Ninpocho Chronicles

Ninpocho Chronicles is a fantasy-ish setting storyline, set in an alternate universe World of Ninjas, where the Naruto and Boruto series take place. This means that none of the canon characters exists, or existed here.

Each ninja starts from the bottom and start their training as an Academy Student. From there they develop abilities akin to that of demigods as they grow in age and experience.

Along the way they gain new friends (or enemies), take on jobs and complete contracts and missions for their respective villages where their training and skill will be tested to their limits.

The sky is the limit as the blank page you see before you can be filled with countless of adventures with your character in the game.

This is Ninpocho Chronicles.

Current Ninpocho Time:

K' Gaiden [Information Log]

***I was asked not to put things in quote boxes and spoilers so that all could read the information no matter what device they were on.***

Mission/Event Name: K’ Gaiden
Mission/Event Rank: S+
Description: The shinobi forces lead by Konoha have cornered the Daimyo on the outskirts of the Great World Tree and are hopeful for what should be an assured victory. What they don’t know however is that the Daimyo has more than a few cards up his sleeve. With little to no concrete information on the just what exactly the Great World Tree is, the Hokage leads the offensive strike against a foe with nothing to lose.
Participants: Umashiashikabihikoji (Nidaime Hokage) / Yukata Oyochi (Head Jounin) / Hakuren (Academy Student) / Shinobu (Chunnin) / Tamashii (ANBU Captain) / Yuu Kenshin (Jounin) / Etsuko (Med-nin) / Takai (Med-nin) / Sara (MiT) / Kasamatsu Yukari (ANBU) / Asari Rei (ANBU) / Uchiha Sora (Academy Student)
Note(s): 1) There will be no damage/healing buff or debuff cap for this mission.
2) Though this is an S+ ranked mission -ALL- are invited to join who are Konoha/Stone shinobi, nukes or passersby.
3) For every participant there will be a base element buff/debuff dice rolled. The first die cast will determine if there is a buff or a debuff given and the second die will determine what element is affected (including Medical and ANBU).
Duration: Nov, 29, 2016 ~

Black Op's ID/Pass-phrase:
***All of those listed below are initially considered to be part of the Beta Team.***
Aut cum scuto aut in scuto. (Either with shield or on shield.)
Tamashii (ANBU Captain) = Z9001A
Kasamatsu Yukari (ANBU) = Y9002A
Asari Rei (ANBU) = X9003A

::Main Branch::
Vincit qui se vincit. (He conquers who conquers himself.)
Yukata Oyochi (Head Jounin) = ZZ00AA
Yuu Kenshin (Jounin) = YY00BB
Shinobu (Chunnin) = XX00CC
Hakuren (Academy Student) = WW00DD
Uchiha Sora (Academy Student) = VV00EE
Xiangtian Xiao (Jounin) = UU00FF
Ha (Jounin) = TT00GG

Non ducor, duco. (I am not led, I lead.)
Etsuko (Med-nin) = 9Z00A1
Takai (Med-nin) = 9Y00B1
Sara (MiT) = 9X00C1

Oderint dum metuant. (Let them hate so long as they fear.)
Umashiashikabihikoji (Nidaime Hokage) = 1A009Z

Area Elemental Buff/Debuff:
11 Participants equals 11 random buffs/debuffs of 5%*
1) Debuff = Wind
2) Debuff = ANBU
3) Buff = NE
4) Buff = ANBU
5) Buff = NE
6) Buff = Med
7) Debuff = Fire
8) Buff = ANBU
9) Buff = Water
10) Buff = Water
11) Debuff = ANBU

Total Area Buffs/Debuffs
Lightning = 0%
Earth = 0%
Fire = -5%
Wind = -5%
Water = +10%
HeartNon-Elemental = +10%
ANBU = 0%
Medic = +5%

Name: Neito
Alias: X
Rank: Jounin
BL/CA/Kin: Uchiha x Byakugan Transplant
Black Op’s ID/Pass-phrase: 00OP00 / Aut viam inveniam aut faciam. (I will either find a way or make one.)
Black Op’s Team: Alpha (Leader)
Notable(s): Exceptionally proficient the Kinesis and Gravity elements, Neito is a shinobi of the highest caliber despite being considered quite young for all of his accomplishments. Going only by the alias, X, Neito is capable of fully serving as an army of one due to his battle prowess and his mastery of the Tajū Kage Bunshin no Jutsu technique.​


Name: ???
Alias: Hulk
Rank: Medic-nin
BL/CA/Kin: Akimichi x Abomination
Black Op’s ID/Pass-phrase: 5M005H / Frango! (Smash!)
Black Op’s Team: Gamma (Leader)
Notable(s): Although an accomplished medical professional, the man known as “Hulk” has an affinity to going berserk in battles while channeling the Radiation element. It is due to his berserk nature that he is rarely partnered with anyone in missions and even more so why he chooses to live apart from the rest of Konohagakure and keep his true identity a secret.​

Current Ninpocho Time:
