Ninpocho Chronicles

Ninpocho Chronicles is a fantasy-ish setting storyline, set in an alternate universe World of Ninjas, where the Naruto and Boruto series take place. This means that none of the canon characters exists, or existed here.

Each ninja starts from the bottom and start their training as an Academy Student. From there they develop abilities akin to that of demigods as they grow in age and experience.

Along the way they gain new friends (or enemies), take on jobs and complete contracts and missions for their respective villages where their training and skill will be tested to their limits.

The sky is the limit as the blank page you see before you can be filled with countless of adventures with your character in the game.

This is Ninpocho Chronicles.

Current Ninpocho Time:


Ninpocho Admin

Staff member
Jan 15, 2013

There are many forces beyond human in this world, and many of these forces do not have a corporeal form. Sometimes, these forces will choose to align themselves with a single human, or otherwise be sealed into them. This is not always voluntary on either part. It does, however, grant great power to the human host based on their spirit's abilities. This power comes at a cost, taxing the life force of the user with use. Jinchuuriki in the past have been known to win intense battles by giving their all, and then collapse immediately thereafter. One thing is for sure, however. The Jinchuuriki is a powerful ally for whoever befriends them--or a weapon for whoever controls them.

Kinjutsu TableInformation
Prerequisites: Kinjutsu Application, 3 Ability Slots, B Rank, Chosen Element Minored

- When applying for this Kinjutsu, the user chooses any Base or Advanced element of Ninjutsu to be the affinity of their possessing spirit. This element may not be changed while the user retains the Kinjutsu.
- The user also chooses, upon application, their inner spirit's Alignment, whether it be Holy<i></i>, Cursed<i></i>, or Spiritual<i></i>. All of their Jinchuuriki techniques are treated as this Alignment. The user is treated as their Alignment when using the Elemental Manifestation ability, and all of their chosen element attacks in that state are as well.
- When the user casts Ninjutsu of their chosen element, they do not require handseals. (This does not apply to Advanced Elements using the chosen element as a base, if the user chooses a base element.) They are also treated as having a Major Affinity to this element regardless of the number of jutsu they have in it. If an Advanced Element is chosen, this element will not count towards their 'Advanced Element' slots.
- All Jinchuuriki techniques do not require handseals, and are treated as their chosen element. However, they still cannot be used with Affinity Moves.

- Unlike the series, this Kinjutsu refers to demons and spirits in general, not Bijuu. While this spirit can be made freely, this spirit cannot be a tailed beast in any way or form. Expect an Auto-denial if you mention any form of Bijuu with this.

Aura Strike - Kinjutsu Ability<i></i>

The elemental energy that suffuses a Jinchuuriki lends itself strongly to their every movement, colouring how they attack. This energy can be channeled into attacks that other ninja would have to perform at close range with their own bodies. Using their physical techniques this way gives the Jinchuuriki an edge that can be deadly.

Prerequisites: Jinchuuriki

Effect: All actions the user would take with Melee Accuracy instead use Ninjutsu Accuracy. Attacks changed this way are treated as the user's chosen element and recieve all buffs it would to damage, CP cost reduction, and accuracy. Transformed attacks also gain the benefits of the user's Alignment when Elemental Manifestation is active.

- Checks that normally would use Melee Accuracy are also changed into Ninjutsu Checks instead.
- If the attack being used is a Ninjutsu (one of those which uses Melee Accuracy) of a different element than the user's chosen element, it still gains the buffs but does not gain the benefit of being cast without handseals.
- Melee Taijutsu still gain the benefit of their weapon's augments, accuracy modifier, and damage modifier, as well as fringe benefits to their specific weapon type (such as Weapon Mastery). However, any buffs to Melee in general are ignored in favour of the new ones.
- Attacks transformed by this ability still count as melee contact.

Elemental Manifestation - Kinjutsu Ability</I><i></i>

The way to determine if you are fighting a Jinchuuriki is their capability to unleash their inner spirit's power, making clear their elemental energy and sheer strength in it. The further they sink into their spirit's power, the more adept they become at handling their element. However, there is a cost--maintaining that level of balance and control between their own power and their possessing spirit's takes a direct toll on their bodies.

Prerequisites: Jinchuuriki

Effect: The user gains three Stages of Elemental Manifestation that they can access. Each Stage is more powerful than the last but lasts for a shorter period of time during battle. The effects of each Stage are cumulative.

Stage 1 - Elemental Cloak: User generates an "elemental cloak" of chakra that surrounds their body. The elemental cloak acts like a barrier that protects the user from the first (50 x Character Level) Non-Illusionary damage dealt to them. The user's elemental cloak returns to it's maximum HP at the end of each round even if it was destroyed.
Stage 2 - Partial Transformation: User's physical form partially transforms into that of their sealed spirit. This grants a bonus of +2 Accuracy and Dodge and increases the damage of their chosen element by 10%.
Stage 3 - Full Transformation: When the user casts Ninjutsu of their chosen element the CP cost is reduced to 0.

Stage 1 lasts for 30 seconds, Stage 2 for 20 seconds and Stage 3 for 10 seconds and the user must wait 20 seconds in between activations.

Costs: 1 AP and 2% Maximum HP per stage activated

- Effects from other Jinchuuriki jutsu which trigger a Stage of Elemental Manifestation do not count as an activation of Elemental Manifestation. If the user activates Elemental Manifestation and another effect would trigger a Stage of Elemental Manifestation then the duration of that effect is simply added to the remaining duration of the user's activation.
- Elemental Manifestation is not a maintained effect. It is triggered and lasts for the listed duration.
- Elemental Manifestation - Stage 1 does not prevent the user from attacking or moving. It simply protects the user from damage.
- While in any stage of Elemental Manifestation, the user is considered to be of their chosen Alignment, and all attacks of their chosen element are also treated as such. This overrides other Alignment effects the user has.
- All costs for Elemental Manifestation are cumulative per stage; activating Stage 3 would take 3 AP and 6% Max HP.
- Elemental Manifestation cannot be activated in any way if the user has Cursed Seal, Sage Mode or Genetic Implant active. Likewise, the user cannot activate either while Elemental Manifestation is active.

Daunt - <I>B-Rank Ninjutsu<i></i>

The overwhelming power if a Jinchuuriki can be hard to oppose, and at no time harder than when they choose to levy it deliberately that way. A Jinchuuriki is capable of focusing their strength into a fear aura, blasting opponents in the area with it to rattle their senses. This tends to leave their enemies shaken and unfocused, rendering them much easier prey.

Prerequisites: Jinchuuriki

Rank 1: Affects one target at -4 Accuracy. If hit the target is bound and cannot move.
Mastered: Affects one target at -4 Accuracy. If hit the target is bound cannot move or use chakra.

Special Action - Terror Burst: At no additional AP cost the user may have Daunt affect every participant in the battle for one full round at -5 Accuracy rather than the normal effects. Using Terror Burst has a 10 second cooldown between uses and increases both the initial CP and maintain costs of Daunt by 20%.

Rank 1 Cost: 730 CP, 365 CP/rnd
Mastered Cost: 910 CP, 455 CP/rnd

- Lasts up to 20 seconds or until broken.
- Daunt targets each participant's Genjutsu Save using the user's Ninjutsu Accuracy. Each time a participant is targeted with Daunt they gain +1 Genjutsu Save against subsequent uses of it. This stacks indefinitely but cannot exceed caps.
- Does not effect those with the ability Fearless or who are otherwise immune to fear effects.
- Targets have a 30% chance to escape per every 2 AP they attempt to use.
- The bind is broken if the user takes 10% of their max HP in damage within 10 seconds of being bound or the victim is attacked (victim suffers -3 Dodge against the attack).
- Even if the user is not in any stage of Elemental Manifestation, this is considered the user's chosen Alignment. The user gains +1 to their Ninjutsu Accuracy against targets of the Alignment theirs is strong to and -1 against targets their Alignment is weak to.

Elemental Shockwave - B-Rank Ninjutsu<i></i>

The simplest expression of a Jinchuuriki's elemental powers is a simple blast of energy. Washing over the battlefield and smashing through opponents, it nonetheless can contain a subtle trick that opponents can be surprised to discover. If they think they are capable of hiding or disguising themselves to escape the wrath of a Jinchuuriki, the Jinchuuriki can simply reply 'not today' and hit them with this.

Prerequisites: Jinchuuriki

Rank 1: Deals 1600 damage to two targets.
Mastered: Deals 2000 damage to three targets.

Special Action - Unmask: The user may sacrifice 10% of this jutsu's base damage in order to deactivate any effects on the target that make it more difficult for the user to target them. (Including but not limited to all forms of Transformation, Clones, Inner Earth Reflection Lure, etc.) This effect requires a full hit to activate.

Rank 1 Cost: 730 CP
Mastered Cost: 910 CP

- This attack is always treated as the user's chosen element and Alignment, and always receives all relevant buffs based on both.
- Unmask can only be used if the user has Elemental Manifestation active. If the user is in Stage 1, they must make a Ninjutsu Check at -2 in order for the effect to occur. If they are in Stage 2, the check is made at +0. If they are in Stage 3, the effect becomes automatic on a full hit.

Life Corrosion - A-Rank Ninjutsu<i></i>

For anyone who is not the Jinchuuriki, the chakra of their possessing spirit can be incredibly toxic. They are capable of taking advantage of this in combat, leveraging their power to corrode and warp their targets' bodies. Anyone who touches the Jinchuuriki or is touched by them while they are radiating this chakra will suffer from it harshly.

Prerequisites: Jinchuuriki, A-Rank

Rank 1: Deals 1% Max HP and CP damage to anyone coming in Melee Contact with the user while this technique is active. Upon suffering this damage, the user makes a Ninjutsu Check against the target. If the check succeeds, the target is afflicted with Partial Corrosion for 10 seconds.
Mastered: Deals 1% Max HP and CP damage to anyone coming in Melee Contact with the user while this technique is active. Upon suffering this damage, the user makes a Ninjutsu Check against the target. If the check succeeds, the target is afflicted with Corrosion for 10 seconds.

Special Action - Life Burn: For the cost of 3% of their Max HP/rnd, the user may have Partial Corrosion/Corrosion deal their damage for each of the victims' maintains as well. Damage is dealt at the beginning of the round. This may only affect up to three maintains per affected target, and must be stated when this jutsu is activated.

Rank 1 Cost: 2200 CP, 1100 CP/rnd to maintain
Mastered Cost: 2750 CP, 1275 CP/rnd to maintain

- Cannot be maintained for longer than 30 seconds, and requires 10 seconds of cooldown between uses.
- Partial Corrosion deals 1% Max HP and CP damage for every action the victim takes.
- Corrosion deals 1% Max HP and CP damage for every 1 AP the victim uses.
- Targets cannot be affected by Partial Corrosion or Corrosion more than once at a time, nor have their timer of the drain reset, and gain +1 to their check against this technique each time they are affected after the first (after the initial effect wears off).
- Partial Corrosion and Corrosion do not stack.
- Even if the user is not in any stage of Elemental Manifestation, this is considered the user's chosen Alignment. Max HP/CP loss is not altered based on it, however, the user gains +1 to their Ninjutsu Check against targets of the Alignment theirs is strong to and -1 against targets their Alignment is weak to.

Vanishing World - S-Rank Ninjutsu<i></i>

The ultimate attack of any Jinchuuriki, and the combination of both their and their possessing spirit's power. The user channels an enormous amount of both elemental and their spirit's power, syncing up to allow their spirit to fire it in a devastating attack capable of piercing nearly any defense.

Prerequisites: Jinchuuriki, S-Rank, All other Jinchuuriki techniques Mastered

Mastered: Deals 7,200 base damage and the user must select one Special Action;

Special Actions:
- Strafing Blast: Attack may target up to three separate targets automatically. The first target selected is targeted at normal Accuracy, the second selected is targeted at -3 Accuracy and the third is targeted at -5 Accuracy.
- Menacing Charge: User may spend extra time charging Vanishing World which costs 3% of the user's Maximum CP each second (up to six seconds) and deals additional damage equal to half of the CP spent to charge the attack. This extra damage cannot be increased by any effects but is still subject to Damage Reduction.
- Local Devastation: Once cast the user automatically dispels any 'Arena' type effects. Vanishing World does not need to hit for this effect to occur; it transpires the moment that the jutsu is cast.
- Sudden Cruelty: Causes the attack's timing to be modded as though it only cost 2 AP and prevents it from being Auto-Dodged.
- Unstoppable Might: Dispels any physical or chakra binds currently affecting the user in addition to normal effects. May be used while bound.
- Elemental Powerup: After the attack, the user is placed into Elemental Manifestation - Stage 3 for 10 seconds.

Cost: 4 AP and 4500 CP

- After completion, requires a 30 second cooldown.
- This attack is always treated as the user's chosen element and Alignment, and receives all relevant bonuses and penalties based on both.
- This jutsu cannot be used with BL/CA/Contract Special Moves.
- 'Arena' effects are defined as any effect which requires a stat check to enter or leave.
There are many forces beyond human in this world, and many of these forces do not have a corporeal form. Sometimes, these forces will choose to align themselves with a single human, or otherwise be sealed into them. This is not always voluntary on either part. It does, however, grant great power to the human host based on their spirit's abilities. This power comes at a cost, taxing the life force of the user with use. Jinchuuriki in the past have been known to win intense battles by giving their all, and then collapse immediately thereafter. One thing is for sure, however. The Jinchuuriki is a powerful ally for whoever befriends them--or a weapon for whoever controls them.

[u][b]Kinjutsu Table[/b][/u][list][*] [goto=Ab1]Aura Strike[/goto] (Ability)
[*] [goto=Ab2]Elemental Manifestation[/goto] (Ability)
[*] [goto=B1]Daunt[/goto] (B-Rank Technique)
[*] [goto=B2]Elemental Shockwave[/goto] (B-Rank Technique)
[*] [goto=A1]Life Corrosion[/goto] (A-Rank Technique)
[*] [goto=S1]Vanishing World[/goto] (S-Rank Technique)[/list][i]Information[/i]
[b]Prerequisites:[/b] Kinjutsu Application, 3 Ability Slots, B Rank, Chosen Element Minored

- When applying for this Kinjutsu, the user chooses any [i]Base[/i] or [i]Advanced[/i] element of Ninjutsu to be the affinity of their possessing spirit. This element may not be changed while the user retains the Kinjutsu.
- The user also chooses, upon application, their inner spirit's [i]Alignment[/i], whether it be [i][glow=blue][color=blue]Holy[/i][/glow][/color], [i][glow=darkred][color=darkred]Cursed[/i][/glow][/color], or [i][color=green][glow=green]Spiritual[/i][/glow][/color]. All of their [i]Jinchuuriki[/i] techniques are treated as this [i]Alignment.[/i] The user is treated as their [i]Alignment[/i] when using the [i]Elemental Manifestation[/i] ability, and all of their chosen element attacks in that state are as well.
- When the user casts Ninjutsu of their chosen element, they do not require handseals. [i](This does not apply to Advanced Elements using the chosen element as a base, if the user chooses a base element.)[/i] They are also treated as having a [i]Major Affinity[/i] to this element regardless of the number of jutsu they have in it. If an Advanced Element is chosen, this element will not count towards their 'Advanced Element' slots.
- All [i]Jinchuuriki[/i] techniques do not require handseals, and are treated as their chosen element. However, they still cannot be used with [i]Affinity Moves[/i].

- Unlike the series, this Kinjutsu refers to demons and spirits in general, not Bijuu. While this spirit can be made freely, this spirit cannot be a tailed beast in any way or form. Expect an Auto-denial if you mention any form of Bijuu with this.[/quote]

[quote][b][u][anchor=Ab1]Aura Strike[/anchor] - [i]Kinjutsu Ability[/i][/b][/u]
The elemental energy that suffuses a Jinchuuriki lends itself strongly to their every movement, colouring how they attack. This energy can be channeled into attacks that other ninja would have to perform at close range with their own bodies. Using their physical techniques this way gives the Jinchuuriki an edge that can be deadly.

[b]Prerequisites:[/b] Jinchuuriki

[b]Effect:[/b] All actions the user would take with [i]Melee Accuracy[/i] instead use [i]Ninjutsu Accuracy[/i]. Attacks changed this way are treated as the user's chosen element and recieve all buffs it would to damage, CP cost reduction, and accuracy. Transformed attacks also gain the benefits of the user's [i]Alignment[/i] when [i]Elemental Manifestation[/i] is active.

- Checks that normally would use [i]Melee Accuracy[/i] are also changed into Ninjutsu Checks instead.
- If the attack being used is a Ninjutsu [i](one of those which uses Melee Accuracy)[/i] of a different element than the user's chosen element, it still gains the buffs but does not gain the benefit of being cast without handseals.
- [i]Melee Taijutsu[/i] still gain the benefit of their weapon's augments, accuracy modifier, and damage modifier, as well as fringe benefits to their specific weapon type [i](such as Weapon Mastery)[/i]. However, any buffs to [i]Melee[/i] in general are ignored in favour of the new ones.
- Attacks transformed by this ability still count as melee contact.[/quote]

[quote][b][u][anchor=Ab2]Elemental Manifestation[/anchor] - [i]Kinjutsu Ability[/b][/u][/i]
The way to determine if you are fighting a Jinchuuriki is their capability to unleash their inner spirit's power, making clear their elemental energy and sheer strength in it. The further they sink into their spirit's power, the more adept they become at handling their element. However, there is a cost--maintaining that level of balance and control between their own power and their possessing spirit's takes a direct toll on their bodies.

[b]Prerequisites:[/b] Jinchuuriki
[b]Effect:[/b] The user gains three Stages of [i]Elemental Manifestation[/i] that they can access.  Each Stage is more powerful than the last but lasts for a shorter period of time during battle.  The effects of each Stage are cumulative.

[i]Stage 1 - Elemental Cloak[/i]: User generates an "elemental cloak" of chakra that surrounds their body.  The elemental cloak acts like a barrier that protects the user from the first (50 x Character Level) Non-Illusionary damage dealt to them.  The user's elemental cloak returns to it's maximum HP at the end of each round even if it was destroyed.
[i]Stage 2 - Partial Transformation[/i]: User's physical form partially transforms into that of their sealed spirit.  This grants a bonus of +2 Accuracy and Dodge and increases the damage of their chosen element by 10%.
[i]Stage 3 - Full Transformation[/i]: When the user casts Ninjutsu of their chosen element the CP cost is reduced to 0.

Stage 1 lasts for three rounds, Stage 2 for two rounds and Stage 3 for one round and the user must wait two rounds in between activations.

[b]Costs:[/b] 1 AP and 2% Maximum HP per stage activated
- Effects from other [i]Jinchuuriki[/i] jutsu which trigger a Stage of [i]Elemental Manifestation[/i] do not count as an activation of [i]Elemental Manifestation[/i].  If the user activates [i]Elemental Manifestation[/i] and another effect would trigger a Stage of [i]Elemental Manifestation[/i] then the duration of that effect is simply added to the remaining duration of the user's activation.
- [i]Elemental Manifestation[/i] is not a maintained effect.  It is triggered and lasts for the listed duration.
- [i]Elemental Manifestation - Stage 1[/i] does not prevent the user from attacking or moving.  It simply protects the user from damage.
- While in any stage of [i]Elemental Manifestation[/i], the user is considered to be of their chosen [i]Alignment[/i], and all attacks of their chosen element are also treated as such. This overrides other [i]Alignment[/i] effects the user has.
- All costs for [i]Elemental Manifestation[/i] are cumulative per stage; activating Stage 3 would take 3 AP and 6% Max HP.
- [i]Elemental Manifestation[/i] cannot be activated in any way if the user has a [i]Cursed Seal[/i], [i]Sage Mode[/i] or [i]Genetic Implant[/i] active. Likewise, the user cannot activate either while Elemental Manifestation is active. .[/quote]

[quote][b][u][anchor=B1]Daunt[/anchor] - [i]B-Rank Ninjutsu[/i][/b][/u]
The overwhelming power if a Jinchuuriki can be hard to oppose, and at no time harder than when they choose to levy it deliberately that way. A Jinchuuriki is capable of focusing their strength into a fear aura, blasting opponents in the area with it to rattle their senses. This tends to leave their enemies shaken and unfocused, rendering them much easier prey.

[b]Prerequisites:[/b] Jinchuuriki

[b]Rank 1:[/b] Affects one target at -4 Accuracy.  If hit the target is bound and cannot move.
[b]Mastered:[/b] Affects one target at -4 Accuracy.  If hit the target is bound cannot move or use chakra.

[i]Special Action - Terror Burst[/i]: At no additional AP cost the user may have [i]Daunt[/i] affect every participant in the battle for one full round at -5 Accuracy rather than the normal effects.  Using [i]Terror Burst[/i] requires one round in between uses and increases both the initial CP and maintain costs of [i]Daunt[/i] by 20%.

[b]Rank 1 Cost:[/b] 730 CP, 365 CP/rnd
[b]Mastered Cost:[/b] 910 CP, 455 CP/rnd

- Lasts up to 2 rounds or until broken.
- Daunt targets each participant's Genjutsu Save using the user's Ninjutsu Accuracy.  Each time a participant is targeted with [i]Daunt[/i] they gain +1 Genjutsu Save against subsequent uses of it.  This stacks indefinitely but cannot exceed caps.
- Does not effect those with the ability [i]Fearless[/i] or who are otherwise immune to fear effects.
- Targets have a 30% chance to escape per every 2 AP they attempt to use.
- The bind is broken if the user takes 10% of their max HP in damage in a single round or the victim is attacked (victim suffers -3 Dodge against the attack).
- Even if the user is not in any stage of [i]Elemental Manifestation[/i], this is considered the user's chosen [i]Alignment[/i]. The user gains +1 to their [i]Ninjutsu Accuracy[/i] against targets of the [i]Alignment[/i] theirs is strong to and -1 against targets their [i]Alignment[/i] is weak to.[/quote]

[quote][b][u][anchor=B2]Elemental Shockwave[/anchor] - [i]B-Rank Ninjutsu[/i][/b][/u]
The simplest expression of a Jinchuuriki's elemental powers is a simple blast of energy. Washing over the battlefield and smashing through opponents, it nonetheless can contain a subtle trick that opponents can be surprised to discover. If they think they are capable of hiding or disguising themselves to escape the wrath of a Jinchuuriki, the Jinchuuriki can simply reply 'not today' and hit them with this.

[b]Prerequisites:[/b] Jinchuuriki

[b]Rank 1:[/b] Deals 1600 damage to two targets.
[b]Mastered:[/b] Deals 2000 damage to three targets.

[i]Special Action - Unmask:[/i] The user may sacrifice 10% of this jutsu's [i]base damage[/i] in order to deactivate any effects on the target that make it more difficult for the user to target them. [i](Including but not limited to all forms of Transformation, Clones, Inner Earth Reflection Lure, etc.)[/i] This effect requires a full hit to activate.

[b]Rank 1 Cost:[/b] 730 CP
[b]Mastered Cost:[/b] 910 CP

- This attack is always treated as the user's chosen element and [i]Alignment[/i], and always receives all relevant buffs based on both.
- [i]Unmask[/i] can only be used if the user has [i]Elemental Manifestation[/i] active. If the user is in Stage 1, they must make a [i]Ninjutsu Check[/i] at -2 in order for the effect to occur. If they are in Stage 2, the check is made at +0. If they are in Stage 3, the effect becomes automatic on a full hit.[/quote]

[quote][b][u][anchor=A1]Life Corrosion[/anchor] - [i]A-Rank Ninjutsu[/i][/b][/u]
For anyone who is not the Jinchuuriki, the chakra of their possessing spirit can be incredibly toxic. They are capable of taking advantage of this in combat, leveraging their power to corrode and warp their targets' bodies. Anyone who touches the Jinchuuriki or is touched by them while they are radiating this chakra will suffer from it harshly.

[b]Prerequisites:[/b] Jinchuuriki, A-Rank

[b]Rank 1:[/b] Deals 1% Max HP and CP damage to anyone coming in [i]Melee Contact[/i] with the user while this technique is active. Upon suffering this damage, the user makes a [i]Ninjutsu Check[/i] against the target. If the check succeeds, the target is afflicted with [i]Partial Corrosion[/i] for one full round.
[b]Mastered:[/b] Deals 1% Max HP and CP damage to anyone coming in [i]Melee Contact[/i] with the user while this technique is active. Upon suffering this damage, the user makes a [i]Ninjutsu Check[/i] against the target. If the check succeeds, the target is afflicted with [i]Corrosion[/i] for one full round.

[i]Special Action - Life Burn:[/i] For the cost of 3% of their Max HP/rnd, the user may have [i]Partial Corrosion[/i]/[i]Corrosion[/i] deal their damage for each of the victims' maintains as well. Damage is dealt at the beginning of the round. This may only affect up to three maintains per affected target, and must be stated when this jutsu is activated.

[b]Rank 1 Cost:[/b] 2200 CP, 1100 CP/rnd to maintain
[b]Mastered Cost:[/b] 2750 CP, 1275 CP/rnd to maintain

- Cannot be maintained for longer than three rounds, and requires a full round of cooldown between uses.
- [i]Partial Corrosion[/i] deals 1% Max HP and CP damage for every action the victim takes.
- [i]Corrosion[/i] deals 1% Max HP and CP damage for every 1 AP the victim uses.
- Targets cannot be affected by [i]Partial Corrosion[/i] or [i]Corrosion[/i] more than once at a time, nor have their timer of the drain reset, and gain +1 to their check against this technique each time they are affected after the first ([i]after the initial effect wears off)[/i].
- [i]Partial Corrosion[/i] and [i]Corrosion[/i] do not stack.
- Even if the user is not in any stage of [i]Elemental Manifestation[/i], this is considered the user's chosen Alignment. Max HP/CP loss is not altered based on it, however, the user gains +1 to their [i]Ninjutsu Check[/i] against targets of the [i]Alignment[/i] theirs is strong to and -1 against targets their [i]Alignment[/i] is weak to.[/quote]

[quote][b][u][anchor=S1]Vanishing World[/anchor] - [i]S-Rank Ninjutsu[/i][/b][/u]
The ultimate attack of any Jinchuuriki, and the combination of both their and their possessing spirit's power. The user channels an enormous amount of both elemental and their spirit's power, syncing up to allow their spirit to fire it in a devastating attack capable of piercing nearly any defense.

[b]Prerequisites:[/b] Jinchuuriki, S-Rank, All other Jinchuuriki techniques Mastered

[b]Mastered:[/b] Deals 7,200 base damage and the user must select [b]one[/b] Special Action;

[b]Special Actions:[/b]
- [i]Strafing Blast:[/i] Attack may target up to three separate targets automatically.  The first target selected is targeted at normal Accuracy, the second selected is targeted at -3 Accuracy and the third is targeted at -5 Accuracy.
- [i]Menacing Charge:[/i] User may spend extra time charging [i]Vanishing World[/i] which costs 3% of the user's Maximum CP each second (up to six seconds) and deals additional damage equal to half of the CP spent to charge the attack.  This extra damage cannot be increased by any effects but is still subject to Damage Reduction.
- [i]Local Devastation:[/i] Once cast the user automatically dispels any 'Arena' type effects.  [i]Vanishing World[/i] does not need to hit for this effect to occur; it transpires the moment that the jutsu is cast.
- [i]Sudden Cruelty:[/i] Causes the attack's timing to be modded as though it only cost 2 AP and prevents it from being Auto-Dodged.
- [i]Unstoppable Might:[/i] Dispels any physical or chakra binds currently affecting the user in addition to normal effects. May be used while bound.
- [i]Elemental Powerup:[/i] After the attack, the user is placed into [i]Elemental Manifestation - Stage 3[/i] for one full round.

[b]Cost:[/b] 4 AP and 4500 CP

- After completion, requires a three-round cooldown.
- This attack is always treated as the user's chosen element and [i]Alignment[/i], and receives all relevant bonuses and penalties based on both.
- This jutsu cannot be used with BL/CA/Contract [i]Special Moves[/i].
- 'Arena' effects are defined as any effect which requires a stat check to enter or leave.[/quote][/quote]

Current Ninpocho Time:
