Ninpocho Chronicles

Ninpocho Chronicles is a fantasy-ish setting storyline, set in an alternate universe World of Ninjas, where the Naruto and Boruto series take place. This means that none of the canon characters exists, or existed here.

Each ninja starts from the bottom and start their training as an Academy Student. From there they develop abilities akin to that of demigods as they grow in age and experience.

Along the way they gain new friends (or enemies), take on jobs and complete contracts and missions for their respective villages where their training and skill will be tested to their limits.

The sky is the limit as the blank page you see before you can be filled with countless of adventures with your character in the game.

This is Ninpocho Chronicles.

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:

Kaenception [Private]


Well-Known Member
Oct 14, 2012
Gamabunta's tongue stretched into the hospital placing Kaen on a stretcher Yuuto prepared. He bowed to the Toad general and waved as he disappeared heading back to his domain. Yuuto rolled Kaen to the receptionist first informing them to let Kagetsu Yuii and a small group of experienced medical aides to come to Conference room #9 that they would outfit to detain the "criminal" while giving him medical treatment. The Sonic King would stand over Kaen, one to be a guard for the other medics here who were taking over for his aide. Two, he would answer any questions the injured shinobi would have until Yuii got there to take over. He would also do his very best to refrain from activating his Sharingan and using them in an attempt to make the fire addled sunan talk. He would continue to stand silently in a corner resting his eyes until something else popped off.

[Short post is short]
[Kaen is now in the Conference Room attached to a stretcher being helped medically by a group of medics. Yuuto is standing guard as the only combat medic and Medical Chief over the procedure. He's also taking a break to let his chakra replenish since he administered heavy first aide on site]


Active Member
Jan 17, 2014
OOC Rank
Re: Who Burnt the Toast? [Interrogation ; Kagetsu Yuii]

Kaen picked himself of the pearlescent white floor, he had never come to this part of his mind before... Everything he could see in the 25 by 25 room was white, all except for him. A brilliantly blinding light standing in the opposite corner from him stood the being that started it all. Not so much a physical being as he was a pure living essence of fire. He didn't move from the spot as he was trapped, bound to Kaen's body through Shiori's ritual. Through him Kaen was granted the boon of battle from the Lord of Battle himself. No being had such a blood lust craving for battle than he. "Wake up you fool, while you sleep they learn your secrets. Did you not hear any of the words my sister commanded?! If I am to spend eternity here, the least you could do is make yourself useful and listen to your instinctual urges. That and not make a complete fool of yourself by LOSING to some weak meat sack! Now... WAKE UP!" A blinding light overtook Kaen and then blackness overtook his vision.

He could hear people moving around him, touching, prodding and poking him. But that wasn't the most of his concerns, no. The immense pain he was in was enough to make any grown man cry. But even his tear ducts had been burned shut and damaged. He tried to talk but his lungs were completely scorched, even simple breathing was excruciating. His eyes were still closed, but he could hear a machine or two. Miscellaneous beeps and buzzes led him to believe he was in some sort of medical facility. He had an in with another familiar medical facility back in Suna and visited often. He sister Kasen had studied under the tutelage of a medical man named Akujin some time ago, these noises were all to familiar. For now Kaen would keep his eyes closed and his mouth shut, if he remembered correctly, he had don't quite a number on that arena and that man. Things might have gotten a little out of hand, but in that moment he really couldn't help himself. The residents of cloud were sure to be upset, even more so its leaders and shinobi. He would wait and access his surroundings while the medics continued their work on him.

[OOC topic entered, MFT]

Kagetsu Yuii

Active Member
Oct 23, 2012
Kaenception [Interrogation ; Kagetsu Yuii, Kaji]

The day was over and the sun was long gone before Yuii finally was able to attend to Kaen.

The emotionally exhausted Main Branch Sennin had allowed the still as of yet unnamed medical shinobi to detain Kaen but no time had been set for her arrival. She hoped he wasn't expected her to get to interrogating the damaged Sand shinobi in any timely manner. There were procedures to be met, statements to be collected and documents to be signed before one could just go stripping the consciousness of another shinobi. Strictly speaking, Suna was not their ally, not like Konoha was growing to be, but they did not want to poke the sleeping sandworm without due cause either.

After begrudgingly leaving Kaji to the care of the hospital, she had begun to set things in motion. Armed with Kaji's version of events which fell in line with the scraps of information presented to her and the evidence of the field, The library was Yuii's first stop. There was no reason to skin a cat if one already had fur, as they said. But after several hours, Yuii and a small army of librarians found nothing on Mother Suna or its connection to what Kaji had sworn to be Jashinism. She brushed up on the basics of the later just to be safe.

Next was her own office and the reports of any shinobi known to have travelled to Suna recently. Unfortunately, there were few, and unless she wanted to delve into the restricted information of the Anbu, a matter she had no time for, Yuii found Kaen's interrogation would be inevitable.

Ayumu proved the most difficult to convince, but an hour of talking herself raw about the dangers of letting Sunan cultists go unchecked earned a begrudged vote in favour. On the condition, Yuii took all fallout if the process proved unnecessary, of course.

Finally, there were personal matters as well. Bloody clothing was neither comfortable nor visually appealing. She stunk of sweat and burned flesh. Sunuke expected her home tonight and Yuii hadn't eaten since breakfast. All that and more needed to be looked after. There needed to be no distractions in her world before Yuii could fully commit to the puzzle of Kaen.

She would never admit it but Yuii had been relieved when the dire nature of the situation had been seen by all. She had seen Ayumu waiver and when she mentioned Kaji's involvement and they both knew what he hadn't asked. If her drive to pull secret's from Kaen was fueled by her clandestine lovers near defeat. There had been some worry that her growing possessiveness towards Kaji was manipulating her feelings on the matter too, but as all facts aligned she was reassured. This was the right action, regardless of her own selfishness.

In fact, as Yuii went through each step, she felt right in her decision to deal with Kaen herself. If Yuii had allowed it, the medical-nin could have extracted every ounce of information from the red-haired man, ripping his body and mind apart in such a vicious way that every scrap of it was known to be his absolute truth. They would know what Mother Suna was, what had driven the calm Suna-nin to attack civilians, even the details of his village; there was no doubt over his skill. The difficulty was, there would be damage. The usual extraction techniques always caused extensive harm to the victim, even with a healer on hand, that told tales like tree rings to those who knew where to look. That was only acceptable if they were alright with Sunagakure knowing they had ripped apart the mind of one of their own with only mild provocation. They were not.

That was where Yuii came in.

The blue haired ghost walker's methods would not need a mednin or barbaric physical torture to get what she wanted. Her approach was unique, something only true masters of genjutsu could accomplish and done perfectly would leave no scar or sign for Sunagakure to find offence with. The echoes remaining would only be the smallest of imprints, like a bad dream on anaesthetic or a bumped head. Even if they were detected, if she was careful they would be nearly impossible to decern unless someone knew exactly what to look for.

"You're certain you want to take part in this?" Yuii asked Kaji again, dodging the answer again of what 'this' would be.

Her anxious voice echoed off the near empty hallway of the Aesculapium and blended with their footfalls.This part of the building hadn't been ordered empty explicitly, but with no patients, there were no nurses. With its fluoro lights, pale green paint and sanitised tiles it was creepy in appearance; horrifying through her eyes. It was the perfect place to hold a foe of the nation with little to no notification though. Yuii commended the Toad Medic's good sense.

It felt devoid of life enough that she had wrapped her arm protectively around Kaji's hip in the guise of helping. Attentively, she peered at him as they made the slow walk. Less than a day of rest had not magically cured him of his injuries. He still smelled burnt and looked like death warmed over so much so that several nurses had offered to help them as they'd moved through the hospital. It was impressive he was even on his feet, much less on route to an assumed torture. Yuii wished more than ever that she had fought to convince him to stay in bed. It was her own fault for going back to tell him that she was cleared to extract information from Kaen. Yuii just hadn't realised how insistent he would be.

They rarely spoke of work, a symptom perhaps of knowing that growing emotions aside they swore allegiance to different villages, but Yuii's aversion to Genjutsu was more than that. As they reached the doorway to the surgical ward Kaen lay bound in, she was so nervous one could have mistaken Yuii for the one about to be interrogated. "It isn't that I don't want you with me. I just don't want you to look at me any differently," The plea was punctuated with a final kiss before they entered conference room nine.

Kaen had been strapped prone to s stretcher. His body still bore the wounds of the earlier day but he was stable and healing; a great mercy after his crimes. "Sorry to have made you wait. There was a lot more bureaucratic nonsense than I expected," she said addressed Yuuto, eyes picking over Kaen to comprehend his fascinating state. "Is he sedated? Awake? Have you asked any questions?"

[Entered - Sorry for the wait]

Okada Kaji

Active Member
Apr 6, 2014
OOC Rank
There wasn’t a hint of doubt in Kaji’s mind when Yuii asked if he was sure about taking part in the interrogation. He was culpable for the circumstance that led to this: this was his conflict before he had inadvertently dragged her into it. Kaji would not dare ask her to commit to an act if he wasn’t brave enough to do it himself, especially something so despicable as interrogation. But in the name of truth, and the safety of the realm from denizens of the lower planes like Kaen’s Harbinger, Kaji had to see this through, and could with Yuii's Genjutsu prowess.

Kaji knew about the shinobi ways of interrogation and torture: as a young Anbu apprentice my years ago, Kaji served as a Stone Hunter. Kaji and his squadmates were often privy to his master, Redacted's gruesome strategies for extracting information, usually by breaking wills through breaking bodies. Redacted had profound skill in the art of torture and did it so often— on witnesses, suspects and even their victims— that teenage Kaji wondered if he took enjoyment in it all. But now, here in the present, Kaji had quite a disdain for the ethical line his former master often crossed for information. It was merely a matter of fact that the genjutsu option was more humane, and the information often proved to be more reliable than the desperate lies forced out of the subject’s desire to make the pain end.

“I insist” Kaji answered as he limped beside Yuii down a long hospital hall. The Hunter was still worse for wear. He suffered a slight impairment to his motor skills while his newly restored muscle fibers and nerve endings were being worn in. There was a crutch under his left side where most of the damage had been done, and Kaji’s sleeve was rolled back, allowing his reptilian, scaly arm to breath. It was surely a painful challenge, but empathy and warmhearted aid from Yuii doubled his courage to join her for the interrogation. As they arrived outside of Kaen’s suite, she gave him a final warning of sorts, explaining that their genjutsu process might reveal a side to her that Kaji couldn’t imagine. But the following kiss from her, placed between his lips and cheek offset his concern like a hypnotizing wheel. “It's a rare privilege to be a shinobi without having to get your hands dirty sometimes, Blue,” he answered. “I’ll understand.” He then raised a hand and pat her on the back, rubbing between her shoulder blades, attempting to ease her rising tensions.

A day was hardly enough time to heal, but Kaji and Yuii were on an unforgiving schedule and had to attempt the interrogation before potentially losing their access to Kaen. Once Mother Suna’s Vassal was healed enough, he’d be sent to the dank prison cells commanded by the ANBU. There, he’d probably be broken again physically, stripped of his secrets, and never seen again if they were as dark as Kaji suspected. The duo of Yuii and Kaji were fortunate that Yuuto had been standing guard, or else the ANBU might have come sooner to whisk him away, or the gods forbid that the Harvesters got their grubby paws on Kaen first. He’d most likely be pronounced dead on the spot, strangled or euthanized, and stripped for parts like a junked wagon.

Once Yuii's exchange with Yuuto was complete, Kaji also gave him a nod as they entered the room. “Thank you for all your assistance, Yuuto. W-we’ll take it from here... Why don’t you get some rest for a few hours?” Meanwhile, Yuii consorted with the medics still analyzing Kaen, who had apparently sedated him well. The many clerics included Sara, who was the only one to remain while the others ushered out of the room. Entering after the exchange, Kaji took note of the girl, as well as the methodical setup which strapped Kaen down. Kaji was well acquainted with the young medic, who had arisen in the cleric ranks quickly despite her youth. The more he saw the girl, the more she began to resemble her mother. All this time, seeing her forced somber faces from Kaji as he often remembered that fateful night when young Sara met the world. It was also the night where the Hyuuga clan in Konoha met its end. “A-are you sure you’re staying for this?” Of all the medics to leave, they all saw Sara as the right choice to remain behind, or perhaps she volunteered.

- Kaji has entered the thread.
- Requesting Yaku Sara.


Active Member
May 24, 2015
Re: Who Burnt the Toast? [Interrogation ; Kagetsu Yuii]

Her eyes wide and ever watchful, the young girl of Stone and Leaf laid in wait. She provided little assistance as the medics of Lightning did what they already had, aiding very little beyond. Her job here wasn't to help, but to watch. And even just that took a lot of finagling. Eventually they succumbed, more as respect towards a brighter future with Leaf. Her intention here was to make sure Leaf, and Stone for that matter, didn't come to blame for any wrong doing most of all. But her secondary reason for being here was respect for an unknown entity that was the Wind. She wasn't sure of much about Sunagakure, but it would play best to not burn any bridges. She wanted to make sure this man was treated with some civility, for she did have a small problem with those that mistreated innocence. And it seemed she was the only one that held the view that Kaen was innocent.

Sara stuck to her corner, her gaze deep and longing. It might truly have been a mistake to allow her to watch, as she saw things on a level that others wouldn't. That was one of the good things about being an unknown. Expectations were never set high enough, and secrecy was of an important aspect to her among strangers. She looked up as Kaji spoke, for once a smile wouldn't appear on her face, at least one that wasn't full. She managed a half one though, then scratched her head and responded, "Of course, of course. It's good to always have another ally in the room." She half wondered if anyone picked up her meaning. Though there was no anger in her voice, more of a good to see your up and around then anything echo to it. Though the meaning of her words were aimed at another.

Sara was already deeply entrenched in the bodies of those in the room. When she was finally allowed access, she quickly calmed down, seeing the man strapped to the stretcher alive and..well...well for his case. The young girl didn't question the manners of current of how they treated him. The man from Sunagakure was obviously slightly unhinged. She had very little knowledge about his land, him, or his abilities; Jashinism as she heard Kaji put it. Though it was most certainly an interesting skill, an ability to pass on injuries to another. She could see how that could be a deterring case to fight against. It seemed luck was on Kaji's side though, as he dealt with it perfectly. She could see how attacking ones self could be used against an enemy in a last ditch effor, but obviously it wasn't flawless. Great weaknesses now apparent upon secondary inspection, and combined with a lack of always working, attacking full out appeared to be the best remedy against it. He was much more skillful then she ever knew.


Well-Known Member
Oct 14, 2012
Re: Who Burnt the Toast? [Interrogation ; Kagetsu Yuii]

Yuuto's mind was wandering, focused on clearing out all the needless noise. He was focusing on Danny Ceaser's hit song, Get You, singing the lyrics in his mind as he silently stood in the corner. It wasn't before long that his silence would be interrupted by the noise of those who had tasked themselves over Kaen. His eyes opened slowly revealing his regular Sharingan was active once more. It wasn't in an attempt to impress or intimidate anyone, it was simply to check them and attempt to reveal any hidden veils they might have had their chakra working on. All three of his ruby eyes fell on the Main branch sennin who trailed in very late with her lover behind her. He wasn't very happy about that since the nature of her tardiness could have been consoling a man who had a medic to attend to him or whatever lovey-dovey thing they had going on. In a way this reminded him of Shima Haruka and Isaki Hoshikata. Foolishness.

Hopefully her reason for being late is be a good one, Yuuto thought to himself.

"Sorry to have made you wait. There was a lot more bureaucratic nonsense than I expected" , Yuii said not really gleaning into what she meant which only irritated Yuuto more, but he wouldn't let it show. He'd keep his stale face on barely wincing or cutting her a sarcastic look. "Is he sedated? Awake? Have you asked any questions?" was her next set of questions, to which he'd reply back to calmly and respectfully. "He is slightly responding, but other than his body moving when we touch, he's been very quiet and steady. His eyes closed the entire time, he hasn't moved much. His burns and skin damage is honestly the worst of it, we've been working since I got him here to restore his lungs, and throat canal back into working order. It honestly depends on his will at this point, Jutsu healing can only do so much, and if the patient is rejecting it, no amount of healing can really help. No, I haven't asked him any questions either, you asked me not to interrogate him." Yuuto would have done it in a painless way with his genjutsu, simply giving him and Kaen time to talk. He was expert at his craft, and was slightly insulted when told he couldn't proceed with handling the situation, but it wasn't his place to disobey.

Then her pup spoke up, while he was the one who had originally helped Kaji get to his bae, he did not expect them to be so late to handle a serious matter. Although they could have been giving people time to rest, he still thought it was important to at least confirm the transportation of the patient.

Thank you for all your assistance, Yuuto. W-we’ll take it from here... Why don’t you get some rest for a few hours?”

Yuuto would stare at Kaji slightly cocking his head to the side, because he was honestly about to tell Kaji to do the same. He'd simply leave Kaji with one line, "I'm pretty sure that I'm a shinobi of this village." he didn't utter his sentence with snark, it was much of the same calm tone he spoke to Yuii in. It was more so about respect of others work space and environment. The Leaf village may have been getting a bit too comfortable. In the back of his mind he saw this could easily be another situation, like before, however it was better not to be on guard right now, it was better to simply keep a calm demeanor and only show your feelings where it mattered. The most anyone would probably gauge is that Yuuto viewed Kaji's directive as a bit disrespectful, beyond that he was pretty alright with the situation outwardly. Inside he just worried about the underlying tones of everyone's intentions. Regardless he'd begin heading out the door not wanting to be stuck in a little room with way too many personalities.

"I want three of you to come with me, we have other patients we have to worry about. Two of you stay here and assist the Sennin with anything she needs for this unless it breaks morals you're not cool with. The rest of you can return to your normal stations (There were seven other members of the Medical Division)," After giving his squadron some orders of their next job stations, he'd head to the triage unit to take care of injured residents from the events.

[Topic Left Unless Stopped]


Active Member
Jan 17, 2014
OOC Rank
Re: Who Burnt the Toast? [Interrogation ; Kagetsu Yuii]

Everything was quite for a long time, a few hours maybe. Aside from the scuttling about of the nurses and medical nin that were working tirelessly on his body, everything else was silent. By the time others began to arrive in the room his lungs had been restored to at least some remnant of functionality. Breathing was manageable without great pain, just slight discomfort not unlike that of a person inhaling a cigarette for the first time. After the taxing hours of pain a familiar voice entered. She demanded to know his status, was I awake, have I started talking , etc. Still Kaen remained still, he was in foreign lands and couldn't trust anyone. We don't need to bring up what he did again... He was sure he was in trouble and that this wasn't a friendly house call. He knew he knew the woman's voice from somewhere, but he couldn't quite pin it down. He would need to see her face, but opening eyes would reveal his guise of unconsciousness.

Not a second later did a very well known voice insert itself into the flow, Kaji of the Leaf... What an amazing feat of strength to still be conscious after all that. And to be up and around, walking talking... holy hell. And he says he will take it from here?! This guy has some balls, that or he is half god or something. If it wasn't for these medics, Kaen would have been unconscious for days and then barely survive while his wounds healed. And that's best case scenario. Another female voice chimed in, this one he did not know. Then another male voice, the one that was ushered out with the rest of the nursing staff. Kaen didn't even realize he was in here... So now all that remained was Kaji, his familiar companion, the enigmatic second female and a fake sleeping Kaen. What to do, what to do...

Kagetsu Yuii

Active Member
Oct 23, 2012
Yuii turned and stared unblinkingly at the elder Mednin, gauging the weight of his evenly spoken words. It was true, he was a shinobi of Kumogakure but Yuii was Sennin. The equation was simple from there; she knew Kaji; she did not know the medical ninja, therefore, the former had her trust over the later. Kaji knew and had asked for Sara, thus under the new medical treaty, she was permitted to sit in. She hoped the toad summoner was not offended. "Thank-you again. Rest well," she echoed after Kaji to turn what had been a kind sentiment into an equally kind dismissal. They would address any consequences of her actions in the future.

"I would like him sedated enough that he sleeps but would wake up with enough pain. Nymphaea works if you have it. Two extra small oral doses as well," Yuii ordered the two remaining cloud medics. The sedative was not common, but it was the one she remembered from her training. One whisked off to do her bidding while the other hovered without assignment, forgotten as the Sennin's focus narrowed to preparation.

Knowing that his strength would be faltering, Yuii retrieved the chair the toad rider had been occupying and dragged it over next to Kaen's bedside. With a concerned smile, she motioned for her charred lover to rest. "Sit. Let me see your hand," she insisted, retrieving ink and a tiny brush from her belt pouch and taking a knee at his feet. With care, she painted a swirling pattern and surrounded it in with nearly illegible bird scratch kanji for 'dream' and 'connect'. It looked like a child's design to the unaware, but to Sara's Hyuuga sight chakra drew to and filled Kaji's hand. On the second hand, she wrote the same but as a mirrored image.

After Kaji, Yuii placed the same symbols on her own hands and those of the still bound Kaen. By the time she was finished, the nurse had long returned and at her nod had sedated Kaen to sleep. Yuii signalled for them both to leave, and though she could tell neither were happy to return to their normal duties there were no verbal complaints.

Once it was just the four of them, and Kaen was safetly asleep, Yuii relaxed for the first time since they'd entered the room. "You're going to have to forgive me, Little Leaf. I'm afraid you have the most boring job today," she explained in the sing-song voice that Kaji would be most used to. She formed a dozen careful seals, that somehow did not smudge her hands, and called a round glass mirror into being. The mirror hovered, then dropped into Yuii's waiting grasp. "What we will be doing is entering our prisoner's subconscious in hopes of getting the answers we want. This mirror will give you a window to watch the process, and, should we need it we will be able to signal you to wake him up. You will need to stab him- your choice where so long as he lives," she explained to the young girl, hoping Kaji's trust in her was not misplaced. It was difficult to take a child no older than her own useless student seriously "It may be... graphic. I cannot account for what we'll find in his head but just try and remember it's all just a dream." She offered up to mirror to be taken, then moved on the the final step.

Yuii retrieved the two little paper cups the medics had fetched for her and brought one to Kaji. As she held it out for her barely concious lover to take, the blue eyes woman wondered if he even needed the weak sedative to sleep. After such a long day, a pillow would probably work as well any drug. A shame she couldn't convince him to rest, but under different circumstances she probably would have fought harder.

Drinking back her own cup, which tasted like dried flowers, Yuii had just long enough to retrieve a chair of her own, adjust Kaen so that his stretcher sat at knee height and make sure Kaji took both her and Kaen's hands so that the seals aligned properly before exhaustion set in.


You know that sensation of falling you get just as you fall asleep, and you jerk back to consciousness? That was the sensation Kaen would feel when he woke suddenly under a canopy of green on an inexplicably clear afternoon day. Yuii had brought them back to the first day they had met in the forest, but this time there was no obligations to drag her away by the afternoon and nothing hunted them from the tree lines.

They had settled in a long grassed meadow to eat lunch and let the little albino fawn have her fill of sweet grass. Food had made them all lethergic though, and the little deer had fallen asleep nestled against the pyro's body. Kaji was there was well, resting in the grass near by. As far as either of them could remember, he was joined their walk from the beginning and had been a friendly companion through the morning.They had lapsed into story telling instead of travel, Yuii taking the lead on telling a story about an obscure northern village of Lightning that no one could remember the details of.

"I think you fell asleep? Was my story that boring?" Yuii asked, absent mindedly twirling a leaf she had plucked from her aqua locks, "maybe its your turn to tell a story? Tell us about Wind country?"

Okada Kaji

Active Member
Apr 6, 2014
OOC Rank
Kaji could have mistaken Kaen for a complete stranger if he had to rely upon sight to identify him now. The patient laying in the hospital bed was a far cry away from the fiery opponent Kaji met the day before; instead, Kaen was charred by a menagerie of third-degree burns and gift-wrapped in gauze bandages. While Yuii discussed the particulars of the planned procedure with Sara, Kaji quietly drifted around them, and hovered over Kaen, internally battling with a sense of sympathy for what had become of him. Kaji wondered, “Where is your Mother Suna now,” Kaen did not fight like a novice, that much Kaji knew; and the thought caused him consider how often Kaen awoke in seas of white linen, newly-reassembled by medics this way. The young, bed-ridden man didn't seem like he should have ever been capable of the things he committed the day before; such acts of fury and maliciousness. Too often, the ways of shinobi produced fanatics like Kaen, who resorted to self-destructive behavior with the aim of achieving some fleeting sense of nirvana; in his case, failure at the cusp of victory.

“What kind of blessing is this?” Kaji asked Kaen his question at a personal volume as he leaned forward onto his crutch and placed a thumb against the bound shinobi’s eyebrow. Kaji pulled it upwards, just slightly enough to part Kaen’s eyelid and see his eye staring dead ahead, or drifting about in his eye-socket, or whatever unconscious eyes did. Kaji wasn’t entirely convinced that Kaen was still blacked out, but that wouldn’t matter at all once Yuii's requested dosage of Nymphaea was administered.

At Yuii's request, Kaji sank into his seat, gave her his hand so that she could draw crooked glyphs, and complied with anything else she might have asked of him. Kaji had used genjutsu to extract information from his targets in the past, though his technique usually involved the Hidden Stone’s famous Petrification illusion. However, the last time Kaji attempted to extract information from a suspect, a lethally cursed silence seal beheaded his target in an explosive fashion. Kaji shuddered as he considered what kind of surprises lay in waiting within the ruined mind. But Kaji didn’t think of those grim possibilities for long though, as he observed the rest of Yuii’s preparations: from the creation of the dream mirror to the doses of elixir she prepared for them both. They downed the liquid like shots back at the bar, and Yuii joined hands with Kaji, and he with the subdued Kaen, for a séance-like formation.

The sleep-inducing drug first caused a heaviness which overtook him entirely, as if gravity had doubled, then tripled, and so forth. The pale paint-schemes, beeps of the E.K.G., and scent of burned flesh fell away from perception in an instant. The peaceful darkness of slumber was to be treasured for the moment it lasted. However, it faded out almost as soon as he was surely asleep, transitioning to a sudden rush of wilderness, which filled Kaji’s senses.

Kaji Okada was laying on his side at the top of a grassy hillock as if he was about to spread himself out for a nap. The bite of winter’s chill was a comforting change, and the scents of nature felt too real that he took long, deep breaths. The illusion was incredible, so much that even Kaji’s wardrobe was accurate for such an outing, and he was an aberration to this memory. He was coated in earth-toned garments and had a biscuit in his hand, which he nibbled on quietly. “These two seem chummy” he noticed, as it seemed as if Yuii had, in fact, met Kaen before, and this was indeed a memory they shared.

Yuii had taken the lead, and was spinning the yarn, sharing a tale with both of her new friends— Kaji listened eagerly, almost buying the illusion himself as he watched her with eyes turning dreamy and soft. She was rightfully focused on Kaen, encouraging him to share his story next, and like a proper illusionist’s assistant, Kaji assisted her grift: “indeed Kaen, this must be quite different from what you’re used to… what’s your homeland like, friend?”



Active Member
May 24, 2015
The young girl let the world move before her without interference. She agreed with the Medic that left, keeping up with his words rightly so. And what was more surprising is how he took it willingly. That is a lot of respect to show towards a superior, from a different outfit. She would have jumped in if it weren't for her considering herself the medic stationed with the charge of these two. She didn't need to create waves to get herself thrown out.

Things were starting to get underway, and Sara was watching closely everything that was happening. She was tempted to have just walked over to the body on the table and hold his nose and mouth. She knew he was able to hear them, or at least conscious on some level. She took note of Kaji's dismay over him, seeming to dish out insults that she took more as a anger towards a precieved possibility that he would have been where Kaen was, or at least in the same condition. She laughed on the inside, surprised by his behavior, and of the idea that Kaen was possibly aware of what was being said, and the vengeance that might be rebuke from it. Of course, that would end quickly as Yuii planed to make sure he wouldn't awaken for what she had in store for him next.

Sara wasn't one for advanced use of genjutsu. Though this was certainly on a level more towards her knowledge. Fuuinjutsu seals were placed onto Kaji's hands and with that she could see chakra swell up and localize itself onto those spots. She wasn't exactly sure what was going to happen but once she started to place them on herself and then it became obvious it was needed to join in the genjutsu world. She expected her hands would be next but to no avail. She was going to keep being the observer it seemed. There was a slight look of dismay as she spoke. More so since she could tell she was being treated as a second class shinobi, with the hint of belittlement.

Sara took the orb and set it down on the table near where a chair was, letting it thump as hard as she could not giving it an ounce of safety or concern over it. She was given her duty and Sara looked at the orb, placing her hand atop, "You got it. I will try to avoid the any squishy parts or veins." She listened to her words of caution but was unsure of what the depth of it's meaning. She decided to focus on the idea of what could happen while Yuii and Kaji drank there tonics. Then it hit her, "Wait, what is the signal going to be?" To late...they were in la la land. She looked over to the orb as it flickered to life and shown an image of the happenings from a 4th person type of point of view. It was creepy. " controlling the camera?"

A few seconds passed and she waved the thought of what the signal could be. 'Yuii did say it could get graphic. So the signal hopefully would be something obvious rather then a, oh shit they are in danger, type of signal.' Sara went over to the three and studied them in depth. She could see Yuii's chakra flow within both Kaji and Kaen, and the orb as well. It was slightly impressive, the amount and control over the chakra she was utilizing. And then to also project the wanted image that was within the genjutsu world. Yuii wasn't someone to take likely..

Sara wondered over to Kaji, wondering if she should take this time to try and heal him some. She noticed some odd lizard like apendage on him, his skin seeming scaly for some reason. She could tell it was grafted, horribly at that but still something amazing. She would have gone about it in a different manner, one that she had actually been researching quite extensively. She couldn't remember him being that badly injured, but maybe something happened in the short time he was away. If he would have asked, she would have willing helped him perhaps copy her methodology, but she really wasn't ready to reveal the wondrous findings she had come about with. There were possible side effects that could happen. At least she imagined. She decided against the idea, as her trying to heal him might cause a rejection of the limb. And she wasn't in the mood to have him come to, armless, or worse...

She walked over to Kaen now, removing some of the bandages that were over his wounds. She was searching for something. Something on his skin, and was pretty sure it was in this area. Sara heard a sound outside and jumped, then realized it was coming from the ball. She walked back over to it and picked it up, bring it to the table where Kaen was and watching for a moment...


Active Member
Jan 17, 2014
OOC Rank
The pace was quickening now as the familiar voice issued orders for a sedative, a round for everyone save the extra body in the room. He was still unsure of what exactly the plan was here, but a nap did kind of sound good right now, at least any escape from the monumental pain he was in. Trying his best to keep still, he could hear them moving around the room, a moment later Kaji's voice would whisper in his ear; “What kind of blessing is this?” He intended to be silent for the entirety, but then Kaji opened up his eyelid. What else was he gonna do when someone forces open your eye? In a raspy voice, still encumbered by the damage he had sustained, Kaen managed to whisper a response to Kaji. "A necessary one..." Whether or not it would surprise Kaji that he responded, nobody else could of heard it unless they were as close as Kaji was. Before Kaji could react to Kaen's sudden response, the familiar women came into view and ordered him to sit. It was her...

Kaen listed as she catered to Kaji, the tone in her voice expressed great compassion for the man. Perhaps they were old friends? It couldn't have been anything else right? Considering Kaen knew they were both from different villages, those kinds of long distance relationships were kind of strange and unheard of. In any case, she was preparing some sort of ritual as she was drawing strange symbols on everyone's hands. He somehow managed to resist bursting into laughter as the faint brush strokes tickled his palms. Though it was dumb and reckless, he wanted to catch a glimpse of her once more. He slowly opened his eyes to see her ordering the injection of the Nym-something she mentioned earlier. Satisfied with the look he stole, he quickly felt the drug take hold over his body and fell into a deep slumber.

The process was a little strange this time, Kaen found himself at the edge of a cliff. In front of him was a great expanse of ocean with no end in view. Behind him was a rock facing that slowly inched toward him relentlessly. Somehow he knew that it was drawing nearer and that once it did, he would be forced off the Cliffside to the briny depths below. But he was not afraid, something told him it was going to be ok. It was strange really, but then again he was just given a bunch of sleeping drugs, those things make you see all sorts of things. The wall was upon him now, shoving him over the edge. The cold crisp air flowed effortlessly past his face as he plummeted towards the icy sea below. Instead of feeling daggers in his skin from the impact upon the waves, he instead jerked awake to a scene of green. He would have said he felt like he had been here before, but under her genjutsu, this would have been the first time he was here.

""I think you fell asleep? Was my story that boring? Maybe its your turn to tell a story? Tell us about Wind country?" She playfully twirled a leaf in her hand as she made the suggestion. Looking down Kaen would see the little fawn fast asleep nestling deep into the warm embrace of his body. “Indeed Kaen, this must be quite different from what you’re used to… what’s your homeland like, friend?” Kaen perked up to the sound of Kaji's voice. A strange feeling pasted his mind but quickly left as the genjutsu's hold held fast. To him, Kaji was here all along, Kaen just happened to be a third wheel on this little forest walk. A shame too considering he took quite a liking to the woman with the blue locks. Kaen reached up and scratched the back of his head."Well.. Alright, perhaps one story before we hit the road again, at least let Pepper here sleep a while longer." To Kaen, the genjutsu told him that Kaji and Yuii were very close friends, so trust wasn't an issue.

"Lets see here..." Kaen started, unsure of what exactly to say. In truth he was a pretty boring person aside from his duties as a Sunan Anbu initiate. "Well my village isn't really all that different than the others. We have the same basic structure and branches. We all have our Kages, our medical corps and of course the Anbu branch. Actually..." Kaen paused a moment to retrieve something from his bag. After rummaging for a few seconds he pulled out a plain white mask. No adornments, no color, it was the sign of a rookie. "I'm actually a member of the Anbu in Suna. It's nothing special though, I'm just a rookie. That's actually part of the reason why I came to Cloud anyways. I'm due to rendezvous with a partner of mine tomorrow." That was a bit of information they didn't need to know, but hey, they were essentially his best friends right now. Everything seemed to be going well for the infiltrating duo, the question was how long exactly could the Cloud Sennin maintain such a complex genjutsu such as this before the vale began to deteriorate and awaken Kaen, or worse the spirit to the current on goings...

Kaen would continue with his tale, figuring they weren't that interested in his Anbu career. They would most likely wish to hear more about him and less about a dirty job that nobody really ever wants to do but is necessary. "Anyways... I'm not originally from Sunagakure though, I was born to a small village on the edge of the country. It wasn't the best of places to grow up, but my sister and I made due." Kaen's mind seemed to trail off in that moment, as if distracted by a faint memory of a distant past he could only wish to forget. This was where things began to change... For Kaen nothing was different, the fawn was still asleep, the birds were still chirping. But to Kaji and Yuii the scene would crumble around them utterly changing to something and somewhere different. They found themselves in what could be considered the center of town. The epicenter laid a old well, complete with a handle and bucket atop a roughly fashioned stone well. It was dark, what little light they had barely illuminated the street. it didn't really matter how well their vision was, it was all shit comparatively to that of the rich villages that was home to so many shinobi. This place was just one of those small towns in the middle of nowhere that had little to do with nothing. If the duo were so compelled, they might follow a faint noise down one of the side alleys.

Assuming they made their way down the dark alley, they would eventually come across a decrepit shack. Or at least that is what you COULD call it, in reality it was just a bunch of loose wood loosely bound by miscellaneous ropes and twine, hell even some mud in some places. Up until now the noise was barely audible, noises that couldn't really be made out until they got closer to the rundown shack. It was undeniable now, the noises. These were the noises of assorted grunts and moans, both female and male contributors. It was distracting of course, but something else may have caught the duo's eyes. A faint glimmer of color among the absolute void of black and grey. A glimpse of red could be seen inside a nearby box. A lightly audible whimper could be heard emanating from within. Should the pair investigate, they would be met with the visage of a young Kaen. The features were undeniable in resemblance to the pyro. The bottom of the box was lined with shoddy blankets save one kind-of nicer blanket that was meant to cover baby Kaen and keep him warm. His hands and feet were starting to turn a slight hue of blue from being exposed to the elements. But the poor guy had kicked them off, silly baby. But sadly this was just a memory and even should one of them wish to pick the blanket up and cover him, the memory would instantly correct itself and the blanket would again be removed from atop Kaen. A moment later the noises would have stopped. A shady looking man would hastily exit the shack with a woman following behind. The man was butting up his shirt while the woman was covered loosely with a blanket only. "Thanks... again... How much again?" The man was obviously nervous, perhaps worried about getting caught. "The same as usual, that was all pretty standard back there ha ha." The woman responded flirtatiously. Her voice sounded a little off though, perhaps under the influence of something. The man quickly forked over some loose paper money and hurried off towards Kaji and Yuii. If they remained in place the man would phase through them harmlessly, after all this was just a memory. Putting two and two together, the pair could figure out that this woman was none other than Kaen's mother. Perhaps if they didn't figure it out by then, they would know for sure when she walked over the box and withdrew Kaen. "Is my little baby Kaen hungry? I bet he is!" and with that she carried him away into the shack and closed the door.

Seemingly at that exact moment, the world reverted back to the previous scene on the grassy hill with Kaen finishing up a story, having no reaction to what just happened. "Anyways, it wasn't that great of a place, I cant recall all that much from before my sister Kasen was born. Would you like to hear about that?" It seemed his stories were coupled with a memory to view and watch, what better way to get information than a 4th person view straight from the horses mouth, right? For now Kaen was aiming to please, he didn't mind sharing these parts of his life with his friends. Perhaps they would find it all rather intriguing, maybe even become closer friends this way.

Kagetsu Yuii

Active Member
Oct 23, 2012
The illusion dream had taken hold with exceptional elegance. There had been a chance, however remote, that Kaen would reject the dream she had tailored for them to share. Equally unlikely, Kaji could have rejected the gentle push towards amenity between the two men. All was well as Kaji echoed her desire to hear about Kaen's homeland and their red-haired companion began to tell them of his village then lapsed back to his home of origin. He'd even admitted to being anbu which in Kumogakure was punished heavily within the corps and spoke generously for the strength of her suggestion of friendship.

Yuii still needed to continue to be vigilant, however, and avoid being lulled into a false sense of security. She held control of the dream world, kept their anchor point stable and made sure they slipped between dreams without betraying the genjutsu. Without her control, they would be at the mercy of the storm of each other's memories and emotions. Or worse.

Prompted by Kaen's story, the scenery changed from the green of the forest to the centre of a small town unlike any Yuii had ever been to. There was a moment of imbalance as she adjusted from being stretched on the grass to on her feet. It was dark, as one expected from a small village to be, and she squinted to try and make out the shapes of the well and its surrounding houses and Kaji. "These are memories pieced together though Kaen's subconscious recollection of a place as well as his perceived experiences. The brain is amazing and stores so much more than we realise," she explained quietly without prompt, offering Kaji a reassuring smile.

The dream prompted them towards a lightless alleyway with an indescribable and insatiable curiosity. They could only see what Kaen wanted them to see, so wandering off to explore was not an option. Yuii was unprepared for the scene they were brought to however, and the noises coming from the shack make her face burn. The disharmony of grunts and moans were unmistakeable in origin and reason. Along with the noise, the less than adequate shelter betrayed flashes of flesh in the darkness for those who had not meant to look. Yuii tried to find something else to focus on lest she turned the same colour of Kaen's hair.

Kaen's hair was exactly what she found, though the tiny dandelion of red was a far cry from the stylish mop the adult they knew wore. Adults forgotten, Yuii gravitated towards the crate bedded baby squirming in the cold and scowled over his condition. The trouble with 'interrogating' someone through this method was that it humanised them. Yuii had to remind herself as the tiny apparition of Kaen whimpered from the cold, and his mother finished selling her time, that they were there because of what that baby would do one day.

Yuii turned her attention to Kaji, and she searched his face and posture for any unease or distress."The hardest part about these dreams is accepting you can't change anything. Do you still want to continue now that you know the process? You can ask Sara to wake you?" Having Kaji there wasn't a hindrance, but Yuii couldn't help but worry about him. The dream world could be unsettling.

Kaen's mother and her customer parted ways, and it was almost a relief when she retrieved her son though she seemed off somehow. The dream changed back again, and Kaji might understand then why Yuii had picked a reclined position for their anchor world. It was nauseating, to say the least.

"You mentioned your sister before," Yuii answered in the same warm, dreamy voice that she had before the flashback scene. She retained just enough sympathy in her tone that would be expected of the friendship the dream said they had been building. It was not a difficult stretch, as Yuii herself felt much the same. Her own origins were complicated, but at least she could always remember having a warm place to sleep and a meal assured. "Are you close? I would love to hear about her."

Okada Kaji

Active Member
Apr 6, 2014
OOC Rank
And so the story goes that their logical ruse was a success, at least at first. Kaji almost felt a hint of regret for Kaen once their gentle prodding got him talking. His words depicted a novice shinobi, just barely getting his first real taste of the incredible world that awaited him beyond the sunan deserts. No wonder he wound up so far off the beaten path; seeking adventures and wild encounters with a thirst only novice adventurers felt. Kaji Okada did not believe in fate, this much was true, but what luck for a fresh adventurer like Kaen. And if there really was such a thing as fate, it soon dealt Kaen misfortune, as he’d find Kaji in combat in day’s time. Every bit of goodness within Kaji demanded to know how this lad came to worship the venerable Mother Suna, the cause of the bloodlust he displayed at the arena, and just how deep the rabbit hole ran.

Just as they planned, reality fell away, shifting and folding as sound and color came and went, folding and collapsing around them with a systematic precision. Even the lost calf turned to dust, void of flesh and real definition in the sudden transition. Everything moved with such perfect timing, dancing to the cadence of god’s fingers snapping. Reality gave way to the illusion and Kaji closed his eyes, reminding himself that he was still sitting bedside in a hospital room.

Once the world returned to a stable place and time, Kaji found himself standing upright again with no recollection of moving, or so it goes. Yuii was the only anchor to Kaji’s senses, and he fought the inclination to take her hand in his. Yuii was stalwart though, and called things for what they were; fragmented memories, mostly fabricated to what Kaen knew of the setting. While Yuii considered the depth of the human brain’s storage, Kaji was still asserting his attention to the time and place. “Yeah no kidding; it takes a keen eye to realize none of this is real… If not for the temporal looping, I’d be sold on thinking this is a real shanty town in the Land of Wind.” Kaji still wasn’t so sure, even though he was quick to realize how out of place things were. It seemed as if the only light and detail permissible to them led them towards the objective at hand. “That must be our checkpoint, over there,” Kaji said as the duo began a short walk to a shack at the center of the universe.

The proceedings there were unsavory, to say the least; at least they in this instance, with a child left alone on the doorstep. Naturally, Kaji was skulking about with Yuii, treading carefully towards the lone infant, which bathed in the candlelight that illuminated his fiery red mane. Kaji seemed unmoved by the instant, though he did find it to be unfortunate enough. Yuii, always sympathetic to a degree, mirrored her own uncomfortable feelings when she offered Kaji a way out if he so chose it, by insisting that he could signal Sara to wake him up. Could it be that simple, Kaji wondered. “As if I’d let you go through this alone— we’re in this together Blue, thick and thin.” In truth, Kaji was no stranger to traumatic experiences, and few shinobi of his caliber reach such a place without their fair share of them. However, something about Kaen almost made him wish he reconsidered… Keyword: almost.

But then their moment of banter besides the miniature Kaen was silenced as a dusty stranger with no defined features, just a shadowy, masculine figure strode out of the shack and left after a petty monetary exchange. It seemed as if the world’s oldest profession was in practice, and Kaji was without judgment, as he chose to see things as they were instead: as a matter of survival in a crude world. Once their business was done and the would-be suitor vanished, the surly mother wrapped the infant into her grasp and feigned speaking sweetly to him as she withdrew, back into her chamber. With a mere slam of the door, all reality became fragmented once more and shattered back to that grassy hillock where Kaji laid on his side. “Oh god,” Kaji lamented openly amid a sudden bout with nausea— but he caught himself, and took a hearty bite of his biscuit, which was whole again. “Oh god... this biscuit is sooooo good,” he said with the doughy stuff crammed in his mouth, attempting to force a shit-eating grin. He then gave an agreeing nod, indicating the desire to hear about this Kasen, wishing that things might prove a tad bit better for Kaen in his next memory. However, considering the first instance, Kaji really suspected otherwise.

Kaji looked to Yuii somewhat anxiously then, searching her fine features, expecting to find some measure of annoyance from almost blowing it. He wondered how difficult it was for Yuii to maintain this illusion, or if it was mostly a matter of will. It took true mastery of the mind, Kaji knew, leaving him that much more impressed with his fascinating blue flame. He knew to never get on her bad side. This was just a dream, and he cringed when thinking of how terrible a nightmare in this land of illusion could be.


Active Member
May 24, 2015
Sara looked down at the ball and it was hard to hear what was happening. She picked it up, and saw a baby with red hair and looked at Kaen, kinda thinking it might be him. Truly it was amazing, but she couldn't really hear much now. Before she was sure she heard something akin to screaming, and on the screen was a shake with movement able to be seen through, but now nothing could be heard. She held the ball up and started shaking it vigorously, "Where the hell is the volume control on this thing?" She tried to inspect it closer, and turn her arms on it half expecting it would work. "Maybe? I broke it when I dropped it back there? Ummm." She went back to shaking it and held it up to her ear. No matter what she did, it was hard to hear most of what was being said with clear clarity. Though it didn't seem like much was happening now, as the screen went back to a greenish scenery.

She placed the orb down and then continued to peel the plastic off of her would be present. She needed to know how it worked. She peeled more and more of it back, at first she was extremely careful, then a little rougher like a kid trying to unwrap a present. That was until she got to the point where skin started to come off with her peel and she patted it back. "Opps...err...Should be fine?" And she repealed it back. She finally got to the center of what she was looking for, exposing the seal that somehow increased Kaen's power several times over. What now though?

OOC: Kaen, if you could give me pm me where the seal on you is, and the design, would be appreciated!


Active Member
Jan 17, 2014
OOC Rank
The hold that Yuii had on this dream world that also had it's genjutsu claws deep in the mind of Kaen was impeccable, that was to be sure. The phasing from one scene to the next was seemingly flawless, the resolution and articulation was spectacular. So much so that Kaen was still completely unaware of what was going on, still assuming this was just a friendly outing with some dear friends of his, Kaji and Yuii.

After the scene returned to the grassy knoll everything smoothly picked up where they left off. Kaji was stuffing his face with biscuits and Yuii was inquiring more about his sister, Kasen. Kaji was right however, those biscuits did look good... "Kaji could you pass me a..." Before Kaen could finish his request, a small plate of biscuits magically appeared beside him. "Oh never mind, I have some right here." Kaen took a single biscuit and bit off half of it. It was warm and buttery, not at all dry like you mind find sitting on a shoddy restaurant table, all stale and hard. No, these genjutsu biscuits were amazing! But how did they magically appear simply by Kaen wishing for them? Was Yuii's grasp on this reality slipping? Or was she not the only one pulling the strings here...

"Are you close? I would love to hear about her." Yuii insisted on knowing more about Kasen. While it may have felt a bit odd for her to wish to know more about her in the real world, this was anything but. Her genjutsu told him that Yuii was a person to be trusted and that he could confide in her, and Kaji, what he had never told anyone else before. "Well it's rather a long story... But I suppose we do have time, I don't think he is expecting us anytime soon." Kaen's defenses were naturally down, as they were meant to be. He agreed to tell him another story, but who was this "He" that he spoke of?

Kaen dusted off his shirt free of the biscuit crumbs and set the other half of his treat down on the plate with the rest of the pieces of pastry. "Dear Kasen... Well she was special, to me at least. A few years after my conception my sister, Kasen, was born. It was unmistakable that she was of my kin, her skin tone, the same, her facial features, so very similar even her hair… yes the crimson hair is what would bind us together from that moment on. I knew I would have to be the one to help and care for her. To watch over her like a guardian angel to be sure that no harm ever came to her in any way shape or form, especially since our mother started acting strange. It started out relatively unnoticeable, given you weren’t looking for it. It started with brief moments of silence as she appeared to stare out into the distance or dark windows of storage buildings. This in itself was rather harmless, but as time went on, so too did the intensity of her illness." This time the scene didn't morph and contort to fit the description. Instead apparition would materialize in front of their eyes. Still, unmoving and lifeless. But still pretty to look at. A image of his mother holding a mini Kaen clone in her arms with a smaller two year old version of Kaen at her feet looking expectantly upwards. The image would collapse into a sparkling sand like substance and reform to match the next image of a little girl.

The image of the little girl would collapse and the sand would be magically blown away, even though there was no wind. As Kaen continued the clear skies above seemed to form dark clouds, slowly billowing in from the sides of the sky. Angry blobs that somewhat appeared like townsfolk appeared in shadowy stills upon the murky clouds. There were no voices but their intent was clear and coincided with his mentioning of the villager's insults. "In time, mother's “occupation” slowed to a complete halt, it’s really no surprise though. After all, who would want to sleep with the “town nut job”? Yes… everywhere we went with her, all we heard were faint whispers and the occasional “get out of town you crazy bitch”. Her illness had gotten the better of her after all this time. Often I would catch her sneaking out in the dead of night and yell at the ground or a tree, going on about intruders and demons coming to take everyone away. This was our life though; we made do with what we could." It was never a good thing for children of such a young age to know about sex, but even more so wrong that your child knew exactly what you did for a living. Kaen would continue despite the disheartened look on his sullen face. "It didn't take long for mother to become all but useless; her moments of “clarity” grew scarce and rare. I despised those moments… Each time it was more heartbreaking, to see her realize what was happening to her and us. The fear and remorse in her eyes told that little boy that was me more than he needed to know. This is how life went on, nearly until I was the age of 5. I awoke one cold morning, it was winter." Upon his final word the clouds burst open in a torrential downpour of snow that threatened to bury the trio alive. Any struggling they attempted would be futile as the sand was relentless in its attempt to bury them in a icy grave. But the moment they gave in to their fate, their bodies and visuals would be transported once more to a new scene.

Kaji and Yuii would find themselves in a familiar alley, but this time the shack was near unrecognizable in its current state. Boards have rotted in the elements, other pieces missing. Instead of a plywood roof, a blue tarp with holes in it was used to shield the residents from the rain. Within the confines of the stick perimeter was an array of cardboard pieces fashioned together with loose string attempting to hold them together. A small groan could be heard from within, not like the ones from the last time the shinobi couple visited. No, these were the soft subtle noises of a child. If Kaji or Yuii approached the box fort, they would see a five year old Kaen stirring from his shivering slumber. The boy shivered in the arctic like winds that licked icy gusts upon his face. He looked around sleepily around and noticed his three year old sister Kasen shivering violently without a blanket. The boy rose from his bed with his own blanket in toe. He grabbed some loose newspaper that was strewn about the box on his way over. He tucked in the papers underneath the blanket wrapped her up in a blanket cocoon. He looked around the small cardboard shack once more before calling out; "Mama?" That was the only thing out of place, aside from the obvious state of living they were in, but without money and a quickly deteriorating mother, what else could be expected. The Shinku sibling's mother was nowhere to be found, yet the boy continued to search for her. The young Kaen exited the confines of the cardboard area and ventured out into the snow covered alleyway. "MAMA!" The boy cried out into the dark abyss of a night, searching for his absent minded mother. He glanced back into the boxes towards Kasen, assuring she was well covered. With a nod he set off in search of his mother, thankfully it had snowed and her footprints were fresh on the snow.

Assuming they followed, Kaji and Yuii that is, they would again find themselves in a familiar place. The center of town, only with a blanket of white encompassing as far as they could see. Even in this genjutsu dream like world, they too would begin to feel the icy chill of this wintery night. There she stood, not but a few feet from the well. Her back was turned to the small boy. Just another one of her usual sleep walking fits, or so it seemed. Kaen approached her side and grabbed her hand, in a soft conserved voice he muttered; “Mommy, we need to go home. It’s too cold to be doing this.” But all he was met with was another blank stare. She appeared to be staring down into the well. Kaen being the curious and supportive child he was, looked over the edge as well. From the edge of the groups sight a dark figure appeared seemingly out of nowhere. Not unlike static, the scene cracked and distorted. A skip in the scene if you would. Instantaneously the figure appeared behind the mother and son and pushed the small boy over the edge.

This is when something strange happened. Upon the audible cracking impact of the boy hitting the frozen bottom of the well, The scene skipped and static noise ensued for a brief moment. The shadowy figure and Kaen's mother was gone from view. A crunching noise would eerily compel Kaji and Yuii to turn their back to the scene at the well. What they were met with might have been a surprise. Kaen, as he was approached them, snow crunching under foot as he drew nearer. The scene didn't seem to bother him, this and he didn't seem quite here at all but rather still atop that grassy knoll, telling his story. "Either way you looked at it, I was screwed. There was intense pain coming from my sides and I felt like crying, but no tears came. I called out for mother only to be met with silence. The bucket was just within reach, enough so that I could grasp it and pull myself into the bucket. I used every ounce of strength that my little body could muster and attempted to pull myself up… but I could not. I cried out for my mother once more, what came next would haunt me for the rest of my life." The scene shifted once more, the shadowy figure and mother appearing before their eyes again. There seemed to be a struggle, but it ended abruptly with a rope around her neck. "A blur rushed by and I was rocketed to the top of the well and shot out of my seat and rolled as I hit the snowy ground. Pain surged through my body once more, flaring up the wounds I had suffered earlier. Mother was nowhere in sight, but a horror scene instead took her place. There was so much blood… A trail led to the well, I crawled slowly over to it and slowly peered over the edge. What I saw scarred my child mind to a state of irreparability." The scene matched and flowed perfectly with his words as the trio looked onwards to the little movie that was Kaen's memory. Kaen would approach the well, beckoning Kaji and Yuii to follow. If they followed, they and both current Kaen and toddler Kaen would be staring down into a deep frozen well. Kaen's mother hung there, suspended just above the ice’s surface. Her feet grazing the ice and she swung to and fro. Blood dripped out of every orifice she possessed and was quickly filling the floor of the well. Kaen and the little Kaen both backed away slowly away from the well. The little boy appeared as if he might burst into tears, but perhaps the sheer shock kept his emotions numb.

"I heard movement behind me and with much fear I spun around scared for my life. I was met with the visage of a little girl, standing bare foot in the snow. It seemed Kasen had followed me, perhaps realizing she was alone and maybe grew frightened." She would stand there with a little blanket being toted behind her in one hand, the other sleepily rubbing an eye. “Why are you out her nii-san?” "I rushed to her side and held her close, begging her to not look. One mind was already enough to be ruined. But the mind of a 3 year old is ever curious and she slipped from my grip, the pain in my sides preventing me from maintaining a proper hold. She rushed into the blood bath scene and just stood there. It still bothers me to this day, that she had to see that..." Again, the scene matched his descriptions. Had Yuii or Kaji attempted to interact with the Kaen telling the story, his body would simply reappear somewhere nearby in some sort of defensive action and would continue his story. “So pretty… I’ve never seen red snow before!” Her excitement was anything but cute, for it seemed she didn’t understand what she was seeing. She reached down and picked up a handful of the blood soaked snow and dropped it immediately. “ech, its all sticky though… oh well, oh what’s this?” She shuffled over the well’s edge and peered over. The little Kaen could only watch in horror as Kasen saw the things no child should ever see. “why is mommy playing down there Nii-san? Mommy? Mooooooommmmmmyyyyyyy…. I guess she is tired, she’s so silly sometimes. Nii-san I’m tired and cold, can we go home now?” "I walked over and took her hand in my own, her own still fresh with the blood of our mother… I could only pray that she would never realize what had happened this night. Or rather… I wish everything that happened that night could be undone, so many things that came about because of that night… I should have just stayed in our box, if I had stayed… maybe Kasen and I would have never endured all those years…" Kaen's voice trailed off as if he was contemplating another horrid story, and he was... The little boy, with Kasen's hand in his own, started off towards the direction of "home". Or at least that is what he would have wanted to do. The now orphaned pair of Shinku siblings, Kaen and Kasen, wouldn't make it more than 10 feet or so before the shadowy figure appeared before them, blocking their path. The figure would raise a singular hand forming a jutsu seal of some form and a concussive wave would swallow up the children. Then everything went black...

The scene abruptly caved inwards on itself and was swallowed up into nothingness. Both Kaji and Yuii would be alone in a vast expanse of void. They would have a moment to reflect and converse with one another, whether it was about what they watched or where they were now, it was pale in comparison to what now took place in the real world...

Meanwhile, in the real world, Sara was unwrapping her alleged "present". Thankfully Kaen was fully sedated and the "accidental" removal of bits of skin didn't stir him from his deep genjutsu dream state. "Opps...err...Should be fine?" As she continued to search for some sort of symbol or seal, the orb that she had placed elsewhere crackled to life, if only for a moment. The sound was quick and loud, it sounded like a glimpse of an inferno eating away a forest fire. The orb glowed red brightly before dimming back to its original view of the dream world. Whether or not Sara was aware, nobody could say. Perhaps she was too engrossed in Kaen's perfectly crafted, yet charred, body. Either way, she would find what she was looking for embossed upon his chest. Centered just about where his heart should be, a black inky substance was swirling in an enigmatic and maliciously looking way. The substance looked tangible and thick, but if she attempted to touch it, it would simply feel like flesh. She had found what she looked for, but what was she going to do with it now that she found it? Before she might have tried anything, the orb roared back to life. A flaming eye filled the frontal most area of the orb. A deep voice echoed from within, beckoning for Sara's attentions. "What do we have here... A little window to the outside world?" For the time being, the eye would be unaware of Sara's presence, unless of course she made herself known. What would she do? Who was this mysterious voice? More importantly, how did it get into the orb that was supposed to be viewing the dream world that Kaen, Kaji and Yuii were inside?

Kagetsu Yuii

Active Member
Oct 23, 2012
There wasn't meant to be sand in her forest.

The next phase began well as far as they could tell. Kaen's sister and mother appeared in sand Yuii had not willed into their safe zone, lending visual to the sad story that was unfolding. Though her demeanour remained relaxed, she hardly paid attention to the tale. Her focus was on smoothing the creases of the dream, putting the elemental visages out of Kaen's perception and trying but failing to gently reverse the unconscious help the redhead was gaining.

Then the sky opened up and snow poured down with the speed of a summer monsoon. The genjutsu master saw it for what it was, another transition into Kaen's memories, but more violent in its method. She pushed gently at the dream in an attempt to find some other way to slip through the cracks of Kaen's consciousness but it resisted dangerously. It went against instinct, but their only option was to, relax, submit and let the storm take them. Concerned only for her partners welfare, Yuii struggled to take Kaji's hand through the barrier of white and offer some reassurance that all was still well.

Her efforts prolonged her own suffering in the icy grave, but the moment Yuii gasped, suddenly warm, dry and free of the grave of snow. Fearfully, she searched out Kaji in the familiar scene and nearly collapsed with relief when he appeared. "Are you alright?" she said, finding solace by tucking herself against Kaji's side, "The more upsetting a memory is, the worse the transition can be. I didn't think to warn you this soon."

They watched on as Kaen searched out his mother in the snow. They came to the well where the last dream had began, and Yuii frowned at it. Some parts of the dream had more detail than others, but the well was too perfect, like it had been burned into Kaen's memory. The reason why became evident, as the entire world skipped and Kaen fell. "Missing details," she breathed, searching unsuccessfully for Kaen's would be assassin but finding nothing. Yuii winced at the audio of impact, and took solace in the fact that he obviously had not died.

As if the convince them of his continued life, a visage of Kaen appeared that picked up the narration. They watched on as his mother fought and lost a fight with a figure lacking in detail, as she was unwillingly noosed then met her violent end. It was a tale made harder by the attendance of children, and Yuii felt the subtle stirrings of sympathy for their captive Pyro and his toddler sister who appeared to witness the bloody end.

The memory vanished, but they did not return to the grassy clearing as one might expect. "This has had nothing to do with his mother Suna yet," she sighed, glad to be warm again, "It is the long route, but ultimately allowing him to direct the dream should make him trust us more. The more I try to direct us, the more his mind will suspect. - I wasn't expecting such a violent early beginning. It does not excuse his actions, but I've heard losing one's mother can be traumatic even in the best of circumstances."

Okada Kaji

Active Member
Apr 6, 2014
OOC Rank
The pair of spies became an audience to more of Kaen’s memories there in the forest clearing; which seemed off, as Kaji expected them to breach into another space for such a thing. Grains of sand materialized from nothing, and took shape to visual a mother and two children, depicting Kaen as a toddler, and Kasen as a newborn babe. And as the recounting of his history turned darker, he was attempting to gain a grip on the forest illusion. But then, when Kaen was defeated by his emotion, the spinning sands exploded outward in a swarm of sleet, swallowing the forest whole. The experience was comparable to being swept away by an avalanche on the range of Momento Deo. The entrapment came faster than either he nor Yuii could fathom, and they were left reaching for each other as their last motions before being swallowed by darkness.

But then all of the constriction went away in the blink of an eye, quickly revealing Kaji in a new place, where he and Yuii quickly reunited. She clung to him, and he wrapped one arm around her, welcoming the gesture. His other, free hand clutched the hilt of eelspine nervously before rising to double the grasp into a hug. Kaji’s squeezing embrace felt like a bear hug on Yui's sleek frame, but he loosened her and blushed when realizing that he might have held her a little too tightly. It was fair that she asked if he was alright, but he gave no immediate reply, just a kiss on the crown of her forehead. Yuii went on to explain that Kaen’s subconscious was causing the uproar, and more violent transitions, all in-line with his mental state. “I just keep reminding myself that none of this is real…” His thoughts suddenly switched tracks, back to logic over pure reaction: He looked to Yuii, wondering what kind of danger they were in. Even if it was an illusion— it all felt too real to be taken lightly.

The new setting was merely a return to the previous shanty town, where young Kaen and Kasen were struggling to survive with their mother, despite her worsened sickness. Their home was falling apart now, failing to protect them from a bitter winter Kaji would have thought to be impossible for Kaze no Kuni. As the story unfolded and the duo were ushered along behind it. What Kaji hated most was the inability to intervene, and having to endure these memories: the source and cause of the weakness and fear that led to the man Kaen had become. The only clear portion of the mother’s murder was the strangling she received, yet the ground was painted red by the time Kaen resurfaced. When Yuii noted the missing memories, Kaji nodded and added “I imagine we can fill in the gaps well enough for ourselves… murder is murder.” So then the moment passed, revealing the mother’s lynched demise, gruesomely, before the Kasen appeared as well, and both children were whisked away by the familiar shadowed figure; Kaji suspected it was presumably the same one they’d seen before. And that was when this second memory began to breakdown… however, the folding of space did not converge back to the patch of green where they lounge on the forest floor. Their common ground was gone.

The crow and the blue bird floated in a black space, void of light yet illuminated among the darkness of a mysterious state of existence. Simply put: they were together, nowhere. Yuii was still unperturbed though, causing Kaji to pretend to feel the same while she mulled over the matters of their investigation. Finally, a return to their cause; information about Mother Suna. Kaji trusted her as the illusionist in this situation, yet he couldn’t help but feel concerned about her plan of action. He had already played with fire once during his battle with Kaen, and now Yuii considered letting the traumatized Sunan gain measures of control over the dreamscape. “There is a chance that he has sworn an oath of silence to Mother Suna… we could spend a lifetime living through his messed up memories before we find some concrete evidence.” And following Yuii’s logic concerning the severity of Kaen’s strengthening subconsciousness, Kaji considered forcefully skipping to the point of it all rather than granting Kaen more chances to become fully aware of their ruse.

“The Kaen you met in the ancient forest is not the same man I met at the Coliseum; you missed out on his behavior during our fight, but trust me on this… Shinku Kaen is a psychopath.” Whether Yuii took them there or not, they would end up experiencing the darkness of Kaen’s most private moments this day. There would not be an easy method to this madness. “Strong genjutsu can stress the brain, and leave a victim comatose, or even dead. So now that we’ve come this far, how will it affect the dreamscape if we are harmed? If each memory pushes him a bit further? ‘When things go too far... ‘And if we die in here?” He was already sure of the answer to his last question but needed to hear the answer spoken from Yuii’s lips to confirm his suspicions. “I trust you, Blue… And I don’t trust anyone the way I trust you… but if Kaen’s mental space is anything like how I suspect, he might exceed your expectations. Just, be prepared.”


Active Member
May 24, 2015
She stared deeply at the engraving, trying to see how it was connected to his chakra system. It certainly was peculiar, but for the most part seemed safe. But something about the blackness itself seemed, odd. It didn't appear as ink. There was more to it then just that, but she couldn't put her finger to it. That was when she heard the sound from the orb, looking over at it as something burned within then vanished. Sara passed her hands over the ink, trying to see if there was texture. She passed a small amount of chakra into it, seeing if it would react in some manner.

On the globe, the young girl could see the two riders in each others embrace, and it only appeared to be growing stronger. "Huh, so that kid was right. They are together." She nodded her head, thinking that it wasn't to be. They were from two different villages, separated by hundreds of miles of mountains, water, and land. Sooner then later they would have to head back to Konoha, and it who knew how long it would be before he could come back.

She concentrated more chakra into her hands, injecting it into the inky blackened void. She expected a reaction. Nothing major of course, but some kind of a reaction. Sara was sure this is what caused the change in the man. Though he had another fuuinjutsu that he activated that was just as interesting, but one that would require him to be awake. At least, that was the theory. It took time for this seal to release it's grasp, but the one that transferred damage ended immediately on loss of consciousness. One subject at a time would be enough.

Again, the orb burned red, and she placed her focus on it mostly, keeping an eye on the seal. What was an image of white and red, one that had whom she decided to be Kaen, and another of a little girl, was replaced by an vortex of fire. If that wasn't odd enough, it spoke, seeming to be able to glimpse the room she was in. Sara grabbed a hold of the orb and spun it around, letting it spin freely before stopping it on the darker part. It almost looked like an eye? She spoke hesitantly to it, half thinking she was crazy to think it would respond. "Um...Hi? I guess?"

Sand Council

Sand Event NPC
Mar 16, 2013
"Life is but a journey to the grave..."</GLOW><i></i>

The scene shifted to a cinereal ruin. A vast expanse of ashen sand and a sky ablaze with flamingo and tangerine. This was the lost empire. The air tasted of sulfur and ash. It was as if you had walked into a great and terrible calefactor. The temperature rose visibly and small embers would float through the air, passing by your line of vision. They danced and they swirled on a stifling breeze as small fires would spontaneously erupt about you. Like embers, the lifespan of these reckless flames would be brief, only a flash of light and heat that would live long enough to be noticed and to be felt but nothing more. The horizon was bleak but not bare. A man... no a creature was standing before you. He, or rather... It, was massive. With trunk-like limbs and the face of a beast this chimera-like monstrosity was laughing a deep and rumbling laugh. "Are you..."

He... it... whatever this thing was... was not looking at you or anyone in particular. Perhaps you were beneath notice."...Strong enough?"<i></i>

He was speaking to someone. This was a memory. "Stronger," someone announced, but from where? There was nobody and nothing except the beast. From the ashes at the monster's feet a second form would start to take shape. The leaden earth writhed before it took form. It was like clay being molded by an unseen sculptor, first a hand that reached and grasped and then an arm that planted itself on the blanched floor that seemed to push itself free from its earthen prison. What formed was a man, anemic and colorless armored with a greatblade slung over his shoulder. Then the sallow, inert golem developed a life-like hue. Golden hair and rusted plate, his expression was one of determination despite the difference in their size. What could such a diminutive man do against this Brobdingnagian monstrosity?


You would feel a rush of adrenaline as you gazed upon this scene. It was David versus the Goliath. Victory certainly assured for the giant but most tales would grant the viewer a 'happier' ending. One where determination, hard work, perhaps wit or divine intervention intercede on the little-man's behalf but that was not the intended lesson for this day. The fiery created lifted his greataxe over his head and in a single, powerful motion crashed the blade of his axe into the ground. The earth would tremble and fissures would form in the floor that were filled with bubbling magma. Steam would be released like geysers, perhaps would would feel the searing heat despite your disembodied presence dear onlooker.

'David,' as we will call him for now, rushed 'Goliath,' his feet nimble and sure he moved with impressive speed across the field but 'David' would never reach his 'Goliath.' Not on this day at the very least. Goliath extended his hand in front of him, there were no handseals and hardly any delay. Fire came from his palm like a stream. David avoided the first but not the second. The fire scorched his arm, turning the flesh to eschar and melting away his armor, the liquid metal mingled with his fresh wound but the bantam champion did not scream as he held his greatblade in his other hand. He did not back down or flee. "Fearless or mad,"<i></i> another burst of fire escaped the fiery monster's hand, this time burning 'David's' leg. 'David' would fall to the ground, prone. His body over one of the many fissures, the heat cooking him alive. Still 'David' did not scream, he planted his greatblade into the ground and used it to help him stand. 'David' was shaking, his leg blackened and uselss. He took another step forward. "It would seem a bit of both,"<i></i> the monster commented. "Stand down 'Primus',"</B><i></i> the monster ordered giving 'David' a name.

<GLOW glow="olive"><B>"It was not his name, not before then. Primus meant 'first' but what was he the 'first' of to be dubbed with such a name? He was the first that failed to die after I hit him once."</I><i></i> A mysterious narrator announced. Yes, the memory was true but it was freely given. Something else was aware of their presence. Of the interloper. Of these quiet eyes staring.

"Yes... I know you are there. I can <I>feel you. But this is just a memory so you are irrelevant. Hush now, it is still story hour. So prying and curious."

The scene would shift away, the sentimental golem would return to dust and the the earth would return to a field of ash. His fate not to be told on this day but to the average Sunan the next chapter was one that was well-known. Of the final battle. Of Sanban and Godsfall. The heat was still there as was the fiery fiend but now he was looking at you. You were not there, at least you thought but a witness is always present even if you are merely a witness to a memory. "'Primus'... funny how some names stick... Primus kept on fighting, well he tried at the very least. The flesh of men is inherently weak, but Satoru once told me a curious thing. 'Despite their... or rather your fleshy forms and limited spans, there is no apparent limit to your potential and strength.' Such disparity in power and only a handful of decades to fill that gap. A near impossible task. Already well into his second decade and at what should have been his prime I never even moved from the place I stood and I left him on the brink of death. In fact, in time it was likely he would die without further intervention. But there was also the idle hope that Satoru was right. Actually there was nothing nugatory about the supposition, Satoru had a habit or seeing what would be. But for me there was a voracious hunger welling up inside of me to do battle with a worthy opponent."

"A challenge... A true challenge is what makes life worth living."
He was not talking to you any longer, his attention had turned once again. His statement answered some ephemeral questions but for every statement made another question could be asked. Shame they would not be answered unless the watcher asked. Unless the watcher betrayed their sensibilities and interacted. Injected themselves into a reality that they had no control over. One question that the narrator will answer without it being asked -- who is he speaking to. The answer is simple dearest onlooker, he is speaking to YOU but also someone else.

Kagetsu Yuii

Active Member
Oct 23, 2012
Yuii listened patiently as Kaji worked through his concerns. Her eyes shined in the darkness, though there was no point of light. It was hard to accept the dream world, harder still to understand it without the proper training. Would it frighten him more to know she had not willfully allowed Kaen to control the forest scene, or that she had not fought to regain control? Rather than argue, she took hold of the corner of his jacket and pulled herself in against his side.

"There is a chance he has not," she breathed, disappointed she could not accurately replicate his scent, "And that is why we are here. We will know beyond all doubt if he is willfully hiding information or if he's under oath. Torturing him would be messier, even here" Another sigh and she pulled back enough to look Kaji in the eye. It was near impossible to explain the dynamic of the dream world, you simply had to experience it enough times to understand the laws of it. "If I create the world, I will eventually make a mistake and he will know this is a drea and fight. His control is subconscious but if he gains it fully I will switch my tactics." Kaji woul be ejected for starters, but that was another thing she wouldnt tell him. Yuii had a feeling her shadowy lover might not be agreeable to that plan.

His last concern was the most important to reassure him on. Genjutsu was terrifying for those who had only dipped their foot in the sea of potential."For now, if you die you leave the genjutsu and enter your own dream space until the mild sedative wears off or your friend awakens you on my signal. If that does not work, I will forcibly push you out myself." to her own detriment, but again, Yuii wasn't going to tell him that. "If this was straight Genjutsu, we could be in a lot of danger but by sleeping, we have protection. The effects are muted and like a bad dream you will forget. Understand?"

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:
