Ninpocho Chronicles

Ninpocho Chronicles is a fantasy-ish setting storyline, set in an alternate universe World of Ninjas, where the Naruto and Boruto series take place. This means that none of the canon characters exists, or existed here.

Each ninja starts from the bottom and start their training as an Academy Student. From there they develop abilities akin to that of demigods as they grow in age and experience.

Along the way they gain new friends (or enemies), take on jobs and complete contracts and missions for their respective villages where their training and skill will be tested to their limits.

The sky is the limit as the blank page you see before you can be filled with countless of adventures with your character in the game.

This is Ninpocho Chronicles.

Current Ninpocho Time:

Mission Intelligence Network under repair

As the boy passed one of the guards within the village, he gave a nod back. He kept a confident stride, like the guard that he knocked out earlier. He would try to blend in with the rest of the guards, careful not to give away his position. It was then that he received a mental note from Shu. The disguised boy looked to Kei, knowing that they would only have a moment before things got... tricky.

In front of the general store the two met a duo of guards that questioned their duties. Even though the boy felt a way about what they were doing, it wasn't enough to frustrate him and attack. He would keep composure, searching for the way to the innocents' safety. "Oi, they say those sneaky fellas might be out there too. You might wanna stay on your toes, unless you're feeling a little chicken." The boy chuckled, digging one of his own bogies out and putting it in his mouth. "Mhmm, chicken." The boy said, knowing that eating the boogie would definitely divert their attention. Maybe it would distract them enough to keep them unaware.

If they happened to turn away and leave, the boy would begin to watch what was going on at the temple. A simple nod to Kei, and he would whisper that he should go in and check everything out. "Hey, you should go in and see what you can find. I'll stay our here and await Flame's signal. If anything happens out here, I'll give you a signal. If anything happens in there and you need my help, just give me a signal. I won't let anyone in while you're in there, but hurry, it doesn't sound like we have much time."

The boy would continue to survey the immediate surroundings, keeping watch for anything that would mess up The Operation.
The older of the two guards outside of the store looked around, his gaze landed on the sun and held up a hand towards the horizon, almost like he was giving the sun a sideways thumbs up, it seemed like he was gauging the distance between the sun and the horizon, it was getting a bit late in the day, he sniffed loudly and coughed up a ball of spit in his mouth and spat on the ground to the side of the building. Lowering his hand and turning his gaze back to the two "newcomers" "Aye, I guess it do be about dat time den.." He said in the same semi fake accent he was trying to pull in mimickry of the other guards.

As Toshi mentioned the words "sneaky fellas" both of the guards turned briefly to look at each other. "Well shit, if dats da truth then it might be our shot at some propa' glory den!" a cocky grin appeared at the corner of his lips as he said that and began walking to the side approaching the other guard who seemed a less enthused by the excitement. "Wait wait wait, if what he's saying is the truth aren't they absolutely terrifying?" his accent clearly not that of the guards, more innocent and quieter, directed to his friend. The older patted the younger on his shoulders in a slight comforting motion as he gave him a nudge to walk with him, and as they walked away to the side he continued to his friend "Oh relax, I doubt they're actually here, they shouldn't know anything happened, boss made sure of it." A slight stuttering reply came as the final words Toshi and Keiyaku could make out. "I-I-I- hope y-y-you're right.."

Now standing by the front door to the General store almost all alone, there were still guards within a stone's throw, but they couldn't look directly at the door into the building.

Spy within
Moru within the building watched carefully the actions within, relaying everything he saw.

The man terrorising the lady and the man reacted by the voices outside of the closed door, his face was contorted into that of a sexually frustrated man, like his enjoyment was just interrupted by someone outside. He grunted in pent up frustration and turned to the door, walking slowly to the door, his weapons stashed right by the inside the hinges of the door.
Moru sensed the presence of Keiyaku on the other side. He grunted and sneered a slight suggestion... Open the door now, and prevent him from grabbing his weapons. Or open the door when he was close enough to hopefully smash him in his face hard enough so he can't quickly grab the weapons, maybe stunning him. Either option needs to be taken now or never.

The man tied up, squirmed in his bonds and tried to wiggle as quietly as he could to try and get closer to the lady. She herself sat quietly, didn't seem to move a muscle, just breathed silently. What Moru couldn't tell was how the lady was still Shinobi trained, and her breathing and lack of movement was her controlling her muscles to make it seem like she wasn't currently in the middle of cutting her bonds. It wouldn't be long either, if the man terrorising them had maintained his attentions he may have noticed her actions, and prevented her, but thanks to the diversion she now had a chance.

No matter what option Keiyaku and Toshi chose, the second the man would be on the ground she would be quietly getting up herself, and pulling off her ropes, and her face coverage revealing a beautiful woman looking to be in her late twenties at most and with a face fit for royalty. Unfortunately the beauty would be imperfect thanks to the massive bruises across her left cheek, side of her head, and the blood running down from the front of her hair, like she got a deep cut on top of the face, like someone tried to cut off her face but was stopped prematurely. She was a bloodied princess by all standards of descriptions.

The Wildflower goes boom
The emergence of the child seeminly slithering out of the body of the man she had just been fearing for her life against made her scream, unfortunately her throat at this point was so parched and broken her voice was barely coming through like desert sand scraping over asphalt. The scream stopped the second the man fell over, his eyes sudddenly gone ghostly white and his body limped and fell like a sack of potatoes. Her eyes darted up from seeing this and staring at the boy like she was not able to comprehend what she was seeing, still disbelieving it was the truth.
As the clone appeared she stayed quiet and simply stared, her mouth would start to go agape and her ability to speak seemed to be temporarily gone, letting him do what he was doing, just quietly watching and letting him do his business.
As her daughter, a small short haired girl wearing a bright butterfly themed kimono, seeming ready for a festival that never came ran out, the mother stayed mouth agape, barely able to comprehend.
"Mammaaa!" running over and grabbing hold of her mother, squeezing as far and as much she could reach over her mother's almost limp body. "I thought you had died from all of that screaming earlier!" She seemed to squeeze the confusion out of her mother as Shusuke cast his Mystical hands jutsu, she turned down to look at the little girl and then reach around her in return and lifting her up and holding her above ground, her energy and the colour of her face returned to normal.

As Shusuke began explaining the note, her gaze stuck to the note like a hawk seeing its prey. She didn't reply vocally, but instead nodded quietly, she might have understood entirely, or she's still not truly comprehending what Shusuke was saying, with her strength partially returned she stood up, still holding onto her daughter tightly like a bear holding it's cub close. With her available hand she pointed down to the door leading down to the basement and with a quiet, raspy voice "Down there, path out, it leads to the other side of the mountain, a cave, secret entrance and escape Might be guards around there though, I'm not sure..." She nestled the girl closer and adjusted her arm holding onto her bouncing her for a split second. "Protection within Kumogakure might be for the best for now.." Her words seemingly more so for herself and her daughter than for Shusuke, she started to walk down the stairs with a brisk but controlled pace, trying to avoid falling and maintaining a steady pace fast enough for Shusuke to do his business and her being far enough away.

This leaves Shusuke all by themselves up within the temple, an old temple, but still technically flammable, and with enough boom, it could probably become a beacon of attention. Timing is crucial!

[OOC Apologies for the delay. I don't assume I need to need to make another overview, beyond the one for the inside of the General Store]
[OOC: Last round perhaps?]
It seemed almost too easy to dissuade the guards from their posts, laughably easy in fact. As the two departed, it gave Dove and Keiyaku ample opportunity to see what was going on inside from their own perspective, though, of course, Moru had stayed in contact, keeping up a running commentary in his of what was going on inside. In fact, it was this running commentary that gave the Inuzuka the notice he needed to leap into action. Giving Toshi a nudge beside him, he gestured at the man, who, with every step towards the door in his frustration, was making himself increasingly more vulnerable. Keiyaku held up three fingers, putting one down with each second that passed, until finally.


He kicked the door open with as much force as his foot could exert, bashing the guard suddenly in the back of the head. For good measure, when he dropped to the floor, the Inuzuka pushed in, clambering on top of him, securing his arms behind his back, and keeping just enough pressure on his throat that he couldn't call for help, but could still breath. Seeing their target had freed herself from the ropes, Keiyaku couldn't help but give her an admiring grin as Morutobu bounded up dutifully to his side. He would be rewarded with a HUGE chunk of pan-seared steak after this mission.

"Reaper," Keiyaku said, touching his earpiece. But before he could say anything.


It was audible for miles, and the shockwave was felt even so far downhill. Whipping around, the Inuzuka could make out, through the window, that the temple had just gone up in flames... Was Reaper okay? What had happened.

"Reaper! Shit, what happened? Listen, if you can hear me, we've got out target. rendez-vous at the bottom of the hill immediately! If yo can hear me, if you're there, we need to withdraw, stat."

[OOC: Yep! This was fun but this mission has gone on for 4 months haha, I'm more than ready to get it over and done with.]
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Toshi grinned as the two guards walked off. "Those guys are so lost." The boy looked towards the entrance now. Kei gave Toshi a nudge, he looked to the door, watching as a rather angry man was coming towards the door. Standing on guard, he entered a stance that would ready him for battle. Keith kicked down the door and the duo burst in. The boy would make sure the victims were freed and nourished their wounds with basic first aid techniques.

A loud boom, and strong vibrations entered the area. He didn't expect such an explosion. Was flames OK? The boy didn't have time to wonder. Moving with the victims, they'd be out of the area in no time.

[ Topic Left ]
[ Sorry for the wait guys. Thank you for the RP ]
The explosions set the whole village mountain ablaze, a great beacon of light in the middle of the night. Screams, shouts was heard from everywhere, the guards that were there before ran up the mountain, leaving the the young ANBU to escape easily. All of their backs were turned as they were able to easily grab hold of their target and escape with her and her husband.

As they make good distance, they finally settle down for a few minutes to breathe.
The lady, their target, seems exhausted, but also seems to hold her own easily, much like a Shinobi. She thanks the two boys while her husband barely holds his breath. But he relents and sighs as the run continues, The pace forces them to take a few more breaks. But when they finally reach the Konoha gates they see Reaper standing there waiting, having already run ahead.
The circumstances of the explosion was briefly explained and then left to do other things.

The lady leads the way to a tavern and settles her husband in a room there to relax. Then tells the two young ANBU's to go report to their Sennin as soon as possible, and then leaves them at the Tavern.

[Mission complete!]
[Mission Success! You may now request rewards]
[Both Toshi, Keiyaku & Shin/Reaper were succesful] (Unsure if Shin can gain rewards from it though)

Current Ninpocho Time:
