Yomi had been putting this off for some time now. Truthfully, she was training Kaori to take care of her, just long enough until either Baba returned or she stopped hiding it from Umashi. With all three of them missing from the village, it seemed she was forced to go about it this way. Hell, at this point, she was sure that Yume would have completed her training too so she would have been able to help, but, like the others, she was still out of the village. Nothing was going her way. All the privacy she was trying to maintain seemed to be useless now that she had to turn to outsiders for help. It was nothing against Mikasa, however, the bonds she had built with the others, her family, were stronger than what she had with Mikasa.
Perhaps it was time for some more building.
The Hokage hadn’t stepped foot in the hospital since becoming thrust into this hellish position. She would make her way to Daisy’s office first, ensuring that she was okay and that she and Mikasa were getting along. Daisy reported that she kept to herself, but liked Mikasa and her oddities. It was strange to hear Daisy speak of someone else as odd, when she herself was just as peculiar. Yomi requested that Daisy send over some of her Black flowers to the Kage office, because it did not feel the same without them there. The Med-Nin happily obliged Yomi before excusing herself. She was off to torture some poor intern.
After exchanging pleasantries with a few who had noticed her and promising not to be a stranger, she made her way to Mikasa’s office. The thing about the Medical team was that they all minded their business and would not mention to anyone that she had been seen there, unless it was in an official capacity. That is how the team worked. It is also how her and Umashi got away with their secret back room trysts for so long; everyone simply kept quiet.
Arriving unannounced, she wouldn’t be surprised if the Medical Chief was not around, but, she would slide into Mikasa’s office either way. Was she in there? The woman didn’t know, but she made every effort not to dilly dally in the halls to long.
[Topic Entered]
Perhaps it was time for some more building.
The Hokage hadn’t stepped foot in the hospital since becoming thrust into this hellish position. She would make her way to Daisy’s office first, ensuring that she was okay and that she and Mikasa were getting along. Daisy reported that she kept to herself, but liked Mikasa and her oddities. It was strange to hear Daisy speak of someone else as odd, when she herself was just as peculiar. Yomi requested that Daisy send over some of her Black flowers to the Kage office, because it did not feel the same without them there. The Med-Nin happily obliged Yomi before excusing herself. She was off to torture some poor intern.
After exchanging pleasantries with a few who had noticed her and promising not to be a stranger, she made her way to Mikasa’s office. The thing about the Medical team was that they all minded their business and would not mention to anyone that she had been seen there, unless it was in an official capacity. That is how the team worked. It is also how her and Umashi got away with their secret back room trysts for so long; everyone simply kept quiet.
Arriving unannounced, she wouldn’t be surprised if the Medical Chief was not around, but, she would slide into Mikasa’s office either way. Was she in there? The woman didn’t know, but she made every effort not to dilly dally in the halls to long.
[Topic Entered]