Ninpocho Chronicles

Ninpocho Chronicles is a fantasy-ish setting storyline, set in an alternate universe World of Ninjas, where the Naruto and Boruto series take place. This means that none of the canon characters exists, or existed here.

Each ninja starts from the bottom and start their training as an Academy Student. From there they develop abilities akin to that of demigods as they grow in age and experience.

Along the way they gain new friends (or enemies), take on jobs and complete contracts and missions for their respective villages where their training and skill will be tested to their limits.

The sky is the limit as the blank page you see before you can be filled with countless of adventures with your character in the game.

This is Ninpocho Chronicles.

Current Ninpocho Time:

I'll take care of you [Tomo]

Oct 10, 2012
Unlike how it’s been portrayed in many hit musicals, dragging a limp human body around town is actually pretty hard work by one’s lonesome. I definitely don’t have the lung power to belt out a showtune, in any case, with my boyfriend’s corpus slung over my shoulders. By the time I arrive at the apartment, I’m feeling awfully out of shape and ready to roll over and take a nap, myself.

But I’ve got to see to Tomo first. I’ve hauled him all the way here on the assumption that he’s simply passed out from exhaustion and hasn’t actually suffered a stroke from a burst aneurysm or something. If I have to take him to the hospital later on, I’m gonna feel real foolish explaining to the mednins that I thought his seizures were just him getting randy.

I gently lay him down on the couch and strip off his grimy, sand-worn, sun-stiffened outerwear. That’s probably a good sign that he wasn’t lying about training in the desert, as opposed to spending an entire year dicking every harbor whore in the world. His boots are literally full of sand, not to mention a few scorpions here and there. I plop the little creatures in a jar and give ‘em a piece of jelly to munch on—they’re cute! Finally, I peel his smallclothes off to inspect the damage.

Tomo’s always had a great body, in that it was aesthetically pleasing, even if it wasn’t completely fit for combat. Now he actually has what I’d call a “tactical” body—sinewy and carved from wood. Just to make sure, I take one of his hands and poke at the palm. One of the mouth-organs parts its lips to make a tired grunt and then seals itself back up again. So he still has them. I shake my head. Well, there are more problems to worry about right now.

I leave Tomo’s side, fill the tub (no jello this time), and then lift him off the couch and ease him into the bath. At this point, I actually can’t believe he’s not really awake and just pretending to sleep, but I’ll let it pass this time. Most women get a kick out of taking care of their beau or belle, and I’m no exception. I strip down to my smallclothes so they don’t get wet, and kick the bundle into the hallway. Then, I start working on scrubbing the filth from Tomo’s crevices with a sponge. It’s laborious, but also relaxing. It’s nice to be trusted not to simply drown one’s lover in the bath.

After probably a half-hour of scrubbing and rinsing, Tomo’s back to looking normal, whereas the bathwater’s almost turned black. Disgusting! I hurriedly unplug the drain to let it away, and dunk a final bucket over his torso to rinse everything off. By now, he’s starting to stir. I hand him a towel.

“Tomo, dear, go into my room and dry off. Your clothes are in the same drawer as usual. I need a few minutes here to freshen up, myself.”

After he leaves, I work on prettying myself up as best I can on short notice—redoing the makeup, brushing the hair, inspecting my nails. Then, I take a bottle of Eau de Kahako (it smells like the nape of her neck on a breezy midsummer’s day!) and spritz it on. Fortunately, my underwear is fancier than normal. I don’t know why I wore it today of all days, but I’m in luck. I leave and go to my room.

“Tomo, dear, are you recovered?” I smile at him and lick my lips. “I really hope you are. Now, get on your knees and put your hands behind your back.”
As was customary, Tomo sat at the go board with Haruki, playing out their mind game as their body dreamed. The purple-clad visage of Aitouka loomed over them, a frown clearly on her face. "Why is it always this boring game? Why not something with EXPLOSIONS! AND JIGGLE!" She began to bounce around, causing Tomo to sneer at the woman. "I can't concentrate with you yelling in my ear. Just sit still and calm down. If you wouldn't distract me so, this could be over much sooner." Haruki guffawed on the other side of the board. "Oooohoohoohoo! Tomo-boy, you have certainly become cocky since the desert incident. How utterly egotistical of you." The Mochizuki turned his attention to his playmate and scoffed. "It's not that I think so highly of myself. It's that you are outright hopeless at this game. It's been how many years and you still haven't learned a lick of strategy? You just flip whichever piece tickles your fancy." Haruki smiled brightly. "That sounded rather like me, wouldn't you say Aitouka dear?" The woman clapped loudly. "Exactly like Fancy Voice!" A shiver ran down Tomo's spine as he made his move. "Don't say that." Tomo flinched as he felt a twinge in his palm. He looked to the others who also seemed a bit taken aback. Aitouka was the first to recover as she let out a loud cackle. "AHAHAHAHA! I bet Sae-Jiggle-ko is playing with our body!" She crossed her arms and pouted. "No fair! I want to fondle that sweet jiggle! Hurry up and win Fancy Voice!" Tomo glared at the blonde. "Excuse me? If he wins, there won't be any fondling! He'd make us go look for Tama." Haruki's smirk slowly faded. "Hmm...come to think of it, if I triumph, Takaki in all probability wouldn't let me go. In fact, she most likely has our body in a prime position for f-" Tomo abruptly rose from his spot and punched Haruki in the face. "Shut your flamboyant, crude mouth!" Aitouka hovered over the unconscious man. "Woooooooow. Aitouka didn't know that was a part of the rules! Let us do it next time! Ahahahahahahahahah!" Tomo felt himself fade out of unconsciousness.

Tomo's eyes flickered open as a cascade of warm water fell over his tan chest. His gaze scanned the room, trying to take in the fact he was no longer surrounded by sand. His body relaxed with the sigh that escaped his lips. A fluffy white towel entered his peripheral vision, and he turned to see the provider. Seeing Saeko's face, he smiled and nodded lazily at her orders. With his lover's help, Tomo was able to exit the tub and enter the bedroom.

Tomo stood still for a moment, reveling in Saeko's scent. It filled the room, and he anticipated the time when his own fragrance would be mixed in. Once he was satisfied, Tomo continued towards is objective and opened his designated drawer. Taking out underpants, he slipped them on before a pair of black pants. His brow furrowed in confusion at the hem. "They're longer than normal...did I shrivel from all that sun exposure?" Shrugging as it didn't seem all that important, he fished in the drawer for a shirt. Even more puzzlement set in as Tomo searched and searched for his usual-colored shirts. "Where are all my orange clothes? Are they dirty?" He decided on one of the random black shirts and pulled it on. "The sleeves are too long too...what's going on?" Tomo rolled up the sleeves and tucked in the shirt, but failed to fasten the buttons before Saeko arrived. The man was a little taken aback by the sudden shift from concern to lust, though he couldn't deny that intimacy was on his mind as well. Thinking she was doing some roleplaying, Tomo dramatically fell to his knees, lowered his head, and did as he was told. "Of course mistress. I never should have left your side." He peeked through his bangs to see if Saeko was pleased with this portrayal.
Tomo's sudden, campy turn to hundred-percent genuine submissive is enough to break the cool dominatrix visage I've worked so hard to craft in his absence. I have to turn my face away and stifle my laughter before I try, again, to set the mood. "Dammit, let me ease into this before you start saying hilarious shit like that," I admonish him.

I lightly slap my cheeks to snap back into queen mode and regard him through a measured, slit-eyed gaze. "Good boy. Now, a few ground rules before we begin. Obviously I'm not trying to really hurt you, and you don't have to do anything you're not comfortable with. If you feel like I'm overstepping your bounds and want me to stop, let me know by saying your safeword, or tapping out if you find yourself unable to speak. Go ahead and let me know what it is, and then we'll begin."

I give Tomo a few moments to decide on his safeword and then continue on. I walk a lazy circle around him, admiring how truly strong his body's gotten since I last saw him, and how much power radiates from those shoulders of his, even when he's truly relaxed. I also realize that--well, this is a nice little fuckup on my part--Tomo may actually be wearing some of Kouin's old duds. Shit, I hope he doesn't notice. The sooner the clothes are off of him and in a pile in the corner of the room, the better. "Tomo, dear, I've always loved that body of yours, but I didn't expect that you'd come back hotter than before. So I think you'd look even more amazing under my heel, don't you?"

I sidle up behind him and slip my fingertips under the collar of his (well, Kouin's) shirt and slowly pull it apart so that the fabric falls to beneath his shoulder blades and I can see the rippling tendrils of muscle underneath his skin. Then, I reach around in front of him and unfasten the fly on his drawers until I can see just the edge of where his manhood begins. He's already responded, and quite eagerly. I give in to temptation and rub my hand over the taut fabric concealing the rest, and savor his sighs in return. "Oh wow, you really missed me, didn't you?" I tease. i can tell he wants nothing more than to do the same to me, and I feel his fingertips wrapping around the edges of my panties to pull them down. I twitch and let out a contented gasp, but quickly restrain his hands. "Ah, nope! You see, Tomo, since you were the one who up and left so suddenly, you're also the one who gets to be naked and objectified here. These will make it easier, though."

I reach under the nearby bed and pull out a pair of cuffs, which I attach to his wrists. "There!" With Tomo nicely restrained, I move around to his front and take in the view. He's truly a beautiful specimen--the only fair reimbursement for having to put up with a typical man's bullshit. By now, he's aching to burst from the confines of his pants. "Even kneeling, you're still trying to stand at attention, aren't you?" I say. I give him an evil grin and straddle him without freeing him further. I plant my lips on his, hungrily drinking his kisses like I'm the one who's been thirsting for months in the desert. My fingers run up and down his body, playing with his nipples and probing at his chiseled abs. Spurred by primal instinct, I start grinding against him, mashing against his tumescence with that sensitive, hidden place that men still debate the existence of (but that I know exists for god damned sure).

Reluctantly, I break off the kiss, though I'm too selfish to stop dry (well, not anymore) humping him. I'm here for a halfassed attempt at bondage, after all. "So, Tomo," I begin, "Tell me how you dealt with missing me in the desert. Did you ever find any private time away from your brother? Or did you guys, uh, circle-jerk it? And did you sleep with any hot chicks? I wanna know the deets. Oh, I give Haruki permission to rat you out, too~" I tease, further.
Tomo wasn't really sure what he was expecting. He thought it would be a quick back and forth, a small bit of play before they went all out. But it seemed like Saeko had other things in mind. He lifted his head to think on a word. It can't be no or stop, if those manga taught me anything... Make it jiggle! No, that would be ridiculous. Uncle? Drumpf? Explosions! I give? No, it has to be a small, simple word, one I wouldn't normally say during something like this. Come on Tomo! Hurry up, I want to get to it already. Aitouka! "Aitouka." In his eagerness to pick a word, Tomo blurted out the next one to pop up in his mind. He silently chastised himself for not taking the time to realize that his pervy brain-buddy was weaseling in on the event, but it was too late now. I guess it works. I certainly wouldn't be screaming that name anytime soon unless I wanted to stop all forms of enjoyment.

Before long the man was cuffed and helpless before Saeko's will. A small part of him wished to defy her, cheat with his jutsu and prove he could be dominant. Yet he found an odd form of pleasure at her strong demeanor. Feeling her taunt and tease his body, seeing that smirk he remembered so vividly while apart from her, he couldn't help but give in. His kisses were sloppy and rough as he was too lustful to focus on romance. His neck strained to keep their lips locked, but she was more free in her movements than he. Tomo's body ached for more, twinging periodically as the cold air reminded him that he wasn't pressed against his lover.

Saeko's questions pulled the man out of his yearning. His mind betrayed him, giving Tomo a glimpse of what a so-called 'circle-jerk' would look like. He shook his head violently to remove those images from his mind. Instead he focused on the other questions, his face red with embarrassment at his recollections. Tomo lowered his head to try and hide from her intense eyes. He found it hard to speak through his humiliation, but he had to set her straight. "I-I did not t-touch another woman! ...Or m-man f-for that m-matter!" His cheeks throbbed from the heat, which spread throughout the rest of his body when he recalled those lonely nights in the sandy wasteland. Slowly, he lifted his gaze as he spoke. "The only one on my mind was you, how I wanted to hold you, kiss you, rub you. Even just seeing you would have been enough. I did a few times, in my dreams. You..." He paused before averting his eyes to the side. "You helped release me when I couldn't." He took in a sharp breath and gave Saeko a confident pout that lost strength over time. "A-and what of you? Did know...ever..." He couldn't finish. He wasn't really sure if he wanted to know the answer. It was a mixed feeling, learning such things. The Mochizuki would definitely be happy to hear her clarify that she was faithful to him. It was finding out if she had taken care of things herself that he wasn't sure about. Tomo couldn't deny that he wanted to be the only one to pleasure her, to the point of not even wanting Saeko to do it herself. He stretched his body a bit to try and rub his nose on her panties. "Either way, let me do it now!"

[WC: 592]
I have to suppress a cringe at Tomo’s choice of safeword. It actually does fit the bill perfectly, though. Kind of like repeating the Lightning Country pledge of allegiance over and over to oneself to battle unwanted erections. And when I say “erection” I mean the local real-estate mogul trying to put up a combination skyscraper, crack den, and rendering plant right next to your flower gardens. NIMBY, you orange-skinned fool!

I almost regret breaking off my kisses to interrogate him about those long desert nights. My primal side—my id—wants nothing more than to shut him up with my lips and tongue, and simply take him right there until we’re both so tired we can’t even lick our wounds, like spent mongooses after mating in a blind fury. But at the same time, I also want to hear what he’s been doing, and how he’s been coping, and most of all, hear how much I mean to him.

Uncharacteristically for Tomo (at least in private), he’s stammering a bit. My mentor told me to expect this. Even the most strong-willed macho fighter can get pulled into what’s called “subspace,” a weird, helpless state of mind that renders a person unable to resist, speak, or even sometimes think. All those black-hooded torturers working for alphabet agencies try to force their prisoners into subspace all the time, but there are many cases of victims successfully resisting till the bitter end. In context of freely-given consent, however, someone like Tomo’s going to slip in quite easily, and quite pleasurably. Well, that and I’m not actually trying to harm him.

I let out a chuckle as Tomo adamantly denies playing hanky-panky on the side. He’s so adorably sincere, so enticingly earnest in this moment that I’m pressed by a powerful urge to comfort and reassure him. Kiss him gently and tell him through my gentlest, teary-eyed smile that his fidelity means the world to me. And that mine has been reserved only for him. But that can happen later. For now, I’m going to tease and poke at him a little bit—after all, this is all part of his reward.

“Dohohohoh!” I let out my best stereotypical ojou-chan chuckle. “Tomo, the way you speak it’s almost like you expect to be given some sort of medal for the simple task of not sticking it in every possible hole you came across. But with how much you suffered, that only tells me one thing: You…” I flick him on the forehead, “are…” I flick him again, “a man-slut!” I finish off with a light slap to his cheek.

I give him my haughtiest, smuggest smirk. “You were so horny that you had me service you in your dreams! Was I wearing a totally ridiculous outfit? One with cat-ears and crotchless panties and a fur-lined shelf bra?” I lower my head and flick my tongue against the two most useless but oh-so-sensitive parts of his chest, alternating so each gets equal attention. Simultaneously, I slip a hand down his boxers and gently squeeze and pull him in a rhythm.

“Ooh, down boy,” I say, pushing him away from my crotch. “I can tell you just want to explode right now. You waited for this moment for far too long. Tell you what…I’ll answer your question if…and only if…you can stand an entire minute of this. At twice the intensity!”

Tomo’s body shakes and I can tell he’s summoning all his reserves. And yet you can’t argue with basic biology. He’s not going to last a minute like this. I mean, if he does, he might actually die or something—that’s what my hentai mangas told me.

...Surprisingly, Tomo manages to hold out, at least in the face of my handiwork. My expression softens, and I tell him: "Tomo, I'm a terrible person in many ways, but the one thing I haven't done while you were away was cuck you. So whether you're here or there, don't worry about me. My prowling days are over, at least until you cack it. After that, well, no guarantees. I might try to break my eighty-year-old hips while slutting it up in the dementia unit." With that, I lean over, kiss, and unite with him.

Over the course of the night, we continue to get re-acquainted with each other. He marks me as his in every possible way, depositing his seed deep and plentifully within my womanhood, my stomach, and my filthy insides. And since they're also parts of him, too, I allow Aitouka's mouths to roam freely across my body, with long, hungry tongues able to reach places where even Tomo's cannot. For Haruki, it's a simple transformation to assume the form of his sister, and allow him to also enjoy what has always been forbidden to him. I feel no shame in any of this, because they are all Tomo, in the end.

When the morning comes, we go out and get some Denny's.

Current Ninpocho Time:
