Ninpocho Chronicles

Ninpocho Chronicles is a fantasy-ish setting storyline, set in an alternate universe World of Ninjas, where the Naruto and Boruto series take place. This means that none of the canon characters exists, or existed here.

Each ninja starts from the bottom and start their training as an Academy Student. From there they develop abilities akin to that of demigods as they grow in age and experience.

Along the way they gain new friends (or enemies), take on jobs and complete contracts and missions for their respective villages where their training and skill will be tested to their limits.

The sky is the limit as the blank page you see before you can be filled with countless of adventures with your character in the game.

This is Ninpocho Chronicles.

Current Ninpocho Time:

Is This What You've Become? [Public Rp- Please Join]

Nakata Dai

Oct 24, 2012
Reality was settling in. The Assassin was hungry and broke. Up until this point, although it had crossed his mind, he had yet to rob anyone. Although begging was not exactly an honest hard working income per say, it was still better than forcefully extracting the money out of innocent people right? He wasn't exactly going to become Robin Hood. So therefor, he chose to delay the inevitable process of robbing and attempting to become to simply sit down. He crossed his legs and sat down with his hoodie covering his face because he was ashamed. In Konoha he was one of the wealthiest shinobi. In fact, he still had a lot of that wealth there. As for his time here, he was a poor Rogue ninja, hoping someone would show some kindness. He also hoped his hunger would not drive him to steal. He decided to lurk around the residential district at first.

The hairy, smelly man arrived on the scene; as he often did in his days of leisure within the village. Unlike the poor rogue down the block, he was not looking for kindness in whatever sense he needed. Instead he was content in his life as an clan leader. He had a beautiful family back in the Inuzuka camp deep within the secluded forest of Kumo, as well as a steady job that had little to do with the village. And if you knew his back story, you would understand why. You see, Gekido was once a rogue shinobi himself, driven to the point of committing desertion just for the sense of freedom on his cheeks. Only to be leashed up by the one he loved once again. But it was a leash worth wearing. So the Raikage pardoned him, and now he lived his days doing work for Titan or just living life.

But besides all that, it was a brisk day as usual when Gekido happened upon Anatsu. For a moment, he tilted his head much like a dog who was curious would, and then looked to Judo (his ninken) with a shrug. It wasn't often he got to sit and talk to people, and this man seemed to have an unusually strong sense of despair about him. Like most dogs, Inuzuka had a sense of empathy for others.

So Gekido would slowly sit down next to him; perhaps the stranger would think him a homeless man being in rather tattered clothes and smelly. But the Inuzuka would be sure to speak so as to announce that he simply wanted to talk with him. "Down and out? Happens to the best of us at times. For some it's worse than others." she sighed, looking at the people who would walk by and not given them a moments notice. "Funny, society is often noted to be humanities greatest achievement, and yet we sit here, in the dirt while 'society' just walks on by." the wolf man would conclude, then turn to face the Uchiha.

"Ah well, name's Inuzuka Gekido, what's yours?"

[iNPC Inuzuka Gekido]
Kitsune would warp onto the wall right behind the two shinobi in a sitting position, as they had by coincidence sat down right outside her mansion. ”Y’know. The value of my land will drop drastically if you two keep sitting there. Get off your rear ends and come in. Maybe we’ll be able to put the two of you back on the right path, hm?” she said to the two men and grinned. If anything, she’d be able to get them cleaned up and into some proper clothes, and if need be, some food into their stomachs. As for the ninken, well… A bath with a flea cure looked appropriate, but might not be, who knew.

And, just to pad out the story, here’s what Kitsune was wearing: Long black leather boots, a black skirt, and a black blazer over a white button-up shirt, and finally, a white labcoat on top of all the rest, all in all, something business-like, but nothing fancy. She had been notified about two strangers sitting by the outer walls by a simple notification system she had built. As such, she decided to check it out. Preferably it’d have been fully automated, and given her a live video feed of the area, but technology weren’t exactly there yet. Something that she’d have to fix at some point. Surely it couldn’t be too difficult to rig a camera to a motion detector and hook it all up to a network so she could receive the signal on a screen inside.

[MFT; WC: 254]
It seemed at first that Anatsu had chosen the wrong place to lurk around. He had visitors, but no money or food. He was then asked for his name right before a voice from the rear showed up inviting them inside. Anatsu scratched remained still and listened.

Anatsu had a blindfold on to appear blind. He assumed pethaps that would increase his chances of obtaining some kind of money. He didnt say anything to the Inuzuka. He remained quiet and smiled. He then stood up and turned towards the person that addressed them.

"Can you help me inside? I cannot see."

The voice behind them was sudden, if not surprising to Gekido. Normally he was hyper aware of his surroundings, but the Uchiha's warping ability was a true counter to that. "Holy--" he exclaimed looking back up at the feminine voice. Some greedy sounding doctor looking lady wanted them off her land. Gekido's visible eye witnessed her smile, and believed it to be genuine. Looked like this rich woman wanted to help them out; and he was not the type to say no to free stuff. If some fool wanted to use their money to help him, he would welcome it with open arms. Though Senka probably would notice his usual manly smell missing and wonder what had happened, Gekido could simply explain that away.

Gekido looked to the man on which a blindfold appeared, previously covered by the hoodie. "I ain't gonna object!" exclaimed Gekido in a rather jocular manner. He stood, wiping his hands on his grubby pants and looked to the woman as Anatsu requested some help. Now with a better look of the woman, he realized what he was dealing with. She didn't seem of the usual dull looking Uchiha stereotypes: black hair, black eyes, emo as fuck, and ready to die. In fact she was rather nice looking for a city girl. Much too dainty looking for Gekido, but a nice catch for some other soft men.

Naturally, the man was waiting to be escorted, he didn't wanna step on any toes by leading the way.
Kitsune jumped down from the wall and assisted the “blind” person inside one of the guest houses she had on her property. She didn’t want to reveal the fact that she knew perfectly well that he was able to see. She was able to see the chakra flowing to his eyes, signifying a doujutsu of some kind. The type of chakra indicated that it was likely a Sharingan, and the amount of chakra meant it was likely either a late-stage Sharingan or a Mangekyou. Either way he was able to see, and quite well too. I might mention it in private. Either way, best not to say something out here. she thought to herself and guided the two men to the dining room.

”Gentlemen. Name your poison. Lasagna? Perhaps a Spaghetti Carbonara? Sushi? Ramen? Meatballs?” she asked, and kept on listing things for almost a full minute. Basically, the impression the two men should get was that she was able to whip up practically anything for them. ”While you think on that, why don’t we handle introductions? I’m Baroness Dr. Shinrya Kitsune, PhD. Your host, your chef, your doctor, in case you hurt yourself.” she said and gave a light bow. I think… Meatballs for me. With a side of spaghetti, and a creamy tomato sauce, topped with some fresh oregano. Maybe with a sweet white wine, and a loaf of spiced bread. Perhaps add in a bowl of pasta salad with freshly fried chicken and big juicy slices of mozzarella.

[WC: 251; MFT]
The Uchiha was greeted by this generous, pretentious nobody that Anatsu didn't really care about. Her and her village rankings meant nothing to Anatsu unless it meant there was some sort of income to come from it. He had become so bitter with life that he decided to do the most idiotic thing possible in this moment, tell the truth. He took off his blind fold and put it in the street. His blazing red Mangekyou Sharingan appeared. It was obvious that Anatsu was a shinobi of great power.

"I am Uchiha Anatsu. A trained and professional lethal assassin, capable of killing any man or woman on this planet, and a rogue shinobi out of the Village Hidden in the Leafs. I am broke. I cannot go home. And I am hungry."

And there it all was. Just like that he had revealed the entire truth. He didn't know why he decided to do that but he did. And it was now up to the home owner to decide how much of the truth she believed and actually cared about. Neither of the present people seemed threatening to Anatsu. Knowing so, he had nothing to fear, and nothing to hide. In fact, nothing really scared this man after what he had been through.

The woman's introduction gave a small insight into her character. Her titles, whether self given or earned, were listed off in a way to show off her accolades. No doubt she was proud of them, but if the two were indeed homeless they wouldn't have cared in the slightest. Thankfully, they were not! Instead they were shinobi who ended up being quite similar once the 'blind' one revealed the truth about himself.

Gekido looked towards him with a raised brow, in disbelief to be precise. "Even the Uchiha can't survive without sustenance. How funny!" chuckled Gekido, not really caring for either of the two's achievements. For he was the king of his world, who unfortunately needed to ventured out and do things from time to time. And it was at this point in his train of thought that he realized what this assassin might be able to do for him. More on that to follow...

For now, Kido looked to Kitsune and tapped his chin with a pointy nail. "Steak. Very Rare. And water would be appreciated." he said in a somewhat authoritative tone. Let's just say he wasn't the best with manners.

Current Ninpocho Time:
