Ninpocho Chronicles

Ninpocho Chronicles is a fantasy-ish setting storyline, set in an alternate universe World of Ninjas, where the Naruto and Boruto series take place. This means that none of the canon characters exists, or existed here.

Each ninja starts from the bottom and start their training as an Academy Student. From there they develop abilities akin to that of demigods as they grow in age and experience.

Along the way they gain new friends (or enemies), take on jobs and complete contracts and missions for their respective villages where their training and skill will be tested to their limits.

The sky is the limit as the blank page you see before you can be filled with countless of adventures with your character in the game.

This is Ninpocho Chronicles.

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:

Kage Guard [Private]


Well-Known Member
Oct 7, 2012
OOC Rank
Candles flickering in the darkened room, it was only the light of the moon that shone clearly through the room and cast the most permanent glow. The two contrasting light sources playing with each other, the scene was just as eerie as it was calming and Endo had purposefully set things up that way. Sitting behind his desk, he drummed his fingers along the top of four files that of four individuals that he had hopes of entertaining tonight for an assignment. It was hush-hush business of course, and he really didn't want his Sennin in on the fact that he was about to hire a few extra hands to essentially be the shadows within his shadow. Alas, he honestly felt no ill will towards anybody in particular but he was more about the business and if the climate of the world was changing, he'd need every weather man that he could possibly get out in the field. There were threats everywhere and sometimes it was the people that you trusted the least, that had your interest the most. Waiting, he opted to close his eyes and listen to the sound of the his own steady rhythm.

OOC: Ryujin Koyoko, Kyoko and Mikana along with Souji are expected in this topic. Anybody else is hereby being warned that there might be hostility towards them.

Ryujin Akira

Active Member
Oct 23, 2012
OOC Rank
"Much revealed, enter the shadows"​
Things were a bit confusing at the moment, well, ever since that day when I was attacked by that Cloud shinobi and the one called Sarunishi. That day we were promoted and given a job to protect my assailants... Ryujin law is made by the head member of the family and as it stands, we are to follow the orders of the Tsukage no matter how strange or rather... wrong it maybe. The Tsukage called a monster who attacked me "an honored"guest and ordered the Ryujin to protect it and what worse, he order us to protect a foreign shinobi who also attacked me.. More than one thing was wrong with this picture. The Tsukage, voted the strongest of us in the village and charge with it's protection... orders us to protect a monster who was clearly a danger to the village and a foreign shinobi who has acted crimes against the village. I'm not prone to violence however, any other Tsukage would have shinobi at the gates of Cloud right now and that Sarunishi would have been worn as clothing by our children. What was really going on? The Tsukage's actions were beyond questionable and the Ryujin knew not weakness nor did we follow weak leaders. I'm sure this meeting was to address this along with the details of our new positions. I did not think ill of my Kage as I did not wish to however a few questions plaque me and if left unanswered... well who knows. I seemed to be the first to stand at attention before the Tsukage. The others were sure to be here soon. On the desk before the Tsukage and I, there were four files. I thought nothing of this at first but it's significance would be revealed in time.

"Kage Guard Koyoko reporting Tsukage-sama."


Ryujin Mikana

New Member
Oct 23, 2012

Phew, quite the day of meet and greet at the gates today. It wasn't a hard job or anything and meeting people from all over wasn't bad at all but it can get boring at times. I took up this gig from the rest because I thought it was one of the more exciting gigs in comparison to the rest but perhaps I was wrong. Well today I would be getting new orders as a Kage guard or what not. Honestly, I was really excited to be rid of gate duties and being assigned to something new. Never heard of a kage guard so I did not know what to expect. Being a Kage guard sounds exciting and fun but I've been wrong in my previous judgement... Whatever, anything new would work for me at this point. Plus I'll be working with my sisters which is also a plus... along with the new lodging and accommodations fighting for a Ryujin girl like me. I was the second to enter into the office after my big sis Koyoko. I kept composer believe it or not and respectfully entered. I immediately notice four files on the table before us. Probably filled with our new duties, very secretive and exciting stuff.

"Kage Guard Mikana here, sir!"


Ryujin Shouta

Oct 23, 2012

Looks like I made it on time though, I was the last to enter the office... or so I thought. The meeting we have all been waiting for was about to commence. This was good, I had a bunch of questions about our duties as Kage guard if that was what we now were anyways and I wasn't about to hold my tongue about Sarunishi or that foreign shinobi either. I'd personally would like an explanation as to why the both of them were free to roam around the village after what they did and why we were ordered to protect them instead of behead them. Any other Tsukage would have had those cock suckers head's on a pike for all of Iwagakure to see... ah to have been born several generations earlier. I'd hold my questions to the end of this meeting of course as I was intrigued to hear what the Tsukage had to say. He had not lost my respect yet as he was still the strongest in the village. We of the Ryujin clan respect strength and frown upon weakness of any kind so I have doubts that it was weakness displayed back at the shrine but we will see. Four files were laying on his desk which struck me as odd. I raised an eyebrow to this as I figured these files were for us which means a forth would be joining soon... Was it his honored guest from the shrine? If so, an explanation was really warranted... really.

"Yo, Kage guard Kyoko reporting..."

[topic entered]

Keigo Oen

Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2012
OOC Rank

So, he was requested by the Kage to do some work? Or was this something else. He needed to have ti all settled and squared off before he would have time to do anything else, but it was the Kage. He couldnt just brush this off like it was nothing. It could mean that he was going to get a promotion. Or maybe he was getting news that Lightning died. Though he doubted that. The man sent too calm of a message for something that would be so dire and such a gut wrenching point to take out on the village. Meaning, Lightning was the Mountain of the village... She helped alot of things behind the scenes. That was her job. Though, Souji was definitely not her... nor was he equipped to take her job if something did manage to happen to her. Not now at least... it was why he watched her. Taking ideas on how to run the branch how to act like an Elite and how to make those critical decisions.

Souji'd sit in the corner of the dark room... watching each of the Ryujin Sisters and taking note of each of them for personal rate and use. They were strong. Profoundly strong and there was nothing he could do to fight them all alone if thats what this was gonna turn into but Souji was there present in the wake of the village and with everything on the line would there be anything left if he finally realized the trueness of his power? Maybe... but Souji was pro-Iwa so anything that came against it he'd tear down.

Making his presence known he'd not even move but speak quietly, "Guardian of Shadows... present..."


Well-Known Member
Oct 7, 2012
OOC Rank
Smiling, he opened his hands, palms upward and opened his eyes. Yes, they'd assembled, something like avengers of a sort but more like shield agents with which to depend those who couldn't defend themselves. Exhaling before he spoke, he'd present his case of appointments. "Well, a recent incident involving foreign nationals has alerted me to the fact that I strangely have very few friends. Not that I'm overly concerned about that fact but it is something to be noted. The world that we live in is full of mysteries and the many twist and turns that we take to navigating through the political landmine of it will always make even the strongest men give pause." he sighed as he shook his head and continued. "I appointed you three, Ryujin Koyoko, Ryujin Kyoko and Ryujin Mikana to be my personalized Kage guard after said incident before. While many questioned it, I honestly figured that it would be easier to channel your energies into a more . . . singular defense. Souji, you've been at my side in times past and though it would be an exaggeration to call us friends, I know that I can trust you to keep a level head in a heated situation. All of you, bring many interesting talents and original stories to our shinobi state but . . ." he stopped talking as he did the ever nerve wrecking thing and pulled out a fifth file from his desk.

Staring at the village insignia on the front of it, he oppened it up as it revealed, even in the odd light, to maps and pages with imperial fonts on them. Something like a war folder, what Endo seemed to be holding in his grasp was a layout of files that most shinobi never layed eyes on and only ever represented mere dots on the war boards.
"We're entering a new age and as nations crumble and rise around us, I do not wish to be a part of a legend long past its prime. We'll be leaving our mark on history in the coming future and of this, I will be made a target. Our job is to defend our Daimyo and our nation true but it hardly makes sense to leave ourselves vulnerable to attack needlessly." Closing the file and sliding it back into his desk turned to look out the window with an audible sigh. "They say that Konoha fell from the inside. Every civil war starts from the inside out, true, but those tasked with protecting the people of that nation failed to protect themselves from the threats within. We won't be like that, and that's where it all comes back around to us." He turned back around and faced the four individuals before him. "I don't have a lot of friends, nor am I asking you to be mine, and what I'm asking of you might require that you lose some in the process too. I need eyes and ears everywhere, I need to know that when I enter a room, that I have more than trigger happy shinobi ready for the signal. I need intelligence on the intelligence. This job won't net you any more glory, it wont even show up on official documents but when I ride out to war, whether it be to a showdown in the high courts or a bloodied battlefield . . . I need to know that you'll have my back even when the tide is attempting to carry you out to sea." He always seemed to rant when gave formal speeches, he'd have to work on that. "Think that you'll be willing to give it a try?" Now he had to hope that he'd explained things well enough to where they'd get the picture without having to have it painted for them.

Keigo Oen

Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2012
OOC Rank
His eyes tracing the room he was still attempting to hid his face from them anyways... but he knew they probably already knew about him already he met all of them on separate occasions. Or so he thought. Koyoko and Kyoko looked so damn similar and their names were... so damn close. Either way, it was just when Endo spoke of Souji that his eyes lifted and settled on the Tsuchikage. The man... said his name... after he just introduced himself as the Guardian of Shadows. Made Souji quietly furious about it. Why did they have code names if he was going to blurt out their names... especially the one that encompassed himself in the Shadows. The Main branch did not know the workings of the Guardians. They didnt know the secrets they shared. They didnt know the work that had to be done behind the scenes to keep the village and its brothers as well as her sisters alive and without worry of attack or imprisonment. It was a courtesy to keep their identities to the discretion of the person to give it out in open company. But no... Souji was just another Soldier to Endo. Another face to use to keep himself out of harms way... to when everything fell back on his lap there was a finger to point the blame. Though when there was a success... it would be his glory. 'This guy...' Souji could only shake his head blinking for a moment. Still in awe that he just said his name so smoothly as he did. What if this room was bugged? What if the Ryujin sisters were out to kill him and with Souji here it would put his family at risk... What the hell.

Souji'd sigh though, trying to let the thought brush off his shoulders and suppressing it deep within the sanctums of his mind. It would still be there... and Souji would remember but he'd be damned if his family would be put in danger because of one man's negligence and pride. "Right.", he didnt wanna say much but the man was still going on about the war. Was this the same thing considered with Akechi? Maybe. Souji was taking notes in his mind as he'd record this. With his Sound Mastery he'd attempt to record the sounds too... maybe it would be all one singular documentation. "Hmph, I'd like to hear what the Sisters have to say about this."<i></i> and with that Souji'd cling harder to the wall... calculating every possibility that could happen. Knocking them down with the body language they would give off. Souji would definitely be on his guard but, he did not want anything to pop off so he'd be trying to diffuse anything. Just if things got too heated... it would definitely not be something that he'd be too much of a man to stay and fight for... He had to fight for another day.

Though that was the worst case scenario. He had a family to protect... and if he were dead he didnt want to know what Razu or Oyochi would do in terms of trying to run the family. The Yukata Line could very well end here in this room, over arrogance.


Ryujin Shouta

Oct 23, 2012

Listening to the Tsukage caused much confusion for me, that is he had a way of manifesting many questions into my head. There was much he was saying but even more that he wasn't. So he was the slick type who tossed fancy words around to get his way. Perhaps that's how he obtained power of the people and not because of might. This was beginning to bore me so. I continued to listen to him anyway, you know, in hopes of something interesting being said aside from his fears of being killed. A filth folder was shown and once again my interest was peeked. It seemed to be key points of conquer which was some exciting stuff. Conquering was what being a Ryujin was all about however... "This job won't net you any more glory, it wont even show up on official documents," I gave a slight chuckle at this comment though there was nothing funny about it. I turned my eyes to Koyoko and Mikana as they already knew what the look I gave them meant. It meant, go ahead and explain things to this man about us. We were a proud family that did things out right. None that carried the name Ryujin ever worked as an Anbu or a Guardian of shadows for many reasons. We work to bring pride and honor to our name. We were not spies, we were soldiers... Proud soldiers who were mere grunts fighting an entire army. We fought so that one day they'll sing songs about us here in Iwagakure and maybe someday... the world. I soon turned my eyes to the guardian of shadows or should I say Souji. Boy was his cover blown thanks to the Tsukage who seemed to place a lot of trust in those standing in this room. If there were people who sought his life... how did he know if we were one of them or not. Very very trusting and slick man he was. It seemed that tensions were getting high, Souji in the corner seem to be getting nervous as did the Tsukage. Were we that threatening? Souji wanted to here what the Ryujin sisters had to say before presenting his answer and thoughts. Was he to base his answer off of ours hmmm? Interesting... he would have been cute if it wasn't for the stench of fear spewing from his pours. Cowardice does not suite him or any whose made home in Iwagakure. Perhaps I can bring him out of his shall. I've heard some notable things about the Yukata family and I was interested in hearing more.


"Souji??? Souji of the Yukata family? You don't say... Come, out of those shadows Souji... So we can see your face, I promise we won't bite hmmhmm..."


Ryujin Akira

Active Member
Oct 23, 2012
OOC Rank
"Much revealed, enter the shadows"​
I listened carefully to what the Tsukage had to say. He clearly wanted us to read between the lines which was something that I wasn't fond of to be honest. I like the straight forward approach though I could understand the need for such an elusive way of tongue considering his position. Saying the wrong thing to the wrong people could yield disastrous results. After somewhat admitting that he offered us a promotion in order to diffuses the situation back then he went on to explain about why we all were called here. The guardian of shadows in the corner of the room had his identity revealed to us. Perhaps a gesture of faith in order to prove that we were all friends here. No need for secret identities if we were all allies right? I did not fully understand the fifth file he showed but I did have some idea as to what it was and the markers, points of interest. Kyoko gave us a particular look that me and Mikana both knew. The Tsukage mention that this would not gain us honor or even show up on official documents. I frowned at this... For what reason would we be taking up this job if not for honor and respect to our name. We are a proud clan willing and ready to lay down our lives for this sake. It would serve us no benefit to work in the shadows of the shadows. No, we were great and thus big enough to create the shadows for those who could not stand the powerful rays of the sun and felt more comfortable at our backs and in the shade we created.

"We will be happy to oblige in any aspect of this journey for the night is dark and full of terrors, we Ryujin know this well. We do not fear the dark or those with malice intent who are comfort by it's cover. However... We... The Ryujin family are not spies. We don't wear masks. We are soldiers. We seek honor and glory. We will promise your protection and that of this village by external threats and interior. We are prepared to higher and train the newer generations of shinobi as the ears and eyes you seek. One's with allegiance to their kage not there village or Daimyo. Anything that we do from this day forth will be for the betterment of Iwagakure and it's people as well as for the prestige of the Ryujin clan. That is our answer... Tsukage-sama..."


[ooc: Souji, why you looking like Amatsu lmao][/col]

Keigo Oen

Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2012
OOC Rank
Smirking it was something that Souji was accustomed to. His face was always out there. His eyes locked on the woman. The one he had shared some brews with. It was something that he was going to need to look into. Especially with the woman that he had killed at the gates for attempting to leave while giving 'false information' to him about his Kage. The man that he respected simply for his position. Nothing more. He did something to be accepted by his peers... or whomever got him where he was. It was very rude of the Kage to call his name, Souji definitely had to clear the air a bit... now the woman Ryoko was calling him by his name. He was on duty. He just introduced himself as The Guardian of Shadows. And how in the hell did she know his family name? All these things he did not need on his brain right now...

Souji was not afraid for his own life. But the life of his family. Again, if he died... what would become of them. Oyochi was an adolescence nearly killing a woman, being trained by an 'Overseer' who pushed his training before his alotted scheduling. His father was unable to even manipulate chakra anymore. His mother was far too frail in her age to defend the family on her own. Junko wasnt ready. Kimi wasnt ready. Yuki... where the hell was Yuki half the time. Souji's mind would race but his demeanor would stay solid. He was a Guardian. Unafraid. Willing to walk into any situation no matter how horrible it looked and smirk. Knowing that winning was still a possibility. Though now stepping from the shadows he would reveal himself. Unmasked like his ANBU counterparts. A necklace around his... neck and a blade pointing out from his back. A sheath suspended in his clothing he would hold it still. Also his black gloves keeping his seals hidden. The True symbol of a Yukata. Though people outside of the clan would never know the true hidden secrets of the clan.

"You rang Kyoko? You've seen me before Kyoko... I dont see why you wish to see me now. I think I've met everyone in your family... well all of you whom are present at least... I'd appreciate to be called my given title of my Branch please... Guardian of Shadows. Outside of my job, call me what you please... but when we are in the business like this, call me what my branch calls me to be called." nodding he'd turn more to Endo before speaking again, "Same goes to you Tsuchikage-sama. I respect everyone in this room. I expect to be treated the same respect...", shaking his head a bit and feeling a wee bit bold he would voice his own opinion on it. "My position on what you're asking Tsuchikage-sama... is the same as when you called me to the Shrine. If any of you Ryujin sisters wish to know my opinion I'll let you know... right here and now.", nodding he would look back to the sisters and smirk. He wasnt completely confident about it, this was not a situation he wanted to be in... but it was definitely something that needed to be worried about. War on any scale was not something any nation Warriors or not, would want to be apart of for no reason. And the people fighting would never get recognition. It would always be on the laps of those who called them into battle. The ones who rounded up the cattle for slaughter.

"I am a Warrior of Iwagakure. I bleed for my village. The work we all do is not work we gain glory for. For there are times there is glory to be gained as a country... more so than individuals. I will do what it takes to show the Heart of Stone, and to ensure that it lives on throughout all eternity."</B><i></i>, Souji'd begin to look down to the man coming to him Endo, the man that sparked this fire in Souji. "There can be no 'under the table' deals here Tsuchikage... I have a family. They have a family. We fight for the honor and glory so that our families will be remembered, for our names to transcend time... I fight so that one day when I cant, I can show my brother or my children how to be warriors and protect what we hold dear."<i></i>, end Hero speech. Souji was no heart... but his Heart was set on Stones success at all times. His family was most important. Along with the Old Gods, Souji reverred Earth Country as a Holy grail in this world.

<B>"I stand by the sisters Tsuchikage-sama." Souji'd pull back a bit and roll his shoulders, it was an adrenaline rush.

[ooc: I forgot Amatsu used Simon... but think about it like this. WHO FROM GURREN LAGAN -DIDNT- AMATSU USE!? HUH!? lmao]

Ryujin Mikana

New Member
Oct 23, 2012

The meeting began promptly after we all assembled, which included a Guardian of Shadows who had been standing in the dark where no one would notice him. I guess they don't call em Guardians of shadows for nothing right? Always hidden and observing things from a safe distance... how boring. Ironically this Guardian, well now know as Souji, had a familiar voice though I'm not sure if we ever met. I mean I've only actually interacted with a hand full of guardians so you'd think I'd remember. Well once he stepped forward I'd remember a brief interaction at the gates a little whiles back. He was the hard ass giving the lewd ambassador a hard time at the gates and then proceeded to hit on her as if I was not standing there or anything. I mean, what was so great about her? Guys are so stupid. I gave him a mighty mean glare as these questions ventured through my head. See when a descent girl with a love of weaponry comes along, men ignore her but when the lewd ones like my big sis Kyoko are being their usual crazy selves, the guys start drooling... Men can go die. Anywho, back to the meeting, the Tsukage introduced a fifth file and explained more about this assembly. Like everyone else, I wasn't too happy about what was being said. Kyoko gave us the look and I already knew what she was thinking and what she was holding herself back from saying. The look meant I'ma let the more level headed sisters explain things in a not so Kyoko or rude way. Obviously Koyoko was the best suited for this job so I let her explain things. When she was done I stood next to her, smiled at the Tsukage and nodded. Souji seem to agree with our way of thinking which I'm not going to lie, he gained some cool points with me. He showed he was ballsy, I like balls... Wait! No, I mean gutsy people, I like guts! Ya'll know what I mean, be funny if you want to and I'll kill you! Anywho, it was a very moving and yet bold speech. Not many could talk to their superiors with such authority but he just did. Perhaps there was a place for him with us. I caught my self smiling at him and quickly looked away if he noticed.

"Well... you have our answer sir! No problem keeping the shit from hitting the fan, as long as we don't have to hide while doing it... maybe that was a bad analogy but you guys get what I'm saying right?"



Well-Known Member
Oct 7, 2012
OOC Rank
Well they were a prideful bunch, alas, he hadn't exactly chosen them because of their meekness. Shaking his head, he leaned back in his chair and chuckled audibly. "Well, I guess I shouldn't fault you for wishing to work in the light, though I beg of your forgiveness Souji, human error on my part. Though do keep in mind, a sword, a shield, a lance and a bow all serve different purposes. I just ask that you be prepared to cut down the wicked just as soon as defend the weak, I'd ask you to keep our enemies at bay just as soon as they might need to be done away with from a distance in the shadows. The world is a dangerous place but I'll grant you your due." Souji was going to kill him later on for this but oh well. Taking all the folders though, he pulled out a contract from each folder and made a few audibles on the play at hand. "In the interest of transparency, you'll be awarded the powers of a Sennin in terms of traveling powers and the ability to command. Just note that you do not hold any power over any of the branches, you're just able to commandeer any resources from them in the interest of the nation. Also too, you and your families will receive privatized protection the same as all important shinobi and diplomatic figures as per the same protection that ever Daimyo, Kage and Sennin has ever received.

This last so long as you live . . . or die for the interest of the state. Should you choose to go against the state, this same unseen protection is charged to immediately take your family into custody and from there . . . well it shouldn't be hard to figure out."
Pausing to smirk a bit, Endo held up a hand in his defense. "Yeah, I know, you can defend yourselves and your own but it's the law and I don't enjoy knowing that there's some Hyuuga tasked with making sure that I'm not assassinated while I'm in the shower." He threw up his hands and continued. "Your families will receive no extra incentives other than what's necessary to ensure that you're able to carry out your charge in good spirits but you yourselves will fall up under Sennin pay and general Sennin living expenses. You're ranks though, will still technically be governed by your Branch Sennin so don't think that this guarantees automatic Jounin status as far as your military rank goes. Again, don't blame me, blame the military budget being so high and the law for being so confusing." Unless he'd missed something, that ought to about sum things up, no? With a wave of his hand he again brought attention back to the contracts at hand. "So,unless there's anything else needing to be addressed, these will need to be signed in blood." Back to the four musketeers.

Ryujin Shouta

Oct 23, 2012

Souji had scored some real good points with the Ryujin family just now with his little display of I don't give a fuck. In fact, I could see that Mikana was taking a liking to him haahaa. The way she was cheesing told on her as she must of forgot who was her big sister and who knew her best. The time would come when I'd tease the hell out of her about it but for right now I'd choose to stick to business. Koyoko said it best as to how we Ryujin are and the Tsukage seem to understand this as well however he'd ask that we handle situations discretely which was no bother at all. We were given our contracts and it would seem I'd be the first to sign up. I listened to him as I scanned the contract for myself... honestly too many words to read.

"Ok so this sounds confusing, what do you mean Sennin powers and the ability to command but our military rank remains the same? Please put this in layman's terms for us."

[ooc: Honestly I don't get it OOcly so naturally Icly I no get it. It sounds like we are right under sennin but then it sounds like we are under Jounin, well Mikana and Koyoko because I'm Jounin rank already. So how exactly is it? How are we able to command but still chunnin rank and stuff? Is the ranking list Kage then Sennin then us then Jounin or what? Need explanation. Contract signed after explanation]

Keigo Oen

Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2012
OOC Rank
Souji would keep it short and simple in this session. One, he wasnt going to take powers away from his superior. Especially without her notification. Nokuzu knows how badly he'd get beaten down for even considering accepting such a thing. Though it was all in theory honestly. Lightning scared Souji in many ways and there were somethings he would not manage without the thought of her ramming his head into the ground and with that he would consider everything possible outcome of a situation while taking into consideration the pros and cons of those outcomes. What could he really live with in the end... while hie morals were challenged would he be able to stand up for something that he could not live with himself doing? Killing an innocent child and having that child be burned on his mind for eternity. He could never live with himself if he had accidentally done something which caused that...

And thats what came with war. Looking to Mikana for a moment as she spoke though, he'd smirk and nod as she declared herself. She was strong for someone so young. Obviously being the youngest of all the Ryujin sisters she was also the best looking in his honest opinion. She was strong but lean. Exotic and poised. She was a very hands on weapons user, and the others seemed to rely on the other prowesses. She reminded him of a certain Guardian Sennin who had a similar yet more defined prowess... Souji was jack of all trades... a Genjutsu specialist with Taijutsu and Ninjutsu capabilities. So with everything within Souji he would keep himself from flirting here and now. Maybe later... but there would likely never be a 'later'. Either way huffing a bit Souji found himself, looking back to Endo questioning the man with every moment that he imagined walking out of this office and taking ahold of this man's neck before popping it from his shoulders...

"Its very confusing... it sounds like you want us to take the powers of our superiors, giving us their jobs without giving us anything at all. You speak around the facts without directly telling us what we need to know...", shaking his head and stepping forward against the table before planting his hands widely out infront of himself to prop his body up as he continued to speak, "Its disheartening to think about it honestly... The only Sennin I dont really know is the Main Branch's and there are no records around about him... So are you promoting one of them to Sennin? OR what? Surely I'm not going to take my Sennin's position from her. And I will not be signing in blood for something I have no clue on... So either state your facts and opinions clearly or I walk out."<i></i>, Souji didnt expect anyone to follow him but he did expect to be respected if he were going to be doing something for the glory of Iwagakure.

Ryujin Mikana

New Member
Oct 23, 2012

So this briefing became a bit confusing and I was glad to see that I wasn't alone in the dark. The Tsukage seem to contradict himself while he explained things by saying that we would have the ability to command but also somewhat didn't as our rank power would remain the same. This wasn't the only thing confusing but I'm not writing a list. I shifted my eyes to Kyoko as she expressed her concerns and then I shifted my eyes to Souji as he followed suite. My eyes then went to look at Koyoko as she hadn't spoken yet. She'd either have answers or more questions but I for one would hold my peace for now and take my contract into hand. I didn't sign anything as there were questions to answer first and so I waited to see how things would go...


[ooc: Short post]

Ryujin Akira

Active Member
Oct 23, 2012
OOC Rank
Ryujin Koyoko said:
"Much revealed, enter the shadows"​
I was glad to see that the Ryujin way of thinking was not criticized but instead understood. Even Souji seemed to agree, surprisingly in more ways than one. The Tsukage leaned in his chair and began shaking his head as if he did not understand our ways but for some reason he humored us. I'm sure he had his concerns about us working in our own ways, hint the need for all the stipulations that came from the contract. He went on to explain things, confusing and contradicting things, about our duties. I guess you could say that I was glad to not be alone in my lack of understanding though I did wish for the Tsukage to make things more clear. All this fast talking and slick way of tongue started to give me a headache. Kyoko was the first to express confusion followed by the now frustrated Souji. He seemed to have a lack of trust for the Tsukage... I began to wonder if it would be wise for me to follow suite. At this point I took up my contract and began scanning and reading it. I had nothing to say or ask. Everything that needed to be asked, had already been asked... Instead, I brushed my hand through hair a few times and waited for the Tsukage's responds. Though he was a slick talker, he had a bit of patients which was a good trait to have. If any would be the next Tsukage, it'll be wise to learn from this ones diplomatic ways.


[ooc: Amatsu is everywhere and everyone, he lives on as a part of us all! Also sorry this took so long.][/col]


Well-Known Member
Oct 7, 2012
OOC Rank
Sighing and rubbing his forehead, Endo smiled. "You sure are an honest bunch. Most people would have grabbed the money and ran." Moving to stand, he stretched and walked over to the window and leaned against it as he gazed out through it before speaking. "The fact of the matter is this, if you're going to be defending me then you'll need permissions as far what you're legally allowed to know and where you're legally allowed to go. Your rank would essentially exist outside of the standard three branch style as a fourth more private branch. As my guard you'd be able to sit in on private meetings should your presence be requested, you'd be able to respectively step away from your day to day duties as shinobi in order to assist me if assistance was needed." The truth of the matter was rather simple but apparently Endo wasn't making it simple enough. So it was best to lay out the problem and then re-present the choice. Turning back to the others he threw his hands up. "The fact of the matter is this, I've got the western nomad clans rising up under the banner of a guy claiming to be the true Daimyo, I've got the medical branch without a Sennin, Konoha needing our . . . Heck, I don't know if you've heard yet but with Kirigakure and Konohagakure falling in all relative sense of the word, there's a rather large power vacuum occurring and I'm afraid that the minor nations might try to make a play at changing up the map a bit. I can't be everywhere and nor can the two Sennin that we have." By now his hands were folded across his chest. "To be honest, I don't even know why I even rushed to make a Kage Guard. I can blame it on not having a former Kage to actually look up to and talk to or I can blame it on the hasty problems incidental to youth. Shoot, I was raised a warrior, I'm used to the battlefield of war, not a battlefield of treaties and pens. I guess . . . I guess I need to apologize for wasting your time, huh?" He gave a weak willed chuckle and shook his head. How about that, a Kage who was human.

Ryujin Mikana

New Member
Oct 23, 2012

Well that settled it, the explanation we all were listening for in black and white. It seemed almost to good to be true, that being recognized for your merits by your superior. I think I was the first to sign my contract in blood. Taking a small pocket knife, I dabbed my thumb until blood was drawn and placed it over my signature. This was some pretty official stuff here signing in blood and all. I felt all secret anbu just for a moment Hahahaaa. Anywho, with my signing I had agreed to the terms and conditions by entering a covenant with the Iwagakure's Tsukage. I looked to the others with a smile letting everyone know that I had made my decision.

"Officially Kage Guard Mikana now! Don't worry Tsukage-sama... I won't let you down. You have my sword."

[Contract Signed]​

Ryujin Shouta

Oct 23, 2012

Souji was quite the fire cracker now wasn't he? He seemed to be very snappy for some reason and heavens knew why. The Tsukage started to express doubt in his decision of us after being misunderstood. I on the other hand was glad to have my question answered in plan Iwagakure. It made perfect sense now that the details were clear. We were to become something of a fourth branch with limited but more powers than we once had. We were to become something of a secret service to protect our village from domestic and international threats. A stone shinobi initiative if you would call us that. I noticed Mikana, being the youngest here, signing her contract first. Once she had sealed it in blood she gave us a smile and I returned a smile to her. Just like Mikana I had made up my mind. After signing my papers and removing one glove, I reached into my garbs and pulled out a make shift gank and slid the blade against my palm. After I made a tight fist and allowed the blood to drip before putting my open palm onto the contract. It was now done. I had officially became a Kage guard by signing today's contract. I nodded to the Tsukage letting him know that I understood the position and have taken the job. Finally, a task worthy of my efforts and skills. The Tsukage had nothing to fear with the Ryujin backing him.

"And you have my hands..."

[ooc: Ooh ok makes perfect sense now.]
[mft 251]
[Second to sign contract]

Keigo Oen

Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2012
OOC Rank
Nodding he would look around to the other ladies, before taking in everything Endo was saying. Souji could sympathize with his humanity. However, Souji knew that being a leader of a nation was a thankless job. Like being Admin on a forum based rp site. You would rarely get recognition for anything. When it came down to it would you do things for the sake of yourself or for the sake of others. This separated the good from the bad. Well, Souji would stare gaping holes into the heart of the man. Would he be the type out for himself? Or was he out for the gain of the nation... it was always hard to tell with the leaders around. Though he wouldnt say anything to anyone, but he needed to have time to think about such events happening.

"I will not be signing...", pausing for a moment he'd look to Endo only and would continue, "Yet... Give me twenty four hours."<i></i>, nodding he'd begin to allow the shadows to take him. "Contact me at my home Endo. Surely we can have a one on one sit down about this... the ladies are welcome to come..."<i></i> nodding he'd sigh pinching the bridge of his nose, "Just give me the night."<i></i>, hopefully they would let the thought fester in his mind. But if so, he'd leave and let it be done for the night until he had to sleep and think on it.

"If I'm allowed... I'll be off.

[Topic left if allowed]

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:
