Ninpocho Chronicles

Ninpocho Chronicles is a fantasy-ish setting storyline, set in an alternate universe World of Ninjas, where the Naruto and Boruto series take place. This means that none of the canon characters exists, or existed here.

Each ninja starts from the bottom and start their training as an Academy Student. From there they develop abilities akin to that of demigods as they grow in age and experience.

Along the way they gain new friends (or enemies), take on jobs and complete contracts and missions for their respective villages where their training and skill will be tested to their limits.

The sky is the limit as the blank page you see before you can be filled with countless of adventures with your character in the game.

This is Ninpocho Chronicles.

Current Ninpocho Time:

Insight Towards the Scapel! Open]

Aug 24, 2012
Flyers litter the academy grounds, the newly appointed medical sennin hosting a tour of the medical facilities for students to enjoy; further expanding their views of which branch would better suit their tastes when the time for choosing came about. Unfortunately, the main issue was the awful time of having to arrive by dusk and to further to add insult to injury on an off day at that! Brisk winds waft about the entrance, lit brightly despite the flora patterns the sun creates as it peeks above the horizon line and standing on the flat landing before the doors was Mikasa. Arms crossed, her oceanic gaze leisurely fans across the open awaiting for an potential students to take the opportunity to further learn of the diverse branches.

After a few moments, the platinum hair kunoichi settles upon the steps, clutching a flier tightly in her grip, a welcoming smile awaits the newcomers. Upon lessening the distance towards her would one become aware of an odd warmth, a cheery disposition she is able to project within the hospital to cause the patients and medical-nin to be at a higher stage of tranquility; her personal gift. Neatly folded upon the steps were a series of ivory coats, it was more fun to look the part while venturing around, despite status and through this method she aimed to utilize the attire as an opening conversation to break the ice.

Adjusting her spectacles the maiden ensures they are perfectly clear, the trouble of frames is the constant feud with smudges. In the distance the lights of each room of the patients illuminate one after another, the typical morning call for breakfast. If the students came without nourishment, they may be able to snag a quick snack along the way. Adjusting her own ivory jacket, Mikasa comes to a stand, stretching her arms outwards to present to the world the Konohagakure Byoin, "Welcome! I am Tsukasa Mikasa, Medical Sennin of the Konohagakure Medical Corporation!" she practices.​
Arisato didn't really know the specifics as to what the flyer in his hands meant other than that it involved something medicine which he recognized as something that would be pretty vital in knowing since he didn't really know much in regards to first aid so he figured that this would be a valuable learning experience if nothing else.

Sucks that he forgot to put on his headband in his rush to get there, since he wasn't used to being up this early on off days, which meant that his right bangs would cover most of the upper right part of his face making his already tousled appearance even seem more so as he, futilely attempted to pat down his messy jet black hair that refused to not be a bother. As he felt his desire to slap himself for forgetting his headband he eventually resigned himself to his fate as he briefly let out a sigh as his visible cobalt eye showcased the same exasperation before he decided to shake his head to get out of his funk, which made his hair somehow look messier covering even more of his pale face now with only his nose visible before he roughly brushed the hair out of the left side of his face. Deciding to just give up on his hair he stuffed his hands into his black jean's pockets, since he also forgot his hoodie leaving him in his plain red t-shirt.

Safe to say that his expectations for the day had been lowered by that event. Well they had been until he saw the lady on the poster talking to herself about something. Gaining a mischievous glint in his visible eye he took a small breath before he put on a toothiest grin he could as he shouted/said."Hiya!! Is this the poster thing!" he said as he held up the flyer.
Arashi sat silently at the edge of the clearing the had spent the dawn practicing, like most of his off days. It was morning already and the sun was rising in the sky. The streetlights were starting to flicker off and people would soon be departing to work from home. However the boy’s mind was on something else, as his arms worked in a robotic manner as he wiped his blades.A flyer was lying on the ground nearby, fluttering in the wind trying to fly away, only to be held down by Arashi’s backpack. Well was it a good idea or not? A debate raged at the back of his mind. A part of him thought he should drop the idea and practice a bit more, whereas another part of him urged him to go. Brushing aside the useless thoughts he got up and decided he should check it out once after all. An opportunity to get acquainted with a Leaf medical Sennin like this might not come by again, he thought as he packed up his gear. Washing his face at a public tap nearby, he started his final warm up to avoid cramping of muscles. It was a good thing he had got a goodnight’s sleep the night before which was quite uncharacteristic for him but it definitely helped with the fatigue. As he finished his stretching, he felt something was wrong. It was as if time had paused. Birds seemed to move in slow motion and even more weirdly, he was apparently standing upside down. A searing pain ripped through his head and he knew it was one of his fits again. He closed his eyes for a few seconds and concentrated hard. His problem seemed more messy than usual for some reason which perplexed him. This was his first fit in days and it was growing worse even though the frequency was diminishing. He rubbed his eyes to forgo any hints of his dazed demeanour. Sorting himself was a must but that would have to wait for another day. He couldn’t let it distract him today.

He made a final check of his gear and attire. Fortunately they were all ready to go. He washed up once again real quick, and donned his Jacket and grabbed the flyer which said something about a tour medical facilities as well, something he was hoping would also benefit him. He imitated a gun with his hand and a small pebble launched from his index finger, knocking down an apple from the nearby tree. After grabbing the fallen apple he was on his way to the Konoha Byoin. Arashi didn’t know what to expect when he got there. Fortunately for him, he had never been to an hospital, but that could change any day. It was probably a good idea to get familiarised with the medical facilities in Konohagakure. It could come in handy in case of any emergencies. Strolling towards the building in the limited lighting, he could make out two silhouettes in the distance. As he got closer, he saw that the first figure was of a platinum haired lady. She was wearing glasses and one of those ivory coats, which medics usually wore while treating patients. Even from distance he could feel an aura of power radiating from her, but it wasn’t threatening or malicious, instead it was filled with warmth and peace. As he got closer, he could make out that the second person was a boy with jet black hair and pale skin, or maybe it looked pale in the dusk lighting. He was wearing a red shirt and was holding up the same flyer, which Arashi had. He went up and stood beside the boy and did a little bow before the lady,
Hello, I am here for the tour of medical facilities.” He took out the flyer from his backpack and unfolded it.

Truthfully MIkasa genuinely had been caught off guard, the youngster of raven locks and crimson attire overheard the sennin's practice. Chuckling gently, she would extend a hand outwards, "Absolutely! I promise to make the day interesting." she replies briskly, taking notice of the young man's lack of a coat despite the chilled morning air of Konohagakure. Silently the kunoichi leans over to capture an ivory jacket, fluttering the object outwards and over the head of the child, allowing it come to a rest upon Arisato's shoulders; a tad bit on the large side, but not an issue, "There, now you appear as if you belong. Also doesn't hurt that it is quite warm." she points out.

Pivoting about another would appear, the expectations thus far had been met, anymore would have been Kami send, yet a turn out of two interested students was an unfortunate above average turn out. The grin upon her features widen considerably, "The very one, I have a gift for you as well for your attendance." Mikasa hastily retrieves the remaining coats, overcome with the sensation of embarrassment for bringing so many jackets. Respectfully, the senior kunioichi bows her head prior to handing over medical garbs, gesturing for the young man to wear them while within the facility. Now if only the duo would become older and wear them permanently . . .

Settling down upon the steps once more, Mikasa pats the concrete gently, the rays of sunlight becoming vivid before them. Hues of color, oranges, and magenta waltz before their very eyes. "I am Tsukasa Mikasa, Medical Sennin, you may address me however you wish." she pauses, giving the pair her undivided attention, "Who do I have the privilege of borrowing your precious day off time from?" she inquires in her usual dove tone, waiting for the pair to give a proper introduction and once they were would the academy students be met with an additional inquiry.

"Do you two have any goals or ambitions? I always find it interesting as I once was an academy student myself and could've never imagined I be where I am today. Truthfully, don't tell anyone." a pause,"I wanted to be an ANBU when I was enrolled in an academy." she laughs kindheartedly, "But I am sure there is no better fit for me then where I am now."
Arisato's visible eye blinked in slight confusion at the jacket before he shrugged the thought off, figuratively speaking, before he eagerly put on a toothy grin to keep up his outwardly cheerful disposition that he had decided to stick to till he didn't need it anymore. The coat was a tad large meaning that it went past his hands and the lowest parts of it was mere inches away from his ankles. He balled his right fist before placing it over his chest as true passion entered his voice as he told part of his ultimate goal. "I'm Akira Arisato current academy student, and an eventual legendary shinobi!!" and this was the first step. Establishing connections with people even if it's as a child passionate regarding a pipe dream. His visible eye burned with passion as he saw his eventual future as a legendary thief.

He then scratched the back of his head with his right hand as he let out an awkward chuckle. "Though I'm not exactly sure how I'm supposed to do that." This was another half truth since he had a rather vague idea as to how he was going to get strong enough to do that, and it was genjutsu and chakra control. The latter being the real reason he was here even though he was unsure that'd he'd learn anything directly regarding it he could probably learn some useful indirect information regarding the topic.
Arashi was having second thoughts about this already, which was never a good thing. The Medic lady seemed nice enough. She greeted him warmly and handed him a ivory medic coat, which was larger than his size. He put it on anyway and immediately felt self-conscious. In a way he was grateful they only wore these inside. But that wasn’t the main reason for his doubts. Counting himself and the other boy, there were only two of them. He dreaded that he would look like a fool if he was asked about anything medicine related and he really didn’t want to embarass himself in front of a Medical Sennin. He was feeling that he shouldn’t have ignored all those Medicinal books that lay in his shelf, accumulating dust. Brushing aside the negative thoughts, he tried to focus on the positives. Maybe today would be a pleasant learning experience. They would get to interact with and explore new things, which the other academy students were missing out on.

As he was lost in his thoughts, The nice lady introduced herself and asked for their introductions. Something that seemed a bit funny to him was that the lady had been an ANBU aspirant in the past, but she ended up becoming a Medical Sennin. Arashi was also interested in joining the ANBU, but he wondered if he would also end up taking a different path in life. She also asked about their goals and ambitions. These were always difficult for Arashi to answer as he didn’t have a clear goal or ambition he could share with others. Not yet at least. He waited as the other boy introduced himself as Akira Asasto. He wanted to become a legendary shinobi, which Arashi could imagine every academy student wanted to be whether they revealed it or not. At Least Akira was honest about it. He awkwardly admitted that he had no idea how to become one, but something about the boy’s body language suggested there was more to him than met the eye. Arashi stepped forward and did his introduction ritual,

I am Arashi Takejo, a relatively new academy student. I decided to attend today’s tour because I was curious about Konoha’s medical facilities and healing techniques. As for goals or ambitions, I don’t have anything specific in mind. I want to become strong and serve the village in the best way I can.”Arashi finished with a slight smile. The last part wasn’t completely true. He did have a goal in mind which he had pledged to complete at any cost, but he didn’t share that with anybody. Not even his own brother.
The toothy lad was quite amusing, claiming to ascend to the point legendary status; a lengthy road, but anything was possible in the shinobi realm. Takejo's statement was far more reasonable, however to meet an academy student with no high expectation of themselves was certainly odd. Never the least, who was the maiden to rain on the parades of others, for Mikasa never once had the notion of standing before the village as medical sennin. Pivoting about, the platinum hair kunoichi gestures for the pair to trail behind her, silently the doors part, "Excellent, Arisato-kun, Takejo-kun, follow me if you will. Today will be certainly interesting." she comments gingerly.

Upon entering, the staff were bustling about, morning breakfast was quite a delicate time as all the patients were gently stirred from their sleep to awaken to a meal to re-nourish themselves with. Mikasa would occasionally turn about to give the students her undivided attention, "This is a typical morning in the facilities. Those stationed within the hospital provide full treatment to the recovering patients. Don't be fooled, however, there is far more to a medical-nin's life." she chuckles gently, peeking her head in momentarily to wave to a patient calling out her name in an excited tone, "Morning!" she calls back, "There are researchers who dive into their specific topics of choice, wandering outside the village and at times to other countries. I have a new recruit heading to Kumogakure to research an incident for me." the medical sennin explains, her oceanic blue gaze shimmering all the while.

Rounding the next bend the color of the facility transforms from the usual bright ivory to a light cream. Pausing to a door, she performs a handseal - allowing teal chakra to veil her hand and allowing access to the room. Admittedly the room they were to enter was a bit messy, paperwork scattered on a desk, a multitude of tools flung about, yet in the distance a considerable space with a blank enforced wall in the distance. "I wish to showcase a more interesting side, so today, we are going to go about seeing which element of jutsu you will excel at as a shinobi. We have technology to aid in showcasing your natural abilities."
As they finished their introductions, the platinum haired lady got up and asked the boys to follow her. She led them inside the huge medical facility and Arashi was interested to see what kind of things they would get to witness today. As they progressed inside, they arrived in a huge place, with numerous med-nins and nurses moving about in their white medical garbs. Aside from them, there were numerous patients, who were being served breakfast by the medical staff. Many of them were unable to eat on their own and were being have to be served by the staff. Some others had their body riddled with white plaster and wrappings, probably to heal broken bones and deep injuries. Arashi shuddered at the thought of how it would feel to be completely helpless and at the mercy of others. The lady explained how this was a typical morning in the facility, with the hospital providing round the clock care for its patients. After quickly greeting a patient, she led them further into the building.

As they were walking she explained how what they had witnessed was just the tip of operations that Medical ninjas conducted. More advanced activities included researching new and unknown things, sometimes even beyond the borders of the country. Apparently one of her researchers was heading towards Kumogakure to research more about a specific incident. Perhaps there was an exciting side to being a med-nin which was previously unknown to Arashi. After walking for a while, they arrived at a door which the lady unlocked using her chakra (Which was extremely cool by the way. He had to know this technique for his room). The room’s interior seemed a bit unorganised, which was a bit unexpected to Arashi who thought a Medical sennin would be overly sophisticated. The room however, was quite spacious for a private office, not that Arashi had been to many offices. As he was assessing the room, The lady proposed something which caught his attention. Apparently, there was technological aid to uncover someone’s natural affinity and abilities. This got him excited and wondering what kind of result his testing would reveal.
The duo trail behind the Medical Sennin, it would appear that Arisato had become a bit too excited, thus the maiden allows him to take a brief reprieve at her work space. Placing a glass of orange juice, her beverage of choice, before the cheeky grin student, "Help yourself, you must have forgotten to eat prior. This will settle you out until we settle down for lunch." the kunoichi explains before returning her attention to Takejo. Not one to get muddled down in negativity, Mikasa continues to allow her radiant warmth to project outwards, "Alrighty, Takejo-kun, let us discover what hidden potentials linger within you." she chuckles crossing over to the youngster.

Opposite of the raven hair youth were that of an glove, the outer appearance of plastic certainly gave it a puzzling look, and the plain cream hue only added to the fact. Sliding the glove upon her only un-gloved hand, the woman extends the device outwards to aim at the distance walls of the room, "Not to worry, this is doubles as an experiment room." she begins, "This device cycles through the main spectrum's of chakra nature. Being doton, suiton, fuuton, koton, and raiton. Each cycle last no more than thirty seconds and taps into your nature chakra stream." Knowing the explanation may bit above the academy student, the older woman allows the device to showcase itself.

"Chakra Mode Sequence: Doton." a robotic voice crackles to life, in that moment a tan radiance accumulates at the glove before unleashing a barrage of pebbles outwards, "Those with any compatibility will result in this." Mikasa silences herself as the voice interrupts her, "Sequence: Doton Stage 2.." Without any warning larger chunks stream forward in the shape of stalagmites, deadly if one were to stand directly in front; similar to a shower of senbon. "There are three stages, those who are do not possess the nature for the chakra will only get to stage two at the most." the explanation coming to an end, surely this sufficing with the visuals.

"Sequence: Doton Stage 3.." the device begins to glow a darker earthly hue, spires of earth produce magically upon the tile in a straight line towards the back of the ivory room. Gesturing towards Takejo, the sennin utilizes her index and middle finger to point towards one of two more gloves, "Go right ahead, this doesn't use a lot of chakra. I'm curious to what occurs for you." she beams.​
Arashi waited eagerly as the Sennin lady started to explain the process of determination for one’s natural chakra affinity. Together they proceeded towards a device which was supposedly going to uncover it all. Its appearance was quite different from what Aashi had imagined. The device was a simple plastic-glove contraption, which needed to be worn in order to get the wanted results. The boy waited for the Sennin to have the first go in order to clearly witness, how the device functioned. The woman gracefully slid her hand into one of the gloves and started explaining how it worked in depth. Apparently, it checked the chakra stream of the user for all the main elements such as doton, suiton, fuuton, koton, and raiton. The checking was done in consecutive cycles, with each cycle lasting no more than thirty seconds. Seemed very nifty to Arashi as he knew from the history books, that in the olden days, Shinobi would end up spending months and months trying to figure out their chakra affinity. Once the device started up, a robotic voice spoke up ‘Chakra Mode Sequence: Doton’, and tiny pebbles started to rain out of the lady’s gloved hand. She informed that on confirmed chakra compatibility, the device would proceed to stage two. In stage two, the tiny pebbles were replaced by a rock shower with stray rocks shooting off with decent velocity. Arashi wondered if the testing method was safe enough with all the debris flying around. After that came stage three. Apparently, it could only be accessed if the user had complete compatibility with the given chakra nature. The machine livened up once again with the voice reciting, ‘Sequence: Doton Stage 3’ and the device began to glow with a darker earthly hue, with spires of earth began to produce magically upon the tile in a straight line towards the back of the ivory room. Arashi was lost in his marvel for his newfound love for science and technology, when the Sennin broke his chain of thought and motioned for him try it out.

Arashi was almost certain, Doton would be a match for him as he had almost always enjoyed great success in casting mud jutsus. Rubbing his hands for a bit, he inserted his right palm into the cream coloured contraption, not quite knowing what to expect. Within seconds, the device came to life and Arashi felt a funny prickling sensation on the top of his palm. He was half tempted to pull it out, but kept on going. The machine voice spoke up ‘Chakra Mode Sequence: Doton’ as stream of pebbles began to emit from his gloved hand. So far it was going alright, he thought to himself. As the pebbles seized, the second stage commenced, with bigger sized rocks forming out of his hand. His hand was feeling similar to when it felt while casting a jutsu, except there was no need to weave the hand seals. He wondered if the machine had other uses than just testing one’s chakra affinity. As the rockfall seized, the boy waited to see if the machine proceeded to the next stage. There was a small delay, as Arashi had almost started to get disappointed. But sure enough, the machine spoke up ‘Sequence: Doton Stage 3’. Arashi could feel a portion of his chakra flowing through his fingers, as spires of earth began to produce magically upon the tile in a straight line towards the back of the ivory room. Once the test was done, he removed his hand from the device. Turning to the Sennin lady he said,

Well, that was a new and fun experience. I had no idea that Medical Ninjas dealt with such interesting gadgets.” There was a slight smile on the boy’s face as he could feel his interest being piqued.
Takejo genuinely seemed intrigued by the multiple prospects of the medical field, "Of course, it would be quite silly if we merely only mended and did nothing further." Mikasa begins to explain, taking a brief reprieve to allow the prickling sensation to plague the flesh of her digits. "We do researching to innovate the field, while perusing topics of interests to the particular researcher. For instance this particular device was in hopes of finding a more practical ways to identify chakra natures." she finishes before extending her hand outwards once more.

Jolts of electricity begin to gather against the odd material, "Chakra Mode Sequence: Raiton..." the voice crackles into existence as sparks crackle before the pair. Removing the glove after a moment the medical sennin approaches the lad, "As you can see, it will cycle through all five elements. You may continue to cycle through them all, if you wish. It does appear you and I hold similar strong traits towards earth based techniques." she remarks in a vibrant tone before settling onto a rolling stool. Mikasa would allow for the academy student to take as much as time as he wished for the majority of the session was show a brief glimpse into the more intriguing portion of the branch.

Tenderly her digits adjust the eye wear upon her features, "Admittedly I don't have much more I can show you at the moment. This is my personal research quarters and I tend to not invade others unless necessary. However, I am more than happy to answer any inquiries you may have, Takejo-kun." the platinum man woman awaits patiently for a potential barrage of questions. Their next destination would be to do a brief tour of recovering patients and lunch to end the day; the mere thought of a meal was most welcoming.​

Current Ninpocho Time:
