Ninpocho Chronicles

Ninpocho Chronicles is a fantasy-ish setting storyline, set in an alternate universe World of Ninjas, where the Naruto and Boruto series take place. This means that none of the canon characters exists, or existed here.

Each ninja starts from the bottom and start their training as an Academy Student. From there they develop abilities akin to that of demigods as they grow in age and experience.

Along the way they gain new friends (or enemies), take on jobs and complete contracts and missions for their respective villages where their training and skill will be tested to their limits.

The sky is the limit as the blank page you see before you can be filled with countless of adventures with your character in the game.

This is Ninpocho Chronicles.

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:

Interrogation at the Lowest Levels

Kagami Miro

May 28, 2019
OOC Rank
The prison grounds of Kumogakure were its own country in societal standards. Those who remained on the prison fairgrounds had their own clans and gangs they stayed close to. Uchiha only, Hyuuga only, even standards of race was a defining factor of who one person could congregate with. Within these groups their own rules had been made to keep each other safe and others at a distance. Even if the prison had its own set of rules the groups were liable to work with them and continue to play a role in the society Kumo had built beneath the dirt.

Those above lived a life of luxury compared to the scoundrels that loomed with the Underprison. All within it had done horrendous deeds worthy of being hanged until dead or their heads placed on pikes at the gates. If only Kumo were more barbaric. A range from taxation and treason to cold blooded murder and those who attempted to go missing. These animals were locked in solitary until they paid for their crimes or the sweet release of death took them. No matter the race, clan lineage, or if you were an abomination, all needs to detain, restrain and lock away would be met. Give or take anything humane. One special instance was the capture of a rogue ninja who threatened Kumogakure’s way of life.

Suspended in the air one girl hovered aimlessly. The bindings and restraints that encased her entire form had been infused with a suppressive seal that negated the use of chakra. On their head a metallic helmet had been placed to cover their features and reduced the usage of genjutsu, but still had the to talk. A luxury for the prisoner, even though they slaughtered the Sennin's subordinates.


The passage of light filled the elevator every so often as the Sennin and two other captains made their way down the maximum security. Mirō had a few days to recollect her thoughts. Gather the questions she wanted to ask the prisoner and process what could come in the future. Yet she hadn’t shook the feeling of a sudden disappearance of chakra within the hollow. Her time had been booked to the point of delayed sleep.

The time for thought had come to an end when the elevator slid gracelly to a halt and the doors opened. Before the crew was a shiny reinforced metal hallway and each time the Sennin drew closer to a door the operators opened it to keep her from waiting. Eventually she had come to the last door which required authorization. The Sennin leaned in so a sensor had clear view to scan her eyes for confirmation.

Slowly the doors opened to reveal the detainee hovering within the center of the room. Mirō stepped in with her captains behind her. That black cloak around her covered her movements. Within a fair distance she spoke up and out to her prisoner. “I know you’re awake.” She said with a silver lining to her voice. “I am a merciful warden you could say. A terrible trait to have for the job at hand. However, I’m feeling generous.” Her generosity came form the resemblance of pasts the Sennin felt toward the prisoner. “Explain to us your intentions. Why did you come to Kumogakure? Who sent you? Who do you work for? What was your motive?” Mirō paused for a moment. “If you want to see your pet again, a bit of cooperation would go a long way.”

[Topic Entered]


Active Member
Oct 23, 2012
The prison was impressive, even with the enhanced abilities of her artificial Byakugan suppressed by the heavy restraint helmet placed over her head and upper face, the Porcelain Puppet could push her unnatural perception a short distance through the almost impenetrable walls. The dull chakra coils of her guards were suddenly obscured from her focus as a familiar bright soul now approached her at a rapid pace.

She was not alone though Kiko’s suppressed byakugan did not recognising the dim souls around her, and the puppet dismissed them as inconsequential as quickly as she had noticed their presence.

She hung limply from her suspended prison, head slung forward as it had been for the hours and days she had been waiting for the bright soul to come for her…

The ANBU made it known that she was aware her hanging captive was awake despite her limp posture and slack neck.

A small smile came over her slightly cracked porcelain face as the Golden ANBU spoke her sentence, the first voice the puppet had heard in days. The puppets head lifted slowly until it faced the bright soul before her. Despite the thick metal tightly affixed over the upper portion of the puppet’s face her captor would feel Kiko’s gaze locked on to her like a physical force, the ANBU would perhaps now know at least some of the captives restraints were not fit for purpose… Cloud had never had a prisoner like her, this would be a learning experience for them all…

The bright soul followed up with some small talk, speaking of mercy and generosity as the puppet hung completely immobilised and defenceless in front of her. Kiko knew this part of the game well, what did catch the puppet as unusual though was the fact that the Golden ANBU’s words tasted sincere! Mercy in this world?!

The puppet remained silent, she could sense her captor had more to say before it was her turn to respond, the assessment quickly confirmed as the Golden ANBU moved forward to the metaphorical meat of the sandwich of any interrogation…

Her intentions…

Why had she come to Kumogakure…

Who sent her…

Who does she work for…

What was her motive…

Her interrogator paused briefly before she continued to speak, letting her captive digest the list of questions laid before her. Then the bright soul tilted her trump card and made mention of her other captive in attempt to incentivise cooperation rather than resistance, the carrot rather than the stick.

Kiko knew that the worm’s inanimate small body lay empty wherever it had been sent, his soul torn from its artificial restraints only moments after the puppet’s own capture and moved to safety. To the Golden ANBU though, if she had checked on the worm in these past days she would have only found a lifeless foam child’s toy, a somewhat badly crafted puppet with no more life than the void it had been sent to… but Kiko did not need to show her hand yet, she would play her part, that of compliant captive with everything to lose.

“As you wish… but know that though I will speak the truth you may not want the answers… I will try to be as concise as I can but know that many things are beyond my knowledge and understanding… please do not hurt him.”

The smile left the puppet’s face as she responded, letting her words hang in the air for a moment, a strange mechanical edge lending a double tone to their inflection, one almost mocking, the other filled with sad sincerity.

“My name is Kiko Myakashi, shinobi of Moon Country… now a mercenary to the ancients of Suna… this is why I have come to your home with violence… this is why I have soaked my hands in your blood… for another’s ambitions… and now you have taken the one thing that really matters to me… the ancients of Suna be damned… please don’t hurt him!”

A small frown accompanied the last of the puppets sentence though her concealed gaze still remained focused on the bright soul before her. Both of the double tonal inflections seemed in sync this time, echoing each-other’s sadness. Was she overselling her act? The thought crossed her mind that she should probably dial it back a notch or two.

“I do not know what their intentions are after my part in it all is over… but I do know my part well… They asked me to bring fear, to bring blood, to entice retaliation, to bait their hook…”

The dual tones once more out of sync, one inflection a serious tone, the other returning to almost mocking in its timbre.

“Know that your home was not the first to taste their knife… the leaves have been soaked with blood… the sands lay firmly under their shadows…”

The dual tones remained serious and mocking though the puppets words slowed significantly towards the end of her sentence, a questioning inflection joining both tones.

“Did Konoha not tell you of Suna’s betrayal of the alliance? Konoha knew where the Sunan ancient’s focus would fall next… did they not warn you of our coming?”

The suspended puppet tilted its head slightly in accompaniment to her question, she would allow her captor to digest this first morsel of revealing information, she knew that with this first taste of clarity the Golden ANBU would crave more and Kiko fully intended to oblige her captor until it no longer suited her purposes.

All warfare is deception…

[Ooc: Topic entered with Kiko :) ]
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Kagami Miro

May 28, 2019
OOC Rank
Vibrant red hues glowered into the would-be sockets of the metal helmet. Her gaze never wavered for she sought the answers to her village's attack and the reason behind the many lives stolen as well. The ANBU Sennin listened carefully to the woman's words. Each word she spoke had been tried and deciphered if needed yet the Sennin found no ill will. No hidden truths. No lies intertwined in bewildering dialogue. The woman was honest but even honesty held ulterior motives.

‘Kiko Myakashi, shinobi of Moon Country…’ Shinobi turned mercenary that fell into a line of work that planned insidious acts of terrorism to the surroundings countries. ‘Ancients of Suna…’ Admittedly, this meant nothing to the Sennin. Her knowledge had been limited from what those within Suna did. Aside from her operative that did lethal work within it. Perhaps she required the Raikage’s assistant. It had been something she wanted to avoid. Yet, her master not only deserved to be here but had to be. This shinobi had begun to commit acts of war, it was only necessary for her to be here.

Just before her finger moved to her headset the woman begged for safety of her summon. Mirō paused. “Why don’t we check on him.” She stated, her hues spun into an infamous design and from behind her reality began to unzip. “You two. Check the status of the beast. He is formidable but likely weak. I’ll grant you 10 minutes.” The zipper unzipped a black doorway into reality and with a resounding salute her two captains plunged into the darkness. Swiftly she closed the portal behind her.

She continued to relay a message. “Raikage-Sama. Please, meet me within the Underprisons maximum security sector. Your presence is needed for trial. If needed, two of my operatives will meet you at the doors.” The message rang out to her superior.

Her attention remained fixated on her prisoner. ‘The leaves have been soaked with blood…’ Interesting. From the woven words spun Kiko hinted at a slaughter within Konoha. And her coercion had led her in the right direction. If an attack so deadly had happened the word of warning should have made it to Kumogakure. Did the two countries' treaties mean nothing to them? A foul lump coiled itself in the root of Mirō’s stomach. ‘Bastards.’ If Kiko was able to come to Lightning then those at Leaf failed to detain her. ‘Weak.’ The silver voice echoed into the mind of the Sennin. Once again, Naibu was right.

“The Ancients of Suna.” Mirō pondered momentarily. “Who are they exactly? What did they promise you? Power? Money? Perhaps… a real body?” The Sennin continued to poke and interrogate Kiko. Patiently she awaited the entrance of her Master. She hoped her captains located and dealt with the beast safely. To lose more men would break her spirit.

[Headset used to Contact Kitsune]
[Operative will be back next post!]


Active Member
Oct 23, 2012
You bait the hook…

Had she not checked on the worm? A moment of mirth past over the puppets imagination as she thought of the two shocked ANBU’s concern at their metaphorical carrot being found lifeless in the void… she wished she could be there to see it.

Once the dim souls had departed through her captor’s rift the Golden ANBU’s hand reached to her headset and depressed a button, the gaze of her sharingan remaining tightly affixed on her prisoner as she spoke, just as her prisoner’s concealed gaze remained assuredly fixed on her captor.

The hanging puppet physically restrained a grin from coming over her cold porcelain face as the words ‘Raikage-sama…’ left her captor’s mouth, if Kiko had a heart it would have started beating faster. Instead, her expression remained passive, her outward signals identical to the moment before the words had been spoken.

To catch the fish…

The suspended prisoner remained deathly still waiting for the questions she was sure would come, she only needed wait a moment for the interrogation to resume, and, as before, she would answer without hesitation.

“The Ancients of Suna are, if my understanding is correct, a very old bloodline of Wind Country that seems to give its heritage an extremely long lifespan as well as physical gifts far exceeding those of ‘normal’ humans…”

It was the truth as far as the puppet knew, though this information had all been gained through observation rather than direct transfer of information. Perhaps she was wrong in the assessment but she doubted it.

“I have only met two of them, and I know they speak with the voice of the sands… the first was the devil cloaked in shadows… with him the deal was struck…”

The puppet tilted her heavily restrained head slightly as she paused for a moment before she continued.

“The second ancient… the Hidden Leaf would know his face well now… the sight of the Sennin’s heart bleeding in his hands as he took it from her in the rubble of the Hokage Tower… it was… glorious…”

The puppet let her words trail of as if lost in the memory of events in Konoha. When she resumed speaking her words were lower, the double tones smoothing out into an almost calming inflection.

“I can show you… if you want me to…”

Shinrya Kitsune

11th Raikage
Staff member
Oct 23, 2012
OOC Rank
Up until receiving a message from her ANBU Sennin, Kitsune had been enjoying a relatively eventless day. No paperwork, no assassins, no people wanting meetings that could've been emails. Yet here we are, with Kitsune having gotten a message to arrive over at the Underprison, because apparently someone needed trial. How bizarre to have it happen so… Out of protocol, like this. Usually it’d be scheduled way in advance and added to a meticulously planned schedule that got mostly ignored, except the really important meetings. Well, regardless of circumstances, Kitsune headed out to meet up with the operatives mentioned in the message.

--- A short while later ---

Having been led down to where Miro and the prisoner were, Kitsune strode in, wearing her, at this point practically trademark, suit, and a neutral expression on her face, to not let anyone determine how she felt about the abrupt summons. Regardless she was here, ready to see what this was all about. Of course, with the assumption that it was regarding the debacle that’d happened at the gates not too long ago. ”So, what’s this about?” Kitsune asked her sennin, without using a name because, well, there was really no need for names in front of a criminal, now was there?

Kagami Miro

May 28, 2019
OOC Rank
The Sennin listened to the tale the prisoner spun. The words they spoke were only to be taken piece by piece. There were many reasons for them to lie but what they spoke of aligned perfectly with the events around the region. Most importantly Konoha and the rise of these so-called Ancients. Extended bloodlines, near immortality, the type of scenarios read in fairy tales. However, immortality was not so foreign to the high ranking citizens of Kumogakure. One being the woman who walked into their trial.

With a respectful bow the Sennin acknowledged her Raikage. “Thank you for your timely attendance, my Raikage.” Mirō lifted her head back up to face the prisoner once again. “Here we have the assailant who murdered ANBU operatives at the gates. Restrained and locked away, this prisoner, Kiko Myakashi of Moon Country, has come to our village to spark the flames of war between the nations. First, they’re a mercenary force from Suna who works for a group; The Ancients of Suna. Tasked with spreading chaos throughout the nations, Konoha was the first to take the blow. Then the fugitive came here to attempt the same thing.” Mirō paused to catch her breath and let the information settle. “What I’m conflicted by… is the absence of notice from Konoha. Your judgment is needed. What shall we do with this information?”

Mirō had a few ideas that circled her brain. One to leave Konoha on fire and shut the borders between all the nations again. Just like the days of war with the Tenouzans. The citizens will be unhappy but the risks were too great. But could Kumogakure fund another war effort?

As the Sennin awaited an answer the reality behind her formed a black zipper to unzip a black doorway. For a moment the Sennin dismissed herself to poke her head into the void to peer inside. At first glance the void remained silent, seconds later the sound of a voice echoed out. Her two captains were ready to come back to a true reality. Mirō stepped back while the others emerged from the black doorway. They were quick to kneel before their superiors. “My Lord, upon investigation we discovered a lifeless husk of a furry creature. Akin to a toy. There were no signs of life otherwise.”

Red hues glared down at them then back at Kiko. Her voice directed toward the Raikage. “During our battle I split her summon from her and shut him away in the void. That’s when Kiko surrendered. The summon was massive and being in a different reality there’s no way to release him. Yet, I was unable to feel its chakra when I came to the Underprison.” Mirō inhaled, then let out a heavy sigh. The pieces were slowly brought together. “Someone is controlling this Prisoner. Everything about them. My guess, the Ancients of Suna.”


Active Member
Oct 23, 2012
Another approached, their commanding presence lost on the bound puppet as her concealed focus remained locked on the only bright soul within range of her artificial Byakugan, the Golden Masked ANBU… That is until her captor adressed the new arrival!

The puppets thoughts raced with a thousand questions, how could this dim soul be the Raikage? It made no sense?

The puppets head snapped with mechanical speed to focus it concealed gaze completely on the figure identified as the shadow of the cloud, the dim soul now standing before her bound body. The Sennin explained quite concisely the events preceding their current position. It was no lie when Kiko had shown surprise at Konoha’s silence… perhaps they were preoccupied with the retaliation? Perhaps the attack had hurt the Hokage’s pride? Either way Konoha did not warn the Village hidden in Cloud and that should be of concern to the two powerful shinobi standing before her. As the Sennin finished her exposition she revealed she had learned more than the puppet had intended to tell…

‘Someone is controlling this prisoner… clever girl…’

The puppet watched as once more reality tore at the will of the powerful bright soul, her ANBU stepping back through into reality. There message was short and clear, the beast in the void was no more than an empty toy, the soul trapped within now long departed.

At the ANBU’s words the puppet slowly began to contort against her restraints, her concealed eyes closing as her head once more tilted forward resting its weight against the heavy restraint fastened over the upper half of her face. The smile left her face, quickly replaced with a passive expression void of emotion, her artificial eyes opened once more, their blind gaze staring through the imposing figure of the Sennin as seals deep within her puppet core began to release in rapid succession.

“Then you have nothing left to barter with… shame… I had so much more to tell you…”

A weak grin once more came over her porcelain face as a laboured chuckle mechanically escaped her throat. Cursed chakra began to course through the puppets artificial circulatory system in rapidly increasing waves, the overloading puppet core filling to capacity with alien chakra would cause a strange energy to radiate from the suspended prisoner like waves of humidity above a radiator, rippling the air around her bound form. Now, without turning her head, Kiko gaze returned to the Raikage standing before her, the woman’s dim chakra coil committed to memory for future analysis… was she an anomaly like the Dark Sage of Suna? Was this a body double and the true Raikage remained concealed in the shadow? Was she even human?! The puppet had heard rumours…

“…immortality comes at a cost… you cannot protect them all…”

The puppets voice came out with an accompanying mechanical grinding as vital components within her artificial body reached critical levels.

A slight popping sound accompanied the now grating voice of the puppet, it’s throat giving out one last laboured chuckle before she spoke the final words her captor would ever hear emitted by her puppet prisoner.

“Test… two… complete…”

The interrogation room would flash a momentary blinding white with accompanying scream of renting atmosphere as the Hitokogutsu Puppet’s soul core lost integrity with catastrophic result. A wave of concussive force would precede the searing heat of the firewall propelled behind it as the puppet detonated with its violent end!

Kiko had no doubt that her Golden ANBU and the Raikage would be able to survive the blast but would the accompanying ANBU survive? Could the shadow of cloud and her Sennin save them all?

At the end of it all nothing would remain of the puppet more than scorched porcelain and splintered wood.

Their prisoner had escaped.

They had all learnt much, but at what cost?

All warfare is deception…

[Ooc: Topic left with Houdini asp card!
Snapshot master rank used on topic!
Gotta catch me now :)]
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Kagami Miro

May 28, 2019
OOC Rank
The Sennin’s attention veered from her prisoner for mere moments. An arm swiftly extended outward to dismiss her captains. “You’re dismissed. Return to your posts.” Her commands absolute which was met with an obedient nod before both of them vanished in thin air. She turned to face her Master. “Raikage, I-” Her voice was interrupted by that insufferable prisoner only to notice something strange. Surely the Raikage would notice the sudden violent movements of chakra that began to condense and release within the core of the prisoner.

“Then you have nothing left to barter with… shame… I had so much more to tell you…”

The Sennin sucked her teeth. The audacity of her prisoner to assume she had the right to withhold information. The chakra within Kiko’s body told no lie and the Sennin's eyes never deceived her. Chakra began to radiate off the prisoner's body like waves hitting the beach. ‘How is this possible? The seals are supposed to suppress all chakra points within the body.’ Bandaged hands clasped together to conduct another powerful layer of seals across the prisoners body. Paper seals began to spin around the crazed prisoner but each time the seals got close the paper dropped like flies to a lamp. It was no use. Whatever began to happen to the prisoner was inevitable and even worse the chakra began to build up and condense. Much like a supernova the volatile chakra condensed so much that the energy within began to clash with each other. Only for the inevitable to happen. Red hues angrily glared at the limp head that had fallen to stare at the floor. Those eyes were filled with hatred even while the chakra began to build into a catastrophic explosion.

The explosion hadn’t concerned the Sennin nor did the Raikage have to worry. The piercing white light and the ear shattering reverb of sound waves did not stop the Sennin from glaring at the empty vessel. Hatred flowed within her veins. It fueled her body to stand resolute even in times of great danger. The Sennin possessed an innate ability that surrounded herself and others with a powerful forcefield. The massive explosion was no match for the master of gravity manipulation.


The sonic boom of the explosion dusted everything within the chamber. Papers, metals and the hair on the heads of the leaders shifted violently yet the damage had been negated.The wind shortly settled, yet those red eyes gazed upon another empty husk of a woman. Her face molded into wretched disgust. She had been fooled. Played for an idiot. Bamboozled. Mirō’s hand reached up and behind her to strike away the rest of the debris and effectively break her forcefield. The remnants of Kiko had turned to rubble. Words could not describe the anger she felt. To herself for letting the prisoner escape and her fallen operatives who died defending the gates. Her hands balled into tight fists. Sharp nails drew blood from her palms while her body nearly shook from anger. Another failure. When would the failures pale in comparison to her successes?

Quickly the Sennin turned to face the Raikage. With another respectful bow she remained bent in front of the Raikage. Profusely apologizing for the failure to adequately detain the Prisoner. Her wicked disgust on her face masked behind a neutral scowl. “Raikage… I’d like to propose an agreement.” Mirō paused momentarily. “The borders being closed to incoming citizens from Sunagakure and Konohagakure. Konoha failed to inform us about the impending attack from the Suna assailant. Shattering the treaty. An inexcusable offense, even if their own had been slaughtered. Please understand.” Mirō implored her Raikage to take action on those who sought the downfall of their village. Next, an addition to the Bingo Book. Even then the Sennin just might take it upon herself to bring back the escapee.
‘Kiko Myakashi, you will be brought to justice…'
[Cast Rank A Shinra Tensei [M] Reflexive Special Action]
[A multitude of apologies for the delay.]

Shinrya Kitsune

11th Raikage
Staff member
Oct 23, 2012
OOC Rank
Kitsune raised an eyebrow at Miro’s words. No notice from Konoha, despite all this having happened? That was curious in and of itself. And how typical of mercenaries to get used to spark the flames of war in a country that’d barely ended one and obtained some measure of stability afterwards. Kumogakure, nay Lightning Country, didn’t have the coffers to fund another meaningless war. Not yet in any case. ”For the time being, increase gate security, and ensure the guards scrutinize the passports of foreigners intensely. No exceptions, even if the darned Hokage herself were to show up.” she stated in a low tone, so only Miro would hear it.

The theory Miro posited, that this puppet-like being was being controlled by someone seemed to be the most likely scenario, but before Kitsune could reply, the puppet began straining against their bonds, and a few words were uttered before a blindingly bright flash lit up the entire room, rendering everyone blind, but then searing heat could be felt, causing Kitsune to almost reflexively form the handseals for a barrier, enclosing the explosion in a chakra dome to prevent injury to any of the others in the room. And once sight returned, it’d become painfully obvious that the prisoner was gone, leaving behind porcelain and wood.

After a quick hair adjustment, Kitsune brushed a few shards of porcelain off of Miro ”Good work with the forcefield.” she said, praising her Sennin for the protection she’d given, ”As for your suggested restrictions, I’d say that’d be a prudent choice. However, we still have to allow for trade, so, inspect everything merchants show up with, then allow access. For regular citizens, or other shinobi, deny them access if they don’t have a recognized purpose for entry. Send messages to Suna and Konoha, informing them of the events, and the resulting restrictions.” she finished and clenched her fist.

Kagami Miro

May 28, 2019
OOC Rank
The Raikages words fluttered into her mind like a mothers lullaby. Mirō believed in a harsher punishment for the dull blades that Konoha produced and the lack of knowledge to even inform their allies of an impending doom. Her disgusted scowl crept into a famous wicked smile. The Raikage had signed off on a pledge to distance Kumogakure from the other nations, Mirō had ideas written up in her mind already. However, the Underprison was no place to sign official documents. The little kinks and details still had to be hammered out to make the perfect letter for her officials to send to those shit countries. The ball of hatred and disgust that laid in her gut grew bigger. Kumogakure didn’t need outside help, it was the other nations that were too weak to stand on their own two legs.

Mirō rose from her bow to match her gaze into the Raikages. Saintly Mirō spoke, “Yes, my Raikage. I’ll have those documents ready for your review by days end. Thank you for your time.” Mirō bent forward to bow again. As she held her bow the Sennin began to sink into the ground. Her portal slowly consumed her body before she was gone entirely. There was much work to be done.

[Topic left]

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:
