Ninpocho Chronicles

Ninpocho Chronicles is a fantasy-ish setting storyline, set in an alternate universe World of Ninjas, where the Naruto and Boruto series take place. This means that none of the canon characters exists, or existed here.

Each ninja starts from the bottom and start their training as an Academy Student. From there they develop abilities akin to that of demigods as they grow in age and experience.

Along the way they gain new friends (or enemies), take on jobs and complete contracts and missions for their respective villages where their training and skill will be tested to their limits.

The sky is the limit as the blank page you see before you can be filled with countless of adventures with your character in the game.

This is Ninpocho Chronicles.

Current Ninpocho Time:

Open Is your chakra boring? [Class]

Kato Hana

Active Ninja
Oct 23, 2012
On the practice field there stood two trees that were not there last time anyone had walked by. These were not saplings that were freshly planted but looked like sturdy trees that had been there for years. Their placement was such that they were perfectly spaced to hold teh wooden hammock that rested between them.

On the hammack rested a man that appeared to be in his mid thirties. He wore long sleeves and gloves, leaving the only exposed skin being his face, a face that had the left side badly burned many years before.

He was unsure if anyone would come but even if they didn’t it was still a nice day to lay in a hammock and enjoy the sky.

**OOC NOTE: this is a class you will need to do at least 5 posts and a total of 1500 words to get credit so please keep track of your total word count**
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Mirio yawned as he walked through the empty halls of the academy. He wore A white jacket with some black pants and some black shoes. All his classes were done for the day and the boy did not have many friends on account of the fact that he was fairly new to the academy. He was bored because, frankly, he had nothing to do. Figuring he could get some training done, the boy made his way to the training fields. Approaching a spot that he had frequented, the boy was surprised to find not one, but two fully grown trees that were never there before. Not only that but they were the perfect space apart. No way trees like these formed naturally out of nowhere. Approaching the strange trees, the boy saw what he assumed to be a man laying on a hammock. Thinking back, Mirio remembered something about certain shinobi being able to control wood and make forests out of nothing.

Mirio looked around at the otherwise empty training field and shrugged lightly before approaching the man. “Hey.” The boy fixed his headband a bit while he waited for a response. After a moment of waiting with no response, the boy inhaled an exorbitant amount of air. Once he he could no longer inhale, Mirio paused for a moment to brace himself. “HEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!” the boy yelled at the top of his lungs. Catching his breath, Mirio fixed his headband once again as he waited for the man to respond to him.

[MFT: 251]
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Mako day at the academy was technically over now. All her classes was finished for the day and she was ready to go get some hot ramen or some BBQ beef, but she'd heard from some of the teachers today that there was extra tutoring available for those who wanted to get ahead. Upon arrival at the practice fields she was affronted by an obnoxious yelling. Blinking slowly she watched the raven haired boy yelling at the top of his lungs at the Jounin in the hammock. It was amusing, being that it wasn't her who was being awoken. Mako approached quietly, figuring that she wouldn't add to the teachers frustration unnecessarily, and wait for him to address the two of them himself.
Manzo lay in his hammock waiting to see if anyone would show up. He was awake but meditating, so still that anyone just looking at him wouldn’t be able to see if he was awake or sleeping, live or dead.

Apparently his first new student wanted to check this by screaming at him. He was used to dealing with distractions, the noise was annoying but it only registered in a portion of his brain.

What he did register by this was it was time to come out of his reverlry and start to play at teacher, but that didn’t mean he couldn’t have some fun first.

Behind the boy that screamed a version of Manzo rose out of the ground, leaned forward into his ear and yelled ”WWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAATTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT“ it then sunk back into the ground, leaving the ground completely undisturbed.

He then sat up from his hammack and looked at his students, for it seems that a young girl arrived as well, from the edge of his hammock. Well two was better than one but still he had hoped for more.

”Welcome both of you“ He spoke as if the screaming match hadn’t even happened. ”My name is Manzo“ He very clearly did not give a family name but it was unclear if that was on purpose or if he was being informal.
”Lets start with both of you giving a brief introduction of who you are.“

He would let them respond before he continued.

”Great, now this class is simple. We are going to have a fight to the death… and Go.“ he wanted to see their faces and if either of them moved as if to fight he would stop them. ”I am just kidding. In all seriousness this class is going to be more theory and knowledge and less on the practical. We are going to be dealing with concepts that are a bit on the advanced side. Some of which you will be able to perform and some you may never be able to do.“

His hands cupped over each other and when broke apart a swirling ball of chakra was whirling in the palm of one of his hands.

”This is a Rasengan, I made this because it is the easiest jutsu I can think of that clearly shows the concepts I want to demonstrate. Right now this is just my regular chakra, but that is a bit boring isn’t it? I mean sure it is cool to look at but let's spice it up. So the first real question I have for you, is what are the eight kinds of chakra that we can infuse this ball of chakra with?“

WC 467

*note: remember to keep track of word count. Also the faster you guys post the faster I can respond. Lets not worry about posting order but if you take longer than 5 days to post i will skip you for the round in order to keep this moving.
Mirio has finished fixing his headband by the time Mako showed up, he looked at her and was about to introduce himself when all of a sudden, he’s being shouted at from behind. Turning around quickly, he caught a glimpse of the teacher before he sank to the ground. Mirio immediately got down to the ground, inspecting it. “Hmmm.... strange. Must be some kind of earth Jutsu. Interesting” the boy muttered to himself just before the real teacher got up from the hammock to welcome them and introduce himself.

Jumping to his feet, the boy fixed his headband once more. The damn thing kept not staying still. The teacher introduced himself as “Manzo” no real indication if that was his surname or not. He then asked the two students present to introduce themselves. ”My name is Uchiha Mirio and I’m an Academy Student obviously. I’ve spent the last 7 years studying and training to become a shinobi for.... personal reasons and most importantly, I love to eat.” Mirio spoke loudly and with enthusiasm. He then pulled a dumpling seemingly out of nowhere and began to eat it as he looked at Mako waiting for her to introduce herself.

Once her introduction was done, the boy turned to his teacher, still munching on the dumpling. As soon as Manzo mentioned that they were to fight to the death, Mirio chucked his dumpling as hard as he could and got into a generic fighting position, facing Mako. Then he realized... “Did you say to the death? What are we some wanted organization straight out of the bingo book?” Relieved to know Manzo was kidding, the boy recomposed himself and looked in the direction he threw his dumpling with a sad look in his eye. Shrugging it off, Mirio looked at the teacher as he demonstrated a Rasengan. Mirio had studied this Jutsu, but was never able to master it himself as it was too complex. This was the first time he’d seen it in person. The boy took a step forward to get a better look at the Rasengan. He then looked at Manzo, knowing that he was a skilled shinobi if a Jutsu like this is one that he considered easy.

Mirio took a step back and listened to Manzo’s question before taking the liberty of answering part of it. “Well, teach, I know the answer to that question. See, the Rasengan is a powerful ninjitsu that doesn’t have a particular element to it. And what makes it even cooler is that you can add an element to it to have it gain different effects or so I’ve read. Elements like Lightning and Earth can be added to the Resangan to make it gain different effects.” The boy paused and glanced over at Mako, not wanting to sound like a know it all, he figured that she was also privy to this information and wanted to give her a chance to give her input.

[WC: 490]
[TWC: 740]
Manzo took the one introduction that was given to him and greeted him back ”It is good to meet you Mirio. We all have our reasons for becoming Shinobi so don't worry about wanting to keep them to yourself. As long as you keep your motivation up and are prepared for the long work ahead you will be fine.“

As Mirio started to give his answer, Manzo dismissed his Rasengan, and formed 2 new ones, combining the jutsus, having one in each hand. In his right the swirling mass of chakra with sparks of lightning coming out of it. In his left hand there was a Rasengan with a swirl of earth chunks that encircled it.

”So you have listed two of the eight that I had asked for. I am going to assume you didn’t want to look like you knew it all and were not just ignoring my instructions.“

The two Rasengan’s vanished. ”You were on the right track at least but your logic falls a bit short. There is also Fire and water“ Two more Rasengan’s appeared, one that looked like it was almost a fireball and one that looked like it had wave after wave wanting to hit its target. ”making the total to four, and wind makes five. Now these five are all elements that most Shinobi are able to master. That is if you work hard enough.“ Once again Manzo repeated process creating two more, the right hand one had a shuriken of wind swirling around it but the left hand one looked like a normal Rasengan except that it glowed with pure white light ”But five is not eight, at least if my math is right I could be wrong on that. So what could the remaining 3 be?“

WC: 311
TWC 900

*note: instead of my earlier note, I will be posted every Monday to keep it simple or if both participants post I will try and post earlier.
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Mirio waited to give Mako an opportunity to respond, but she didn’t take it for some reason. Looking back at Manzo, the boy’s eyes widened when he saw two more, different Rasengan. He listened carefully to Manzo’s explanation of the Rasengan and the elements, but was a bit confused. He began to think. Hmmmm, the only elements I’m familiar with are the main 5. Water, Fire, Lightning, Earth, and Wind. I have also heard of rare elements when two or more of the five mix together. But I definitely don’t know all the combinations. And even if I did, it would definitely be more than eight. So what other three elements could he be talking about... am I missing something? The boy racked his brain but could not figure it out in the end. Looking back up at Manzo, he shrugged. ”Sorry, teach, I’m only familiar with the two that I mentioned and the three that you mentioned. Water, Fire, Lightning, Earth, and Wind. I have also heard of two or more of those core five combining to make a whole new element much like your wood style, but I don’t thing I’d be able to name all of them and even if I could, that number would far exceed eight. Which elements am I missing?”, The boy asked

[WC: 219]
[TWC: 959]
Manzo smiled at the answer. He was not expecting his students to get where he was going. It was not something that many Shinobi thought about after all. ”while technically you can combine elements together and fuse that chakra with that, but that doesn't truly count. Combined elements are normally just considered as their baser elements. Though if you would like to see what your affinity is we can certainly do that latter.“ He paused for a moment ”Though from your family, I am sure I can make a guess. “ He dismissed one of his Rasengan leaving only the glowing one.

”No, for this conversation I wanted to talk about something not every Shinobi can do. In fact as far as I know only a small number can. I say that because I don't want you to feel discouraged if you never manage to unlock the ability to use this kind of chakra. This chakra is very specialized but it is important to know about it in case you come across it. This may not be your weapon but it is important to know the weapons that others may bring to bear.

The chakra I am referring to is chakra alignment. This Rasengan has been infused with holy chakra“
he held the hand out towards them. ”The nice thing about this kind of chakra is if I were to hit you with it, it would rejuvenate me.

Now that I have given you a hint, can you guess the other two kinds of chakra? Also why do you think I would not use this kind of chakra for everything? It is a powerful tool after all why not just infuse all of my jutsu’s with it and get rejuvenated with every attack?“

TWC 1204
Mirio tilted his head as the Jounin spoke. He had no idea what the man was talking about. Holy chakra? I’ve literally never heard of that... Looking up Mirio shrugged. He really didn’t have an answer for the man, so he just relied on his common sense. ”Well if you have Holy, then I’m guessing there’s some kind of demonic type of chakra? Though I have no idea what the third might be...” Mirio tried to think for a bit longer, but he really could not think of something that would be the third alignment.

The follow up question was one that was pretty easy in Mirio’s opinion. ”The strength of something or how good or strong something is has no effect on how often it is used. What I’m trying to say is that there is a time and place for everything. Every situation is different and as such they require different tactics. In my opinion, the most important trait for a shinobi to have, if they want to succeed and excel, is versatility. The ability to adapt to as many situations as possible, is fundamental when you’re fighting. Everything has its place. Even your holy chakra. Sure, it might be strong, but the real strength lies in how you use it. I’m not going to pretend like I know everything or even a lot, so I can easily say that I’ve never heard of this Holy alignment and I don’t know what the other two alignments are. But just like Lightning Jutsu isn’t suited for every situation, I can imagine that Holy alignment isn’t suited for every situation either. It doesn’t matter what your arsenal is if you don’t know how to effectively use it.” Mirio stopped for a second, realizing that he went on one of his famous rants again.”Oh jeez, I’m sorry. Looks like I just rambled off again. Happens a lot, so I’m sure this won’t be the last time have to apologize for it.”, the boy said with a laugh.

[WC: 335]
[TWC: 1,294]
Manzo responded to Miro right away as he answered. ”You are close, though it was a good guess. It is actually called Cursed. Now cursed chakra causes more damage to its target but that damage is more of a delayed reaction. You would feel it after a few seconds. It is like an aftertaste, only it hurts more. “ He chuckled a bit and dismissed his remaining jutsu.

”The third kind of chakra is called Spiritual. Spiritual is interesting because it turns a normal massively disruptive jutus into something a bit more subtle. The damage that a Spiritual attack does is closer to kind of pain you would feel from a genjutsu.“

He walked over to one of his trees and broke off a branch. With it he began to draw a circle with breaks for the elementals on it. ”This is something you recognize. Each element is stronger than one and weaker to another. It is the same way with alignments“ He began to draw a triangle with markings for Holy, Spiritual and Cursed. ”Holy is strong against Cursed but weak against Spiritual. Cursed is weak against Holy but Strong against Spiritual.“

He took a breath and paused for a moment to let what he said sink in. ”That right there is the lesson I wanted to teach. If you ever have a chance to use a chakra alignment it is important to know what its strengths and weaknesses are.“ He smiled. ”All the rest up to that was just introductions.

Now as for my second question. The question of why don’t I use all my attacks with Holy infused chakra. Well you are correct that this is a tool and not every tool is appropriate for every job. The answer is much simpler than that.“
He started to look around to see if anyone was around. Not seeing anyone he leaned in close. ”It is a finite resource. Even more finite than your normal chakra pool.“ He stood back up. ”Now your homework for the next time you see me. I want you to see if you can figure out a way that you could gain a form of chakra alignment.“ He held up a finger forestalling any objections. ”I am not saying you need to be able to, just find one way that you could. There is more than one way to do it. Some people can even teach it to you if this is something you truly wished.“

WC 438
TWC 1642

***Note you can go ahead and make an exit post as soon as you hit 1500**
Mirio nodded as class was dismissed. He turned to the Akimichi girl that was there earlier, but there was no sign of her. “Hmm. Weirdly quietly not very talkatively involved...” Mirio shrugged and began to walk home. “Homework? HOMEWORK?? If I knew there would be homework, I would have skipped the class. I wish the homework was to do 400 push ups in less than a minute. That’s would have been sick. Anyway no I gotta find out how to get one of these chakra alignments. Cursed, Holy, Spiritual... sounds neat. That class was pretty interesting. I wonder when I’ll be able to do some combat training. That would be dope. Oooo I wonder when I’ll graduate the academy. I feel like I already know the basics even though I don’t even know what chakra alignments are.... well I do now, but I didn’t up until about 6 minutes ago... man it’s already been 6 whole minutes, time sure does go by fast when you’re not really thinking about it... speaking of thoughts, I feel like I’m doing that thing where I think about one thing and then think about another thing that was somehow related to the last thing but not really and I’m somehow in a whole new thought... I wonder how many people do that... I wonder how many people don’t do that... I wonder how many people do another thing... I wonder how many people there are... I wonder how many people are ninjas... I wonder-“ Mirio’s thoughts just kept going and going on endlessly without any sign of stopping any time soon.

[WC: 267]
[TWC: 1,561]
Manzo watched as the field emptied. He wondered if the boy would find a way. As he watched a silent figure stepped out from behind one of the trees. She was hooded and covered in a cloak as not to betray who she was.

”You could have just shown him, it would have been a lot easier than sending him out on a scavenger hunt. Besides I like it when you grow horns.”

Manzo glanced back at her and smiled. ”What is the fun of that. If he had known I might have introduced the two of you and you could have seen if he had the potential but as it stands I don’t think he is ready. Perhaps when he is older.“

”And here I thought I was going to play today” the pout in her voice was audible.

Manzo just shook his head and started to walk towards the noodle shop. The cloaked figure skipping up next to him.

[Topic Left]

Current Ninpocho Time:
