Ninpocho Chronicles

Ninpocho Chronicles is a fantasy-ish setting storyline, set in an alternate universe World of Ninjas, where the Naruto and Boruto series take place. This means that none of the canon characters exists, or existed here.

Each ninja starts from the bottom and start their training as an Academy Student. From there they develop abilities akin to that of demigods as they grow in age and experience.

Along the way they gain new friends (or enemies), take on jobs and complete contracts and missions for their respective villages where their training and skill will be tested to their limits.

The sky is the limit as the blank page you see before you can be filled with countless of adventures with your character in the game.

This is Ninpocho Chronicles.

Current Ninpocho Time:

Information gathering [Solo D-Rank Mission]

Kousaki Satoru

New Ninja
May 2, 2013
It was about 2 PM in the afternoon. The sun was showing itself in the partly cloudy sky, but the wind blew fairly strong. Satoru was sitting on a tree branch across the street, looking over to the walled up estate that he was going to infiltrate. This was going to be his first mission of such sort and so he went in his mind through everything he'd learned at the Academy regarding them, while he was still waiting for the guest that was going to arrive at the house. He had also analyzed the area and already planned his next steps. The estate had an impressive garden surrounding two of its sides, which was taken care of by a gardener, a short and old man. The house itself also had a porch on one of those sides, with comfortable chairs set up on it. The host would almost undoubtedly sit there and have a discussion with the guest at one point, so that was going to be when he eavesdrops.

When the visitor arrived, the boy was already on another side of the property, and used the opportunity to jump the wall and get inside the enclosed area. It took him a while, but he managed to carefully sneak towards an area of the garden where he couldn't be seen and then waited for the two men to reach the veranda. The caretaker was still tending to a part of the garden that wasn't far from the house. Getting close enough to listen without being spotted was impossible so he needed to draw the old man away. "I hope this works...," he thought, as he prepared a few handseals. He focused his chakra and then punched the ground next to him, destroying a small area of the garden and drawing the attention of the caretaker. He hid and then slipped by unnoticed once again when the man drew near. "Alright. This should keep him busy for a while..." Next, he went by the corner of the building, next to where the two men were already conversing and used the Transformation jutsu to change into the old man who was now on the other side of the plot. He moved slowly about the garden, pretending to tend to the plants, only close enough that he could hear the conversation clearly. "So far, so good..."

After about fifteen or twenty minutes, the discussion finally seemed to turn to the subject of the upcoming wedding. It felt to Satoru like the one who assigned him the mission was the one more obsessed about the upcoming event, the man he was now listening to having not brought up the subject earlier. It wouldn't take long before Satoru found out the information he was after, but just as he was about to leave though, the old caretaker stepped from around the corner and Satoru was still transformed, not far from the porch view. "Shit!" He moved his hands quickly and cast the Blur genjutsu on the man before he could be noticed. Satoru wasn't really good at genjutsu, so he was a bit nervous about it and hoped it would be enough. Fortunately, it was, for an old man, who was now rubbing his eyes, very displeased of the bad luck he was having that day. The boy hurried away, trying not to draw attention to himself as he went out of view. Soon, he was near the front entrance, and after a quick look around, swiftly jumped the wall back outside. He sighed in relief, but all of a sudden he realized a number of people on the street were staring at him and rightfully so. He'd forgotten to cancel his transformation jutsu. "Grandpa, why can't you jump like that?" a little girl was heard asking, as Satoru, embarrassed, sprinted away and changing back into his twelve-year old self after turning the corner. "Well, at least the mission was a success...," he said to himself under his breath.

[topic left]

Current Ninpocho Time:
