It was a lovely day out, but clouds brewed in the west. It kinda felt like a storm might come, but that was something Akumi would look forward to. A sunny day every day was boring, she liked the rain or snow. With the cold weather, it just might snow instead. In her birth village, it just might be snowing right now, who knew.
Akumi entered the Hospital and walked up to the check-in desk. "If Akuma Kira is not busy, I would like to see him." Akumi stated. The short girl was tall enough to see over the nurse's desk at least, she was still 5'3'', maybe 5'4''. One inch didn't matter in this world of giants anyways. Her new body was taller, she might use it more often to other people just because she probably would get more respect for her taller self. She did not bring her extra body with her, instead, she left him at home. Doing paperwork. It was a good training exercise she guessed, soon she would be able to do this with even thinking about it. She had the Konoha headband on her head once again, showing that she had her tittle back, but she had much more than that now.
The nurse told akumi that he was about done today, so she'd have to wait a little bit. So Akumi nodded, then she went into the Staff lounge. She wasn't staff, but this was out of sight from the patients at least. She didn't want to get in the way, standing out in the hall, so going into the lounge was a much better choice, plus they had a vending machine and a couch in there. Which the first thing she would go for was food.
After getting a wrapped pastry from the Machine, Akumi sat on the couch, well since she was to only one in there she leaned on the arm of the couch and put her legs up, she picked out a magazine and started reading it as she waited. Her Pastry was already being eaten as well, probably before she even got comfortable on the couch. In her other body she was working, now she knew what tama went through, though he used clones, clones were a bit different than having a whole other body you control at the same exact time.
[Topic created]
[req Akuma Kira]
Akumi entered the Hospital and walked up to the check-in desk. "If Akuma Kira is not busy, I would like to see him." Akumi stated. The short girl was tall enough to see over the nurse's desk at least, she was still 5'3'', maybe 5'4''. One inch didn't matter in this world of giants anyways. Her new body was taller, she might use it more often to other people just because she probably would get more respect for her taller self. She did not bring her extra body with her, instead, she left him at home. Doing paperwork. It was a good training exercise she guessed, soon she would be able to do this with even thinking about it. She had the Konoha headband on her head once again, showing that she had her tittle back, but she had much more than that now.
The nurse told akumi that he was about done today, so she'd have to wait a little bit. So Akumi nodded, then she went into the Staff lounge. She wasn't staff, but this was out of sight from the patients at least. She didn't want to get in the way, standing out in the hall, so going into the lounge was a much better choice, plus they had a vending machine and a couch in there. Which the first thing she would go for was food.
After getting a wrapped pastry from the Machine, Akumi sat on the couch, well since she was to only one in there she leaned on the arm of the couch and put her legs up, she picked out a magazine and started reading it as she waited. Her Pastry was already being eaten as well, probably before she even got comfortable on the couch. In her other body she was working, now she knew what tama went through, though he used clones, clones were a bit different than having a whole other body you control at the same exact time.
[Topic created]
[req Akuma Kira]