Ninpocho Chronicles

Ninpocho Chronicles is a fantasy-ish setting storyline, set in an alternate universe World of Ninjas, where the Naruto and Boruto series take place. This means that none of the canon characters exists, or existed here.

Each ninja starts from the bottom and start their training as an Academy Student. From there they develop abilities akin to that of demigods as they grow in age and experience.

Along the way they gain new friends (or enemies), take on jobs and complete contracts and missions for their respective villages where their training and skill will be tested to their limits.

The sky is the limit as the blank page you see before you can be filled with countless of adventures with your character in the game.

This is Ninpocho Chronicles.

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:

Forced Exit I’ll be right back

This thread is marked as containing someone forcefully exiting the village.

Ryujin Akira

Active Member
Oct 23, 2012
OOC Rank
“I’ll be back Sunagakure, so don’t you worry,”
I’d shout to the gate guards as I made my way through the village’s main gate. A few of the younger shinobi were readying their kunai, however, the more senior shinobi would halt them with wisdom, knowing full well that any attempt to stop me was just foolish. With a lit cigar and a smile, I strolled on by in a very stylish red get up. It was my favorite human fashion brand. Designed and modeled by none other than the international hit sensation, Big Hat Momo. I’m a huge fan of her music and bold fashion choices. It was comfortable, it was flamboyant, and it was all out stylish. One could not find a better designer brand. But enough advertising. Let’s get this show on the road.

[Forced Exit]
[Time and a Half card]
[30min Runtime]

Toraono Michino

Mayor of Flavortown
Staff member
Oct 23, 2012
Michino's steady vigilance at the gate finally brought some justification.

The strolling through was a certain shinobi who had been seen as friendly towards a certain diplomatic visitor. Someone who was, as the Toraono Lord assumed, a guest of Akkuma; he may not be as smart as his brother, but things eventually connected in the man's head. Standing up from his position on the gate he watched as Akira began to stroll right on through. Normal proceedures were being ignored, no one stopped them. Stepping off the ledge of his perch, the shinobi fell down towards the woman's location from behind. As he past by, his purple eyes wreathed in flames took careful notes of the man with a cigar holding back the arm of a youth prepared to throw down. Did they stop the child in wisdom, or did they have orders not to stop the red-coated danger that blazed through their gates.

"Leaving so soon?" a deep rumbling voice came from behind, "No problem. I'll just need to see some verification you have permission to leave your lord stranded in unfamiliar territory..."


Ryujin Akira

Active Member
Oct 23, 2012
OOC Rank

And wouldn’t you know it? A new challenger had appeared. Or should I say, some douchebag casting a very large shadow behind me. In annoyance, I replied the only way I felt necessary. I’d give the gate guard a finger gesture I learned from the humans. I believe it means, fuck off. “Here is my verification pal!” But then, I would turn to face the towering behemoth to find a very familiar face. “Hey! You’re the guy who French kissed me a few days ago before turning into a log! That’s right. Migoya filled me in and that’s not the way humans greet at all. It’s what they do when they want to have sex games. I do not wish to have sexy games with you! And I’m not leaving Akuma stranded.” I paused for a short moment, remembering Migoya’s request. This man was of the Toraono clan and I needed to play nice with its members for him. Something about inner village relationships or politics. So, when faced with an awkward altercation where I would normally decapitate my foe… I did what any human would do in this situation. I lied, “Akuma is the one who sent me to go do something’s, err outside the village. He said that everyone knows not to stop me and that I do not need any official paperwork. He also said that, members of the Toraono clan should really wear a shirt. Because the dessert gets cold and everyone can see that their nipples get hard. But he also said to forgive them because they cannot afford shirts because they are so… poor. He also said that I could use the village’s yen to buy these designer clothes for hmmm… my travels. Your next wage may be short because, these clothes were very expensive. Which, in hindsight is very insensitive because… your clan is, so poor.”


Toraono Michino

Mayor of Flavortown
Staff member
Oct 23, 2012
Just exactly how many people did that damn rogue have under his so called “watch”?! Michino’s ears twitched slightly at the affronts the rogue before him threw about. Once again someone who was flaunting protocol under the ruse that “because Akkuma said so.” He had heard that name far too many times at the gates which had become a graveyard for his clan recently; but no sight of the bastard doing his job to defend it.

The insults this one threw made the Toraono’s chains rattle lightly, as if a ghost had begun to shake them. To dishonor himself was one thing; the boy had lived on the bad side of relationship with his clans leaders before. To insult the entire clan itself, and in such a childish way, felt so far removed from the Sennin that he knew so far. Why did the woman feel the need to add on insult to more insults if her object was to indeed leave the village?

I was not given such a message,” his eyes darted to the man with a cigar before zipping back to Akira. Did he dare defy the so-called authority of one of their Sennins? The punishment in his role at the gates could potentially be severe if this person indeed was to be sent out under Akkuma’s orders…but then the thought occurred to him - why would Akkuma have any need of this mercenary that had come in with the Yamikage? Michino assumed the woman was a bodyguard to the Mercenary King and only had minor dealings with the Devil. Why was their allegiance tied to Akkuma and not Migoya?

Too many questions.

The matters of my clan are of no concern to either the Sennin or yourself,” the seven-foot giant groweled through his teeth, “In the name of the Toraono Clan, I defy this order to detain you until I am more clear on exactly what it is Akkuma is trying to do without going through the proper damn channels. If he is to send out a Mercenary to do his tasks, using the village’s funds, he had better damn well keep receipts. Come along with me,” his arm reached out to grab Akira’s, and pull her back into the village.

Ryujin Akira

Active Member
Oct 23, 2012
OOC Rank

Touchy, touchy… and speaking of touchy! "Dude! What the HELL!!" His large hand reached for me just as I spun to avoid his grasp, only to have his hand land firmly on my chest. I had never felt this way before. Was this what humans called embarrassment? I felt flustered and surprised, a mix of anger and a little excitement. All I could remember was blurting out something in anger and embarrassment that I had never said before. "What the f@&$!)&@&!!’$&?!!! I said, I do not wish to have sexy time with YOU!!!"

That was it. This big pervert had crossed the line. If I did nothing to restore my honor, I would surely be labeled the harlot of Sunagakure.

With a quick pull of my glove, I gave him a slap. Then I attempted to slap him several more times with the glove. I wasn’t sure how many slaps were necessary to challenge a man, but I needed to be certain. "I challenge you to a duel!" It was either a duel to restore my honor or he would need to make an honest woman out of me. A kunai wedding perhaps?

In that scenario, I would have to stay home to care for our 12 children, and he would likely need to get another job he hates, probably as a door-to-door salesman selling used ninja tools. He would hate me and blame me for getting pregnant and ruining his dream of becoming Kazekage. Eventually he would hit me out of drunken anger and I would divorce him, collect alimony and child support, and he would fall deeper into drinking and gambling debts, and inevitably would get involved with the wrong people. Eventually, he would leave me and our 12 children—Michi, Kaze, Amaya, Tonto, Cho, Sasuke, Mika, Tora, Kamina, Yoko, Amatsu, and Yuki—to mourn his death. Then, and only then, would I reveal that none of the children were actually his and that I had been having an affair with his best friend throughout our entire marriage.

Yeah… let’s just duel.

[Calling B-Mod]

Akira Kazan

Active Member
Oct 23, 2012
OOC Rank
S Rank
Your battle mod has arrived.
Send me your Battle Statistics!
Stats, Abilities, Equipment, and Jutsu list!
Don't forget to provide me with anything else I may need.
While you are sending me a copy of this stuff, also link me to your Dojos, Profile, and Training!
Please Send actions in a Seperate Message!​

Akira Kazan

Active Member
Oct 23, 2012
OOC Rank
S Rank
Health: 45,000 - 2,259 = 42,741
Temp Health: 9,200 - 138 = 9,062
Chakra: 33,000 - 920 = 32,080 - 4,000 = 28,080
Action Points: 10 - 1 - 2.5 - 0.5 - 0.5 = 5.5 - 0.5 = 5 - 4 = 1 - 0.5 = 0.5 - 0.5 = 0
Action Points Next Round: 10
Status: [Defensive stance -1acc +1 dodge] [Black Dragon Resonance] [Draconic Shift: 3500/round] [Giant!]

~ * Versus * ~

Health: 40,200 - 2Hp Mod (1200) = 39,000
Earthen Barrier hp: 863
Chakra: 40,800 - 2200 = 38,600 - 2,578 = 36,002 - 90 = 35,932
Sand: 1,198
Action Points: 10 - 0.5 - 0.5 - 3 - 2 = 4 - 2.75 = 1.25 - 0.75 = 0.5
Action Points Next Round: 10.5
Status: Shroud of Sands [1,100 cp/round]


0.00 Akira Has the "Gift of the Desert" Passively equiped ~ [Completed]
0.00 Akira Instantly Activates their Genetic Implant!; Ripple Shield! [Completed]
Akira Gaines Implacable [Ability]

0.00 Akira Takes the Initiative and Enters into Divinity’s Edge - Kinjutsu Style! [-0.5ap] [Completed]
- Effect:
Earthen Barrier
Smack Down
Stone Tomb

0.00 Akira Takes The initiative to enter Protection of the Sands - Bloodline Chakra Style - Calm Sand! [-0.5ap] [Completed]

0.00 Michino Takes The Initiative and Activates Dragon Flight! [Airborne Status] -1ap [Completed]
- Michino is now flying!
- [Naturally ends in 10 seconds, or specifically 0 seconds into the following round]
- [Notes for me: -2 Ninjutsu/Ranged dodge, +1 Melee dodge versus other Airborne targets]

1.75 Akira Activates Sand Beast - Final Sand Ninjutsu R1! [Gold!] [-3ap] [Completed]
- Effects:
+5% DR [Calming Sands - Initial]
Gains Calming Sands Effects at X2 rate
Gains Raging Sands Effects
Raging Sand's causes backlash damage equal to the bonus damage
- [20 seconds for sand effects]
- [+10 Second Duration; Elemental Aura] [40 seconds to maintain total]

2.25 Michino Uses Underworld Prison [Mastered] at Akira! - 2.5 AP [Completed]
- Results!
Michino: Nin Accuracy 25 (base with passives) + 7 (roll) - 3 (jutsu acc mod) = 29
Akira: Nin dodge 23 + 5 = 28
- Hit!
While bound, the victim(s) take -4% Max CP each round active.
Akira Is Bound!
- First Attempt to escape at 4.25 seconds [15% chance] [Smart Action]

2.75 Michino Switches into a Defensive Stance! [-1 ACC/+1Dodge] [-0.5ap] [Completed]
3.25 Michino Enters into Chromatic Shifting: Black (Chakra Style) [-0.5ap] [Completed]

4.25 Seconds Akira Attempts to Escape the bind! [-2ap] [Completed]
- Results: 15% Chance, Roll: 13 - ESCAPED!

6.00 Akira Uses Dance of the Waxing moon r2 as a Sand Ninjutsu [Feint!] [Smackdown] [creates 5 clones] [-2.75ap] [Completed]
- Effects:
Akira gains 10% Additional DR. [15% Total from claming sands]
Akira gains an Earthen barrier!
Akira Creates 5 clones: [Clones Disperse at 7 seconds]
Akira Attempts 6 hits

Rolls & Results In spoiler
Akira's Attack Rolls: 16,3,20,7,4,12
Michino's Dodge rolls: 19,6,20,11,16,8

[Base Includes Passive Modifiers]
Akira Base Ninjutsu Accuracy: 28
Michino Base Nin Dodge: 24 + 1 [D Stance] = 25

1st Attempt:
Akira: 28 + 16 = 44
Michino: 25 + 19 = 44 - 2 [Airborn] = 42
- Full hit: 690 Damage
- Suppression roll: 18, passed and applied! [Michino - 0.5ap]
- Michino is no longer Airborne! [Due to Smack down]

2nd Attempt:
Akira Base: 28 +3 = 31
Michino Base: 25 +6 = 31
- Partial! [50%] + [Feint Affinity Move] => Partial [75%] : 690 X 0.75 = 517.5

3rd Attempt:
Akira base: 28 +20 = 48
Michino base: 25+20 = 45

- Critical! [X2!]: 690 X 2 = 1,380 damage

4th Attempt
Akira Base: 28 +7 = 35
Michino Base: 28 +11 = 39
- Miss!

5th Attempt:
Akira Base: 28 +4 = 32
Michino Base: 25 +16 = 41
- Miss!

6th Attempt:
Akira Base: 28 +12 = 40
Michino Base: 25 +8 = 33
-Hit! [Full]: 690 Damage!

Total Damage Before DR: 3,227.5
- Michino has 30% Damage reduction [D stance, Dragon heart, & unarmored]
3,227.5 X .7 = 2259.25 => 2,259 Total!
- Sand Generation: 2,259 X 0.5 = 1,129.5

- Akira's has Earthen Barrier!
Base Damage: 3,227 X 0.25 = 806.7 = 806 Hp barrier!

6.50 Michino Uses Draconic Shift! [-4ap] [Completed]
- Becomes Giant
- Gains Temp Hp: 9,200
- Gains +10% Dr. [40% DR Total; D stance, unarmored, Dragon heart, & Draco shift]
- [Naturally ends in 30 seconds]

6.50 Akira Uses Arcing Slash R2 as a sand ninjutsu at Michino! [Bronze] [Spread] [Smackdown] [-0.75ap] [Complete]
Akira gains +10% Dr due to calming sands [25% due to calming sands]
Akira's Earthen Barrier -grows-

Akira's Roll: 16
Michino's roll: 10
Akira Base Ninjutsu Accuracy: 28 + 16 = 44 +2 = 46
Michino Base Nin Dodge: 24 + 1 [D Stance] = 25 + 10 = 35
- Hit [Full]: 230 damage
- Suppression chance: 5, passed and applied! [Michino - 0.5]

Damage: 230 X 0.6 [Michinos 40% Dr] = 138 total damage!
- Sand Generation: 138 X 0.5 = 69

Barrier Gains: 230 base X 0.25 = 57.5 = 57 + 806 = 863 total

7.00 Michino Draws & Equips a Weapon! [0.5ap] [Complete]

7.00 Akira's Clones Disperse. [Completed]

7.75 Akira Is unable to finish their actions. [Lack of Ap] [Completed]

Questions, comments, or concerns? Please Privately message me.
We're all humans and mistake can be made! Plus, you guys have like 50 things going on with one action lmao.

- Edit: When I did the roll outcomes for underworld prison, I did it at -4. It should have been at -3. This changes nothing changes.
- Edit: I forgot Akira's Sand.
Last edited:

Toraono Michino

Mayor of Flavortown
Staff member
Oct 23, 2012
One slap, two slap, three! A duel had been called and Michino’s head spun.

The reaction to his grab had not been intended. An arm was what his hand reached for, soft tissue was what he got instead; and the very moment he felt it cup in his hand, he knew. The world went gray. Sound became silence. His world stopped the moment his palm grazed Akira’s breast.

Chiyo was going to murder him. So much for helping out Suna. Should of just stayed in freaking politics like Sousuke.

The Beast’s senses, dulled to the embarrassing moment, weren’t so flat that he didn’t notice the sands around him starting to move. The tale-tale slithering sound they made when grains rolled across grains broke him out of the emo trance. Without further hesitation the Toraono’s large body was suddenly in the air; his chains rattling in protest against the sudden surge of chakra.

No wings adorned his body to keep him aloft, just simple manipulations of the air using chakra. It came almost as naturally as breathing for Michino, as his talent with Wind Chakra Release could almost be compared to his brother’s - ya know, the living sky elemental with alcoholism. His purpled-flame wreathed eyes shot around for the shinobi below him as he prepared to capture the gate runner. She was already pulling up enough grains of golden sand that…no, it was actual gold. The creature of literal golden flecks came together menacingly, with bits of sand used as filler for the bigger parts.

A Sunaku!” the warrior gasped in surprised. Despite being the literal home of the ancient clan, and in a sandbox that would be their kingdom, those blooded by the ancient power to control sand was surprisingly rare in the desert. These were the people capable of creating storms akin to the Maelstrom, and if the old legends were true, created the dreaded sandworms way back in the times of Ancients and Primus. He had to stop her before things got of out of hand and the area around the gates ended up being a casualty of two living nukes going at it.

The Toraono’s hands glowed the same purple as the flames that covered his eyes and the chains once more protested as he clasped them together before flipping through the seals for one of his clan’s secret techniques:
Hyou’s Jungle: Shadow Vines,” the giant man in the sky mumbled as an invisible shock of chakra leaped from him to the ground beneath Akira. Her shadow suddenly deepened, and widened until it was a pool of black sludge. Her feet would sink in slightly before thick black vines shot out of the pool to wrap her up and continue to pull the Merc in slowly. A quick interaction with no actual violence beyond the slap - thank the Kami. Yet the shinobi was just that - a warrior of the shadow. He didn’t fully believe he had won until Akira was in the Obsidian with chakra cuffs. The air began to lower him down as he unleashed more of his strength by shrugging off the chains that held down the man’s real power. A black aura of sheer, overwhelming, strength erupted from the shinobi as he descended down to the trapped merc to deliver an option to come peacefully.

‘Twas in vain.

Before he knew what was happening the woman had managed to pull themselves out of the goop of Shadow Ninjutsu he had laid at her feet. Blades of sand encircled him suddenly, time slowing down as he noted each one and moved to dodge; but his reflexes were just not up to snuff against the speed of dirt. The first hit him so fast and hard it knocked him clear out of the sky, landing on his back and rolling back up to his feet, he raised his arms in defense as the blades of sand continued to strike down on him, kicking up a cloud that showed a sillouete of the warrior defending against the Merc’s attacks. From within the cloud came a deep growl of barely held back fury. It echoed from a being much larger that the Toraono until his shadowy form within the raised dirt shifted and molded into a giant cat-like figure. Once the dust settled, what remained was a dragon-sized panther with two curled ram-like horns, double rows of razor-sharp fangs, six flame-wreathed eyes, and an aura from the very hells themselves.

Lay down your sand, and come peacefu-“ the echoing words from the cat’s throat was cut off suddenly by a spray of sand in its face. All six eyes narrowed as it looked down at Akira.

The growl deepened, rattling the nearby homes and businesses.

[Sending Actions]

Ryujin Akira

Active Member
Oct 23, 2012
OOC Rank

In this world, the humans possess a curious array of beliefs centered on phenomena they can’t substantiate. For instance, they pray to a sky daddy; expecting this invisible being to fulfill their desires and cleanse them of their misdeeds. When confronted with peril, they beseech this imaginary entity even when they weren’t a believer to begin with. Were I human, perhaps now would be an appropriate time to start such a practice. However, I am not human. I am a being of extraordinary powers. If anything, humans should direct their pleas to me. I may not bestow wishes or absolve sins, yet my feats are no less miraculous. After I freed myself from whatever shadowy contraption sprung from beneath my feet, I formed clones of gold. That’s right, gold! Ha, You see? Witness my miracles! Even Michino seemed shocked and umm… a little turned on.

Did you know, people still talk about how that one fellow who allegedly turned water into wine. Not to boast, but my miracle is far more impressive and practical. I can transform sand into bronze, silver, and gold! But are there any virgin sacrifices in my honor? Of course not! Where are my tidings and ridiculous rituals where humans starve themselves for several hours on Sunday? The injustice!

…Just as I began to relish my newfound deity status, Michino decided to upstage me. Out of nowhere, he transforms into a giant demonized cat. I was now fighting a giant demonized cat… and yet, my mind began to wonder… “What the hell happened to his pants?”

[sending actions]

Akira Kazan

Active Member
Oct 23, 2012
OOC Rank
S Rank
~ * Round 2: FIGHT! * ~

42,741 - 1,295 = 41,446 - 2,250 = 39,196
Temp Health: 9,062 - 2,250 = 6,812 - 3,000 = 3,812 - 2,587 = 1,225 - 2,520 = - 1,295
Barrier: Smashed ~
Chakra: 28,080 - 3,500 (Draco Mode) = 24,580 - 730 = 23,850 - 80 = 23,770 - 110 = 23,660 - 1,785 = 21,875 - 225 = 21,650
Action Points: 10 - 0.5 = 9.5 - 0.5 = 9 - 2.5 = 6.5 - 0.75 = 5.75 - 1 = 4.75 - 2.75 = 2 - 1.25 = 0.75
Action Points Next Round: 10.75
Status: [Defensive stance -1acc +1 dodge] [Black Dragon Resonance] [Draconic Shift: 3500/round] [Giant!] [Earth Channel] [Berserker Style: Spirit of the Beast]

~ * Versus * ~

39,000 - 88 = 38,912
Barrier Hp: 6,300 - 336 = 5,964 - 1,029 = 4,935 - 1,029 = 3,906 - 1,029 = 2,877 - 1,029 = 1,848 - 1,029 = 819 - 315 = 504 - 315 = 189 - 315 = -126
Chakra: 35,932 + 1,224 = 37,156 - 1,100 (Shroud) = 36,056 - 45 = 36,011 - 1095 = 34,916 - 2,235 = 32,681 - 45 = 32,636 - 45 = 32,591 - 45 = 32,546 - 8 = 32,528
Sand: 1,198 + 1,500 = 2,698 + 1,586 = 4,284 + 1,552 = 5,836 + 1,417 = 7,253
Action Points: 10.5 -1 = 9.5 - 2.5 = 7 - 3.25 = 3.75 -1 = 2.75 - 1 = 1.75 - 1 = 0.75
Action Points Next Round: 10.75
Status: Shroud of Sands [1,100 cp/round] Maelstrom [550/round]


Beginning of Round Effects!
- Akira gained 3% Max Cp (Already At Max, due to - Hp mods)
- Akira Gained 3% Maxp Cp [1,224]
- Previous rounds Earthen Barrier -disperse-
- Michino Maintains Draconic Shift [-3,500 cp] [Duration: Natural 30 seconds +10 Seconds EA = 40 Seconds. - 3.5 seconds (previous round) = 36.50 Remaining]
- Akira Maintains Shroud of Sands [-1,100 Cp] [Duration: Natural 30 seconds +10 seconds EA = 40 Seconds - 8.25 seconds (previous round) = 31.75 Remaining]
- Michno is Still in Chromatic Shifting: Black (Chakra Style)
- Michino is Still In Defensive Stance! [ -1acc +1 dodge ]
- Akira Is still in Divinity’s Edge - Kinjutsu Style!
  • Genetic Implant is Still Active

Actions Taken By Participants

0.00 Akira Takes Initiative, use Sand Streams [Rank 3] (One Stream) against Themselves & Triggers Thaumaturgy Ability Against Machino! [-1ap] [-45 cp] [Stone Tomb] [Gold] [Complete]
- Results!
  • Sand Stream Auto hits Akira! [Barrier: 625 - Gained!] ( 500 X 1.25 = 625) [Earth buffs & barrier Mastery]
  • Akira +10% Dr due to calming sands [Capped at 30%!]
  • Akira Creates Two Sand Clones Via Thaumaturgy! [Michino Is Aware They're Clones]
  • Clones Immediately attempt 4 Basic Strikes (2 apiece)
- Attack Rolls: 20,9,1,9
- Dodge Rolls: 6,7,17,20

Akira Base Ninjutsu Acc: 28
Michino Base Nin Dodge: 24 +1[D Stance] = 25

- Attempt 1: 48 (Akira) Vs 31 (Michino) - Critical Hit! [3000 Damage]
- Attempt 2: 38 (Akira) Vs 32 (Michino) - Full Hit! [1500 Damage]
- Attempt 3: 29 (Akira) Vs 41 (Michino) - Miss!
- Attempt 4: 37 (Akira) Vs 45 (Michino) - Miss!

Damage from technique: 3,000 + 1,500 = 4,500 Damage.
4,500 X 0.5 (Michino 50% DR) = 2,250 Damage!

Total Damage: 2,250

0.00 Michino Takes the Initiative & Enters into Berserker Style: Spirit of the Beast [Physical] [-0.5ap] [Complete] (Weapon becomes +2 acc/+10% Damage)
0.00 Michino Takes the Initiative & Activates [Affinity Move] Earth Channeling! [-.05ap] [-400 cp/round] [Complete]
1.75 Akira Activate Maelstrom - Sand Ninjutsu R3! [-2.5ap] [-1095 cp & 550/Round] [Gold] [Terrain!] [Complete]
- Results!
  • Terrain becomes Maelstrom!
  • Akira Gains +3 Accuracy!
  • Michino Suffers -3 Accuracy!
  • While this technique is active, all Earth, Wind and Sand Techniques cast by allied or hostile targets generate Sand for the user. (User = Akira!)
  • Akira Gains +10% DR [Capped at 30%!]

2.25 Michino cast Wyrmwind [Mastered] [- 2.5 AP] [-730 CP] [Terrain!] [Complete]
- Results!
- Only one Terrain Jutsu may be active on the field at a time.
- Check to see who wins. Nin Acc vs Nin Acc!

Michino:s Roll: 8
Akira's Roll: 17
Michino Base Ninjutsu: 25
Akira Base Ninjutsu: 28

33 (Michino) Vs 45 (Akira) - Akira Wins the Check, Wyrmwind fails!

2.25 Akira Uses Spear Hand [Master] [Jutsu Expanded] converted to a Sand Ninjutsu with it's special action at Themselves! & Triggers Thaumaturgy Ability Against Machino! [-3.25ap] [765 cp + 1470 cp] [Stone Tomb] [Gold] [Over Charge!] [Complete]
- Results!
  • Spear Hand Auto Hits Akira! [2100 + 2400 (JE) = 4500 X 1) = 4,500] [15% Over, +10% Barrier, +15% earth = 40%] [4500 X 1.4 = [Barrier: 6,300 - Gained!] [Replaces previous barrier]
  • Akira +10% Dr due to calming sands [Capped at 30%!]
  • Akira Creates Two Sand Clones Via Thaumaturgy! [Michino Is Aware They're Clones]
  • Clones Immediately attempt 4 Basic Strikes (2 apiece)

- Attack rolls: 11, 13, 9, 8
- Dodge rolls: 2, 11, 10, 6
Akira Base Ninjutsu Acc: 28 +3 (Maelstorm) = 31
Michino Base Nin Dodge: 24 +1[D Stance] = 25

- Attempt 1: 42 (Akira) Vs 27 (Michino) - Full Hit! [1,500 Damage]
- Attempt 2: 44 (Akira) Vs 36 (Michino) - Full Hit! [1,500 Damage]
- Attempt 3: 40 (Akira) Vs 35 (Michino) - Full Hit! [1,500 Damage]
- Attempt 4: 39 (Akira) Vs 31 (Michino) - Full Hit! [1,500 Damage]

Damage: 1,500 X 4 (4 hits) = 6,000.
6,000 X 0.5 (Michino 50% DR) = 3,000
Total Damage: 3,000

3,000 X 0.5 = 1,500 sand Generated! [Maelstorm]

2.75 Michino Uses Dynamic Slash [Mastered] targeting Akira! [-0.75ap] [-80 cp] [Complete]
- Results!
- Auto Hits Barrier!

- Attempt 1: Auto Hits Barrier! [120 X 1.4 (40% damage buff) = ] 168 Damage
- Attempt 2: Auto Hits Barrier! [120 X 1.4 (40% damage buff) = ] 168 Damage
Total Damage: 336 Physical Damage.

Barrier Hp : 6,300 - 336 = 5,964

- Akira's Barrier is an elemental barrier. While it blocks attacks, it's 25% reduction only applies to elemental attacks. Why? It's a Sand Barrier! [Nin]

* Going Forward to save myself time: All Offensive Techniques aimed at Barriers are Auto-hits unless otherwise stated. [UBR Barrier Rules]

2.75 Akira uses Sand Streams [Rank 3] (One Stream) against Themselves & Triggers Thaumaturgy Ability Against Machino! [-1ap] [-45 cp] [Stone Tomb] [Gold] [Smackdown] [Complete]
- Results:
  • Akira Attempts to Place Barrier on Michino! - Success
  • Akira +10% Dr due to calming sands [Capped at 30%!]
  • Akira Creates Two Sand Clones Via Thaumaturgy! [Michino Is Aware They're Clones]
  • Clones Attempt to Strike!

- Attempt to place roll: 13
- Attempt to Evade Barrier roll: 7

Akira's Nin Acc Base: 28 +3 (Maelstorm) = 31
Michino Nin dodge Base: 24 +1 (d stance) = 25

41 (Akira) Vs 32 (Michino) - Michino is placed Behind a Barrier! [500 X 0.9 = 450 X Akira's Barrier Buffs of 1.3 = 585 Elemental Gained]

- Akira gains 2 clones that attempt to strike Michino before Dispersing. [4 hits]
Attack Rolls: 19, 13, 13, 15
Dodge rolls: 8, 16, 8 , 16
Akira's Nin Acc Base: 28 +3 (Maelstorm) = 31
Michino Nin dodge Base: 24 +1 (d stance) = 25

- Attempt 1: Auto Hits Barrier! [1500 X 0.75 (25% dr) = 1,125 damage] [585 barrier - 1,125 = - 540 excessive damage]
* Excessive damage attempt to strike Michino! [Michino has -3 dodge from this]
50 (Akira) Vs 30 (Michino) - Full Hit! [675 Damage X 0.5 (50% Dr) =] 337 Damage!
- Attempt 2: 44 (Akira) Vs 38 (Michino) - Full Hit! [1500 X 0.5 (50% Dr) = 750 Damage!
- Attempt 3: 44 (Akira) Vs 30 (Michino) - Full Hit! [1500 X 0.5 (50% Dr) = 750 Damage!
- Attempt 4: 46 (Akira) Vs 38 (Michino) - Full Hit! [1500 X 0.5 (50% Dr) = 750 Damage!

Total Damage: 2,587

2587 X 0.5 = 1293.5 => 1293 Sand Generated [Maelstorm]
Sand Generated from hitting Barrier: 585 X 0.5 = 292.5 => 292
1293.5 + 292.5 = 1586 Total Generated

3.25 Akira uses Sand Streams [Rank 3] (One Stream) against Themselves & Triggers Thaumaturgy Ability Against Machino! [-1ap] [-45 cp] [Stone Tomb] [Gold] [Smackdown] [Complete]
- Results:
  • Akira Attempts to Place Barrier on Michino! - Success
  • Akira +10% Dr due to calming sands [Capped at 30%!]
  • Akira Creates Two Sand Clones Via Thaumaturgy! [Michino Is Aware They're Clones]
  • Clones Attempt to Strike!

- Barrier Placement Roll: 18
- Michino's Dodge Roll: 12
Akira's Nin Acc Base: 28 +3 (Maelstorm) = 31
Michino Nin dodge Base: 24 +1 (d stance) = 25

49 (Akira) Vs 37 (Michino) - Michino is placed Behind a Barrier! [500 X 0.9 = 450 X Akira's Barrier Buffs of 1.3 = 585 Elemental Gained]

- Akira's Clones Attempt 2 strikes each!
Attack Rolls: 17, 8, 16, 2
Dodge Rolls: 12, 3, 11, 7
Akira's Nin Acc Base: 28 +3 (Maelstorm) = 31
Michino Nin dodge Base: 24 +1 (d stance) = 25

- Attempt 1: Auto Smashes Barrier! [1500 X 0.75 (25% dr) = 1,125 damage] [585 barrier - 1,125 = - 540 excessive damage]
* Excessive damage attempt to strike Michino! [Michino has -3 dodge from this]
48 (Akira) Vs 34 (Michino) - Full Hit! [540 Damage X 0.5 (50% Dr) =] 270 Damage!
- Attempt 2: 39 (Akira) Vs 25 (Michino) - Full Hit! [1500 X 0.5 (50% Dr) = 750 Damage!
- Attempt 3: 47 (Akira) Vs 33 (Michino) - Full Hit! [1500 X 0.5 (50% Dr) = 750 Damage!
- Attempt 4: 33 (Akira) Vs 29 (Michino) - Full Hit! [1500 X 0.5 (50% Dr) = 750 Damage!

Total damage: 2,520

2520 X 0.5 = 1,260 Sand Generated
Sand Generated from hitting Barrier: 585 X 0.5 = 292.5 => 292
1,260 + 292 = 1,552 total generated

3.50 Michino uses Gravel Shift [Mastered] Channeled through his weapon at Akira! [-1ap] [-110 cp] [Complete]
- Results:
- Does not Bypass barrier.
- Auto hit's barrier.
- Gives barrier -2 penalty to next attack aimed at it. [Barrier is Auto hit, anyway]

3.75 Akira uses Sand Streams [Rank 3] (One Stream) against Themselves & Triggers Thaumaturgy Ability Against Machino! [-1ap] [-45 cp] [Stone Tomb] [Gold] [Smackdown] [Complete]
- Results:
  • Akira Attempts to Place Barrier on Michino!
  • Akira +10% Dr due to calming sands [Capped at 30%!]
  • Akira Creates Two Sand Clones Via Thaumaturgy! [Michino Is Aware They're Clones]
  • Clones Attempt to Strike!
- Barrier Placement Roll: 3
- Michino's Dodge Roll: 2
Akira's Nin Acc Base: 28 +3 (Maelstorm) = 31
Michino Nin dodge Base: 24 +1 (d stance) = 25

- 34 (Akira) Vs 27 (Michino) - - Michino is placed Behind a Barrier! [500 X 0.9 = 450 X Akira's Barrier Buffs of 1.3 = 585 Elemental Gained]

- Akira's Clones Attempt 2 strikes each!
Attack rolls: 8, 16, 18, 13
Dodge rolls: 19, 9, 7, 20
Akira's Nin Acc Base: 28 +3 (Maelstorm) = 31
Michino Nin dodge Base: 24 +1 (d stance) = 25

- Attempt 1: - Attempt 1: Auto Smashes Barrier! [1500 X 0.75 (25% dr) = 1,125 damage] [585 barrier - 1,125 = - 540 excessive damage]
* Excessive damage attempt to strike Michino! [Michino has -3 dodge from this]
39 (Akira) Vs 41 (Michino) - Miss!
Attempt 2: 47 (Akira) Vs 31 (Michino) - Full Hit! [1500 X 0.5 (50% Dr) = 750 Damage!
Attempt 3: 49 (Akira) Vs 29 (Michino) - Full Hit! [1500 X 0.5 (50% Dr) = 750 Damage!
Attempt 4: 44 (Akira) Vs 42 (Michino) - Full Hit! [1500 X 0.5 (50% Dr) = 750 Damage!

Total Damage: 2,250

2250X 0.5 = 1,125 sand generated
Sand Generated from hitting Barrier: 585 X 0.5 = 292.5 => 292
1,125 + 292 = 1,417 Total Generated

5.50 Michino Uses Steel Weaving [Mastered] [Jutsu Expansion] as a Mighty Blow Combo! [Complete]
- Results:
- Auto hits Barrier!
Barrier Hp: 5,964 - 1,029 = 4,935 - 1,029 = 3,906 - 1,029 = 2,877 - 1,029 = 1,848 - 1,029 = 819 Remaining

5 strikes at 375 Jutsu expanded (1800 split 5 ways) = 375 + 360 = 735 X 1.4 (40% Damage buff) = 1,029 Damage

- 1st Strike: 5,964 - 1,029 = 4,935
- 2nd Strike: 4,935 - 1,029 = 3,906
- 3rd Strike: 3,906 - 1,029 = 2,877
- 4th Strike: 2,877 - 1,029 = 1,848
- 5th Strike: 1,848 - 1,029 = 819 Remaining!

6.25 Michino uses Gasher [Mastered] at Akira! [-1.25ap] [225 cp] [Not a Combo, cause no full hit]

- Results!
- Auto Hits Barrier!
Barrier: 819 - 315 = 504 - 315 = 189 - 315 = -126

- Attack rolls: 12
- Dodge Rolls: 8

Base Includes Class/Kin
Michino Base Melee Acc: 29 - 3 (Mael Storm) = 26 +2 (Weapon) +1 (drago resonance) = 29
Akira Base Melee Dodge: 23
Base Damage: 225
225 X 1.4 = 315

Attempt 1: 819 - 315 = 504
Attempt 2: 504 - 315 = 189
Attempt 3: 189 - 315 = -126 excessive Damage.
41 (Michino) Vs 31 (Akira) - Full Hit
126 X 0.7 (Akira's 30% DR) = 88 damage & 8 cp Damage
Suppress Chance: Rolled 74, needed 23 or lower - Failed.

Questions, comments, or concerns? Please Privately message me.
Were all humans, we all make mistakes. Let me know if I did and I'll fix the mod.

- In the previous round, I did not mention that Michino had an extended duration on his dragon mode. It was taken into consideration when the mode was used.
- Smack down doesn't apply to the clones or barrier. [Reference: Metsu]
- Forgot to do -1 acc for Michino's attacks from D Stance, but looking at them it wouldn't have changed them from being a full hit to a partial. => [I'm not editing that in, but I want you to be aware that I'm aware of it.]
- Akira's Buffs were forgotten: Overcharge, Earth damage buffs, Barrier Mastery, implacable. I deleted previous post, cause it changed a lot, but this should reflect those changes.
- Edited: Akira's Sand & Michino's Damage reduction. [6/11/24 est]
Last edited:

Ryujin Akira

Active Member
Oct 23, 2012
OOC Rank

You are probably wondering why the elderly gate guard, that weathered old fellow, didn’t lift a finger when he saw me slipping out of the village illegally. It’s quite straightforward, really. He was privy to knowledge the others lacked. He knew the futility of opposing me and was, frankly, relieved to see me go. You see, even the most dim-witted of humans understand the folly of standing in the path of a raging typhoon. Those foolish enough to try? Well, that’s just natural selection at play.

The other guards, bless their simple hearts, simply shook their heads. It was their way of silently acknowledging the sheer pointlessness of attempting to stop me. Now, let's talk about Michino, the large shirtless man who was now a larger shirtless and pants less cat. He was tenacious, I’ll give him that. No matter how many times I batted him away, he kept coming. Even after I conjured a maelstrom and unleashed wave after wave of sand phantoms to knock him down, he stubbornly rose again to lunge at me.

It was painfully obvious that none of Michino’s attacks could penetrate my defenses. The sand surrounding me formed an impenetrable barrier, blocking every swipe, every bite, every desperate clawing attempt he made. His efforts were in vain, yet he persisted. I had to admire his tenacity, as misguided as it was. Yet, his persistence was becoming a nuisance. He was delaying my departure. As the time went on, I found my thoughts drifting more and more to the prospect of a warm, delicious slice of pie.

“Will you get out of my way. I’m 90% sure that I am allergic to ummm, whatever it is that you are. Move now and I’ll mercifully forget that you’re a pants-less pervert cat who doesn’t know how to keep its paws to itself. I have places to be and pies to eat…”

[actions sent]

Toraono Michino

Mayor of Flavortown
Staff member
Oct 23, 2012
Michino had heard of how powerful the Sunaku were within their home turf, but nothing could have prepared him for Akira.

This was a man known for wrestling with the Wind Country’s denizens. Tigers, giant lizards, impossibly sized scorpions - hell, the only thing he hasn’t fought so far is a sandworm. Every last time, no matter the challenge, he was able to stand back up and eventually overcome his foe - but this was different. Michino wasn’t fighting a singular beast this time…no, he was fighting the entire desert. It was like spitting at the ocean in an attempt to insult it. His actions, no matter how many times he kept getting his giant cat-ass back up were little more help than scratching in a litter box.

The final attack hit, this time knocking the form of the giant cat away like a mist. From within Michino hit the ground flat on his actual back - still quite clothed despite what his opponent had been dreaming of. Yet despite how much Akira was wailing on him, there didn’t seem to be an actual mark on the man. Maybe a little scuffed, and certainty pissed off, but not injured in the least.

Red,” he growled after raising and arm at Akira and closing a fist at them. Explosive purple flames covered his body starting with his arm before he leaped back into the air to to return to his panther body. It’s hide changed now, moving from a black panther to a red tiger’s hue. The horns stretched out to points from their curls and the six demon eyes became a simple two. Purple flames clung to his joints as Michino crouched into a pouncing position, gently stalking around Akira as much as the gates and the pseudo-maelstrom would allow.

[Actions Sent]

Akira Kazan

Active Member
Oct 23, 2012
OOC Rank
S Rank
~ * Round 3: Gawd..... * ~

39,196 - 2144 = 37,052 - 2707 = 34,345 - 1957 = 32,388 - 2707 = 29,681 - 1957 = 27,724 - 2644 = 25,082 - 1772 = 23,310 - 2,707 = 20,603
Temp Health: Temp Hp: 63 - 2707 = -2644 = 0 + 185 - 1957 = -1772 = 0
Barrier: Smashed ~
Chakra: 21,650 - 3,500 = 18,150 - 900 = 17,250 - 300 = 16,950 - 300 = 16,650 - 560 = 16,090 - 2581 = 13,509.
Action Points: 10.75 - 0.5 = 10.25 - 2.25 = 8 - 1.5 = 6.5 - 1.5 = 5 - 2 = 3 - 2.75 = 0.25
Action Points Next Round: 10.25
Status: [Defensive stance -2 acc +2 dodge] [Red Dragon Resonance] [Draconic Shift: 3500/round] [Giant!] [Berserker Style: Spirit of the Beast]

~ * Versus * ~

38,912 + 88 = 39,000
Temporary Hp (Sand Pool): 11,532 + 1645 = 13,177 + 1270 = 14,447 + 1645 = 16,092 + 1270 = 17,362 + 1645 = 19,007 - 5926 = 13,081
Chakra: 32,528 + 1,224 = 33,752 - 1,100 = 32,652 - 550 = 32,102 - 45 = 32,057 - 45 = 32,012 - 45 = 31,967 - 45 = 31,922 - 45 = 31,877 - 45 = 31,832 - 45 = 31,787 - 45 = 31,742 - 45 = 31,697 - 45 = 31,652
Sand: 7,253 + 1364 = 8617 + 1645 = 10,262 + 1270 = 11,532 => Becomes Temporary Sand Hp pool!
Action Points: 10.75 - 0.5 = 10.25 - 1 = 9.25 - 1 = 8.25 - 1 = 7.25 - 1 = 6.25 - 1 = 5.25 - 1 = 4.25 - 0.5 = 3.75 - 1 = 2.75 - 1 = 1.75
Action Points Next Round: 11
Status: Shroud of Sands [1,100 cp/round] Maelstrom [550/round]


Beginning of Round Effects!
- Akira gained 3% Max Cp [1,170] [Max Hp Due to -Hp mod = 39,000] [Complete]
- Akira Gained 3% Maxp Cp [1,224] [Complete]
- Michino Maintains Draconic Shift [-3,500 cp] [Duration: Natural 30 seconds +10 Seconds EA = 40 Seconds. - 13.5 seconds (previous round) = 26.50 Remaining] [Complete]
- Akira Maintains Shroud of Sands [-1,100 Cp] [Duration: Natural 30 seconds +10 seconds EA = 40 Seconds - 18.25 seconds (previous round) = 21.75 Remaining] [Complete]
- Akira Maintains Maelstorm [-550 cp] [Complete]
- Michno is Still in Chromatic Shifting: Black (Chakra Style) [Complete]
- Michino is Still in Berserker Style: Spirit of the Beast [Physical] [Complete]
- Michino is Still In Defensive Stance! [ -1acc +1 dodge ] [Complete]
- Akira Is still in Divinity’s Edge - Kinjutsu Style! [Complete]
  • Genetic Implant is Still Active

Actions Taken By Participants
0.00 Michino shifts from black to red [Chromatic Resonant] [Complete]
0.00 Michino takes the Initiative and change's his defensive stance! [0.5ap] [-2 acc +2 dodge] [Complete]
0.00 Akira uses Sand Streams [Rank 3] (One Stream) against Michino & Triggers Thaumaturgy Ability Against Machino! [-0.5ap] [-45 cp] [Stone Tomb] [Gold] [Complete]
- Results!
Akira Attempts to Place Barrier on Michino! - Failed!
Akira +10% Dr due to calming sands [Capped at 30%!]

Akira's Nin Acc Base: 28 +3 (Maelstorm) = 31
Michino Nin dodge Base: 24 +2 (d stance) = 26

Barrier Placement Roll: 5
Michino's Evasion Roll: 15

36 (Akira) Vs 41 (Michino) - Barrier placement failed!

~ No Barrier, No Clones!
~ No Clones, No Damage!
~ No Damage, No Sand!

0.50 Akira uses Sand Streams [Rank 3] (One Stream) against Michino & Triggers Thaumaturgy Ability Against Machino! [-1ap] [-45 cp] [Stone Tomb] [Gold] [Complete]
- Results!
Akira Attempts to Place Barrier on Michino! - Success!
Akira +10% Dr due to calming sands [Capped at 30%!]
Akira summons two clones.
Akira's clones attempt two strikes each!

Akira's Nin Acc Base: 28 +3 (Maelstorm) = 31
Michino Nin dodge Base: 24 +2 (d stance) = 26

Barrier Placement Roll: 14
Michino Evasion roll: 16

45 (Akira) Vs 42 (Michino) - Barrier Placed! [585 Elemental Barrier on Michino]

Attack Rolls: 1, 8, 15, 19
Dodge rolls: 7, 17, 14, 8

1st Attempt: Auto hits barrier! [585 - 1500 = -915 Excessive Damage!] [Generates 292 sand]
* Excessive damage attempt to strike Michino! [Michino has -3 dodge from this]
32 (Akira) Vs 30 (Michino) - Full Hit! [915] [915 X 0.5 (Michinos 50% DR) =] 457 Damage!
2nd Attempt: 39 (Akira) Vs 40 (Michino) - Partial Hit! [25%] [1500 X 0.25 = 375 X 0.5 (Michinos 50% DR) = ] 187 Damage!
3rd Attempt: 46 (Akira) Vs 37 (Michino) - Full Hit! [1,500 X 0.5 (Michinos 50% DR) = ] 750 Damage!
4th Attempt: 50 (Akira) Vs 31 (Michino) - Full Hit! [1,500 X 0.5 (Michinos 50% DR) = ] 750 Damage!

Total Damage: 2,144
2144 X 0.5 = 1,072 + 292 = 1,364 generated!
Total Sand:

1.00 Akira uses Sand Streams [Rank 3] (One Stream) against Michino & Triggers Thaumaturgy Ability Against Machino! [-1ap] [-45 cp] [Stone Tomb] [Gold] [Complete]
- Results!
Akira Attempts to Place Barrier on Michino! - Success!
Akira +10% Dr due to calming sands [Capped at 30%!]
Akira summons two clones.
Akira's clones attempt two strikes each!

Akira's Nin Acc Base: 28 +3 (Maelstorm) = 31
Michino Nin dodge Base: 24 +2 (d stance) = 26

Barrier Placement Roll: 1
Michino Evasion roll: 1

32 (Akira) Vs 27 (Michino) - Barrier Placed! [585 Elemental Barrier on Michino]
Attack Rolls: 13, 19, 18, 14
Dodge Rolls: 9, 17, 11, 20

1st Attempt: Auto hits barrier! [585 - 1500 = -915 Excessive Damage!] [Generates 292 sand]
* Excessive damage attempt to strike Michino! [Michino has -3 dodge from this]
44 (Akira) Vs 32 (Michino) - Full Hit! [915 X 0.5 (Michino 50% dr) = 457 Damage! [Generates 228 Sand]
2nd Attempt: 50 (Akira) Vs 40 (Michino) - Full Hit! [1,500 X 0.5 (Michinos 50% DR) = ] 750 Damage! [Generates 375 Sand]
3rd Attempt: 49 (Akira) Vs 34 (Michino) - Full Hit! [1,500 X 0.5 (Michinos 50% DR) = ] 750 Damage! [Generates 375 Sand]
4th Attempt: 45 (Akira) Vs 43 (Michino) - Full Hit! [1,500 X 0.5 (Michinos 50% DR) = ] 750 Damage! [Generates 375 Sand]

Total Damage: 2707
2707 X 0.5 = 1353 + 292 = 1645 Sand Generated
* 1.50 Michino Cast Draconic Infusion! (Red) [-2.25 ap] [-900 cp] [Last 10 seconds] [Complete]
* 1.50 Akira uses Sand Streams [Rank 3] (One Stream) against Michino & Triggers Thaumaturgy Ability Against Machino! [-1ap] [-45 cp] [Stone Tomb] [Gold] [Complete]
- Results:
Akira Attempts to Place Barrier on Michino! - Success!
Akira +10% Dr due to calming sands [Capped at 30%!]
Akira summons two clones.
Akira's clones attempt two strikes each!

Akira's Nin Acc Base: 28 +3 (Maelstorm) = 31
Michino Nin dodge Base: 24 +2 (d stance) = 26

Barrier Placement Roll: 16
Michino Evasion roll: 11

47 (Akira) Vs 37 (Michino) - Barrier Placed! [585 Elemental Barrier on Michino]
Attack rolls: 5, 11, 7, 8
Dodge rolls: 4, 12, 2, 19

1st Attempt: Auto hits barrier! [585 - 1500 = -915 Excessive Damage!] [Generates 292 sand]
* Excessive damage attempt to strike Michino! [Michino has -3 dodge from this]
36 (Akira) Vs 27 (Michino) - Full hit! [915 X 0.5 (Michino's 50% DR) = ] 457 Damage!
2nd Attempt: 42 (Akira) Vs 35 (Michino) - Full Hit! [1,500 X 0.5 (Michinos 50% DR) = ] 750 Damage!
3rd Attempt: 38 (Akira) Vs 25 (Michino) - Full Hit! [1,500 X 0.5 (Michinos 50% DR) = ] 750 Damage!
4th Attempt: 39 (Akira) Vs 42 (Michino) - Miss.

Total Damage: 1,957
1,957 X 0.5 = 978 + 292 = 1270 Sand Generated.
1.75 Akira's Sand Becomes Temporary HP! [Sand Beast - Final Sand Effect] [This Temp Hp stays as long as this technique is maintained!] [Passive] [Complete]
2.00 Akira uses Sand Streams [Rank 3] (One Stream) against Michino & Triggers Thaumaturgy Ability Against Machino! [-1ap] [-45 cp] [Stone Tomb] [Gold] [Complete]
- Results:
Akira Attempts to Place Barrier on Michino! - Success!
Akira +10% Dr due to calming sands [Capped at 30%!]
Akira summons two clones.
Akira's clones attempt two strikes each!

Akira's Nin Acc Base: 28 +3 (Maelstorm) = 31
Michino Nin dodge Base: 24 +2 (d stance) = 26

Barrier Placement Roll: 20
Michino Evasion roll: 20
51 (Akira) Vs 46 (Michino) - Barrier Placed! [585 Elemental Barrier on Michino]

Attack Rolls: 18, 12, 16, 10
Dodge Rolls: 9, 4, 2, 5

1st Attempt: Auto hits barrier! [585 - 1500 = -915 Excessive Damage!] [Generates 292 sand]
* Excessive damage attempt to strike Michino! [Michino has -3 dodge from this]
49 (Akira) Vs 32 (Michino) - Full Hit! [915 X 0.5 (Michino's 50% DR) = ] 457 Damage!
2nd Attempt: 43 (Akira) Vs 27 (Michino) - Full Hit! [1,500 X 0.5 (Michinos 50% DR) = ] 750 Damage!
3rd Attempt: 47 (Akira) Vs 25 (Michino) - Full Hit! [1,500 X 0.5 (Michinos 50% DR) = ] 750 Damage!
4th Attempt: 41 (Akira) Vs 28 (Michino) - Full Hit! [1,500 X 0.5 (Michinos 50% DR) = ] 750 Damage!

Total Damage: 2,707
2,707 X 0.5 = 1,353 + 292 = 1,645 Sand Generated = > Temp Hp.
2.50 Akira uses Sand Streams [Rank 3] (One Stream) against Michino & Triggers Thaumaturgy Ability Against Machino! [-1ap] [-45 cp] [Stone Tomb] [Gold] [Complete]
- Results:
Akira Attempts to Place Barrier on Michino! - Success!
Akira +10% Dr due to calming sands [Capped at 30%!]
Akira summons two clones.
Akira's clones attempt two strikes each!

Akira's Nin Acc Base: 28 +3 (Maelstorm) = 31
Michino Nin dodge Base: 24 +2 (d stance) = 26

Barrier Placement Roll: 14
Michino Evasion roll: 10

45 (Akira) Vs 36 (Michino) - Barrier Placed! [585 elemental barrier]

Attack Rolls: 12, 9, 17, 8
Dodge Rolls: 1, 19, 2, 6

1st Attempt: Auto hits barrier! [585 - 1500 = -915 Excessive Damage!] [Generates 292 sand]
* Excessive damage attempt to strike Michino! [Michino has -3 dodge from this]
43 (Akira) Vs 24 (Michino) - Full Hit! [915 X 0.5 (Michino's 50% DR) = ] 457 Damage!
2nd Attempt: 40 (Akira) Vs 42 (Michino) - Miss
3rd Attempt: 48 (Akira) Vs 25 (Michino) - Full hit! [1,500 X 0.5 (Michinos 50% DR) = ] 750 Damage!
4th Attempt: 39 (Akira) Vs 29 (Michino) - Full Hit. [1,500 X 0.5 (Michinos 50% DR) = ] 750 Damage!

Total Damage: 1,957
1957 X 0.5 = 978 + 292 = 1,270

2.75 Michino Cast Fireball [Mastered] at Akira! [-1.5ap] [-300 cp] [Complete]
- Results: Partial Hit ~
Attack Roll: 18
Dodge Roll: 16

Base includes Kin/Class Passive.
Michino's Base Ninjutsu Accuracy: 25 - 3 (Maelstorm) - 2 (D Stance) = 20
Akira's Base Ninjutsu Dodge: 23

38 (Michino) Vs 39 (Akira) - Partial Hit! (25%)
[900 Base X 0.25 partial = 225 X 1.15 (15% Damage buff) = 258 + 500 (Draconic Infusion) = ] 258 Damage
258 X 0.7 (Akira's 20% DR) = 180 Total Damage!

+63 Temp Hp
3.00 Akira uses Sand Streams [Rank 3] (One Stream) against Michino & Triggers Thaumaturgy Ability Against Machino! [-1ap] [-45 cp] [Stone Tomb] [Gold] [Complete]
- Results:
]Akira Attempts to Place Barrier on Michino! - Success!
Akira +10% Dr due to calming sands [Capped at 30%!]
Akira summons two clones.
Akira's clones attempt two strikes each!

Akira's Nin Acc Base: 28 +3 (Maelstorm) = 31
Michino Nin dodge Base: 24 +2 (d stance) = 26

Barrier Placement Roll: 11
Evasion Roll: 7

42 (Akira) Vs 33 (Michino) - Barrier Placed! [585 elemental barrier]

Attack Rolls: 19, 18, 15, 16
Dodge Rolls: 8, 14, 9, 10

1st Attempt: Auto hits barrier! [585 - 1500 = -915 Excessive Damage!] [Generates 292 sand]
* Excessive damage attempt to strike Michino! [Michino has -3 dodge from this]
50 (Akira) Vs 31 (Michino) - Full Hit! [915 X 0.5 (Michino's 50% DR) = ] 457 Damage!
2nd Attempt: 49 (Akira) Vs 37 (Michino) - Full Hit! [1,500 X 0.5 (Michinos 50% DR) = ] 750 Damage!
3rd Attempt: 46 (Akira) Vs 32 (Michino) - Full Hit! [1,500 X 0.5 (Michinos 50% DR) = ] 750 Damage!
4th Attempt: 47 (Akira) Vs 33 (Michino) - Full Hit! [1,500 X 0.5 (Michinos 50% DR) = ] 750 Damage!

Total Damage: 2,707
2707 X 0.5 = 1353 + 292 = 1645 Sand Generated.
3.50 Akira uses Sand Streams [Rank 3] (One Stream) against Michino & Triggers Thaumaturgy Ability Against Machino! [-1ap] [-45 cp] [Stone Tomb] [Gold] [Complete]
- Results:
Akira Attempts to Place Barrier on Michino! - Failed! >=|
Akira +10% Dr due to calming sands [Capped at 30%!]

Akira's Nin Acc Base: 28 +3 (Maelstorm) = 31
Michino Nin dodge Base: 24 +2 (d stance) = 26

Barrier Placement Roll: 9
Evasion Roll: 17
40 (Akira) Vs 43 (Michino!) - Barrier Failed!

~ No Barrier, No Clones!
~ No Clones, No Damage!
~ No Damage, No Sand!

4.00 Michino Cast Fireball [Mastered] at Akira, Again! [-1.5ap] [-300 cp] [Complete]
- Results: Partial Hit!
Attack Roll: 8
Dodge Roll: 6

Base includes Kin/Class Passive.
Michino's Base Ninjutsu Accuracy: 25 - 3 (Maelstorm) - 2 (D Stance) = 20
Akira's Base Ninjutsu Dodge: 23

28 (Michino) Vs 29 (Akira) - Partial Hit! (25%)
[900 Base X 0.25 partial = 225 X 1.15 (15% Damage buff) = 258 + 500 (Draconic Infusion) = ] 258 Damage + 500 (2nd stack! Draco infuse) = 758
758 X 0.7 (Akira's 30% DR) = 530 Total Damage!

+185 Temp Hp.
4.00 Akira uses Sand Streams [Rank 3] (One Stream) against Michino & Triggers Thaumaturgy Ability Against Machino! [-1ap] [-45 cp] [Stone Tomb] [Gold] [Complete]
- Results!
Akira Attempts to Place Barrier on Michino! - Success!
Akira +10% Dr due to calming sands [Capped at 30%!]
Akira summons two clones.
Akira's clones attempt two strikes each!

Akira's Nin Acc Base: 28 +3 (Maelstorm) = 31
Michino Nin dodge Base: 24 +2 (d stance) = 26

Barrier Placement Roll: 14
Evasion Roll: 9

45 (Akira) Vs 35 (Michino) - Barrier placed! [585 elemental barrier]

Attack Rolls: 11, 14, 15, 3
Dodge Rolls: 8, 17, 18, 17

1st Attempt: Auto hits barrier! [585 - 1500 = -915 Excessive Damage!] [Generates 292 sand]
* Excessive damage attempt to strike Michino! [Michino has -3 dodge from this]
42 (Akira) Vs 28 (Michino) - Full hit! [915 X 0.5 (Michino's 50% DR) = ] 457 Damage!
2nd Attempt: 45 (Akira) Vs 37 (Michino) - Full Hit! [1,500 X 0.5 (Michinos 50% DR) = ] 750 Damage!
3rd Attempt: 46 (Akira) Vs 38 (Michino) - Full Hit! [1,500 X 0.5 (Michinos 50% DR) = ] 750 Damage!
4th Attempt: 34 (Akira) Vs 40 (Michino) - Miss

Total Damage: 1957
1957 X 0.5 = 978 + 292 = 1270 Sand Generated!
4.50 Akira uses Sand Streams [Rank 3] (One Stream) against Michino & Triggers Thaumaturgy Ability Against Machino! [-1ap] [-45 cp] [Stone Tomb] [Gold] [Complete]
- Results!
Akira Attempts to Place Barrier on Michino! - Success!
Akira +10% Dr due to calming sands [Capped at 30%!]
Akira summons two clones.
Akira's clones attempt two strikes each!

Akira's Nin Acc Base: 28 +3 (Maelstorm) = 31
Michino Nin dodge Base: 24 +2 (d stance) = 26

Placement Roll: 3
Evasion roll: 2

34 (Akira) Vs 28 (Michino) - Barrier placed! [585 elemental nin barrier]
Attack Rolls: 11, 17, 17, 19.
Dodge Rolls: 4, 5, 10, 19

1st Attempt: Auto hits barrier! [585 - 1500 = -915 Excessive Damage!] [Generates 292 sand]
* Excessive damage attempt to strike Michino! [Michino has -3 dodge from this]
42 (Akira) Vs 27 (Michino) - Full Hit! [915 X 0.5 (Michino's 50% DR) = ] 457 Damage!
2nd Attempt: 48 (Akira) Vs 28 (Michino) - Full Hit! [1,500 X 0.5 (Michinos 50% DR) = ] 750 Damage!
3rd Attempt: 48 (Akira) Vs 33 (Michino) - Full Hit! [1,500 X 0.5 (Michinos 50% DR) = ] 750 Damage!
4th Attempt: 50 (Akira) Vs 42 (Michino) - Full Hit! [1,500 X 0.5 (Michinos 50% DR) = ] 750 Damage!

Total Damage: 2707
2707 X 0.5 = 1353 + 292 = 1645
5.75 Michino Cast Gravitational Pull [Mastered] at Akira! [-2ap] [-560 cp] [Complete]
- Results!
Attack roll: 10
Dodge roll: 7

Base includes Kin/Class Passive.
Michino's Base Ninjutsu Accuracy: 25 - 3 (Maelstorm) - 2 (D Stance) = 20
Akira's Base Ninjutsu Dodge: 23

30 (Michino) Vs 30 (Akira) - Tied rolls, Michino wins.
In the Event of a tie, the offensive action (or active person) has priority and wins a tie.

Mincho pulls Akira Towards him!

Secondary effect to disrupt next action! [40% chance]
Roll: 27 - Success! (Akira's done with actions in the round though?)

6.38 Michino follows up and uses Higuma [Mastered] targeting Akira! [-2.75] [-2,065 +25% = -2,581 cp ] [Complete]
- Results:
Attack Rolls: 14, 20, 11, 10, 4, 15, 3
Dodge rolls: 19, 1, 8, 20, 5, 17, 8

Base Includes Class/Kin
Michino Melee Accuracy: 29 - 3 (Maelstorm) = 26 + 4 (Weapon/Draco shift) = 30
Akira Melee Dodge: 23

Attempt 1: 44 (Michino) Vs 42 - Full Hit! [1,030 X 1.45 (Michino Damage buffs) = ] 1,493
Attempt 2: 50 (Michino) Vs 24 (Akira) - Critical Hit! [1,030 X 2 = 2,060 X 1.45 (Michino's Damage buffs) = ] 2,987
Attempt 3: 41 (Michino) Vs 31 (Akira) - Full Hit! [1,030 X 1.45 (Michino Damage buffs) = ] 1,493
Attempt 4: 40 (Michino) Vs 43 (Akira) - Miss!
Attempt 5: 34 (Michino) Vs 28 (Akira) - Full Hit! [1,030 X 1.45 (Michino Damage buffs) = ] 1,493

Total Damage (Before Akira's DR): 7,466 + 1000 (Dragon infuse) = 8,466
8466 X 0.7 (Akira's 30% DR) = 5926 Total Damage!

-Suppress Chance: 43%
Roll: 57, failed.

Questions, comments, or concerns? Please Privately message me.
Were all humans, we all make mistakes. Let me know if I did and I'll fix the mod.

- In Round two, the wording said Akira used the barrier on himself with sand stream one stream. However, that was a copy paste accident on my part. He placed the barrier on Michino, with a check, and smashed through it with his clones. I understand more veteran battlers could read my notes and understand what happened, but I wanted everyone else to understand as well.
- Higuma follow up was modded as a combo, at half time minute your timing reductions.
A * Beside the Action means this was an AP time Sync. [If they conflicted, then the attack would take priority]
- Michino, Dragon infusion makes ur weapon passively equipped and makes techniques used with said weapon benefit from special composite. However, Fireball Jutsu is a Ninjutsu, which requires ur handseals. Which you can do, however it doesn't use your weapon. As a result, it doesn't benefit from draco infusion weapon accuracy buff. It does gain the fire damage though.

Ryujin Akira

Active Member
Oct 23, 2012
OOC Rank

Despite my eloquent protest, the oversized feline stayed put. Naturally, I tried to shoo his massive furry mug aside. And, naturally, his massive furry mug found its way back into my path. Michino’s cat-shifting prowess was on full display now. Not only could he morph into a colossal demon cat, but he could also switch it up with a new color palette, complete with flames and other flashy nonsense. He had fewer eyes now but, regrettably, not more ears. More ears might have helped him hear me when I shouted, "No means no!"

I wondered if his transformations were like those mood rings that change color based on feelings. If I held one, what color would signify “hungry”? More menacing than ever, Michino charged at me, eager to gnaw my skull, maul me to death, and otherwise tear me apart. But, as before, the sand came to my rescue, blocking and deflecting each and every claw, bite, and scratch. The ferocity in his attacks was unwarranted—personal, even. At this point, it was hard to tell who had groped whom.

I tried to bury him under a desert's worth of sand, yet he’d just tunnel back up and keep coming. It was a classic case of an unstoppable force meeting an immovable object. The result? I was going to be late for dinner. Suddenly, an invisible force yanked me up and out of my protective swirl of sand. As the sand raced to shield me, I soared through the air toward Michino’s gaping maw. Oddly, I felt a sense of freedom—a sweet release from my endless quest for snacks to fill the void in my artificial heart. But we were in the desert, so the sand beneath Michino's feet splashed up, blocking his attempt to maul me. I, of course, crashed into a cushion of sand thanks to the inertia of whatever had yanked me.

“Michino Toraono, was it? You're a credit to your clan, and I'm impressed you're not only still standing but still on the offensive. It’s been ages since I faced someone who could go toe-to-toe with me. But, as I said earlier, I have places to be and pies to eat. And you're still a giant cat pervert!”

[sending actions]

Toraono Michino

Mayor of Flavortown
Staff member
Oct 23, 2012
He felt something inside of him break.

Michino wasn’t sure what it was, but it caused him, and the giant cat-like creature he was formed into, to let out an audible cry of pain. It pushed the creature back two steps, which then only spurned it on to fight even harder. It was clear that the transformation was starting to wear on him as bleeding cracks began to muddy the golden sand beating the Toraono within an inch of his life.

He even tried the go-to of one of his favorite attacks by calling out the chakra in the world to shift the gravity of a person towards his maw. It was hard to dodge something that large and powerful to come crushing down, and even against Akira it managed to catch her unawares and draw them in for a crushing blow.

But all he got was sand.

The grains choking his throat and mouth broke the focus he had on the form, forcing Michino to revert to his mortal shell once again as he grasped his throat, coughing and spitting the mud from his mouth. This time, wounds were there. New cuts on top of old scars that would ensure his ever soaring popularity among women, should he manage to survive this encounter with a Sunaku in the desert. Something else appeared different within those eyes - something glittering just beyond his pupils.

He also couldn’t remember the last time anything, had given him this good of a fight.

Instead of saying anything, he simply smirked before assuming an old boxing stance.

[Actions Sent]

Ryujin Akira

Active Member
Oct 23, 2012
OOC Rank

Can you believe this guy? Standing there like he's the protagonist of some bizarre Japanese comic book. Cool as a cucumber! Even though his so-called 'powered-up cat mode' had finally concluded, he couldn’t keep such a powerful technique going forever. But instead of surrendering or just keeling over, Michino smirks at me and puts up his fists, as if the fight had just started. As if he was about to pull off some kind of miracle. Is this a human trait, to keep fighting when there’s no hope? Here I am, in the middle of this sandy chaos of my own doing, trying to understand humans and their stubborn drive to fight when the odds are against them. It baffles me, like putting sprinkles on perfectly good vanilla ice cream... pure savagery.

I’ll admit that I haven’t been around for long, but I’ve spent a lot of time observing these humans. And yet, I cannot seem to comprehend why they persist when success is almost impossible? Is it ignorance? Naivety? Or is it something deeper, something intrinsic that I just don’t get? I see it in his eyes—the flicker of hope that won’t die, the stubborn determination on his face. It defies all logic. Not all humans ignore fear, not all of them abandon reason and push forward against impossible odds. So why do some do it? Why is he? If I admire this rare trait, does it mean I’m admiring their insanity? Michino is standing firm in the face of a hurricane... but why? Maybe it’s a belief in something greater than himself—a concept I struggle to understand. Or maybe it’s pure resilience, a trait passed down through his clan, honed over centuries of survival. Whatever the reason, it’s both his greatest strength and the most profound mystery. Slapping my forehead in sheer perplexity, I start to laugh at the absurdity of it all. It was hmmm… badass.

“Hahahaaaaa! You crazy pervy BASTARD! You think you can stop a tsunami with just your bare hands? Fine, have your ice cream with those nasty sprinkles, but this is the end, pervy Michino!”


Akira Kazan

Active Member
Oct 23, 2012
OOC Rank
S Rank
~ * Round 4 * ~

20,603 -1326 = 19,277 - 13,097 = 6,180 - 675 = 5,505
Chakra: 13,509 - 680 = 12,829 - 1,650 = 11,179 - 1326 = 9,853
Action Points: 10.25 - 1 = 9.25 - 2 = 7.25 - 2.75 = 4.5 - 2.75 = 1.75
Action Points Next Round: 11
Status: [Defensive stance -2 acc +2 dodge] [Black Dragon Resonance] [Berserker Style: Spirit of the Beast] [Valhalla: 825 CP/rnd] [Bleeding: Rank 1]

~ * Versus * ~

Temporary Hp (Sand Pool): 13,081 - 1,236 = 11,845 - 6,187 = 5,658 +6,548 = 12,206 + 337 = 12,543
Chakra: 31,652 + 1224 - 1100 - 550 = 31,226 - 300 = 30,926 - 2,748 = 28,178 - 1,326 = 26,852 - 2,310 = 24,542 - 45 = 24,497
Action Points: 11 - 1 = 10 - 3 = 7 - 2.75 = 4.25 - 2.75 = 1.5 - 0.5 = 1
Action Points Next Round: 11
Status: Shroud of Sands [1,100 cp/round] Maelstrom [550/round]


Beginning of Round Effects!
- Akira gained 3% Max Hp [Already Max Hp] [Done]
- Akira Gained 3% Maxp Cp [1,224] [Done]
- Akira Maintains Shroud of Sands [-1,100 Cp] [Duration: Natural 30 seconds +10 seconds EA = 40 Seconds - 28.25 seconds (previous round) = 11.75 Remaining] [Done]
- Akira Maintains Maelstorm [-550 cp] [Done]
- Michno is Still in Chromatic Shifting: Black (Chakra Style) [Done]
- Michino is Still in Berserker Style: Spirit of the Beast [Physical] [Done]
- Michino is Still In Defensive Stance! [ -1acc +1 dodge ] [Done]
- Akira Is still in Divinity’s Edge - Kinjutsu Style! [Done]
  • Genetic Implant is Still Active

Actions Taken By Participants
0.00 Michino takes the Initiative, un-equips his weapon and draws another! [-1ap] [Done]
0.00 Akira takes the Initiative and Uses Critical Exposure R2 to target Machino! [1ap] [-300 cp] [Done]
- Results! [Miss]
Attack Roll: 2
Dodge Roll: 14

Akira Base Nin Acc: 28 +3 (maelstorm) = 31
Michino Nin Dodge Base: 24 +2 (d stance) = 26

33 (Akira) Vs 40 (Michino) - Miss
1.50 Michino's Draconic infusion Ends!
2.00 Michino activates Dark Displacement [Mastered] [-2ap] [-680 cp] [Done]
2.50 Akira uses Wind Scar R2 to Attack Michino! [Jutsu Expanded] [EA: Feint] [Sand: Raging] [Smackdown] [Special Action] [-3ap] [-2748 cp] [Done]
- Results! [Miss]
Attack Rolls: 1, 20, 12, 19, 4, 18, 14, 11, 13, 12, 13, 16
Dodge Rolls: 12, 13, 2, 20, 5, 6, 18, 18, 3, 9, 20, 12
Akira Base Nin Acc: 28 +3 (maelstorm) = 31 +1 (jutsu) = 32
Michino Nin Dodge Base: 24 +2 (d stance) = 26
[Special Action]
By paying +20% Cp, the user may condense the attack into a single massive blast of wind, dealing 90% of the combined damage, however bypassing Damage Reduction/Barriers.

Attempt: 33 (Akira) Vs 38 (Michino) - Miss

4.00 Michino activates Valhalla [Mastered] [-2.75 ap] [1650 CP, 825 CP/rnd] [Add in Status] [Chakra Armor] [Done]
4.75 Akira uses Fist of Virtue and attacks Michino! [Sand: Bronze/Raging] [EA: Focus!] [Smack down] [Special Action] [-2.75ap] [1,030 Cp and Hp X 1.2] [Done]
- Results! [Auto Dodged]
[Special Actions]: - Kindness: This technique bypasses all Barriers and Damage Reduction. A barrier that is bypassed is not destroyed by this technique. May not be used against barriers that have the intended target bound and unable to move.

Attack Rolls: 16
Dodge Rolls: 13

Akira Base Nin Acc: 28 +3 (maelstorm) = 31 +2 [Focus] = 34
Michino Nin Dodge Base: 24 +2 (d stance) = 26

Attempt: 50 (Akira) Vs 39 (Michino) - Full Hit!

- Dark Displacement Procs!

Michino [Auto Dodges]!

6.00 Michino uses Fist of Virtue [Mastered] w/ Special Action Kindness at Akira! [-2.75ap] [1,030 Cp and Hp X 1.2] [Done]
- Results! [Hit]
[Special Actions]: - Kindness: This technique bypasses all Barriers and Damage Reduction. A barrier that is bypassed is not destroyed by this technique. May not be used against barriers that have the intended target bound and unable to move.

Attack Roll: 9
Dodge Roll: 2

Michino Melee Accuracy: 29 - 3 (Maelstorm) = 26 + 2 (Weapon) = 28
Akira Melee Dodge: 23

Attempt: 37 (Michino) Vs 25 (Akira) - Full hit!
- Chance to suppress roll: 46, needed 48 or lower. [Passed]
- 0.75 ap [Heavy Metal] <--- Akira Ignores this because Implacable

Base Damage: 4,125 X 1.5 (Michinos Damage buffs) = 6,187!

7.00 Akira Uses Annihilation R2 to attack Michino! [Smack down] [Sand: Bronze/Raging] [EA: Feint] [2.75ap] [-2310cp] [Done]
- Results! [Crit]
Attack Roll: 20
Dodge Roll: 16

Akira Base Nin Acc: 28 +3 (maelstorm) = 31 - 3 (Jutsu) = 28
Michino Nin Dodge Base: 24 +2 (d stance) = 26

48 (Akira) Vs 42 (Michino) - CRITICAL!

Base Damage: 4,620 + 35% Base (Bronze) = 6237 X 2 (Crit) = 12,474 X1.05 (Michinos extra received Damage - Valhalla) = 13,097!

13,097 X 0.5 = 6548 sand => Temp Hp.

Bleeding Chance: 35% Chance (25% base +10% from jutsu)
Roll: 33
- Michino is Bleeding. [Rank 1]

7.50 Akira uses Sand Streams - Sand Ninjutsu R3 to punch Michino! [One stream] [Bronze] [- 0.5ap] [-45cp] [Done]
- Results!
Akira Base Nin Acc: 28 +3 (maelstorm) = 31
Michino Nin Dodge Base: 24 +2 (d stance) = 26

Attack roll: 18
Dodge roll: 5

49 (Akira) Vs 31 (Michino) - Full hit

Base Damage: 500 + 35% (bronze) = 675 Damage!

675 X 0.5 = 337 sand => Temp Hp

Questions, comments, or concerns? Please Privately message me.
Were all humans, we all make mistakes. Let me know if I did and I'll fix the mod.
* Michino, your final action cost 2.25ap. Because of your conditional, spending 2ap, you didn't have enough remaining to perform it.

- I thank both of you for being readily available to answer any of my questions or concerns on discord. That's a huge help.
Last edited:

Toraono Michino

Mayor of Flavortown
Staff member
Oct 23, 2012
There comes a time in every fighter’s life when they step into that moment called “the zone.” Memories of a time when they were at their best taking over to augment their current battle. The sands blasted by the Toraono, stinging his sides as sweat and grains mixed into his fresh wounds; but he couldn’t feel them. His heart was pounding, blood rushing. There was a fire in his eyes that wasn’t just the chakra that poured from within. Michino’s bare foot lifted and took that first step towards the end.

It landed on the mat of a boxing ring.

The desert was gone. All he could hear was the cheering of adoring fans again. His hair was bushy and wild once more, his frame and size almost a full quarter smaller than it was now. Memories of his rebellious youth as an underground boxer replaced his battlefield. His Valhalla. The same attack that had been used on him to throw down his panther form came in once more, but all he saw was the opponent prior to his championship match. That slow left hook the big bastard had been throwing all night that kept tripping up his guard.

It sped up at the last second.

Michino’s upper body reflexively shifted backwards from the attack the Sunaku had played out too many times, just like that last rival. The attack sailed right over him as he smiled, staring at the blinding light of the sun overhead replaced with stage lights in his battle vision. The boxer's body realigned itself and side-stepped to his left, causing his image to shift in a subtle way; still, all the man could see was that ring.

Akira stepped up, and threw a punch. In any other situation for the Toraono, he would have reevaluated the situation from that single attack. Tried to change up his tactics, get the jump on his prey through sheer intelligence - but the Hyou had forgotten that’s not what hunting was about. It was the killing blow, the moment the jaws fell down on a neck and snapped the bone beneath. The connection to the jaw that would end the fight. The elation of pride of a duty well don.

Akira's punch was true, powerful, and would have certainly been that attack that should have knocked him down…instead it hit his shadow.

And his punch connected from her right in the next instant.

There the trance ended, because it wasn’t flesh he had finally struck, it was just more sand. Sand that pulled him into the body he had struck to hold him firmly still before blade after blade assailed his body, finished by a crushing force that left him speechless; because his mouth was full of sand, you see.

Half buried in a pile of grains whose color was changing from gold to a ruddy brown, the Toraono sat defeated with his eyes glazed over. Yet even as Akira went to turn away to her pressing mission, the giant stood back up and reached out to grab her arm one more time. It swung through the air, missing, his eyes still fully glazed over and unconscious as the Beast of Suna fell over completely on his face.

[Fight Called]
[Exit Granted]

Ryujin Akira

Active Member
Oct 23, 2012
OOC Rank

I almost couldn’t believe it. If I were an ordinary opponent… well, I wasn’t. So I guess that doesn’t matter. Still, Michino’s ability to adapt in the midst of battle was truly something. Few ever came close to landing an actual blow on me. Yet here he was, stumbling towards me with an outstretched hand, teetering on the brink of collapse.

As I watched him falter, memories of our intense clash flooded my mind. This battle had been exhilarating. Michino’s tenacity had pushed me to new heights. I observed him closely as he finally succumbed to exhaustion, collapsing just short of my feet. Two more steps, and he might have touched me… inappropriately. Wouldn’t be the first time. Instead, he lay crumpled in the dust, his hand still reaching out.

I knelt beside him, a triumphant grin spreading across my face. The other guards edged closer, their fear palpable. They knew better than to intervene. Gently, I stroked Michino’s unconscious head, my voice carrying a note of mock concern. “Those shadow moves of yours are dangerous. People like you need to be dealt with before you become a problem.”

My golden eyes locked onto his still form, my smile widening. “But what fun would that be? I need you to get stronger, little Michino of the Toraono clan. This world needs strong heroes. I can see your love for this land, your duty to your country. Perhaps that is your true strength. Remember this: I am a threat to the serenity of all that is established. If you’re going to get stronger, you’d better do it quickly. I’m running a mmm, little earned. But… I’ll be right back.”

I patted his head one last time, as if soothing a sleeping kitten, before rising to face the trembling guards. Without a word, I walked past them, leaving them to their fear and uncertainty. My silhouette faded into the distance, swallowed by the vast dunes of Sunagakure, my mind already plotting our next encounter… and pie.

[Topic/ Village Left]
[ooc: Toraono Michino GG, that was a awesome fight. Akira Kazan thank you for modding!]

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:
