Ninpocho Chronicles

Ninpocho Chronicles is a fantasy-ish setting storyline, set in an alternate universe World of Ninjas, where the Naruto and Boruto series take place. This means that none of the canon characters exists, or existed here.

Each ninja starts from the bottom and start their training as an Academy Student. From there they develop abilities akin to that of demigods as they grow in age and experience.

Along the way they gain new friends (or enemies), take on jobs and complete contracts and missions for their respective villages where their training and skill will be tested to their limits.

The sky is the limit as the blank page you see before you can be filled with countless of adventures with your character in the game.

This is Ninpocho Chronicles.

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:

I'll Make A Secret Super Spy Out Of You! (Exam)


Supreme Leader Bone #9513
Staff member
Aug 28, 2012
OOC Rank
The letter had said 2200 prompt. Maki stood in the hallway giving a baleful eye to anyone who came too close. Maki was still wearing his normal gear as he was still in the Foundry, but his ANBU gear was close at hand to quickly switch into if needed. His red samurai armor over black clothing, with the red jacket to complete it all. His swords were not present, as he would not be needing them yet.

Across the hall from him was a door leading to an interrogation chamber. Inside was screaming. The man was gagged, so it was quite muffled, yet it was obviously present. Maki looks up at the clock. This person should arrive soon.

(Yes, the intro sucks. I suck at intros, sorry. The posts will contain more flavor later. Just try to be prompt (Within 5 days of my own posts))

Shirai Sadao

Well-Known Member
May 7, 2017
As Yukio walked down the hallway he wondered what he'd been summoned here to do, though it could be something as simple as a talking to about recent events he knew things within the ANBU branch were never that easy. It would most likely be so much more or at least something that would make him do more than just think on what he's learned since becoming a member of the branch.

As his gaze rested upon Maki standing there meeting the stare of the of the ANBU captain but not deterred for it had been requested of him to meet here and he wasn't about to let his habit of timeliness drop any time soon. Though one thing did make him shudder slightly, the screams, not ever being to this section of the ANBU area before Yukio didn't quite know what to expect but that question was soon answered. Interrogation? Torture? more than likely both all things considered as the Hyuuga greeted Maki with a bow.

"Hyuuga Yukio reporting as requested, I believe we met once before many years ago"

He had grown much since that mission all those years ago and through training with Takeshi and Yuki that once innocent child who just wanted to see the world was no more. Missions and the tough training regime of the branch had seen to that and it was highly suspected that this day would keep that trend going to see to it that he would never back down no matter what was required of him.


Supreme Leader Bone #9513
Staff member
Aug 28, 2012
OOC Rank
Maki looks up, brown eyes following the boy’s movements as he arrives. On time, at least. He nods slowly at the mention of meeting before. This one had gone with them to the bank and taken part in the defense of innocents. That incident still irked Maki, that the robbers managed to escape; the people were protected however, which was the important thing. ”Indeed we have. I know the message bringing you here was short of notice and without much explanation, so let me handle that now. Inside this room is someone who plans harm to our village. We’re going to find out what information he has on an attack that is coming, then we’re going to disrupt the attack.”

“He’s a bit on the fanatical side, so it will take some convincing. If you’re the squeamish type then this isn’t your kind of rodeo. Otherwise, follow me on in.”
That said, he steps to the door and opens it wide to let Yukio through before closing it behind himself as he heads in second. Inside was a room with metal surfaces. The ceiling, the walls, all of the tables and cabinets and counters. Even the chair in the middle of the room that the naked man was strapped to. Wrists, ankles, neck, and two across the thighs and chest. He wasn’t going anywhere. The floor was also metal, and sloped ever so slightly to the center, where a drain was. It was brightly lit, the light directly above the man’s head to half blind him.

On a nearby tables were all of the tools of the trade. Scalpels, skewers, prods, knives, scissors, a bonesaw, screwing implements. If you could dream of using it to hurt someone, it was here. There was even a bottle of duster there, with the little straw in it. The man was able to see nearly all of this, and he was struggling to get free as he knew what was coming. Maki walks to one counter and slides a section of metal back then flips a switch nearby. A fire flashes to life in the pit under the countertop, near enough at hand to be reached without much trouble.

Maki looks over at Yukio and nods. ”Show me what you can do. Just make sure to keep him alive and conscious. We need him to talk.”

Shirai Sadao

Well-Known Member
May 7, 2017
As he walked into the room the Hyuuga took a moment to look over the man, he should have expected as much this was the ANBU branch and as much as it may have been considered horrible and unethical but this was the ANBU branch. It wasn't a place for those without the stomach to look upon such things without feeling like they were about to vomit.

As he moved to the table running his hands across the tools scattered across it he pondered he could use these though as of now they would simply be pain stimulants. The way he saw it such things began in the mind taking out his gloves and sliding them on, this was more than likely going to get messy.

"I see, well I shall be sure not to disappoint though this is not the place for idle chat our guest must be feeling ignored."

He pondered only for a moment before turning round landing a punch to the mans cheek to ensure he had his full attention. He kept his expression a plain as possible not giving away as to whether or not the current events bothered him.

"Now that I have your attention we don't want to make this harder than it needs to be, so we can either do this the simple way where we all have a happy ending or we can make this hard it's not going to be pleasant nor will it end with you walking out of here. In basic terms if you tell us where your friends are maybe we can do something for you"

Dangling the bait before him the Hyuuga's voice was pretty sincere bait was bait whether it would be taken or not depended on the person.


Supreme Leader Bone #9513
Staff member
Aug 28, 2012
OOC Rank
Point one in the kid’s favor, he didn’t hesitate to do his job. He did stop, briefly, but it seemed to be more a moment to size up the situation than to try to work out how to not do this. Maki moves to the only bare wall and leans back against it, folding his arms across his chest and watching silently as Yukio checks over the tools of the trade left for him. And then he put on the gloves. Point two, he knew this was going to be neither pleasant, nor clean. The captain doesn’t move, though he does want to nod softly at the moment.

And he started off with a sucker punch. Effective on most, but the man on the table wasn’t most. Asking him nicely would go nowhere, and the man had already been offered a deal. Minus one point. Indeed, after Yukio speaks, the captive snorts deeply and tries to hock a mucus-filled loogie at the AiT, missing only because he can’t turn his head properly. The punch was nothing new to him, after all. Maki says nothing still, letting the kid run the show here. The prisoner, for his part, was simply looking on with nothing but anger and defiance. He was nowhere close to cracking yet.
It was going to be harder than that, it seemed. Perhaps time to move on past the initial and get into some real fun. Granted, it took a sick mind to find this kind of stuff fun, but Maki was indeed a sick individual.

Shirai Sadao

Well-Known Member
May 7, 2017
Yukio sighed as the man spat at him it was not surprising that he would be uncooperative after something so simple, things would have to get creative it seemed if he was going to get anything out of him. Though it was not the average individuals cup of tea to do something as unpleasant at this it wasn’t any old branch he’d signed up to this was the ANBU and to be part of this branch you had to be willing to do what was required to meet the expectations given by your peers and protect the village.

Doing what was required a simple phrase but one that carried weight as Yukio had always been taught a certain level of calm and patience would be what got him through situations like this, it could also play a hand in making those who crossed him rather unsettled.

“A shame this could have been so much easier for all of us had you just talked in the first place rather than making us go through all this, truly a shame”

His voice was cold if he was going to get through this the best thing to do would be to shut out the hesitation, any signs that he was becoming weak or a hint that he couldn’t do what was necessary would show both him and the branch as weak in the eyes of their enemies. Bringing his hands together sharp spikes of mirror jutsu formed in the air over the man’s limbs beginning to spin, slowly at first then speeding up until their rotation made a breeze around them moving down and beginning to drill into his arms and legs making sure to avoid main arteries and vital points so he would not die.

“I will ask this to you straight then where are your associates and what do they plan to do to the leaf village or their allies”

He paced before the man, spotting the drills for a moment if he went to speak and release the information they wanted to know.


Supreme Leader Bone #9513
Staff member
Aug 28, 2012
OOC Rank
The prisoner was as resistant as he’d been led to believe. Maki reaches into his pocket and pulls out a sucker, popping it into his mouth and watching as the man’s snotball misses. He could almost see thoughts going through the other’s head as the kid finally begins to speak once more. Give that point back, the kid knew when to stop playing around. His voice was almost as cold as a Haku’s nethers. The captain lets a smile cross his face as he wonders which of the many toys available the younger man would go for to get the information needed from their foe.

Instead he surprises Maki and the prisoner both. Mirrored spikes form, spin, and slowly begin digging into the man’s flesh. Their spinning led to a vibration of the skin that only worsened the pain as the flesh began ripping in more jagged pieces than it should have. Those mirrored surfaces would soon be painted red with freshly spilled blood. And then they stop. Yukio once more demands the information. The prisoner doesn’t respond for a moment, panting and crying as he is. He, like Maki, had expected things to start off more mundane. And so while Maki was giving the kid yet more points, the prisoner was trying to figure out why his pants felt wet so quickly.

”Fine. One of them is leaning on the wall right there! He’s our ring leader!”

Maki moves the sucker around in his mouth and swallows some of the flavor, one eyebrow rising above the other in height.

Shirai Sadao

Well-Known Member
May 7, 2017
A sigh escaped the Hyuuga's lips in that moment shaking his head in disappointment, Looking back at Maki for a moment he had his eyebrow raised in much the same manner as he did. It most likely wasn't uncommon for those in these circumstances to try and lie to bend the truth to escape or shift the blame but even if this were true the information given to him was unsatisfactory, it told him next to nothing about the plan they had in mind.

"Well now let me humour you a moment, even if this were true and my comrade here was involved you have told me next to nothing. That isn't good enough so looks like were going to have to squeeze more out of you"

His voice grew more sinister as he drew the sentence to a close, many ideas were flowing through his mind as to what to do about this man and all of them seemed effective if used right. Being a Shinobi and a trained one at that they had access to some rather unique forms of torture if used correctly. Placing a hand on the mans shoulder as sparks of lightning jutsu began to crackle and spark.

"How this is how this will work, your going to expand on your little statement. If I find the answer unsatisfactory the voltage goes up, the more I think your lying to me it goes up again. We'll continue you this until I think you've given me something I can work with in a bit more detail."

With that the sparks in his hand becoming more violent he began to increase the amount of Chakra being used in the electrocution controlling the flow letting it build at a steady pace.

"So explain your statement to me and tell me where are the rest of your little band of rogues?"


Supreme Leader Bone #9513
Staff member
Aug 28, 2012
OOC Rank
Maki watches as Yukio listens, then shakes his head and looks at him. It was as if both had the same thought of “What the hell?” going at that moment. Then he went on to do everything right. A little bit of talking to pull on the suspension, and right back to work. The man looks at the hand as it comes down, then convulses as the electricity flows through him.

Finally as it stops he’s panting. ”No no! I swear! He’s our leader! We meet in the Yakato Ramen Stand downtown! Every night, at midnight!” Maki audibly sighs and grabs the can of air duster. He pops the straw into it, walks over and motions Yukio to step aside. Then he places the straw into the man’s ear holding the can upside down and depresses the trigger. The man screams as ice begins to form around the air. Maki looks over to Yukio as this is going on. ”So, funny story is he’s not lying. You did a hell of a lot better than I thought. Most people get squeamish their first time. I infiltrated that group a while back. Not their leader, though. I think our friend here wanted to fling me under the bus.”

He throws the now empty can aside, the man sitting there quiet, staring at the lights as his brain tries to register the freeze it’s experiencing. ”Alright, gear up. So far you’re far exceeding expectations here. Let’s see if your battle prowess matches your other abilities here.”

That said Maki dons his own ANBU gear, a midnight blue robe with a mask of a weeping person. He gives Yukio directions to meet him at the ramen stand five after midnight and heads off.

Shirai Sadao

Well-Known Member
May 7, 2017
This was an interesting turn of events that much the Hyuuga could be sure of, however when dealing with the tasks of the ANBU branch such acts should have been obvious from the start. Though he wasn't all too familiar with Maki it seemed he was both wise and cruel in equal measure something Yukio could appreciate a great deal, It seemed to be required in the ANBU branch to have both yet also a degree of understanding to make sure that what your were hearing and seeing was the truth and not just some deception being thrown out to hide away the truth.

"Seems he was, though being a bit more inquisitive about the matter never hurts. Besides at least this way the price for threating the village is made clear. As for my doing this it's always better to dive into things feet first and use some creativity, hesitation gets people killed no matter where you do it."

It was the truth at the end of the day, he made have made some mistakes during his time in the academy and in the ANBU branch but if one thing had always been consistent it was his belief that hesitation was one of the more deadly things a Shinobi could come across in the world. This could be especially said if hesitating when the chips were down.

"Understood, I will prepare for what must be done next."

There was few words that needed to be said between them, the job was obvious if there was something within the walls of the village that needed to be stopped then it would be them who would stop it from this point forward heading back to the Uchiha household to grab his gear he would make use of a hooded cloak to cover his face during his time out in the field, sliding his combat gloves onto his arms he waited and wondered.

Their next move would be a simple one all things considered meet up and deal with the problem while making sure non would be harmed if it could be avoided though that was the point of nearly every mission the branch handed out in the long run as he gazed out the window waiting for time to pass.

With the hour quickly approaching he nodded to himself making his way through the streets to the village to the designated point though not keeping his hood up, if anything would make him look shifty it would be that instead he leaned on a wall nearby the ramen stand keeping his eyes open for Maki's arrival.


Supreme Leader Bone #9513
Staff member
Aug 28, 2012
OOC Rank
Maki steps out of the shadows as Yukio shows up, nodding to him and facing the ramen stand. It wasn’t a stand, really, but a large warehouse that supposedly housed the stands themselves that could be found on street corners in certain parts of the village. ”So here it goes. Inside is a hallway. Four doors. The two on the right lead to the warehouse itself where they store the carts. The one on the left leads to the managerial offices. At the end of the little hallway is a locked door labeled as the custodial closet. That’s the one we want. Leads to their base. Fair warning, these are civilians with a lot of weapons. Lots of guns. So be on your guard. It’s well lit, stealth isn’t going to be too useful unless you negate those lights. You’re on point, I’ll monitor and step in if needed.”

He thumps the other on the shoulder and follows Yukio’s lead once he gets moving.

(Feel free to rp up until you enter their base, it’s a straight hall and in the “closet” is just another hall leading to the meeting room.)

Shirai Sadao

Well-Known Member
May 7, 2017
Limited options were not something that filled the Hyuuga with confidence, just walking in and expecting things to be alright would be a fools errand as he thought on Maki's words. Going straight in through the front door to a room full of people with guns was about as joyful as would be expected if you wanted to be full of holes by the end of it. Approaching the door if anything was going to be done the least he could do would be to make their lives that much easier.

Bringing his hands together he would approach each door in turn carefully opening them slightly to let his Byakugan scan to see the contense and overall hostile presence in each one, once the threats could be identified or alternate routes in found it would be that much easier to clear the area. As for checking the other rooms it only made sense in his mind, an attack from the flanks would only complicate matters more than was necessary.

With Maki at his back the Yukio had more confidence in the success of the mission however the more he could do without the captain having to step in the more he could show he was competent and know what he's doing.


Supreme Leader Bone #9513
Staff member
Aug 28, 2012
OOC Rank
The building seemed empty, for the most part. Each door held only empty space beyond it. But his caution was good. He made sure it was safe to move before actually moving. Finally they get into the base, and the difference is noticeable immediately. The fluorescent lights are doubled in number. The walls become adorned with weaponry that even a moron could kill with. Including bombs. There are many more rooms, each empty as the Hyuuga checks, until they get to the last door.

Inside in a wide open space, three thousand square feet and two stories high in space. It’s so well lit even night holds no meaning, lights everywhere and aimed at everything, as if a paranoid man was scared to death of someone sneaking up on them all. Which was, indeed, the case. Inside were a dozen men surrounded by even more loaded rifles and pistols. The room seemed to be built like an office, with cubicles everywhere and a large open area in the middle that the man were in. This clearing was slightly raised just enough to give them view of the door that would be used to enter.

”Alright, we’re here. Game time. I’m under your orders until this is over unless you fuck up. So what’s our plan?”

Shirai Sadao

Well-Known Member
May 7, 2017
Letting his eyes gaze across the room he went silent for a moment, taking in all the information he now had before turning to Maki. Truth be told this wasn't the best situation with this much weaponry and gear they had to be stopped here and if possibly their weapons and gear destroyed with them to prevent there use in the future. Bringing a hand to his chin he pondered going through a plan in his head as quickly as he could before nodding speaking to his comrade.

"I would say if we can contain the collateral damage, and one of us can create a spark we detonate those explosives. That should be more than enough to cause chaos and allow us to clean up anyone left over. If we can't contain it or we don't act with haste in that matter then it would be better to look for an alternate way in so we don't become riddled with holes and blown up to the point they can't identify us."

He spoke with confidence it made sense to him to either be direct and swift or subtle the latter playing more mind games and causing paranoia rather than walking in and wiping them all out though between the two of them there was little doubt in the Hyuuga's mind that they would make short work of these people with the element of surprise on their side.


Supreme Leader Bone #9513
Staff member
Aug 28, 2012
OOC Rank
Maki merely nods as the kid comes up with a plan. ”Lot of ifs, but if you think you can do it go for it. Just remember, collateral damage can happen, and we’re not looking to kill innocent people here.” He knew how bombs could be, and while the ones here weren’t powerful enough to level a building, all together they could be nasty.

((Sorry for short post, just wanted to have a response and let you take over the combat side so I can see how you do :p)

Shirai Sadao

Well-Known Member
May 7, 2017
At the end of the day Maki was right, collateral damage was fine but too much of it and innocents would die something that would be deemed unacceptable in the eyes of the village but for this it would have to be contained destruction. Bringing his hands together he focused his eyes on the room it would be a big distraction to allow them entry to say the least and would add the extra power they needed to finish this in one swift motion.

"A word of warning the big guy is a bit simple minded, however for all he's concerned this is just a big fun experience. Though any wide area of effect jutsu you have to finish this before they can get back on their feet then we will have an easier time than doing this conventionally." The statement would not make sense right away however as he finished his justu he make a swift movement to burst through the door a few words we're all he said "Summoning Jutsu, new friends for you Kuji" in a burst of smoke a giant slug like creature burst into existence looking around the area at the armed individuals as it's voice echoed through the building.

"New friends?! i have a game we can play my friend always says it's so much fun" As the words left his mouth the slug reared it’s head back lurching forward as a stream of scaling ash escaping it’s maw as Yukio stepped forward to join his companion cracking his neck as his hands twitched “Well time to clean up as much as we can both literally and figuratively” with a swift motion of his hands he moved to form another jutsu if he was going to finish this he would have to finish this quickly “Water Style Grand waterfall”

He would seek to bring this to a close that much could be sure, but this was also an effort to make sure Kuji wouldn’t get overexcited and do more than was required of him. His focus was on the mission as his eyes traced for any who could remain his hands never leaving their steady position to react as quickly as he could to any imminent threats.


Supreme Leader Bone #9513
Staff member
Aug 28, 2012
OOC Rank
The boy finally took the initiative after realizing Maki wasn’t kidding about him doing so. It wasn’t what Maki was expecting, but it worked. A slug appeared in a burst of smoke and confusion. The men all gave a shouter, some even got off a few wild shots, before the ash consumes them. Screams erupt from the center of the room. Then Yukio summons a waterfall for clean out the mess suddenly made. Maki sits back and picks off a few stragglers who come running out of the cloud of ash, whistling a jaunty tune and making slight motions with his hand. With each motion a blade of invisible air would take someone at the knees and put him out of the running.

Finally all of them are down and Maki walks over to Yukio, clapping a hand to his shoulder as he touches his headset. ”Inquisitor. Come get em.” More ANBU file into the room. Not to fight, but to arrest and collect. Most of the terrorists, civilians all, were out of commission entirely. Maki looks at Yukio and chuckles. ”Congratulations. You’re no longer in training. Now, I don’t know about you but I could go for some food.” That said, he motions Yukio to follow him. A hibachi steak and chicken meal would be his treat to the kid for passing.

(Exam over, Yukio promoted!)

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:
