Ninpocho Chronicles

Ninpocho Chronicles is a fantasy-ish setting storyline, set in an alternate universe World of Ninjas, where the Naruto and Boruto series take place. This means that none of the canon characters exists, or existed here.

Each ninja starts from the bottom and start their training as an Academy Student. From there they develop abilities akin to that of demigods as they grow in age and experience.

Along the way they gain new friends (or enemies), take on jobs and complete contracts and missions for their respective villages where their training and skill will be tested to their limits.

The sky is the limit as the blank page you see before you can be filled with countless of adventures with your character in the game.

This is Ninpocho Chronicles.

Current Ninpocho Time: Saturday, 15. Mar, 04:13:20

Just something to see x Mikasa

Izumi was slowly thinking over the thoughts of what his teacher had said towards him a couple of days ago... Make sure those eyes are checked... and Izumi started to make the motion of blah blah... He was a bit in an annoyed mood right now as he finally had kicked himself behind his rear to get towards an appointment. Outside the building, Izumi started to kick a bit of a dust before entering. He was unsure how to go on inside here as he hadn't been here all that much all together. Now that he thought about it... His last time was about 10 years ago when he had broken his wrist...
He looked through the waiting room and towards the desk where someone was taking in everyone. He stated who he was and didn't look her in the eye or anything.
Izumi was honestly feeling lost at this point and started to look the other side. He was told he had to wait till he was called... But the more he was standing still the more restless he became. He started to try to distract himself a little bit because he was feeling more and more anxious.
Slowly he started to look once more around in the waiting room... God knew how long it had been for him that he even had a regular check... Izumi started to rub his eyes and place his hands in his sweater after. His eyes scanned more and more from the surrounding and after he started to listen more than look. He rather not is in this place as they were speaking now, he was however really careful with what he was saying in this waiting room.
HIs hands were playing with the fluid he had gotten of that other doctor and all he carried with him was a handwritten note about what he knew they had done with the eyes, the prescription they had given him with the eyes.

[Topic for Tsukasa Mikasa]
Casually the medical sennin strolls through the corridors, occasionally entering the temporary living quarters for a few patients to ensure their overall comfort and happiness; as joyous as one could get while recovering. Fortunately the task of providing a giddy sensation was the empathetic's specialty, a massive amount of her chakra often circles the enclosure to spread vibrant warmth and this being the main difference between Lady Yomi and Tsukasa Mikasa. Between the academy lessons, rounds, the daily chakra expenditure on the emotional barrier, and tutoring the upcoming medics in training, the maidens crows feet become a bit more difficult to guise.

Rounding the bend her azure gaze settles against Izumi, the potentially mute individual she came across not to distant in the past. Unsure of the amount of individuals in the hospital able to comprehend signing, the sennin lessens the distance between them to crouch before the lad, "Fancy seeing you here once more." she comments briskly, "What brings you to the Konohagakure Byoin?" the kunoichi inquires in a delicate tone, eying the note clutched within the hands of the ANBU in training operative. Perhaps the reasoning to the visit had been the youth had been injured in the confrontation with Ziren?

Never the least the sennin stands at her full height, five feet and four inches, far from impressive. Gesturing for the shinobi to trail after, Mikasa heads towards the nearest vacant examination room. Prior to entering, her digits toy around with a switch to illuminate a light above the mantle of the door, ensuring the pair wouldn't be bothered by having one mistakenly entering. "What am I able to do for you today?" she questions, realizing she hadn't made a proper introduction in their last encounter. Rectifying her mistakes, the sennin outstretches her hand, "My apologies, I am Tsukasa Mikasa, Medical Sennin of the Konohagakure Medical Corporation."
The young teen wasn't paying that much attention to anything around and slowly started to fiddle more and more with the objects he had in his sweater. He looked at her in the eyes, his own troubled milky ones met up with hers for a moment before he looked to the side. He would slowly nod on to her and sign a moment later. 'I wanted to have an appointment... A... check up on something. He signed and would after that play with his fingers as he was rather unsure of this.

He was glad when they were going towards a different room then here... and he was more than glad that this was at least a familiar face showing around. Once they were in the room Izumi soon would take a look and unconsciously shiver a little and grab his own wrist. that was till she offered a hand and he gently took it. "I-zumi." he tried to speak out his name as best as he was able. Being an academy student and still trying to learn to speak properly was a bit of a hard thing to do. After that, he would swallow for a moment and tilt his head a little sideways. Instead of speaking he resorted towards signing again.
I have trouble with my new eyes. He signed a bit hesitant at first. I was sent here by Anbu Yukio. He only said and would then take out the things from his pockets. 'This is what I was supposed to take, this is what the doctor did.' He signed after placing it down. 'I have trouble looking colors and my eyes itch after long-term use...' he said honestly.
Tilting her head curiously, the medical sennin listens to the youth attempt to communicate verbally; in that moment did her assessment of the lad being mute dismiss itself. A warm grin appears upon her features, "Izumi-kun? A check up it is then." Mikasa murmurs in a tender tone, watching closely as the ANBU operative begins to sign once more, unsurprisingly the mention of Yukio sending Izumi. In recent months this was becoming a more common theme between the pair, although she would never turn away a patient. The terminology of 'new eyes' stroke a cord, this wasn't the initial encounter with rogue eye transplanting nor the last; of this she were sure.

Prior to the kunoichi investigating the supposed medicine, Mikasa lessens the distance between them to gaze into the milky orbs of the new recruit, "Tell me, who did the transplant? If you are unable, can you confirm if it was a medical nin?" she inquires. The previous stint revealed a lack of knowledge on the subject, having Yukio placed under severe strain and taking numerous weeks to ease his pain; hopefully not the same unknown individual. Delicately she lifts the container upwards to examine against the light, translucent liquid and a frown appears upon her features.

Twisting the container about, her tundra orbs narrow upon the cap. Flipping the 'prescription' about, Mikasa's index finger awaits for the droplets to rain down upon her flesh and once done so would her digit press against her lower lip. After a brief taste she would shake her head, nothing - a pure gamble on her part. A wisp escapes the lips of the medical nin, "Izumi-kun, this is nothing more than mere water." she comments, settling beside the youngster, "Will you allow me to take a closer inspection of your eyes?"
Once more he nodded on his name as he softly muttered hers to memorize it and also learn it to speak a bit more. He was following her and did as what was told.

Izumi was listening towards her and would look at her, his eyes shifting as he looked from one eye into another. He would slowly nod. "Doctor Langhoff..." He said softly and then would slowly tilt his head a little. "He has a medical degree, yet... Illegal place.." He said softly at the end and looked away as he had told that. He knew very well in what kind of trouble he had brought himself right now. "I am unsure if this is his real name... all I found it it was.." He confessed and would start to play a bit with his fingers after he had given his 'medicine'.

He was watching her every movement, from bringing the liquid on her finger till the tasting... BUt what the answer was, was something even he hadn't seen coming... His lips parted in a surprise and his eyes widen up. "W-water?" He muttered soft and was honestly bummed about to hear that. A frown was quickly placed on his forehead and a set of worried eyes. He started to rub his eyes a time and looking sideways towards her. "P-please do..." Were his words after as he was slowly swallowing. "I... Want to know if the eyes are alright.." most important because these were his eyes now...
The mentioning of a surgeon labeled as 'Doctor Langhoff' didn't bode well on her conscious. In the rear of her mind, Mikasa wonders if this is the very same individual that Hyuuga Yukio received his own Byukugan upgrade from; a topic the medical sennin would have to discuss at a later point in time. Ruffling the hair of the young operative, Mikasa leans forward to stare closely into the milky optics of the young shinobi. Shaking her eyes the same exact situation occured with Yukio, difficulty in color perspective and fatigue after significant use.

Maneuvering about the kunoichi begins to rummage through a set of tools to produce a pocket Ophthalmoscope. Truthfully Mikasa didn't expect to take notice of anything out of the ordinary, outside of potential scarring as her former patient revealed. Motioning for Izumi to follow the kunoichi, she opens the door, "We will be going to a different room. There is better equipment for me to access your eyes." she murmurs in a kind tone, "Not to worry, I've treated this before." the older woman assures the youngster. Fortunately the pair wouldn't have to walk very far, no further inquires would be aimed at Izumi regarding Doctor Langhoff; this particular subject would be spoken with to Takeshi-san.

Entering the examination room, Mikasa utilizes her index and middle finger to politely point to a chair with a device hanging from the ceiling with a series of microscopes. Once the lad would settle in the chair, would the maiden reach upwards to lower the device, three main lenses would begin to rotate about and allow the medical sennin to observe at a much closer level to discover any potential required mending. "If you don't mind, try not to blink." she murmurs faintly, a wisp escapes the maidens lips.​
While watching every single movement of her... Yet the words she had told him... were words he wouldn't have believed if it had come from someone else... He swallowed for a moment and had a worried frown soon upon his forehead. It was a devastating fact to learn that the liquid the younger male had been placing in his eyes was just mere water, nothing special or anything about them... Moments after he had been asked if it was alright if there was a closer inspection of his eyes on which the boy had been replied with a yes almost in an instant.

He had not a single clue what had been going on in this ladies head right now, but all he could say it wasn't something he should have been proud of. He followed her movement when he saw something being grabbed out an arrangement of tools. For him it was an unknown thing, having it on a small stick... A small device on top of it... It let the young man giggle on that thing as he had any idea's on what it could be, but had no idea what it was actually for. He began to follow her once more towards a different room. "So... Will... I be alright?" He asked once he heard she had been treating this before, his speech was still troubled but slowly bit by bit a little more clear. It also made him worried about that other person. "Is... the other person alright? was it the same?" Many questions were suddenly getting out of his mouth right now.

Inside this new room, he started to look around before looking towards the chair which she had been pointing towards. "Ah..." He replied softly and started to move towards the chair... It sat comfy for him... but he couldn't help but look first into every direction as curiosity had taken a hold of him. He was closely paying attention to the lenses and would tilt his head a little. "okay... " Was his only reply as he sat and stayed silent, trying to blink as less as possible for her. But he couldn't help but feel his heart racing inside his chest, what was going to happen? what would she do..? Many many questions were filling his head and only she would be able to provide answers if he asked them.
Mikasa swiftly realized the mistake in her phrasing, "Yukio-san underwent a similar situation and I treated him as well. He appears to be doing very well and has been for a significant amount of time." the medical sennin assures the young ANBU operative. Cycling through the three various zooms, the kunoichi falters to silence, concentrating on gathering as much information as one could get from an inspection. After a prolonged bout of said silence, she clears her throat to address the situation at hand, "It would appear your doctor didn't do an ideal transplant. The cause your lack of normal color observation and irritation is due to corneal transplant being rejected by your own body. Not uncommon." she murmurs.

Raising the device upwards, the platinum mane sennin stares directly against Izumi, wishing to be truthful as one could be, given the circumstances, "We can use similar medication in hopes of decreasing the rejection of the tissue or we will have to begin with another approach. The other being an entirely new transplant, which I would oversee." Mikasa explains in a gentle tone, extending her digits outwards to glide through the auburn locks of the lads. Ruffling the fluffy texture about she attempts to cause the young man a sense ease.

Ultimately the choice he took was Izumi's and his alone; Hyuuga Yukio turned out quite well from her previous administration, however she didn't wish to disclose too much more information than necessary of a previous patient. Settling into the rolling swivel stool, the medical kunoichi patiently awaits for the lad to determine his course. There were moments in ones life where the choice had to be made on their own, but the risk of the medication not aiding was as high as another potential transplant failure. Despite being of the medical profession, Mikasa often finds the transplant avenue one of a darker path.​
Izumi was honestly trying his best not to blink too much for the other. He was however surprised to hear that it was Yukio who had this also... He had many questions, but he would only shake his head that those questions could wait or even stay away.
It had grown silent for a moment or two, but feeling for him like a huge time, hours even. It was that moment that she started to talk, placing the machine away that he started to move and set a bit more upright. "So... the operation I had right now... wasn't a success at all?" He asked softly, feeling rather stupid that he had done it this way now. He looked downwards for a moment and would look upwards after she had gone through his hairs which were an unknown form of touching for him and he was only confused at that part. "uhm..." He only reaction to the ruffling and went with his own hand through his hairs too. "So.. uhm, miss? What would you say that is the best option in this scenario... I mean... I thought I had done everything right, tracked the man back to who he was, where he had gotten his medical degree and everything, but it still wasn't a success from my side." He looked to her with a worried expression on his face, his hands folding in front of him.
So many questions, scenario's and options were running through his head... but he was more then afraid what would happen if none would go right... he would lose his vision, then he couldn't do the job he was dreaming about... All the scenarios were turning worse in his mind and if the other would call him out, say anything... he wouldn't react at first but a moment later snapping out of his own mind. "What... about... Yukio? Won't he have a solution? He had this before..?"

/ Requesting Yukio Hyuuga depending on Mikasa :)
Mikasa had become far too close to Hyuuga Yukio, their relationship intertwined far more than the medical sennin would want others to know; at least for the time being. Shaking her head, the maidens palm rests upon the shoulder of the young ANBU operative, "Do not fret, I have similar medication for you to utilize. The very same that aided your ANBU Captain." Mikasa replies in a sincere tone, doing her utmost to ease the tension in the air. Lovingly the fingers tips of her ungloved hand caress against the cheek of Izumi, "You did nothing wrong, it is not uncommon for this take place. Wait one moment." the kunoichi continues in a soothing vocal, projecting her emotional barrier outwards; producing a soothing sensation for all who would enter the patients room.

Swiveling about, Mikasa heads to a cabinet and casually places her hand upon the cool metallic frame. Teal chakra veils her hand, allowing for access. Several vile's and various medications could be observed, although the most important was a single labeled with 'HY'. With the utmost care, the sennin retrieves the liquid, presenting it towards Izumi. Upon observation, one would be able to take notice of the peculiar translucent liquid and the odd teal hue that spirals about, "Place two drops a day for a week. This is what your captain used for his Byukugan transplant, should work for you as well. This will mend the rejected tissue and you should be able to notice results within the next few days. I only ask you return for a check up to ensure nothing is going amiss."

In the worst case scenario, another operation would have to ensue, but for the moment this should be sufficient. Tilting her head to the side, Mikasa waits for any additional comments or concerns.​
Many, many things were roaming in his mind, many questions like what now, what else, what could be done differently. Scenario's like losing his eyes, what if the medicine didn't work, what if the operation wouldn't work. What would Yukio do and say? Would he be expelled... Many worries were getting towards the male who started to have a less and less happy face as those thoughts were roaming around.
He looked up when she spoke again, letting their eyes meet and at the caressing, he wasn't sure how to react. His eyes went towards the corners to look at the wrist as he couldn't see the hand. Slowly he would give a soft nod... It was working what she did... He did seem to ease at least a little bit more down then before... He started to play less with his hands now and slowly even lay then down on his lap. His back which he kept tense was now at least relaxed... But he still held his shoulder straight backward. It was working...

He followed her with his eyes which he rubbed a time again, he listed towards the instructions that were given. "Aha..." He said and would repeat to make sure he had gotten it right. "Two drops each eye on a single day." He would nod slowly and look towards the medicine he had gotten now... At least he was now sure this was from a professional medical. "So... If I were to be back next week... there should be a positive sign... yes?" He would ask that and not much more... If he had the answer to his question he would stand up and offering her a hand. "Thank you a lot, Mikasa..." He said with a voice that sounded less scared or nervous even. If there wasn't much discussed then he would thank her again for her time and promise he would take the medicine and make the appointment over a week again if she was fine with that.
After that, he would take his leave.

[Topic left unless stopped.]
The auburn messy hair lad was swift to depart, seemingly grateful enough for the medication; however in the developing shinobi's predicament who wouldn't? Gingerly the left hand of the maiden raises and waves gently, "Of course, you can place your faith within me." Mikasa whispers in a tender tone, grasping a hold of the extended hand prior to viewing the ANBU operative dispersing into the corridors of the Konoha Byoin. Collecting her thoughts, the Sennin makes a mental note that additional batches would have to be concocted, the task extremely difficult to replicate. A wisp escapes into the open air as the woman adjusting the crimson bow upon the top of her attire, "Similar cases, potentially I have located the very same that harmed Yukio initially." her thoughts revolve around memories of an early encounter.

Raising to her feet, Mikasa crosses the room to flick off the ambient lights, longing to take a reprieve in the shroud of darkness. Pressing forward the door closes silently behind, only the faint clacking of her footwear pressing against the shimmering hospital tile the only sound the kunoichi produces. At the current rate, she would tire herself out once more and the need to ensure her medical-nin in training capable a new priority. It was high time to send for Suyashi to return from Kumogakure and urge Miyako's progress forward.

Fumbling about her pockets, a pen is extracted with a notepad, jotting down a potential letter to the Minamoto child to make haste with his mission. There had yet to been word on the mission she sent him out upon and thinning her patience in the trust she placed in the information of Tatsuo. Shaking her head, Mikasa passes by her office without entering, moving onto the next room to begin having a conversation with another.

[OOC: Topic Left]​

Current Ninpocho Time: Saturday, 15. Mar, 04:13:20
