Ninpocho Chronicles

Ninpocho Chronicles is a fantasy-ish setting storyline, set in an alternate universe World of Ninjas, where the Naruto and Boruto series take place. This means that none of the canon characters exists, or existed here.

Each ninja starts from the bottom and start their training as an Academy Student. From there they develop abilities akin to that of demigods as they grow in age and experience.

Along the way they gain new friends (or enemies), take on jobs and complete contracts and missions for their respective villages where their training and skill will be tested to their limits.

The sky is the limit as the blank page you see before you can be filled with countless of adventures with your character in the game.

This is Ninpocho Chronicles.

Current Ninpocho Time:

Just Visiting [open req: Akuma Kira]

Apr 16, 2015
OOC Rank
It was a lovely day out, but clouds brewed in the west. It kinda felt like a storm might come, but that was something Akumi would look forward to. A sunny day every day was boring, she liked the rain or snow. With the cold weather, it just might snow instead. In her birth village, it just might be snowing right now, who knew.

Akumi entered the Hospital and walked up to the check-in desk. "If Akuma Kira is not busy, I would like to see him." Akumi stated. The short girl was tall enough to see over the nurse's desk at least, she was still 5'3'', maybe 5'4''. One inch didn't matter in this world of giants anyways. Her new body was taller, she might use it more often to other people just because she probably would get more respect for her taller self. She did not bring her extra body with her, instead, she left him at home. Doing paperwork. It was a good training exercise she guessed, soon she would be able to do this with even thinking about it. She had the Konoha headband on her head once again, showing that she had her tittle back, but she had much more than that now.

The nurse told akumi that he was about done today, so she'd have to wait a little bit. So Akumi nodded, then she went into the Staff lounge. She wasn't staff, but this was out of sight from the patients at least. She didn't want to get in the way, standing out in the hall, so going into the lounge was a much better choice, plus they had a vending machine and a couch in there. Which the first thing she would go for was food.

After getting a wrapped pastry from the Machine, Akumi sat on the couch, well since she was to only one in there she leaned on the arm of the couch and put her legs up, she picked out a magazine and started reading it as she waited. Her Pastry was already being eaten as well, probably before she even got comfortable on the couch. In her other body she was working, now she knew what tama went through, though he used clones, clones were a bit different than having a whole other body you control at the same exact time.

[Topic created]
[req Akuma Kira]
It was a rather busy day, nothing serious at least but a lot of operations and surgeries for people around the village. Not many came in injured from missions today it would appear, near the end of his shift he was paged on his headset by the nurse at the check-in desk, informing him that he had a visitor waiting for him; asking for him by name. Thinking of all the people that would want to see him, not many came up that wouldn't just be able to come up to him in the hospital. "Thank you." was all he said to the nurse before finishing up with his shift. He then would head to the staff lounge, where he had a guess at who it was.

Entering the staff lounge Akuma would see laying on the couch the familiar face of the short woman in green and black, with the rippled green dojutsu but there was one noticeable difference, she had a headband on. "Hello Akumi, this is quite the surprise." He said with a smile as he went over and washed his hands because of just finishing his shift. Saying as he washed, "I see you reclaimed your spot in the village." which was a good sign for him and his promise to help her should she need it. Walking back over to the couch as he stood drying off his hands, "What can I do for you?"

[topic entered]
Akumi didn't have to wait long, by the time Kira got there, she was already done with her snack and read at least three article, she mostly was looking at the pictures in the magazine. When he came in, Akumi looked up and then stood, placing the magazine back down. "Heya, I wanted to tell you I was able to successfully gain a path to the hospital." Akumi stated, no reason to beat around the bush. It did take a few weeks, but she was able to do it. "It wasn't a body that was too badly damaged, it just needed a few wounds healed." Akumi stated, she then put her hands on her hips. "Ig it wasn't for you I'd still be clueless on how to go through any of that."

"I did reclaim my spot in the village, I still have a lot of work to do." Akumi commented, she then sat back down, she wanted to boast about her promotion, but she still had to prove herself in order to keep the new title. If she lost, then she would lose her title, no point in spreading the news beforehand. Sometimes bad news outweighed the good, so it was better to allow others to find out on their own. "So how has your day been?" Akumi asked, she did need to reach out and create new friends, given her new position. Before she left the village she had distanced herself too far, the only people she was close to was baba and her brother. Coming back she could see how that could affect her new position.
Shocked to say the least, it was not often someone came to visit him, or even thank him for his help; not lying to himself Akuma could actually get used to the idea of having a friend. Lone wolves where after all just wolves who go off to die, more or less. Listening to Akumi, happy to not only see the fact of her rank but hearing that she got it back made him quite thrilled for her, but then she suddenly stopped, sat back down on the couch. Then simply asked how his day was.

He was not the smartest of the bunch but Akuma could at least tell that she was holding back, due to shyness or fear he didn't know that much. Akuma, did not want to push to far or hard, especially if he was trying to come out of this with a possible friend. But anyone who knew Akuma would know that he was often reckless and didn't follow what his brain often said, sitting down beside Akumi. "What's wrong?" He bluntly asked not as a doctor but as a friend; pushing aside the topic on how his rather boring, yet busy day went. Unknowingly but obviously showing the truest part of his nature that he cared more for others than ever himself; especially if it was a person of the Leaf.

Depending on how this went, he may have to take her out to get a drink as his mind filled with the worse possible situations. Thinking it was always best to assume the worst, then the only outcomes where, exactly what you hypothesized or, a positive by comparison. Should he tell her about Reoku and how he nearly killed hundreds of people, would that help ease whatever is troubling her?

[MFT - 297]
Akumi blinked, she was curious about how his day went, surely it wasn't all bedpans and iv's. Though she didn't get to the doctors much so she only had to base her knowledge on, books, tv, and what others say. So she didn't know the true ins and outs of the life of a mednin working in the hospital. He didn't answer her and instead asked her what was wrong, at that she raised her hands and shook her head. "Nothing! In fact, things are better than they ever have been." She stated then nodded. It was true, things were great.

But you know that saying... Don't count your chickens before they hatch. Akumi said with a shrug, "If you wish, I can tell you whats up after I complete my next mission." she offered. She didn't want to dodge a question, but she just wanted to wait. As a ninja, being too open usually lead to your own downfall. It was something that could wait till she told him, or someone else told him, OR he found out on his own. She wasn't keeping a secret, she just was limiting who she told, she couldn't limit who knew. Any fight between branch leaders would come out as soon as it happens, peace made this kind of news spread like wildfire. She hadn't told anyone yet what her mission was, but when the battle starts, everyone and their mother would find out.

Akumi looked at the door, she kinda expected another nurse or doctor to come in. This was the staff lounge, after all, she wasn't sure how much mednin's and hospital staff actually used this room, they were usually too busy to use it, and most probably left the hospital as soon as they could. She knew that's what she would do, long hours, the first thing she would want to do is go home or go eat out.

Akumi looked back at Kira, who had taken a seat next to her. "But anyways, anything interesting happen today?" Akumi questioned. She was curious, plus she thought it would be rude of her to only talk about herself. It was tempting, but she just couldn't spill all the beans. "Are you done with your shift now?" She continued to ask, she wanted to make sure she wasn't interrupting his work. That would be a shame, she didn't want to be a bother after all.

"Then that is good, and if that would be imposition then I would like to know." He said calmly, it was good that nothing seemed to be wrong. Whatever this mission was, those where usually top secret so he left it alone after hearing about that part. He still to the moment didn't realize that it was quite in here and they where alone in the staff lounge. "Not really, a few scheduled operations, and my check ups. It's been quite for a bit, it was really hectic after Reoku blew up a good chunk of the village. I'm sure you've noticed the reconstruction." He laughed, "Just like his old man at that age, couldn't hold back at all." Although he laughed, he still felt guilty and responsible, he should have been here to stop that foolish child of his.

Looking up at the clock, "Yeah, I finished up before coming here. I can leave whenever now, recently I've actually been going to this ramen spot then the hot springs. It actually relaxes these old bones of mine!" Akuma said as a joke, he didn't look to old, no older than mid twenties at most. But being honest he was quite a bit older, his healing factor keeping him younger longer than most.
Akumi nodded to him, she knew that he wanted to know, but it was information she wasn't going to give up so soon. It was kinda fun to keep a secret, but she needed to work on how she told people she didn't want to tell. Though he mentioned Reoku, and that he was the cause of the damage. Not only that, he was his son. Akumi blinked, "Oh I thought it was just drastic remodeling." Akumi commented, he talked about as if it was nothing, so she reacted the same way. It was kinda sad, but the past was the past after all. "You don't look that old, though I guess I assumed you were much younger." Akumi said with a grin. She was bad at guessing ages, it didn't help he had quite a bit of scars.

"Did you mention the ramen place as a hint you want to go and eat there, now?" Akumi asked bluntly, she could go for some food, maybe after she was done eating she could go and enjoy the hot springs, that would be after they parted ways, of course, Tama might have a heart attack if she invited a guy into the hot springs with her. It might actually be a funny prank to pull on him, she snickered at the thought of it. "Though you shouldn't say that you're old, once you can't fight anymore without hurting your back, then you will be old." Akumi stated in a joking manor.
He laughed, rubbing the back on his head. "Awe, well thank you." He said as she mentioned he didn't look to old. "To be honest, I've had enough time to grow up, and raise a boy. But he was in his twenties before he took off." Going to show how old he was actually. Being easily in his forties or fifties, good thing he didn't look it after all. "And I still don't know much about people, goes to show you eh?" He didn't want to say any more about what his adoptive son did to the village, he had said enough and that painted a clear picture on why he felt the way he felt towards Reoku. Reoku put the village in danger and it's people; the one thing that gave Akuma meaning in life beyond being a blood thirsty animal.

Hearing Akumi ask bluntly about the ramen, he thought if she was hungry at all. "I was going one way or another. Did you want to join me?" Akuma asked figuring it was the polite and friendly thing to do. "If I couldn't fight, that is when I'd be dead. Broken back, torn ligaments are never going to stop me from fighting." The thoughts about fighting started to get Akuma's blood to boil. Thankfully he did fight the Queen of Battle several months ago now probably, but that itch was starting.

Current Ninpocho Time:
