyes became more obvious. Still Raika loved her son and she was never a strict parent to begin with. Gintaro was young but joining the village ranks with all the responsibility was something he needed to do.

Upon entering the academy, he was instructed to head to the training field and was given easy directions to follow, the starting process seemed easy enough. He ventured out and stumbled upon a few other kids and an older looking man who was most likely the teacher. The first thing he could take in was how the other students were all dressed really nice in comparison to himself and were most likely well fed that morning unlike him. He slowly made his was to the back while holding his head down to the ground, he was alot taller than the other kids currently in the class so he knew that they were most likely already talking bad about his appearance or clothes. He had to stay strong nevertheless as this was something he wanted to do, not just for him, but also for his family.

[OOC: Sorry in advance for any error or grammar mistakes etc etc, this is my first ever rp post so im still learning. So please bare with me and pm me any tips or pointers if you have any, thanks : )

Sunaku Harupia

Active Member
Oct 10, 2012
Slowly but surely the youngest cadets of the academy strolled into the training area. It did seem preaty much all of them were faces he did not recognize. That was good to see if a bit bittersweet... He was half expecting Kenta to still be stuck with basic Ninjutsu drills, but he did learn he had made pst that hurdle...he wonders just what would be in store for the hot head. And he wished h could have seen it till the end. Still, most teachers were willing to simply write him off, while his egging him on seemed to have the desired effect.

No use focusing too much on the past. He had the future to look into. A lot of it right before his eyes. He took a few moments to gaze at each student, seeing one of the girls looking at him, and seemingly focusing her gaze squarely at him, while trying to keep her distance from her classmates. Hmm, a shy one...was it because of her natural disposition, or was there an underlying reason for it? It didn't seem the other kids were trying to tease her...he'd need to keep an eye on that. The remaining children seemed to act in a more usual fashion. Some seemed a bit bored, some seemed slightly curious or excited by the prospect of a class with an unseen before the teacher. Some seemed to steer their attention to one of the other kids, who seemed to be a bit taller and... shaggy compared to the rest. Very likely a child from a less well of family, who was looking at the academy as a way to rise beyond what they were born into.

All in all seemed like a well-adjusted class, though he would make sure to try and curb any issues as they appeared. But for now, it was time to start. Clearing his throat he called out "Ok now, calm down everyone... Let us do a roll call first quickly" he said, listing of the names of the students, making sure to do his best to remember them for later. After that was done he would tuck in the notepad he had aside before saying "I'm not sure how much you have heard of me, so to introduce myself, I am Sunaku Harupia. I have taught quite a few classes before yours before a slight leave of absence, so I'm sure you should know I'm a kind and respectful students who can show the same qualities to me and others" he spoke, changing his tone to a more menacing one for a second. An indication he would treat them well, but only if they treated him, and other the same. He quickly returned to his normal voice "As for the class, it is listed as Ninjtsu 101. The first steps from you knowing little of Chakra and the art of using it..." he made a slight, pause, suddenly moving his fingers in a flurry of hand seals as he finished "Before you can do things like this!"

As he concluded the final hand seals and stomped his foot into the ground, two things would happen. On the left side of where they stood, the sand from he training ara would start to mold and travel upwards, quickly forming into a perfectly flat, squared wall next to them. Simultainsoly, behind the teacher himself a row of a dozen training dummies, would appear. Said dummies would appear to be from wood, which given the seemingly barren soil under their feet would be normally impossible. With a smile, he said "If you study hard, you will be able to create buildings, shape the land before you, starts might fire and quench them with rainstorms! But we need to start at step, can anyone tell me what exactly is Chakra? Or at least, what you know or think you know of it?" He finished directing a smile towards the gathered students.

Misaki Kyoko

New Member
Aug 6, 2018

Kyoko shivered and moved in a little closer when a sense of foreboding emanated behind her. Although as her instructor spoke, it somehow calmed her. She looked up to him with cautious optimism and a nervous smile as he laid the ground rules. She nodded her head but backed away just a smidge when his soft spoken voice suddenly had a bit of fire in it. As he stomped into the earth and sent sand flying, her eyes widened. She held her arms up in front of her as his hand started to fly, "aoo-ox? e--hor--se"? Her eyes zero in on him for a slight moment before the sound of shifting sands beneath her churned. In front of her figures began to pop out from the ground and to her left a shadow was cast upon her. She looked to him and then to the wall and back to his test dummies. Her gaze shifted from side to side, half expecting to see herself trapped in a prison made of sand. "w-w--w-ah ahh uhhhh huh". In her frenzy she accidentally looked behind her to a strangely silent academy that seemed to encroach upon her. Kyoko looked onto the school absentmindedly for a moment, a tingly feeling in her eyes burned.A faint echo rung in her ears as she peered closer at the seemingly empty school, before shaking her head and looking back at the instructor once more more.

The man before her put her on edge, but what looked like a freak to her was nothing compared to what lied in wait at the academy. What may be taken as a passionate voice put her on pins and needles as he asked his question, leaving the girl dumbfounded. All she could do was try to force her mouth shut and shake her head as he finished. Behind her though, she felt a natural sense of fear and did not dare look in its direction. As the other kids raised their hands she too threw hers up as well, as to not be swallowed by their pace. Trying her best to calm down she raised her hands and thought about what she learned at the torano doko.


Otobo Gintaro

New Member
Aug 21, 2018
Gintaro was in awe by the display of the man who called himself their teacher. He'd heard of ninjutsu before but never actually got a chance to see it in person. Seeing those wooden objects raise from the Sand was like a magic trick but a thousand times better. He briefly thought "Amazing!" As his eyes slightly widened. His decision to join the academy was looking more prominent and learning ninjutsu was a bonus! Gintaro's joyful moment ended shortly after as following up his sensei asked a question he had no idea how to anwswer. Though glancing around he noticed all the hands that we're raised, it was as if he was living in a whole other world. In that moment Gintaro was a little discouraged and could only hold his head down hoping nobody would notice how clueless he was.

Nataya Ryuma

New Member
Aug 15, 2018
Ryuma stood silently in anticipation as the instructor made roll call, and then introduced himself to the class. As if these things really mattered, the only thing on his mind was what spectacular thing was this "Sunaku" going to do to grab the class attention. The moment arrived soon after the instructor finished his introduction and began to make hand seals. Ryuma watched intently, but only caught about three-quarters of the seals used. This instructor was far faster at using hand seals than his own father was, though this was no feat by any means. His father was just a low class ninja who barely made it out of the academy, or so he has always been told. Then came the stomp at the end of the hand seals, and the sand on the left side of the area began to raise up and form a wall. Followed up by training dummies made of wood popping up from the sand itself.

The class cheered as the teacher showed off a bit and started a small speech about the abilities capable of those who can use and master ninjutsu. Ryuma however stayed silently and his eyes left the focus of the teacher. Training dummies and a wall were not enough to impress him. He was hoping for something more chaotic or violent, and the fact that training dummies were involved meant that he wouldn't able to spar with other students. Though he averted his gaze, his ears still listened to the teacher and finally he asked if the instructor asked a question about what chakra was, or what anyone knew of it. A few students piped up before him saying it was how you made crazy abilities happen like shooting fireballs, ice bolts, or even shooting lightning. A hefty sigh escaped the young boy as he listened to the other answer the question with simple knowledge.

" Chakra, is life energy. Its runs through us and all living things. Including spirit thingies, and if you run out of chakra you die." Ryuma answered in a very direct and monotone voice, sounding completely disinterested as he spoke. "Sensei, could you show us something big, something strong?" Looking up at the instructor as he asked the question. With the question asked the other students began to chatter among themselves a bit more. "STRONG! STRONG! STRONG!" Ryuma shouted in a rythm as the rest of the class began to follow along. All of them eager now to see something powerful come from the instructor Sunaku, Harupia.

Word Count: 420

Sunaku Harupia

Active Member
Oct 10, 2012
Well, seemed his small demonstration worked well enough. Some were cautious still cause a new teacher in the academy, some of the kids were fairly impressed, he assumed because of not seeing ninjutsu used much before, some seemed a bit rattled by the sudden movement. The girl he noticed at the very beginning seemed to a bit more rattled than the others. He needed to keep an eye on her... he had no intention of scaring any student away.

Also as somewhat expected most of the Academy students were somewhat silent as his question came, though one did finally speak up. A few simplistic answers but a good starting point. What caught him off guard was that the question came along with a challenge. Apparently sporting a tall wall and several wooden dummies were not quite enough of a show for this boy. And soon a few other students joined in on his little chant. The teacher stood there with a seemingly natural face, sighing a bit "Well well, the troublemaker of the class exposed himself early hmm. I guess that's good" he mused, and some of the more astute students could start to feel a slight rumble under their feet "I guess my sandworm will have an early lunch"

As he would say that, a sudden burst would emerge from under the ground behind the students, a large dark shadow hovering above where Ryuma was standing. The boy would find something snatching him by the collar and seemingly rising him quite high up as it moved around. Said thing would turn out to be the form of a Sand Worm, a creature most would probably know from spooky bed night stories or perhaps take peeks into the biology books. The Wyrm would coil around, its height almost big enough to cover the teacher from their eyes, its massive body curling around the training ground, almost surrounding them in a circle, the front which looked like a giant maw slightly flailing and swinging the rowdy boy around. As this happened he would call out after a few moments of initial suprise "Don't be scared now. This is a creation of my sand, completely under my control. It will not harm you in any way It seemed like a good demonstration to give kids a bit of a shakeup. He could imagine the other teacher already giving him a stern talking to later on but he had performed this routine a few times, without much issue.

As the summoned sand wyrm coiled around the group, he would produce a small sealing scroll from his pocket and unseal its contents, a rather wide blackboard appearing next to him covered in various texts, pictures presenting beginner level jutsu and the necessary steps to make them. But then the wyrm was hanging Ryuma next to Harupia, with the teacher asking "I hope this is a big enough creation for the time being? I can't exactly go spitting fireballs here...that'll be better down the ciriculum" he joked, before setting the boy down and letting him join the rest, speaking up saying

"Back to the lesson proper, what Ryuma said was correct at its very core: Chakra is the energy. It is a combination of two powers: Physical energy, meaning the energy which is created by the motions of your body, your muscles" he said, flexing his own arm for emphasis "and Spiritual energy, which is derived from your mind. Meditation, expanding your knowledge by learning and observing, taking what you know and training that knowledge, refining it. Your mind is like another muscle required to learn and master any technique, which is why all the boring book classes are indeed necessary" He joked, presenting a single seal as he disputed the sandworm, which seemingly dissolved into large mounds of sand around them "Before you'll be able to summon large beasts and massive balls of fire, you'll need to learn how to combine the strength of your muscles and your mind into chakra. To conjure a jutsu, we need to start with something to help us focus that energy in our bodies. Namely hand seals" He presented the blackboard behind him, clear pictures of each seal presented on it

"For the sake of the exercise, I want you to try and perform a basic technique using of the earth style, allowing you to fire a stone from the ground like a projectile. The seals needed are the bird, and snake, like so" he paused, to step closer to the class and show him how he formed the seals himself, first two separately, then the mount he would do to transition from one to another. After that, he would say "For now I want you all to try and practice these movements on their own. Just form the seals and focus on your hands, the moment on the fingers, tries to imagine the stone hurling itself from the ground t the target. You should feel a sensation as if the fingertips are burning slightly. I'll keep watch over you doing them, and anyone feels they have a hang of it, then we'll try to reform some target practice" he concluded, asking the students to spread out a bit to give everyone room for their practice as he moved to look at them, trying to see anyone doing the seals incorrectly or in need of assistance or advice in any way.


OOC: Just a heads up. I wont be avaible for the next few days untill Sunday, since Ill be going on a avacation trip. As soon as im back I will post the next part of the class but that would be at Sunday at the earliest. Apologies for the inconinvce, but after that I should be avaiable with little interuption

Misaki Kyoko

New Member
Aug 6, 2018
Kyoko slowly put her hand down as the rash boy answered the question without regard for the classroom conventions. She sniffled and looked away after glaring at him for a moment. Her attention was quickly diverted to the teacher who proclaimed his sand worm would be having lunch early. To which the little girl felt nothing really. She folded her arms and tapped her foot on the ground a few times as others were annoyed at him. There however, was a slight shift in the sand that could be heard all around the class. She stumbled ever so slightly as the ground beneath her literally shifted and coalesced before her very eyes. The boy who she recognized from the dojo was snatched up quicker than anyone in her class could seemingly react. It's serpentine body thrashed the surroundings and sent sand flying up into the air momentarily, leaving the dark foreboding shadow of the worm looming over them as it encircled them. She stuttered and looked all about, finding no escape in sight. She fell to her knees and stared up at Ryuma wondering if she was going to be next. " S-s-sand -w-ww-erm"?

As the Sunuku sensei was explaining to the class that it was merely a creation of his own, her father sat perched upon the rooftop of the academy with a dishearted expression written upon his face. He crossed his arms and shook his head at her as she slowly got up and dusted herself off. "My gosh where's the tigress from the other day"? He ofcourse was eluding to the day she had awoken her sharingan. On the one hand his precious daughter seemingly had a mental breakdown from his point of view,but on the other, her eyes and demeanor was totally alien. He slouched a bit and looked onward as she continued her lesson. " I don't want the scary daughter who didn't blink for 8 hours straight....I just want cha to get stronger little one".

As Kyoko was about to raise her hand to ask what the worm was, he pulled out a rather mundane looking scroll. She paused just a moment as a puff of white smoke enveloped him momentarily, to reveal a blackboard with some wierd diagrams behind him. She scratched her chin and squinted to see what they said as he continued on about chakra. "Bird...monkey? what"? Although only for a moment as he began to make the signs himself in a show of absolute confidence. She peered at him for a second, as he held the snake pattern, then back to the blackboard. She saw the triangle shapes made between the index fingers and pinkies,but could not for the life of her get what the other three were doing. For a few minutes she fumbled about as the other kids were more or less starting to get it. "lik--e dis no thats not it what is that fing'r doin"? All the while she was engrossed with the blackboard and trying to mirror the shape of the bird seal.

513 words

Nataya Ryuma

New Member
Aug 15, 2018
Ryuma watched the teacher before him intensely even as the ground beneath him began to shift. Followed up by a large creature emerging from the sand and towering itself over the boy, before quickly swooping down and grabbing him by his collar. The large creature was made of sand and looked like the sand wryms he had been warned about from his family, but fear isn't what he felt as beast picked him up from the ground and toted him around. His facial expression revealed a small smirk as he seemed alive by the large monster dragging him around. From this high position he could see the reactions of the rest of the class ranging from mocking laughter to terrified in tears. Then came the teachers patronizing statement assuring him to not be scared of the creation. A short chuckled escaped his lips upon hearing the teachers comment, and his eyes shifted from casually entertained to anger as he the creature was dismissed.

The teacher moved on quickly after setting him down and allowing him to join back with the class. A blackboard was summoned with a list of all the hand signs used to create ninjutsu and the class was instructed to create an earth style technique of shooting a rock from the ground. The teacher instructed them to use the Bird and Snake seals to create the earth style technique. After a short demonstration, the class was allowed to go for it each student standing at a target and trying to shoot a rock from the earth into the wooden figure standing before them.

Still angry from the teachers remark the boy took a deep breath and focused at the task on hand. Channeling his anger into his movements as he shifted gracefully from Bird to Snake and channeled his chakra through this fingertips. With an immediate near perfect display a rock flew out from under him and into the air randomly, but this wasn't the completion of the task. To many of the students just shooting the rock would have been enough, but for him he had to not only launch a rock, he also needed to hit the target with it perfectly and more than once. Ryuma had always been a quick study, as such he always sought the highest achievable goal for any task put before him. Now understanding how to generate the rock, he moved into the next step of figuring out how to control the rocks direction. Again a short deep breath focus and hand signs executed exceptionally. However this time he focused on the target more and directed his energies toward hitting the wooden figure before him. A crashing sound rang out letting him know he was successful in hitting the target, and so he repeated the task again and again. Finally ending with a three out of four shots hitting the target.

"Sensei, I can hit the target every-time. What's next?" Ryuma yelled out as he sat down and awaited a response from the teacher.

WC: 504

Sunaku Harupia

Active Member
Oct 10, 2012
Haru assessed the situation silently in his mind. With most students, the stunt with the Sandworm had its desired effect. It seemed the boy he wanted to tease for his impatience was the one least affected. seemingly quite at ease at being tossed around, almost offended more by the fact he explained that this was a jutsu. And seemingly not all to impressed in spite of witnessing one of the most advance sand manipulation techniques...though in all fairness, it might not be the most outwardly flashy.

Regardless he did move to the next step of the lesson which was showing the kids a basic jutsu and their first step into using handseals. And it was going approximately how you would expect after the students calmed a bit after the earlier display of the sandworm they moved closer to the board and the practice targets. For the moment he took to be a more silent observer, standing moving slightly in the back watching all the students carefully. Some have taken to the hand sealing quite fast, going through the motions with little difficulty and moving on to practice on the targets, while some had bit more trouble with the act itself. As he saw a few boys and girls struggle he gently tapped them on the shoulders, including Misaki who seemed to be perhaps focusing a bit too much on the blackboard. He gave the girl a warm smile before calling out for the other students he taped to gather closer, soon forming them into a circle around him as he sat down int he middle saying

"I know this can be a bit discouraging. After all, the concept of controlling something under you legs just with your mind is...well, as wonderful as it is bizarre. But it just takes practice, like this" he said before presenting both the Bird and Snake sign separately holding his hands in the proper position, explaining in greater detail how the fingers should be placed while adding "While these are important, they don't have to be perfect per say. The hand seals are a way for you to meditate, to help your mind and body focus the energy inside you. As you do these motions, in your hand focus on the task you want to do, on moving the ground under your feet. As you do it there should be a...shimmering, tingling sensation. Like something warm started to flow from your body to your fingers. If you focus on the feeling, on trying to guide and harness that warmth, the motions of the fingers become almost natural, like something you always could do" he finished with a reassuring smile"

By the time he finished talking, he could hear Ryuma shout out to him that he already could hit the target every time. At least as brash as he was he seemed to have a knack for Jutsu usage. With a chuckle, he would turn to the group around him saying "I'll be watching nearby if you need any help, but I do expect you to try your hardest!" before moving toward the target practice range. Along Ryuma there was a handful of students who also felt quite confident in there, stroking the wooden targets with relative ease "Gotta say, quite impressive how fast you all managed to get a good grasp at this. At this rate, you might be the ones showing me how strong you jutsu can get!" he said with praise, seeing a few of the faces who were chanting along with the Sandwyrm rider before. After that, he would reach under his robes, dangling a set of real, polished Kunai connected with a piece of wire as he said "I have a small offering for the students who do their best. And I think a proper competition would be in order to decide who gets the spoils. Now seeing this is a beginners class IM not quite allowed to let you chuck rocks at each other, but I can offer an interesting race for the top...or a competition with a target which won't be standing around as you try to hit it. So, what it will be hmm?" he asked the students, a bit of ruckus erupting, some wanting to show off their jutsu skills, some curious how a race would look like, some knowing what he was implying and eager to do that. Most seemed rather eexicted on getting thier hands on geniene ninja tools, which wasnt something most would get to have outside of Academy training at this point. So he waited patiently for everyone to voice their wants and needs.

OOC - Really apologize for the delay. Partially my fault because of my trip but also was waiting for Gintaro to potentially post. As of now, that would be strike one towards him. from this point on there will be no further delays. Again, truly sorry for this

Ryuma, to make it a bit less vague OOC the race would involve teaching you how to use chakra to cling to surfaces. As to what the moving target would be, well that I can leave as a bit of a surprise xP But ultimately the choice will be yours here

Misaki Kyoko

New Member
Aug 6, 2018
Kyoko heard the class start to clamor on the other side of the field as a blunt thud of wood smashing to bit filled her ears. Each smack stirred her more, making her ears twitch each time. Kyoko peeked through a crowd of students to find Ryuma showing off, with a few of the senju who already knew the jutsu. She shook her head and slapped her cheeks to focus herself. However the distress from below didn't merely go away because she wanted to catch up. The combination of the sun and the noise from the others annoyed her and threw her focus off. There was no tingling nor could she get the hand seal correct, which was actually starting to frustrate her. She scratched her head and growled, only to be caught off gaurd by her teacher. He nodded to her with a kind expression and beckoned to her. Kyoko looked back at Ryuma who was busy showing off, but turned to listen to her teacher's words of advice.

After hearing his initial tips he was crowded promptly with other questions. Kyoko discretely disappeared and found herself separated from the rest to a certain extent. With nothing to shoot, she focused mostly on the process. She took a deep breath and began to imagine the ground beneath her. "Bird... snake", she said as the chakra in her chest swelled. There was no reaction from the ground however. Her brows furrowed as she expended chakra again, trying to imagine a rock. Nothing emerged as it had for Ryuma,but she felt the earth beneath her feet shift ever so slightly. "YES, alright one more ti--me", she said to herself as the word race broke her focus. Kyoko looked back at the small mound she created, then back at the excited class. "erm race....jutsu....race...jutsu..."?

As the wind blew, she felt a chill ride up her spine. Kyoko dared not look back and instead ran to join the group.

330 words

training post for the week of 9/10-9/17

Nataya Ryuma

New Member
Aug 15, 2018
As the class continued their constant barrage of rocks, some with perfect accuracy, others not able to the hit target, and some who couldn't even launch the rock. The teacher pulled aside some of the students who were struggling to give them an extra lesson. This is when Ryuma interrupted the teacher with his ease of casting the jutsu perfectly every time. This prompted the teacher to pulled aside the rest of the student. Most of whom were on par with Ryuma or slightly behind in their ability to land a shot every time. Though this was a smaller portion of the class it was enough to grab the attention of some of the struggling students. In order to keep the class learning their teacher offered them a choice between a challenge. Option A, was to have a race, and option Option B, was to have a move advance run of target practice. There was an outside reward as well. .A real kunai.

Ryuma had seen and held many forms of ninja tools at this point in his life. The reward didn't really interest him, but to be at the top of the class did. Simply winning for the sake of sinning is what inspired Ryuma. A race would be interesting, but shooting rocks at a moving target could lead to even more excitement and opportunity. He wasn't the only one who though this as the rest of the faster students were all calling for target, and so he joined in with them. The clamoring of which option to choose was quickly silenced by boisterous claims from many of the students about how great they were at the task at hand. From small boasts to, im the best and you have no chance statements. The competitive fire was lit and the class was excited as they awaited the targets reveal.

WC: 304

Sunaku Harupia

Active Member
Oct 10, 2012
Harupia looked around carefully amongst the students. Most of them still trying to practice the forms themselves, trying to heed his advice, but the group who were already rather proficient with the basic offensive technique. A promising crop of students indeed...either that or this wasn't actually the suited first attempt in using Ninjutsu. Though given many among them were still learning and struggling to a bigger or lesser extent, he ruled out the possibility of a someone pulling his leg.

The Kunai was a bit of a gamble for sure as a hook to keep everyone interested, but the age at which a young boy or girl gets their first tool like this varied greatly. Some parents were rather cautious or worried about the Kin even after seeing them towards the academy, some tended to push the issue quite fast...a bit to fast sometimes. He himself had both parents doing opposite was a tricky balance. Regardless, even if some didn't seem interested in it, they did seem interested in competing. What started as a unified cheer turned into a competition of boasting and claiming they would prove themselves better.

He pondered the situation and figured this would be a good way to kill two birds with one stone... As apt the saying was he always found it a bit morbid. With a quick handseals and a motion of his hands, the group of students would once again feel the rumbling coming under their feet. After a few seconds, a figure would pop from the ground, seemingly a doppelganger of the teacher itself, only it was clearly made out of the sand. The clone gave the students a quick bow before quickly jumping away from them "Ok then I see you all fired up...But there is only one prize, so here is how it will go. There is eight of you ready to take on the challenge, so I want you to group up in pairs, and assume battle positions" as he said that he moved his hands swiftly before him, forming the sand from the ground into mounds of various shapes and sizes, some of them with opening in various spots, creating a makeshift battlefield "I can imagine you guessed already. The Target will be my trusty clone there. And I would advise not to take him lightly. He can be quite nimble...and can fire back with a stone of his own if you not careful" he said with a bit of a smirk, which was mirrored by the sand clone far away

"The objective is simple: Try to hit my clone with the jutsu you have learned now. You will start in two-man groups, 4 in total, and I will keep a tally of how many hits you make. After 10 minutes, the team with the most points will face off, the first one to hit the target winning! And as an additional stipulation, if any of you end up hit by the Clones Counterattack, you will also be eliminated" he finished with a bit of sternness in his voice. This should hopefully seem challenging enough for the feisty lot... and hopefully, he could adjust the clones moments enough to have them not be too overbearing. "You have two minutes to prepare, so use them wisely. To the rest, you can watch for the time being if you wish, but if possible I would like to see all of you manage to successfully conjure the Jutsu at least once before the class ends, o don't lose focus! And again, don't be afraid to ask for assistance" he called ut to the remaining students, noting a few of them directing their gaze more towards the makeshift arena then at their own targets. Kind of needed to be in two places at once...but he felt he could manage.

AS the preparation time came, Ryuma would find himself approached by one of the other students, a somewhat unassuming girl with shoulder length dark hair and blue eyes as she said "Ugh, you really needed to chant for the target practice? I wanted to practice running on walls! Ehh, anyway...I think I have an idea how we can rack up some points on this...if you wanna team up that is" she said in a slight huff as the other students tried to form up their teams as well.


Nataya Ryuma

New Member
Aug 15, 2018
Ryuma stood in the crowd of students as they chanted for the target practice challenge. Though they were quickly cut short by the teacher summoning a clone of himself and some mounds of sand to make the area of the field they were in appear more like an actual battlefield. After doing this the teacher promptly began to explain the rules to class. Which in short were team up, hit the clone as much as possible and win. Getting hit equals to elimination and the team with the highest score count gets to compete with one another. Simple enough rules for a group of young kids.

With the rules stated the kids were given a two minute time to plan a battle strategy and to find partners. There was eight students in total participating in the event. Meaning four teams of two. Though Ryuma had hoped to be able to do this competition on his own, he bucked and up and prepared himself to be paired with some other student. After all the tool was the least of his concerns, he just wanted to win for the sake of winning, or in his mind proving he is better than the rest. As the eight students dispersed and began to seek out partners and prep themselves for the oncoming challenge Ryuma was approached by a young girl with shoulder length black hair.

Her leading statement was a rather snide comment on Ryuma's ability, before a graceful whine about not wanting to do this, but rather wanting to practice running on walls. Then she proceeded to tell Ryuma that she had a battle plan and that she would like for him to be her partner. Though at this point the boys ears had shut off and everything she said after the first comment was lost on him. Turning toward the younger girl a bloodthirsty aura was pouring from him as he looked her over. Anger had taken hold at her comment. "Don't need your help." He stated as he shoved the young girl back before walking over to Kyoko who had made her way over to the group of students in the advanced lesson.

Ryuma had known that she was struggling, but he didn't care. He wasn't choosing her to help him win. He was choosing her to win while at a disadvantage to really shove it in that young girls face. "Partners?" He would ask Kyoko as he reached his hand out to shake on it. Turning back he would look at the young girl he had pushed to the ground with a smirk. Not only would this make this challenging for him, but it would also offset the numbers and now that black haired girl would either have to go at it alone, or the teacher would have to find another student to pair with her. Meaning she would be a disadvantage just like him, but the rules were your only disqualified if your hit so as long he never gets hit. His team will always be in. Kyoko was just a pawn for him.

Misaki Kyoko

New Member
Aug 6, 2018
Kyoko thought she saw something odd,but she wanted to get a better peek at what was going on. She surveyed the area and saw a pillar of sand standing beside her. She tapped it a few times, to test its stability. "Hmm interesting", she said with a grin. She closed her eyes and breathed in slightly, before running up the pillar before leaping up at the end, just barely catching onto the edge of the plateau. Now about 3 meters above the others, she peered out at her sensei who was messing around with his clone. "Ohhh two senseis...I wonder", she said under her breath as Ryuma appeared out of nowhere. Upon hearing his voice she slipped off and barrel rolled into the sand.

She winced as she smacked against the sloped hill at the foot of the pillar and huffed a few times, sending sand flying up into her face. " Umm uhh im not really good at the jutsu....but I'll try", she said. In the distance she saw the girl who ryuma rejected and felt her stomach get heavy. Looking at his face, she noticed his smirk but didn't say anything. The other groups were starting to form while the rest started to move to the side, leaving them and a few other dare devil pairs to stand before the sensei in the battlefield he set up.

229 words

Sunaku Harupia

Active Member
Oct 10, 2012
The set up was going pretty well, the wild scramble between the kids to get into pairs. Some of them seemed to know each other while some seemed to approach it more pragmatically, seeking out the ones who did the best. Some seemed...less than cooperative, as he observed the scene between Ryuma and the girl. Seemed he was somewhat non-pulsed by her proposal, which was fine... him shoving her down, was not. As he would approach Kyoko with his question, the boy would hear the similar wheez of stone flying through the air as a stone bullet formed from the ground behind him and smack him in the back of the head. If he had good reflexes he might be able to dodge it...though Harupia made sure to lunch it with the intent to hit.

Regardless of whether the stone bullet would end up hitting the mark or not (if it did it would be mostly harmless, as if someone slapped the boy hard on the neck) if the boy would turn around he would see the class teacher standing above him with his hands behind his back saying "That'll count as you first strike for this exercise... and if you raise a hand on a fellow student again outside of practice, or say one word of complaint, you will fail this class. Are we clear?" His tone was clear and harsh, his posture more rigid than at any point in the class, trying to convey he will not tolerate this kind of behaviour. He quickly turned his hand around to quiet down the chatter and laughter of the other students behind him, including the girl who was sticking her tongue out at the boy, though she did smirk seeing who Ryuma decided to team with.

He was suprisd by the choice himslef... if he ahd to guess, it was a way of the boy putting a handicap on himslef. Sighing a bit, as he hread the girl accept the boys offer he said "I want to say you shouldnt feel pressured to join in the excercise...but at the same time, perhaps a bit of more practicla aplication is that push youll need to get over your hurdle. I just hope you both work well together" glancing at Ryuma one more time with a warning stare. While he didn't appreciate Ryuma trying to use one of his co-students as a handicap, the girl seemed to want and compete. He did consider the issue of the shoved girl being the one odd out, but she seemed savy enough to round up one of the boys still practicing at the stationry targets. With a bit of a sigh, he said "5 teams then... less symetric but it should work. Get into postions everyone, where starting in 10...9..." he coutned down, prfromingm a quick handseal, and creating a flaoting orb int he shapes of an eey from his palms. So he could both observe the live practice and make sure the other students were practigin correctly.

With the scramble to take up positions ongoing, the countdown shortly ended. As soon as harupia shouted out go, one of the teams decided to go gung-ho, pelting at the clone as much as they could wit the stone bullet jutsu. The clone seemed to smirk in its sandy form, sliding through the sand and avoiding the bullets, even managing to redirect one of them against the students while firing one of its own. The two boys maanged to dodge but ended up hidden behind one of the mounds, as the Clone started to slide around in the circle formed by the barrier, almost taunting the other teams. Even with a fraction of the teachers power, his wouldnt be an easy target.

Misaki Kyoko

New Member
Aug 6, 2018
Kyoko stared at display and watched as the other kids were already charging forth. She crouched to avoid a stray bullet as other kids not in the competition all ran for cover. She watched each boy and girl, looking for any commonalities for how they casted their jutsu. She nodded a few times and made a mental note regarding how they cast the stone bullet jutsu. As sensei's clone was gliding about as if he was surfing on the sand, Kyoko flipped backwards a few times until she was perched upon one of the structures he had made. She closed her eyes and took a deep breath before locking eyes on the clone. " Bird snake, earth style: stone--- uh thingy jutsu"! Her voice squeaked as she held her breath and focused the sand beneath her into a bullet. However like her other attempts, it flopped and fell to the ground after a few feet and disappeared into the sand beneath them.

She blinked a few times as a few kids jeered at her. "Just geddouttah thar dummy"! Another student joined in and shouted, " Yer just gonna slow down ryu-sama! Just get out of the way"! Kyoko's face lost color for a second as she looked at her hands trying to figure out what she was doing wrong with her signs. When another bullet flew through the air and pelted her forehead, making the girl tumble off the sand structure again. As she rolled, she threw herself back up to a standing position before stumbling back again. " Gosh dang it", she growled as she rubbed her head.

271 words

Didn't want to do too much, cuz of all the other kids battling it out for victory :3

Nataya Ryuma

New Member
Aug 15, 2018
The sound from the bullet of stone alerted Ryuma to its arrival. He may have been young, but his entire life so far had been spent in combat training situations at his family. Ranging from a variety of scenarios, many of them involving ambushes or unexpected attacks. As this was his older brother preferred method of making his life miserable. Dodging the flying projectile was easy enough but what he saw when he dodge spark an interest in him. On the side line still stood the shinobi support for their sensei, and as the rock hit the wall in front of of Ryuma he watched as the man slowly sat back down. This meant that apparently there was some concern with Sunaku attacking an unsuspecting student even if it was done in such a manner as to not hurt the kid.

Briefly after noticing this he heard his teacher making some smart comments about not raising a hand to other students. Which were meet with a scoff as he listened to the rest of what the teacher had to say. This was a ninja academy meant to train the next generation of shinobi and yet they had issues with. Ryuma couldn't help but roll his eyes. He may have been young and not able to understand fully, but to something just didn't sit right about this concept of teaching.

There was no time to ponder such things. Taking a deep breathe he focused his mind for the upcoming competition between him and the other students. As soon as the teacher hit zero a large amount of students went wild with rock slinging. Ryuma however grabbed some lose rocks from the ground and placed them in his pouch. Grabbing a few more rocks for his hands. He watched the teacher run around one of the mounds following a group of students. Also, noticed his part had been hit by a stray rock. Other students were yelling about her slowing him down, or her not needing to be there. With a sigh he turned around to the young girl.

"Here's the plan, you go to that hill over there. Go from the left." As he was speaking he was pointing with his finger. "As soon as you come around the corner and you can see the teacher you use the jutsu and hit him. Okay. GO!" With his last statement Ryuma took off toward the mound the teacher was behind. He had his mind running through his idea over and over again. Holding the rocks in his hands he prepared himself.

As he reached the top of the mound he came to a halt. Quickly he analyzed the area and found the teacher. As quickly as he spotted the teacher he released the rocks he threw the rocks he was holding at the sand clone of the teacher before quickly preforming the hand signs and releasing another rock. This wasn't the end of Ryuma's attack, and if Kyoko had joined him they would end up attacking the clone from four directions at once. The second stage to his attack that happened as the first wave of rocks was flying toward the teacher was a downward jump attack. Jumping over the clone from his already higher ground he threw two more rocks from his pouch, but these two collided together breaking apart into sand particles that filled the area and made vision hard. From here he launched a third final rock from his pouch directly at the head of the clone from above, before landing. Upon landing he fired off one more stone throwing jutsu directly at the teacher, and prepared himself to launch another should the teacher take the only way out. All in all it was a three part attack made on his four parts if you count Kyoko. Though he only used the jutsu twice, the rest was a setup to help him score a hit. A total of six rocks were launched at the teacher's, two were from the jutsu, four from the earth itself, and two more were smashed together in order to create a sand screen.

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:
