Ninpocho Chronicles

Ninpocho Chronicles is a fantasy-ish setting storyline, set in an alternate universe World of Ninjas, where the Naruto and Boruto series take place. This means that none of the canon characters exists, or existed here.

Each ninja starts from the bottom and start their training as an Academy Student. From there they develop abilities akin to that of demigods as they grow in age and experience.

Along the way they gain new friends (or enemies), take on jobs and complete contracts and missions for their respective villages where their training and skill will be tested to their limits.

The sky is the limit as the blank page you see before you can be filled with countless of adventures with your character in the game.

This is Ninpocho Chronicles.

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:

I'm outta here! [Private]

Kuru Naohiro

New Member
Apr 19, 2018
It was time for the scoundrel of the Leaf to take his leave.

Hideki Riku, the ninja with the ever-growing reputation within the Konoha, the village hidden in the leaves perched on the edge of a rooftop. His eyes, glimmering with entertainment and a quiet determination, examined the darkly lit gate below. The guards held lanterns high as they checked the passports of the little merchant traffic that came at night. The roguish ninja of trickery counted out the guards with a discerning eye, it was but another heist to this thieving ninja.

“One, two, three, four … the fifth held a vantage point on a nearby building,” Riku muttered to himself, cloaked in the shadows, “Easy score.”

With a smirk, the rogue lifted his faded red mask to hide his lips. The black clothing, he had decided to wear today felt crude compared to his normal attire, but it suited the night perfectly. The trickster ninja took one deeper sigh as he enjoyed his final moment of peace. His crew members were to be left behind, for this path, the ninja must walk alone.


With his moment over, the white-haired rogue rose from his perch and drew two shuriken from his faded red belt before leaping off the perch with a graceful flip, the dust of the village roads flying outward as he landed. The rogue raised an eye towards the guards before beginning his march towards them.

“Time for the performance …” The trickster muttered

The shinobi seemed paranoid as Riku closed the distance between them, rightfully so. It appears his arrival at the gate was anticipated … not that it would help. With a quick grip of one of his shuriken, he tossed it towards one of the shinobi that was checking the passport of a local farmer. The gleam of the blade in the moonlight showed too late, as the metal struck down the first guard. The guards responded in kind, as the gleam of kunai and shuriken appeared in the trickster’s vision. The black clad rogue ran forward towards the weapons, before falling into a roll, allowing the weapons to fly weakly over his head. As the roll ended, the second shuriken from Riku’s arsenal released, being released towards the second guard. He didn’t seem to be nearly as agile as the blade landed its mark and the shinobi fell silently.

“The gates are under attack!” The guard on the rooftop declared, the sky erupting with light as he released a signal flare.

“Too late!” The rogue ninja declared aloud.

Riku surged forward towards the third and fourth guards, who brandished their blades. With a laugh, the rogue bounded over the top of them, dodging swings prepared for a frontal attack. As the ninja landed behind them, he twirled around, his leg going out and hammering the third guard down with a painful thud. When the leg went out to strike the fourth, it was met with a painful slash, the guard having readied his blade in time. The scoundrel gave a hiss as the new wound on his leg before slamming a fist into the fourth guards head, dropping him as well.

“Bastards!” The scoundrel declared as he went to a crouch to check the wound.

The blade had cut painfully, but thankfully not deep. As the rogue went to sigh in relief, the sky around him lit up once more. Riku didn’t waste time looking upwards, instead bounding towards the side with a roll. Where he had once stood turned to a smoulder of black as the fire jutsu missed its mark. The rogue looked upwards to see the final ninja readying the handsigns for another blast. With a grunt, he leaped back towards the collapsed shinobi, a hand grasping one of the fallen blades of the guards. In an instant, he tossed the blade through the sky with a wailing hiss. The final guard dropped silently.

With a groan, the rogue ninja rose to his feet proper, looking at his own handy work. The trickster spun on his heel, giving a small laugh at the sight, before leaping off into the darkness outside the leaf.

"Farewell Leaf." He said


“Farewell Leaf .... whoosh!” Riku shouted out as the wooden toy flew through the air, finishing the end of his make-believe.

With a laugh, the white-haired boy leaped up and caught the toy, running with it in his hand towards the rooftop edge.He examined the toy with a smile before sitting him on the perch, looking outward at the gate that shined in the bright daylight. He'd chosen a building close to the gate, it helped him imagine the scene a bit better.


“And it was sent through all the books and all the crowds …” Riku monologued, grinning happily at his toy, “The tale of Hideki Riku, the fabled missing ninja of legend ... so cool...”

He gave a warm smile as he collapsed to a rest, gazing at the shining gate with a warm smile. He sometimes wondered what it would be like to run away, to try being one of the cool ninja. The white-haired boy grabbed his toy once more and examining it with a smile.

“You know,” Riku spoke to the toy, “I sometimes wonder … do they think I’m going to run? Bet they think I’m pretty stupid, huh? We’ll show them one day … or atleast I will.”

The boy broke out in a chuckle, patting his toy before placing it in his pocket. He rose from his rest before looking at the gate once more with a considerate smile. He then bounded away to go find his friends, there has to be something to do today.

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This song worked well while reading it! :)
[Topic Left]

Uchiha Takeshi

4th Hokage
Staff member
Nov 7, 2012
OOC Rank
Takeshi allowed himself to walk to the gates, another day of the Hokage walking around, as he smiled to himself and slowly whistled as he walked, it was clear that the Uchiha was doing nothing more than checking on the situation at the gates, trying to find out what was going on and see how life had taken its turns. He allowed himself to smile the sun was out once more and the weather was beautiful it was the perfect day and the Hokage knew it to be one. As he allowed himself a few moments before seeing the figure at the gates, he knew full well that something was not right.

“And what do you think you are doing?”

His voice cold and flat as he allowed his eyes to focus on the other Shinobi, it seemed that he had managed to find himself in an interesting situation, he just wanted to get to the bottom of this. What ever turn this took he knew full well that he would be prepared and ready if the situation arrived, as he allowed himself to stand silent waiting for an answer to be given. He placed the ball in their court to see what would happen.

[Topic Entered]

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:
