Ninpocho Chronicles

Ninpocho Chronicles is a fantasy-ish setting storyline, set in an alternate universe World of Ninjas, where the Naruto and Boruto series take place. This means that none of the canon characters exists, or existed here.

Each ninja starts from the bottom and start their training as an Academy Student. From there they develop abilities akin to that of demigods as they grow in age and experience.

Along the way they gain new friends (or enemies), take on jobs and complete contracts and missions for their respective villages where their training and skill will be tested to their limits.

The sky is the limit as the blank page you see before you can be filled with countless of adventures with your character in the game.

This is Ninpocho Chronicles.

Current Ninpocho Time:

I've Got To Hold On [pvt]


Active Ninja
Oct 28, 2012
Yomi had been putting this off for some time now. Truthfully, she was training Kaori to take care of her, just long enough until either Baba returned or she stopped hiding it from Umashi. With all three of them missing from the village, it seemed she was forced to go about it this way. Hell, at this point, she was sure that Yume would have completed her training too so she would have been able to help, but, like the others, she was still out of the village. Nothing was going her way. All the privacy she was trying to maintain seemed to be useless now that she had to turn to outsiders for help. It was nothing against Mikasa, however, the bonds she had built with the others, her family, were stronger than what she had with Mikasa.

Perhaps it was time for some more building.

The Hokage hadn’t stepped foot in the hospital since becoming thrust into this hellish position. She would make her way to Daisy’s office first, ensuring that she was okay and that she and Mikasa were getting along. Daisy reported that she kept to herself, but liked Mikasa and her oddities. It was strange to hear Daisy speak of someone else as odd, when she herself was just as peculiar. Yomi requested that Daisy send over some of her Black flowers to the Kage office, because it did not feel the same without them there. The Med-Nin happily obliged Yomi before excusing herself. She was off to torture some poor intern.

After exchanging pleasantries with a few who had noticed her and promising not to be a stranger, she made her way to Mikasa’s office. The thing about the Medical team was that they all minded their business and would not mention to anyone that she had been seen there, unless it was in an official capacity. That is how the team worked. It is also how her and Umashi got away with their secret back room trysts for so long; everyone simply kept quiet.

Arriving unannounced, she wouldn’t be surprised if the Medical Chief was not around, but, she would slide into Mikasa’s office either way. Was she in there? The woman didn’t know, but she made every effort not to dilly dally in the halls to long.

[Topic Entered]
Between the academy class, Ikou Ritsuko, , Dokuso Maru, and the responsibilities the medical-chief helmed, the maiden had long began to feel the effects. Diligently the woman jots down her agenda for the day via quill and parchment, unable to maintain her busy schedule without doing so. Mikasa would be found in her normal attire, although today her hair unkempt and spectacles nowhere in sight. Hanging upon the wall was the medical coat of Lord Umashiashikabihikoji, tacked in a multitude of locations with notes stuck against additional pins. Each day she continues her mission from Lady Yomi and with recent conference with Haku Yuki, surely the results they sought would come sooner than later.

Hastily the platinum hair kunoichi settles the quill upon the desktop, leaning forward to press an index against the intercom, “Inspection of the right wing is tomorrow, please move all patients to the other ward and for fresh air – the day will be most pleasant.” she begins, allowing a light breath of air to enter her lungs, “Also, please ensure that I am given a few hours in the morning to attend the continuation of my missi-“ she would be interrupted, by the sudden opening of the door.

The maiden would begin to rub against her eyes, exhausted, but still finding the energy to tilt her head in confusion. All business matters were sought to or had been given a proper timeslot. “Lady Yomi?” she inquires, before jolting upright, scrambling to clear workspace of files – not quite used to the task load as of yet. Hastily the medic-nin streaks by her own desk, paperwork cascades to the floor and Mikasa coming to a halt before the visitor. Respectfully she lowers head, “Lady Yomi! I apologize for the mess.” she murmurs, pivoting on her foot to gesture towards the courtyard view, “The windows are lovely though!” she chuckles nervously.

A pause, realizing the state in which she appeared, the maiden attempts to braid her into a pony tail as rapidly as she could – faltering. What would this visit entail to?​
The Hokage would startle poor Mikasa as she came in unannounced without the decency of a call-ahead, or a respectful knock. Slightly frazzled, the Medical Chief dropped some papers while standing and trying to get. It reminded her of herself when she was pushed into that very position. There was no rest in this position and she hoped that that she was settling in fine. She would help her out as much as she could if she needed it, but, today she was here merely as a patient.

“I’m sorry for showing up like this, Mikasa-san.” She began, folding her hands in front of her. “Normally, I would not have come here and interrupt you, but, given the circumstances, I am need in medical services. Specifically, from you.” It was true, they were in this grand hospital filled with Doctors, Nurses, Physician Assistants, and whatever other specialists roamed these halls. She could have just as easily asked one of them to help her with what she required, but, her newly found status required more discretion and more flexibility. Mikasa was in a unique position by simply being in charge. She could come and go as she pleased and as needed. Yomi needed that now, particularly because she had no one else to help her.

Raking her hair behind her ear she didn’t know how else to say what she needed beyond saying it right out. Mikasa was still a part of the medical team and so the woman did not have to fear that she would be any different than the rest of them.

“Mikasa, l need you to give me an ultrasound.” Yomi immediately straightened up a bit, aware of how it could be misconstrued. “I am okay, I am not ill. I am merely pregnant.” She placed her hand over her stomach and looked at the woman whose day she quite possibly ruined by busting in her office.
Instantly the medical chief would respond in rapid fire concession, “No, no you are fine! I am happy to have you return even for a moment, Lady Yomi!” she begins, rubbing at the back of her head sheepishly. All the while Mikasa would gather her paperwork, returning them to file cabinet in which they came and with each passing day the containments struggling to find refuge. Turning about the oceanic deep blue eyes of the woman widen, “Of course, anything to aid you.” she addresses, returning upright and giving the Hokage full attention.

Record scratch.

“Ultrasound?” she inquires aloud, in a state of confusion. The definition itself was crystal clear and only had a singular purpose in the medical field; a child lay within her superior? Initially her thoughts turned to Tamashii, the amount of time he spent by the side of the hokage appeared to turn romantic, at least in the eyes Mikasa. “Have you told Tamashii-san? I am sure he will be excited.” she states clueless, smiling sweetly. “I had no idea you two had such relations, though that is none of my business.” she address quickly, not wishing to stir any argument. “Of course, I will perform the ultrasound. Not to worry, your secret is safe with me.” she insists, in an excited tone.

Not bothering to tidy herself up, the dishevel appearance being ignored, the medical-nin glides past her leader, propping open the door and gesturing towards the room across the hallway. Silently she strolls forward, an above average in size room awaiting the Hokage, the necessary medical equipment at the ready. “Please, make yourself comfortable.” she comments, extending her hand outwards to grasp at an extra medical coat, which she would throw around her shoulders. “Is Tamashii-san aware?” she inquires once more, though none of her business.​
Yomi’s eyes widened at the implication of Tamashii being the father of the child{ren) she was carrying. Of course, she shouldn’t have been surprised since her and Umashi had been keeping things quiet. It was only when he disappeared that she began telling people she was pregnant, and Umashi himself had no idea. She would clear it up, even though it really didn’t matter in the grand scheme of things what Mikasa believed.

Following Mikasa across the hall she would finally respond once she closed the door behind her.

“Oh, Tamashii is aware, although, he is not the father.” Yomi left it there, deciding that she did not want to talk about Umashi on a day that was supposed to be a happy occasion for the both of them. Since she was here alone, and Asuka was not informed of this random appointment, Yomi was not going to allow sadness to ruin today. It occurred to her then, that perhaps she should have invited Tamashii. After all, when Asuka went home for the night, he was the one making sure she had all her needs met and then some.

Knowing what was required of her, she stepped out of her shoes and her pants, and folded them neatly before placing them on a nearby chair. Normally patients waited until the doctor stepped out to do this, but, Yomi had no need of such things from Mikasa. Looking down at her belly, it barely looked like a stomach at all. She noticed it however, and was certain that everyone else could tell that she was pregnant.

Helping Mikasa out, she made sure the “parchment paper” was new and pulled down for her to lay on. She would sit down gently before laying all the way back and pulling her shirt up. From the time she found out she was pregnant until now, her best guess about how far along she was nine to ten weeks.

Making small talk she would go on. “I’m quite excited to see the first pictures.” She stated as she pat her stomach. “I’m even more excited for my next visit, I want to know if it’s a girl. I hope it’s a girl Mikasa, lord knows we can use more kunoichi.” Yomi scoffed, knowing that the male to female ratio in Konoha was disgusting. Another girl would be a boon to the village.
A scarlet hue surfaces upon her features, no doubt embarrassed about the unfortunate misunderstanding; although she believed it was an appropriate notion to begin with. “My apologies on my ignorance.” she murmurs softly, nearly a whisper. Tightening the ivory coat upon her shoulders would the medical chief no longer attack at the inquiry, leaving it to be if the woman wishes to ever foretell the tale. Prior to Mikasa being able to settle the Hokage, she would take the liberty herself; the woman nearly forgetting Lady Yomi had ran the medical branch quite successfully for a significant amount of time.

“I am unsure of who wouldn’t be excited.” she agrees, nodding her head lightly. "Next visit?” she inquires in confusion, not quite following the fact that she had been let in on a deadly secret, one in which wouldn’t be able to leave this very room. Remarkably, despite the temporary time of darkness does she find herself capable of laughter, “Agreed, Lady Yomi. Our population swing is certainly at an odd ratio.” she chuckles, turning about to begin washing her sole hand delicately. “If I had to guess, I would state we are around a seven to three.” she guesses, “Based on the amount of files you left behind for me to study.” she addresses cheekily.

Pivoting about, the kunoichi returns to the side of her superior, a petite bottle of gel clasped within her gloved hand. “Brace yourself, this is quite cool to the touch.” she warns, cautiously spreading the liquid upon Yomi’s stomach. An ultrasound was not a difficult task to perform, yet results in quite the emotional journey – or so she assumes. “I used to think it would be quite amusing to replace the monitor with a still picture of an Inuzuka pup.” she begins, creating additional small talk. “Can you imagine? Squinting your eyes to view a fetal canine?” she allows her expression to mimic that in which she thought would best represent the shock.

Quickly she would dismiss the idea, placing the transducer against the flesh of Yomi and her opposing hand pulling at the stand the monitor rests upon. “Let us take a peak and see what we have thus far.”
Not hearing the apology, Yomi laid there with silently, though, had she heard she would have certainly told the woman it was okay, since as of late there were more Yomashii sightings, then there have ever been of Yomashi…wow. As Mikasa tried her hand at small talk, Yomi drifted off to thoughts of her husband how she wished he was here to witness this. She knew he would be here now, if only she had told him about being pregnant before this all started. Still, in the back of her mind, she wondered if he knew, would anything be different about this moment. The uncertainty was killing her and her mind was rife with the what if’s that often plagued people when so much uncertainty was present as it was now.

“Yeah, it would certainly be shocking.” She said half heartedly as the gel was placed on her stomach. The cold did not bother her, at least she could feel it. Maybe she should have told someone about the visit. Being by herself, even with the incomparable Mikasa, left her feeling like a husk. This moment was supposed to be happy. While she was happy, she couldn’t express it beyond just the words. There was just too many other things, beyond her husband, on her mind that made it impossible for her to emote properly. The Uchiha’s possible involvement in his disappearance, Takeshi was still not back for her to decide one and for all if it was going to be an easy relationship, or a hard one, Baba’s whereabouts were still unknown, and the fight with Kaori was still unresolved because she decided to take care of Shrine business before coming to her. This was all besides the weight of the office in which she now occupied.

Something had to give.

Maybe what Mikasa had to say would finally put a smile on her face.

“So, what do you see? How many Inuzuka pups?.”
A small joke.

[ooc: You see twins. Triplets come later on in the story.]
Regrettably the small talk tactic appears to backfire, Mikasa falling into a momentary bout of silence, unsure of how to proceed. Never the least her digits begin to adjust the grey scale of the monitor, allowing Lady Yomi a better angle. Releasing her grasp on the transducer, she begins to guides her superior’s hands towards the device, allowing her the honor of discovering her own scared treasure trove. “One moment, I have further good news.” she murmurs gently, sliding across the room in a whimsical fashion upon the stool. Swiveling about, the Medical Chief begins to dig into a supply closet, “Now where did I place the case?” she inquires rhetorically.

“My apologies, I was undergoing a few examinations and wasn’t quite ready to release my findings, but since you are here . . .” she calls over her shoulder, “There we are!” her head nearly inside of the cabinet before withdrawing; regrettably making heavy contact against the metal.


“Tch tch tch!” the maiden rubs at the top of her skull as her eyes begin to water heavily. Facing about towards the Hokage, a scarlet flush surface against her features, “Do you think you are still capable of dressing my wound? I know you are a bit rusty.” she teases, scooting foot by foot towards the patient. Reaching into the ivory lab coat she produces a translucent case containing a single singed feather, embers strike against the container to prevent any potential flames. “I have identified the location of Lord Umashiashi-“ she pauses, beginning to frown, “Lord Umashiashika . . “ she stares intently against Lady Yomi, “Lord Umashiashikab . . . . Lord Umashi.“ Mikasa finalizes, "This being a friendly gift the fowl left behind.” she states proudly, placing the case delicately upon the bedside table.

Returning her attention to the transducer, Mikasa gently clasps her hands against that of Yomi’s, “I’ll go into more detail after we discover the child to be, I just didn't want to forget.” she smiles gently, gliding her hand around until the imagery begins to appear. Upon the screen two blots phase into existence, Mikasa’s eyes widen, “Hard to tell, but safe to say they may not be Inuzuka pups.” she chuckles, “Congratulations, twins!” she tosses her arms upwards, waving them about. "They will need plenty of windows and flowers - yes, flowers to calm them. I can arrange such a thing if-" she cuts herself off, allowing Yomi to have a moment of private thought; occasionally prodding her stomach while viewing the screen to see if any sort of response would take place.​
Yomi shot a look at Mikasa, who had hit her head, probably to point of a mini concussion. "I hope you're alright." The woman stated, as Mikasa joked about needing her wound dressed. The Medical Sennin would look at it when this was all over just to be safe. She couldn't afford to have her Chief out of commission at a time like this. Yomi took the case from her, eying the singed black feather. Upon inspection the feather did not look like that of a normal bird. The fact that it was an actual feather, caused Yomi's eyebrows to furrow. An actual feather in the color of midnight. Yomi could not place the feather, but, it was something that Apple said to her back in Crater City that seemed more prevalent now.

"He said, not black, but, dark and certainly no ordinary bird...It's Fire Country after all..." Yomi, forgetting for a moment that she was belly out in the middle of medical appointment as she spoke the words aloud, not to anyone in particular. Yomi cursed Apple for always being so cryptic, but, she was certain she knew what he meant if she had a moment to think alone. "What rare birds are indigenous to Fire Country?" She was drawing a blank, perhaps Mikasa didn't hit her head too hard on the edge to keep her from helping out.

While Mikasa would ponder, Yomi continued.

"Not Uchiha then..." Yomi spoke again, but, this time, she turned her head to look at her Doctor. "If this feather is really from that hell spawn that took my husband, than, I can rule out the Uchiha as suspects. The description of the beast led us to believe that it could have been them, a bird of black flames via Amaterasu. " So excited for new information that she let it slip that she and Umashi were married, that is, if Mikasa caught it.

With all the things happening, she almost forgot that the Chief said she knew where Umashi was, but then she announced she was having twins.

"Twins?!" Yomi exclaimed. She sat up immediately and looked over at Mikasa with a wide expression. She half expected her to say she was joking and tell her she was having Inuzuka Pups. But twins? She was not expecting this. "Wow..." With the sudden burst of excitement and emotion, The Hokage started to dry heave as she burst into tears.
Mikasa merely allows her head to tilt to the side, prodding an index finger against her chin and ultimately allowing herself to falter into the realm of thought. There was not a fowl in existence to match the feather, at least that the medical chief could pinpoint. Unexpectedly Lady Yomi was to drop a bombshell, another record scratch issues in the realm of thoughts. “Husband?” she inquires in slight confusion, piecing together the puzzle to the best of her abilities. Truth to be told, the maiden would feel as if she were a piece on a chess board; searching for the Hokage normally a reasonable occurrence, yet the terminology of husband quite clear.

Shaking her head, the platinum locks of the kunoichi fan outwards, diminishing the rapid firing of neurons as she knew her superior was far more level headed than the foul thought that dares to plague her. Mikasa felt shame against herself, fortunately the notion disappears completely as the leader of the village before her bursts into tears. “Uchiha as suspects?” realizing that she was missing a heavy detail of the mission she had participated in.

In any event, this was neither the place nor the time to dwell, the chiefs hands grasp upon Yomi’s, heroceanic twinkling gaze watering up in turn. Mikasa was quite in tune to others emotions, a gift she naturally carries, and her head rears back a few inches as an audible sob begins to form – her mouth widening and the waterworks begin flooding outwards. “T-Twins! Yes ma’am!” she nods her head frantically, as the woman’s nose begins to run. How much time were to pass was unknown, all the maiden can perform is the duet of tears, a single hand releases its grasp to point frantically towards the monitor were the two petite blobs float about. "You have to prepare yourself, you can't place too much stress on yourself or you'll never get pass the next trimester." she urges, "When will you start to take it easy?" she murmurs, wiping at her superiors moist face and then attending her own.​
Try as she might, the tears would not subside for a long time, nor the dry heaving. The sounds coming from that room were probably awful to those who passed by that room. Later, when Yomi would reminisce about this first appointment, she would be glad that no one was here to witness this sad scene besides her attending Physician.

Finally, able to pull herself together after several minutes of intense sobbing, she realized that Mikasa was crying with her. That was sweet, and a little concerning. She hoped that Mikasa was not in the habit of crying with her patients,. Wiping her tears away in between retching she spoke to Mikasa.

“I need a vitamin cocktail drip…so I can hopefully stop…this.” She laid back down with her palm to her forehead as tears began to fall some more, only more quietly. Of all the things that could have been happening to her now, she wondered who she wronged in a former life to be suddenly reduced to a single mother of twins to a husband who had disappeared. It was a stereotype she never thought she would be privy to; playing the role of both mom and pop due to an absentee anime dad.

Turning her head to look at her Medical Chief she didn’t have an honest answer to give her. She didn’t know when she would be able to sit and enjoy this pregnancy. The Main Branch was in shambles, Takeshi was still away, Umashi was still missing, everybody was unlike most people who lied to their Doctor’s about important things, she decided to tell the truth.
“I do not see myself kicking my feet up anytime soon, Mikasa-san.” She sniffled, as she tried to stop from audibly gagging.

“There is too much to be done...not enough bodies to go around.” Yomi sighed as she waited for the IV drip to be given or not.

“Perhaps when the ANBU Sennin comes back from his trip, I can rest a bit more.” That was her intention, at least, she had no idea if she would be able to stick to that or if he would still be ANBU Sennin after she strangled him to death.

“If I’m lucky this would be all one nightmare and I’ll wake up and Umashi would be here and everything would be right in Konoha.” Wishful thinking seeing as how she hadn’t really slept since Umashi disappeared. It occurred to her then, that perhaps Mikasa was crying because she was just as frantic as Yomi was. Everyone was working so hard, and yet, The Hokage was the only one audibly complaining, at least behind closed doors to Tamashii.

“Thank You, Mikasa, for jumping in at the last minute when you did. It has been a tremendous help.” When they would finish doing the final bits, and printing out Sonogram pictures, Yomi would have to get back to the office and then to Asuka’s, since, she would want to know the good news.

"I'll be sure to make an appointment next time."
Despite the fantastic news delivered to the Hokage, of locating Lord Umashiashikabihikoji and the discovery of twins developing in Yomi's body, still her superior was not at ease. Silently she begins to retrieve the ebony and ivory photography, tenderly sliding the set into an envelope for the Hokage's safe keeping. It was crystal clear that the once Medical Sennin struggles, as many do within the village, despite the best attempts of those closest to her to aid at every possible turn. What were the true definition of tasking ones self with the position of Hokage?

Gently the maiden produces a bottle of water, "Drink this to hydrate. Goodness knows you may have produced enough for a Jounin technique." she chuckles, not heeding any attention to her own condition. Unfortunate circumstances had the ANBU Sennin traveling about, the disappearance of Lord Umashiashikabihikoji, Madam Yomi acquiring the title and ultimately the newly crowned Medical Chief leaving Konohagakure in a pickle. Mikasa would trouble herself with interacting with those in the hospital she had not yet met, there still a handful lingering about. The kunoichi decides she needs to further push her limits, not producing adequate results she could be satisfied with.

Raising her hand upwards would she object to a degree, "Stop in when you wish, no appointment required." she smiles gently, bowing respectfully as leader of the village makes her leave. "I am fortunate to be able to aid, I hope to continue for many years to come." she replies one last instance, before faltering against the faint hum produced by the excessive amount of lights. Thus far her adventures had been eventful, meeting a significant amount of others and interacting with a whole slew of academy students; however there was far more to come. "I'll ensure that you are able to rest." she mutters, streaming a hand through her platinum mane, "I'll create a haven for our students to thrive." continuing to mutters to herself while fastening the ivory jacket upon her shoulders, "I'll aim to take your position, allowing you to truly rest with your children and continue to build for the next generation."

[Topic Left]​

Current Ninpocho Time:
